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How can the role of deliberative democracy solve the climate crises?

I know there is global agreement like the Paris agreement and MDGs but no democratic
state has implemented a strong enough plan to meet the goals of them. There are
discussion that democracy states cannot cope with this big challenge. I will argue that
instead of democratic system to be reform and strength, the deliberative democracy can
provide a better foundations.
In this paper I’ll be talking how deliberative democracy both as theory and as in practise
could provide a way to address challenges that democratic system finds responding to
climate crises. I’ll start arguing the challenges that democracies states find to tackle climate
change and why deliberative democracy is viable to approach climate crises. Moreover, I’ll
be analysing the promise of deliberative democracy which democracy find it hard to tackle
climate change. By talking what is deliberative democracy and outline his theory and
practice. I’ll assess the two states of France climate assembly and UK climate assembly in
details, which these can be seen as deliberative democracy. I’ll evaluate deliberative
democracy to what extent their findings are consider and compare to other deliberative
democracy of climate crises in global south. In conclusion, we see that deliberative system
creates political conditions for deliberations and can be seen strong enough to meet these
goals of Paris agreements.

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