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ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners | Presentational

ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners

Domains Novice Range Intermediate Range Advanced Range

Communicates information on very Communicates information and Communicates information and

familiar topics using a variety of expresses own thoughts about expresses self with detail and
words, phrases, and sentences that familiar topics using sentences and organization on familiar and
have been practiced and memorized. series of sentences. some new concrete topics using

Presents simple, basic information on very Expresses own thoughts and presents Produces narrations and descriptions in all
familiar topics by producing words, list, information and personal preferences on major time frames on familiar and some
notes, and formulaic language using highly familiar topics by creating with language unfamiliar topics.
Functions practiced language. primarily in present time. May show emerging evidence of the ability
May show emerging evidence of the ability May show emerging evidence of the ability to provide a well-supported argument,
to express own thoughts and preferences. to tell or retell a story and provide additional including detailed evidence
description. in support of a point of view.

Creates messages in some personally Creates messages in contexts relevant to Creates messages fully and effectively in
relevant contexts on topics that relate to basic oneself and others, and one’s immediate contexts both personal and general.
biographical information. environment. Content areas include topics of personal and
May show emerging evidence of the ability May show emerging evidence of the ability general interest (community, national, and
to create messages in highly practiced to create messages on general interest and international events) as well as work-related
Content contexts related to oneself and immediate work-related topics. topics and areas of special competence.
environment. May show emerging evidence of the ability
to create messages in more abstract content

Produces words and phrases and highly Produces sentences, series of sentences, and Produces full paragraphs that are organized
Text Type practiced sentences or formulaic questions. some connected sentences. and detailed.
ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners | Presentational

Novice Range Intermediate Range Advanced Range

Produces memorized language that is Control of language is sufficient to be Control of high-frequency structures is
appropriate to the context; limited language understood by audiences accustomed to sufficient to be understood by audiences
control may require a sympathetic audience language produced by language learners. not accustomed to language of language
Language to be understood. learners.
Control With practice, polish, or editing, may show
With practice, polish, or editing, may show emerging evidence of Advanced-level With practice, polish, or editing, shows
emerging evidence of Intermediate-level language control. evidence of Advanced-level control of
language control. grammar and syntax.

Produces a number of high frequency words Produces vocabulary on variety of everyday Produces a broad range of vocabulary
and formulaic expressions; able to use a topics, topics of personal interest, and topics related to topics of personal, public, and
Vocabulary limited variety of vocabulary on familiar that have been studied. community interest, and some specific
topics. vocabulary related to areas of study or

May use some or all of the following May use some or all of the following May use some or all of the following
strategies to communicate, able to: strategies to communicate and maintain strategies to communicate and maintain
• Rely on a practiced format audience interest, able to: audience interest, able to:
• Use facial expressions and gestures • Show an increasing awareness of errors • Demonstrate conscious efforts at self-editing
and able to self-correct or edit and correction
• Repeat words
• Use phrases, imagery, or content • Elaborate and clarify
• Resort to first language

ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners

Communication • Simplify • Provide examples, synonyms, or antonyms
• Use graphic organizers to present
Strategies information • Use known language to compensate for • Use cohesion, chronology and details to
missing vocabulary explain or narrate fully
• Rely on multiple drafts and practice
sessions with feedback • Use graphic organizer • Circumlocute
• Support presentational speaking with • Use reference resources as appropriate
visuals and notes
• Support presentational writing with visuals
or prompts

May use some memorized culturally Uses some culturally appropriate vocabulary, Uses cultural knowledge appropriate to
Cultural appropriate gestures, formulaic expressions, expressions, and gestures. Reflects some the presentational context and increasingly
Awareness and basic writing conventions. knowledge of cultural differences related to reflective or authentic cultural practices and
written and spoken communication. perspectives.


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