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Difference between System software and Application software

System Software Application Software

System Software maintains the system resources Application software is built for specific tasks
and gives the path for application software to

Low-level languages are used to write the system While high-level languages are used to write the
software. application software.

It is general-purpose software. While it’s a specific purpose software.

Without system software, the system stops and While without application software system
can’t run. always runs.

System software runs when the system is turned While application software runs as per the user’s
on and stops when the system is turned off. request.

Example: System software is an operating Example: Application software is Photoshop, VLC

system, etc. player, etc.

Q2.Define Software Engineering? State its Characteristics or Objectives.

Software is defined as a collection of computer programs, procedures, rules, and data. Software
Engineering is systematic scientific and disciplined approach towards the development functioning and
maintaining of the software.
Basic Objectives of Software Engineering are:
-Define software development plan
-Manage software development activities
-Design the proposed product
-Code/develop the product
-Test the product modules
-Integrate the modules and test the system as a whole
-Maintain the product
1.Functionality: It refers to the degree of performance of the software against its intended purpose.
2.Reliability an attribute of software quality. The extent to which a program can be expected to perform
its intended function, over an arbitrary time period
3.Efficiency: It refers to the ability of the software to use system resources in the most effective and
efficient manner.
4.Usability: It refers to the extent to which the software can be used with ease. the amount of effort or
time required to learn how to use the software.
5.Maintainability – the ease with which changes in a functional unit can be performed in order to meet
prescribed requirements.
6.Portability – the ease with which software can be transferred from one computer system or
environment to another.
Q3.Explain the layered technology in software engineering.
Software engineering is a fully layered technology, to develop software we need to go from one layer to
another. All the layers are connected and each layer demands the fulfillment of the previous layer.


1. A quality focus: It defines the continuous process improvement principles of software. It also
focuses on maintainability and usability.
2. Process: It is the foundation or base layer of software engineering.. The software process covers all
the activities, actions, and tasks required to be carried out for software development.
3. Method: During the process of software development the answers to all “how-to-do” questions are
given by method
4. Tools: Software engineering tools provide a self-operating system for processes and methods. Tools
are integrated which means information created by one tool can be used by another.
Q4.Explain in brief the various types of software process.
A software process identifies a set of activities that are applicable to the development of any software
project, regardless of their size or complexity.
Software process can be categorized into:
1. Generic Process model- This model helps to represents a framework activity populated by a set of
software engineering activities. It includes:
-Framework activities
-Umbrella activities
2. Personal and Team Process models - This model helps in creating a software that best fits either
the personal needs of the user or that meets the broader needs of a team. It includes:
-Personal Software Process (PSP)
-Team Software Process (TSP)
3. Prescriptive Process models –This model helps to provides an ordered structure and an effective
roadmap software engineering work. It includes:
-Waterfall model
-Incremental model RAD model
-Evolutionary Process models Prototyping
-Concurrent Development model
-Spiral model
Q5.Explain waterfall model in brief.
This model was proposed by the Winston Royce. It is also called as a classic life cycle. It suggests
systematic sequential approach for software development. It is oldest paradigm for software
engineering. It begins with software requirement and customer specification and progress through
planning and testing.

Preliminary investigation
System analysis
System Design
System Testing
System Implementation
System Maintenance

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