Abdominal Imaging Findings After RT

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| Gastrointestinal Imaging

Abdominal Imaging Findings after

Radiation Therapy
Fernando Morbeck Almeida Coelho, MD The full digital presentation is available online.
Lídia Batista Quintino Rodrigues, MD
Pedro Sergio Brito Panizza, MD Radiation therapy (RT) plays an important role in cancer treatment
Carolina Trindade Mello Médici, MD and is included in several therapeutic approaches. RT can be used
Sabrina de Mello Ando, MD
with the purpose of curing disease, or it can be used to provide pallia-
Geovanne Pedro Mauro, MD
tive treatment or in combination with other therapies. Dose-delivery

Manoel de Souza Rocha, MD, PhD

Fernando Ide Yamauchi, MD techniques have advanced from conventional (two-dimensional) RT
Publio Cesar Cavalcante Viana, MD to three-dimensional (conformational) RT, intensity-modulated RT,
and extracranial or corporeal stereotactic RT, in addition to brachy-
Abbreviations: RILD = radiation-induced liver therapy. However, despite the evolution of dosimetric delivery meth-
disease, RT = radiation therapy ods, nontarget tissues inevitably are exposed to ionizing radiation.
RadioGraphics 2020; 40:120–121 The online presentation provides a schematic approach to facilitate
radiologists’ understanding of abnormal abdominal imaging findings
after RT (Fig 1).
Content Codes:
The sensitivity of tissue to ionizing radiation is variable, but it is
From the Departments of Radiology (F.M.A.C., known that a high rate of cell regeneration and a low degree of dif-
L.B.Q.R., S.d.M.A., M.d.S.R., F.I.Y., P.C.C.V.)
and Radiation Therapy (C.T.M.M., G.P.M.), ferentiation are associated with higher cell radiosensitivity. Radiation-
University of São Paulo, Rua Dr. Ovídio Pires induced abdominal changes are dependent on multiple factors, such
de Campos 75, 05403-010, Cerqueira César,
São Paulo-SP, Brazil; and Department of Radi-
as the size, number, and frequency of RT fractions; irradiated tissue
ology, Sírio-Libanês Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil volume; duration of treatment; and method of radiation dose delivery.
(P.S.B.P.). Presented as an education exhibit at The acute effects of RT occur frequently within the first 3 months
the 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received April
22, 2019; revision requested June 18 and re- after the initiation of treatment, while late effects usually occur a year
ceived August 5; accepted August 9. All authors after the treatment.
have disclosed no relevant relationships. Ad-
dress correspondence to F.M.A.C. (e-mail:
RILD occurs in approximately 5%–10% of patients who have been
dr.fernandomorbeck@gmail.com). exposed to radiation doses greater than 30–35 Gy. A hallmark patho-
RSNA, 2020
physiologic finding of RILD is veno-occlusive disease, which is charac-
terized by the complete obliteration of the lumen of the central vein by
erythrocytes trapped in a network of reticulin and collagen fibers.
The pancreas may demonstrate atrophy and calcifications in later
stages, mimicking the findings of chronic pancreatitis. In some cases,
pancreatic fibrosis may mimic a tumoral lesion, and thus findings like
fat stranding, vascular involvement, focal enlargement, and contour
deformity are suspicious findings that should be accurately evaluated.
The kidneys show a diffuse or focal reduction of volume and
heterogeneity of the parenchyma (eg, striated nephrogram pattern)
(Fig 2). A ureteral radiation-induced lesion is an infrequent find-
ing, and the most typical imaging finding is fibrosis. The bladder is

Teaching Points
■■ Tissue sensitivity to ionizing radiation is variable, but a high rate of cell regeneration and
a low degree of differentiation are associated with higher cell radiosensitivity. Radiation-
induced abdominal changes are influenced by multiple factors, including the size, num-
ber, and frequency of RT fractions; irradiated tissue volume; duration of treatment; and
method of radiation dose delivery.
■■ The main pathophysiologic finding of RILD is veno-occlusive disease, which is character-
ized by the complete obliteration of the lumen of the central vein by erythrocytes trapped
in a network of reticulin and collagen fibers.
■■ Knowledge of the RT treatment plan is essential to avoid misinterpreting radiation-related
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 1 Coelho et al  121

Figure 1.  RT-induced injury in the liver and female pelvic organs. (a) Illustrations of the liver (left) and
cross-sectional view (right) demonstrate the pathogenesis of veno-occlusive disease in radiation-induced
liver disease (RILD). Complete obliteration of central vein lumina by erythrocytes results in vascular con-
gestion. Dotted line = location of the cross-sectional view. (b) Sagittal illustration of the female pelvis
shows three types of RT-induced lesions (dark purple areas): cervical atrophy with os stenosis, which
results in fluid accumulation in the uterus, and rectovaginal and vesicovaginal fistulas.

Figure 2.  Lung cancer and bone metastasis in a 56-year-old man who underwent RT and chemotherapy. (a) Sagittal
reformatted CT image shows a pathologic fracture (circle) of the vertebral body. (b, c) Axial (b) and coronal (c) contrast-
enhanced CT images show an area of hypoenhancement in the medial aspect of both kidneys (arrowheads in b), related
to the irradiated field of the vertebral lesion. Other metastatic lesions are also depicted in the right kidney (arrow in b)
and the right adrenal gland (arrow in c).

a radiosensitive organ that often manifests acute and fibrosis, which can lead to hypogonadism
changes if irradiated with doses above 30 Gy. and subfertility.
The gastrointestinal tract shows various After viewing this presentation, the radiologist
degrees of sensitivity to ionizing radiation. The should be able to comprehend a wide spectrum
segment that is most radiosensitive is the small of abnormal abdominal changes related to RT on
bowel. In contrast, the rectum is the most re- cross-sectional multimodality images.
sistant to radiation. However, the rectum is the
structure with the highest prevalence of radia- Acknowledgments.—The authors would like to thank
tion-induced lesions owing to its fixed position Rodrigo Tonan for his collaboration in preparing the
medical illustrations.
and proximity to several pelvic structures that are
usually irradiated.
Suggested Readings
In the female pelvis, the uterus usually dem- Kwek JW, Iyer RB, Dunnington J, Faria S, Silverman PM. Spec-
onstrates atrophy and loss of zonal anatomy after trum of imaging findings in the abdomen after radiotherapy.
RT at MRI. The ovaries undergo atrophy, and a AJR Am J Roentgenol 2006;187(5):1204–1211.
Maturen KE, Feng MU, Wasnik AP, et al. Imaging effects of radia-
number of follicles are reduced. In the male pel- tion therapy in the abdomen and pelvis: evaluating “innocent
vis, the main structures affected are the prostate, bystander” tissues. RadioGraphics 2013;33(2):599–619.
seminal vesicles, and testes. The prostate shows Viswanathan C, Truong MT, Sagebiel TL, et al. Abdominal
and pelvic complications of nonoperative oncologic therapy.
loss of zonal anatomy and low signal intensity on RadioGraphics 2014;34(4):941–961.
T2-weighted MR images. The seminal vesicles
and testes may demonstrate volumetric reduction

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