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TAXATION LAW Theory and receive taxes on the reciprocal duties of support

and protection
the citizen supports the State by paying the portion
TAXATION from his property that is demanded in order that he
may, by means thereof, be secured in the enjoyment
— the power by which the sovereign raises revenue to defray the necessary of the benefits of an organized society
expenses of government
 a method of apportioning the cost of government among those who in Thus, the taxpayer cannot question the validity of
some measure are privileged to enjoy its benefits and must, therefore, the tax law on the ground that payment of such tax
bear its burdens will render him impoverished, or lessen his financial
 as a power, it refers to the inherent power of the state to demand or social standing, because the obligation to pay
enforced contributions for public purpose or purposes taxes is involuntary and compulsory, in exchange for
the protection and benefits one receives from the
The power of taxation is essential because the government can neither exist government.
nor endure without taxation.
N.B. This theory spawned the Doctrine of Symbiotic

Necessity Theory taxation is a power predicated upon necessity [Phil. Doctrine of Symbiotic Relationship
Guaranty C., Inc. v. CIR, 13 SCRA 775]
“Taxes are what we pay for civilized society. Without taxes, the government
it is a necessary burden to preserve the State’s would be paralyzed for lack of motive power to activate and operate it. Hence,
sovereignty and a means to give the citizenry an despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of one’s hard-earned income
army to resist aggression, a navy to defend its shores to the taxing authorities, every person who is able to must contribute his share
from invasion, a corps of civil servants to serve, in the burden of running the government. The government, for its part, is
public improvements for the enjoyment of the expected to respond in the form of tangible and intangible benefits intended to
citizenry, and those which come within the State’s improve the lives of the people and enhance their moral and material values.
territory and facilities and protection which a This symbiotic relationship is the rationale of taxation and should dispel the
government is supposed to provide erroneous notion that it is an arbitrary method of exaction by those in the seat
of power.” [CIR v. Algue, Inc., G.R. No. L-28896]
Benefits-Protection this theory bases the power of the State to demand

 Taxes are personal to the taxpayer. (1) Inherent in sovereignty

- the power to tax is an attribute of sovereignty and is a power of
 A tax creates civil liability on the part of the delinquent taxpayer although emanating from necessity
the non-payment thereof, due to failure or refusal to pay) creates a - it is a necessary burden to preserve the State’s sovereignty
criminal liability. To sum, in taxation, it is one’s failure to comply with the
civil liability to pay taxes which gives rise to the criminal liability. [Republic The power of taxation is an essential and inherent attribute of
v. Patanao, G.R. No. L-22356] sovereignty, belonging as a matter of right to every independent
government, without being expressly conferred by the people. [Pepsi-Cola
TAXES Bottling Company of the Philippines v. Mun. of Tanauan, Leyte, G.R. No. L-31166]

— enforced proportional contributions from persons and property levied by However, the taxing power of provinces, cities, municipalities and
the law-making body of the State by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of barangays is not clothed with inherent power of taxation unlike a
the government and all public needs. sovereign state. And the power, when granted, is to be construed in
strictissimi juris. [Pelizloy Realty Corp. v. Province of Benguet, G.R. No. 183137]
Essential Characteristics of Tax
(2) Essentially a legislative function
(1) It is an enforced contribution for its imposition is in no way dependent - the power to tax is peculiarly and exclusively legislative and cannot be
upon the will or assent of the person taxed; exercised by the executive or judicial branch of the government
(2) It is generally payable in the form of money, although the law may provide - hence, only Congress, our national legislative body, can impose taxes;
payment in kind; the levy of a tax, however, may also be made by a local legislative body
(3) It is proportionate in character or is laid by some rule of apportionment subject to such limitations as may be provided by law
which is usually based on ability to pay;
(4) It is levied on persons, property, rights, acts, privileges, or transactions; This means that in the legislature primarily lies the discretion to
(5) It is levied by the State which has jurisdiction or control over the subject to determine the nature (kind), object (purpose), extent (rate), coverage
be taxed; (subjects) and situs (place) of taxation. The legislature wields the power to
(6) It is levied by the law-making body of the State. The power to tax is a define what tax shall be imposed, against whom (or what) it shall be
legislative power but is also granted to local governments, subject to such imposed, how much tax shall be imposed. [Chamber of Real Estate and
guidelines and limitations as law may provide [Sec. 5, Art. X, Constitution]; and Builders’ Association, Inc. v. Romulo, G.R. No. 160756]
(7) It is levied for public purpose.
(3) Subject to constitutional and inherent limitations
- these limitations are those provided in the fundamental law or implied
therefrom, while the rest spring from the nature of the taxing power itself Promotion of general welfare taxing power may be used as an implement
although they may or may not be provided in the Constitution of police power [Gerochi v. DOE, G.R. No.
CHARACTERISTICS OF TAXING POWER Regulation taxes may be levied with a regulatory
purpose to provide means for the
COMPREHENSIVE it covers persons, businesses, activities, professions, rehabilitation and stabilization of a
rights, and privileges threatened industry which is affected with
UNLIMITED the power to tax is one so unlimited in force and so public interest as to be within the police
searching in extent that the courts scarcely venture to power of the state [Caltex Philippines, Inc. v.
declare that it is subject to any restriction whatever, COA, G.R. No. 92585]
except such as rest in the discretion of the authority Reduction of social inequality this is made possible through the
which exercises it [Tio v. Videogram Regulatory Board, G.R. progressive system of taxation where the
No. 75697] objective is to prevent the undue
PLENARY as it is complete; under the NIRC, the BIR may avail of concentration of wealth in the hands of a
certain remedies to ensure the collection of taxes few individuals
SUPREME it is supreme insofar as the selection of the subject of
taxation is concerned since it has been repeatedly held Progressivity is based on the principle that
that inequities which result from a singling out of one those who are able to pay should shoulder
particular class for taxation or exemption infringe no bigger portion of the tax burden. This is also
constitutional limitation known as compensatory purpose.
Encourage economic growth in the realm of tax exemptions and tax
PURPOSES OF TAXATION reliefs, the purpose is to grant incentives or
exemptions in order to encourage
A. Primary purpose: REVENUE-RAISING investments and thereby promote the
— to raise funds or property to enable the State to promote the general country’s economic growth
welfare and protection of its citizens Protectionism in case of foreign importations, protective
tariffs and customs are imposed for the
A tax is imposed under the taxing power of the government principally for protection of local industries
the purpose of raising revenues to fund public expenditures.
B. Secondary purpose: NON-REVENUE or SUMPTUARY
Fiscal Adequacy — sources of revenues must be adequate to meet Authority may be exercised may be exercised 1) may be exercised
government expenditures, and other public needs; in consonance with the (who only by the only by the by the government
doctrine that taxes are the lifeblood of the government exercises the government; or its government; or its or its political
power) political political subdivisions; or
Theoretical Justice — a sound tax system must take into consideration the subdivisions subdivisions 2) may be granted
taxpayers’ ability to pay to public service
- taxes must be reasonable, just, fair, and conscionable companies or public
- the rule of taxation must be uniform an equitable [Art. VI, Sec. 28(1), 1987 utilities
Constitution] Purpose the property the use of the to facilitate the
- the state must evolve a progressive system of taxation (generally in the property is taking of private
form of money) is “regulated” for the property for public
taken for the purpose of use
Administrative Feasibility — tax laws must be capable of effective and
support of the promoting the
efficient enforcement; they must no obstruct business growth and economic
government general welfare; it
is not compensable
Persons operates upon a operates upon a operates on an
Affected community, or community, or class individual as the
class of individuals of individuals owner of a particular
Effect the money there is no transfer there is transfer of
POWER OF TAXATION AS DISTINGUISHED FROM POLICE POWER AND contributed of title; at most, the right to property
EMINENT DOMAIN becomes part of there is restraint on
the public funds the injurious use of
Power of Police Power Power of Eminent property
Taxation Domain Necessity of the power to make can be expressly can be expressly
Concept power to enforce power to make and power to take Delegation tax laws cannot be delegated to the delegated to the
contribution to implement laws for private property for delegated local government local government
raise government the general welfare public use with just units by the law units by the law
funds compensation making body making body
Scope plenary, broader in merely a power to Benefits protection and indirect benefits market value of the
comprehensive application; general take private Received benefits he - the persons property
and supreme power to make and property for public receives affected receives - he receives the
implement laws use - the enjoyment of indirect benefits as market value of the
the privileges of may arise from the property taken from a. PUBLIC PURPOSE
living in an maintenance of a him
organized society, healthy economic The power to tax exists for the general welfare; hence, implicit in its power is
established and standard of society the limitation that it should be used only for public purpose.
safeguarded by the
devotion of taxes Public purpose does not only pertain to those purposes which are traditionally
to public purpose viewed as essentially government functions, such as building roads and
Amount of generally, there is amount imposed no amount imposed delivery of basic services, but also include those purposes designed to promote
imposition no limit on the should just be but rather the social justice.
amount of tax that commensurate to owner is paid the
may be imposed cover the cost of market value of
 The power to determine whether the purpose of taxation is public or
regulation, issuance property taken
private resides in the Congress. However, this will not prevent the court from
of a license or
questioning the propriety of such a statute on the ground that the law enacted
is not for a public purpose; but once it is settled that the law is for a public
Relationship subject to inherent relatively free from bounded by public
to and constitutional constitutional purpose and just purpose, the court may no longer inquire into the wisdom, expediency or
Constitution limitations; inferior limitations; compensation; necessity of such tax measure.
to non-impairment superior to non- inferior to the
clause impairment clause impairment N.B. It is the purpose which determines the public character of the tax laws,
prohibition; not the number of persons benefited. As long as the ultimate result favors the
government cannot welfare of the public in general, the appropriation of a public revenue is
expropriate private deemed done for a public purpose.
property, which
under a contract had b. INHERENTLY LEGISLATIVE
previously bound
itself to purchase GR: The power to tax is exclusively vested in the legislative body.
from the other - it cannot be delegated
contracting party - this contemplates the power to determine kind, object, extent, amount,
coverage, and situs of tax
INHERENT LIMITATIONS Delegation to local government.
- in line with the principle that the power to create municipal — “states are juridically equal, enjoy the same rights, and have equal
corporations for purposes of self-government carries with it the power capacity in their exercise. The right of each one do not depend upon the
to confer the power to tax on such local governments power which it possesses to assure its exercise, but upon the single fact of
its existence as a person under international law.” [A provision from the
Delegation to the President. Montevideo Convention of 1993]
- The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to impose tariff
rates, import and export quotas, etc., subject to the limitations and This principle, in turn, finds its roots in the rule of ‘par in parem non habet
guidelines as the Congress may impose, consistent with the national imperium’, where even the strongest state cannot assume jurisdiction over
development program of the government. [Sec. 28 (2), Art. VI, 1987 another state no mater how weak, or question the validity of its acts in so far
Constitution] as they are made to take effect within its own territory.

N.B. For a valid delegation of power, the law delegating the power: N.B. A state must recognize the generally-accepted tents of international law
1) must be complete in itself; it must set forth the policy to be executed by that limits the authority of a government to effectively impose taxes in a
the delegate; sovereign state and its instrumentalities.
2) must fix a standard, limits of which are sufficiently determinate or
determinable to which the delegate must conform e. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND
The Constitution is silent on whether Congress is prohibited from taxing the
GR: The power to tax is limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the taxing state. properties of the agencies of the government. However, Chief Justice Hilario G.
It is the place or authority that has the right to impose and collect taxes. [CIR v. Davide, Jr. has stated that “nothing can prevent the Congress from decreeing
Marubeni, G.R. No. 137377] that even instrumentalities or agencies of the government performing
governmental functions may be subject to tax.” [MCIAA v. Marcos, 261 SCRA 667]
XPN: Where privity of relationship exists, the State can exercise its taxing
powers over its citizens outside its territory. Rules:

d. INTERNATIONAL COMITY  agencies performing governmental functions are tax-exempt unless

expressly taxed
Basis: Sec. 2, Art. II, 1987 Constitution
 agencies performing proprietary functions are subject to tax unless
Principle of Sovereign Equality Among States expressly exempted
GOCCs perform proprietary functions; hence, they are subject to taxation. taxed at the same rate all the persons and property subject
to it, so that no higher rate or greater
XPN: Certain corporations have been granted exemption under Sec. 27(c) of - a tax is uniform when it operates levy in proportion to value is imposed
RA 8424 as amended by RA 9337, to wit: with the same form and effect in upon one person or species or
1) Government System Insurance System (GSIS); every place where the subject of it property than upon others similarly
2) Social Security System (SSS); is found situated or of like character
3) Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC);
4) Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) it requires that all taxable property
shall be alike subjected to the tax, and
Instrumentalities of the National Government is exempt from local taxation. this requirement is violated if
[MIAA v. CA, 495 SCRA 591] particular kinds, species or items of
property are selected to bear the
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS whole burden of the tax, while others,
which should be equally subject to it,
Persons Directly Affecting Taxation are left untaxed


Sec. 20, Art. III, 1987 Constitution: “No person shall be imprisoned for debt or The imposition of a single tax upon all persons, properties or transaction would
non-payment of a poll tax.” result in inequality.

While a person may not be imprisoned for non-payment of poll tax, he may be It was held that “a system which imposes the same taxation upon every
imprisoned for non-payment of other kinds of taxes where the law expressly so species of property, irrespective of its nature or condition or class” is well said
provides. to be “destructive of the principle of uniformity and equality of taxation, and of
a just adaptation of property to its burdens”.
— Sec. 28(1), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution: “The rule of taxation shall be uniform Taxation is equitable when the tax burden falls on those better able to pay.
and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive system of taxation.”
Uniformity in taxation Equality in taxation — Sec. 28(1), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution: “The rule of taxation shall be uniform
means that all taxable articles or kinds accomplished when the burden of the and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive system of taxation.”
of property of the same class shall be tax falls equally and impartially upon
Taxation is progressive when its rate goes up depending on the resources of - Both Houses of Congress may initiate bills, but only the Lower House
the person affected. may propose tax measures.

- The Constitution does not prohibit the imposition of regressive taxes. Appropriation bills — one whose purpose is to set apart a certain sum from the
pubic revenue for a specified purpose
- The provision should be construed to mean that “direct taxes are to be
preferred and indirect taxes, as much as possible, should be minimized.” Revenue bills
[Abakada Guro Partylist v. Ermita, G.R. No. 168056]
Tariff bills
- Indeed, the mandate to Congress is not to prescribe, but to evolve
progressive tax system. This is a mere directive upon Congress, not a Tolentino vs. Secretary of Finance (Aug. 25, 1994)
justiciable right or a legally enforceable one. We cannot avoid regressive         In the bicameral conference, the final draft of the EVAT Law was totally
taxes but only minimize. [Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, et. al.] different from the Senate and the House of Representatives.  So, it was
challenged that it did not originate from the House of Representatives.  Is that
— Sec. 24, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution         A bill originating in the House may undergo such extensive changes in
the Senate that the result may be a rewriting of the whole.  As a result of the
Shall originate exclusively in the House of Representative: Senate action, a distinct bill may be produced. To insist that a revenue statute
i. all appropriation, revenue or tariff bills authorizing increase of the public — and not only the bill which initiated the legislative process culminating in the
debt; enactment of the law — must substantially be the same as the House bill would
ii. bills of local application; and be to deny the Senate's power not only to "concur with amendments" but also
iii. private bills to "propose amendments." It would be to violate the co-equality of legislative
power of the two houses of Congress and in fact make the House superior to
- Based on the theory that, elected as they are from the districts, the the Senate. The revenue bills in question actually originated from the House of
members of the House can be expected to be more sensitive to the local Representatives and were amended by the Senate only after they were
needs and problems. On the other hand, the senators, who are elected at transmitted to it. Perhaps, if the factual circumstances in those cases were
large, are expected to approach the same problems from the national exactly the same as the ones at bench, then the subject revenue or tariff bill
perspective. Both views are thereby made to bear on the enactment of may be upheld in this jurisdiction on the PRINCIPLE OF SUBSTANTIAL
such laws. [Abakada Guro Partylist v. Ermita, G.R. No. 168056] COMPLIANCE, as they were in the United States, except possibly in instances
where the House bill undergoes what is now referred to as "AMENDMENT BY
SUBSTITUTION," for that would be in derogation of our Constitution which
vests solely in the House of Representatives the power to initiate revenue bills. authority;
A Senate amendment by substitution simply means that the bill in question did
not in effect originate from the lower chamber but from the upper chamber (4) The assessment and collection should be in consonance with the due
and not disguises itself as a mere amendment of the House version. process clause; and
        While Art. VI, §24 provides that all appropriation, revenue or tariff bills,
bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and (5) The tax must not infringe on the inherent and constitutional limitations of
private bills must "originate exclusively in the House of Representatives," it the power of taxation.
also adds, "but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments." In the
exercise of this power, the Senate may propose an entirely new bill as a
ABAKADA vs. ERMITA (469 SCRA 1) Tax and Special Assessment

        The rulings here (as to the RVAT law) are the same as those held in Tax Special Assessment
Tolentino vs. Secretary of Finance, with regard to VAT law, which is in The imposition of a charge on all A special assessment is in the nature
connection with the constitutional requirement that revenue measures should property, real and personal, in a of a tax upon property levied
originate in the House.  Even if the final bill is totally different from the House prescribed area, is a tax, not an according to benefits conferred on
bill, the fact that there is a similar bill initiated by the House, that satisfies a assessment, although the purpose is the property.
substantial compliance of that constitutional requirement that revenue to make a local improvement on a - it is based on the doctrine that
measures should emanate or originate from the House. street or highway. A charge imposed the property against which it is
only on property owners benefited is levied derives some special benefit
a special assessment rather than a from the improvement
a) it can be levied only on land;
b) it cannot, as a rule, be made a
REQUISITES OF A VALID TAX personal liability of the person
(1) The tax must be for a public purpose; c) it is based wholly on benefits;
(2) The rule of taxation should be uniform; d) it is exception both as to time
and locality
(3) The person or property taxed is within the jurisdiction of the taxing
Tax and License A tax is not a debt because it does not depend upon the consent of the
taxpayer and there is no express or implied contract to pay taxes.
Tax License
i. levied in the exercise of the taxing i. emanate from the police power of Tax Debt
power; the state; i. based on law i. based on contract
ii. if its primary purpose is to generate ii. imposed for regulatory purposes; ii. taxpayer may be imprisoned fro his ii. no imprisonment for failure to pay
revenue, and regulation is merely failure to pay the tax [XPN: poll tax] debt
incidental; the amount of exaction or charge iii. generally payable in money iii. payable in money, property or
iii. if regulation is the primary must only be of sufficient amount to iv. not assignable industry
purpose, the fact that incidental include expenses of issuing a license; v. does not draw interest unless iv. assignable
revenue is also obtained does not cost of necessary inspection or police delinquent v. draws interest if stipulated or
make the imposition a tax surveillance vi. imposed by public authority delayed
vii. prescription is determined by NIRC vi. imposed by private individuals
vii. prescription is determined by the
Tax and Toll Civil Code

Tax Toll
a demand of sovereignty for the a demand of proprietorship, an KINDS OF TAXES
purpose of raising public revenues amount charged for the cost and
maintenance of the property used DIRECT TAX a tax for which a taxpayer is directly liable on the
transaction or business it engages in
Tax and Penalty
those that are exacted from the very person who, it
Tax Penalty is intended or desired, should pay them
Tax is a civil liability. A person is a punishment for the commission of a
criminally liable in taxation only when crime INDIRECT TAX a tax primarily paid by persons who can shift the
he fails to satisfy his civil obligation to burden upon someone else
pay taxes
those that are demanded, in the first instance, from,
Tax and Debt or are paid by, one person in the expectation and
intention that he can shift the burden to someone
GENERAL TAX a tax imposed solely to raise revenue for the
taxes wherein the liability for the payment of the government [e.g., income tax, donor’s tax, estate tax and
tax falls on one person but the burden thereof can value-added tax]
be shifted or passed on to another person
SPECIAL TAX a tax imposed and collected to achieve a particular
N.B. legitimate object of government [e.g., oil price
- when the seller passes on the tax to his buyer, he, stabilization fund]
in effect, shifts the tax burden, not the liability to
pay it, to the purchaser as part of the price of goods NATIONAL TAX a tax imposed by the national government [e.g.,
revenue taxes under the NIRC and custom duties]
sold or services rendered
- the liability for the payment of indirect taxes lies
a tax levied and collected by the local government
only with the seller of the goods or services, not in
LOCAL TAX [e.g., real property tax and business tax]
the buyer thereof
PERSONAL TAX is of fixed amount imposed on individuals, whether
CIR v. PLDT Co., 478 SCRA 62:
citizens or not, residing within a specified territory,
“Thus, one cannot invoke one’s exemption privilege to avoid without regard to their property or occupation [e.g.,
the passing on or the shifting of the VAT to him by the community tax]
manufacturers/suppliers of the goods he purchased. Hence,
it is important to determine if the tax exemption granted to a PROPERTY TAX a tax imposed on property, real or personal, in
taxpayer specifically includes the indirect tax which is shifted proportion to its value [e.g. real estate tax]
to him as part of the purchase price, otherwise it is
presumed that the tax exemption embraces only those taxes
for which the buyer is directly liable.” PROGRESSIVE TAX one whereby the rate increases as the tax base
(amount) increases [e.g., income tax, estate and donor’s
SPECIFIC TAX a tax imposed and is based on weight or volume
capacity or any other unit of measurement [e.g.,
excise taxes on distilled spirits, tobacco products and REGRESSIVE TAX one where the tax rate decreases as the tax base
petroleum products] increases [value-added tax is a form of regressive tax
(Tolentino, et al. v. Secretary of Finance)]

AD VALROREM TAX a tax that is based on selling price or other specified

value of the goods [e.g., excise tax on automobiles and
non-essential gods] DOCTRINES IN TAXATION
a. Assessment and collection of all national internal revenue taxes, fees and
b. Enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and fines connected with the
IMPRESCRIPTIBILITY OF TAXES national internal revenue taxes, fees, and charges;
c. Execution of judgment in all cases decided in its favor by CTA and the
DOUBLE TAXATION ordinary courts; and
d. Give effect to and administer the supervisory and police powers conferred
ESCAPE FROM TAXATION to it by the NIRC or other laws;
e. Recommend to the Secretary of Finance all needful rules and regulations for
a) Shifting of Tax Burden the effective enforcement of the provision of the NIRC.
b) Tax Avoidance
c) Tax Evasion Chief Officials of the BIR

EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION a) Commissioner of Internal Revenue (1)

b) Assistant Chiefs known as Deputy Commissioners (4)
EQUITABLE RECOUPMENT - each in charge of (1) Operations, (2) Legal, (3) Information System and (4)
Resource Management of the BIR
BIR Revenue Issuances
Revenue Regulations issuance signed by the Secretary of Finance,
NATIONAL TAXATION upon recommendation of the Commissioner,
that specify, prescribe, or define rules and
TAXING AUTHORITY regulations for the effective enforcement of
the provisions of the NIRC and related statutes
BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE — the lead government agency tasked with
the enforcement of revenue laws and the collection of taxes specifically those Revenue Memorandum issuances that provide directives or
under the NIRC, as amended Orders instructions; prescribe guidelines; and outline
- it is under the supervision of the Department of Finance (DOF) processes. operations, activities, workflows,
methods, and procedures necessary in the
implementation of stated policies, goals, Commissioner, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance.”
objectives, plans, and programs of the BIR in all
areas of operations, except auditing  the administrative power to issue needful rules and regulations [Revenue
Regulations] for the effective enforcement of the provisions of the NIRC is
Revenue Memorandum issuances that publish pertinent and applicable with the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the
Circulars portions, as well as amplifications, of laws, Commissioner
rules, regulations, and precedents issued by
the BIR and other agencies/offices  the RMO, RMC RAO, a RDAO are issued by the Commissioner himself
without the need of prior approval by the Secretary of Finance. These
Revenue Administrative issuances that cover subject matters dealing issuances, including Revenue Regulations, are pursuant t the exercise of
Orders strictly with the permanent administrative set- the Commissioner of its quasi-legislative power [CTA EB No. 1023, September
up of the Bureau, more specifically, the 16, 2014]
organizational structure, statements of
functions and/or responsibilities of BIR offices, POWER TO DECIDE TAX CASES
definitions and delegations of authority,
staffing and personnel requirements, and Sec. 4, NIRC — “The power to decide disputed assessments, refunds of internal
standards of performance revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto, or
other matters arising under this Code or other laws or portions thereof
Revenue Delegation of refer to functions delegated by the administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue is vested in the Commissioner,
Authority Orders Commissioner to revenue officials in subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of Court of Tax Appeals.”
accordance with law
 the exercise of this power is pursuant to the quasi-legislative power of the
BIR [CIR v. Avon Products Manufacturing, Inc., G.R. No. 201418-19]
INTERNAL REVENUE  the ruling of the Commissioner is appealable to the Secretary of Finance
whose decision is also appealable to the regular courts.
a) Interpreting Tax Laws and Deciding Tax Cases
Tax Rulings are official positions of the BIR on inquiries of taxpayers, who
POWER TO INTERPRET TAX LAWS request clarification on certain provisions of the NIRC, other tax laws, or their
implementing rules, usually for the facts and circumstances presented and are
Sec. 4, NIRC — “The power to interpret the provisions of this Code and other interpretations of the law at a specific point in time.
tax laws shall be under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
BIR Rulings are official positions of the BIR to queries raised by taxpayers and (7) To prescribe real property values;
other stakeholders relative to clarification and interpretation of tax laws. (8) To take inventory of goods of any taxpayers, and place any business under
observation or surveillance if there is reason to believe that such is not
It may be classified into: declaring his correct income, sales or receipts for tax purposes;
(1) rulings of first impression; or (9) To register tax agents
(2) rulings with established precedents

Rulings of First Impression refer to those rulings, opinions, and The power of the Commissioner includes:
interpretations of the Commissioner with respect to the provisions of the
Tax Code and other tax laws without established precedent, and which POWER TO OBTAIN INFORMATION AND TO SUMMON, EXAMINE, AND TAKE
are issued in response to a specific request for ruling filed by a taxpayer TESTIMONY OF PERSONS [pg 232]
with the BIR. It also include reversal, modifications, or revocation of any
(1) To terminate taxable period for reasons provided in the NIRC;
(2) To make or amend return in case taxpayer fails to file a return or files a GR: The Commissioner may delegate the powers vested under the NIRC to any
false or fraudulent return; or such subordinate officials with the rank equivalent to a division chief or
(3) To examine returns and determine tax due; higher, subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be imposed under
(4) To prescribe any additional requirements for the submission or preparation rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
of financial statements accompanying tax returns; recommendation of the Commissioner.
(5) To inquire into bank deposits of:
a) decedent to determine his gross income; XPN:
b) a taxpayer who filed application to compromise payment of tax liability
by reason of financial incapacity (a) The power to recommend the promulgation of rules and regulations by the
c) a specific taxpayer/s subject of a request for the supply of tax Secretary of Finance;
information form from a foreign tax authority pursuant to an international (b) The power to issue rulings of first impression or to reverse, revoke or
convention or agreement; modify any existing ruling of the Bureau;
(6) To delegate powers vested upon him to subordinate officials with rank (c) The power to compromise or abate, under Sec. 204 (A) and (B) of this Code,
equivalent to Division Chief or higher, subject to limitations and restrictions any tax liability; [XPN: The Regional Evaluation Board may compromise
imposed under the rules and regulations;
assessments involving deficiency taxes of P500,000 or less and minor crime
violations.] (2) When there is doubt – In case of doubt, they are construed strictly against
(d) The power to assign or reassign internal revenue officers to establishments the government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer.  Tax laws are, therefore,
where articles subject to excise tax are produced or kept. [Sec. 7, NIRC] given liberal construction for the reason that taxes are burdens. 
(3)  Where the language is plain - But when the language of the tax law is plain
DUTY TO ENSURE THE PROVISIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF FORMS, RECEIPTS, and clear, which does not require independent interpretation or construction,
CERTIFICATES, AND APPLIANCES, AND THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PAYMENT the rule of strict construction against the government is not applicable where
OF TAXES [pg 240] the language of the tax statute is plain and there is not doubt as to its
legislative intent.
[Other Powers] pg 241
(4) Where taxpayer claims exemption – The rule is strict construction
Nature of our Internal Revenue / Tax Laws
Mandatory and directory provisions
Tax laws, as a rule, are civil in nature.  They are not political nor penal nor
criminal in nature. Tax laws contain mandatory and directory provisions.  There is an importance
- provide penalties, sanctions, impose fines or imprisonment or both.  The or significance of the distinction because of the consequence.  In case of
penalties are there to assure prompt payment of taxes.  default, what would be the consequence for failure to follow the mandatory or
directory provisions?
The penalties are not there to make our tax laws criminal or penal in nature.   
1. Mandatory provisions – They are intended for the security of the taxpayer.
While others are prosecuted for violation does not necessarily make our tax They are designed to insure equality of taxation or certainty as to the nature
laws penal or criminal in nature.  and amount of each person’s tax.  Failure to follow mandatory provisions
renders the act or proceeding invalid. 
- ex post facto law or the bill of attainder in the case of tax laws are not  
should not be applied Examples:
(a) Deadlines – In the case of the filing and payment of the annual income tax,
Construction and Interpretation of Tax Laws, Rules and Regulations the deadline is April 15.  When you file and pay your tax after April 15, there is
a corresponding consequence.  You will be charged with interest, penalties and
(1) Legislative intent – Tax statutes are to receive reasonably construction with charges as a result of your failure to follow mandatory provisions.
the view to carry out their purpose and intent.  If there is some issue on (b) Notice of Tax Deficiency  - When the taxpayer receives a notice of tax
construction and interpretation, we determine what was the intent of the deficiency, he is required by law to protest this within 30 days.  If the protest is
legislators.  We go back to the deliberations, debates, arguments. 
done after the 30th day, the consequence is that the tax deficiency is final and from the facts on which the ruling is based; or
executory.  c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
(c) Proceedings – In case your protest is denied, the taxpayer is given 30 days to
go to the CTA.  If you go beyond that period, then, your appeal will be BIR RULING — an administrative interpretation of the Revenue Law as applied
dismissed because the law strictly provides that you should bring that up to the and implemented by the Bureau
CTA within the said period.  - it can be relied upon by taxpayers
  - it is valid until otherwise determined by the courts or modified or revoked
2. Directory provisions – They are for information or direction of officers or to by a subsequent ruling or opinion
secure methodical and systematic modes of proceedings.
a.  Payment of taxes – In the NIRC, the payment of tax should be made through Requirements to be valid:
the BIR, in the case of internal revenue tax.  But the mode of payment i. must be issued within the scope of authority of the Commissioner
nowadays is that it is not anymore that you go directly to the BIR.  You could ii. and not contravene any law or decision of the Supreme Court
pay now through the banking system.  They are authorized to receive
payments.  That is directory – for the information and direction of taxpayers, to RULE-MAKING AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE
secure a methodical and systematic mode. 
        Payment of taxes could be done if you have tax credit certificates or if you Sec. 244, NIRC — “The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the
have an approved tax refund.  These are just directory provisions. Commissioner, shall promulgate all needful rules and regulations for the
effective enforcement of the provisions of his Code.”

b) Non-Retroactivity of Rulings  these rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Finance are
[Sec. 246, NIRC] the so-called Revenue Regulations which are the implementing rules and
regulations of the NIRC
 however, RMO, RMC, RAO and RDAO does not require the approval by
GR: Any revocation, modification or reversal of any of the rules and regulations the Secretary of Finance
promulgated or any of the rulings or circulars promulgated by the CIR shall not
be given retroactive application the revocation, modification, or reversal will General principles on the Rule-Making Power
be prejudicial to the taxpayers.
(1) Rules and regulations, as well as administrative opinions and rulings,
XPN: ordinarily should deserve weight and respect by the courts.
a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits material facts from his (2) All such issuances must not override but must remain consistent and in
return or any document required of him by the BIR; harmony with the law they seek to apply and implement.
b) Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR are materially different
(3) Administrative rules and regulations are intended to carry out, neither to
supplant nor to modify, the law. b) When Income is Taxable

INCOME TAX c) Tests in Determining Whether Income is Earned for Tax Purposes


INCOME TAX is a tax on person’s income, emoluments, profits arising from 2) Economic Benefit Test, Doctrine of Proprietary Interest
property, practice of profession, conduct of trade or business or on the
pertinent items of gross income specified in Tax Code of 1997, as amended, 3) Severance Test
less the deductions if any, authorized for such types of income, by the Tax
Code, as amended, or other special laws. d) Tax-Free Exchanges

e) Situs of Income Taxation

a) Criteria in Imposing Philippine Income Tax GROSS INCOME


RESIDENCE/DOMICILE PRINCIPLE b) Concept of Income from Whatever Source Derived

SOURCE PRINCIPLE c) Gross Income vs. Net Income vs. Taxable Income

b) Types of Philippine Income Tax d) Sources of Income Subject to Tax

c) Taxable Period 1) Compensation Income

d) Kinds of Taxpayers 2) Fringe Benefits

INCOME 3) Professional Income

a) Definition and Nature 4) Income from Business

a) Resident Citizens, Non-Resident Citizens, and Resident Aliens
5) Income from Dealings in Property
1) Inclusions and Exclusions for Taxation on Compensation Income
6) Passive Investment Income
2) Taxation of Business Income/Income from Practice of Profession
7) Annuities, Proceeds from Life Insurance or Other Types of Insurance
3) Taxation on Passive Income
8) Prizes and Awards
4) Tax of Capital Gains
9) Pensions, Retirement Benefit or Separation Pay
5) Capital Asset vs. Ordinary Asset
10) Income from Any Source
b) Income Tax on Non-Resident Aliens Engaged in Trade or Business

-----END----- c) Income Tax on Non-Resident Aliens Not Engaged in Trade or Business

e) Exclusions d) Individual Taxpayers Exempt from Income Tax

1) Taxpayers Who May Avail 1) Senior Citizens

2) Distinguished from Deductions and Tax Credits 2) Minimum Wage Earners

DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME 3) Exemptions Granted Under International Agreements

a) Concept as Return of Capital INCOME TAX ON CORPORATIONS

b) Itemized Deductions vs. Optional Standard Deduction a) Income Tax on Domestic Corporations and Resident Foreign Corporations

c) Items Not Deductible 1) Branch Profit Remittance Tax

INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS 2) Itemized Deductions vs. Optimal Standard Deductions

b) Income Tax on Non-Resident Foreign Corporations
c) Income Tax on Special Corporations
d) Exemptions from Tax on Corporations INPUT AND OUTPUT TAX

e) Period Within Which to File Income Tax Return of Individuals and TAX REFUND OR CREDIT
f) Substituted Filing
g) Failure to File Returns
a) Procedural Due Process in Tax Assessments
a) Concept
b) Requisites of a Valid Assessment
b) Creditable vs. Withholding Taxes
c) Tax Delinquency vs. Tax Deficiency
d) Prescriptive Period for Assessment
1) False Returns vs. Fraudulent Returns vs. Non-Filing of Returns
2) Suspension of the Running of Statute of Limitations
a) Protesting an Assessment
1) Period to File Return
PROPERTIES 2) Submission of Supporting Documents
3) Effect of Failure to File Protest

4) Action of the Commissioner on the Protest Filed

b) Compromise and Abatement of Taxes

c) Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally Collected


a) Requisites

b) Prescriptive Periods


a) Delinquency Interest and Deficiency Interest

b) Surcharge

c) Compromise Penalty



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