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1. Jesus with His disciples in fellowship
Matt. 13:36; Mark 3: 14-21; 31:35; Luke 22: 7-23; John 12: 1-3, 9-11.

The Apostles learned from Jesus and they were to teach all things whatsoever I have
commanded you.
2. Jesus’ teaching, preaching and Healing in Houses
Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:27-34; 2: 1-4, 9-12; Luke 5: 27-32; Matthew 10:27.

In the New Testament, the house where a Christian family lived welcomed other
Christian brother and sisters besides its own immediate family to worship together
and when the temple was destroyed and the synagogue closed to the Christians,
the church in the home became the sole refuge of the believer until special
building were erected. So today we cannot say that a church building which may
not be available is the hindrance to winning more people on our districts.


1. The glory of God filled the HOUSE
Acts 1: 12-15; 2:1-6.
2. Fellowship, love and power in HOUSE after Pentecost
Acts 2:46; 4:23-35
3. Great and spectacular conversions, miracles, infilling of the Holy Spirit occurred
Acts 16: 30-34; 9:10-12, 17-19; 10: 24-27, 33,34,44-48; Acts 11:12-15;
4. Powerful prayer meeting were held in HOUSES.
Acts 12:5-17; 10:9; Matthew 18:19,20
5. Very often HOUSES were Worship centres.
Acts 20:7-12; 21:8-11; 28:30-31; Rom. 16:3-5; 1Cor. 16:19; Col. 4:15; Philem.
1-2; 2John 10.


1. Obeying Christ command and following Bible pattern.
Rom. 15:4; John 13: 15-17.
2. Full participation of each believers in fellowship and worship.
1Cor. 14: 26; Eph. 4:16
3. Proper care for new comers, young converts and babes in Christ.
1Thessaonians 2:7,8.
4. Absentees easily known sought out and helped before it is too late
Luke 2:40-48; 15:3-9.
5. Question asked and doubt cleared in a family atmosphere in a way that is not
possible in a large crowd.
Matthew 13. 36-43.
6. Friendly and systematic evangelism of all communities within the town or city.
Matthew 9: 23-26; Acts 10:24, 33, 48; Luke 8:37-40
7. Knowing and supplying one another’s need within the church.
2Corinthians 8:13-17; Romans 12:15
8. Counselling, praying and helping those in need at the very time when the need is
John 11:1-3, 32; Mark 4:37-39; Romans 15:1-17.
Paul had received a vision that he would preach at Rome and in strange
circumstances was arrested and being sent to Rome at the expense of his captors.
While quality of nothing, Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen by ship. A
careful study of this chapter shows that the last in rank on the ship was Paul, the
prisoner but by the time the journey ended, he was running the whole show. Why?
Because a leader, like cream will always rise to the top.
We shall examine Key principle necessary for leadership.

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