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ridkernasa + NMDSS NURSING MINIMUM DATA SET SYSTEMS RADAZA, KYLE SANCHO, MIGUEL ENTRY FRANK | NCM 110 NURSING INFORMATICS BBsN2L oO = ojewr ‘+ Data‘ isa collection of discrete values that convey information, describing quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted. * Datum: is an individual value in a collection of data. + Data set: corresponds to one or more database tables, where every column of a table represents a particular variable. «= Information: created when data are processed. + Information Management: collection and management of information from ‘one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. * Nursing Minimum Data Set: a classification system which allows for the standardized collection of essential nursing data. 3 BROAD CATEGORIES OF NMDS Nursing Care Elements 1. Nursing Diagnosis 2. Nursing Interventions 3, Nursing outcome 4, Intensity of Nursing Care Service Elements 1, Personal Identification 2. Date of Birth 3. Sex 4, Race/Ethnicity 5, Residence Demographic - Patient or Cl 1, Unique Agency # 2, Unique Health Record # 3, Admission Date 4, Discharge Date + 1977- The NMDS was conceptualized through a small group work at the nursing Information systems (NISs) conference held at the University of Illinois College of nursing. + 1985 - Werly and colleagues took the NMDS forward at the NMDS conference held at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee School of nursing. + 1988 - It was during this invitational conference that the NMDS was developed consensually through the efforts of 64 conference participants and formalized by Werly and Lang + 199] The American Nurses Association (ANA) recognized the NMDS as the minimum date elements to be included in any data set or patient record. - Establishment of American Nurses Association Steering Committee on Databases to Support Clinical Nursing Practice. + 1996 - Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC) develops and disseminates standards related to nomenclature, clinical associations, clinical data repositories, and system characteristics/decision support/contextual variables pertaining to data sets in information systems that support the documentation of nursing practice. ESTABLISHED NMDS 1. Australia 5. Netherlands 2. Canada 6. Switzerland 3. Belgium 7. Thailand 4, Iceland BENEFITS OF NMDS 1. Compare and contrast nursing care 2. Enhanced documentation 3. Tracks trends in care 4, Improved costing of nursing ability 5. Examine quality of care 6. Encourages refinement of nursing formatics 7. Supports research 8. Data easily retrievable and easily shared

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