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INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATI QNS 0 and let f: when x is rational when x is irrational fy Show that f is discontinuous everywhere, Ifa function f is continuous in (0, 1], show that Prove that the function f defined by if xisrational fix)= gril xisirational Ss) is discontinuous everywhere. = Prove that the function f defined by 1 ¢ f(x) = sin Wx>0 4s, continuous but not ‘uninformily continous on R’. x Is the function f(x) = GD uniformly continous for xe [0, 2]? Justify your answer. Define by g:R—>R by g(x) = 2x for x rational X+ 3 for x irrational Find all points at which g is continuous. Determine the points of continuity of the function f(x) =[41. RAW satisfy the condition & f00-sOI|sKp-yy eR. $ how that is continuous at every point ce R. & Let R be tl est of real numbers and s2RRiwbieh that for all x and y in BPO] S|x—yf. prove that f(x) is a constant function. 2 O 10. at RS Robe such that Ss . ‘ = fog asin De sing ie yoo, s a\ ee »ifx=0 Determine thev alues of a, b, c for which the function is continuous at x = 0. Prove that the function f defined by _ J, if i rational f= {e if vis imational is continuous everywhere, Find the derived set of each of the following: (i) (=) easy JL (—1)" ww fn 13. A function f :R— R is additive, if B.0.: 105-106, Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 1.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 ‘Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Il Email =, wwwimsamaths. com AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS Slc+y)= (00+ f)Vey eR 22, prove that if f is continuous at some x,, then it is continuous at every point of R. M4, If isa continuous function of x satisfying | the fucntional equaltion 7 fOc+y)= fO0+ f(y), Show that f(x) = ax where, a isa constant. x 15. Is the function 1M=—y uniformly 24, continuous for x ¢[0,2]? Justify your answer. 16. Prove that the function f defined on & by 25. is uniformly W is such that | 26. S(x+y)= f+ f(y) and fis continuous, then L> show that f(x) = xf) for all yex. a S 18. Prove that, the function f defined by ¥ 27. Jif i rational ror [ee is irrational is discontinuous everywhere. 19. Show that tanx is not continuous at x= 2 20. If f=. forall xeR, then show that fis | 29, uniformly continuous on every closed and finite interval, but is not uniformly continuous on R. 30. Me (a Let f(xy=x =1-x if xis rational if x is irrational 1 Show that f&) is continuous only at x = B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor Ph ; 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email @) Let f be a real function defined as follows: fQ)=x, -1sx 0 but not uniformly continuous on J0,<-{. Show that the function 1 f= 7 is not uniformly continuous on [0, 1). Show that the function f(x) = sind is Continuous but not uniformly continuous on (0, x). Show that the function defined as oft wenseo 1 whenx=0 has removable discontinuity at the origin. H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 , Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9, www.ims4maths. com AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS (4) 31. Fora reala, showthat iff: Risa continuous solution of the equation f(x+y)= f+ f(y)+ay, then F() = Lx bx, where = fy —. $2. Let X = (a, b]. Construct a continuous, “a function f : X — R(set of real numbers) av which is unbounded and not uniformly continuous on X. Would your funetion be & uniformly continuous on [a + e, bl, ar e< 8 b? Why? 9000 H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 'ms4ims2010@gmail com, www.ims4maths. com Cm ue) INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATIONS MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL Ae By a K. VENKANNA Y Calculus and Real Analysis Calculus Covers : P-I Section-A _<° Real Analysis Covers : P-II Section” WORKSHEET-2 © REAL & CALCULUS (QUICK LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) Scoring Maxim Marks i in Main-2016 FEATURES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME * Class Timings - 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. * Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected) + A question based approach to be followed. + Pin-pointed formulas to be provided. * 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set. * Time-bound problem solving sessions. On board discussion sessions to be followed there after. Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session. Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday. HO. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625 B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20, AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS Q) WORKSHEET - 2 Differentiability (Single Variable) & ‘A funetion fis defined on (-1, 1) by 7. tat f2R18 besueh tg? f@= sin ted pide sivas ness 9 =0,x=0. c,ifx=0 mes Prove that he ) if 0 1-8 ay L Prove that & 3 x > FA 0: Prove that f(x) and f(x) are continuous Deduce that but /"(a) is discontinuous. loge cate} togan heing | 9, For all real nut is given as: Bad Sad ma on 8 B19. ‘or all real numbers x, f(x) is gi 3: a positive integer. yeas, cd Lu he defined > fon San xzo find the Met fh rsCaim)) be Gefined by values ofa and b for which fis differentiable f()=sinfx, Is continuous on (2,2)? If atx=0, it is continuous, then is it differentiable on nA)? , Caz? 10. Find the value of Jin, én(1—) cot 5%, Find the values of a and b such that |11. Use the mean value theorem and show that Jim 2st’ x+Dlogcosx _1 tan-* x tan y| <|x—yl, for allx& yin. yD H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delh-6¢ B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-¢ Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 1 Email:, www.ims4maths. corr AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @) 12. For what choice of a and b, if any, will the function fax-6, fxd bx’, fxd become differentiable at x= 1? f= Determine the constants a, b, c and d so that f is differentiable on IR. ated if x1 aise f lexs2 f= dead x if x>2 Determine where the following function from RR is differentiable and find derivative f(x) = |x|+|x+1] Apply Lagrange’s mean value theorem to the function log(1+ x) to show that 0<[log+x)]-x7 <1 ¥x>0. Showthat f(x) =xtan"'€/x) for x20 ant {{0)=0 is continuous but not differentiable at x=0. Prove that ¥0. Tex (i Using Taylor's theorem, show that dere pce lero. (ip Exalate 2g (4-cots). (i) Let fbe a function defined on IR, such that f(x+y)= f0Q)+ fO),5y eR Ie x 22. 23. 24, Ge (cor x * If £ is differentiable at one point of R, then prove thst f is differentiable on 2. (ii) Determine the values of p and q for x(1+ peosx)—qsinx xr oO oP sl tanx_ x woz shwo that >, torr F. which lim. exists ral and equals 1. Show tha there is no real tumber kfor which the equation x? — AP =0 hastwo distinct roots in (0, 1). $ Does the pon f0)=|x—2| satisfy the condition§-of Rolle’s theorem in the interval (1, 3] Dfustify your answer with correct reasoning oo Prove that between any two real roots of the 26) 21. X- 28. 29. equation’ e*sinx+1=0 there is at least one eal root of the equation tan x+1=0. Find a and b such that yy Mil acos2x) +bsin2x 1 to Prove eat = Th p< logis») 0. A function f(x) is defined as follows: =0;x=0 Examine whether or not f(x) is differentiable atx=0 Use Rolle’s theorem to establish that under suitable conditions (to be stated) H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email:, wwwimsémaths. com AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS fla) fb) fa) fe) lg(a) (0) li ste Hence ot otherwise deduce the inequality nb"*(a—b) bandn> 1. =(b-a) If f:R-9R issuch that forry)= FOF) forall, ying and f(x) Oforanyxing, showthat (=) for all x ing given that /(0)=f(0)and the function is differentiable for all x in Prove that s@=Ksind reo and f(x) =0 for x=0 is continuous and differentiable at x=0 but its derivative is not continuous there. Determine the set of all points where the funetion £0) Tapa Ss differentiable be b-a = ino Show that fesse" P-airas FE ford2 37. 38. (4) Suppose that f” is continuous on [1, 2] and that fhas three zeroes in the initerval (1, 2). show that f” has at least one zero in the interval (1, 2). Evaluate the following limit: _ wy A av xy") (2-4) : © So! Let fbe a function deffted on [0, 1] by a cS tional 0, if xis ight fo) ste #0.and p, qare relatively ae 4 Prime +0 integers. Show that fis continuous at egetfinrational point and discontinuous at Sy ee rational point i. 40° If a continuous function of ¥ satisfies the IS 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 | Email: i functional equation “f(x+ y) = f(x)+ f(y), then Show that f(x)=ax where a is coinstant. A twice differentiable function f is such that Fla) = f(b)=0 and f(c)>0 for acced, Prove that there is at least one value $a 0, show 7" Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nager, delhi-9 | Email:, wwwims4maths, com AY j vaca uous INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATIONS MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL a By a K. VENKANNA eV Calculus and Real Analysis Calculus Covers : P-I Section-A Real Analysis Covers : P-II Section B WORKSHEET-3 REAL & CALCULUS (QUICK LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) Scoring Maxim’ Marks i in Main-2016 FEATURES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME Class Timings - 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected) A question based approach to be followed. Pin-pointed formulas to be provided. 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set. Time-bound problem solving sessions. On board discussion sessions to be followed there after. Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session. Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday. TT HO. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011- -45629987, 9999197625 B,O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.O.; H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20. ‘AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @ WORKSHEET - 3 Riemann Integration L If f(x) be defined on [0, 1] as follows— f()= 1, when x is rational 6. = ~1, when x is irrational then prove that f is not Riemann integrable over [0, 1]. n 1 1 2 — if —ssx<-, 2 Let S00 me fag qr’ Where n 1, 2, 3,.... and £(0)=0. Prove that f is Riemann integrable in (0, 1]. oO Lette = pit te ch, vere N= 1, 2,3, sna s{O) Prove that f is Riemann integrable in {0, 1] Y (ii) Test the caitvergence of the series ir s(p> 0. “9 = (_AFunction of is defined on [0 , 1] by £ tbs 3. Show that the function f defined on [0, 1] as Stv= Lior a fO)=2x if aactcbren is. RY 1 ; integrable over (0, 1] and Soom iS 0. Jferac= Ss Prove that f < R[0, 1] and evaluate 3 1 ¥ frac 4 A function f is defined in [0, 1] by the o condition that if, is a’positive integer, (4i) Prove that for every x> 0 Fo)= phen dere 1 orret,2,3 »°sin- but [/f does not exist. Give a different example of discontinuous function which admits primitive but not the integral on a closed interval If f is bounded, defined on [0,1] and 1 1, fa) = (A when p Y ito exci re SS _ Aas fla)= drt xs Zra123, 1 2 fs integrable on (0, 1) and f Fodde ==. Discuss the fuention defined by (1/q, when x is a rational p/q = f(x) = {iM ts lowest terms 0, when x is irrational and x = 0. as regards its continuity. ‘Show that the function [x] where [x] denotes the greatest integer not greater than “x” is integrable in (0, 3) and f{x}dx=3. If f (0 be defined on [0, 1] as follows so) { when x is rational , When x is irrational AS Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 B.0.: 105-105, H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 ‘Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 {I Email: imsdims2010@gmailcom, werwimsémaths. com ‘AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS then prove that 1 is not Riemann integrable over [0, 1]. 23. fis bounded and integrable in [a, b]; Show | 29, that . JUfOoFar =0 if, and only if, f(c)=0 atevery point, c, of continuity of f. 30. 24. Show that the function ‘f” defined on [0, 1] as 31. 1 1 PO)=2n it a is Riemann integrable. Justify, d i S 4 ifxz0 Re Let fod=4 2, at? ifx<0 Is f Riemann integrable in the interval (-1, 2)? Why? Does there exist a function g such that g'() =U? Justify your answer. Let [x] denote the integer part of the real number x, ie, ifm < x-< +1 where nis an integer, then [x] = n. Is the function f(x) = [x} + 3 Riemann integrable in (-1, 2) ? If not, explain why. Ifit is integrable, compute 40. Integrate [) p(x)ax, where ind eos! playa] 225-085» eID] 0 1r=0 41, Is the function e 1d yet ae ln aa t8n AV FOd=|n' ned n A 0, x=0 & Riemann integrable? 1f85, obtain the value a Gg off) fadds. > 42, A function i igefined in (0, 1] as Dt cred wy i [0=P sggetspouere ris 3 positiy@ integer show that f(x) is Riemann integtable in (0, 1] & find its Riemann dng & 43. SY Let f(x) =|x|,x [0,3] ,where [x] denotes the RS ‘greatest integer not greater than x, Prove that => _ fis Riemann integrable on (0, 3} and evaluate [fone 44, Evaluate [fO0dr, where fox =|x), by Riemann integration. 45. (i) Check whether or not the following function is Riemann integrable in [0, 1]: pone 1 ifx=0 (i) Let f:(-4.1110.1) be defined by f(Od=|x|. Check whether it is Riemann integrable. 46. Iffis continuous on [a, b] and | fe 4x=0 for any continuous function g on [a, b], then show that £= 0 for all x¢{a,b] 8.0.: 105-106, Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Matket, Delhi-60 ‘Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 I Email: ims4ims201, www.ims4maths. com AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS 17. Determine whether int cost =2rsind cost Fd) =2xsin= — cos is Riemann-integrable on (0, 1] and justify your answer 8 Let the function f be defined by a2 when i F0)=57 when yrstsy (t=90, 1, 2,3, f(0)=0 Isf integrable on (0, 1] ? If fis integrable, then evaluate ff dx 19. Let f be defined on [0, 1] as l-x _, ifx is irrational ro. , ifs isrational Find the upper and lower Riemann integrals of fover (0, 1). S 30. Show that the function f(x) = sinx is Riemaiin integrable in any interval [0, t] by taking the partition t at P=104, a {o wenn n i ant [sin xdx =1~cost. (6) 51. Show that the function [x], where [x] denotes the greatest integer not greater than x, is integrable in [0, 3]. Also evaluate [[x]dx. 52. The function f is defined on cb 1] by a 1. foo=Cay nine sd bine. : xv Show that [£94 does hot converge. ° S Let fbe a real valu 1 as follows: <® Ss UP yc patna f00=)aNa TTS & wheSa is an integer greater than 2, S 53. inction defined on (0, ~ Show that ffoodeexists and is equal >” ° £ = 54. __ Find the upper and lower Riemann integral for the function defined in the interval (0, 1) as follows: soe ex \when x is rational when x is irrational and show that fis not Riemann integrable in (0, 1). B.0.: 105-106, Top Flo: Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email 1.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 or, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 'msdims2010@gmallcom, www.ims4maths. com (ema eas INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATIONS = MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL a By a K. VENKANNA Calculus and Real Analysis aw Calculus Covers : P-I Section-A < Real Analysis Covers : P-II Section B> ‘o WORKSHEET-4 © REAL & CALCULUS (QUICK LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) scoring Maximuyni Marks in Main-2016 FEATURES OF MATHEMATICS. PROGRAMME Class Timings - 9:30 AM - 0 PM. Atleast one day one module to he discussed (Expected) A question based approach to be followed. Pin-pointed formulas to be provided. 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set. Time-bound problem solving sessions. On board discussion sessions to be followed there after. Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session. Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday: ir, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625 B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20. Room No. 202, RL’S-Kancham’s Blue supphire, HO. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Naga AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @) WORKSHEET - 4 Real Number System oe Sequence & Series of Real S stems Show that the series for which SpQd= nxt x)" can be integrated term by term on [0, 1], though it is not uniformly convergent on [0,1]. (, Let s={ns2omeninen Find the derived set of S. @.s ={ar(ae}}n er (i) Show that -1 and 1 are limit points of S. (ii) Find the derived set of S. Show that the series Dt-tog* is convergent. > Prove that the sequence {a,} recursively defined by a, =V5,a,,=/540,,n21 converges to the positive root of the equation -x-5=0. Examine whether the series for which Fa? is differentiable term by Find how the series 1-3 34 should be deranged so that the sum is doubled. Discuss the convergence of the series 3, 36 2, 3.69 legeegyt + Tao rr Ks) Ts the intersection of an anbetty collection of open sets open? Jusitys 1 answer by a proof or by a counter exasttple. $ 9. Discuss the convergénce of the series zx sx Be Bx x2 y a 2 wer 10. _ Test for gphvergence of the following series: x S QQ 3s 1. wo Is every finite set open? Justify your oS answer by giving an example. Gi Isthe union ofan arbitrary colection of is closed sets closed? Justify your answer by an example, (Gi Give an example of a family {1, :ne N} of non-empty close intervals such that LDL, DI, Dose (iv) Let s-fti nex}Uf-Zs nexUle-ds nex} Find derived set $ ' of S. Also find supremum of S and greatest number ofS. 12, What derangement of the series aa - ‘ Lostgcgt gc will reduce its sum 1 J tog22 tozlog22 13, Test the convergence of the following series, H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floot, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, wiw.ims4maths. com 'S MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS ai 1y (13 al 0 r (3) (8 (BS + (ii) Discuss the convergence of the sequence “(3) {X,} where X, @) If (a,) isa sequence such that a, >0Vn and uh ay "sa convese tue? Jusiy your apse 1 then Lt (0) %=1. sv 8 22. Prove that the sequence wg? term is pet ane & 4, Examine the convergence of Feed : Tat é ( is morotonicaly dSreasing, IE(@,) isa sequence such that a,>0vn and (4) is bounced s A 1 ii) converges ESAT ten 1a) = a sa converse true? Justify your answer, | >, Discusg he convergence ofthe product e Discuss the convergence of the series oe ( ae ) 3 3.6 3.6.9 5 n+l, 35436 4: nok Ma Tag" Taga took RS 24S" Discuss the convergence of the series 1 ‘Show that the’set a is sf. Py isa Posteinere} gS S 'Sbounded, Show that 1 isa init point $F$, | 25° Are there any other limit points of §.2 Discuss the convergengé of the infinite 26. Product 7 1+{ —— f(s} 27. 3. Test for convergence the series wade dy +t 28, >. Prove thatthe sequence (5,) defined, bythe Tecursion formula Siu = V7F3,,8, =J7 » converges to the | 29- Positive toot of x¢~ x7 B.0.:105-106, To Ph : 011-45629987, o99g P Floor, Mul 9197625 I Email: ims aime Fem X>0), 2 7 ence of functions {f,), where (3) =nx(1—)* is not uniformly convergent on (0, 1]. Discuss the convergence of the series Be ee 4txt or ae ‘Test the convergence or divergence of the . 3 3.6 3.6.9 series 1+ =x 4 °° y2 sy 740" “Fa013" * Examine the convergence of the series 1 1 (gay Wagar Togpe H, rt Olt Rajender Nagaer Market, bal hi-60 Kherlee Tower, Or. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-s 201, www imsémaths com AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS ) 30. BL. 32. Find how the series 3,241. 29345 should be deranged so that the sum is doubled. Show that the sequence (x,) defined by fk %, = converges to 3. Investigate what derangement of the series will reduce its ‘sum to zero. Discuss the convergence of the series 3.6 2, 3.6.9 dre Shey © $reg X > 0, 7740" * 74043" Fo"? Show that the cauchy product of Srey with tet diverges J Define a sequence S, of real nubs) (log(n +#)—logn)* +i 8-3 ot , exist? If so, compute the value of this limit and justify your answer. Given that the terms of a sequence {a,} are such that each a, «<3 is the arithmetic mean of its two immediately proceeding terms, Show that the sequence convergence. ‘Also find the limit of the sequence. Determine the values of x for which the infinite product 2-5) converges absolutely. Find its value whenever it converges. 38. 39. 40. 46. Find all the positive values of a for which (a,y" the series y converges. Leta be a postive rea umber a} sequence of rational mines ch that Ho Show that Lt a" Rearrange the sky 1 ae yrs seine tol & Let rprolledeles eid derived set T’ of T. Also find supremum Sot Tand greatest number of T. S tr Discuss the convergence of the series 13). eogX 20 isequivalent nD Prove that the sets A= (0, 1], B= (0, 1) are equivalent sets. ‘Show that the series: MS H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6! B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi" Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 II Email:, www.ims4maths. con AS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS. (8) 47. 418. 49. Justify all steps of your answer by quoting the theorems you are using. Show that a bounded infinite subset of must have a limit point. Discuss the convergence of the sequence {x}. where : w(') Xp 3 Define {x,} by x, = 5 and Xo = 44%, forn>1. Show that the 1+ iit sequence converges to —S— 50. Test the convergence and absolute conver- gence of the series ye Its = ned 51. Show that the series D(-0" etn n] is conditionally ton invergent, £ 52. Let 1 bean absonuely ‘convergent series otal umber. Suppose ao and 3 What Se Justi your answer. (Majority of marks is the correct justification). i 4 Ss H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6! B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi- +: 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : imsdims201, www.imsamaths. con (iar) INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATI QNS MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL oe By A K. VENKANNA Calculus and Real Analysis Calculus Covers : P-I Section-A < Real Analysis Covers : P-II Section WORKSHEET - 5 RS REAL & CALCULUS O = (QUICK LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) Scoring Maximuyn Marks in Main-2016 FEATURES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME ea ES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME * Class Timings ~ 9:30 AM — 5:30 PM. Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected) * Auestion based approach to be followed, * Pin-pointed formulas to be provided, * 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set, * Time-bound problem solving sessions, * Onboard discussion sessions to be follows ed there after, H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. 3 011-45629987, 9999197625 B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.0.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Room No, 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20, IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS (2) WORKSHEET - 5 Improper [ntegrates Examine the convergence of {'x""Logxdx 1 2 Evaluate fooo?ae 1 ax 3. Show that the integral (1 al 0 Ba. 32) convergent. sink gy Discuss the convergence of | 5, Show that, fir‘a-oae converges ify ‘ S m>0&n>0 & 6 Examine the convergence of the integerals, Ftan" x, an fat @ f id J wasn 7. Show that ["x"er*de converges iff 10. 8, Examine the convergence of the integral sa “(x-2G-x)? 4, Show that log(sinsydr isconvergent and hence evaluate it. B.0.; 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mi ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 II Emal : imséims2010@amel com, Yous 1). ox = nlog? i. Show that [196] x-+— Ux xO 12, Examinggie convergence of the integrals {Or ax. to 6 gx us Rw Oi @ & 2 1 zloo(1+ ) J Evahate jax + 2 (i) Find the volume of the largest possible right circular cylinder that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius a. Examine the convergence of the integerals 14. a jaa wap 45, Test the convergence of the integral jgeemaro 16, Show that frvaom exists if and only ifm and n are both positive. 47, Examine the convergence of the integral Tsinx re HO. 2518 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 jukherjee Nagar, delhi imsamaths. com IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @) 18. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28, Examine the convergence of the following o fs log ay wa 7 fate cr Prove that fe Prove that jeve-We a Test the convergence of the following pak ole @ Determine the value of fia (3 Mi dy Uae) Examine the convergence of the following: x" log x tx C of w lope OS (1+ x) (1+ x) ex) a0 & y Ixe-* a rane Show that (7 Vi [i LE Examine the convergence of the integerals , ptan tx, a pak ofr 0 ao Discuss the convergence of [x*log xd Examine the convergence of the integral [or +rryoensn®. If B(p,q) be the Beta function, show that pB(n,q)=(q-1)B(p-+1,q-1), where p, q are real p>0, q>1, Hence or otherwise find 29. 3. Prove the relation between beta and gamma r(mr(n) (m+n) functions A(mn) = Examine the convergence ofthe, jntegral Fsinx" oe pa ” S$ Discuss the existence it the improper integral FerMac - ¢ ee Discuss the ese of, flosinac and crate if itis convergent: eo rege that [Sen converges and Hionaty converges. 34> Test the convergence’ ofthe integrals: 35. 36. 37. B(p,n) when ‘n’ is an integer (>0). t ole : 1 Express [x"(—x")" de interms of Gamma a function and hence evaluate the integral. 1 fare) a. ° Show that o-ty* is bounded on (0,2) for all positive integral values of n. Using this result show that [e"*x" dr exists, Find all the real values of p and q so that the integral [[x° (log+)'ar converges. H.O. 2518 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 ||, wwrw.ims4maths, com IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS 42. 38. 39. 41. Show that J Spry & exists iff m< n+ 1 paw Examine the convergence of (Szq—y7 ° Test the convegence of the improper . 2d imegral | Sqae° Test the convergence of the integral 44, 45. @ Examine the convergence of the integral Jetogxar Evaluate Jr(md) ds, mmol : P s Determine the value of A H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6 8.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tovier, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 [| Emal : imsdims201, werwims4maths. col STITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL 1 INSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATIONS MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL aw By a K. VENKANNA ey Calculus and Real Analysis se Calculus Covers: P-ISection-A <° Real Analysis Covers : P-II Sections WORKSHEET-6 © REAL & CALCULUS ans (QUICK LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) Scoring Maximugii Marks in Main-2016 FEATURES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME Class Timings - 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected) A question based approach to be followed. Pin-pointed formulas to be provided. 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set. Time-bound problem solving sessions. On board discussion sessions to be followed there after. Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session. Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday. LO. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625 B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20. MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS (2) WORKSHEET - 6 SEQUENCE & SERIES OF FUNCTIONS (Uniform C mvergence) 2 —_—_—————— Show that the series for which Sp) = nx(1—2)" can be integrated term by term on (0, 1], though itis not uniformly convergent on [0,1]. Examine for uniform convergence and continuity of the limit function of the sees is uniformly oi and absolutely convergent for all real values of xandp> 1, Express the following in terms of Gamma function. frrta—ntar where p>0,q>0 H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Or. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email:, wwwimedmaths. com MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS ‘Test for uniform convergence and continuity of the sum function of the series for which 1 © fO)-~O 0. ‘Show that the sequence of faunctions {fi}> where f,(x)=nx(1—x)" is not uniformly convergent on [0, 1] Examine for term by term integration the series the sum of whose first n terms is Wx(-x,0 0. Test the uniform convergence of the series x 2 nen) Test for uniform convergence of the Sequence {5,0} where §,(x)=ma—xy when O atten on (i) (0, 1] and (ii) [0,--) x20,@20, converges uniformly ‘The functions f, in on [0, 1] ageigiven by ™ -—"_wy.9 hin= p> 0) wo For what values of p does fhe sequence {f,} converge uniformly to dt limit 1? Examine whether hr weer ps2andp=4, J = x j Test the gees Zee for uniform as convergetite. Testainiform convergence of the series & e sinnx x nr’ Where P>0. Let f,(0) = nxa-39",x e fo, Examine the uniform convergence of {f,(x)} on (0, 1). Show that the series for which the sum of first n terms felxy= Ten” cannot be differentiated term - by-termat x ‘What happens at x +0? Osxs1 Show that if sa= > Tag then its a derivative S005 2x) 1 Game for all x 110. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi6o Kherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi >, wwwims4maths. com MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS °. Let £,00=4sin=, °, Show that f,(0 converges to wee, nat ac tex> net function but not uniformly. show that the series ¥; convergent. ‘Test the series of functions uniform convergence. Test Vee as .. the convergence of the 5629987. 099" ziJn is 35. a continuous | 36. a State the weierstrass Mf —test_ for uniform convergence of an infinite series of functions. Prove that the series aq ney aa ves 3 Show that the sequence X{f,}. where uniformly convergentah (0.0). wot ong 37. Let 00" a EgeefoF all real <2 Show that fy oe converges upiterinly to a function f- What ie fase) fr ORs Sr a = 0, fC LOO Dat f Lop tiogsnot converge 1710), SHOW Mt integral he gg@Samum vate YG9I ean take FT eo > coe Sebo. = Rayenget atheries tet em ENSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCENCES)| NSTITUTE FOR IAS/IFOS EXAMINATIONS MATHEMATICS OPTIONAL eo By av K. VENKANNA o Calculus and Real Analysis ae S Calculus Covers: P-ISection-A < Real Analysis Covers : P-II Section? WORKSHEET-7 © CALCULUS & REAL ANALYSIS (QUICK LEARNING PRO GRAMME FOR MAINS-2016) Scoring Maximuyn Marks in Main-2016 EATURES OF MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME Class Timings - 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected) ‘A question based approach to be followed. Pin-pointed formulas to be provided. 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set. Time-bound problem solving sessions. On board discussion sessions to be followed there after. Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session. Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday. H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625 B.0.. 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09 B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor, Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20. MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS ¢ 2) WORKSHEET - 7 _ COMBINED |CHAPTERS: Limits & Continuity, Differentiability, Reimann Integration, Real Number System, Sequence & Series of Real Numbers, Improper Integrals, ‘ Sequence & Series of Real Valued Functions 1)" 1y =, AV Prove that (+4) >(1-4] if xyeR that the series 2° dg@s' not converge a” & and x>y>0. uniformly, but_ the given series can be differentiated term byterm. Find all the real values of p and q so that the sin a tend < 8. For what valygbta does toa fini it ]as_ x0? Whena has this value, 4ghat is the value of 1? 1 integral [x?(log ¥)" dx converges. 3 Test the convergence of the series — E. COSMX a Dar Pre 9. Tfefil<1, show that 7 ™ zg ( 1,1 1). wel Show that the differential co-efficient of = 1 s “2° aay ally . 1: Prove that [I{ S convergent. Using Taylor’s, theorem, show that x et ax _ PX tanx taxe tice’ cde xe ix (¢ +" 2 2 11, Evaluate im, = rind the values of a and b in order that — | yp, Examine the derivabilty of the function f pp HA aeos+DSINX ay be equal defined by - x win te ifie 1 jane Pe itx0 to 5 0 ifx=0. determine m when f is continuous at x = 0- Given the series 2fe for which | 13. @_ Show that a . Z xR clog 1. Show that the series is 22. (i) Find the values of a, b, and ec§@ that Examine for term by term integration the pp der abeosx+ ce” x = . out 150 xsinx series 3S, where $,00= 3) f=me™", (i Test the convergéee of integr over the intervals = sin? x é @ (0, 1 Gi) [a,1),0, GD Let{¥ denote the integer part of the 1: san) 23 nifitber x, ie. if nc X R be defined by pay -[*snxeo a” xeo 25. Show that f is differentiable on R but f "is Rot continuous on R. Determine the values of A and B for which i sin3x+Asin2x+ Bsinx x30 é find the limit exists and Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 | Email 8.0.: 105-106, Top Floor Discuss the convergence of the series Vyy13 e135 4 Lepr agt agen + X>0 (i) Prove that if p, q are Positive th Bp.q+2) _ B(p+4.q) _ Btp.q) q Pp P+q” Gi) Show that fa > 4, [Zar= ne () Prove that (+4) (4) x y %YeR and x>y>0. GIF z=xyQy/n, show 4 az *ae Yay 72% and ifz isa consta H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delh ", Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, del ', wwweimsamaths, ¢ IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS a 34. Test for absolute convergenc @) rom 20% ni(1+2) then =—— ey 7 fo/n oo] 4 XY enim 35. Prove that Ti(tJe is abgolutel 27. Prove that for every x> 0 convergent for any real x. aw x 4 - iv Tear «tan x. f, 68s not converge uniform {s convergent for all values of x, but is not iS en uniformly convergent on any interval 1, Dutt gi series canbe dfereniatd ter ‘which eter contains ero as an interior point by term? or has it as an end point. e b 37. (fd the values of a and b in order tha 29, Test for convergence the series & yA Tacos) bain te 2 Ba Date wos ea maybe equ: erat DE ee EO, S 34 + 1 50.) Let R be the set of ral numbers and | > to: £:R— R such that for all x and y el (f) -£(y) < |x -yP. Prove that is a constant function. (i) If a + b + c= 0, then show that the quadratic equation 3ax? + 2bx+-¢ = 0 has at least one root in (0 , 1]. 31. If (X)= (+ £(1- w) and f” (x) < 0 forall | 38, ¥¢[0,1] show that 6 increases in 0, 1/2] and decreases in [1/2,1], Hence or otherwise prove that Ry S 4 when0 converges to the positive root of th equation ¢ - x-5 = 0, 1 > Provettat yn(1+3-+. ) converge ifp> land divergesifp<1. (15) The infinite product n(1 +4) eu aen absolutely converget for any fixed » Provided a is not a negative integer. T(a+1) Tooar Show thatifa> 1, [ode= Show that J] (1+ 22") converges to a if}x|<1, H.0. 2518 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi ims4ims2010@, wunvims4maths. ce IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 4). 49. 50. Express [x"Q-x")’dx in terms fo beta . fea—xyar | 51 function and hence evaluate | ¥ Express fx?'d—x')"dx Where p > 0, | 59 > 0. in terms of gamma function. ie Examine the convergence J it. 3 By applying the mean value theorem of integral calculus, Show that €% <4 0,q30,m>~4n>-1. Find the values of a and b in order that | 57, x(L-acosx) +bsinx BOE tabeemioas. | Show that Bim.n)=20 where m >0, n>0. If f',g" ate continuous and differentiable on [a, b] then show that fora0. & Test for uniform convergent the serie —_ Ss ow < Show that lim{1,}, > Ges where 1, = pane exist and the & a ; x the limits>equal tor A fun¢tion {is defined by GE) = x? cos(x),x #0; f (0)=0. Wha ditions should be imposed on p so that may be (i) continuous at x= 0 (i) differentiable at x= 0? Show that when -1< x <1, me gn oy a n> frat Show that x — vyso, may °° 2 x logtt +2) 0, (i) Show that (SE ae is aivergent it n>1 Determine where the following function from RR is differentiable and find derivative f(4) =Ix} +r Prove that ifp, q are positive then Blp.q+) _ B(p+1,q) 2D D p+q 69. 3 = axe T(a+1) that if @>1,J—dx = — (il) Show that i J Togay Determine al] continuous functions f:R>R such that f@)>0 and fxsy)= Posy. & G tet Bt lg S n+l on n-t Show that the function ae ax"! +a, vanishes atleast once ii%0, 1). > Discuss teh conyefgence of the product ila) Sho§that the sequence (x,), where x, =1 ait x, = 2+x,,¥nz 2 is convergent and M converges to 2. © 73. 74. B.0.: 105-106, Top Flo Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email Show that f defined on (0, 2) by setting soo= 2? for rational x €(0,2) © |2x=1 for irrational x €(0,2) is differentiable only at x = 1 and that reo. Is the inverse function differentiable at lsy=f? Show that the union of finite family of compact sets is compact. Discuss the nature of discontinuity of the function f defined by = pp OMe sin FO) = Lt SS asx, Show that f(0) and f(74) differ in sign, and explain still why f doesnot vanish in [oF] Prove the relation between beta and gamma functions 1.0. 2518 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6¢ or, Mukherjee Tower, Or. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-¢, www.ims4maths. com IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @ 75. 76. FOr) Alm.) = Toy py Where m>0,m>0. A twice differentiable function f such that fla)=f(b)=0 and f()>0, for a0 for all x eR. Using Taylor's formula, show that fee sen>ee.-0F (AS for all x, and x, in R with i %. 82. Show that the seme St, } defined by a, =V2 and a,.,= converges to 2. > 83. Prove tht bet rest amifong two Teal roots of e* sinx re is atleast one root of cosx+ 84. Let 0 6-(REED and Beo= rare. <> Test the differentiability of g(x) in (-2, 2). a e sin2x+asinx 18S. For what value ofa does === """™ ene toa finite limit ]as x + 0? Whena has thi value, what is the value of 1? Gi) Ltsinx.logx i (ii) Show that JMiedex fo dr= [aero (Oo 86. Prove that the sequence {x,} defined I x,=V7,%,.=/7+x, converges positive root of the equation x? _ y-7 = 87. Use the mean values theorem to prove th vou ty —tanty < wot Tage a is convergent. m= 4 TF fixe h)= fOd+hf'(e+00),0<0<1 find the value of 9, when f(x)=x*. s |: @) (i) If is continuous function f satisfies the equation f(x+y)= FOO). then either f(x)=0 or else fX)=e"vx. (i) Determine the set of al points where the av . ae function (x)= wi differentiable. = 1 Let $= {pegen ns, a ew ()_ Show that as limit ot ofS. Gd Itk ex Siow that or 2 is a limit point ofs. Gi ERS (the derived set of S), Shay that the series 1a, _1e say? (24a)? Gray? (i) absolutely convergent if p > 1, (i Conditionally convergent if 0< ps1. a> 0 is A function f :R > R is continuous on and 1(2)- LOL oy an xyeR Prove that {(X)=ax+b,(a,b eR) forall ye. (i) Considering the function (x-3)log x, Show that the equation xlog x =3-x is satisfied by at least one value of x lying between 1 and 3. (i) If @=-1,b>1 and J00=F show that the conditions of Lagrange’s mean value theorem are not satisfied by the function f in [a,b] but that the conclusion is true if and only if bots v2. H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6¢ B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dt. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com IAS MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS @) 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Discuss the convergence of the series 2x? Be att a a Use the mean value theorem to prove 0. x Ge Show that the function f defined by a1 £()= 55> when ze as X=1 14x" £0) =lim J x S Show that f(0) and f (3 differ in sign, and explain still why £ does not vanish in Ne show that 2 <°@* cqocx<, zx 2 if fod=e?*sin™, for x20 and f(0)=0, Show that (i) The function f has at every point a differential coefficient and this is continuous at x=0. (i) The differential coefficient vanishes at x=0 andat aninfinite number of points in every neighbourhood of x = 0. 106. Discuss the convergence fo the integral ic JTex'sin®x 107. Examine the following functipn for continuity and differentiabiity atGo= 0 and x=1 ae ’ x, for x<0 S yi, for 0 0. 110. A function f is twice differentiable on [a, b] and f(a) = f(b) = 0. If f(c)>0 for some ce(a,b), prove that there exists a point in (a, b) such that f*(¢) <0. 111. Determine a, b, c such that x(a+beosx)+esinx _ 1 iy xr 60 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625, H.0. 2518 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-6t B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-é 11 Email: ims4ims2010@gmaicom, ww.ims4maths. corr \THEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS (10) A function {28 is continuous on and f(r+y)= f(s) for all xyeR Prove that either f(x)=0 for alll rex, oF fQ)=a for all xeR, where a is some positive real number. Discuss the convergence of the series w(0Ovn and Lt Se ma, 1 then Lt (q,)* <1. Is a converse true? Justify your answer. Examine for continuity of the functiggs? . e*—x'sinx =o defined by f= LIT osx< atx= 1, Explain why the function 2 xp y f does not vanish anywhere on [o 5] although (0) and J’ (2) have opposite signs. Find a and b such that act +be*+2sinx > cao sinx+xcosK 119. — Show that the series __ nox 1+ e@-Fe can be integrated term by term on (0, 1] although it is not uniformly convergent on (0, 1}. oP Ca = dN 120. Given the series 2 XWfor_ which wv © 5,6) =Ltogt+ ni,0sxs1. 2n* oS x S oh, Show that thSeries Df,’ does not converge uniformly, but the given series can be ditfergMtated term by term. oO 121. Shai” that the function sx does not.vanish = Ss anywhere in the interval [0, 2] though 9(0) Sand (2) differ in sign. Discuss the continuity of the function at x= 1. 122. Show that the Cauchy product of the ay" convergent series se with itself is not uniformly convergent. ry 2 1 123. Show that []@+") converges to 7 if ffi. sina ay <2, = 1} |. Prove that = 2 124, Prove that lie 125, Consider the series > . fo(1+x°) Find the values of x for which it is convergent and also the sum function. Is the convergence ‘uniform? Justify your answer. H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 B.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi'9 Ph - 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email:, wivwims4maths. com 3 MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS i) 5, If f(x)20 and f decreases monotonically | 134. Evaluate * 1 for x21, then prove that J f(x)dx converges f te ae : yi itt ES (™ converges 135, Evaluate the following integral: & or t Vv 7. Prove that an equationof the form x"=«, 7 a ° je wv where nen and q>0 isa zeal number, has J Yeinx + eos 3 a positive root. * & 1 , 136. Acconical tent is of gfven capacity. For the 8, Evaluate | (xInx)'ax least amount of Caivas required, for it, find ' the ratio ofits heSght tothe radius ofits base. 9. A twice-differentiable function f(x) is such & that f(a)=0= f(b) and f(c)>0 for | 137, If eg then prove that a 1. Let be a function defined on = such that f C} 139. If and-g" exist for every x efa,b] and if f(O=-3 and f(x)s5 for all values of git \ sp. Bow large can (2) possibly be?” (0) doesot vanish anyuiere nb, such 2, Evaluate that there exists c in (a, b) show that () limsoo flo- fla) _ [10 stl ‘g-g0) gO) where. (3) = 140, Given a Positive real number a and any natural number n, prove that there exists one and only one positive real number & such 1 (iy Jena a 3, Letp and q be positive real numbers such | 141. Let f be a continuous function on (0, 1]. ; Using first mean value theorem on that 5 +9 ‘1. Show that for real numbers integration prove that 1 pe nf) a # be U Lt fd = +f (0). ab20 abso +7 hed Te 2 H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 8.0.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 II Email :, wirwims4maths. com 3 MATHEMATICS (MAINS): TOPIC-WISE PRACTICE SETS 2, — Consider the series y a wy Find the values of x for which itis convergent and also the sum function. Is the convergence uniform? Justify your answer. 3. Let f,)=x" on -tex<1 for n=1,2, Find the limit function. Is the convergence uniform? Justify your answer. Let f(x) be differentiable on [0, 1] such that f= f(0)=0 and J f*(x)dr=1. Prove that H 1 PFO fod =—5. 5, Show-that the series xe , isuniformly 1 convergent but not absolutely for all real ‘values of x. 6. Investigate the continuity of the function sine for x«o and /(0)=-1 7. Let (a, b) be any open interval, fa function defined and differentiable on (a, b) such that its derivative is bounded on (a, b). Show that fis uniformly continuous on (a, b). 8. If fis a continuous function on (a, b] and if J/'Odde=0 then show that f(0)=0 for all xin [a, b]. Is this true if fis not continuous? 9. Show that the function f defined by 1 fH xef1, ~) is uniformly continuous on [1, 9) S| > 150. 151. 152. 154, (12) Show thatthe series a Tex (ex? convergent on [0, 1]. +ei8 not uniformly Applying cauchy's criterion for cot % gene, show that the sequence (s,) “ue fined by = 1 Spake d be is ong Shvege. Iffis continuous on b) and J tear 0 for any contituousSncion g on [a, b), then show that ue all x€[ab] eve series for uniform convergence. Also, with the help of this example, show that the condition of uniform convergence of yaco issufficient Dut not necessary for the sum S(x) of the series to be continuous. If f(x) is monotonic in the interval 0 IR bea functions such that f'Gd and g'(x) exists for all xe[a,b] and g'(x)20 for all x in (a, b), Prove that for some C <(a,b) H.0. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60 8.0. 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9 Ph ; 011-45629987, 09999197625 | Email:, wwwims4maths. com

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