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The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Executive summary2

1. Introduction8
1.1 The structure of this report 8
1.2 How we frame our analysis 8

2. The agri-food sector’s impact in the Philippines12

2.1 The total economic impact of the Philippines
agri-food sector 12
2.2 The Economic impact of the agri-food sector in detail 13
2.3 Trade in agri-food products 16
2.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Philippines agri-food sector 17

3. Outlook for the agri-food sector20

3.1 Mixed outlook for the agri-food sector in
Southeast Asia 20
3.2 The Economic Recovery Matrix 20

4. Fiscal policy risks for the agri-food sector22

4.1 Assessing the fiscal policy risks to the Asian
agri-food sector 22
4.2 New excise taxes pose a risk to the agri-food
sector’s recovery 24

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Throughout a tumultuous year for the Philippines economy,
in which travel, logistics, trade, and business operations have
been tested in unprecedented ways, the agri-food value chain
has demonstrated its resilience. It has placed food on the
table at stable prices, provided an income and employment
for a huge proportion of the country’s workforce, and created
opportunities for businesses at each stage of the value chain.

From farm to fork, the Philippines agri-food sector holds an

unparalleled position in the economy and plays a pivotal role
in its future economic development. Its performance is critical
to household wellbeing and it is an economic powerhouse,
responsible for millions of jobs, as well as being a major
contributor to total economic output and government tax receipts.

Looking beyond the coronavirus pandemic, there are

many challenges facing the agri-food sector that will have
repercussions for the wider economy. These include major risks
to food supply and demand. They also include fiscal policy risks,
that could result from governments adjusting their spending
and taxation policies to recover from the economic impact of
COVID-19 on public finances.

Oxford Economics was commissioned by Food Industry Asia

(FIA) to provide a comprehensive analysis of the economic
impact of the agri-food sector in four major Southeast Asian
countries: Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In
this first of its kind study, we analysed five years of economic
activity across the entire food value chain—from farm-to-fork.
We leveraged the Oxford Economics Global Economic Impact
Model to understand where and how the agri-food sector
adds value to these economies, as well as our macroeconomic
forecasting tools and expertise to consider the future trajectory
of the agri-food sector, and the challenges it faces going
forward. This report focusses specifically on the Philippines.


US$127 bn
The agri-food sector’s
The agri-food sector in the Philippines made a contribution
to domestic GDP worth USD 127 billion in 2019, 30% of the
country’s total GDP (valued in 2020 prices). This economic
footprint was responsible for employing a total of 18.0 million
total contribution people, 43% of the national total. Alongside this, agri-food
to 2019 GDP in supported USD 17.1 billion in tax revenues. The sector grew
the Philippines robustly in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic. Its
(in 2020 prices). contribution to GDP was 16% larger in real terms in 2019, than in
2015, with the quickest growth seen in F&B distribution.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Fig. 1: Total economic contribution of agri-food sector in the

Philippines (2019)
US$, billions (2020 prices) Jobs, millions
140 21

120 126.7 18
100 15

80 12



18 million
Total number of jobs
supported by the
20 3 agri-food sector in
17.1 the Philippines in 2019.
0 0
GDP Tax Employment
(left axis) (left axis) (right axis)
Source: Oxford Economics

The Philippines’ agri-food sector is underpinned by a large

agricultural industry. In 2019, this made a direct contribution
to GDP worth USD 33.7 billion (in 2020 prices), and a total
contribution worth USD 45.1 billion, once the indirect supply chain
and induced consumer spending benefits are included. Agriculture
was responsible for employing a total of 10.6 million people in
2019, 59% of the total employment of the agri-food sector.

The largest component of the Philippines agri-food sector is

F&B manufacturing. In 2019, this component contributed USD
58.7 billion to GDP, accounting for 46% of the total agri-food
sector’s economic footprint. In total, this component of the agri-
food sector was responsible for sustaining 4.0 million jobs in 2019.

The last component of the agri-food sector, F&B distribution,

contributed USD 22.9 billion to GDP in 2019. This represented
18% of the entire agri-food sector’s economic contribution and
was responsible for employing a total of 3.2 million people. The
largest portion of this was F&B retail, which contributed USD
15.6 billion to GDP and employed 2.0 million people in 2019.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

The Philippines agri-food sector relies on imports of food and

beverage products. In 2019, its imports of F&B products totalled
USD 12.7 billion, compared to exports worth USD 6.5 billion,
resulting in a trade deficit worth USD 6.2 billion. The majority of
this trade deficit comes from processed F&B products, totalling
USD 5.7 billion in 2019

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a painful contraction in the

The COVID-19 pandemic Philippines agri-food sector in 2020. Despite its agricultural
caused a painful contraction in sector experiencing growth, we estimate that the overall agri-
the Philippines agri-food sector food sector’s contribution to GDP contracted by USD 5.4
in 2020. billion, resulting in 400,000 fewer people being employed. F&B
manufacturing was hardest hit, with its total footprint estimated
to have shrunk 7% in 2020, compared to a year earlier. Despite
this, the 4% overall contraction of the sector’s GDP contribution
is smaller than the rate at which the overall economy shrank,
meaning that the agri-food sector has been more resilient than
other parts of the economy.


Our analysis has revealed important vulnerabilities for the

Philippines’ food sector’s recovery. As identified in our Economic
Recovery Matrix, the country’s large tourism industry, which
is crucial to revive its food industry, is likely to recover slowly,
reducing the prospects of growth in the agri-food sector in
the coming years. In addition, high agriculture subsidies in the
Philippines mean that the sector might be vulnerable to future
austerity measures as the government seeks to address its
increased fiscal deficit.

And beyond the immediate difficulties created by the pandemic,

the agri-food sector in Southeast Asia faces longer-term
challenges too. Growing populations and incomes mean
consumers are demanding more and better-quality food. New
technologies and skills will be required to raise the productivity
of land and labour. Achieving this will require a supportive policy
environment, as well as large-scale investments.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines



Despite the uncertain economic conditions that the region faces,

many governments in Southeast Asia are facing pressure to
tackle fiscal deficits that have worsened during the coronavirus
pandemic. Our Fiscal Risk Assessment Framework, designed in
a separate study for FIA in 2020,1 assesses the exposure of the
agri-food sector to potential post-pandemic fiscal adjustments
in a group of Asian economies.

The fiscal risk faced by the Philippines agri-food sector is

heightened by the likely cost pass-through from potential
cuts to the country’s relatively generous agricultural subsidies.
A reduction in subsidies would not only harm agricultural
producers, but the rest of the agri-food value chain too.
Compared to other countries in the region, public health
indicators in the Philippines are relatively good, which may serve
to reduce the policy pressure for fat, salt and sugar related taxes
that are rising elsewhere.



Excise taxes on sugar, salt, and plastics have long been

discussed in policy circles in Southeast Asia as potential tools
to address health and environmental problems. Policymakers
might argue that the motivations behind these policy initiatives
are timely, in the context of the post-COVID recovery. However,
our analysis points to many examples of excise duties creating
counterproductive results, including a disproportionate impact
on small businesses, unforeseen damage to local industry,
an unfair burden on low-income households, and a failure to
generate fiscal revenues. If excise duties are to be deployed,
they should be well designed, evidence-based, efficiently
regulated and well communicated with industry to raise the
chances of success and minimise the potential costs to the
valuable agri-food sector.

“Fiscal risks for the food sector in Asia after COVID-19”, Oxford Economics, Food Industry Asia, August 2020 5
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


Agricultural production F&B manufacturing F&B distribution

A total contribution to GDP worth $ 126.7 billion Nearly half of the

sector’s contribution
to GDP came from
$45.1 bn $58.7 bn $22.9 bn F&B manufacturing.

A total employment footprint of 18.0 million The Philippines agri-food

sector employed 43%
of the country’s
10.6 mn 4.0 mn 3.4 mn workforce in 2019



0.6 0.7 0.1
5.9 4.9 0.5 2.5 0.3
1.4 4.2
5.5 1.0
2.1 2.0
33.7 9.5 15.6

$45.1 billion 10.6 million $58.7 billion 4.0 million $22.9 billion 3.4 million
Direct Indirect Induced Direct Indirect Induced Wholesale Retail
Catering Accommodation


The Philippines Net exports in 2019 The sector has Change in GDP contribution
relies on imports of (US$, billion) shrunk during the (US$, billion)
food, in particular –0.5 COVID-19 pandemic,
processed food but by less than the
products. wider economy. 1.8

products –5.7 –4.3
F&B manufacturing

Processed F&B distribution

F&B products –2.9

Total –6.2 –5.4

Totals may not sum due to rounding. $ = US dollar.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


The report is structured in four sector’s economic impact the coronavirus. And finally, we
parts. This chapter explains and the implications of the assess the fiscal risks facing
our overarching approach coronavirus pandemic for its the sector in 2021 and beyond,
to measuring the economic performance in 2020. In the including the potential risks
impact of the agri-food sector following chapter, we provide posed by excise duties for the
and presents high-level results. our assessment of the outlook businesses, employees, and
This is followed by a more for the agri-food sector, consumers that depend on the
detailed assessment of the beyond the initial impact of agri-food sector.


A country’s food value chain we estimate the economic encompasses agriculture and
constitutes a complex network activity that results from the fishing industries, accounts
of stakeholders involved in consumer spending undertaken for a substantial proportion of
growing, processing, selling, by those earning wages in the the Gross Domestic Product
and distributing the food and sector or in its supply chain. (GDP)2 in Southeast Asia.
beverages that households This is referred to as its induced Agricultural production is
rely on. This value chain also economic impact. More detail dominated by rice, which
makes a major contribution to on these three channels of accounts for a greater share
the economy. In this chapter, impact and how they are of gross production value than
we describe the framework we estimated is provided in Box 1. any other single commodity.
have used to assess the size of Other commodities such as
the agri-food industry’s total In our analysis, we assess the maize, coffee, cocoa, fruits,
economic impact, from farm structure of the agri-food and vegetables are also highly
to fork. sector based on 2019 data, important to the region’s
which is the latest year for agricultural output, as are
We define the agri-food which official statistics are livestock and poultry farming.
sector to encompass complete. This gives us an In addition, many Southeast
three components: important reference point prior Asian countries have large
agricultural production, to the impact of the coronavirus fishing industries, especially
Food and Beverage (F&B) pandemic. In addition, we those with large coastal or
manufacturing, and F&B assess the evolution of the island-based populations.
distribution, which are sector’s economic footprint
explored in more detail below. between 2015 and 2019, and As a major employer across
also estimate the value of Southeast Asia, agricultural
The bedrock of our analysis is the agri-food sector in 2020. production creates a large
an assessment of the direct Our 2020 projection utilises induced spending impact.
economic impact the agri-food the most recent official data Although average wages in the
sector has on the economy. Our from local national statistics sector are low, the proportion
framework also captures the agencies, combined with of household earnings that
economic activity associated Oxford Economics forecasts. are spent on local goods and
with the agri-food sector’s services is high and the sheer
supply chain spending, which Component 1: number of workers creates a
we refer to as its indirect Agricultural production very large spending footprint.
economic impact. In addition, Agricultural production, which

GDP is the standard indicator of an economy’s size and represents the total monetary value of all final goods and services
8 produced within an economy, in a specific time period.
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Component 2: Food and activity this stimulates is and non-alcoholic beverage

beverage manufacturing captured in our estimate of the products to consumers. In
In this study, we focus our induced economic impact. our analysis, we include the
analysis on non-alcoholic food wholesale and retail of food
Component 3: Food and
and beverage manufacturing and non-alcoholic beverage
beverage distribution
taking place within our four products, as well as their sale
countries of analysis. As To capture the full spectrum within the hospitality sector,
these workers and all those of the food value chain, from specifically accommodation
employed in the sector’s farm to fork, we also extend and catering.
supply chain go on to spend our analysis to downstream
their earnings, the economic industries that distribute food


In this report, we use a bespoke economic The total economic impact of the agri-food
impact modelling framework to analyse the sector encompasses all of these impacts and
economic contribution the agri-food sector we present the impact in three ways:
makes to the economy. Our assessment
encompasses three channels of impact. • Gross value added (GVA) contribution
to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is
the value of the output produced by a firm
Firstly, we assess the direct economic impact
minus its expenditure on inputs (goods and
of the businesses and workers directly
services) that are used up in production.
involved in the agri-food sector itself—
Aggregated across all economic operators
that includes agricultural production, F&B
in the economy, this forms GDP (plus
manufacturing, and F&B distribution,
production taxes and subsidies), which is
the most widely recognised measure of
For the agricultural production and F&B
total economic output.
manufacturing components, we also
capture two further ‘channels of impact’, as • Employment. This is measured on a
summarised in Fig. 2. headcount basis to facilitate comparisons
with national statistical agencies’
• The indirect economic impact refers to employment data. It therefore includes
the economic activity stimulated along the
anyone who is paid wages regardless
agri-food sector’s non-food supply chain,
of the length of their working week or
from procurement spending.
whether they work all year round. Those
• The induced economic impact refers to who are paid as part of a contract for the
the economic activity that flows from the provision of services will be considered as
payment of wages in the agri-food sector part of the supply chain, for the purposes
and the businesses in its non-food supply of this study.
chain. Those wages are spent in the local
economy, for example in retail and leisure • Tax receipts. This is an estimate of all
income and corporation tax revenues
outlets, generating profits and wages for
generated by firms and employees that
other businesses, who in turn stimulate
form part of the economic footprint.
further spending in their own supply
chains and amongst their own employees.

xuanhuongho/ 9
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Our results are presented on a gross basis. A full methodology is available in the full
They therefore ignore any displacement Southeast Asia report produced in this study.
of activity from other uses of the land, for
example. They do not consider what those
resources currently used by the agri-food
sector, or by their suppliers, could produce in
the absence of the sector’s activity.

Fig. 2. The contribution the agri-food sector makes to the Southeast Asian economy
Exports of Imports of
agri-food agri-food
products products

Direct Agricultural production F&B Manufacturing F&B Distribution

Economic Included the production Includes all activities Includes wholesale, retail,
Impact of agriculture and fisheries involved in the accommodation and
products, excluding processing of food and catering services to take food
tobacco and rubber. beverage products. and beverage to market.

Indirect Induced
Economic Impact Economic Impact

Suppliers from outside Suppliers of consumer

agri-food sector goods and services
Supply chain supports Employees consume
the agri-food sector. out of their earnings.

Movement of agri-food International trade in Employees consuming

products domestically agri-food products out of earnings
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Artyooran/ 11
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

2. T
food sector plays a major role AGRI-FOOD SECTOR
in the national economy. It is
underpinned by a large food Our analysis suggests that the typically highly labour
and beverage manufacturing agri-food sector contributed intensive — accounts for a
industry which, in contrast to USD 126.7 billion to the relatively smaller share of the
many other Southeast Asian Philippines economy in 2019 agri-food sector’s footprint
economies, outweighs the size (in 2020 prices), equivalent in the Philippines, compared
of agricultural production, in to 29.8% of GDP. The sector to the more productive F&B
terms of its contribution to sustained 18.0 million jobs in manufacturing and distribution
GDP. The agri-food sector grew 2019, which is 42.7% of the components.
consistently between 2015 and national total, making it the
2019, with particularly rapid single most critical source of In addition, the agri-food
growth in F&B manufacturing employment in the economy. sector generated an estimated
and distribution. However, a USD 17.1 billion in taxes in 2019
weakening peso (currency) and The agri-food sector’s share (USD, 2020 prices).
the relative under-performance of total employment is lower
of agricultural production has in the Philippines than the
seen the Philippines’ trade three other Southeast Asian
balance for food and beverage countries involved in this
goods deteriorate. The country study, which is due to the
was a significant net importer sector’s structure in the
of food and beverage products Philippines. The agriculture
in 2019. component — which is

In 2020, factory closures and Fig. 3: Total economic contribution of agri-food sector in the
supply chain constraints, as Philippines (2019)
well as restrictions on food US$, billions (2020 prices) Jobs, millions
distribution outlets, have
140 21
hampered the agri-food
sector’s performance. In this
chapter we describe the 120 126.7 18
sector’s economic impact
in the Philippines and its 100 15
trajectory, including the impact
of COVID-19. 80 12

All values are quoted in USD, 60 9

adjusted to keep exchange
rates and prices constant 40 6
at 2020 levels. This ensures
comparability across years and 20 3
the different markets studied
in this analysis.
0 0
GDP Tax Employment
(left axis) (left axis) (right axis)
Source: Oxford Economics

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


The sector’s total Fig. 4: Agri-food industry contribution to Philippines GDP, by

economic impact is the component, 2019
sum of three components: US$, billions (2020 prices)
agricultural production, F&B
Manufacturing and F&B
Distribution. The relative 120 4.2
contribution to GDP from 15.6
4.9 2.5
these various components 100
is presented in Fig. 4. F&B 17.6
manufacturing provides the 80
lion’s share of total economic 60
36.2 126.7
impact, accounting for
more than half of the GDP 40 5.9
contribution and 46% of
jobs. But both agricultural 20 33.7
production and F&B
distribution make very sizeable Agricultural F&B F&B Total
contributions themselves, production manufacturing distribution
directly and via their indirect
Induced Induced Accomodation
supply chain and induced
spending impacts. Indirect Indirect Catering
Direct Direct Retail
Overall, the agri-food sector Source: Oxford Economics Wholesale
has seen consistent growth
in real terms (Fig. 5.). Its USD Fig. 5: Change in GDP contribution of Philippines agri-food
126.7 billion contribution to sector, by component (2015-2019)
GDP in 2019 was 16% more US$, billions (2020 prices)
than that of 2015, equating
to average annual growth 126.7
121.7 123.2
of 3.8%. Tax revenues are 114.7 4.6 4.9
120 4.1
estimated to have mirrored 109.3 3.7 15.6 16.6 18.0
this growth, adding an 3.3 14.5
100 13.4
additional USD 1.6 billion to
government finances in 2019, 80 55.8 55.4 58.7
compared to 2015, in real 49.0 53.1
terms. 60

Over the same time period, 40

employment has shrunk,
with 1.33 million fewer people 43.5 43.3 46.2 46.6 45.1
employed in the agri-food
sector in 2019 than 2015 0
(Fig. 6). This is partly driven 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
by significant improvements in Agricultural production total F&B wholesale and retail
the labour productivity of the
agricultural sector over time. F&B manufacturing total F&B accommodation and catering
Source: Oxford Economics

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Fig. 6: Change in employment footprint of Philippines agri-food sector, by component (2015-2019)

Employment, millions

19.3 19.3
18.4 F&B accommodation
1.1 1.1 18.0 18.0
1.0 and catering
2.0 2.2 1.0 1.1
2.2 F&B wholesale and retail
3.8 4.1 F&B manufacturing total
4.0 3.9 4.0
Agricultural production total


12.4 12.0
11.2 10.9 10.6

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source: Oxford Economics

2.2.1 Agricultural production Agriculture has seen the most Meanwhile, agricultural
modest growth of the three output has seen productivity
Agricultural production directly components of the Philippines improvements, with the GDP
contributed USD 33.7 billion agri-food sector, between contribution per worker 22%
to Philippines GDP in 2019. 2015 and 2019. Its combined higher in 2019 than 2015
Once its indirect and induced direct, indirect and induced (based on 2020 prices). This
contributions are included, this contribution to GDP grew by a can be seen in the reduction
impact grows to USD 45.1 billion. total of less than 4% in real USD in the sector’s employment
terms over that time period footprint by 1.87 million jobs
This represents around 36% (Fig. 5). The value of agricultural in 2019, compared to 2015 – a
of the total agri-food sector’s production has fluctuated over 15% decrease.
contribution to national time, peaking in 2018, before a
GDP. Whilst obviously very modest reduction in 2019. This
significant, agriculture’s share is influenced by fluctuations
of the total impact is smaller in the prices of the agriculture
in the Philippines than in any sector’s output in the domestic
of the three other countries market. The total value of raw
in our Southeast Asia study. agriculture outputs decreased
Nevertheless, agriculture in 2019, compared to the
sustained a total of 10.56 previous year, in real terms.
million jobs, with 9.48 million
employed directly in the
agricultural activities.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

2.2.2 Food and beverage Improving labour productivity Overall, the F&B distribution
manufacturing in this sector limited the jobs component of the agri-food
growth associated with this sector grew rapidly between
Manufacturing of food and expansion, but still around 2015 and 2019. Its contribution
non-alcoholic beverages made 170,000 more jobs were to Philippines GDP grew by
a direct contribution worth supported by this sector in 2019 USD 5.4 billion in that time
USD 36.2 billion to Philippines compared to five years earlier period, a 36% increase, and
GDP in 2019, growing to USD — a 5% year-on-year increase. added 320,000 jobs.
58.7 billion once indirect
and induced impacts are 2.2.3 Food and beverage This growth was driven
accounted for (2020 prices). distribution primarily by success in the
hospitality industry, which
The F&B manufacturing F&B distribution contributed expanded its economic
component makes up USD 22.9 billion to GDP in footprint by 79% over that
46% of the total agri-food 2019 (2020 prices), as well as time period, adding 50,000
sector’s contribution to GDP sustaining 3.43 million jobs jobs. The Philippines catering
in the Philippines. This is a and generating USD 2.5 billion industry grew by 41% between
significantly larger share of the in tax revenues (2020 prices). 2015 and 2019, adding 660,000
total sector footprint than in This includes wholesale and jobs. In wholesale and retail,
any of the three other countries retail, as well as the sale of food growth was also rapid. Its
in our Southeast Asia study. and non-alcoholic beverages in contribution to GDP grew
the hospitality industry. by 35% in the five years to
Manufacturing sustained a 2019, sustaining an additional
total of 3.97 million jobs in Wholesale and retail accounted 298,000 additional jobs.
2019, of which 1.39 million for USD 18 billion of the F&B
came from its direct activities distribution component’s
and the rest from its supply contribution to GDP in 2019.
chain and the wider consumer This included USD 2.5 billion
spending it induced. It made a from wholesale and USD 15.6
tax contribution worth USD 8.3 billion from retail. It sustained
billion in 2019 (2020 prices). 2.31 million jobs that year,
including 280,000 in wholesale
Food and beverage and 2.03 million in retail.
manufacturing output grew
considerably in the Philippines The hospitality industry further
between 2015 and 2019. Its contributed USD 4.9 billion
contribution to GDP — including to Philippines GDP, including
its direct, indirect and induced USD 4.2 billion from food
impacts — was 20% higher in establishments and USD 0.7
real terms in 2019 than five years billion from accommodation.
prior, contributing an additional It also sustained 1.12 million
USD 9.7 billion to national GDP. jobs, including 110,000 in
accommodation and 1.01
million in catering.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


The Philippines is the only

country in our four-country Fig. 7: Trade in agri-food products, 2019
Southeast Asian study to
US$, billions (2020 prices)
demonstrate a persistent trade
deficit in agri-food products. In 15
12.7 Processed food and
2019, the Philippines’ exports of 10 beverage products
agri-food products were worth
USD 6.5 billion, compared to 7.5
imports worth USD 12.7 billion, 6.5 Agricultural products
resulting in a deficit of USD 6.2 1.9
billion. Indeed, we find that the
4.6 5.1
Philippines has a trade deficit
in both unprocessed and
processed food products. –0.5
Processed food items are the –5
main contributor to this deficit, –6.2
with the largest category
being processed cereals. –10
Export Import Net exports
Many of these products Source: Oxford Economics
are required as inputs to
the food manufacturing Fig. 8: Net exports of primary and processed food and non-
sector in the Philippines and alcoholic beverages, Philippines, 2015 to 2019
cannot be provided by the US$, billions (2020 prices)
country’s proportionally small
0 -0.3 -0.3
agriculture sector. -0.7 -0.8 -0.8

The net trade position for food -2.4
and non-alcoholic beverages
-2 -3.3
has worsened over time in the -3.3
Philippines, widening from
USD -2.7 billion to -6.2 billion -3 -2.7 -5.0 -5.7
between 2015 and 2019 (both
values in 2020 prices and -4
exchange rates). The most -4.0
significant annual change was -5
between 2017 and 2018, when
the Philippine peso saw the -6
cost of food imports rise rapidly, -5.8
whilst its exports lost value. -7
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
These cost increases are likely
to be passed onto consumers, Agricultural products Processed food and beverage products
and have a knock-on effect Source: Oxford Economics
on living standards, given the
importance of cereal products
to the import mix.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


Our forecasts for the This contraction reflects the 2.4.1 Agricultural production
Philippines economy in 2020 wider economic conditions in
are primarily based on official the Philippines in the midst We forecast that the agricultural
GDP statistics during the of the COVID-19 pandemic. production component of the
first three quarters of the Oxford Economics forecasts agri-food sector will grow its
year, based on Philippine suggest national GDP could contribution to GDP in 2020,
Statistics Authority data, and fall by as much as 9% in real by USD 1.8 billion. That includes
Oxford Economics bespoke USD terms in 2020. On that a USD 1.3 billion increase in its
projections for the final quarter. basis, our analysis suggests direct contribution and a further
the agri-food sector has been USD 0.5 billion through its
Overall, we estimate that the more resilient than most, in the indirect and induced impacts.
Philippines agri-food sector face of the crisis, partly due to Combined, this represents
experienced a 4% contraction its role as an essential product. real-terms growth of 4%,
in 2020, equivalent to a USD year-on-year.
5.4 billion reduction, from 2019 However, there is quite a lot of
levels (in real terms). This is variation across the different We estimate that this growth
estimated to have led to a loss components of the agri-food will generate an additional
of 390,000 jobs, or a 2% drop sector, as shown in Fig. 9. 340,000 jobs in the agri-
in employment sustained by food sector, a year-on-year
the sector in 2020 (Fig. 9). Tax increase of 3%. We arrived at
revenues are forecast to fall by these estimates based on the
USD 679 million, on a year-on- increasing value of the sector’s
year basis. output, as identified by official
statistics in the first three
quarters of 2020.

Fig. 9: Year-on-year change in GDP and employment contribution of agri-food sector in

Philippines, by component, 2020.
US$, billions (2020 prices) Jobs, millions
3 0.3 0.3
GDP (left axis) Employment (right axis)
2 0.2
1 1.3 0.1
0 0.5 0.0 0
-0.7 0.0 -0.4
0.0 -0.2 0.0 -0.1
-1 -1.5 -0.1
-2 -0.2
-3 -0.3
-0.4 -0.4
-4 -0.4
-5 -5.4 -0.5
-6 -0.6
l d. in
g ale io
n ta
il g L
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Ag ire & B &B irec
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in Source: Oxford Economics

Space_Cat/ 17
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

2.4.2 Food and non-alcoholic 2.4.3 Food and non-alcoholic In the Philippines hospitality
beverage manufacturing beverage distribution industry, the 2020 contraction
is starker. We estimate that
F&B manufacturing in the We estimate that the F&B this component of the agri-
Philippines is estimated to distribution component of the food sector’s contribution to
have contracted in 2020. Its agri-food sector’s contribution GDP contracted by USD 1.9
total impact is estimated to to GDP fell by USD 2.9 billion billion in 2020, a 39% decrease
have shrunk by USD 4.3 billion, in real terms in 2020. That is a on its 2019 value. As a result,
USD 2.7 billion of which was decrease of 13% from the year it supported 420,000 fewer
from its direct impact. This before, by far the worst hit jobs than the year before. The
represents a 7% year-on- component of the agri-food majority of this impact was
year decrease. Meanwhile, sector. We estimate that the driven by a 58% decrease
employment is estimated to employment associated with in accommodation services’
have shrunk by 240,000 jobs, F&B distribution also fell, by contribution to GDP, worth USD
or 6%. 490,000. 0.4 billion and 60,000 jobs. The
catering industry’s economic
This negative performance This drop is partly accounted footprint contracted by 37%
reflects the broader weakness for by the difficult economic year on year, but its relatively
of the whole economy, as well conditions in the wholesale larger size meant this amounted
as the specific weakness in and retail of food and beverage to a drop of USD 1.5 billion in
demand from food distribution products. We estimate the its contribution to GDP, and
(e.g. retail, hospitality and economic impact of this 350,000 jobs fewer supported.
catering—explained below), component of the agri-food
which is passed through sector to have fallen 5% in
into food manufacturing. 2020, compared to the year
In addition, supply-side before, resulting in a USD
constraints related to the 3.8 billion reduction in its
pandemic, such as supply contribution to GDP. This
chain disruptions, limits to includes an 8% contraction in
worker movements, and wholesale compared to 5% in
constrained factory operating retail. Employment across the
capacities have hampered the whole of wholesale and retail is
whole of the manufacturing estimated to have decreased by
sector in this period. 70,000 in 2020, year-on-year.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Rich Carey/ 19
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

3. O

With such an enormous an inevitable crunch on food Southeast Asia’s agri-food

and pivotal contribution to and beverage demand in sector also faces longer-
wider economic activity in 2021. The pandemic will leave term challenges. As incomes
Southeast Asia, the fortunes a legacy of unemployment, have risen and populations
of the agri-food sector are underemployment, and reduced have grown, Southeast Asian
intertwined with those of the household incomes, which will consumers are demanding
wider economy. Beyond the depress consumer spending more and better-quality food.
initial impact of the coronavirus across Southeast Asia. There is an urgent need for
outbreak, the sector faces land and labour productivity
highly challenging conditions, Oxford Economics forecasts improvements, which requires
which will have implications for an annual reduction in total technological innovation and
employment, tax revenues, and household food spending of skills development, as well as
wider economic performance. 0.8% in Southeast Asia in 2021, a sound and supportive policy
in real terms. Furthermore, environment. This includes
Whilst the food supply tourism traditionally accounts the need for investment in
chain remained relatively for large portion of total food new technologies to improve
robust during 2020, new consumption, and this will take the resilience, efficiency, and
and unforeseen variants of longer to recover. Our latest environmental sustainability of
the coronavirus could have projections suggest Asia will the region’s labour-intensive
different impacts on logistics not see a return to 2019 levels food value chain.
and prices in the months ahead. of inbound tourism until 2024.
The sector is also braced for


In a 2020 study in collaboration factor (1-10, with 1 notifying the Philippines supports generous
with FIA, Oxford Economics greatest risk), based on hard agriculture subsidies, which
developed an Economic data and expert judgement. present a potential option for
Recovery Matrix for Asia’s The overall recovery rating the government as it looks
agri-food sector to better is a simple average of each to cut costs. However, such
understand the risks it faces.3 country’s rankings across these austerity would see additional
The matrix identifies demand- risk factors. costs passed onto consumers
side risks, relating to household and demand decrease,
spending, travel and tourism, The food sector in the damaging the industry.
and potential forthcoming Philippines shows significant
fiscal measures, which are vulnerabilities in our Economic Despite this, the Philippines
expanded upon further in the Recovery Matrix. The high does have economic strengths
next chapter. It also identifies proportion of the country’s that will offer the sector
supply-side forces that will GDP that is generated by the opportunities. In particular,
influence recovery, relating to tourism sector threatens to consumer spending on food
potential food trade barriers, hinder the recovery of the products is expected to grow
price inflation, exchange rate agri-food sector, as tourism is strongly. The Philippines also
volatility, and further potential expected to take multiple years benefits from a stable currency,
fiscal measures. Each country to recover to its pre-pandemic which gives the economy a
is given a score for each risk levels. In addition to this, the strong platform for growth.

20 3
“Leading to recovery: Asia’s food industry in the post-COVID era” Oxford Economics, Food Industry Asia, October 2020
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Fig. 10. Economic recovery matrix for the agri-food sector4


Household food
spending growth, 8 6 7 4 10 3 1 2 5 9
Demand Side Factors

Risks of food-
specific taxes and 7 2 4 6 10 7 9 3 4 1
Recovery Factor ranking (1=worst placed, 10=best placed)

VAT hike

Risk to recovery
of austerity 2 4 2 1 5 8 5 10 9 7

Travel and Tourism

6 2 1 9 5 4 7 10 8 3
as % GDP, 2019

Policy restrictions
to food trade in 9 9 9 8 10 8 10 10 1 9
Supply Side Factors

Change in food
price inflation 5 7 6 2 9 3 1 8 4
through 2020

exchange rate 10 4 7 1 5 9 8 6 2 3

Size of agri
subsidies and
6 5 2 1 10 3 7 4 9 8
importance to
food sector

Overall Recovery Rating

1=worst placed for 6.6 4.9 4.8 4.3 7.1 6.4 6.3 5.8 5.8 5.5
recovery, 10 = best placed
for recovery

Note: all countries are ranked on a scale of 1-10 on each metric, where 1=most risk on this metric, and 10 is least risky.
“Policy restrictions to trade” is scored judgmentally, depending on the number of new anti-food trade measures introduced in 2020.

Scores reflect January 2021 context. 21
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

4. F
economic conditions and the AGRI-FOOD SECTOR
many hardships currently
faced by households and To understand the risks to the The agri-food sector in the
industry in the region, agri-food sector from fiscal Philippines is judged to be
governments are under policy, Oxford Economics one of the more vulnerable of
pressure to tackle the fiscal developed a Fiscal Risk the Asian countries featured
deficits that have widened Framework, which was first in our Fiscal Risk Assessment.
during the coronavirus published in collaboration The agriculture sector
pandemic. In this chapter, with FIA in a 2020 study.5 relies heavily on subsidies,
we explore the potential The framework assesses with government support
implications of these post- three aspects: amounting to 3% of GDP
COVID-19 fiscal adjustments per annum (the comparable
1. The damage done to
for the agri-food sector. numbers for Vietnam and
government finances during
Thailand are 0.9% and 1.0%
the COVID-19 pandemic,
respectively). A reduction in
2. The urgency of repairing subsidies would not only harm
fiscal balance sheets, and agricultural producers, but
also raise costs for the rest
3. The exposure of the food
of the agri-food value chain.
sector to the risks arising
This would present an issue
from this effort.
for the Philippines, where the
food manufacturing sector is
Using a traffic light system,
heavily reliant on domestic
the framework illustrates the
inputs. As a result, any cost
relative vulnerability of the
increases in agriculture would
agri-food industry in each
quickly pass through into food
economy to potential post-
prices more generally, and
COVID-19 fiscal adjustments.
damage demand.
Our assessment combines
i) the fiscal damage of
Nevertheless, on a more
COVID-19 measures, ii) the
positive note, the Philippines
agriculture sector’s exposure
scores amongst the best in the
to government spending or
region on public health metrics,
subsidy, iii) the agri-food
suggesting less of an impetus
sector’s exposure to potential
for policymakers to target
tax hikes, and iv) the health-
taxes on sugar and fat content
related impetus to impose new
in foods for health purposes.
excise taxes on sugar, salts,
and fats. In Fig. 11, we present
a Food Industry Fiscal Risk
rating, which is the median
rank of each country across
the range of metrics (1 = least
susceptible to risk).

22 5
“Fiscal risks for the food sector in Asia after COVID-19”, Oxford Economics, Food Industry Asia, August 2020
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Fig. 11: Fiscal risk assessment for the food industry6

Change in
COVID-19 Fiscal

-3.4 -3.6 -3.7 -1.6 -1.3 -1.4 -1.4 -6.5 -2.1 -3.7
deficit 2019-

2021, pp GDP
credit risk, 2020
4.4 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.1 4.1
(1=lowest risk,
10=highest risk)
Expenditure Risk

agriculture % of
46.8 47.0 53.8 46.0 37.3 54.4 66.9 23.1 29.5 0.2

input to food
support for
1.0 3.1 3.0 0.9 0.5 1.6 0.2 0.9 1.6 0.0
agriculture, %
VAT/GST rate
on food, %, 7 12 10 10 10 13 18 10 10 7
Revenue Risk

Food and
beverage %
37.9 40.4 22.1 39.7 29.5 19.9 45.9 27.7 13.8 7.2
of consumer
basket, 2020
% of adults
Health Factors

(obese) and
30.4 16.3 24.0 12.6 51.0 30.3 15.7 17.9 37.1 29.7

% of adults with
7.0 7.1 6.3 6.0 16.7 9.2 10.4 5.6 6.9 5.5
diabetes, 2019

Food Industry
Fiscal Risk 6.8 6.5 6.3 4.9 5.9 5.5 5.0 4.1 4.5 3.9

Source: Oxford Economics/Various

*Food Industry Fiscal Risk Rating is calculated as the median rank for country on each identified metric, with 1 denoting the least
susceptible country, and 10 denoting the most susceptible.

Scores reflect January 2021 context. 23
The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines


Excise taxes on sugar, salt, A good excise tax policy 3. Consultation and
and plastics have long been should be well designed, communication with
discussed in policy circles in targeted, evidence-based, and industry. To succeed
Southeast Asia as potential efficiently regulated to raise with fiscal measures,
tools to address health and the chances of success. We governments must engage
environmental problems. The identify three core ingredients and communicate with
motivations behind these of a successful fiscal policy to stakeholders regularly
policy initiatives are timely meet health and environmental to minimise the cost to
and highly important. But objectives. business and the loss of
international evidence has jobs, whilst maximising
1. Education and public
shown that for such measures collaboration and
information. Raising
to succeed, careful design, compliance. Regular
awareness amongst
planning, and communication communication with
consumers is key to
are essential. There are many industry stakeholders equips
managing behavioural
examples of excise duties policymakers with sector
change, and highly
creating counterproductive expertise and enables them
complementary to the use
results, including a to tailor policy effectively
of fiscal measures. Accurate
disproportionate impact on to achieve its intended
food and plastic labelling
small businesses, unforeseen outcomes.
are a tried and tested public
damage to local industry, an
information tool to amplify
unfair burden on low-income
policy effectiveness.
households, and a failure to
generate fiscal revenues. 2. A comprehensive regulatory
scope. Excise taxes used
on their own can be blunt,
regressive, and poorly
implemented. International
evidence suggests the more
effective the regulatory
conditions, the more
effective the tax compliance.
Governments can use
regulatory standards on
aspects such as product
reformulation and food
labelling to nudge producers
in the right direction.

The economic impact of the agri-food sector in the Philippines

Oxford Economics was founded in 1981 as a Food Industry Asia (FIA) was formed in
commercial venture with Oxford University’s 2010 to enable major food and beverage
business college to provide economic manufacturers and B2B ingredients suppliers
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and financial institutions expanding abroad. such as health and nutrition, food safety,
Since then, we have become one of the sustainability, and regulations and trade.
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