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The Necessity of Strengthening the Alliance with the Philippines to the US

A war is currently happening between Russia and Ukraine. It is due to Putin’s attempt to redraw
the map of Europe that has negatively affected people’s lives and the economy on a global
scale. This problem led to the possibility that World War III might be happening, which has
opened numerous differences of opinion on how the Philippine presidential candidates for the
year 2022 should address the said issue. The political matter clearly shows that it is a must that
the Philippines must continue to strengthen the alliance with the US to protect its people and its

First of all, the alliance would reinforce the national defense of the Philippines as the country
would have the military power to protect itself from the possibility of World War III happening.
According to PITZ Defense Analysis, it has been observed over the last few years that the
United States has helped improve the national defense of the Philippines because of the 1951
Mutual Defense Treaty through the Modernization Program. This entails the training, logistics,
and advice that the Armed Forces of the Philippines will receive on enhancing their capabilities
and intelligence on countries that pose a threat to the Philippine national security. Moreover, the
Philippine -US alliance leads to maritime domain awareness because of AFP Modernization, in
which there has been an increase in military navies in the West Philippine Sea as stated by Ava
Patricia C. Avila and Justin Goldman in Philippine-US relations: The Relevance of An Evolving
Alliance. Thus, if the alliance is maintained, the Philippines will continue to receive the
necessary support in improving the Armed Forces of the Philippines while preserving the
country's sovereignty.

In addition, the Philippines has an alliance with the US that would stabilize and give growth to
the Philippine economy. The US has been one of the highest foreign investors in the Philippines,
with over $5.2 billion in foreign direct investment towards the Philippines in 2020 led by
manufacturing, professional, scientific, and technical services reported by the Office of the
United States Trade Representative statistics. The continuation of the alliance between the two
countries results in better investments as an economic-political trust is established. Also, better
trade opportunities would come to the Philippines as bilateral trade between both countries
would be strengthened. According to a data report from the Office of the United States Trade
Representative, the US goods and services trade with the Philippines totaled 25.3 billion dollars
in 2020, with the US goods and services trade deficit with the Philippines being 5.3 billion
dollars, which indicates an advantage in the Philippine trade economy. With this, establishing an
alliance with the US assures economic security in the Philippines, especially now that there is
an economic crisis in the Philippines with high inflation rates of oil prices soaring beyond $100
per barrel because of the Ukrainian-Russian war currently taking place.

Furthermore, the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) would be protected, which is crucial for
safeguarding Filipino lives overseas and economic stability. The United States is a country that
has many times assisted nations such as the Philippines in dealing with issues involving their
citizens. According to the US Agency for International Development, the US has provided over
13,743,000 dollars in humanitarian aid for the terrorist attack on Afghanistan and the
Russian-Ukrainian war. With this, the US would certainly help ensure the safety of Filipino
citizens all across the globe with the possibility of World War III, as seen in their previous actions
that have helped other countries in preserving life. The benefits of protecting the lives of OFWs
go beyond simply defending their lives as well, it also maintains economic stability. As
mentioned by the Republic of the Philippines Department of Trade and Industry, Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) have been an economic lifeline of the Philippines, with their
remittances contributing nine percent of the Philippine Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As the
benefit of OFWs' lives is guaranteed, OFWs in the respective countries they work in would be
safe and prepared when jobs are available after the possibility of occurrence of World War III. It
will result in the Philippine economy not experiencing a recession because the contributions of
OFWs to the Philippine economy will be maintained. Hence, the alliance with the US must be
secured so that the socio-economy of the Philippines is stable, especially in times with the
possibility of World War III taking place.

Some may say that it is more beneficial and practical for the Philippines to establish an alliance
with other big nations like China. But, it is not feasible to ally with China as they are reluctant to
have peaceful relationships with the Philippines as there has been a conflict between China and
the Philippines due to the territorial conflict on the West Philippine Sea. As H.E. Albert F. Del
Rosario, who is the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, said in An Independent and
Principled Philippine Foreign Policy for Economic Growth: “We have undertaken many efforts to
peacefully engage with China and settle these disputes. However, all of these were
unsuccessful. The Philippines has exhausted all reasonable political and diplomatic avenues for
a peaceful negotiated settlement of its maritime dispute with China.” Thus, creating an alliance
with China to enhance the Philippines' national and economic security contradicts China's main
goal as a country, which is to expand its economy and territory domain proven by its intentions
in the dispute over the West Philippines Sea.

All in all, it is practical and beneficial for the Philippines to maintain an alliance with the US to
uphold the lives of the Filipino citizens and maintain the country’s sovereignty, especially in
times with the possibility of World War III occurring; for three main reasons. First, boost the
Philippine national defense so that the country has the military power to protect itself from the
prospect of World War III. Second, the Philippine economy is stabilized and improved. Third,
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) will be protected, which is critical to shelter Filipino lives
abroad and sustain the Philippine economy. There were some arguments that the Philippines
should form alliances with other powerful countries such as China rather than the US. But, the
mentioned reasons show that the US is the ideal ally for the Philippines. With this, the notion of
allying with other countries that share the same beliefs and aspirations as the Philippines must
not be closed to reap benefits comparable to joining forces with the US. Nations that have the
same aspect for the future must work hand-in-hand to maintain peace and progress within the
global community, especially in these trying times.

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