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LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, ELECTION (2) A public office is a public trust created in the interest and

created in the interest and for the benefit of

LAW, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT the people, and belongs to them. The nature of a public office is inconsistent
with either a property or contract right. It is conceived of as a responsibility and
LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS not a right. As recipients of public trust, public officers are under obligation to
discharge their duties faithfully and to the best of their ability.
General Principles
Creation of public office
PUBLIC OFFICE is the right, authority, and duty created and conferred by
law, by which for a given period, either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure Generally A public office is created by some
of the appointing power, an individual is invested with some portion of the constitutional or statutory provision or
sovereign functions of the government, to be exercised by him for the benefit of by authority conferred by it.
the public. By Congress Except for such offices as are created
by the Constitution, the creation of
Essential Elements of a Public Office public offices is primarily a legislative
(1) It is created by the Constitution or by law or by some body or agency to
which the power to create the office has been delegated; (a) When in the exigencies of
(2) It must be invested with an authority to exercise some portion of the government it is necessary to create
sovereign power of the State to be exercised for public interest; and define new duties, the legislative
(3) Its power and functions are defined by the Constitution, or by law, or department has the discretion to
through legislative authority; determine whether additional offices
(4) The duties pertaining thereto are performed independently, without control shall be created, or whether these
of a superior power other than law, unless they are those of an inferior or duties shall be attached to and become
subordinate officer, created or authorized by the legislature and placed by it ex officio duties of existing offices.
under the general control of a superior officer or body; and
(5) It is continuing and permanent in nature and not occasional or intermittent. (b) An office created by the legislature
is wholly within the power of that
Purpose and Nature body, and it may prescribe the mode
of filling the office, and the powers
(1) Public offices are created for effecting the end for which government has and duties of the incumbent, and, if it
been instituted, which is the common good, and not for the profit, honor, or sees fit, abolish the office.
private interest of any person, family, or class of persons. By the President The president, subject to the policy of
the Executive Office and in order to
achieve simplicity, economy and
efficiency, shall have the continuing The duration of tenure need not be for a fixed period, but may be at the pleasure
authority to reorganize the of the appointing power.
administrative structure of the Office - one may be nonetheless a public officer because his term is not definitely
of the President. [Administrative Code established, and the absence of a definite tenure does not necessarily preclude
of 1987] a position or employment from constituting a public office

As far as bureaus, agencies, or offices - the element of continuance (i.e. the duties attached to the position continue
in the executive department are through the office holder changed) cannot be considered indispensable
concerned, the President’s power of
control may justify him to inactivate Permanence of office is not material.
the functions of a particular office, or - however, something more permanent than a single transaction or transitory
certain laws may grant him the broad act is commonly required to make the position a public office
authority to carry out reorganization
- he may transfer the functions of
the other Departments or agencies One who holds a “public office” is a “public officer”. When there is no office,
to the Office of the President there can be no public officer.

Exercise of sovereign powers and functions A public officer must be invested by law with a portion of the sovereignty of the
State, and authorized to exercise functions either of an executive, legislative, or
The term “public office” implies said authority to exercise some portion of the judicial character.
sovereign power, either by enacting laws, executing them, or adjudicating
controversies in the exercise of power and authority bestowed by law. Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must at all times
be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity,
- it is the duties of his office which make him a public officer and not the extent loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives.
of his authority [Sec. 1, Art. XI, 1987 Constitution]

Public officers enjoy the presumption of regularity in the exercise of their - the powers so delegated to the officer are held in trust for the people and are
functions. to be exercised in behalf of the government or of all citizens who may need
- the presumption may be overthrown only by evidence to the contrary the intervention of the officer
- such trust extends to all matters within the range of duties pertaining to the
Tenure and Duration office
- public officers are but the servants of the people, and not their rulers
- every public servant shall at all times uphold public interest over his or her Generally, a position is a public office when it is created by law, with duties
personal interest [Sec. 2, RA 6713] cast upon the incumbent which involve the exercise of some portion of the
sovereign power, and in the performance of which the public is concerned.
Public office is not a property.
A public office is not a contract, and the right of an incumbent to the position
Public office is personal to the incumbent thereof or appointee thereto. does not rest upon any agreement between the government and himself.
- in this sense, it is not property which passes to his heirs upon death
- it cannot be inherited Public office and public contract distinguished.

A public office as a public trust precludes any proprietary claim to public office. Public office Public contract
- it is not a property in the sense that an officer is not denied due process of As to creation it is a creation incident contract originates from
law by the abolition of his office before the expiration of his term or by his of sovereignty the will of the
removal or suspension according to law, or by the passage of a statute contracting parties,
limiting or reducing his compensation, and that an officer has no property subject to the limitations
right in the books and papers pertaining to his office imposed by law
- no one has any private right of property or vested right in any public office As to object it has for its object the imposes obligations only
he holds, much less a vested right to an expectancy of holding a public office, carrying out of upon persons who
at least as against the public interest sovereign as well as entered the same
government functions
Public office is not a contract. affecting even persons
not bound by contract
Creates no contractual relation between holder and the public. As to subject matter and embraces the idea of it is almost always
- A public office is not a contract, nor the same thing as a contract, and an scope tenure, duration, and limited in its duration
appointment or election to a public office does not establish a contractual continuity, and the and specific in its
relation between the person appointed or elected and the public. duties connected objects; its terms define
- it exists only because and by virtue of some law expressly or impliedly therewith are generally and limit the rights and
creating and conferring it continuing and obligations of the
- A public officer is entitled to the compensation for the performance of his permanent parties, and neither may
public duties when the law attaches it to the office. If no salary is provided by depart therefrom without
law for an office, the incumbent is presumed to have accepted it without pay the consent of the other
and he cannot recover anything for service rendered by him.
NOTE: The fact that the duties of a particular position or governmental function
NOTE: do not depend on a contract is itself one of the criteria of a public office.
The most important characteristic which distinguishes an office from an — but the people cannot always be called upon to act immediately when the
employment or contract is that the creation and conferring of an office involves selection of an official is necessary; therefore, the power of appointment to
a delegation to the individual of some of the sovereign functions of government, public offices belongs to where the people have chosen to place it by their
to be exercised by him for the benefit of the public — that some portion of the Constitution or laws
sovereignty of the country, either legislative, executive or judicial, attaches for
the time being, to be exercised for the public benefit.  entrusted to designated elected and appointed public officials
— the appointment of public officials is generally looked upon as properly
belonging to the executive department
Modes of Acquiring Title to Public Office — appointments may also be made by Congress or the courts

 may be created by the Constitution; Elements of a valid appointment

 through a valid statutory enactment; or
 pursuant to an authority of law (1) authority to appoint and evidence of the exercise of the authority;
(2) transmittal of the appointment paper and evidence of the transmittal;
A public office can be obtained only in the manner prescribed by the (3) a vacant position at the time of appointment; and
Constitution or by law. (4) receipt of the appointment and acceptance of the appointment by the
appointee who possesses all the qualifications and none of the qualifications
The manner of selecting persons for public office is generally by election or by provided by law
NOTE: There is no valid appointment if the process lacks even one (1) step.

Modes and Kinds of Appointment Appointing power generally regarded as an executive function.
— the act of designation by the executive officer, board, or body to whom Power to Appoint is Discretionary
that power has been delegated, of the individual who is to exercise the
powers and functions of a given office GR: The task of appointment is essentially discretionary and cannot be
controlled even by the courts. It cannot be the subject of an application for a
Where appointing power resides writ of mandamus to compel the exercise of such discretion.

 inherently belongs to the people Appointing authority — the officer primarily responsible for the
—since the people are the source of government, the power of selecting administration of an office; he is also in the best position to determine who
persons for public office inherently belongs to them among the prospective appointees can effectively discharge the functions of
the position
- has the right to of choice which he may exercise freely according to his commission may issue at once
judgment (2) Subject to confirmation where the assent or confirmation of
- it is a prerogative of the appointing power that may be availed of without some other officer or body is required,
liability, provided, however, that it is exercised in good faith the commission can issue only when
- the appointing authority considers not only their civil service eligibility such assent or confirmation is
but also their performance, education, work experience, training and obtained
seminars attended, agency examinations, and seniority
- the choice of an appointee from among qualified candidates or applicants the appointment becomes complete
is a political and administrative decision calling for considerations of when the last act required by law of
wisdom, convenience, utility and the interests of the service which can best the appointing power has been
be made by the head of office concerned for he is familiar with the performed
organizational structure and environmental circumstances within which the
appointee must function (3) Approval by the CSC the acts of the appointing power (head
of department or office) and the
XPN: When appointment is exercised in in a malicious, harsh, oppressive, approval of the CSC acting together
vindictive or wanton manner, or out of malice or spite. though not concurrently, but
consecutively, are necessary to make
Classification of Power to Appoint an appointment complete

Absolute — where no further consent or approval is necessary Effects of completed appointment

Conditional — where assent or approval by some other officer or body is The appointing officer’s power over the office is terminated in all cases where
necessary to complete the appointment by law the officer is not removable by him; the person appointed has the
absolute unconditional power of accepting or rejecting it.
When Appointment Deemed Complete
No new or further appointment could be made to a position already filled by a
An appointment to office is final and complete when the last act of the previously completed appointment which had been accepted by the appointee
appointing authority has been accomplished. through a valid qualification and assumption of its duties.

(1) Not subject to confirmation where the power of appointment is Acceptance of Appointment
absolute, and the appointee has been
determined, no further consent or Acceptance is necessary to enable the appointee to have full possession,
approval is necessary, and the formal enjoyment, and responsibility of an office. The individual chosen to an office
evidence of appointment, i.e., the
cannot be deemed to either fully possessed of its rights and privileges or subject
to the performance of its duties and obligations until he has, in fact, accepted it. APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT

Revocation of Appointment 4 groups of officials whom the President is authorized to appoint:

Where appointment is final and complete (1) The heads of executive departments, ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, officers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel
GR: An appointment to an office, once made and complete, is not subject to or naval captain, and other officers whose appointments are vested in him
reconsideration or revocation. in the Constitution;

XPN: Where an officer is removable at will of the appointing power. “other officers” — refers to the regular members of the Judicial and Bar
Council, the Chairman and Commissioners of the CSC, COMELEC, and the
- the desired results can be accomplished by removal of the officer COA, and the Members of the regional consultative commission
- removal from office takes place after title to the office has become vested in
the appointee (2) All other officers whose appointments are not otherwise provided by
Where appointee has assumed position
— they refer to officers to be appointed to lower offices created by Congress
GR: The moment the appointee assumes a position in the civil service under a where the latter omits to provide for appointment to said office, or provides
completed appointment approved by the CSC, he acquires a legal, not merely in an unconstitutional way for such appointments
equitable right, which is protected not only by statute, but also by the
Constitution, and it cannot be taken away from him, either by revocation or by (3) Those whom the President may be authorized by law to appoint; and
— such as the heads of GOCCs, undersecretaries, heads of bureaus and
XPN: Except for cause, and with previous notice and hearing, consistent with offices, and other officials
the Constitution and with the constitutional requirements of due process.
(4) Other officers lower in rank whose appointments the Congress by law
Where protestant is more qualified than appointee vests in the President alone.

The appointing power cannot effect the removal of the appointee by rescinding Appointments subject/not subject to confirmation by CA
or revoking his appointment after it is complete on the ground merely that the
protestant is more qualified than the the first appointee, subject to the condition Subject Not Subject
that the first appointee should possess the minimum qualifications required by heads of executive departments, (1) head of bureaus and certain offices
law. ambassadors, other public ministers under the different department which
and consuls, officers of the armed are not called bureaus like the SEC, — the phrase does not include heads of bureaus and offices not specifically
forces from the rank of colonel or Insurance Commission, etc., are no mentioned in the Constitution as among those to be appointed by the
naval captain, and other officers longer included among those whose President who are subordinates of Cabinet members; by law, their
whose appointments are vested in him appointments are to be confirmed by appointments are vested in the President
in the Constitution the CA
Kinds of Presidential Appointment
(2) the President, under the
Constitution, appoints the members of As to manner in which it is made REGULAR — those made while the
the Supreme Court, judges of lower Congress is in session;
courts, including the Sandiganbayan As to its nature
and the Tanodbayan and his Deputies;
and when the Vice-President is
appointed as a member of the Cabinet A. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
B. Disabilities and Inhibitions of Public Officers
(3) appointment of Chairman and C. Powers and Duties of Public Officers
Members of the CHR are also not D. Rights and Duties of Public Officers
subject to confirmation by the CA E. Liabilities of Public Officers
because they are among the officers of 1. Preventive Suspension and Back Salaries
government “whom [the President] 2. Illegal Dismissal, Reinstatement, and Back Salaries
may be authorized by law to appoint” F. Immunity of Public Officers
G. Distinguish: De Facto and De Jure Officers
H. Termination of Official Relation
APPOINTMENTS BY OTHER OFFICIALS 1. Involuntary Retirement [See Re: Letter of Mrs. Ma. Cristina Roco Corona,
AM. No. 20-07-10-SC, January 12, 2021]
The Congress may, by law, vest in courts, heads of departments, I. The Civil Service
agencies, commissions, or boards the power to appoint officers 1. Scope
lower in rank in their respective offices. [Sec. 16, Art. VII] 2. Appointments to the Civil Service
3. Personnel Actions
“lower in rank” — refers to officers subordinate to those enumerated officers J. Accountability of Public Officers
in whom respectively the power of appointment may be vested (the heads of 1. Types of Accountability
executive departments, agencies, commissions, and boards) a) Administrative
b) Criminal
— appointments of minor employees may also be vested in them 2. Discipline
a) Grounds
b) Jurisdiction
c) Dismissal, Preventive Suspension, Reinstatement and Back Salaries
d) Condonation Doctrine
3. Impeachment v. Quo Warranto [See Re: Letter of Mrs. Ma. Cristina Roco
Corona, AM. No. 20-07-10-SC, January 12, 2021]
4. The Ombudsman and the Office of the Special Prosecutor [Sections 5 to 14,
Article XI of the 1987 Constitution in relation to R.A. 6770, otherwise known
as “The Ombudsman Act of 1989”]
a) Functions
b) Judicial Review in Administrative Proceedings
c) Judicial Review in Penal Proceedings
5. The Sandiganbayan
K. Term Limits

A. General Principles
B. Administrative Agencies
C. Powers of Administrative Agencies

1. Quasi-Legislative (Rule-Making) Power

a) Kinds of administrative rules and regulations

b) Requisites for Validity

2. Quasi-Judicial (Adjudicatory) Power

a) Administrative Due Process

b) Administrative Appeal and Review

c) Administrative Res Judicata

3. Fact-finding, Investigative, Licensing, and Rate-Fixing Powers

D. Judicial Recourse and Review

1. Doctrine of Primary Administrative Jurisdiction

2. Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies

3. Doctrine of Finality of Administrative Action

4. The right of suffrage is based upon the theory that the people who bear the
ELECTION LAWS — intended as a means for assuring a free, honest, and burden of government should share in the privilege of choosing the officials of
orderly expression of the people’s views and choice of candidates uninfluenced the government
by threats, intimidation and corrupt motives
5. Suffrage is in the nature of a public trust and constitutes a voter a
- regulate how the right of suffrage is to be exercised representative of the whole people
- their purpose is to give effect to, rather than stifle or frustrate, the will of
voters Scope of suffrage

N.B. In case of doubt, political laws must be so construed as to give life and Election — it is the means by which the people choose, through the use of the
spirit to the popular mandate freely expressed through the ballot. ballot, their officials for definite and fixed periods and to whom they entrust, for
the time being as their representatives, the exercise of powers of government
— the right as well as obligation of qualified citizens to vote in the election of Plebiscite — a vote of the people expressing their choice for or against a
certain national and local officers of the government and in the decision of proposed law or enactment submitted to them
public questions submitted to the people
Referendum — it is the submission of a law passed by the national or local
Nature of Suffrage legislative body to the registered voters at an election called for the purpose for
their ratification or rejection; it is a mode of appealing from an elected body to
1. Suffrage is not a natural right of the citizens. the whole body of voters
- it is merely a privilege to be given or withheld by the lawmaking power
subject to constitutional limitations Initiative — the process whereby the registered voters directly propose, enact,
- it is not a necessary accompaniment of citizenship or amend laws, national or local, through an election called for the purpose
- it is granted to individuals only upon the fulfillment of certain minimum
conditions deemed essential for the welfare of society Recall — a method by which a public officer may be removed from office
- it is a political right during his tenure or before the expiration of his term by vote of the people after
registration of a petition signed by a required percentage of the qualified voters
2. The exercise of the right of suffrage is not absolute.
- it is subject to existing substantive and procedural requirements provided in Object of suffrage
the Constitution, statutes, and valid rules and regulations
3. Suffrage is a right because it is the expression of the sovereign will of the
people. 1. to enable the people to choose their done through election
representatives to discharge sovereign
functions; and N.B. It is not competent for the Congress to add or alter such qualifications. The
2. to determine their will upon such by means of a plebiscite specification in the Constitution is an implied prohibition against interference.
questions submitted to them
Residence Qualification Of Voter/Candidate
Power of Congress to Regulate Suffrage and Elections
The term “residence”, as used in election law, imports not only an intention to
NOTE: It is within the power of the State to prescribe the manner in which the reside in a fixed place but also personal presence in that place coupled with
right of suffrage shall be exercised. conduct indicative of such intention It is to be understood not in its common
acceptation as referring to “dwelling” or “habitation” but rather to “domicile” or
Congress has unlimited power to enact laws relative to the right of suffrage legal residence.
including [the power]:
a. to define the qualifications of voters; i. Residence
b. to regulate elections; - a person’s residence is the place of his domicile;
c. to prescribe the form of official ballot; - that place where the elector makes his permanent or true home, his principal
d. to provide for the manner in which candidates shall be chosen and the place of business, and his family residence, if he has one;
names that shall be printed upon the ballot; - where he intends to remain indefinitely, and without a present intention to
e. to regulate the manner of conducting elections; and depart, when he leaves it he intends to return to it, and after his return he
f. (in the exercise of police power) to suppress whatever evils may be deems himself at home
incident to the election of public officers
ii. Residence, a matter of intention
Qualifications and Disqualification of Voters
The determination of a person’s legal residence or domicile largely depends
QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS upon intention which may be inferred from his acts, activities and utterances.
[Sec.1, Art. V, 1987 Constitution]
Every person is deemed to have a domicile somewhere, and when it has been
Citizenship (1) citizen of the Philippines not once acquired in a certain place it will be deemed to continue there until a
otherwise disqualified by law; new one has been acquired.
Age (2) at least eighteen (18) years of age;
Residence (3) resident of the Philippines for at Temporary absences, therefore, although frequent or long continued, will not,
least one (1) year and in the place while the person has a continuous intention to return, deprive him of his
wherein they propose to vote for at domicile and right to vote, even though he may have unlawfully voted while
least six (6) months immediately absent.
preceding the election
In election cases, domicile is synonymous with residence. Domicile is not easily residence in X is not present, the fact that she occasionally visits X through
lost. In order to acquire a new domicile by choice, there must concur: the years does not signify an intention to continue her residence therein.
1) actual residence or bodily presence in the new locality; [Abella v. COMELEC, 201 SCRA 253]
2) a bona fide intention to remain there and to abandon the old domicile; and
3) acts which correspond with that purpose iv. The sudden departure from the country because of the EDSA People’s
Power Revolution of 1986 to go into self-exile in the United States until
In other words, there must basically be animus manendi (intention to remain) favorable conditions had been established was held not voluntary, so as to
coupled with animus non revertendi (intention not to return). The residence at constitute an abandonment of residence. [Romualdez v. RTC, 226 SCRA 408]
the place chosen for the new domicile must be actual. [Romualdez-Marcos v.
COMELEC, 248 SCRA 300] v. It is not necessary that a person should have a house in order to establish his
residence and domicile in a municipality.
A domicile by origin is acquired by every person at birth. Once established,
residence or domicile remains until a new is acquired. A man can have but one It is enough that he should live in said municipality or in a rented house, or in
(1) domicile at a time. [Gamboa v. COMELEC] that of a friend or relative, in order to acquire a residence or domicile in said
municipality, provided that his stay is accompanied by his intention to reside
Abandonment Of Residence therein permanently.

i. Registration and voting by a person in another place do not by themselves N.B. Mere ownership of a house or some other property does not establish his
constitute abandonment of his legal residence, where the stay in the former bodily presence in the locality and his intent to stay there before the elections.
cannot be considered voluntary but a necessity in order to continue his studies [De Los Reyes v. Solidum, 61 Phil. 893]
and it appears that he made periodical visits during school vacations and asked
the cancellation of his name from the voter’s list in (Manila) when he applied to vi. There is nothing wrong in an individual changing his residences so he could
be registered in (Poro, Cebu). [Anciano v. Otadoy, 27 SCRA 200] run for an elective post, for as long as he is able to prove with reasonable
certainty that he has effected a change of residence for election law purposes for
ii. Absence from the residence of origin to practice profession does not also the period required by law. [Aquino v. COMELEC, 248 SCRA 400]
constitute loss of residence. [Co v. HRET, 199 SCRA 692]
N.B. Any person who transfers residence to another city, municipality, or
iii. The fact that one made periodical journeys to his home province revealed country solely by reason of his occupation, profession, employment in private
that he always had animus revertendi (intention to return). or public service, educational activities, work in military or naval
reservations, service in the army, navy, or air force, the Philippine National
But where there is no evidence that one temporarily left her residence in X Police; or confinement or detention in government institutions in accordance
City to pursue a calling, profession or business, but the evidence on record with law, shall be deemed not to have lost his original residence. [Sec. 117,
B.P. Blg. 881]
shows that she established her residence in Y City with her husband and
considers herself a resident therein, and the intention not to abandon her

The following shall be disqualified from voting: The personal filing of application of registration of voters shall be conducted
daily in the office of the Election Officer during office hours. No registration
(1) Any person who has been sentenced by final judgment to suffer shall, however, be conducted during the period starting one hundred twenty
imprisonment for not less than one (1) year, such disability not having been (120) days before a regular election and ninety (90) days before a special
removed by plenary pardon or granted amnesty. Any such person disqualified election.
to vote shall automatically reacquire the right to vote upon expiration of five
(5) years after service of sentence; Who May Register
[Sec. 9, RA 8189]
(2) Any person who has been adjudged by final judgment by competent court
or tribunal of having committed any crime involving disloyalty to the duly 1) citizen of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law;
constituted government such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti- 2) at least eighteen (18) years of age;
subversion and firearms laws, or any crime against national security in 3) a resident of the Philippines for at least one (1) year;
accordance with the law. He shall automatically reacquire his right to vote 4) a resident in the place where they propose to vote, for at least six (6) months
upon expiration of five (5) years after service of sentence; and immediately preceding the election

(3) Insane or incompetent persons as declared by competent authority unless Registration of Voters
[Sec. 10, RA 8189]
subsequently declared by proper authority that such person is no longer
insane or incompetent.
A qualified voter shall be registered in the permanent list of voters in a precinct
N.B. The above persons are not qualified to vote even if they have the necessary of the city or municipality wherein he resides to be able to vote in any election.
qualifications. To register as a voter, he shall personally accomplish an application form for
registration as prescribed by the Commission in three (3) copies before the
Registration and Deactivation of Voters Election Officer on any date during office hours after having acquired the
qualifications of a voter.
Necessity of Registration
Registration refers to the act of accomplishing and filing of a sworn application
for registration by a qualified voter before the election officer of the city or Registration is essential to the exercise of the right of suffrage, not the
municipality wherein he resides and including the same in the book of possession thereof. It is part and parcel of the right to vote and an indispensable
registered voters upon approval by the Election Registration Board. element in the election process. [Akbayan v. COMELEC, 335 SCRA 318]

System of Continuing Registration
(An Act Providing for Mandatory Biometrics Voter Registration) [Sec. 15, RA 8189]

RA 10367 assists in the identification of a person for purposes of ensuring that  There shall be in each city and municipality as many as Election
the right to vote is exercised only by that person and also in purging the voters Registration Boards as there are election officers therein.
list spurious names or ghost voters.
 In thickly populated cities/municipalities, the Commission may appoint
Biometrics refers to a quantitative analysis that provides a positive additional election officers for such duration as may be necessary.
identification of an individual such as voice, photograph, fingerprint,
signature, iris, and/or such other identifiable features. Composition

Validation is the process of taking the biometrics of registered voters whose Chairman Election Officer
biometrics have not yet been captured.
In case of disqualification of the
Deactivation refers to the removal of the registered record of the registered Election Officer, the Commission
voter from the corresponding precinct book of voters for failure to comply shall designate an acting Election
with the validation process. Officer who shall serve as Chairman
of the Board.
Not an additional qualification Members a) Public School Official most senior
in rank; and
The requirement is not a “qualification” to the exercise of the right of suffrage
but a mere aspect of the registration procedure of which the State has the right b) Local Civil Registrar or in his
to reasonably regulate to achieve the compelling State interest of establishing a absence, the city or municipal
clean, complete, permanent and updated list of voters. Treasurer

Consequence of Non-compliance In case of disqualification or non-

[Sec. 7] availability, the Commission shall
designate any other appointive civil
Voters who fail to submit for validation on or before the last day of filing of service official from the same locality
application for registration for purposes of the May 2016 elections shall be as substitute.

No member of the Board shall be related to each other or to any incumbent him if the information given is true
city or municipal elective official within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity and correct
or affinity.
4) The accomplished from shall be
If in succeeding elections, any of the newly elected city or municipal officials is subscribed by the applicant in the
related to a member of the board within the 4 th civil degree of consanguinity or presence of the Board by means of
affinity, such member is automatically disqualified to preserve the integrity of thumbmark or some other customary
the Election Registration Board. mark and it shall be subscribed and
attested by the majority of the
—————— members of the Board.

ILLITERATE OR DISABLED PERSON - the attestation shall state the name of

—they refer to persons who cannot by themselves prepare an application for the person assisted, the name of the
registration because of their physical disability and/or inability to read and Election Officer or the member of the
write accredited citizen’s arm who assisted
the applicant, the fact that the Election
Illiterate Persons Disabled Persons Officer placed the applicant under
1) Any illiterate person may register 1) The application for registration of a oath, that the Election Officer or the
with the assistance of the Election physically disabled person may be member of the accredited citizen’s
Officer or any member of an prepared by any relative within the arm who assisted the applicant read
accredited citizen’s arms. fourth civil degree of consanguinity or the accomplished form to the person
affinity or by the Election Officer or assisted, and that the person assisted
2) The Election Officer shall place any member of an accredited citizen’s affirmed its truth and accuracy, by
such illiterate person under oath, ask arm using the data supplied by the placing his thumbmark or some other
him the questions, and record the applicant. customary mark on the application in
answers given in order to accomplish the presence of the Board
the application form in the presence of NOTE: The fact of illiteracy or
the majority of the members of the disability shall be so indicated in the

3) The Election Officer or any 1) Any registered voter who has transferred residence to another city or
member of an accredited citizen’s arm municipality may apply with the Election Officer of his new residence for the
shall read the accomplished form transfer of his registration records.
aloud to the person assisted and ask
The application for transfer of registration shall be subject to the requirements (1) Any person who has been sentenced by final judgment to suffer
of notice and hearing and the approval of the Election Registration Board. imprisonment for not less than one (1) year, such disability not having been
removed by plenary pardon or amnesty. Any such person disqualified to vote
Upon approval of the application for transfer, and after notice of such approval shall automatically reacquire the right to vote upon expiration of five (5)
to the Election Officer of the former residence of the voter, said Election Officer years after service of sentence as certified by the clerks of courts of the
shall transmit by registered mail the voter’s registration record to the Election Municipal/Municipal Circuit/Metropolitan/Regional Trial Courts and the
Officer of the voter’s new residence. Sandiganbayan;

2) Any voter who has changed his address in the same city or municipality (2) Any person who has been adjudged by final judgment by a competent
shall immediately notify the Election Officer in writing. court or tribunal of having caused/committed any crime involving disloyalty
to the duly constituted government such as rebellion, unless restored to his
If the change of address involves a change in precinct, the Board shall transfer full civil and political rights in accordance with law. He shall regain his right
his registration record to the precinct book of voters of his new precinct and to vote automatically upon expiration of five (5) years after service of
notify the voter of his new precinct. sentence;

All changes of address shall be reported to the office of the provincial election (3) Any person declared by competent authority to be insane or incompetent
supervisor and the Commission in Manila. unless such disqualification has been subsequently removed by a declaration
of a proper authority that such person is no longer insane or incompetent;
NOTE: All applications for registration shall be heard and processed on a
quarterly basis. [See Sec. 17, RA 8189] (4) Any person who did not vote in the two (2) successive preceding regular
elections as shown by his voting records. For this purpose, regular elections
DEACTIVATION OF VOTERS do not include the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections.

Deactivation is the removal of the registration record of a registered voter from (5) Any person whose registration has been ordered excluded by the court;
the corresponding precinct book of voters. and

Grounds for Deactivation: (6) Any person who has lost his Filipino citizenship.

The ERB shall deactivate the registration and remove the registration records For this purpose, the clerks of court of the Municipal/Municipal
from the corresponding precinct book of voters and place the same, properly Circuit/Metropolitan/Regional Trial Courts and the Sandiganbayan shall furnish
marked and dated in indelible ink, in the inactive file after entering the cause or the Election Officer of the city or municipality concerned at the end of each
causes of deactivation, of the following persons: month a certified list of person who are qualified under paragraph (a) hereof,
with their addresses. The Commission may request a certified list of persons
who have lost their Filipino Citizenship or declared as insane or incompetent (2) In the absence of information concerning the place where the deceased is
with their addresses from other government agencies. registered, the list shall be sent to the Election Officer of the city or
municipality of the deceased’s residence as appearing in his death certificate. In
The Election Officer shall post in the bulletin board of his office a certified list any case, the Local Civil Registrar shall furnish a copy of this list to the national
of those persons whose registration was deactivated and the reasons therefor, central file and the proper provincial file.
and furnish copies thereof to the local heads of political parties, the national
central file, the provincial file, and the voter concerned. [Sec. 27, RA 8189] (3) The Election Officer shall post in the bulletin board of his office a list of
those persons who died whose registrations were cancelled, and furnish copies
REACTIVATION OF REGISTRATION thereof to the local heads of the political parties, the national central file, and the
provincial file.
Reactivation is the restatement of a deactivated voter.
(1) Any voter whose registration has been deactivated may file with the
Election Officer a sworn application for reactivation of his registration in the Summary in character.
form of an affidavit stating that the grounds for the deactivation no longer
exist any time but not later than 120 days before a regular election and 90 (1) The factual findings of the trial court and its resultant conclusions in the
days before a special election. exclusion proceedings on matters other than the right to vote in the precinct
within its territorial jurisdiction are not conclusive upon the COMELEC.
(2) The Election Officer shall submit said application to the Election
Registration Board for appropriate action. (2) The court may pass upon any question necessary to decide the issue raised
including the questions of citizenship and residence of the challenged voter.
(3) In case the application is approved, the Election Officer shall retrieve the
registration record from the inactive file and include the same in the - the authority to order the inclusion or exclusion from the list of voters
corresponding precinct book of voters. Local heads or representatives of necessarily carries with it the power to inquire into and settle all matters
political parries shall be properly notified on approved applications. [Sec. 28, essential to the exercise of said authority
RA 8189]
(3) A decision in an exclusion or inclusion proceeding, even if final and
CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION unappealable, does not acquire the nature of res judicata, except for the right to
remain in the list of voters or for being excluded therefrom for the particular
(1) The Board shall cancel the registration records of those who have died as election in relation to which the proceedings had been held.
certified by the Local Civil Registrar who shall submit each month a certified
list of persons who died during the previous month to the Election Officer of the - the decision does not operate as a bar to any future action that a party
place where the deceased is registered. may take concerning the subject passed upon in the proceeding
- thus, the decision is neither conclusive on the voter’s political status, nor
bar subsequent proceedings on his right to be registered as a voter in any

(4) The decision of the trial court does not preclude the COMELEC, in the what Petition for Inclusion — a petition to
determination of a person’s qualification as a candidate, to pass upon the issue include his name in the permanent list
of compliance with the residency requirement. of voters in his precinct

- it is not within the competence of the trial court in an exclusion (a) The petition shall be supported by
proceedings, to declare the challenged voter a resident of another a certificate of disapproval of his
municipality application and proof of service of
notice of his petition upon the Board.
Jurisdiction in inclusion and exclusion cases
The petition shall be decided 15
(a) The Municipal and Metropolitan Trial Courts shall have original and days after filing.
exclusive jurisdiction over all cases of inclusion and exclusion of voters in their
respective cities or municipalities.* (b) The Board shall place the
application for registration previously
- their jurisdiction is limited only to determining the right of voter to remain disapproved in the corresponding
in the list of voters or to declare that the challenged voter is not qualified to book of voters and indicate in the
vote in the precinct in which he is registered, specifying the ground of the application for registration the date of
voter’s disqualification the order of inclusion and the court
which issued the same. [Sec. 37, RA
- the Regional Trial Court has no power to change or transfer from one place 8189]
of residence to another for it is the function of the Election Registration who may file any person:
Board (a) whose application for registration
has been disapproved by the Board; or
(b) Decisions of the Municipal or Metropolitan Trial Courts may be appealed by (b) whose name has been stricken out
the aggrieved party to the Regional Trial Court within five (5) days from receipt from the list
of notice thereof; otherwise, said decision shall become final and executory. when at any time except 105 days prior to a
regular election or 75 days prior to a
(c) The Regional Trial Court shall decide the appeal within 10 days from the special election
time it is received and the decision shall immediately become final and where court*
executory. No motion for reconsideration shall be entertained. [Sec. 33, RA 8189]
verify the list of the registered voters of
PETITION FOR EXCLUSION OF VOTERS FROM THE LIST any precinct by regular mail or house to
house canvass.
what Petition for Exclusion — a petition
for the exclusion of a voter from the The Commission may enlist the help of
permanent list of voters giving the representatives of political parties and
name, address and the precinct of the deputize non-government organizations
challenged voter (NGOs), civic organizations and
barangay officials to assist in the
verification and house to house canvass
(a) The petition shall be accompanied
of registered voters in every precinct.
by proof of notice to the Board and to
when at any time except 100 days prior to a
the challenged voter and shall be
regular election or 65 days before
decided within 10 days from its filing.
special election
(b) If the decision is for the exclusion where court*
of the voter from the list, the Board
shall, upon receipt of the final Common Rules Governing Judicial Proceedings In The Matter Of
decision, remove the voter’s Inclusion, Exclusion And Correction Of Names Of Voters
registration record from the
corresponding book of voters, enter (a) Petition for inclusion, exclusion or correction of names of voters shall
the order of exclusion therein, and be filed during office hours;
thereafter place the record in the
inactive file. [Sec. 35, RA 8189] (b) Notice of the place, date and time of the hearing of the petition shall
who may file a) any registered voter; be served upon the members of the Board and the challenged voter
b) representative of a political party; upon filing of the petition. Service of such notice may be made by
or sending a copy thereof by personal delivery, by leaving it in the
c) the Election Officer* possession of a person of sufficient discretion in the residence of the
challenged voter, or by registered mail. Should the foregoing procedures
*Verification of list of registered voters. not be practicable, the notice shall be posted in the bulletin board of the
city or municipal hall and in two (2) other conspicuous places within the
The Election Officer shall, in order to city or municipality;
preserve the integrity of the permanent
list of voters, file exclusion (c) A petition shall refer only to one (1) precinct and implead the Board
proceedings when necessary, and as respondents;
Trial Court a petition for an order
(d) No costs shall be assessed against any party in these proceedings. directing that his name be entered or
However, if the court should find that the application has been filed corrected in the list
solely to harass the adverse party and cause him to incur expenses, it
shall order the culpable party to pay the costs and incidental expenses; Application for Inclusion of His Record, or Reinstatement or Correction of
(e) Any voter, candidate or political party who may be affected by the [Sec. 38, RA 8189: Voters excluded through Inadvertence or Registered with an Erroneous or
proceedings may intervene and present his evidence; Misspelled Name]

(f) The decision shall be based on the evidence presented and in no who may file any registered voter
case rendered upon a stipulation of facts. If the question is whether or grounds a) whose registration record has not
not the voter is real or fictitious, his non-appearance on the day set for been included in the precinct book of
hearing shall be prima facie evidence that the challenged voter is voters; or
fictitious; and b) whose name has been omitted in the
list of voters; or
(g) The petition shall be heard and decided within ten (10) days from the c) who has been included therein with
date of its filing. Cases appealed to the Regional Trial Court shall be wrong or misspelled name
decided within ten (10) days from receipt of the appeal. In all cases, the where with the Election Registration Board
court shall decide these petitions not later than fifteen (15) days before remedy if the application is denied or [same]
the election and the decision shall become final and executory. not acted upon

Application for Reinstatement or Correction of Name NOTE: The citizenship of a person to be stricken from the list of voters may be
[Sec. 37, RA 8189: Voter excluded through inadvertence of Registered with an Erroneous or decided in the exclusion proceedings. Considering the summary character of an
Misspelled Name] exclusion case, the decision that a court may render thereon even if final and
unappealable does not acquire the nature of res judicata.
who may file any registered voter
grounds a) who has not been included in the LOCAL AND OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTING
precinct certified list of voters; or
b) who has been included therein with LOCAL ABSENTEE VOTING
a wrong or misspelled name
where with the Election Registration Board refers to a system of voting whereby government officials and employees,
remedy if the application is denied or the registered voter may file on any including members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and the
not acted upon date with the proper Municipal Philippine National Police (PNP) as well as members of the media, media
Circuit, Municipal or Metropolitan practitioners including their technical and support staff (media voters) who are
duly registered voters, are allowed to vote for national positions (i.e., (Government officials and employees who will be posted abroad to perform
President, Vice-President, Senators and Party-List Representatives) in places election duties on election day)
where they are not registered voters but where they are temporarily assigned to
perform election duties on election day, or in case of media voters, they will not a) they are registered voters under RA 8189 (The Voter Registration Act of
be able to vote due to the performance of their functions in covering and 1996)
reporting on the elections. b) they are not registered overseas absentee voters under RA 9189 (The
Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003)
Persons entitled to avail of local absentee voting
a. government officials and employees;
b. members of the AFP; Application applicants who will avail of the local
c. members of the PNP; and absentee voting shall file their duly
d. members of the media, media practitioners including their technical and accomplished Application Forms at
support staff who are actively engaged in the pursuit of information gathering the place and on the date prescribed by
and reporting or distribution, in any manners or form, including, but not limited the COMELEC
to: Voting a) local absentee voter shall vote on
1. Print Journalists; any day from the dates provided by
2. Television Journalists; the COMELEC from 8:00AM until
3. Photo Journalists; 5:00PM
4. Online Journalists;
5. Radio Journalists; b) the polling place shall likewise be
6. Documentary makers; designated by the COMELEC
7. Television/Radio Production;
c) only the positions of President,
Conditions Vice-President, Senators and Party-
List Representative shall be voted for
a) they are duly registered voters and whose registration records are not under the local absentee voting
deactivated; and
b) on election day, in case of government officials, members of the AFP and d) the Committee on Local Absentee
PNP, they are assigned temporarily to perform election duties in places where Voting (CLAV) shall supervise the
they are not registered voters; or in case of media voters, they will not be able to implementation of the local absentee
vote due to the performance of their functions in covering and reporting on the voting
conduct of elections
e) the CLAV may constitute as many
Special BEIs for local absentee voting They may vote as well as in all
as may be deemed necessary, to count national referenda and plebiscites.
the local absentee ballots
f) A Special Board of Canvassers
(SBOC) for local absentee voting shall  shall be done in person at any post abroad or at designated registration
be constituted centers outside the post or in the Philippines approved by the Commission
 the application for registration shall be acted upon by the Resident Election
Registration Board
System of Continuing Registration
Qualifications a) All citizens of the Philippines
abroad Registration shall commence not later than 6 months after the conduct of the
b) who are not otherwise disqualified last national elections.
by law
c) at least eighteen (18) years of age Change of Voting Venue
on the day of elections.
Disqualifications a) Those who have lost their Filipino An application for transfer of registration record must be filed by the overseas
citizenship; voter with the Office for Overseas Voting (OFOV) at least 180 days prior to the
b) Those who have expressly start of the overseas voting period, Provided:
renounced their Philippine citizenship
and who have pledged allegiance to a a) That those who would eventually vote in the Philippine should register within
foreign country; the time frame provided for local registration in the municipality, city or district
c) Those who have committed and are where they intend to vote;
convicted in a final judgment by a b) That those who have registered in the municipality, city or district where they
Philippine court or tribunal of an resided prior to their departure abroad need not register anew;
offense punishable by imprisonment c) That transferees shall notify the OFOV of their transfer back to the
of not less than one (1) year; and Philippines at least 180 days prior to the next national elections for purposes of
d) Any citizen of the Philippines cancelling their names from the Certified List of Overseas Voters (CLOV) and
abroad previously declared insane or of removing their overseas registration from the book of voters.
incompetent by competent authority.
Who may be voted for President, Vice-President, senators Deactivation of Registration Causes:
and Party-List Representatives a) Sentenced by final judgment by a
Philippine court or tribunal to suffer
imprisonment for not less than one (1) 3) whose conviction of a crime involving disloyalty to the duly constituted
year; government such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the firearms laws or
b) Insanity or incompetence; any crime against national security or for any other crime is on appeal
c) Failure to vote in two (2)
consecutive national elections; and Who are Entitled to Avail of Detainee Voting
d) Registration is ordered excluded by — any registered detainee whose registration record is not transferred,
the courts. deactivated, cancelled, or deleted
Reactivation of Registration Any overseas voter whose registration
has been deactivated may file with the
RERB at any time, but not later than Satellite Registration There shall be a satellite registration
120 days before the start if the of detainees in detention centers/jails.
overseas voting period, a sworn Reckoning Period of Age and Detainees who shall be 18 years of age
application for reactivation of Residence on the day of election and/or are
registration stating that the grounds for committed inside the detention centers
the deactivation no longer exist. for at least 6 months immediately
Cancellation of Registration Grounds: preceding the election day may be
a) Death registered as a voter.
b) Loss of Filipino citizenship
Detainees who are already registered
The RERB shall cancel the voters may apply for transfer of
registration records of those who have registration records as warranted by
died, as certified by either the posts or the circumstances.
by the local civil registrar, and those Date and Time of Detainee Voting shall take place on the same date as
who have been proven to have lost national and local elections is
their Filipino citizenship. conducted

DETAINEE VOTING Escorted Detainee Voters

Detainee refers to any person: Who may Avail

1) confined in jail, formally charged for any crime/s and awaiting or
undergoing trial; or a) Detainee voters who are residents/registered voters of municipalities or
2) serving a sentence of imprisonment for less than 1 year; or cities other than the town/city of detention; and
b) Detainee voters in detention centers/jails where no special polling places d. A registered voter
are established e. Resident of the Philippines for not less than 2 years immediately preceding
the day of the election
Member of the House of Representatives
a) That said detainee voters obtained court orders allowing them to vote in [Sec. 6, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution]
the polling place where they are registered;
b) That it is logistically feasible on the part of the jail/prison administration to a. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
escort the detainee voter to the polling place where he is registered; b. At least 25 years of age on the day of the election
c) That reasonable measures shall be undertaken by the jail/prison c. Able to read and write
administration to secure the safety of detainee voters, prevent their escape d. A registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected, except the
and ensure public safety. party-list representatives
e. Resident of said district for a period of not less than 1 year immediately
Candidacy preceding the day of the election

Qualifications and Disqualification of Candidates Elective Local Officials

[Sec. 39, Local Government Code]
a. Citizen of the Philippines
President and Vice-President b. A registered voter in the Barangay, municipality, city, or province or, in the
[Sec. 2 and 3, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution] case of a member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod,
or Sangguniang Bayan, the district where he intends to be elected
a. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines c. A resident therein for at least 1 year immediately preceding the day of the
b. A registered voter election;
c. Able to read and write d. Able to read and write Filipino or any other local language or dialect
d. At least 40 years of age on the day of the election e. Age:
e. Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding such i. governor, vice-governor or member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, or
election Mayor, vice-mayor or member of the Sangguniang Panlungsod of highly
urbanized cities must be at least 23 years of age on election day;
Senator ii. mayor or vice-mayor of independent component cities, component cities,
[Sec. 3, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution] municipalities must be at least 21 years of age in election day
a. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines iii. member of Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan must be at
b. At least 35 years of age on the day of the election least 18 years of age on election day
c. Able to read and write iv. Punong Barangay or member of the Sangguniang Barangay must be at
least 18 years of age on election day [Sec. 40, Local Government Code]
v. Sangguniang Kabataan must be at least 15 years of age but not more than
21 years of age on election day (a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude
or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of imprisonment, within
two (2) years after serving sentence;
DISQUALIFICATION OF CANDIDATES (b) Those removed from office as a result of an administrative case;
(c) Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance to the
a) Declared by competent authority as insane or incompetent; (d) Those with dual citizenship;
b) Sentenced by final judgment for subversion, insurrection, rebellion or for any (e) Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical cases here or abroad;
offense for which he has been sentence to a penalty of more than 18 months or (f) Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have acquired the
for a crime involving moral turpitude, unless he has been given the plenary right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right after the effectivity
pardon or granted amnesty; [Sec. 12, BP Blg. 881] of this Code; and
(g) The insane or feeble-minded.

a) Any candidate who, in an action or protest in which he is a party is declared

by final decision of a competent court guilty of, or found by the Commission of Filing of Certificates of Candidacy
having (a) given money or other material consideration to influence, induce or
corrupt the voters or public officials performing electoral functions; (b) a) Effect of Filing
committed acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy; (c) spent in his election
campaign an amount in excess of that allowed by this Code; (d) solicited, b) Substitution and Withdrawal of Candidates
received or made any contribution prohibited under Sections 89, 95, 96, 97 and
104; or (e) violated any of Sections 80, 83, 85, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v, c) Nuisance Candidates
and cc, subparagraph 6, shall be disqualified from continuing as a candidate, or
if he has been elected, from holding the office. d) Duties of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)

b) Any person who is a permanent resident of or an immigrant to a foreign Campaign

country shall not be qualified to run for any elective office under this Code,
unless said person has waived his status as permanent resident or immigrant of a 1. Premature Campaigning
foreign country in accordance with the residence requirement provided for in
the election laws. [Sec. 68, B.P. Blg. 881] Prohibited Contributions

No contribution for purposes of partisan political activity shall be made directly

Local Elective Officials or indirectly by any of the following:
Limitations on Expenses
(1) Public or private financial institutions. However, they are not
prohibited from making any loan to a candidate or political party if they are 5. Statement of Contributions and Expenses
legally in the business of lending money, and that the loan is made in
accordance with laws and regulations and in the ordinary course of business; Remedies and Jurisdiction

(2) Natural and juridical persons operating a public utility or in 1. Petition to Deny Due Course or Cancel a Certificate of Candidacy
possession of or exploiting any natural resources of the nation;
2. Petition for Disqualification
(3) Natural or juridical persons who hold contracts or subcontracts to
supply the government or any of its divisions, subdivisions or 3. Failure of Election, Call for Special Election
instrumentalities, with goods and services or to perform construction or
other works; 4. Pre-Proclamation Controversy

(4) Natural and juridical persons who have been granted franchises, 5. Election Protest
incentives, exemptions, allocations or similar privileges or concessions by
the government or any of its divisions, subdivisions or instrumentalities, 6. Quo Warranto
including GOCCs;
(5) Natural and juridical persons who, within one (1) year prior to the
date of the election, have been granted loans in excess of P25,000 by the b) Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET)
government or any of its divisions, subdivisions or instrumentalities
including GOCCs; c) House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET)

(6) Educational institutions which have received grants of public funds 7. Recall
amounting to no less than P100,000;
Prosecution of Election Offenses
(7) Officials or employees in the Civil Service, or members of the Armed [Exclude: Penal Provisions]
Forces of the Philippines; and

(8) Foreigners and foreign corporations.

Lawful and Prohibited Election Propaganda

stock corporation [MIAA v. CA, G.R. No. 155650]
A. Public Corporations - a GI, which is operationally autonomous, remains part of the National
Government machinery although not integrated with the department
1. Concept; Distinguished from Government-Owned or Controlled framework
Public and Private Corporations, distinguished
Public Corporations
— is one created by the state either by general or special act for purposes of Public Corporations Private Corporations
administration of local government or rendering service in the public interest established for purposes connected created for private aim, gain or
with the administration of civil or benefits of its members
— it is one formed or organized for the government of portion of a state; it is local governments
created by the state as its own agency for the accomplishment of parts of its creations of the state either by general created by the will of the incorporators
own public works or special act with the recognizance of the state
involuntary consequence of the constitute a voluntary agreement by
GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR CONTROLLED CORPORATION legislation and among its members
(GOCC) — vested by law with a legal personality separate and distinct from
those acting for and in its behalf and, in general, from the people comprising it. 2. Classifications
[MIAA v. CA, G.R. No. 155650]
a) QUASI-CORPORATIONS — created as agencies of the state for narrow
GOCCs must be organized either as a stock or non-stock corporation. and limited purposes without the powers and liabilities of self-governing
To qualify as a GOCC, a corporation must also, if not more importantly, be - they render public service or supply public wants
owned by the government. [Funa vs. MECO, G.R. No. 193462]
b) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS — a body politic and corporate
examples: GOCCs incorporated under the Corporation Code, subsidiaries of
constituted by the incorporation of the inhabitants for purposes of local
GOCCs, Government Financial Institutions (GFI), Water Districts,
government thereof
government-acquired asset corporation [MIAA v. CA, G.R. No. 155650]
- it is established by law partly as an agency of the state to assist in
the civil government of the country, but chiefly to regulate and administer
the local or internal affairs of the city, town or district which is
1) its organization as stock or non-stock corporation;
2) the public character of its function;
3) government ownership over the same
- quasi-municipal corporations are created by the local
- acts as agents of the community and people in the exercise of proprietary or
N.B. Municipal corporation and local governments are one and the private powers
same entity.
examples: a) establishment of markets and slaughter houses; b) operation of
(1) Elements telephone system; and c) operation of ferry service, etc.

a) A legal creation or incorporation; Proprietary powers are exercised for the special benefit and advantage of the
b) A corporate name by which the artificial personality or legal entity is community and include those which are ministerial, private and corporate.
known and in which all corporate acts are done; [Mun. of San Fernando, La Union v. Firme, G.R. No. L-52179]
c) Inhabitants constituting the population who are invested with the political
and corporate power which are executed through duly constituted officers NOTE: A municipal corporation (local government) is merely an agency
and agents; instituted by the State for the purpose of carrying out in detail the objects of the
d) A place or territory within which the Local Civil Government and government. It is essentially a revocable agency. It has no vested powers or
corporate functions are exercised. franchises. It is subject to the control of the legislative. [Coyle v. Gray, 30
Atlantic 728]
LOCAL GOVERNMENT refers to a political subdivision of a nation or state
which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs. Other Classification of Local Government Powers

Character of Local Governments: express those granted in express words

implied those necessarily or fairly implied in
1) public or governmental — it acts as an agent of the state for the government or incident to the powers expressly
of the territory and the inhabitants within the local government limits granted
inherent those essential to the declared objects
examples: a) establishment and operation of schools; b) adoption of and purposes of the corporation not
regulations against fire and diseases; and c) preservation of the public peace, simply convenient but indispensable
etc. such as:

Governmental powers are those exercised in administering the powers of the a) to have perpetual succession;
state and promoting the public welfare and they include the legislative, judicial, b) to sue and be sued;
public and political. c) to purchase, hold and sell property
for the benefit of the municipal
2) private — it acts in a similar category as a business corporation, performing corporation;
functions not strictly governmental or political; in its governmental character, it d) to have a common seal;
exercises by delegation a part of the sovereignty of the state e) to make by-laws and ordinances for
the government of the municipality (3) Requisites for Creation, Conversion, Division, Merger or Dissolution
legislative ordinance to make laws
executive ordinance to execute laws Creation of Local Government Units
intramural those exercised within the corporate
limits of municipal corporation A local government unit is deemed created on the day the charter takes effect.
extramural those exercised without, like those
given for the protection of water It is deemed incorporated on the day the charter is approved by a majority of
supply, prevention of nuisance and the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political units directly affected.
also for police forces
governmental administer the powers of the state and Only Congress and, by authority of law, local legislative councils, can create
promoting the public welfare within it specific local governments.
- creation is a legislative act
a) power of eminent domain; - the enabling law is referred to as the charter of the LGU
b) power of taxation;
c) promote public education;  The President or the Executive Branch of Government has no power to
d) maintain a fire department or police create local governments.
force  Congress can provide for the incorporation of Autonomous Regions
municipal those for the special benefit and identified under the 1987 Constitution. It has no power to create other
advantage of the urban community Autonomous Regions other than in Muslim Mindanao and Cordilleras.
 Congress can create provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays subject
a) erection of waterworks, gas works, to the criteria specified under the 1991 Local Government Code [Sec. 10,
power electric plants, from which Art. X, 1987 Constitution] and special laws such as RA 9009 which
profits may be derived by the pertains to the conversion of municipalities to competent cities.
mandatory those the exercise of which can be Requisites for Creation of Local Governments
required of municipal corporations
discretionary those which it may perform or not, Requirement Province City Municipality Barangay
depending upon its judgment and Income 20 million 20 million 2.5 million -
discretion (CC)
50 million
(2) Nature and Functions 100 million
(M to CC)
Population 250,000 150,000 (CC) 25,000 2,000
200,000 5,000 Metro of government power and in the process to make local governments more
(HUC) Manila responsive and accountable, and ensure their fullest development as self-
Land Area 2,000 km² 100 km² 50 km² Contiguous reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the pursuit of
national development and social progress [Limbona v. Mangelin, G.R. No. 80391]
Decentralization of Power — involves an abdication of political power in
A plebiscite is required when a municipality is converted into an independent favor of local government units declared to be autonomous. The autonomous
component city and when the latter is later converted to a component city as government is free to chart its own destiny and shape its future with
there was an “upgrade” and “downgrade” particularly insofar as taxes and minimum intervention from central authorities
supervision are concerned.
C. Autonomous Regions and Their Relation to the National Government
A. Principles of Local Autonomy
Autonomous Regions consist of provinces, cities, municipalities, and
“It is hereby declared the policy of the State that the territorial and political geographical areas which share common and distinctive historical and cultural
subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy to heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics. [Sec.
enable them to attain their fullest development as self-reliant communities and 15, Art. X, 1987 Constitution]
make them more effective partners in the attainment of national goals. Toward - under the general supervision of the President
this end, the State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby Legislative Powers of Autonomous Regions
[Sec. 20, Art. X, 1987 Constitution]
local government units shall be given more powers, authority, responsibilities,
and resources. The process of decentralization shall proceed from the national
government to the local government units.” [Section 2(a), LGC] 1) Administrative organization;
2) Creation of sources of revenues;
Local autonomy, which is protected by the Constitution, is intended to proved 3) Ancestral domain and natural resources;
the needed impetus and encouragement to the development of local political 4) Personal, family, and property relations;
subdivisions as “self-reliant communities”. This objective could be blunted by 5) Regional urban and rural planning development;
undue interference by the national government in purely local affairs which are 6) Economic, social, and tourism development;
best resolved by the officials and inhabitants of such political units. [Belgica v. 7) Educational policies;
Ochoa, G.R. No. 208566] 8) Preservation and development of the cultural heritage; and
9) Such other matters as may be authorized by law for the promotion of the
Local autonomy is either: general welfare of the people of the region.

Decentralization of Administration — when the central government delegates Relation to the National Government
administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to broaden the base
Regional peace and order, and defense and security shall be the responsibility of a) Police Power — the plenary power vested in the legislature to make statutes
the local police agencies and the National Government respectively. [Sec. 21, and ordinances to promote the health, morals, peace, education, good order or
Art. X, 1987 Constitution] safety and general welfare of the people

Whatever power or authority is not vested on the autonomous regions remains “Every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those
with the National Government. [Sec. 17, Art. X, 1987 Constitution] Residual necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or
regional powers lie with the National Government. incidental for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are
essential to the promotion of the general welfare. xxx” [Section 16, LGC]
D. Local Government Unit (LGU) - police power of local government units is a statutory delegated power
- The general welfare clause is the delegation in statutory form of the police
Types [Sec. 1, Art. X, 1987 Constitution] power of the State to local governments. [Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
Operations Association, Inc. v. Mayor of Manila, G.R. No. L-24693]
(1) Autonomous Regions
- there shall be autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras Requisites:
1) the interests of the public generally, as distinguished from those of a
(2) Provinces particular class, require the interference of the State; and [refers to the equal
protection clause]
(3) Cities 2) the means employed are reasonably necessary for the attainment of the
a. highly-urbanized cities object sought to be accomplished and are not unduly oppressive upon
b. independent cities individuals [refers to the due process clause]
c. component cities
b) Eminent Domain
Cities that are highly urbanized, as determined by law, and component cities
whose charters prohibit their voters from voting for provincial elective c) Taxing Power
officials, shall be independent of the province. The voters of component
cities within a province, whose charters contain no such prohibition, shall not d) Closure and Opening of Roads
be deprived of their right to vote for elective provincial officials.
e) Legislative Power
(4) Municipalities
(1) Requisites of Valid Ordinance
(5) Barangays
(2) Local Initiative and Referendum
1. Powers
f) Corporate Powers
g) Ultra Vires Acts

2. Liability of LGUs

3. Settlement of Boundary Disputes

4. Vacancies and Succession of Local Officials

5. Recall

6. Term Limits

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