Leadership and Fellowship 2

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PRINCIPLE 1 (Acts 27:1-3)


Paul was a prisoner yet, he was granted special treatment by Julius, the soldier and
allowed to go into Sidon to see his friends. “What would happen to a Roman
solider who lost his prisoner” He would pay with his own life (Acts 12: 18-19);
Paul must have convinced Julius in a few short hours and so Julius at the risk of
his life allow him to visit his friends. A second note of trustworthiness comes
from the fact that his friends trusted him enough to receive him and minister to
him. Since he had been imprisoned 2 years it is conceivable that they might
consider his undesirable but the man’s character inspired trust. You will be
surprised what people will do for you!

Trust by definition is when I have the confidence that you have my BEST
INTERESTS at heart. Julius believed that Paul wouldn’t do anything that would
harm Julius. His leads to the servant’s attitude of Matthew 20: 25-28 which
convinces others that you have their best interest in your heart. It follows that
when people begin to see that you have your own interest at heart they will cease
to trust you.

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