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Suppose aTG 0
Gi thegenerator matrixof C so anycodeword c Gx Foranyothercodeword
a Gx wehave LC c X'TGTGx x'TOx 0 Therefore C E Ct

suppose a code w generator G is weaklyself dual ie has

Cthasgeneratormath HT d paritycheekmatrix
GT ie Ct is the kernel
of GT
Bydefinition any E E Ctmustsatisfy GT
E D But C Ect i e
M GT Gx c Ct tix
Gx O V This can only beto if GTG O

252 Thisstatementis onlytrueforbinarylinearcodes

case 1 xcCt Xy O t yc C
I C1 Y I I
yec Sec ICI
case2 x Ct This is surprisingly nontrivial
Ctimplies x is not orthogonal to
all codewords in C ie at leastone
codeword c s t
X c 10
Scrutinizingthe above
werealizethismeans I
at leastonecolumn of thegenerator
matrix G callthis
E s t E 40 If we are working w binarycodes
Now the codewordsareformed
bylinearcombinations of the columns of G
mention Consider S theset of linearcombinations
ofcolumns apartfrom Ext
27 Now form S St Itt 1591 1st became suppose a b e s and

Furthermore all codewords are contained in SUS

ie sus C
Note what weactually want is S S C ie wedon't want s
s which
would happen if a a Cze s s t
Cz a EH Because then the firstlinebelow
the Subclaim would befake

Subclaim we can defines s t

feel17 y.FI H Tyres

yetC1 Y t 1 x CytE

since E I one ofthese two terns is 1 and the other is 1

I 0 0

proof ofgubclaim

choose S linearcombinationsof oneof thecosets Extg

ie then S't L c of the othercont so Sto t S asdesired

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