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GROUP 1 Single parent-A person ringing up a child or children without

Groups: The Heart of Interaction-multiple individuals that does partner

not interact forms social aggregates but once they form groups. cohabitation- Living together before marriage, when a man and
social aggregates- a simple collection of people who happened woman live together in a sexual relationship without being
to be together in a particular space but does not interact or married.
identify with one another. kinship of politics: political dynasties and alliances Politics
Social Group- a collection of people who regularly interact with have also been influenced by kinship relations. This is known in
one another on the based of shared expectations and who politics as political dynasties.
share a common identity.
Primary Group- This is typically a small social group whose GROUP 3
members share close, personal, enduring relationship. This Political System-where power structures are defined to ensure
group consist of the following traits: that conflicts are managed.
a) Small and Informal BANDS AND TRIBES-Considered as the simplest political
b) Frequent Interaction systems.
c) Emotional Bonding BANDS-Usually a small, formed by several families living
d) Long Term together; oftentimes moving from one place to the other to
Secondary Group- This has the opposite characteristics of a search for food.
primary group. Secondary group can be small or large and they TRIBES-More complex and larger than a band. As the
are mostly impersonal and usually short-term. population increases, there is a shifting from a basic form of
Reference Group- It is with a persons desire to provide a livelihood to a multiple way of living.
character connection. CHIEFDOM- defined as a political organization that is more
Group Think- A process by which the members of a group define.
ignore ways of thinking and plans of action that go against the Simple Chiefdom is characterized by a central village or
group consensus-is said to be taking place. community ruled by a single family.
Networks-it is formed by the presence of social linkages Complex Chiefdom is composed of several simple chiefdom
ruled by a single paramount chief residing in a single
GROUP 2 paramount center
KINSHIP- It is a social institution that refers to relations formed NATIONS & STATE The advent of modernity has made the
between members of society. process of consolidating different individuals into one political
kinship by blood- considered as the most basic and general community more difficult and complex.
form of relations. Nations-despite its being historically constituted and having a
Principles of descent-kinship can be studied by analyzing the common sense of identification among its members, as well as
relationships that exist between persons. the consciousness of having the potential to be autonomous,
Unilineal descent-a single line of ancestors from either the nevertheless do not posses political sovereignty.
male an female line State-A political unit consists of a government that has
kinship by MARRIAGE-the type of relations developed when a sovereignty presiding over a group of people and a well-defined
marriage occurs. territor.
Marriage across culture-Different societies have developed Authority- is the right to command.Such act is a response to
traditions, customs, rules, and norms that determine how that person ' s perceived power.
marriage will be done. Legitimacy- is a " value " whereby something or someone is
Endogamy-Compulsory marriage in their own village, recognized and accepted as right and proper.
community, ethnic, social, or religious group.. WEBER'S THREE TYPES OF AUTHORITY
Exogamy- a marriage custom where an individual marries Traditional- Legitimize from well-establised custom, habits, and
outside of their own group. social structures
Monogamy-It refers to the marriage or sexual partnering Charismatic- Legitimize from the charisma of the individual.
custom or practice where an individual has only one male or Legal-rational- Legitimize from formal rules promulgated by the
female partner or mate state through its fundamental and implementing laws
Pologamy-refers to the practice of having more than one
partner or sexual mate GROUP 4
Referred marriage-Some find their partners through other SOCIOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW:
people like friends and relative who act as matchmaker. Functionalist Perspective-Views economic institutions as vital
Arranged marriage-.The man or woman's parents, community component of society as it is involved in the production,
leaders determine the marital partner of the individual. distribution, and purchasing of goods that are essential for
kinship by rituals- a ritualized form of forging co-parenthood or survival.
family. Conflict Perspective-Argues that economic institutions
FAMILY AND THE HOUSEHOLD-The family is considered the emerged to benefit the ruling classes/groups at the expense of
basic unit of social organization. the ordinary laborers with income inequality and deprives them
NUCLEAR FAMILY AND EXTENDED FAMILY-a family that’s is of decent quality of life.
made up of a group of people united by social ties and made up NONMARKET INSTITUTIONS-RECIPROCITY, TRANSFER, and
of two adults and their recognized children. REDISTRIBUTION are non-market transactions since they do
Blended or reconstituted families-A type of family where the not entail the exchange of cash for the rendering of service or
parents have a child or children from previous marital provision of goods.
relationships but all the members stay and congregate to form RECIPROCITY- Exists when there is an exchange of goods or
a new family unit. labor between individuals in an community.
DIVORCED & ANNULMENT-Go separate ways. TRANSFER- Entails a redistribution of income that is not
matched by actual exchange of goods and services
REDISTRIBUTION-The economic exchange involves the Fiscal Policy – governments are encouraged to increase their
collection, pooling, and redistribution of goods among the public spending on infrastructures to further spur economic
same members. activity
MARKET SYSTEM-A type of economic system that allows the COMMAND ECONOMY or SOCIALIST ECONOMY - when the
free flow of goods between and among private individuals and government takes over the functions of the market producing
firms with very limited participation from the government. and distributing goods and services.
MARKET INSTITUTIONS: TAXES - primary instruments used by governments to
 Private property redistribute income tax
 Freedom of enterprise and choice Government purchases- expenditures on the private sector at
 self-interest hat utilizes economic resources which yields domestic output
 competition Transfer payments- government spending on the private sector
 markets and prices that does not require the absorption of utilization of economic
 reliance on technology and capital goods resources
 active but limited government
encourages investment, innovation, and efficient use of the
factors of production
- allows all economic actors to pursue activities that will yield
the most benefits for as long as the activities are within legal
INVISIBLE HAND- integrates both the idea of self-interest and
competition in the market place GROUP 5
MARKET-a mechanism and not necessarily a place which brings
Institution- are those that are based on the community and are
buyers and sellers together for a desired transaction
in community practices, and operate in the everyday lives of
PRICES-serve as signaling device to indicate the value of a good
the people and not at the domain of the state.
or service to both the buyers and the sellers and guide their
Different institutions::
actions on whether they should buy or not, or supply more or
Environmental worldviews-are the system of beliefs as well as
perceptions of the people vis-a-vis the forest resource (how
they see it in relation to their surroundings).
market system rewards technological and innovation by
Knowledge systems— the system of knowledge that governs
bringing more profits to whomever the idea of a new product
how the people engage the resource, particularly in terms of
or production technique came from
the technology employed to extract products from it.
SPECIALIZATION-contributes to efficiency by taking advantage
Tenurial and property systems— the manner by which the
of the differences in each and every person’s abilities
community defines the rules of who has access to and control
USE OF MONEY - facilitates an easier exchange between
transacting parties (Barter: swapping of goods for goods.) of resources.
ACTIVE BUT LIMITED GOVERNMEMT - a market system Conflict management systems—the manner by which the
promotes efficiency but not a project system community manages its conflicts vis-a-vis various issues,
MARKET TRANSACTION- involves parties who sell their goods including conflicts that arise from the use of forest resources.
and services in exchange for cash from consumers. Associations- are the various systems that define the manner in
MARKET ECONOMY-one where the production, distribution, which individuals establish relationships among them in the
and consumption of goods and services operate through these pursuance of a common interest, such as production and social
forms of exchange. security. They include reciprocal institutions such as the forms
FREE MARKET ECONOMY- where the price of a good or service of exchange labor like bayanihan or turnohan, or patron-client
is determined by the forces of supply and demand relationships.
Surplus – whensupply ishigher thandemand State organizations:
Shortage– whendemandishigher thansupply *Executive Branch—the office of the President and the
OLIGOPOLY – is constrained by the fact that some industries, departments under the Office of the President
due to the level of capital required, ends up involving only a *Legislative Branch—the Senate and the House of
few seller or producer. Representatives
MONOPOLY - is constrained by the fact that some industries, *Judiciary
due to the level of capital required, ends up involving only one *Armed Forces and the Police
seller *Constitutional Commissions Commission On Audit (COA)'
STATE- through the government, comes in to regulate the 8Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Commission on Elections
prices to protect the interest of the consuming public. (COMELEC)
LABOR - a producer good, since it is an input to the production *Local Governments
of goods and services. Type of banks:
GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION-in economic institutions is Savings Banks—These banks are suited for employees with a
warranted to protect the interest of consumers and workers. monthly salary. Low-waged people may open an account in the
Monetary Policy – Keynesian theory advocated for a reduction savings bank.
in interest rates so to encourage investors to borrow money Commercial Banks—These banks collect money from people in
and invest in business to spur production. various sectors and give the same as a loan to business men
and make profits in interests these business men pay.
Industrial Development Banks—committed toward enhancing 3. Consumer cooperative-A consumer co-op is an autonomous
the growth of industries by providing loans for a very long association of consumers united voluntarily to meet their
period of time. This is vital for the long-term growth of the common needs and aspirations. Example: Credit Unions Utility
industries. Cooperatives Electric Cooperatives
Land Development Banks—These banks promote growth in the 4.Agricultural cooperative-A business association into which
food sector by giving loans to farmers at a relatively lower farmers pool their resources. By doing so, farmers can increase
interest rate. The loan is usually given on the basis of the land. their revenues, reduce costs or share risks, depending on the
Mortgage Banks—These banks specialize in providing type of cooperative.
mortgage loans alone. Trade or Labor Union- refers to an organization of workers
Spare Banks—These banks are present Norway. They promote whose main objective is to protect the welfare of its members
both savings and commercial facilities to both people and Advance and science based technology- A university-based
organizations organisation that commits clinical and academic expertise and
Federal or National Banks—These banks control the principles resources to a particular research initiative
policies of other banks across the country. These banks are Mass media- refers to a diverse array of media technologies
managed and run by the government. These banks provide that reach a large audience via mass communication.
benchmarks which other banks should follow. Religious organization- A religious organization or religious
Cooperative banks—Cooperative banks as the name suggests group is a coalition of people who practice a particular religion
gets money from the general community without any bias and who come together in a structured or unstructured group to
provide loans to all sections of people in the neighborhood. accomplish a number of different religious goals.
Exchange Banks—These banks will be available in more than a Nongovernmental organization- voluntary group of individuals
single country. They provide services for the buying and selling or organizations, usually not affiliated with any government,
of gold and silver: transactions will be in foreign currencies. that is formed to provide services or to advocate a public
Consumer's Bank—These are consumer-friendly banks; they policy.
encourage the consumer in buying commercial products and People’s organization – is a local, grass-roots organization that
provide options for easy repay of the loan amount. has no government sponsorship. No wealthy people sponsor it.
Community Development Banks—These banks provide
services to the community where there has been nothing or GROUP 6
very little development over the years. Education-is the social institution that formally socializes
Credit Unions—They act just like a cooperative bank except members of society. It remains a very important support pillar
they provide services to only one employee union in the in society.
community. Low interest rates and easy installment paybacks 2 MAIN TYPES OF EDUCATION:
are features of these banks. FORMAL-is based in the classroom and provided by trained
Postal Savings Banks—These banks are oriented with postal teaching and non-teaching personnel.
services. People save money for a defined period of time and NON-FORMAL-is an organized educational activity that takes
are paid with standard interest rates. place outside a formal setup.
Private Banks—These banks are not for the general public or MANIFEST- Manifest function of education is the transmission
community. They are for private personnel's assets and of culture, skills, and values.
transactions alone. LATENT- the ability to work in groups, whether as a leader or as
Offshore Banks—They are also private banks except that they a member.
have little tax to pay for their transactions
SOCIALIZATION- is an essential ingredient in creating a society
Ethical Banks—As the name implies ethical banks promote
TRANSMISSION OF CULTURE- through socialization in
candid transactions; between various customers of the bank.
school(teachers to learners, learners to learners)
Policies and rules are transparent in nature.
SOCIAL INTEGRATION- function as a social control mechanism
Internet Banks—provides banking facilities only via internet. that brings recalcitrant members back to field .
There will be no physical contact with the bank. All transactions PRODUCTIVE CITIZENRY - refers to the idea that a citizen by
are permitted only through online. him/herself must create the environment and opportunities to
Corporation-refers to a broad category of nonstate become productive.
organizations representing a company or group of people that SELF-ACTUALIZATION- it refers to the desire for self-fulfillment,
engages in a lawful activity in relation to a public function namely to the tendency might be phrased as the desire to
non-stock corporation-owned by members that join the become more and more.
Nonprofit corporations- are always nonstock, while Profit 1 ACCEPTANCE AND REALISM
Corporation are usually stock corporations 2 PROBLEM-CENTERING
A cooperative or coop -refers to an autonomous association 3 SPONTANEITY
whose membership is voluntary 4 AUTONOMY AND SOLITUDE
1.Housing cooperative: are owned by the cooperatives and ACCEPTANCE AND REALISM-Self-actualization people have
cannot be sold for profit. Examples include: condominiums, realistic perception of themselves, others and world around
rentals, single-family homes, market rate, and limited equity. them.
2. Worker cooperatives- are owned and operated by their PROBLEM-CENTERING-Self-actualization individuals are
employees. Profit distribution to worker-members is based on a concerned with solving problems outside of themselves.
combination of job position, hours worked, seniority, and SPONTANEITY-Self-actualization people are spontaneous in
salary. Examples: bakeries, retail stores, software development their internal thoughts and outward behavior while they also
groups, and aquaculture. tend to be open and unconventional.
AUTONOMY AND SOLITUDE- characteristics of self-
actualization people is the need for independence and privacy
while they enjoy the company of others, these individuals need HEALTH SYSTEM in the Philippines-Department of Health as
time to focus on developing their own individual potential. the regulatory authority that develops national plans, technical
CONTINUED FRESHNESS OF APPRECIATION-Self-actualization standards, and healthcare guidelines for all Filipinos
people tend to view the world with a continual sense of Cultural construct of health and their Filipino attributes-They
appreciation to be a source of inspiration and pleasure. may even resort to utilizing traditional home remedies such as
alternative or complimentary means of treatment.
GROUP 7 Health Beliefs and Behaviors: Theories of Illness Physical and
Religion- refers to a person's " adherence to a set of beliefs or mental health and illness are viewed holistically as an
teachings about the deepest and most elusive of life's equilibrium model.
mysteries Mystical Causes-often attributed to experiences or behaviors
Emile Durkheim-"A unified system of beliefs and practices such as ancestral retribution for unfinished tasks or obligations.
relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and Naturalistic Causes- include a host of factors ranging from
forbidden. natural forces (thunder, lightning, drafts, etc.) to excessive
SUPERNATURALISM ~ Refers to the society's belief in non stress, food and drug incompatibility, infection, or familial
material forces that can influence the physical world susceptibility.
ANIMIS-Is the belief in nature spirit, it also emphasizes Personalistic Causes- are associated with social punishment or
ancestor worship. retribution from supernatural forces such as evil spirit.
TOTEMISM-Believed that natural elements, plants, or animals BACTERIAL CAUSES-an increasing number of people who are
can influence one's life and the material world. already swayed by the power of science. The concept virus and
THEISM-Refers to the people's belief in the divinity. bacteria, hence of infection and allergies, and poisoning.
POLYTHEISM-Refers to the belief of a society to the pantheon CULTURAL HEALTH CULTURAL HEALTH ACTORS Cultural healer
of Gods. actors perform specific activities that are more or less
MONOTHEISM-Believes in a a single God. associated with flushing, heating, and protecting.
BELIEF: and treat it supernaturally with herbal /medicinal treatments,
* THEISM incantation,and offerings
* ANIMISM The mangluluop- specializes in diagnostic techniques, usually
* TOTEMISM referring the patients after diqgnos to albularyo, medico, or
* THE NEW AGE manghihilot for definitive treatment.
THEISM ( major / big category)- Theistic religions revolve THE hilot -refers both to the manghihilot and the
around one or more deities, usually immortal. magpapaanak. The manghihilot specializes in techniques and
ANIMISM (major / big category)-Animism is a belief system treatments applicable to sprains, fracture, and musculoskeletal
based on the existence of ghosts and spirits which influence condition. And the magpapaanak besides giving prenatal visits
human behaviour and the natural world, either in the name of and delivering babies, often perform the suob ritual or the
Good or in the name of Evil. ritual of postpartum care.
TOTEMISM (major / big category)- based on the worship of The Medico-is a hybrid, sort of crossover specialization. He or
one particular symbol, a totem, which also refers to one tribe she merges age old folkloric modalities with ingredients of
or family. western medicine- ' prescription ' medication, acupuncture,
THE NEW AGE (major / big category)- the collective term for etc.
eclectic belief-based movements that preach the coming of a Health as Human Rights-Health is a fundamental human rights
new age in spirituality. protected by international human rights law.
CHURCH- a building used for Christian worship services and
other Christian religious activities. GROUP 9
DENOMINATION-A large group of religious congregations SOCIAL INEQUALITY: THE HEART OF SOCIOLOGY Society is
united under a common faith and name, usually organized composed of different individuals who possess different
under a single administrative and legal hierarchy. characteristicsand are born in different circumstances.
SECT- a religious group that is a subset of a religion or SOCIAL STRATIFICATION  Refers to the division of large social
denomination. groups into smaller groups based on categoriesdetermined by
CULT- is an organized group whose purpose is to dominate cult economic;
members through psychological manipulation and pressure SOCIAL EXCLUSION  Refers to the process by which
strategies. individuals are cut off from full involvement in thewider circles
CHRISTIANITY-is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on of
the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. TWO PRIMARY SYSTEM OF STRATIFICATION  Impose rigid
ISLAM- is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centered around boundaries between social groups and limit interactions among
the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. memberswho belong to different social groups or occupy
HINDUISM - is an Indian religion or dharma, a religious and different levels in the social hierarchy.
universal order or way of life by which followers abide. 1. CLOSED SYSTEM  Impose rigid boundaries between social
BUDDHISM- also known as Buddha Dharma and Dharmavinaya, groups and limit interactions amongmembers who belong to
is an Indian religion or philosophical tradition based on different social groups or occupy different levels inthesocial
teachings attributed to the Buddha. hierarchy.
2. OPEN SYSTEM  Based on achievement, allowing more
flexibility in social roles, increasedsocial mobility and better
Sociology of Health and Illness -discuss health and illness in
interaction among social groups and classes.
relation to social institutions such as family, employment and
1. CASTE SYSTEMS  are closed stratification system because
are unable to change their social standing.
2. CLASS SYSTEMS  Based on the ownership of resources and 2. RELATIVE SOCIAL MOBILITY  It is a change in social status
the individual’s occupationor profession; and relative to one’s current social location withinagiven society.
3. MERITOCRACY  This system is determined by personal 3. STRUCTURAL MOBILITY  Structural mobility happens when
effort and merit; and  Social standing and advancement in this societal changes enable a whole groupof people to move up or
system is determined by howwell aperson performs his or her down the social class ladder.
social role. SOCIAL INEQUALITY  Social inequality refers to the unequal
THREE DIFFERENT THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE access to social, political, and symboliccapital of individuals in
1. FUNCTIONALISM  This perspective examines how the society.
different aspects of society contributetoensuring its stability SOCIAL CAPITAL  It refers to the characteristics of a social
and continued function. organization, which include networks, norms, and trust, that
2. CONFLICT THEORY  Takes a critical view of social enable coordination and cooperation for the commonbenefits.
stratification and considers society as benefitingonly a small SYMBOLIC CAPITAL  It refers to the resources available to an
segment. individual on the basis of honor, prestige, or merit.
3. SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM  It examines stratification POLITICAL CAPITAL  Refers to the benevolence or goodwill of
from micro level perspective and attempts to explainhow a politician or political policy whichcanbuild up with the public
people’s social standing affects their everyday interactions through implementation of popular policies.
SOCIAL DESIRABILITY  Social Desirability is the tendency for GENDER STRATIFICATION  Is the unequal distribution of
people to present themselves in generallyfavourable fashion wealth, power, authority, and privilege between men and
particularly, within the field of self-report assessment of women.
personality and attitudes STEREOTYPES  Refers to the strong preconceived idea or
SOCIAL DESIRABILITY BIAS  Social Desirability bias occurs attitude in the minds of people about something.
when respondents give answer to questionsthat they believe GENDER STEREOTYPES  Are over simplified but strongly
will make them look good to others. generalized ideas about the characteristicsof males and
1. SELF-DECEPTIVE ENHANCEMENT- Occurs when the GENDER ROLE  Is society’s concept of how men and women
respondents believes something to be true when it is not. are expected to behave.
2. IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT- They are aware of their SEXISM  Is a system of beliefs rooted in the assertion that men
overconfident self-appraisal and intentionally seekingtokeep up and women are naturallydifferent.
with social or group norms in order to avoid negative PATRIARCHY  Refers to the institutionalization system of male
evaluationor judgment. dominance in a given society, whereby the male “father”
AVAILABILITY  This issue can be referred as the absence or figures are entitled to privileged positions, powers, andstatus in
presence of social desirable. society.
ACCESSIBILITY  This 2 nd issue refers the very actual way of HOMOPHOBIA  Homophobia is an extreme and irrational
getting or availing the resourcesneeded. hatred toward homosexuality.
THE THREE IMPORTANT SOCIAL RACE  Refers to the physical differences between people
1. Wealth - refers to money, properties, and similar tangible brought about by biological characteristics of genetic origin.
resources. ETHNICITY  It refers to the grouping of people based on
2. Power - political authority or control, especially that which common identity according totheir language, culture, and
exercised by agovernment history. Ethnicity pertains to a shared cultural traditionof the
3. Prestige - widespread respect and admiration felt for people.
someone due to his/her achievements or quality. DISCRIMINATION  Is defined an unequal treatment for the
SOCIOLOGIST’S IDEAS AS TO WHAT CONSTITUTE SOCIAL various types of people accordingtoraceand ethnicity.
CLASS PREJUDICE  Is defined as a rigid and unfair generalization
 Karl Marx - looked at it in terms of wealth produced in about an entire category of people.
relation to the ownershipof the means of production. REFUGEES  Are people who are made to leave their original
 Max Weber- differentiates them into three: wealth, power, places of residence and countriesdue to various reasons.
and prestige. RACISM  This belief ignores the social behaviour andmental
SOCIAL CAPITAL- is a set of shared values or resources that and physical capacities of an individual.
allows individualstowork together in a group to effectively GENOCIDE  Is considered as the most extreme form of ethnic
achieve a common purpose. and racial discrimination.
CULTURAL CAPITAL- in sociology comprises an individual's SEGREGATION  Refers to the physical separation of two
social assets (education, intellect, style of speech, dress, etc.) groups, particularly in residence, workplace, and social
that “promote social mobility within a stratifiedsociety“. functions.
Rates measure the number of events in a given time period DISABILITY  Is a long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or
(generally one or moreyears)divided by the average number of sensory impairment of a personwhich in interaction with
people at risk during that period. various barriers may hinder his/her full and
SOCIAL MOBILITY - has been largely seen as the ability of effectiveparticipation in society on an equal basis with others.
someone to go up thesocial ladder or to break loose from the Global inequality is the unequal distribution of resources,
confines of a marginalized group. opportunities, and power, todistinct inequality within a country
SOCIAL INEQUALITY- is the condition of unequal access to the or between countries
benefits of belongingtoany society 3 categories of nationsbaseon their degree of wealth, power,
and level of industrialization and economic development
THE FIRST WORLD  was generally the Western capitalist
1. ABSOLUTE SOCIAL MOBILITY  Measures something entirely
democracies of North America and of Europe and certain other
different. It measures how your income compareswith your
nations .
parent’s income.
THE SECOND WORLD  was the communist nations belonging not decrease the exposure and sensitivity, and increase the
to the Soviet Union, while, adaptive capacities of human societies to.
THE THIRD WORLD  was all the remaining nations, almost all RESILIENCE AND SENSITIVITY -capacity of a community in the
of them from Central and South America, Africa, and Asia face of climate change and its adverse impacts.
The second typology placed nations into developed, Sensitivity-on the other hand, is a function of the level of
developing, and underdevelopedcategories, respectively. dependency of the community on activities that are easily
DEVELOPED COUNTRIES  These countries have high economic compromised by climate change events
development with a high level of industrialization GLOBALIZATION -A process that is different from and goes
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES  These are the less economically beyond the process of the transnationalization or
developed countries but are gearing toward industrialization. internationalization of capital.
UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES  These are the countries CULTURAL FLOWS – seen in the spread of locally-based cultural
categorized by United Nation with the lowest socio- symbols.
economicdevelopment. INFORMATION FLOWS – enabled by the internet, and other
medium that enables the global transfer of information.
GROUP 1O CAPITAL FLOWS – also enabled by the globalization of financial
CULTURE DIFFUSION – This is the spread of culture including institutions, as well as in the globalization of the development
aspects such as clothing and food, from one group to another, process.
typically as a result of making contact with a new group for the TECHNOCAPITALISM-It is in this where globalization is longer
first time. no just the global operations of companies or
INNOVATION – This is the process of translating new idea into transnationalization by relocating to other countries.
something that can create value. MIGRATION-Otherwise known as immigrants, of people leaving
KNOWLEDGE – an individual first becomes aware of the new to other countries has become more prevalent. Immigration
innovation but lacks the information and inspiration to utilize has intensified not only due to the relative openness of many
and introduce it. countries towards migrants.
PERSUASION – The individual’s interest in the innovation spikes OFWS (Overseas Filipino Workers)-Referred to as migrant
and he/she begins to research about it. workers, refers to persons who are to be engaged, are
DECISION – The individual weighs the positive and negative engaged, or have been engaged in an employment activity in a
results of changing to the new idea state where he/she is not legal residents.
IMPLEMENTATION – The individuals add the innovation into
the system. At this stage, he/she also begins to determine the
innovation’s usefulness.
CONFIRMATION – The individuals decides to continue with the
new innovation. (Roger 2003)
ACCULTURATION – is a process where the minority adopts the
cultural aspects of the majority without losing its own
traditions and customs.
ASSIMILATION – This refers to the process of where some of
the majority community’s cultural aspect are absorbed and the
home or minority’s cultural aspects gets mitigated or lost.
Social Contradictions and tensions- are ideas or beliefs
that are thought to disrupt and the societal norms and
expectations that are present.
Inter-ethnic conflicts – a dispute between two or more ethnic
groups. The source of conflict may be over political, economic,
social, cultural, or territorial matters.
Class struggle – the political conflict and economic hostility that
occurs among the social groups of society due to socio-
economic rivalry.
Armed conflicts – A political conflict in which armed combat
involves the armed forces of atleast one state.
Terrorism – the deliberate use of violence in a community to
establish a general atmosphere of fear and thus to achieve a
clear political goal.
Protest – A statement or action expressing disapproval of or
opposition to something.
Gender Issues - include all aspects and concerns related to
women’s and men’s lives and situation in society, to the way
they interrelate.
Global warming and climate change-are environmental
realities that have become a global concern.
mitigation and adaptation mechanisms- where human
societies, through their governments, commit both to
reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing their
carbon emitting activities
Adaptation mechanisms-entail the development of innovative
technologies and lifestyles that would lessen the impact of, if

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