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The narrator of the novel whose

character is mostly based on
Jerome himself. He has a dog
named Montmorency and sees
himself as intelligent, hard-
working, and competent.

A friendly banker and one of J.’s
best friends.
A friend of George and J., who
joins them on the trip. J. doesn’t
like Harris and always criticizes
him for being lazy and

J.’s lively fox terrier dog, who
loves fighting with other dogs
and hunting.
Uncle Podger
J.’s accident-prone uncle, who is
portrayed as deceased in the
story. J. compares Harris to
Uncle Podger as he thinks both
of them cannot do anything
without making mistakes.
The novel Three Men in a Boat, written by Jerome K. Jerome, is a story about a boat trip that J.
takes with Thames River and his friends George and William Samuel Harris. The author’s prose
is long-winding and digresses into anecdotes or observational passages quite often.

Three Men in a Boat: Main Character Lisт


The narrator of the novel whose character is mostly based on Jerome himself. He has a dog
named Montmorency and sees himself as intelligent, hard-working, and competent.


A friendly banker and one of J.’s best friends.


A friend of George and J., who joins them on the trip. J. doesn’t like Harris and always criticizes
him for being lazy and uncultured.


J.’s lively fox terrier dog, who loves fighting with other dogs and hunting

Uncle Podger

J.’s accident-prone uncle, who is portrayed as deceased in the story. J. compares Harris to Uncle
Podger as he thinks both of them cannot do anything without making mistakes.

They took out the map and discussed the plans. They agreed to leave Kingston next

They discussed should “camp out” or sleep at inns.

Two were for comping out.They said it would be so wild and free,so patriarchal like.

They talked to each other on various topics. For example, I liked this passage.

In the morning they are all three speechless, owing to having caught severe colds in the
night; they therefore decided that we would sleep out on fine nights; and hotel it, and inn it,
and pub it, like respectable folks, when it was wet, or when we felt inclined for a change.

Having thus settled the sleeping arrangements to the satisfaction of all four, the only thing
left to discuss was what them should take with us; and this had begun to argue, when
Harris said he’d had enough oratory for one night, and proposed that them should go out
and have a smile, saying that he had found a place, round by the square, where you could
really get a drop of Irish worth drinking.

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