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Mariline Marcelino Lee

Digital Marketing – Drafting an Email

Jared Nesbit

How can your IDL use email marketing to accomplish this goal?
Email marketing can be used as personal way to reach our target audience by sending emails that
have enticing or eye-catching subject lines that would compel them to click and would give
companies opportunities to showcase what they could offer.

Who (target market) would you send the email to? Why did you choose this target market?
How often would you send an email? Why?
If I belong to a company that offers packaging products then my target market will be companies
that need packaging such as food companies like bake shops, pizza parlor, donut companies as
these companies have a great need of proper product packaging that will not only maintain
quality of their products but will also attacts their customers to make purchases. Sending them
email once or twice in a week would be enough to remind them of what my company could offer
so as not to annoy them too.

What would be the subject line, and what parts of it would get the target market to open the
My subject line would be “A packaging that allows you to be earth friendly”. Many companies
now are into using earth friendly materials and they even use that as their marketing strategy.
They make people know that they care about the environment as a marketing strategy.

What would the design and messaging be inside the email? How does this relate to the recipient?
What metrics would you use to track success?
The design will be the company logo with a slogan “An eco-friendly glimmer to your product”.
As mentioned, many companies particularly food companies are in need of efficient packaging
for their products but they are looking for something more to attract their customers by
manifesting to people that they are earth-friendly.

I would use a metric that would tell me the percentage of subscribers who clicked within the
email and completed a desired action. If the rate is low then that would signal me to improve the
emails and subject line I use.

TO: Jollibee Food Corporation

SUBJECT: A packaging that allows you to be earth friendly

Dear ___________,


Need to pack your products? We can tell you how. Using eco-friendly materials,
we can provide a wide range of packaging design that fits your needs. What is
more is that we can customized them according to your preference


All you need is to take the first step.

Or you can click here to avail of our 25% discount.


If you have any other questions, just hit reply and the team and I will be happy
to help out!

Excited for your eco-friendly packaging,

Mariline Marcelino Lee

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