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YEAR :2022/2023

At the origin of the concept of project, we find Filippo

Brunelleschi, the architect of the dome of the cathedral of
Florence. History presents him as the first to separate design
and execution, thus setting up a mode of management, which
is still applied today. For years and across the world, the main
projects were architectural: unique and complex, each more
grandiose than the next.

But during the industrial revolution, it was necessary to

produce objects less technical than monuments, in large
Project Definition :
Many people and organizations have defined what a project is, or should be,
but probably the most authoritative definition is that given in BS 6079-2:2000
Project Management Vocabulary, which states that a project is: A unique
process, consisting of a set of co-ordinated and controlled activities with start
and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objectives conforming to specific
requirements, including constraints of time, cost and resources.
Project Management, Planning and Control.
2Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

A project is mainly characterized by:

 A precise objective, specified in the form of characteristics formalizing
the need of a "customer"
 A limited time : it has a beginning and an end, marked by the achievement
of the objective;
 A micro-organization: a group of people gathered temporarily to carry out
all the actions necessary to achieve the objectives with a predetermined
budget to be
We can thus define project management as being all the activities
to ensure the progress of a project under the best conditions of cost, time
and quality
Dr. TEBANI (Département Eau, environnement et développement durable, Faculté de Sciences de la
nature et de la vie, UHBC translated by BENABDALLAH Asma.

 A project can typically be more of a once-off endeavor, rather than something

that’s happening all the time in a repeated fashion.
 A project is not ‘business as usual’, which is more akin to a process.
 A project can very often be cross-functional, or indeed cross-organization
the project context or project environment
Projects are influenced by a multitude of factors which can be external or
internal to the organization responsible for its management and execution. The
important thing for the project manager is to recognize what these factors are
and how they impact the project during various phases from inception to final
handover, or even disposal. These external or internal influences are known as
the project context or project environment. The external factors making up this
environment are the client or customer, various external consultants,
contractors, suppliers, competitors, politicians, national and local government
agencies, public utilities, pressure groups, the end users and even the general
public. Internal influences include the organization’s management, the project
team, internal departments (technical and financial) and possibly the
shareholders. Fig. 4.1 illustrates the project surrounded by its external
environment. All these influences are neatly encapsulated by the acronym
PESTLE, which stands for:

• Political

• Economic

• Social

• Technical

• Legal

• Environmental
Project Management, Planning and Control
8Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

For the external environment, the following factors were given priority: the
political-regulatory context, the contractual framework, the economic context,
the socio-cultural environment, relations with the customer and the
For the analysis of the internal environment, the following factors were
privileged: the organization of teams and the management of the life cycle of
the project,
the financial aspect, the technique and the construction method. In a second
step, the
sub-factors will be determined for the predefined analysis factors if the context
requires a finer level of detail. Two examples can be provided in
that case :
- the "customer relations" factor includes sub-factors or criteria
analysis: the image of the customer, the level of relationship with the
customer, his
experience for this type of project, its budget, etc.
- the “organization and management of the project life cycle” factor groups
following analysis sub-factors: analysis of resources and skills
necessary, the analysis of partners, the analysis of the availability of teams and
calendar management, etc.
Etude de l’environnement d’un projet de construction complexe et stratégique TEPELI Esra1,2,
translated by BENABDALLAH Asma

Its affect on projects management :

Events originating in the environment may have an

influence :

- on the actors of the project (eg social climate, lobbying, training action),

- on the tasks (e.g. climatic hazards, innovative nature of a technique),

- on resources (e.g. unavailability of a material, lack of personnel


Etude de l’environnement d’un projet de construction complexe et stratégique TEPELI Esra1,2,

the technical and socio-cultural dimensions of project
management are the two faces of the same coin:

The technical dimension refers to the specific tools, techniques and methods of
project that the project manager must be able to use to ensure the realization of a
project. This dimension concerns in particular the activities of planning,
scheduling of
project resources and control. That said, the project manager must also be able
communicate well and work in collaboration with many directly related actors,
sometimes indirectly, to the project. He must shape a project culture that
encourages teamwork and strong personal motivation within the project team.
He must also manage the
client expectations, secure senior management support, negotiate with
functions, supervising the work of subcontractors, etc. Technical mastery and
socio-cultural aspects of project management are therefore complementary.
gestion-de-projet/21337098 translated by BENABDALLAH Asma

Project management and governance:

Project governance is not a notion that comes to mind when talking about
project management, or project portfolio management (PPM). And yet, it is
an essential component to guarantee the structuring, organization and quality
of a project.
Choice of a project management method, organization of the various
committees (comitology), risk anticipation and decision-making support.

Its importance:
• ensure the smooth running of activities, their continuity and sustainability,
• smooth the flow of information between the actors,
• facilitate decision-making,
• organize project comitology (creation and monitoring of committees,
communication between bodies, definition of mandates and stakeholders, etc.),
• escalate project risks more quickly and alert project managers. translated
I have found 3 projects.

The importance of project management cuts across different businesses and industries. While

the goals and objectives can be achieved in any setting, they are better and more efficiently
achieved within a project management structure. Initially, project management was reserved
for special projects, for instance, delivering new and/or innovative products or initiating a
digital transformation. Today, more organizations, especially the large ones, are adopting
project management for the more routine operational tasks to accomplish them more
efficiently and deliver higher value.  

Project management involves proper planning, execution, and monitoring. It helps in

increasing the chances of achieving optimal results for pre-set objectives. It enables project
managers and other stakeholders to analyze the importance of any particular project for an
organization and utilize business resources appropriately. In essence, project management
helps set the scope, budget, and process of a project accurately.

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