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Authorized Translation


NUMBER: 1 OF 2015





Considering : a. that in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 1 of

Government Regulation Number 92 of 2010 on the

second amendment to the Government Regulation

Number 28 of 2000 on the business and the role of

construction services society, the board is ordered

to conduct registration of construction services

enterprise, including the classification and


b. that in Article 28B of Government Regulation

Number 92 of 2010 on amendment to the

Government Regulation Number 28 of 2000 on the

business and role of construction services society,

the Board is mandated to establish Enterprise

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Certification Unit in order to perform the functions

of certification;

c. that based on Government Regulation Number 30

of 2000 on the implementation of the development

of construction services that with respect to such

implementation of development to service

providers, service users and the community, it can

be implemented by the Central Government jointly

with the Board;

d. that the government, through the Minister of Public

Works Number 08/PRT/M/2011 on the Division of

Sub-classification and Sub-qualification for

Construction Services, has set a reference with

respect to the implementation of the issuance of

the certificate of construction services business;

e. that the government, through Article 9 of the

Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number

10/PRT/M/2014 on Requirements Guidelines for

Granting Permit for Foreign Construction Services

Agency Representatives requires certificate of

equalization of classification and qualification

through the registration process and a certification

issued by National Board Level;

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f. that based on the considerations referred to in

letter a until letter e, this Regulation of

Construction Services Development Board on

Registration of Foreign Construction Services


In view of : 1. Law Number 18 of 1999 on Construction Services

(State Gazette of 1999 Number 54);

2. Law Number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability


3. Law Number 25 of 2007 on Investment;

4. Law Number 20 of 2008 on Micro, Small and

Medium Enterprises;

5. Government Regulation Number 30 of 2000 on

Implementation of Construction Services


6. Government Regulation Number 59 of 2010 on

Amendment to Government Regulation Number 29

of 2000 on Implementation of Construction


7. Government Regulation Number 92 of 2010 on the

Second Amendment to Government Regulation

Number 28 of 2000 on Business and Role of

Construction Services Society;

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8. Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number

10/PRT/M/2010 on Procedures for the Election of

Board, Service Term, Main Duties and Functions, as

well as the Working Mechanism of Construction

Services Development Board as amended by

Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number

24/PRT/M/2010 on the Amendment to Regulation of

Minister of Public Works Number 10/PRT/M/2010 on

Procedures for Election of Board, Service Term,

Main Duties and Functions, as well as the Working

Mechanism of Construction Services Development


9. Decree of Minister of Public Works Number

223/KPTS/M/2011 on Establishment of Organization

and Management of Construction Services

Development Board;

10. Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number

08/PRT/M/2011 on the Division of Sub-classification

and Sub-qualification of Construction Services;

11. Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number

08/PRT/M/2012 on Technical Guidelines for the

Establishment of Certification Unit and Granting of


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12. Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number

19/PRT/M/2014 on Amendment to Regulation of

Minister of Public Works Number 08/PRT/M/2011 on

the Division of Sub-classification and Sub-

qualification of Construction Services;







Section One


Article 1

In this Regulation, meant by:

1. Construction Service Development Board, hereinafter referred to

as LPJK, is the Board as referred to in the Government Regulation

Number 4 of 2010 on the Amendment to Government Regulation

Number 28 of 2000 on Business and Role of Construction Services

Society as most recently amended by Government Regulation

Number 92 of 2010 on the Second Amendment to Government

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Regulation Number 28 of 2000 on Business and Role of

Construction Services Society.

2. National Level Construction Service Development Board,

hereinafter referred to as National LPJK, is LPJK domiciled in the

State Capital.

3. LPJK Officials are representatives of elements confirmed by the

Minister for the National LPJK and by the Governor for the Province


4. LPJK Implementing Agency is LPJK secretariat being a business

unit that supports the implementation of LPJK tasks that include:

administrative, technical, and expertise.

5. LPJK Regulation on Registration of Foreign Construction Services

Enterprise is norms and rules set by National LPJK, for national

scale, governing registration requirements and processes,

including the classification, qualification, and certification of

Foreign Construction Services Enterprise.

6. Construction Implementation Services Business is the type of

construction services business that provides services to the

contractor, which is distinguished by establishment, classification

and qualification of Construction Implementation Services


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7. Construction Planning and Supervision Service Business, is the

type of construction services business that provides construction

planner and supervisor service, which is distinguished by the type

of business, classification and qualification of Construction Planning

and Supervision Service Business.

8. Integrated Construction Services Business is the type of

construction services business that provides construction planner,

contractor and supervision services carried out in an integrated

manner, which is distinguished by the type of business,

classification and qualification of the Integrated Construction

Services Business.

9. Foreign Construction Services Enterprise, hereinafter referred to as

BUJKA, is a business entity established by law and domiciled in a

foreign country, having representative offices in Indonesia and

equalized to Limited Liability Company engaged in construction

services business.

10. Company Association is the umbrella organization for Construction

Services Enterprise in the form of a legal entity or non-corporate


11. Registration is an activity to determine the business competence

and ability of individual and business entities to determine the

Authorized Translation

appropriate business licenses according to the sub-classification

and sub-qualification realized in the form of certificates.

12. Certification is the assessment process to obtain recognition on the

classification and qualification of the business competence and

ability in the field of construction services in the form of business


13. Equalization is an assessment process of conformity and fulfillment

of compliance between classification and qualification that have

been maintained by BUJKA with classification and qualification of

construction services in Indonesia.

14. Certificate is a proof of recognition in the determination of sub-

classification and sub-qualification of business competence and

capability in the field of construction services.

15. Certificate of Enterprise, hereinafter referred to as SBU, is a

certificate of proof of formal recognition of the level/depth of

business competence and ability with the stipulation of the

classification and qualification of the Enterprise.

16. Classification is the classification of construction services business

by Construction Implementation Services Business, Construction

Planning and Supervision Services Business and Integrated

Construction Services Business.

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17. Sub-classification is the division of construction services business

by Construction Implementation Services Business, Construction

Planning and Supervision Services Business and Integrated

Construction Services Business.

18. Qualification is the classification of construction services business

by the level/depth of business capabilities.

19. Sub-qualification is the classification of construction service

business by construction work qualification.

20. Business Registration Number, hereinafter referred to as NRU, is a

number assigned by the National LPJK listed on the SBU and TDUP

as evidence of the copying of the Certificate in SIKI-National LPJK.

21. Enterprise Registration Book, hereinafter referred to as BRBU, is a

book listing the names of Enterprises which have had obtained a

Certificate, issued by LPJK, specifying the level of ability,

classification and qualification.

22. National Enterprise Certification Unit, hereinafter referred to as

National USBU, is a unit established by the National LPJK to

process certification of qualifications of large Enterprises and

equalization of Foreign Enterprises.

23. Stakeholders are parties who have interests and/or conduct

activities related to construction services.

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24. Enterprise Ability Assessors, hereinafter referred to as AKBU, are

assessors who have been registered with the National LPJK.

25. Work Skills Certificate, hereinafter referred to as SKA, is a

certificate issued by LPJK and given to construction experts who

have met the competency requirements according to disciplines,

functionality, and/or expertise.

26. Enterprise Responsible Person, hereinafter referred to as PJBU, is

the Chief Representative of BUJKA appointed by its parent


27. Technical Manager, hereinafter referred to as PJT, is permanent

worker of PJBU appointed to be responsible for the engineering

aspects of the operation of the construction services enterprise.

28. Classification Manager, hereinafter referred to as PJK, is

permanent expert appointed by Enterprise management to be

responsible for the engineering aspects of particular classification

maintained by the Enterprises according to its expertise.

29. Permanent Experts are technical experts who work full time to

take charge of certain aspects of engineering sub-classification

maintained by the Enterprises according to its expertise.

30. LPJK Indonesian Construction Information System, hereinafter

referred to as National LPJK SIKI, is technology-based information

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system that collects all data and information on construction

services maintained by National LPJK.


Purpose, Objectives and Scope

Article 2

This regulation is intended as a guide in order to equalize the

classification and qualification that have been maintained by BUJKA

before, the implementation of BUJKA certification and SBU registration

application, that must be obeyed by all parties concerned with BUJKA

Representative Permit to carry out construction works activities in

accordance with the provisions of legislation of the Republic of


Article 3

This regulation aims to achieve an orderly implementation of

equalization, certification, and registration of BUJKA in accordance with

the requirements on the business capabilities and qualifications/sub-

qualification of construction services set forth herein.

Article 4

The scope of this regulation on the registration process includes the

classification and qualification of business of BUJKA, BUJKA SBU

Authorized Translation

registration application requirements, procedures and mechanisms,

registration fees, and sanctions for violations of the use of the SBU.



Section One

Forms and Area of Business

Article 5

(1) BUJKA is Enterprises established under the rule of law of the

BUJKA’s country of origin, equalized to limited liability Company

engaged in construction services.

(2) BUJKA as referred to in paragraph (1) shall have SBU.

(3) SBU as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be issued by the National


Article 6

The BUJKA’s construction services area of business includes Construction

Planning and Supervision Services Business, Construction

Implementation Services Business, and Integrated Construction Services


Section Two

Classification and Qualification of Business Area

Article 7

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(1) The Construction Planning and Supervision Services Business as

referred to in Article 6 shall include the following classification:

a. Architectural Planning;

b. Engineering Planning;

c. Spatial Planning;

d. Architectural Supervision;

e. Engineering Supervision;

f. Spatial Supervision;

g. Specialist consultancy; and

h. Other Consultancy Services.

(2) The Construction Implementation Business Services as referred to

in Article 6 shall include the following classification:

a. Building Structure;

b. Civil Structure;

c. Mechanical and Electrical Installations; and

d. Other Implementation Services.

Article 8

(1) The Architectural Planning business services classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter shall include sub-

classification as follows:

a. Architectural Advisory and Pre-Design Services;

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b. Architectural Design Services;

c. Building Maintenance and Feasibility Appraisal


d. Interior Design Services; and

e. Other architectural services.

(2) The Engineering Planning business services classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter b shall include sub-

classification as follows:

a. Engineering Advisory and Consulting Services;

b. Engineering Design Services for Foundation and

Building Structure Construction;

c. Engineering Design Services for Water Civil

Engineering Works;

d. Engineering Design Services for Transportation Civil

Engineering Works;

e. Engineering Design Services for Mechanical and

Electrical Works in Buildings;

f. Engineering Design Services for Industrial and

Manufacturing Process;

g. Construction Engineering Advisory and Consulting

Services; and

h. Other Engineering Design Services.

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(3) The Spatial Planning business services classification as referred to

in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter c shall include sub-classification as


a. Urban Planning and Design Services;

b. Territorial Planning Services;

c. Environment, Building, and Landscape Planning and

Design Services; and

d. Space Utilization Development Services.

(4) The Architectural Supervision business service classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter d shall include contract

administration supervisory service sub-classification.

(5) The Engineering Supervision business services classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter e shall include sub-

classification as follows:

a. Building Structure Construction Works Supervisor


b. Transportation Civil Engineering Construction Works

Supervisor Service;

c. Water Civil Engineering Construction Works Supervisor

Service; and

d. Construction Works and Installation Process and

Industrial Facilities Supervisor Service.

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(6) The Spatial Planning Supervision business services classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter f shall include spatial

planning supervisor and controller service sub-classification.

(7) The Specialist Consultancy services business classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (1) g shall include sub-

classification as follows:

a. Geology and Geophysics Prospectus Development


b. Underground Survey Services;

c. Land Surface Survey Services;

d. Mapping Services;

e. Composition and Purity Levels Testing and Analysis


f. Physical Parameters Testing and Analysis Services;

g. Mechanical and Electrical Systems Testing and Analysis

Services; and

h. Technical Inspection Services.

(8) The Other Consulting Services as referred to in Article 7 paragraph

(1) letter h shall include sub-classification as follows:

a. Environmental Consulting Services;

b. Land and Buildings Value Estimation Consulting


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c. Project Management Services Related to Construction;

d. Project Management Services Related to

Transportation Civil Engineering Works Construction;

e. Project Management Services Related to Water Civil

Engineering Works Construction;

f. Project Management Services Related to Other Civil

Engineering Works Construction;

g. Project Management Services Related to Work

Construction, Process Construction, and Industrial


h. Project Management Services Related to Traffic Control

System Works Construction; and

i. Integrated Engineering Services.

(9) The Building Structure services business classification as referred

to in Article 7 paragraph (2) shall include sub-classification as


a. Single and Couple Residential Buildings;

b. Multi or Many Residential Buildings;

c. Industrial Buildings and Warehouses;

d. Commercial Buildings;

e. Public Entertainment Buildings;

f. Hotel, Restaurant, and Other Similar Buildings;

g. Education Building;

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h. Medical Building; and

i. Other Building.

(10) The Civil Building services business classification as referred to in

Article 7 paragraph (2) b shall include sub-classification as follows:

a. Waterways, Ports, Dam, and Other Water Resources


b. Drinking Water and Waste Water Treatment Plant and

Waste Processing Building;

c. Highway (except flyover), Roads, Railways and Airport


d. Bridge, flyover, Tunnels and Subways;

e. Remote Water Pipeline;

f. Remote Wastewater Pipeline;

g. Remote Oil and Gas Pipeline;

h. Local Drinking Water Pipeline;

i. Local Waste Water Pipeline;

j. Local Oil and Gas Pipeline;

k. Stadium Buildings For Outdoor Sports; and

l. Indoor Sports Building Facilities and Recreation


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(11) The Mechanical And Electrical Installation services business

classification as referred to in Article 7 paragraph (2) c shall

include sub-classification as follows:

a. Air Conditioner, Heating and Ventilation Installation;

b. In Building Plumbing and the channel Installation;

c. In Building Gas Pipeline Installation;

d. In building insulation;

e. Elevators and escalators Installation;

f. Mining and Manufacturing;

g. Thermal, Pressure, Oil, Gas, Geothermal (Engineering

Works) installation;

h. Transportation and Lifting Equipment Installation;

i. Piping, Gas, and Energy (Engineering Works)


j. Oil and Gas Production, Storage (Engineering Works)

Facilities Installation;

k. All Voltages Power Plants Installation;

l. Maximum Voltage 10 MW Power Plant Installation;

m. New and Renewable Energy Power Plant Installation;

n. High Voltage/Extra High Voltage Power Grid


o. Telecommunication and/or Telephone Transmission

Network Installation;

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p. Medium Voltage Power Grid Distribution Installation;

q. Low Voltage Power Grid Distribution Installation;

r. Telecommunication and/or Telephone Distribution

Network Installation;

s. Control Systems and Instrumentation Installation;

t. Building and Factory Power Installation; and

u. Other Electrical installations.

(12) The Other Implementation Business Services Classification as

referred to in Article 7 paragraph (2) d shall include sub-

classification as follows:

a. Construction and Demolition Equipment or Other Civil

Works with Operator Rental Services;

b. Prefabricated Construction Assembly and Installation

for Building Construction Implementation Service;

c. Prefabricated Construction Assembly and Installation

for Roads and Bridges and Railways Construction

Implementation Service; and

d. Prefabricated Construction Assembly and Installation

for Water Resources, Irrigation, Pier, Port, River,

Coastal Infrastructure and Water, Waste and Trash

(incinerator) Treatment Construction Implementation


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(13) Integrated Construction Services business sub-classification as

referred to in Article 6 shall include:

a. Integrated Services for Transport infrastructure;

b. Integrated Services for Water Resources, Water

Distribution and Sanitation Works Infrastructures and

Facilities Construction;

c. Integrated Services for Manufacturing Construction;

d. Integrated Services for Oil and Gas Facility

Construction; and

e. Integrated Services for Building Construction.

Article 9

(1) The qualification of BUJKA businesses is large business.

(2) The large business classification of BUJKA as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall include sub-qualification as follows:

a. Large 2 (B2) for Construction Implementation Services

Business and Integrated Construction Services

Business; and

b. Large (B) for Construction Planning and Supervision

Service Business.

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(3) BUJKA Sub-qualification as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be

determined based on the fulfillment of business requirements and

capabilities that include:

a. Net Assets;

b. Experience; and

c. Labor

Section Three

Classification and Qualification Requirements

Article 10

(1) The net assets requirement for Construction Implementation

Services Business and Integrated Construction Services Business

as referred to in Article 9 paragraph (3) letter a has net assets of

at least Rp. 50,000,000,000.- (fifty billion rupiah).

(2) The experience requirements to carry out construction work for

Construction Implementation Services Business and Integrated

Construction Services Business as referred to in Article 9

paragraph (3) letter b has the experience to perform the job total

cumulative value of at least Rp 250,000,000,000.- (two hundred

and fifty billion rupiah) obtained within 10 (ten) years or has

experience of the highest value of Rp. 83,330,000,000.- (eighty

three billion three hundred thirty Rupiah) obtained during the

period of 10 (ten) years.

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(3) The requirements of labor for construction services businesses as

referred to in Article 9 paragraph (3) letter c are as follows:

a. 1 (one) certified PJT SKA intermediate;

b. 1 (one) certified SKA intermediate PJK for each classification


c. 1 (one) person PJBU; and

d. PJT, PJK and PJBU referred to in letters a, b and c above,

cannot concurrently.

(4) Terms of employment for Integrated Construction Services

Business as referred to in Article 9 paragraph (3) letter c as


a. 1 (one) certified PJT SKA intermediate;

b. 4 (four) certified SKA intermediate PJK for each classification


c. 1 (one) person PJBU; and

d. PJT, PJK and PJBU referred to in letters a, b and c above,

cannot concurrently.

Article 11

(1) The net assets requirements for Construction Planning and

Supervision Service Business as referred to in Article 9 paragraph

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(3) a shall be net assets of at least Rp. 500,000,000.- (five

hundred million rupiah).

(2) The construction work implementation experience requirement for

Construction Planning and Supervision Services Business as

referred to in Article 9 paragraph (3) letter b shall be experience of

carrying out sub-qualification work with a total cumulative value of

at least Rp 2,500,000,000.- (two billion five hundred million)

obtained within 10 (ten) years.

(3) The labor requirements for Construction Planner and Supervisor

Services Business as referred to in Article 9 paragraph (3) letter c


a. 1 (one) permanent experts certified at least SKA

intermediate for maximum 2 (two) sub-classification

business fields;

b. 1 (one) PJT certified SKA intermediate;

c. 1 (one) PJK certified SKA intermediate for each classification;


d. 1 (one) PJBU.

(4) Permanent experts as set forth in paragraph (3) letter a, may

concurrently serve maximum two (2) sub-classifications provided

that the classification/sub-classification permanent SKA experts as

set out in Annex 2A.

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(5) In the event labor as referred to in paragraph (3) is a citizen of a

foreign country, he/she must comply with the rules of foreign


Section Four

Limitation of Classification and Qualification

Article 12

(1) Each BUJKA may have sub-classification businesses included as

sub-classification of Construction Implementation Services

Business and Integrated Construction Services Business.

(2) Each BUJKA may have business sub-classification included as sub-

classification of Construction Planner Services Business and or

Construction Supervision Services Business.

(3) BUJKA which has already had a business sub-classification as

referred to in paragraph (1) cannot have a business sub-

classification as referred to in paragraph (2).



Part One

Registration Organizer

Article 13

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(1) National LPJK shall be responsible for implementing the

Registration of BUJKA.

(2) The Registration as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized

by the Executive Board of National LPJK.

Article 14

Official authorized to sign BUJKA SBU as proof of registration is the

Director of Registration and Legal of Executive Board of National LPJK.

Section Two

Equalization and Certification Organizer

Article 15

(1) The implementation of Certification and Equalization process of

BUJKA SBU application shall be conducted by the National USBU;

(2) National USBU as referred to in paragraph (1) shall carry out

Equalization and Certification of the fulfillment of the classification

and qualification requirements as stipulated in article 10 and

article 11;

(3) Results of Equalization and Certification as referred to in paragraph

(2) shall be spelt out in the form of Minutes of Eligibility of

Classification and Qualification;

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(4) The minutes as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be signed by the

Chairman of the Executive Element of National USBU; and

(5) The process of equalization and certification shall be carried out

every working day.

Section Three

Initial Verification and Validation Organizer

Article 16

(1) The Organizer of Initial Verification and Validation of registration

application of BUJKA SBU shall be the Company Association

obtaining the authorization of Initial Verification and Validation of

the registration application of BUJKA SBU for its members.

(2) Company Association as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

National Level Company Association belonging in the Company

Association Element Group of National LPJK.

(3) Initial Verification and Validation of registration application of

BUJKA SBU as referred to in paragraph (1) may be carried out by

Company Association to request change, application for extension

of the validity period and the request for registration in the 2nd

and 3rd year.

(4) Company Association as referred to in paragraph (2) shall warrant

the correctness and validity of all documents requesting

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registration of BUJKA SBU in terms of an official report of Initial

Verification and Validation as set out in Annex 11, signed by the

President/Chairman of Company Association or the authorized

management of Company Association by enclosing Own Data

Evaluation (PDS).

(5) President/Chairman of the Company Association or the authorized

management of Company Association as described in paragraph

(4) shall be the leadership board of the National Company


(6) Company Association shall submit a written statement signed by

the President/Chairman of the Company Association to LPJK,

stating approving the signature and the name of the

President/Chairman of the Company Association dry printed on the

back page of the SBU.

(7) In the event the Company Association is not willing to make a

statement as referred to in paragraph (6), the process of SBU

registration application of its members shall be postponed.

(8) If there is evidence of untruth and invalidity of SBU registration

application documents as referred to in paragraph (3) up to more

than ten (10) percent of the number of requests for SBU

registration within the registration period, the guaranteeing

Company Association conducting Initial Verification and Validation

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in question may be penalized revocation of authority to carry out

Initial Verification and Validation.

Section Four

New Application

Article 17

(1) Application for new registration of BUJKA SBU can be done by

BUJKA who does not yet have SBU of Construction Implementation

Services Business and/or Construction Planning and Supervision

Business Services and/or Integrated Construction Services;

(2) Application for new registration of BUJKA SBU as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall include:

a. Equalization and the registration of BUJKA SBU.

b. Certification and Registration of BUJKA SBU.

(3) Equalization and registration as referred to in paragraph (2) letter

a applies to the applicant of BUJKA SBU who has evidence on the

copy of business license from the country of origin of BUJKA with

business classification in accordance with the classification of

Central Product Classification.

(4) The certification and registration as referred to in paragraph (2) b

applies to the Applicant of BUJKA SBU who has evidence of

classification and qualification on the copying of business license

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from the country of origin of BUJKA with business classification

under the classification of Central Product Classification.

(5) Application for new registration of BUJKA SBU as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall submit full details of BUJKA in the application

documents and structured data of BUJKA in digital form as set

forth in Annex 6.

(6) Details of BUJKA as referred to in paragraph (5) shall complete

data as set forth in Annex 7 and its supporting files, including:

a. Annex 7 : New SBU Application Form;

b. Annex 7-1: Application for Equalization of Sub-classification

and Sub-qualification;

c. Annex 7-2: Statement of Enterprises

d. Annex 7-3: Administrative Data Form;

e. Annex 7-4: Personnel Data Form (PJBU/PJT/PJK/Permanent


f. Annex 7-5: Statement of Non-Civil Servants;

g. Annex 7-6: Financial Data Form;

h. Annex 7-7: Statement of Person in Charge of Engineering;

i. Annex 7-8: Statement of Person in Charge of Classification;

j. Annex 7-9: Experience Data Form;

(7) Supporting file as referred to in paragraph (6) includes:

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a. Copy of Articles of Association and the Amendment Deed

translated into two languages namely English and

Indonesian and legalized by the Embassy of the State of

origin of BUJKA in Indonesia;

b. Copy of business license of Construction Implementation

Services Business and/or the Construction Planning and

Supervision Services Business and/or Integrated

Construction Services Business from the Construction

Services Institution authorities in the country of origin of

BUJKA and has been legalized by the Embassy of the State

of origin BUJKA in Indonesia;

c. Renewed Recommendation of Establishment of

Representative Office of BUJKA from the Embassy of the

State of origin BUJKA in Indonesia;

d. Certificate of domicile of BUJKA Representative Office in

Indonesia from the authority;

e. NPWP issued by the Tax Office of BUJKA Representative

Office domicile;

f. Power of Attorney of the parent company's Board of

Directors to the Chief Representative of BUJKA fully

responsible for the Implementation of Construction in

Indonesia as well as PJBU;

g. Affidavit as PJBU, PJT, PJK and or permanent expert;

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h. Color Copy: Passport, Permit and or ID card of PJBU.PJT, PJK

and or permanent experts;

i. Registered as a member of the Company Association

belonging in the Company Association Element Group of

National LPJK as the authority granted to the Company

Association, enclosing the Member ID Card of Company

Association; and

j. Copy of payment receipt of Certification and Registration

fees to the National LPJK.

Article 18

(1) Application for registration of BUJKA SBU as referred to in Article

17 paragraph (2) letter a must include supporting documents,

such as:

a. Copy of Annual Report or financial statement for the last 2

(two) years prepared by public accounting firm of the

Country of Origin and legalized by the Embassy of the State

of origin of BUJKA in Indonesia to meet the requirements of

net assets as set out in article 10 paragraph (1) or Article 11

paragraph (1);

b. Parts of copy of employment contract of each sub-

classification that shows the schedule of construction work

and the value of construction work to meet the requirements

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of the value of experience as stipulated in article 10

paragraph (2) or Article 11 paragraph (2);

c. Copy of SKA for PJT, PJK and or Permanent Worker by

meeting the manpower requirements as stipulated in article

10 paragraph (3) and (4) or Article 11 paragraph (3) and (4)

(2) Application for registration of BUJKA SBU as referred to in Article

17 paragraph (2) letter b shall include supporting documents, such


a. Copy of Annual Report or financial statement for the last 2

(two) years prepared by public accounting firm of the

Country of Origin and legalized by the Embassy of the State

of origin of BUJKA in Indonesia to meet the requirements of

net assets as set out in article 10 paragraph (1) or Article 11

paragraph (1);

b. Parts of copy of employment contract of each sub-

classification that shows the schedule of construction work

and the value of construction work to meet the requirements

of the value of experience as stipulated in article 10

paragraph (2) or Article 11 paragraph (2);

c. Copy of SKA for PJT, PJK and or Permanent Worker by

meeting the manpower requirements as stipulated in article

10 paragraph (3) and (4) or Article 11 paragraph (3) and


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Section Five

Application for Changes

Article 19

(1) BUJKA who has obtained SBU may apply for SBU registration for a

change of sub-qualification and administrative data changes.

(2) Application for SBU registration for sub-classification changes as

referred to in paragraph (1) includes adding or reducing the

number of sub-classification.

(3) Changes of sub-classification as referred to in paragraph (2) may

be applied for at the earliest after twelve (12) months from the

issuance of such SBU.

(4) Enterprises that perform addition or subtraction of sub-

classification as referred to in paragraph (2) shall complete the

form in full with supporting data as follows:

a. Annex 8 : Application for SBU Change Form;

b. Annex 8-1 : Application for Change of Classification;

c. Annex 7-2 : Statement of Enterprises

d. Annex 7-4 : Personnel Data Form (PJBU/PJT/PJK/Permanent


e. Annex 7-5 : Statement of Non-Civil Servants;

f. Annex 7-8 : Statement of Person in Charge of Classification;

Authorized Translation

g. Annex 7-9 : Experience Data Form;

h. Copy of Renewed Construction Services Business License

and/or the Construction Planning and Supervision Services

Business and/or Integrated Construction Services Business

issued by the Board of Construction Services authorities in

the country of origin of BUJKA and has been legalized by the

Embassy of the State of origin of BUJKA in Indonesia;

i. Copy of full employment contract of any additional sub-

classification to meet the requirements of the value of

experience as stipulated in article 10 paragraph (2) or Article

11 paragraph (2);

j. Copy of SKA for PJK and or Permanent Worker to meet

manpower requirements as stipulated in article 10 paragraph

(3) and (4) or Article 11 paragraph (3) and (4); and

k. In the event of reducing the number of sub-classification no

copy of contract is required.

(5) Application for change of administrative data as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall include change of PJBU, change of domicile

and change of NPWP.

(6) Application for change of administrative data as referred to in

paragraph (5) can be executed at any time.

Authorized Translation

(7) Enterprises applying for administrative data changes shall

complete the form in full by enclosing supporting data as follows:

a. Annex 9-1: Administration Data Change Application Form

b. Annex 7-3: Statement of Enterprises; and

c. Copy of documents in support of the change.

(8) Change application document as referred to in paragraph (1) shall

be submitted to the Company Association belonging in the

Company Association Element Group of National LPJK.

Section Six

Application for Re-Registration

Article 20

(1) SBU with a validity period of three (3) years from the date

specified shall be re-registered on the 2nd anniversary and the 3rd

anniversary as the date specified on the front page of the SBU.

(2) Re-registration in the 2nd year and 3rd year as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be done by printing a QR-code on the back

page of the SBU.

(3) The QR-code as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be printed

through the National LPJK SIKI-registration after the official report

signed by the Board of the National LPJK and proof of payment

submitted to the National LPJK.

Authorized Translation

(4) The SBU not re-registered as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

imposed sanctions in terms of temporary removal of corporate

data in

(5) SBU not re-registered on the 2nd and 3rd anniversary in a row may

not be extended and further application shall follow the

requirements for new application.

(6) Enterprises applying for re-registration of SBU on the 2nd and 3rd

anniversary as referred to in paragraph (1) shall complete the

form in full with supporting data as follows:

a. Annex 9-1: Application for Registration 2nd/3rd Year;

b. Annex 7-2: Statement of Enterprises;

c. Annex 9-2: Labor Data;

d. Annex 7-7: Statement of Person in Charge of Engineering;

e. Annex 7-8: Statement of Person in Charge of Classification;

f. Annex 7-9: Experience Data Form;

g. Annex 19: Report of job gained in one (1) year.

(7) Application for re-registration document as referred to in

paragraph (6) shall be submitted to the Company Association

belonging in the Company Association Element Group of National

LPJK according to the authority.

Section Seven

Authorized Translation

Application for Extension

Article 21

(1) BUJKA may apply for renewal of registration of expired BUJKA


(2) Document of registration application for BUJKA SBU extension as

referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted to the Company

Association belonging in the Company Association Element Group

of National LPJK.

(3) Expired SBU as referred to in paragraph (1) is SBU established

under this rule.

(4) Application for extension of BUJKA SBU as referred to in paragraph

(1) shall update the database of BUJKA in SIKI-National LPJK

according to the format as set forth in Annex 6 along with the

supporting documents.

(5) Application for extension of BUJKA SBU as referred to in paragraph

(1) shall complete the data of form as set forth in Annex 10


a. Annex 10 : Extension Application Form;

b. Annex 10-1 : Application Letter for Extension of SBU;

c. Annex 7-2 : Statement of Enterprises

d. Annex 7-3 : Administrative Data Form;

Authorized Translation

e. Annex 7-4 : Personnel Data Form (PJBU/PJT/PJK/Permanent


f. Annex 7-5 : Statement of Non-Civil Servant;

g. Annex 7-6 : Financial Data Form;

h. Annex 7-7 : Statement of Person in Charge of Engineering;

i. Annex 7-8 : Statement of Person in Charge of Classification;

j. Annex 19 : Report of job gained in one (1) year.

(6) Application for extension of BUJKA SBU as referred to in paragraph

(1) may be accompanied by a request of changes to include

supporting documents as referred to in Article 19.

(7) Application for extension of BUJKA SBU as referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be submitted to the Company Association belonging in

the Company Association Element Group of National LPJK

according to the authority.

Section Eight

Application for Association Transfer

Article 22

(1) BUJKA may apply for transfer of membership of Company

Association by fulfilling the following requirements:

a. Letter of No Objection from the previous Company


Authorized Translation

b. Certificate of membership from the new Company

Association; and

c. Statement of association transfer from the enterprise


(2) In the event Company Association do not grant certificates needed

to qualify as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, LPJK can

mediate at the request of the relevant business entities.

(3) In the event the mediation efforts by LPJK as mentioned in

paragraph (2) does not produce an agreement, LPJK may adopt

final decision.




Section One

Verification and Validation

Article 23

(1) Verification and validation of registration application for BUJKA

SBU shall be conducted to the administration documents including:

a. BUJKA legality among others Articles of Association and the

most recent amendment deed and ratification of

Authorized Translation

establishment deed and approval of amendments as

stipulated in legislation of BUJKA country of origin;

b. Classification and qualification of business maintained

namely copy of Business License covering classification and

qualification of Construction Implementation and/or

Construction Planner and Supervisor and/or Integrated

Construction Services Business;

c. The legality of representative office in Indonesia by verifying

the renewed recommendations issued by the Embassy of the

State of Origin of BUJKA in Indonesia;

d. Valid certificate of domicile or SITU;

e. NPWP; and

f. SBU of previous year, taking into account the classification

and qualifications set forth in the SBU and the registration


(2) The stages of file validity evaluation shall be conducted by

prioritizing assessment of administrative data.

Article 24

(1) Verification and validation of registration application of BUJKA SBU

shall be conducted on work experience including:

Authorized Translation

a. List of experiences of Enterprises in carrying out works

based on registration application form fields grouped within

each sub-classification;

b. Copy of contract of employment by verifying implementation

schedule, scope of work, the value of work and ratification of

the Embassy of the State of origin of BUJKA;

c. In the event the contract construction work is carried out in

Indonesia attaching copy of minutes of handover and Value

Added Tax (VAT) slip by verifying the validity of the

acceptance of the work and examine the value of VAT to the

value of the work; and

d. In case BUJKA has maintained copy of business license as

referred to in Article 23 paragraph (1) letter b, verification of

contract files as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b is nt


(2) In case it is required certainty on the validity of copy of contract as

referred to in paragraph (1) letter c, it can be done by contacting

the service user employer.

Article 25

Verification and validation of registration application of BUJKA SBU

against the finance file by verifying copy of Annual Report or financial

statement of the last 2 (two) years prepared by the Office of Public

Authorized Translation

Accountant in the State of origin BUJKA or Country of Head Office of

BUJKA and with due regard to ratification of Embassy of the State of

origin of BUJKA in Indonesia whether the issued capital is the same as

the one stated in the deed of company.

Article 26

(1) Verification and validation of SBU registration application

documents against the labor file verifying PJBU, PJT, PJK and or

Permanent Expert including:

a. Verifying the Power of Attorney (Power Attorney) of the

parent company's Board of Directors to the Chief

Representative of BUJKA designated as PJBU with respect to:

1) Statement as PJBU;

2) Copy of NPWP;

3) Copy of ID card or passport and copy of KITAS.

b. Verifying supporting files of PJT being the permanent worker

of BUJKA by taking into account:

1) SKA issued by LPJK or SKA that has been equalized by

the National LPJK;

2) Statement as PJT;

3) Copy of NPWP;

4) Copy of ID card or passport and copy of KITAS.

Authorized Translation

c. Verifying supporting files of PJK being the permanent worker

of BUJKA by taking into account:

1) SKA issued by LPJK or SKA that has been equalized by

the National LPJK;

2) Statement as PJK;

3) Copy of NPWP;

4) Copy of ID card or passport and copy of KITAS.

Article 27

(1) Registration application of BUJKA SBU verified and processed is the

validity of administrative file, finance, and experience with

absolute nature.

(2) In the event the administrative file and/or experience and/or

financial and/or PJBU, PJT, and PJK submitted is incomplete and

incorrect, then the entire document registration application of

BUJKA SBU shall be returned.

Section Two

Assessment of Work Experience of BUJKA

Article 28

(1) Assessment experience BUJKA work done to establish the sub-

classification and sub-qualification against BUJKA SBU request for

Authorized Translation

registration and establishment of basic capabilities at each sub-


(2) Assessment BUJKA works experience to include a request for

registration of the BUJKA SBU equalization assessment process

and certification process.

(3) Assessment experience in order to establish the sub-classification

referred to in paragraph (1) shall apply to any sub-classification in

accordance with the scope of the construction work in the copying

contract construction work.

(4) In the event that the case has had Copying BUJKA business license

as referred to in Article 23 paragraph (1) letter b, the equalization

process is carried out without assessing the scope of the

construction work.

(5) Assessment experience to set sub-qualification referred to in

paragraph (1) includes the value obtained from the employment

contract sub-classification assessment referred to in paragraph


(6) Determination sub-qualification based on the value of the contract

of employment as referred to in paragraph (3) as follows:

a. Business Sub-classification construction services and sub-

classification Integrated Construction Enterprises have

Authorized Translation

experience of carrying out the work with a total cumulative

value of at least Rp. 250 billion (two hundred and fifty billion

rupiah) obtained within 10 (ten) years or have the

experience of the highest value of Rp. 83.33 billion, - (eighty

three billion three hundred thirty Rupiah) obtained during

the period of 10 (ten); and

b. Sub-classification Construction Planning and Supervision

Service Business has had the experience to perform the job

total cumulative value of at least Rp 2.500.000.000, - (two

billion five hundred million rupiah) obtained within 10 (ten)


Article 29

(1) Basic skills (KD) are a quantitative ability BUJKA on each sub-

classification has.

(2) Determination of KD as referred to in paragraph (1) is calculated

using the formula:

under the condition :

a. NPt is a Work Package highest value obtained on the basis of

experience to handle the job;

Authorized Translation

b. in which case there is only one (1) package then NPt work

closely with the NPs work packages; and

c. if in a sub-classification contract is used for some areas of

work so NPt referred to in paragraphs a and b, are taken into

account only the value of the work in accordance with the

sub-qualification field which can be seen from the details of

the budget cost of the work.

(3) KD referred to in paragraph (1) listed in the certificate can be

changed based on experience with the latest Enterprises jobs

authentic evidence.

Section Three

Assessment of Financial Capability of BUJKA

Article 30

(1) Assessment financial ability BUJKA done to establish sub-

qualification against BUJKA SBU request for registration.

(2) The financial capability of the request for registration BUJKA SBU

BUJKA includes assessment of equalization process and

certification process.

(3) Assessment sub-qualification referred to in paragraph (1) includes

assessing net assets BUJKA contained in the Annual Report or the

financial statement.

Authorized Translation

(4) Assessment BUJKA calculated the net assets of the total value of

equity in the statement of changes in equity or the total value of

equity on the Statement of Financial Position.

(5) The sub-qualification based on the net asset referred to in

paragraph (3) as follows:

a. Business Sub-classification construction services and sub-

classification Integrated Construction Enterprises have a net

assets of at least Rp 50,000,000,000, - (fifty billion rupiah);


b. Sub-classification Service Business Planning and

Construction Supervisor has a net assets at least Rp

500.000.000, - (five hundred million rupiah).

Section Four

Assessment of Human Resources

Article 31

(1) Human Resources capabilities BUJKA done to establish sub-

qualification against BUJKA SBU request for registration.

(2) Human Resources BUJKA ability to include a request for

registration of the BUJKA SBU equalization assessment process

and certification process.

Authorized Translation

(3) Assessment sub-qualification referred to in paragraph (1) includes

assessing requirements and sub-qualification SKA sub-

classification owned by PJT, PJK Expert or Fixed.

(4) Determination sub-qualification based on assessment results and

sub-qualification sub-classification SKA referred to in paragraph

(2) as follows:

a. PJT has a SKA with minimum Sub-qualification primary

regardless of its sub-classification SKA.

b. PJK have a SKA with minimum Sub-qualification associate

with attention to the suitability of sub-classification SKA

owned by each business classification being applied.

c. In case the application BUJKA SBU integrated construction

services has 4 (four) people PJK each had SKA with

minimum Sub-qualification Associate with sub-classification

incorporated in the classification of Civil,

Mechanical/Electrical, Environmental Management and

Executive Management.

d. Experts have a SKA Stay with minimum Sub-qualification

Medium by taking into account the suitability of sub-

classification SKA owned by every 2 sub-classification

Construction Planning and Supervision Services Business


Authorized Translation

(5) In the event PJT and/or PJK resigned from BUJKA, then BUJKA

concerned must immediately replace and report to LPJK.

(6) PJBU, PJT, PJK and experts still cannot concurrently.



Section One

Certification and Registration Workflow

Article 32

(1) New Application Workflow registration BUJKA SBU:

a. BUJKA to apply BUJKA SBU requests registration to the

National LPJK;

b. National LPJK through the Executive Board of National LPJK

receive registration application documents BUJKA SBU,

checking documents and then give you a receipt of requests

for registration BUJKA SBU;

c. Executive Board of National LPJK upload BUJKA data to

National LPJK - SIKI;

d. Executive Board of National LPJK distribute documents

BUJKA SBU registration application to the National USBU to

do equivalence assessment or feasibility assessment BUJKA

classification and qualification;

e. National USBU upload data to SIKI-LPJK BUJKA National;

Authorized Translation

f. AKBU the National USBU examination of documents,

checking the validity of the file, the fit Enterprises based on

a registration application documents and databases

Enterprise SBU, and then make recommendations for the

feasibility of classification and qualification;

g. Chief Executive of the National USBU publishes the Minutes

of Classification and Qualification Eligibility SBU's request for

registration is submitted to the Executive Board of the

National LPJK;

h. Executive Board of National LPJK prepare a list of

registration Enterprises plan accompanied Minutes of

Eligibility Classification and Qualification to be discussed at

the Meeting of the National LPJK Management;

i. Meeting of National LPJK Management referred to in the

letter as outlined in the decision stipulates Minutes of

Enterprises Registration; and

j. National LPJK published BUJKA SBU based on the Minutes of

Enterprise Registration.

(2) The application workflow of BUJKA SBU Changes:

a. BUJKA who has had previous SBU applies for BUJKA SBU

registration application to the National LPJK through

Company Association;

Authorized Translation

b. Company Association referred to in letter a is the Company

Association of member in the Company Association Element

Group of National LPJK;

c. Company Association set forth in paragraph b implement

Initial Verification and Validation registration application

documents BUJKA SBU, database upload Enterprises to SIKI-

National LPJK;

d. National LPJK through the Executive Board of National LPJK

received the document requesting registration of the

Association BUJKA SBU changes the company referred to the

letter b, inspect documents, checking database-SIKI

Enterprises in National LPJK, then give you a receipt of

requests for registration changes BUJKA SBU;

e. Implementing Agency LPJK distributes documents requesting

registration BUJKA SBU to USBU to do a feasibility

assessment and classification of qualifications Enterprises;

f. In case the application data changes BUJKA SBU

administration, the Executive Board of National LPJK List

Register Enterprises prepares to set out in the National LPJK

board meeting;

g. AKBU the National USBU doing Verification and Validation

document, the assessment is based on the ability of business

entities requesting registration document and database

Authorized Translation

BUJKA SBU, and then make recommendations for the

feasibility of classification and qualification;

h. Chief Executive of the National USBU publish the Minutes of

Classification and Qualification Eligibility registration

application for the BUJKA SBU is submitted to the Executive

Board of the National LPJK;

i. Executive Board of National LPJK prepare a list of

registration Enterprises plan accompanied Minutes of

Eligibility Classification and Qualification to be discussed at

the Meeting of the National LPJK Management;

j. Meeting of the National LPJK Management referred to in the

letter i issue a decision as outlined in the Minutes of

Enterprises Registration; and

k. National LPJK published BUJKA SBU based on Minutes of

Enterprises Registration.

(3) The workflow application for extension of BUJKA SBU:

a. BUJKA who has had previous SBU applies for BUJKA SBU

registration application to the National LPJK through

Company Association;

b. Company Association referred to in letter a is the Company

Association of member in the Company Association Element

Group of National LPJK Company;

Authorized Translation

c. Company Association set forth in paragraph b execute Initial

Verification and Validation document registration application

an extension of the validity period of the BUJKA SBU, and

upload databases to SIKI-LPJK BUJKA National;

d. National LPJK through the Executive Board of National LPJK

receive a registration renewal application documents BUJKA

SBU of Company Association referred to in letter b, inspect

documents, checking database-SIKI Enterprises in National

LPJK, then give you a receipt of requests for registration

renewal BUJKA SBU;

e. Executive Board of National LPJK distributes documents

requesting registration BUJKA SBU to USBU to do a

feasibility assessment and classification of qualifications


f. AKBU the National USBU doing Verification and Validation

document inspection of documents, assessment business

capabilities based on Agency documents requesting

registration and database BUJKA SBU, and then make

recommendations for the feasibility of classification and


g. Chief Executive of the National USBU publish the Minutes of

Classification and Qualification Eligibility registration

Authorized Translation

application for the BUJKA SBU is submitted to the Executive

Board of the National LPJK;

h. Executive Board of National LPJK prepare a list of

registration Enterprises plan accompanied Minutes of

Eligibility Classification and Qualification to be discussed at

the Meeting of the National LPJK Management;

i. Meeting of the National LPJK Management referred to in the

letter h determine decisions as outlined in the Minutes of

Enterprises Registration; and

j. National LPJK published BUJKA SBU based on the Minutes of

Enterprises Registration.

(4) The application workflow for BUJKA SBU registration of Second

Year and Third Year:

a. BUJKA who has had SBU shall apply for SBU registration

application of Second Year or Third Year to LPJK National

through the Company Association;

b. Company Association referred to in letter a is the Association

Company of member in the Company Association Element

Group of National LPJK ;

c. Company Association set forth in paragraph b implement

Verification and Validation of the document requesting

registration BUJKA SBU of Second Year or Third Year,

Authorized Translation

uploading a registration application to the National LPJK -


d. National LPJK through the executing agency National LPJK

received the document requesting registration BUJKA SBU

Second Year or Third Year of Company Association referred

to in letter b, check documents, examine the request SBU on

SIKI-National LPJK, then give a receipt request for

registration SBU Second Year or Third Year;

e. Executive Board of National LPJK prepare a list of

registration Enterprises plan accompanied Minutes of

Eligibility Classification and Qualification to be discussed at

the Meeting of the National LPJK Management;

f. Meeting of the National LPJK Management referred to in

paragraph e issue a decision as outlined in the Minutes of

Enterprises Registration;

g. Executive Board of National LPJK print QR-code on the back

page of the SBU in the format specified by the National LPJK

- SIKI; and

h. Company Association referred to in paragraph b may be

printing a QR-code on the back page of the SBU after the

Meeting of the National LPJK Management issue a decision as

stipulated in the letter f.

Article 33

Authorized Translation

(1) The governing council LPJK, USBU and Company Association in

each stage of the process certification and registration must use

SIKI-National LPJK.

(2) Database Enterprises that have been uploaded to SIKI-National

LPJK into data National LPJK.

(3) Writing data Enterprises and data classification and qualification

Enterprises using the format specified by the National LPJK - SIKI.

(4) In the event the National LPJK SIKI-impaired then the service

down load from the National LPJK server can be made directly

between officers SIKI-National LPJK via E-mail.

(5) Status of registration application BUJKA SBU at every stage of the

process can be accessed via the website of the National LPJK


Section Two

Procedures for Application

Article 34

BUJKA may download the application form and its terms BUJKA SBU

registration through the official website LPJK (

Section Three

Procedures for Initial Verification and Validation

Article 35

Authorized Translation

(1) Initial Verification and Validation registration application BUJKA

SBU conducted by Company Association.

(2) Company Association referred to in paragraph (1) National Level

Company Association of member in the Company Association

Element Group of National LPJK appropriate authority has been

given by the National LPJK.

(3) Initial Verification and Validation registration application BUJKA

SBU that can be implemented by Company Association include:

a. check the completeness of the file the documents required in

Article 19 to Article 21; and

b. examines the validity of each file that is required in the

registration application documents BUJKA SBU.

(4) Directive validity checking documents BUJKA SBU request for

registration as referred to in paragraph (3) shall follow the

provisions as set out in Article 23 through Article 26.

Article 36

(1) Company Association is required to upload all the data required by

SIKI BUJKA-National LPJK after Initial Verification and Validation

registration application documents BUJKA SBU.

(2) Company Association download, print and sign the PDS BUJKA as

Annex Minutes Initial Verification and Validation.

Authorized Translation

(3) PDS BUJKA signed by officers verifiers, validates and officers


(4) Company Association referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2)

and (3) is the Company Association belonging in the Company

Association Element Group of National LPJK

Section Four

Procedures for BUJKA SBU Registration Equalization Application

Article 37

(1) BUJKA SBU registration application document is received by the

National LPJK.

(2) National LPJK through SIKI-National LPJK do download a check-list

intended completeness request, fill out a check-list file

completeness, upload the result of verification of data file and then

print a receipt request BUJKA SBU.

(3) Receipt of requests for registration SBU referred to in paragraph

(2) is not an initial status of certification and registration process.

(4) Initial state equalization process and the registration referred to in

paragraph (3) starts after AKBU National USBU perform the data

upload Enterprises to SIKI-National LPJK.

(5) If the application for registration of the BUJKA SBU not include

sub-classification who has proof business license copys, performed

Authorized Translation

the certification process and eligibility assessment classification

and classification

Article 38

(1) BUJKA SBU registration application document used by AKBU as

equalization test material classification and qualification and

eligibility classification and qualification BUJKA SBU petition,


a. BUJKA SBU registration application document;

b. File PDS; and

c. Database BUJKA.

(2) Database BUJKA referred to in paragraph (1) letter c, consists of

administrative data, the data management, financial data,

employment data, and data experience.

(3) Examination validity of the registration application documents

BUJKA SBU by AKBU is only done if all required documents are


(4) Equalization classification and classification of qualifications and

eligibility assessment and qualification by AKBU only be done if all

files BUJKA SBU registration application document is complete and

valid criteria required in the verification and validation.


Authorized Translation

(1) Equalization classification and qualification of the request for

registration BUJKA SBU conducted based on the classification and

qualifications contained in BUJKA business license issued by the

State of origin.

(2) Equalization classification and qualification referred to in paragraph

(1) includes assessing suitability classification and conformity

assessment qualifications.

(3) Assessment suitability classification referred to in paragraph (2)

shall include:

a. Conformity assessment sub-classification petition with the

classification set out in the Business Permits BUJKA.

b. Conformity assessment sub-classification petition referred to

a letter, following the harmonization sub-classification list

filed with the CPC as listed in annex 1A and 1B attachments.

c. In terms of harmonization sub-classification has fulfilled

proceed with a feasibility assessment of labor as required

under article 10 and article 11;

d. In terms of harmonization of classifications referred to in

letter b, cannot be done, can be carried out a feasibility

assessment and classification of qualifications as stipulated

in article 40.

Authorized Translation

(4) Assessment suitability qualifications referred to in paragraph (2)


a. Conformity assessment sub-qualification petition with the

classification set out in the Business License BUJKA;

b. Conformity assessment of financial capability to calculate net

assets as required under article 10 and article 11; and

c. Assessing the feasibility of the workforce as required under

article 10 and article 11.

(5) Results equalization classification and qualification of the feasibility

report on the classification and qualification downloaded, printed

and signed, include:

a. Checklist documents;

b. Checklist verification and validation;

c. Board evaluation sheets Enterprises;

d. Experience evaluation sheets Enterprises;

e. Financial evaluation sheets Enterprises;

f. HR evaluation sheets Enterprises; and

g. Recommended Classification and Qualification.

Section Five

Procedures for BUJKA SBU Registration

Application Certification

Article 40

Authorized Translation

(1) Certification or eligibility classification and qualification assessment

carried out on request for registration BUJKA SBU include:

a. New applications for sub-classification business discount

BUJKA Permit evidence in the State of origin BUJKA are not

in accordance with the classification Central Product


b. Request a change to the addition of new sub-classification;


c. Application for extension of the validity period.

(2) Documents BUJKA SBU registration application is received by the

National LPJK.

(3) National LPJK through SIKI-National LPJK do download a check-list

intended completeness request, fill out a check-list file

completeness, upload the results of verification of result data file

and then print a receipt request BUJKA SBU.

(4) Receipt of requests for registration SBU referred to in paragraph

(3) is the initial state certification and registration process.

(5) In the event a new application, the initial status of certification and

registration process referred to in paragraph (4) starts after the

Executive Board of National LPJK do upload the data to the

business entities LPJK SIKI-National.

Authorized Translation

Article 41

(1) BUJKA SBU registration application document used by AKBU as

equalization test material classification and qualification and the

feasibility of classification and qualification BUJKA SBU petition,


A. BUJKA SBU registration application document;

b. Minutes of Initial Verification and Validation;

c. File PDS; and

d. Database BUJKA.

(2) Database BUJKA referred to in paragraph (1) letter c, consists of

administrative data, the data management, financial data,

employment data, and data experience.

(3) Examination validity of the registration application documents

BUJKA SBU by AKBU only is done if all required documents are


(4) Certification and Assessment of the feasibility of the classification

and qualification by AKBU only be done if all files BUJKA SBU

registration application document is complete and valid criteria

required in the verification and validation.

Article 42

Authorized Translation

(1) Certification and Assessment of eligibility classification and

qualifications include:

a. Assessment ability to carry out construction work

Construction work copying contract with due regard to the

scope of work, schedule for completion of work and tilapia

employment contracts;

b. The contract value of the work referred to in paragraph a,

meet the requirements stipulated in article 10 and article 11;

c. Rate the financial capability to copy Annual Financial

statement with regard illustrates the total equity net assets


d. Net assets as referred to in letter c, fulfills requirements

stipulated in article 10 and article 11;

e. Rate workforce skills against SKA copy with sub-classification

attention and sub-qualification SKA owned by PJT, PJK

Expert or Fixed; and

f. Sub-classification and sub-qualification SKA as referred to in

the letter e, fulfill the requirements stipulated in article 10

and article 11;

(2) Results of the assessment and classification of qualifications in the

form of a feasibility report on the classification and qualification

downloaded, printed and signed include:

Authorized Translation

a. Checklist documents;

b. Checklist verification and validation;

c. Board evaluation sheets Enterprises;

d. Sheets Enterprises evaluation experience;

e. Financial evaluation sheets Enterprises;

f. Evaluation sheets SDM Enterprises; and

g. Recommended Classification and Qualification

Article 43

(1) USBU shall ensure the correctness of the results of equalization

and certification by making the Minutes of Classification and

Qualification Eligibility registration application BUJKA SBU signed

by the Chief Executive of the National USBU is submitted to the

Executive Board of the National LPJK.

(2) In case AKBU find registration application BUJKA SBU incomplete

and/or files in the document is not valid, the whole of documents

has become as referred to in paragraph (1) is returned to the

Executive Board LPJK by first given notes on the column of the

PDS and SIKI-National LPJK.

(3) In case of BUJKA SBU registration application documents returned

under paragraph (2), the initial status request BUJKA SBU SIKI-

LPJK erased from National.

Authorized Translation

(4) In case the application documents through the registration BUJKA

SBU Company Association is returned as paragraph (3), the

certification fee which has been paid will not be refunded.

(5) During the process of assessing the feasibility of Classification and

qualification, AKBU prohibited BUJKA or Association related to the

Company related to the process of clarifying the file or accepts

additional files.

Section Five

Procedures of Registration

Article 44

(1) Implementing Agency National LPJK draw up a list of planned

registration Enterprises by attaching Minutes Classification

Eligibility and qualifications along with evaluation reports on the

feasibility of Classification and Qualification.

(2) Implementing Agency National LPJK planned schedule Meeting of

the National LPJK Management specifically implemented to

establish the registration decision SBU.

(3) Prior to the Meeting of the National LPJK Management carried out

as described in paragraph (2), the Executive Board of the National

LPJK prepare a registration list Enterprises.

Authorized Translation

(4) Meetings of the National LPJK board referred to in paragraph (2)

the authority to accept or reject the results of the feasibility

assessment and classification of qualifications BUJKA SBU

registration application submitted by the National USBU.

(5) In deciding to accept or reject the results of the feasibility

assessment and classification of qualifications, National LPJK board

meeting may invite the chairman of the National USBU and AKBU

to provide clarification.

(6) In the Meeting of the National LPJK Management set receiving the

assessment results referred to in paragraph (4), the decision is

poured into the Minutes of forcing registrations Enterprises.

(7) In the event the National LPJK board meeting rejected the results

of the assessment referred to in paragraph (4), then to the

National USBU asked to do a re-evaluation by AKBU different.

(8) The results of the re-evaluation as referred to in paragraph (7)

shall be final and then poured into the Minutes of forcing

registrations Enterprises.

(9) Rejection results of the assessment referred to in paragraph (7)

based on the reports of a procedural violation, misuse of authority

and forgery of documents.

Article 45

Authorized Translation

(1) Implementing Agency National LPJK print data writing blank SBU

Enterprises based on the Minutes of forcing registrations


(2) Implementing Agency National LPJK signed BUJKA SBU.

(3) Printing data writing and signatories SBU implemented not later

than seven (7) working days from the date of registration

Enterprises Minutes set by the National LPJK Officials.

(4) Executive Board of National LPJK SBU submit no later than seven

(7) working days from the date of printing of writing data on the

SBU to Company Association.

(5) In the event a new application, the Executive Board of the National

LPJK SBU submit no later than seven (7) working days from the

date of Printing writing data on to BUJKA SBU.

(6) LPJK obliged to make a copy of each SBU which has been signed

and the store along with the registration application documents,

the minutes of the feasibility of Classification and Qualification,

news events Initial Verification and Validation.

Article 46

(1) In case classification and qualifications contained in the SBU is not

in accordance with the registration application BUJKA SBU, BUJKA

can appeal.

Authorized Translation

(2) An appeal referred to in paragraph (1) conducted by the National


(3) Implementing Agency National LPJK discussed preparing an appeal

to the Meeting of the National LPJK Management.

(4) In the event an appeal referred to in subsection (3) is received,

then the National LPJK USBU instructed relevant to assessing the

feasibility of Classification and Qualification.

(5) In the event of an appeal referred to in paragraph (2) is rejected,

SBU already issued remain valid.

(6) Decision of the Board of the National LPJK referred to in paragraph

(4) and paragraph (4) shall be final.



Section One

Form of Certificate and Term

Article 47

(1) Form of SBU as contained in Annex 13 is printed by the National


(2) In the SBU blank by the mold safety (security printing) and printed

form LPJK logo printing series and serial number blank.

Authorized Translation

Article 48

(1) Writing data BUJKA on the front page as well as data classification

and qualification on the back page blank SBU done by downloading

the data from SIKI-LPJK BUJKA National.

(2) Writing data on a blank SBU referred to in paragraph (1) may be

made after BUJKA copyed on BRBU.

(3) The type and size of the letters used in the data writing business

entities as well as data classification and qualification referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be determined by the National LPJK - SIKI.

(4) In addition to the data writing on the front page blank BUJKA SBU

referred to in paragraph (1), the printed QR code.

(5) In addition to the writing of data classification and qualification on

the back page of the SBU form referred to in paragraph (1) logo

printed associations, names and signatures of the

President/Chairman of the association and a number of news

events Initial Verification and Validation.

(6) The logo of the association, the name and signature of the

President/Chairman of the Association and a number of news

events Initial Verification and Validation referred to in paragraph

(5) was Company Association which has obtained authority to

organize Verification and Validation Preliminary national level.

Authorized Translation

Article 49

(1) SBU declared valid when the SBU has been listed NRU, signed by

the Director of Registration and Legal Executive Board National


(2) SBU declared invalid in accordance with paragraph (1) if the

Business Entity Data classification and qualification of data along

with the SBU flickered on the website of the National LPJK

(, and has been published in the current month


(3) In case of differences in the data between the data contained in

the SBU with data that flickered on the website of the National

LPJK (, it is stated correctly is data that flickered on

the website of the National LPJK (

Article 50

The validity period for BUJKA SBU is 3 (three) years.

Section Two

NRU, Certification and Registration Fees

Article 51

(1) NRU is set as follows:

a. NRU determination will be arranged in the technical

guidelines which will set national LPJK.

Authorized Translation

b. BUJKA NRU new requests registration BUJKA SBU

established through SIKI-National LPJK by entering into SIKI


c. NRU for BUJKA applying for registration BUJKA SBU for

extension of the validity period using the registration number

as indicated on the SBU published beforehand; and

d. NRU business entities to move the association experienced

change the association code.

(2) The NRU has been given to BUJKA, remain valid throughout the

BUJKA extend the validity period of the SBU.

(3) In the event that the SBU is not to extend the validity period, NRU

of the SBU are frozen and not shown in SIKI-National LPJK.

(4) NRU which has been frozen as described in paragraph (3) may be

restored if the SBU concerned have been extended.

Article 52

(1) Cost of equalization and certification held by USBU and registration

fees organized Executive Board of National LPJK for 1 (one) sub-

classification on sub-qualification petitioned BUJKA charged to the


(2) The cost of equalization, certification and registration fee referred

to in paragraph (1) shall be determined as follows:

Authorized Translation

a. Sub-qualification B2 Rp. 10.000.000, - (ten million rupiah)

for each sub-classification plus development costs Rp

construction services. 50.000, - (fifty thousand rupiah) for

each classification;

b. Sub-qualification B2 as described in a letter to each sub-

classification belonging to the field of construction services

and businesses or fields of Integrated Construction Services


c. Sub-qualification B Rp. 4.500.000, - (four million five

hundred thousand rupiah) for each sub-classification plus

development costs Rp construction services. 50.000, - (fifty

thousand rupiah) for each classification; and

d. Sub-qualification B referred to in letter c for each sub-

classification belonging to the field of Construction and

Construction Planner Services Business or Construction

Supervision Services Business fields.

(3) The registration fee anniversary 2nd or 3rd year organized the

National LPJK for 1 (one) sub-classification on sub-qualification

petitioned BUJKA charged to the applicant.

(4) The cost of re-registration as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be

determined as follows:

a. Sub-qualification B2 Rp. 2.000.000, - (five hundred thousand

rupiah) for each sub-classification; or

Authorized Translation

b. Sub-classification B Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) for

each sub-classification.

(5) Costs Initial Verification and Validation LPJK organized by the

National Association of authorized organize Verification and

Validation Beginning with the limits set by the association fees as

listed in Attachment 4.

Article 53

(1) All payments cost equalization, certification and registration is

done through banking transactions stipulated by the National LPJK.

(2) Payment of certification fees must be made at time of submission

of the registration application documents to the Executive Board


(3) Payment of registration fees can be implemented upon receipt of

the SBU of the Executive Board of National LPJK.

(4) National LPJK forbidden to levy or additional fees beyond as

referred to in Article 52.



Section One

Use of National LPJK SIKI and Enterprise Registration Data

Article 54

Authorized Translation

(1) SIKI-National LPJK can be used for:

a. issued Registration validity;

b. issued certificate is not penalized and blacklisted LPJK;

c. issue a certificate of correctness of data Enterprises;

d. issues a certificate of reports of job finding;

e. provide information about the project that is being and has

been done by Enterprises; and

f. Enterprises display data to select tender participants.

(2) Certificate as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, b and c is set in

the form as contained in Annex 14-1, 14-3 Annex Lampiran14-2

and with a validity period for a month since the issuance date.

Section Two

BRBU and The Use

Article 55

(1) BRBU contain data Business entities have had SBU issued by LPJK,

and loaded into the database of the National LPJK - SIKI.

(2) BRBU prepared on the basis of the registration period in order:

a. NRU;

b. Province District/City Enterprises which are domiciled;

c. Business classification consisting of classification/sub-

classification; and

Authorized Translation

d. Business qualifications.

(3) BRBU in printed form issued by the National LPJK.

(4) National LPJK BRBU shall submit to the steering committee for the

National Construction Services SBU publishing each period.

(5) BRBU issued in the form as contained in Annex 15.

Section Three

Enterprise Report and List of Job Acquisition (DPP)

Article 56

(1) BUJKA obliged to report the acquisition of work and submission of

work to the National LPJK.

(2) the acquisition of work by BUJKA report referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be submitted to the National LPJK through BUJKA

Company Association which are members by using the report form

as set out in Annex 18-1 later than 30 (thirty) days from the

signed contract.

(3) The submission of work by BUJKA report referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be submitted to the National LPJK through BUJKA

Company Association which are members by using the report form

as set out in Annex 18-2 later than 60 (sixty) days after handover

The first job.

Authorized Translation

(4) Company Association is required to upload data acquisition work

and submission of work referred to in paragraph (2) and (3) to

SIKI-National LPJK later than 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the

report of BUJKA.

(5) USBU verification and validation report referred to in paragraph (2)

and paragraph (3), as approved for airing.

(6) National LPJK give NKPK to BUJKA to employment obtained as

described in paragraph (2) no later than 7 (seven) days after

receipt of the report.

(7) BUJKA required to fill out a list of job gains that have been

implemented as set forth in Annex 16.



Section One

Subject of Sanctions and Object of Sanctions

Article 57

(1) The Board of the National LPJK sanctions BUJKA who violates the

provisions of this Regulation.

(2) Sanctions for violations referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

subject to BUJKA who has SBU.

Section Two

Authorized Translation

Type, Category and Mechanism of Sanctions

Article 58

(1) Type sanctions shall be determined as follows:

a. Warning letter;

b. Revocation of SBU; and

c. Sign Blacklist LPJK.

(2) The warning referred to in paragraph (1) letter a LPJK issued by

the National Board as follows:

a. For minor offenses charged in three (3) times the Warning


b. For the offense being charged in two (2) times the Warning


c. Subjected to gross violations within 1 (one) Warning Letter;

d. For each phase of the warning letters a and b, BUJKA given

30 (thirty) days to comply with the warning that the

contents set forth in previous warning letters;

e. In the event non-compliance with the limit of 3 (three) times

the warning letters for minor offenses then the offense will

be included under the category of being the first, and then

when the limit of two (2) times the warning letters for

violations were not adhered to then the offense will be

included in the category gross violations; and

Authorized Translation

f. Warning Letter as referred to in letter c is a first and final

warning letters.

(3) Every warning letters forwarded to the Association of which BUJKA

registered as a member for the next get coaching.

(4) The revocation SBU referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall be

determined by the Board of the National LPJK, after within 30

(thirty) days warning that the contents listed in the Warning Letter

to the gross violation is not obeyed.

(5) The decision of revocation SBU referred to in paragraph (4) issued

by the National LPJK Officials.

(6) Each SBU Revocation Letter issued by the National LPJK Officials to

BUJKA forwarded to the Association of which BUJKA registered as

members to obtain further guidance, and if necessary its associate

organizations can impose sanctions.

(7) Examples of warning letters as contained in Annex 19 and

examples Revocation Letter SBU as contained in Annex 20.

(8) Sanctions against BUJKA copyed in the database of the Business

Entity in SIKI-National LPJK.

Article 59

Authorized Translation

(1) The violations committed by the owner BUJKA SBU, categorized as


a. Minor Violation;

b. Medium Violation; and

c. Serious violations.

(2) Minor Violation as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a subject

where things happen as follows:

a. Data administration BUJKA identity in documents submitted

to the National LPJK was not true; or

b. BUJKA employs a workforce of foreign nationals who do not

have a SKA were registered by the National LPJK; or

c. PJBU/PJT/PJK required no work on BUJKA in accordance with

existing data in-LPJK SIKI National and/or proven concurrent

positions in other business entities with similar efforts in the

field of construction services; or

d. BUJKA does not report the completion of the acquisition of

work and work to the National LPJK through the Association.

e. BUJKA who carry out technical works are not equipped with

the workers who have ACS and/or SKTK; or

f. BUJKA not directly replace PJT/PJK out or stop working

and/or do not report the successor to the National LPJK; or

Authorized Translation

g. BUJKA not apply the provisions of the Occupational Safety

and Health (K3) that apply to where the construction

activities; or

h. BUJKA does not provide data and/or clarification required

under examination by the National LPJK on complaints

coming into the National LPJK within the time limit set.

(3) Violation Average referred to in paragraph (1) letter b, when


a. has received three (3) times the Warning Letter Warning

Letter misdemeanors or violations were the first, but within

30 (thirty) days from the issuance of the warning letter

BUJKA does not fulfill provisions as contained in the contents

of the warning letter; or

b. perform work that is not in accordance with the classification

and/or qualification its business; or

c. proved to have employed Civil servants, members of the

Indonesian Armed Forces and members of the Indonesian

National Police as PJBU, PJT, and PJK.

(4) Violation of weight as referred to in paragraph (1) c, where


a. has received a Warning Letter was a second offense, but

within 30 (thirty) days from the issuance of the warning

Authorized Translation

letter, BUJKA does not meet the requirements as stated in

the contents of the warning letter; or

b. proven falsifying work experience and/or enter data of

experience and/or financial data and/or data that is not true

personnel, which led to the determination of the

classification and qualification attempt is not true; or

c. proven forged registration validity, a certificate is not being

penalized and certificate have reported job finding, which is

published by the National LPJK - SIKI; or

d. SBU proved obtained in an illegal manner; or

e. proved to change the classification and qualification effort in

copying or SBU; or copying its derivatives SBU, the SBU is

not the same as the original; or

f. proved to have more than one SBU to the same classification

with different qualification.

Article 60

(1) BUJKA sanctioned minor offenses referred to in Article 59

paragraph (2) and has received three (3) times the warning letters

but did not also comply with the warning contained in the contents

Warning Letter that may be subject to restrictions on business

activities can not follow the process procurement commencing

from the issuance of the imposition of sanctions for:

Authorized Translation

a. Article 59 paragraph (2) a, b, c, d, and f for 30 (thirty) days

and sanctions being raised to the category of violation.

b. Article 59 paragraph (2) letter e, g and h for 60 (sixty) days

and sanctions being raised to the category of violation.

(2) BUJKA sanctioned violations were, as referred to in Article 59

paragraph (3) letter b, c, d and e, and has received two (2) times

the warning letters but did not also comply with the warning

contained in the letter the warning, be subject to restrictions on

business activities can not follow the procurement process for 60

(sixty) days from the issuance of the imposition of sanctions and

sanctions raised to the category of infringing on weight.

(3) BUJKA exposed gross violations referred to in Article 59 paragraph

(4) letter a and has received a warning letter but not too obey the

warning listed in the Warning Letter contents charged revocation

of SBU.

(4) Enterprises affected gross violations referred to in Article 59

paragraph (4) one of the letters b to f penalized revocation SBU.

Article 61

(1) Sanctions imposed directly SBU revocation and without going

through a process referred to in Article 60 shall be imposed on

entities that:

Authorized Translation

a. declared bankrupt by the commercial court decision; or

b. was found guilty by a court decision that has had permanent

legal force for committing a criminal act related to its

business activities; or

c. deliberately follow the procurement process when serving

any restrictions on business activities must not follow the

auction; or

d. guilty of mistakes lead to failure of the building that led to

the occurrence of casualties; or

e. convicted of vandalism on-LPJK SIKI National; or

f. SBU proved to be falsified.

(2) The lifting of sanctions imposed limited SBU directly to the

Business Entity sanctioned by the service user in a particular job

classification or sub-classification on a certain area for a certain


Section Three

Review of Imposition of Sanctions

Article 62

(1) Enterprises who objected to the warning sanction imposed by

LPJK, can apply for a review of the sanctions for the Management

of the National LPJK by submitting supporting evidence, and LPJK

Authorized Translation

may reject your appeal or accept the submission of objections by

canceling the imposition of sanctions.

(2) Enterprises which objected to the decision to grant sanction of

revocation SBU by Management National LPJK, can apply for a

reconsideration of the decision to the LPJK Officials National by

submitting supporting evidence, and National LPJK may reject your

appeal or accept the submission of objections by canceling the

imposition sanctions.

(3) The decision of the National LPJK referred to in paragraph (2) and

paragraph (3) shall be final.

Section Four

Procedures for Verification of SBU Complaints


(1) The public or service users may give feedback or file complaint if

there is invalidity of data of Enterprises listed in the National LPJK

- SIKI, BRBU or SBU to:

a. National LPJK;

b. Company Association, the national level where such

enterprises is a member.

(2) The invalidity of data as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:

a. administrative data;

Authorized Translation

b. Personnel Data of Enterprise;

c. Business classification and/or qualification;

d. Data on experiences of the Enterprise; and

e. Information relating to the acquisition of work.

(3) Feedback or complaints as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

accompanied by clear and accountable identity of the informant,

and LPJK shall keep confidential of the informant details.

(4) The complaints filed shall be handled as follows:

a. Stages of Handling

1) Acceptance of reports, complaints and findings;

2) Order of execution of verification;

3) Examination of the complaint;

4) Drawing up of Minutes of Investigation; and

5) The determination of sanction.

b. Complaint Handling Procedures

1) Acceptance of reports, complaints or findings

2) The public or service users can report to the National

LPJK about invalid data of enterprise.

3) The complaint as referred to in paragraph (2) should

be in the form of an official letter and attachments.

4) Any complaints submitted to the National LPJK as

referred to in paragraph (2) shall be handled by the

Authorized Translation

Executive Board of the National LPJK by taking record

of the complaint, providing the complaint with serial

number and upon clarification, report it to the Board of

the National LPJK.

5) The complaint as referred to in paragraph (1)

submitted to the Company Association shall be

forwarded to the National LPJK upon clarifications no

later than fourteen (14) working days after the

complaint is received.

c. Examination assignment

After the complaint has been received by the National LPJK,

the Board of the National LPJK shall immediately issue a

Letter of Assignment of Examination of the Board of the

National LPJK.

d. Examination of complaints:

1) The Board of the National LPJK in carrying out

examination of complaint to the Enterprise may include

Certification Unit, Executive Board of LPJK social funds

where such enterprise is a member.

2) For the purpose of the examination, certification unit

may first request clarification to the public or service

users submitting such complaint.

Authorized Translation

3) If required Certification Unit may request additional

information to other parties on issues related to the


e. Drawing up Minutes of Examination

The results of the examination as referred to in letter b

number 3 shall be spelt out in a Minutes of the examination

results confirmed to USBU organizing the classification and

qualification of business and subsequently submitted to the

Board of the National LPJK.

f. Sanctions

Sanctions for proven violations by Enterprise shall be

imposed under Article 58, Article 59, Article 60 and Article


g. If the results indicate violation in the knowledge of the

National USBU, the Board of the National LPJK shall impose

sanctions in accordance with the level of the violation.

h. The entire process of handling complaints shall be completed

no later than 30 (thirty) days from the examination

assignment is issued.

Section Five

Blacklist of LPJK

Authorized Translation


(1) Enterprises may be included in the Black List of LPJK in case:

a. Proven to violate laws and regulations; or

b. Subjected to blacklist by service users and reported to LPJK.

(2) The procedures for blacklist imposition shall be provided separately

in LPJK regulations.

Article 65

Enterprises penalized by the National LPJK shall be published in SIKI-

National LPJK.



Article 66

This LPJK Regulation shall come into force as of the stipulation date.

Stipulated in: Jakarta

On: February 18, 2015




AFFIDAVIT Ir. Tri Widjajanto J, MT

This is to certify that have translated the foregoing from Indonesia to English, that is
true and complete, and I am competent in both languages.
Jakarta, 16th February 2016

Drs. Sularno Popomaruto

Sworn Translator by virtue SK.Gub.KDKI Jkt.No.1715/2000

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