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Cultural elements in the 2013 curriculum have not yet become content that is emphasized in the

learning process. The teaching materials used by students are still general in nature, meaning
that they have not been able to facilitate special abilities. Ethnomathematics can provide a new
atmosphere in learning mathematics. One form of application in life is the link between
traditional games in Indonesia and class VIII opportunity material. In this case, the effort that
can be done is by developing teaching materials in the form of modules based on the
ethnomathematics of traditional games in Indonesia in class VIII opportunity materials. The
research used is development research. The stages of development research are Self Evaluation
which consists of analysis and design. Next is the prototyping which consists of the first
prototype (expert reviewers and one to one), the second prototype (small group), and the third
prototype (field test). The data source was obtained from class VIII students of MTs Al Hikmah
Pucangsimo for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 30 students. Methods of data collection
using interviews, questionnaires and post tests. Data analysis used quantitative analysis
techniques with descriptive static analysis. The results of this study are modules that are
suitable for use by students. The results of product validation by material experts are in the
range which means it is valid without revision, the results of media validation are in the range
which means it is valid without revision, the results of post-test validation are in the range
which means it is valid without revision, the results of the validation of expert practitioners
reach are in the range which means it is valid without revision. The average post-test score the
students achieved was in the range which meant that the students' level of understanding was
high. The percentage of student responses reaching 71% is in the range which means the
student's response is good.

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