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Narrative structure

By Matthew McMillan
Narrative- The narrative is the outline/storyline of what goes on in the film or TV episode.

E.g- Little red riding hood, as the story of little red riding hood starts with her going through the woods to see her grandma and
when she gets their a wolf is dressed like her grandma and wants to eat little red riding hood but just before he’s about to eat
her the woodsman come in and saves the day.

Narrative structure- A narrative structure is the structure that the film or TV episode follows.

E.g- At the beginning of little red riding hood “Once upon a time” is used to present the start and “they lived happily ever after”
is used to show the ending.
Types of Narrative structure
Open- An open narrative is where the ending to a film or TV episode is left with unanswered questions to the audience.

E.g- Soap Operas, as during Soap Operas unless they are not being aired they will always end on a cliffhanger to engage the audience into watching
the next episode.

My Example- SightSeers, as during the ending of SightSeers we see Tina let go of Chris’ hand as he falls to his death but it leaves the audience
questioning what Tina is going to do next now she is a free, independent woman.

Closed- In a closed narrative there are no loose ends or unanswered questions at all at the end of the film.

E.g- Shaun of the dead, as we see during the film at the end the zombie apocalypse has cleared and Shaun and Liz carry on with their lives together

My Example- Ratatouille, as during the ending of Ratatouille we see Remi opening is own restaurant like he has always wanted to for his colony and
also for the public to enjoy.
Single Strand- A single strand narrative is where the narrative is structured around 1 storyline or narrative thread.

E.g- The Lion King, as during the Lion King we follow the story of Simba from being born all the way up to where he fights to
become king again.

My Example- Iron man 3, as during the film we follow Tony Stark throughout the whole film and what happens to him

Multi Strand- A multi strand narrative is where the narrative follows 2 or more people or narrative threads.

E.g- Soap Operas, as during Soap Operas we see a narrative usually follow more than one person throughout the episode.

My Example- Pulp Fiction, as during the film we see the audience following Jules winnfield played by Samuel L Jackson and
Vincent Vega played by John Travolta storylines throughout the film.
Linear- A linear narrative follows a story in chronological order: order of time.

E.g- Beauty and the Beast, as during this film we see the story being told in the order in which it happens in their time.

My Example- Cinderella, as during the film like Beauty and the Beast we also see what happens in the film in the order of
their time as she goes to the ball and then her magic wears off at midnight so she has to leave but leaves behind her glass
slipper which the prince then takes and goes out to find Cinderella.

Non Linear- A non linear narrative does not follow the order of time in the film and often uses flashbacks or flash forwards
in the film.

E.g- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, as during the film we see Harry and Hermione time travel back in time to
save Sirius Black from getting killed by the dementors as he is innocent.

My Example- Pan's Labyrinth, as during the start of the film we see the ending of the film as it starts with Ofelia on the floor
Circular- Is where the narrative ends where the film started.

E.g- Slumdog Millionaire

My Example- Pan’s Labyrinth, as we see Ofelia dead on the floor at the beginning of the film and at the end of the film we see
it circle round to the shot of Ofelia dead on the floor again.
Classic Hollywood Narrative Structure
The Classic Hollywood Narrative Structure consists of 2 side which are side A and side B where conventionally side A is the hero and side B is the
villain. There is a conflict between the two sides which gets the audience engaged in the film and this part of the narrative structure is called the
exposition. The next phase is the elaboration which is where side A attempts to close the narrative but is never successful as if the narrative closed
by this stage it would be boring for the audience which is why the problem becomes more complex conventionally because of something to do with
side B. The next stage is the resolution of the narrative which is where the problem that was caused is now solved. And finally, the last stage is the
coda which is where the hero gets a reward for solving the problem in the previous phase and he returns back to normality.

My Example- Shaun of the Dead

Side A- Shaun

Side B- The Zombies

Problem/Conflict- The zombies are taking over the UK/ Liz and Shaun’s relationship

Side A attempts to close narrative- We see Shaun and Ed kill one of the zombies who
enter their house

Problem becomes more complex- Ed and Shaun realise that there are a lot more
people infected

Problem solved- We see the army come and help Liz and Shaun as they take out the
mob of zombies

Reward for the hero- Shaun gets back with Liz and they move in together
Todorov’s Theory
Todorov’s narrative theory consists of 5 different stages which are the equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, quest and the new equilibrium.

Equilibrium- The equilibrium is a state of normality and balance at the start of the film.

Disequilibrium- The disequilibrium is where something happens in the film which disrupts the equilibrium

Recognition- The recognition is where someone recognises that something is wrong

Quest- The quest is where someone (usually the hero) sets on a quest to put things right

New equilibrium- The new equilibrium is that they succeed in putting things right and they return to normal , but it is a different equilibrium to how it was at the beginning.

Todorov’s Theory Classic Hollywood Narrative

Equilibrium Side A and side B

Disequilibrium Problem and conflict

Recognition Problem becomes more complex

Quest Side A attempts to close narrative

New equilibrium Problem solved

Todorov’s Theory for Finding Nemo Todorov’s Theory for Shaun Of The Dead
Equilibrium- A normal day for Nemo and Marlin as Nemo is Equilibrium- Shaun and Ed are living together and Shaun can’t balance his relationship
going to school with Liz and his friendship with Ed.

Disequilibrium- Nemo gets caught by the divers Disequilibrium- The zombies take over the UK and are in Shaun’s town

Recognition- Marlin realises that Nemo has been taken by the Recognition- Shaun and Ed realise something is wrong when Mary lands into a pole
divers and the pole goes through her stomach but doesn’t kill her.

Quest- Marlin sets out to find his son Nemo and bring him back
Quest- Shaun and Ed go out to protect Liz and her friends as well as Shaun’s mum for
the zombies

New Equilibrium- Nemo and Marlin go back to normal life as we New equilibrium- Shaun and Liz return back to normal life but they now live together
see Nemo going back to school but now they are different fish and Ed is no longer living with them but Shaun now has a balance in his life where he
as Nemo has grown up and matured and Marlin is less can live with Liz and keep zombie Ed in his shed to play video games and live the
overprotective of Nemo lifestyle he had at the start
Propp- Spheres of Action
Princess A person or thing of value Propp Theory for A Quiet Place
Villain Kidnaps the Princess, disrupting the equilibrium Princess- Silence
Hero Sent on a quest to rescue the princess
Villain- The Alien
Dispatcher Gives the Hero his mission
Hero- The Daughter
Donor Gives the Hero an essential magic item
Dispatcher- The Alien
Helper Offers the Hero assistance at a crucial moment
Donor- The Daughter
Princess’ Father Offers the Hero a reward (often the Princess)
Helper- Dad
False Hero Attempts, and fails, to complete the Hero’s quest
Princess’ Father- The Daughter

False Hero- Dad

Barthes- Narrative Code
The Action (Proairetic) code
The code applies to any action that implies a further narrative action. For example, a gunslinger draws his gun on an adversary and we
wonder what the resolution of this action will be. We wait to see if he kills his opponent or is wounded himself. Suspense is thus
created by action. It could be as simple as a phone ringing, someone picks it up but we don’t hear what is being said to them.

Examples of action codes:

In A Quiet Place we see the action code of the boy taking the batteries off the side of the counter.
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone we see the action code of the philosopher stone in the vault.
The scream in a horror film.
The gun in an office draw.
The bleeping before an explosion.

The Enigma (Hermeneutic) code

Narratives move forward, and audience interest is maintained, through a series of questions which can only be answered by continuing
with the story.
Enigma Code Examples
“The Batman”

Does catwoman find her friend

What is the riddlers overall plan

Does riddler kill the Coleson

Does the Batman save Gotham

Who is the Riddler

Does Batman catch the Riddler

Levi Strauss- Binary Opposites
Meaning in narratives is created through conflicts between opposing ideas, qualities or terms. For example:
Good v Evil
Rural v Urban
Rich v Poor
Male v Female
Clever v Dumb
Strong v Weak
Human v Supernatural being
Binary Opposite Example
The first binary opposite for Toy Story is Good vs Evil as during the
film we see what life is like for the toys living with Andy where he
plays with them and looks after them. And on the opposite side when
we see Woody and Buzz go into Sid’s house we see the evil side of
how people treat toys and we can see this clearly when all of Sid’s
toys surround Woody and Buzz.

The second binary opposite would be Strong vs Weak as during the

film when we first see Buzz come into Andy’s room the other toys
perceive him as this strong character and we see the structure of the
room change as ANdy prefers Buzz now and Woody is left in the toy
box which makes him feel weak and not wanted as he used to be
Andy’s favourite toy.

The third binary opposite that I have chose is Experience vs

Inexperience as during the film weather Buzz does not know what it
is like to be a toy as he thinks he is a space ranger and Woody does
know what its like to be a toy as he’s been Andy’s favourite for a
while .
Seven Narrative structure
The first narrative structure that applies the the film Seven is the classic hollywood narrative structure. We can see side A of
this narrative being Mills and Somerset in this film as we they are portrayed as the good guys in this film as the detectives go
on a mission to find out the various different killings happening and we see side B as John Doe as he is the villain in this film
because towards the end of the film we see it is him who has been doing these various different killings. We see the problem
of the film being all these different people getting killed to represent the seven deadly sins and we see side A close the
narrative as we see Mills and Somerset track down John Does apartment but this becomes more complex in the narrative as
they get there and John Doe is not there when they arrive and he carries on committing his murders which towards the end
of the film the audience finds out that he kills Mills’s girlfriend Tracey who was pregnant with Mills’s baby. The problem in the
narrative is solved as we see John Doe turn himself in which was all apart of his plan and towards the end of the narrative we
see Mills kill him which is what John Doe wanted to happen. With this narrative theory there is no reward for the hero as we
see no reward for the hero as Mills is taken away by the police for killing John Doe and Somerset is now without his partner.

Another narrative theory that applies to the film Seven is Todorov's theory as we see the equilibrium at the start of the film as
normal life for Mills and Somerset as we see Mills starting his new job in a police department and also see Somerset on the
verge of retiring after serving for so long. As we progress through the movie we see the disequilibrium when we see different
people getting brutally murdered with no clue of who the killer is. The recognition for this narrative theory is when we see
Somerset recognise the pattern of the killer as he is murdering in the pattern of the 7 deadly sins. The quest then leads to
Mills and Somerset going to hunt down the killer which we then see him eventually caught as he turns himself into the police
which is all apart of his plan which then leads to the new equilibrium as we see at the end of the film that John Doe gets killed
by Mills which makes his plan complete as he wanted Mills to kill him. The film ends as MIlls’s normality has changed as he
has killed John Doe and Somerset is now without his partner.
Another narrative structure that I have applied the the film Seven is Propp's theory. During the film we see the princess as life as throughout the film we see that as the thing of value
because throughout the film we see innocent lives being taken away. The villain in the film is clear as we see that John Doe is the villain because he is murdering these innocent
people and taking their lives away from them. The hero in this film is Mills and Somerset as we see them throughout the film try and track down the killer on the loose and eventually
capture him even though it was part of John Doe’s plan. We see the dispatcher throughout this film being John Doe as he is the person through the film that gives Mills and Somerset
their mission to try and capture him as he is the person that is on the killing spree. The donor in this film is also John Doe as he gives Mills and Somerset more insight to the killings by
them getting into his apartment. We also see the helper as John Doe as we see during the later stage of the film that John Doe turns himself into the police which means that the
killings would stop but it would end up being part of his plan. With the father of propp's narrative structure it cannot be applied to this theory as the narrative is too complicated
however, the false hero is seen as Mills in this film as he does not arrest John Doe and at the end of the film we see Mills eventually kill John Doe.

Another narrative structure that I have applied to the film Seven is Barthes narrative codes which is split into 2 sections: Action codes and enigma codes. The action codes in this film
are things that imply a further action such as the box that the delivery guy drops off to Mills, Somerset and John Doe at the ends of the film as this leaves the audience knowing that
there is something important in the box. Another action code that I have found in the film is the words that John Doe leaves at every crime scene as the audience later finds out that
these words are correlated to the 7 deadly sins. Another action code that we see throughout the film is when we hear the phone ring whilst Mills and Somerset are in John Does
apartment as the audience knows that this phone call is going to be a big factor in the narrative of the film. We can also see the use of enigma codes used throughout the film which
leaves the audience questioning and makes them want to carry on finishing the narrative. The enigma codes in this films are things such as who is the killer as the audience does not
see who the killer is until later on in the narrative which makes them carry on watching the film to find out. Another enigma code that makes the audience question is at the end of the
film as we see Mills kill John Doe and then get taken away by police which then leaves the audience questioning what is going to happen to Mills. Another enigma code we see
through the film that makes the audience have questions is who are the victims of the murders as during the film we don’t get to see who the people getting killed are or why they are
being killed.

The final narrative structure that I have applied is Levi Strauss binary opposites as we see various different binary opposites used throughout this film which is used to create conflict in
the film. One binary opposite that I have seen through the film is strong vs weak and we see this clearly when we see Mills chasing the killer and then we see Mills in a high angle as
he has a gun to his head which has connotations of weakness. Another binary opposite we see through the film is good vs evil as we see this clearly throughout the film because we
see Mills and Somerset as the good guys as they try and track down the killer to stop him and we see the evil as John Doe as we see the killings he has done throughout the film.
Another binary opposite that I have found is also order vs chaos as we see during the film that Mills and Somerset trying to track down the killer and restore order to make sure there
are no more killings whereas we see the chaos as John Doe as he is killing innocent people.

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