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Essay about the abuse of power

For Max Weber State has the monopoly of the Legitimate use of violence but that doesn’t
means that the choices of the ones who control the power (politicians, businessman,
medias) are always fair. We live in a representative democracy so we cannot control the
policies adopted by the government this situation could lead to the repression. We could
propose the question: Can repression be considered a form of power?

First of all it is clear that the repression led by some government help them to control the
population. For example in the novel facing the chair of John dos Passos two proletarians
are put in prison because they were against the impunity of a murder of a proletarian
leader. Even if their story was known in the whole country, the police stops the opposition.
So that means that the repression could be a mean for reestablishing order by use of fear. 

Another more serious example is the fable of The peacelike Mangoose were a mangoose
doesn’t want to continue the rivalry between the mangooses and the cobras, in response
to that She was disgraced, humiliated and exiled by their own people. Surely the leaders of
the mangooses wanted to follow the rivalry with the cobras and that is why they used the
peacelike mangoose to set an example of what can happen to those who are against the
conflict with the cobras, forcing the population to agree the rivalry.

However a reppression policy lead by the government are condemned by history and the
people who suffered it. This is the case of the McCarthyism a policy which destroyed
hundreds of lives blacklisting people because they were suspect of been communist in the
cartoon of Jack Herblock.

We can conclude that the policies of repressin are not always usefull for tho

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