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2017/2018 Omega Semester Course Registration

ODUH FAVOUR EMMANUEL 1703370 - 17CK022712

Level : 100 Registration Status: Regular

Program: Information and Communication Engineering -

Registered Courses
Coursecode Title Unit Type

CHM121 General Organic Chemistry 2 C

CHM122 General Inorganic Chemistry 2 C

CHM129 General Chemistry Practical II 1 C

CIT121 Microsoft Office Specialist on Microsoft Office 2016 0 V

CST121 Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Communication Technology 2 U

EDS121 Entrepreneurial Development Studies II 1 V

GST121 Communication in English II 2 U

GST122 Communication in French 2 U

MAT121 Mathematics V: Calculus 3 C

MAT122 Mathematics VI: Vector Algebra 2 C

PHY121 Electricity and Magnetism I 2 C

PHY121 Atomic and Nuclear Physics 2 C

PHY129 Physics Practical II 1 C

TMC121 Total Man Concept II 1 V

TMC122 Total Man Concept - Sports II 0 V

Total Unit 23

Registered Dropped Courses

Coursecode Title Unit Type

No Record Found

Date registered: - Jan 24, 2018

Level Adviser HOD

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