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Q skills 2; Reading and Writing

Unit1: Why does something become popular

1. The popularity of social networks

2. A song becomes a hit
3. Paragraph
4. Word families
5. Writing a topic sentence
6. Present simple and Continuous


1. Clear- easy to see, hear, or understand

2. Connected to- joined or linked to something
3. Contribute- to give or be a part of something
4. Express- to say or show how you think or feel
5. Find out – to get or discovered information about something
6. Keep in touch- to meet, call, or write someone often
7. Spread – to affect a large area or group of people
8. Trend- a change to something
9. Blog- a website where people write about things they are interested in
10. Chat- to communicate instantly with a group of people on the internet
11. Comments- short notes or your opinion
12. Instant messaging- a way to communicate with one person instantly
13. Interactive- allowing direct two way communication
14. Link- a word or group of words
15. Online- to be connected to the internet
16. Post- to leave a message on a website where everyone can see it
17. Site- short for website
18. Rapidly- quickly
19. Peers- friends
20. Hit – popular success
21. Influence – have an effect on
22. Made up- told someone something that wasn’t true
23. Participant- competitor, a person who takes part in an activity
24. Researcher- someone who manages something
25. Quality- how good or bad something
26. Study- research project
27. Be faced with- to have to deal with a situation
28. Shortcut- a quick or easy way to do something or get somewhere


1) A paragraph- is a group of sentences about one topic. The main idea of a paragraph is the most
important point about one topic. You can often find the main idea in the first or second sentence
of a paragraph. This is the Topic sentence. The other sentences help explain or support the main
idea. Identifying the main idea of a paragraph will help you to understand and remember what
you read.

2) Word families- groups of words that come from the same root. If you know the meaning of the
noun form of a word, you may also recognize the verb form. In some word families the noun
form and the verb form are the same. Ex: Influence- influence. In some word families the noun
form and the verb form is different from the verb form. Ex: song- sing (page14-15)
3) Writing a topic sentence- when you write a paragraph, you need your main idea to be clear. One
way to make sure your main idea is clear is to start your paragraph with a topic sentence.
The topic sentence introduces the topic or subject of the paragraph. It’s also gives the controlling
idea, which is what you want to say about that topic. Ex: Social networking sites (topic) are
popular because of people (controlling idea).
4) Present Simple is used for: habits, daily routines, facts, states, conditions, repeated actions. The
word markers are every day, usually, often, never, always, sometimes.
The form of PS: for positive form: subject +verb and (he, she, it) we add –s- at the end of verb.
For negative form: we create with auxiliary verb do| does and negative particle. For interrogative
form: with auxiliary verbs do| does at the beginning of the sentences. (wash, go, miss, mix, try)
(have, do)
5) To be- is used for 1) essence of human being and things, 2) subject’s age, profession, nationality,
feelings, emotions, 3) to describe things and human’s condition, 4) location or position of things
or human, 4) to specify the time
6) Present continuous- 1)for activities in progress or happening at the present moment, the action is
here and now, 2) for activities that are in progress but not happening at the exact present moment,
3) If you are 100% sure of upcoming actions: I am leaving tomorrow, 4) Improvement,
deterioration or development of actions: The weather is getting better, 5) If you are unhappy
about something or someone: You are constantly getting on my nerves.
The marker words: now, at the moment, today, currently, these days, this month. We don’t use
PC with Stative verbs: love, like, want, wish, hate, need, prefer, know, agree, believe, forget,
expect, understand, respect, remember, be, belong, consist, and have. If have+ object we use in
PC, ex: I’m having a shower right now.
-e come-coming , make- making, write- writing

-ie lie- lying, tie- tying, die- dying

vowel+cons swim-swimming, stop- stopping, get- getting

Unit 2: How do colors affect the way we feel

1) How colors make us think and feel.

2) The importance of color in business.
3) Getting meaning from context.
4) Suffixes
5) Free writing
6) Conjunctions


 culture - the way of doing things, ideas, and beliefs of a particular society
 universal- versatile |versitail|
 unaware- unknowing, unsuspecting
 represent- submit, introduce
 affect(v)- influence, impact
 effect(n)- эффект
 effective(adj)- эффективный
 psychological- connected with the mind or the way it works
 specific- peculiar, particular, not general
 emotion- excitement, feelings
 spectrum- a group of colors
 healing power- лечебная сила, целительная сила
 a loss of respect- потеря уважения
 lift heavy weight- поднимать тяжелый вес
 referees- justice |jastis|, court
 tae kwo do- a Korean art self-defense using kicks
 funerals- похороны
 advertising- promotion
 consider- view, see, regard, examine
 dependable- reliable, safe
 encourage- convince, способствовать
 environment- natural world
 establish- create, install
 service- fees
 variety- |varaiti| diversity, разнообразие
 bright and cheerful color- яркий и веселый цвет
 peaceful and powerful- миролюбивый и могущественный
 brand- the name of a product that is made by a specific company
 napkin- салфетка
 bride- fiancée, groom


1. Getting meaning from context- context is the other words near the unknowing word.
2. A suffix- is a letter or group of letters at the end of a word. A suffix can change the form of a
word. Common suffixes for changing a noun to an adjective are –ful and –al. Ex:color-colorful,
peace- peaceful, person- personal
3. Free writing
4. Conjunctions- are words that join other words, phrases, or sentences. The words and, but, or,
and so are conjunctions. (page 38)

*We use and to add information to a sentence, or to join two sentences that are similar. Put a comma
before and when it joins 2 sentences.

*We use or when combining ideas or sentences when there is a choice or more that one possibility.
Put a comma before or when it joins two sentences.

*We use but to join two contrasting ideas or sentences. Put a comma before but when it joins 2

*We use so to show a result, put a comma before so.

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