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North American Society for Exile Studies

Saint Louis University

Oct. 10-11, 2008

Pere Marquette Gallery
DuBourg Hall

Friday, October 10

Welcoming Remarks and Organizational Matters

Reinhard Andress
Professor of German
Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Saint Louis University

Session I: Exile in the Middle Ages

Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant (University of Michigan – Dearborn)

“Exil im Mittelalter. Einige Streiflichter”
Otto Eberhardt (Universität Würzburg)
“Homeless Mystics: Exiled from God”
Ray Wakefield (University of Minnesota)
“Reading Parzival's Quest for the Grail as a Unique Exile Experience”
Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University)

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

Session II: New Orientations in Philosophy and Religion

Moderator: Helga Schreckenberger (University of Vermont)

“Ludwig Marcuses zwiespältiges Porträt von Ignatius von Loyola”
Wulf Koepke (Texas A&M University)
“Der Philosophiehistoriker Raymond Klibansky (1905-2005) und die
‘Internationalisierung’ der Philosophie. Das Nachleben der Antike in der ‘Philosophie
des Dialogs’”
Regina Weber (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach)
“Karl Jakob Hirsch’s Religious Conversation in Heimkehr zu Gott (1945)”
Jörg Thunecke (Westdeutsche Akademie für Kommunikation, Köln)
“Paul Tillich: Exile, Courage, and the New Being”
Johannes Evelein (Trinity College)

12:45-1:30 Light Lunch

The Kurt von Schuschnigg Papers in Pius XII Library

“History of the Schuschnigg Papers”

John Waite (Saint Louis University Archives)

“Einige Randbemerkungen zu Kurt von Schuschnigg”

Egon Schwarz (Washington University)

Session III: Exile in St. Louis

Moderator: Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University)

“Elisabeth Hauptmann: Brecht’s ‘Mitarbeiterin’ in St. Louis”
Paula Hanssen (Webster University)
“Finding an Educational Home at Saint Louis University”
Guy Stern (Wayne State University)

3:30-3:45 Coffee Break

4:00 Departure of Bus for the Saint Louis Art Museum

Guided Tour of Max Beckmann’s Graphic Art and Paintings

Sydney Norton & Lynette Roth (Saint Louis Art Museum)

5:30 Free Time

6:30 Departure of Bus for Central West End

7:00 Dinner in the Central West End at Duff’s

approx. 9:00 Departure of Bus for Water Tower Inn

Saturday, October 11
Session IV: The Beginnings of Exile Studies

Moderator: Frank Baron (University of Kansas)

Commentator: Egon Schwarz (Washington University)

“The Organization of Exile Research in the Early Years”
John Spalek (State University of New York at Albany)
“The Yearbook: From Idea to Reality”
Wulf Koepke (Texas A&M University)
“Interviews with Exiles”
Guy Stern (Wayne State University)
“Die Anfänge der Exilforschung in der Bundesrepublik”
Brita Eckert (Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

Session V: New Orientations in Writing

Moderator: Paula Hanssen (Webster University)

“Felix Pollak and Benefits of Doubt: Finding One’s Voice through the Exile Experience”
Gregory Divers (Saint Louis University)
“Neuorientierung Lion Feuchtwangers im Exil”
Romana Trefil (Universität Wien)
“‘Anstelle von Heimat halte ich die Verwandlungen der Welt’: Transformation der
lyrischen Darstellung von Heimatverlust und Heimweh bei Nelly Sachs”
Susanne Utsch (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg)

1:00-2:00 Light Lunch

NASES Business Meeting

Session VI: New Political and/or Cultural Orientations in South America

Moderator: Gregory Divers (Saint Louis University)

“‘De Karpfen a Carpeaux’ − Otto Maria Carpeaux’ Weg vom bekennenden Österreicher
zum überzeugten Brasilianer”
Marlen Eckl (Universität Wien)

“Erwachsenwerden im Exil: die ungewöhnliche Bildung von Egon Schwarz”

Helga Schreckenberger (University of Vermont)
“Der Fall des Kabarettisten, Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Diplomaten Benno Weiser
Varon: vom passiven zum aktiven Zionisten im Exil”
Reinhard Andress (Saint Louis University)
3:30-4:00 Coffee Break

Session VII: New Political and/or Cultural Orientations in France, China, the US and

Moderator: Paul Michael Lützeler (Washington University)

“Dem Schicksal ausgeliefert: Walter Hasenclevers Exilromane Die
Rechtlosen und Irrtum und Leidenschaft”
Margot Taureck (Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau)
“Die amerikanische Exil-Rhetorik Thomas Manns als Zeugnis einer weltanschaulichen
Dieter W. Adolphs (Michigan Technological University)

“World Views from China:Young German Jews in Shanghai, 1945-1949”

Susanne Wiedemann (Saint Louis University)
“Nazified to the core”: German-Jewish Émigrés and Postwar German-American Culture”
Karl-Heinz Füssl (Technische Universität Berlin)

6:30 Reception in Cupples House

7:00 Dinner in Cupples House

Presentation of Festschrift to John Spalek

“Brecht's Hollywood Elegies: From Alienation to Isolation”

Karl-Heinz Schoeps (University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana)
Performance of Selections from Hanns Eisler’s Hollywood Songbook
David Steinau (Tenor, Susquehanna University)
Rachel Jensen (Pianist, Illinois Wesleyan University)

approx. 9:00 Transportation to Watertower Inn

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