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The Relationship of the teaching style to self-efficacy of face-to-face and

online classes
Bonda, A.
Espinosa, J.


Effects of Faculty and Staff Connectedness on Online and face -to -face classes: A comparative
Student Self-Efficacy analysis of teaching presence and instructor
z9PDJrfsohyzEli5UeVl6m92IJmx56E97HeU Online_and_face_to_face_classes_A_comparative_analys
Ferguson, Shaundawna N. (2021), Effects of Faculty and
Staff Connectedness on Student Self-Efficacy. Journal of Bentz, David T. (2009), Online and Face-to-Face
the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,  volume 21 Classes: A Comparative Analysis of Teaching Presence
no. 2. and Instructor Satisfaction.

Page 18 Page 174

1. I can learn what is being taught in class this year. 10. The instructor for this course provided clear instructions on
how to participate in course learning activities (for example,
2. I can figure out anything if I try hard enough. provided clear instructions on how to complete course
assignments successfully).
3. If I practiced every day, I could develop just about any skill.
11. The instructor for this course clearly communicated
4. Once I've decided to accomplish something that's important
important due dates/time frames for learning activities that
to me, I keep trying to accomplish it, even if it is harder than I
helped me keep pace with the course (for example, provided a
clear and accurate course schedule, due dates and more).
5. I am confident that I will achieve the goals that I set for
12. The instructor for this course helped me take advantage of
the online environment to assist my learning (for example,
6. When I'm struggling to accomplish something difficult, I provided clear instructions on how to participate in online
focus on my progress instead of feeling discouraged. discussion forums).

7. I will succeed in whatever career path I choose. 14. The instructor for this course was helpful in guiding the
class towards agreement/understanding about course topics in
8. I will succeed in whatever college major I choose. a way that assisted me to learn.

9. I believe hard work pays off. 16. The instructor in this course acknowledged student
participation in the course (for example, replied in a positive,
10. My ability grows with effort. encouraging manner to student submissions).

19. The instructor for this course helped keep the participants
on task in a way that assisted my learning.

20. The instructor for this course presented content or

questions that helped me to learn.

22. The instructor for this course helped me to revise my

thinking (for example, correct misunderstandings) in a way
that helped me to learn.

23. The instructor for this course provided useful information

from a variety of sources that assisted me to learn (for
example, references to articles, textbooks, personal
experiences, or links to relevant external websites).

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