Camp Mills

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Board OKs school property rezoning ‘The Babylon Town Board that appeared the spiction ‘fa Garden iy develope 0 ‘rezone a forme schoo! prop. yn Deer Park that Fans {turn ino a senior hosing complex “The board voted 50 atts Wednesday. meeting to Allow the rezoning of 220, ‘Washington Ave in Deve Tank the Yoaere te ofthe Tongclosed Geonge, Wash ington Schoo “ne Engel Burman Gros plans tae down Oe Eohool and build 200 unit ot housing. «clubhouse and pool for feskdents and ‘de, sc well a an adminis {tative Bullng for the Deer ark School Dstt, accord Ingto Bram D. Weber an at fsiney representing Engst The town's rezoning per rision comes with several ondions covenant andre ‘STisiony including ting ‘exterior construction fo be: ‘cen 7am, and 8 pm ‘weekdays and 9 am and ‘Bim on Saturdays and 40 {nis of affordable or work Force housing “Sonstructin ie estimated to. last 18 months, Weber si ‘Shi cal More on Page A22 Newsday dog te ts archive and pulled out some ofits favorite photos of Long sland nthe Check them out at Download our app at ewsaycom/app Veterans set to honor WWI's Rainbow Division Siaveacarentccon Veterans ofthe 2nd US, I fantey Division will Teturh Garden, City ‘omorrow, 100 Sears after thee forebears in ‘iene alow Dion marched through the village's Camp ls Yor the Fst me ‘Suing World War dad ofthe cecil Stored its Rainbow Monument tt James Steet south and Cinton Road sich incades ‘Serptions isting the Ne tonal Guard regiments. fom ‘s'atater and the District of Columbia hte made up the 27000-man division. "The division eared its nice ‘MacArthur ho then served at Its che of staf, remarked that its troops hailed from home’ {owns that stretched aro the ‘country Ie a rainbow "Theis soldiers began arre~ fing at Carp Mil, 2 ew font ace GARDEN CITY MILITARY CENTENNIAL camp that covered roughly 2 Square mile over the southeast. fm comer of Gane City and rt of Hempstead Village In Fid-August B17, according Pra Fanning a retired New York National Guard lestenant ‘olonl and the memorials of ‘er for the Rainbow Division therans Memorial Foundation “he natn st. quote-un- quote AllAmercay isin" ime together then for the fst {ie a Fanning howl pret ‘Sde over tomorais ceremony “The soldiers wearing rain- owt pats orginaly seen by Hempstead’ seamsuesses ‘would passthrough Camp AL Bore Mil named fora New ‘York native "and. Medal of ‘Honor winner during te Spa JaheAmerican War, fr ring nd goon o Fit in France "Nesey" 4000 of them were fslled in ction and more than 13000 "were wounded during Won War according to the Garden Cicy monuments in Sctipton ‘When’ the war ended in 1918, "many troops came back ‘through Camp Mis to be dis Charged’ local istorisn and ‘Vietsam veteran Cyt Smith si Tm all, more than 200,000 Commemorating Camp Wills Tho Vilage of Garden Cty ito commemarate he loom ae ‘Say of Carp Mi wih acare sn tomorow 213 pat the Rarbow Monument 8 James, See Southard into end A reap to low te cordon iy Senor Confer at Got ‘Gib Lave an lth Sree. troops. passed throagh Mall shuth sid ~ tneluding poet joyee Kilmer and wrler F Scott, Ftgera who mien foned the camp in his 1922 book “The Resutful and "Sin cle a9 ed ace ae Sat iy gs Ha Honing a ets paralte on So ay alchan ed ney one ead re what wea bya Sat lg here the EP oes Sao teers emer Tae opt a camnacly Sta Armes, which Be Raa sitet a Eileeel Ney amy Sarin ts Peers CPR tint SS Di ar a Si ee ee a oe adnate gh Sa ht lok he «army SNe Span Fie Me sepia

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