Recombinant Samples

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NAME: Ferolino, Louise Connel O.


REASEARCH OUTPUT: 5 example of Classical Breeding and 5 example of Recombinant DNA.

1. HUMAN RECOMBINANT INSULIN: Made from human cells. an insulin product with the brand name
Humulin that is generated from recombinant DNA and is equivalent to human insulin and is used to
treat diabetics who are allergic to products using beef or pork insulin.

2. GROWTH HORMONE: A protein produced by the pituitary gland that aids in regulating bodily growth
and the body's utilization of glucose and fat. Also known as human growth hormone or somatotropin.
3. BLOOD CLOTTING FACTORS: Your blood contains proteins known as blood clotting or coagulation
factors. When you have an injury, they assist in creating blood clots to stop the bleeding. Clotting factors
are another name for these proteins. Your body contains a variety of clotting components, all of which
are crucial for causing blood clots.

4. HEPATITIS B VACCINE: A vaccine intended to protect against hepatitis A infection, which can lead to
serious liver disease. The weakened virus used in the vaccination stimulates the body's immune system
to produce antibodies that kill the hepatitis A virus even though it cannot cause disease.

5. DIAGNOSIS OF HIV INFECTION: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, is most frequently diagnosed by blood tests (AIDS). These exams search
for antibodies to the virus that are present in infected people's blood. Individuals who have been
exposed to the virus need to get tested right away.

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