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1. Review the content from online & in the textbook, ensure you’ve understood all major terms & concepts
2. If there is any confusion about terms, you are welcome to highlight and add questions to the Major Terms
& Concepts section below so I can better assist you in understanding materials through my feedback!
3. Answer all questions in the Respond, and Apply sections below.


Mindfulness Mindlessness Cognitive Distortions

All-or-Nothing Thinking Over-Generalization Jumping to Conclusions
Emotional Reasoning Magnification Mind Reading
Mind Reading Personalizing Magical Thinking
Should’s Ellis’ ABCDE Formula The Serenity Prayer


1. Describe a situation where you’ve experienced anxiety.

I experience anxiety when should do a presentation in front of the class. This is nerve wracking because I
am a shy person. This situation makes me sweat a lot and I find it difficult to concentrate.

2. What cognitive distortions do you notice arise when you experience this anxiety? List the distortions
you’ve experienced, and describe what they feel like in your body or sound like in your head.

a. Personalizing – Feeling like I am not good enough and others are judging me.

b. All or nothing thinking – I feel like my presentation was not properly done and it’s a complete failure.

c. Filtering out the positive – I will focus on the anxiety and have difficulty concentrating during the
presentation, without focusing on the any strengths that I have in my presentation skills.

d. Over-generalization – I tend to believe that I will always feel anxious whenever I have a presentation
or an interview.

e. Jumping to conclusion – I think that my presentation may be a complete disaster and everyone will
think poorly of me.

GNED137, A Wellness Approach to Stress Management

Developed by Eleanor Berenson, Adapted from © 2013 McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Write out a script for self-talk you could use to manage your anxiety in the situation described above.

Kerrice, I know that you are anxious about this presentation, it is normal and everyone is doing it. You have done
many presentations and you did not die or get a bad grade; can do this. Your material for the presentation is good
and you have been preparing for this presentation. Do not focus on what people you think people are think of you.
Focus on your deliver and you will do great. You are a great presenter and no can take that from you.


Let’s put it all together: try to complete a real situation where you practice using thought stopping using Ellis’
ABCDE formula by filling the chart below.

Doing a presentation in front of the class

I can do this. I maybe a shy person and this situation is nerve wracking but I know I will do well.

C Feeling anxious and nervous, sweating excessively, and having difficulty concentrating during the

D Is my belief accurate and helpful? Are there alternative ways of looking at this situation that are more
realistic or balanced?

E I may feel nervous about doing a presentation, but that does not mean T can’t do it. Being shy does not
mean that I am not capable of being a good presenter. I have prepared well for this presentation and I
know my material. I can do this presentation with confidence and a positive attitude.

GNED137, A Wellness Approach to Stress Management

Developed by Eleanor Berenson, Adapted from © 2013 McGraw-Hill Education.

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