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Roaming Tariff

Local Outgoing Outgoing Call-

S, No. Country Call Back to Nepal Call Other Destination Incoming Call Outgoing SMS
1 Afghanistan 60.86 60.86 504.61 74.80 24.09
2 Albania 34.23 34.23 201.59 49.45 24.09
3 Algeria 404.45 74.80 404.45 201.59 59.59
4 Argentina 74.80 74.80 201.59 24.09 24.09
5 Armenia 807.63 150.88 807.63 176.23 49.45
6 Australia 36.77 36.77 201.59 24.09 11.41
7 Austria 34.23 34.23 201.59 34.23 24.09
8 Azerbaijan 39.30 39.30 201.59 49.45 8.88
9 Bangladesh 13.95 13.95 201.59 13.95 13.95
10 Bahrain 49.45 49.45 201.59 49.45 12.68
11 Belarus 150.88 150.88 201.59 49.45 24.09
12 Belgium 555.32 176.23 555.32 150.88 74.80
13 Bhutan 353.73 201.59 353.73 201.59 90.02
14 Brasil 453.89 150.88 606.04 125.52 59.59
15 Brunei 453.89 74.80 504.61 74.80 74.80
16 Bulgaria 417.13 100.16 417.13 112.84 49.45
17 Cambodia 13.95 13.95 201.59 13.95 13.95
18 Canada 353.73 176.23 807.63 176.23 49.45
19 China 24.09 24.09 201.59 24.09 8.88
20 Croatia 125.52 125.52 201.59 49.45 24.09
21 Czech Republic 29.16 29.16 201.59 29.16 8.88
22 Denmark 74.80 74.80 201.59 24.09 24.09
23 Egypt 807.63 125.52 555.32 125.52 74.80
24 Estonia 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 8.88
25 France 100.16 100.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
26 Finland 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 8.88
27 Gambia 404.45 176.23 404.45 74.80 100.16
28 Georgia 39.30 39.30 201.59 49.45 8.88
29 Germany 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
30 Ghana 39.30 39.30 201.59 59.59 13.95
31 Greece 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
32 Hong Kong 59.59 24.09 252.30 13.95 13.95
33 Hungary 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
34 Iceland 404.45 49.45 404.45 100.16 49.45
35 Ireland 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
36 India 24.09 24.09 100.16 24.09 8.88
37 Indonesia 15.21 15.21 201.59 15.21 15.21
38 Iran 353.73 100.16 707.47 100.16 49.45
39 Israel 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
40 Italy 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
41 Japan 404.45 201.59 807.63 226.95 49.45
42 Jersey 74.80 74.80 201.59 29.16 13.95
43 Jordan 959.77 303.02 959.77 479.25 125.52
Local Outgoing Outgoing Call-
S, No. Country Call Back to Nepal Call Other Destination Incoming Call Outgoing SMS
44 Kazakhstan 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 8.88
45 Kenya 807.63 125.52 807.63 201.59 49.45
46 Kuwait 1,010.48 150.88 1,515.09 428.54 150.88
47 Kyrgyz Republic 656.75 125.52 656.75 277.66 49.45
48 Latvia 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 8.88
49 Lebanon 201.59 90.02 277.66 226.95 49.45
50 Lithuania 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 8.88
52 Luxembourg 404.45 125.52 404.45 125.52 39.30
53 Macau 529.97 100.16 529.97 125.52 125.52
54 Madagascar 504.61 90.02 504.61 201.59 39.30
55 Malaysia 13.95 13.95 226.95 13.95 13.95
56 Maldives 428.54 49.45 1,212.07 226.95 79.88
57 Malta 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
58 Mauritius 504.61 100.16 606.04 125.52 59.59
59 Moldova 49.45 49.45 201.59 49.45 8.88
60 Mongolia 631.39 125.52 631.39 34.23 49.45
61 Mexico 555.32 201.59 555.32 201.59 100.16
62 Morocco 1,414.93 303.02 1,414.93 404.45 90.02
63 Mozambique 353.73 125.52 453.89 404.45 49.45
64 Myanmar 62.13 62.13 353.73 49.45 24.09
65 Netherlands 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
66 New Zealand 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
67 Nigeria 277.66 74.80 555.32 100.16 59.59
68 Norway 49.45 49.45 201.59 13.95 13.95
69 Oman 49.45 49.45 656.75 49.45 19.02
70 Pakistan 31.70 31.70 201.59 13.95 13.95
71 Papua New Guinea 404.45 100.16 453.89 303.02 69.73
72 Paraguay 479.25 150.88 479.25 125.52 39.30
73 Philippines 555.32 49.45 732.82 79.88 49.45
74 Poland 555.32 90.02 807.63 176.23 39.30
75 Portugal 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
76 Puerto Rico 353.73 100.16 1,212.07 100.16 69.73
77 Qatar 49.45 49.45 201.59 59.59 13.95
78 Romania 29.16 29.16 201.59 13.95 13.95
79 Russia 1,110.65 226.95 1,110.65 303.02 90.02
80 Saudi Arabia 555.32 201.59 1,515.09 201.59 90.02
81 Serbia 59.59 59.59 201.59 59.59 19.02
82 Singapore 24.09 24.09 201.59 24.09 13.95
83 Slovakia 34.23 34.23 201.59 19.02 13.95
84 Slovenia 404.45 74.80 404.45 125.52 39.30
85 South Korea 606.04 176.23 606.04 176.23 49.45
86 Spain 49.45 49.45 201.59 13.95 13.95
87 Sri Lanka 13.95 13.95 226.95 13.95 13.95
Local Outgoing Outgoing Call-
S, No. Country Call Back to Nepal Call Other Destination Incoming Call Outgoing SMS
88 South Africa 29.16 29.16 201.59 49.45 13.95
89 Sweden 49.45 49.45 201.59 13.95 13.95
90 Taiwan 756.91 125.52 959.77 150.88 69.73
91 Tajikstan 49.45 49.45 201.59 24.09 13.95
92 Thailand 100.16 100.16 201.59 13.95 29.16
93 Tonga 442.48 125.52 442.48 315.70 95.09
94 Turkey 40.38 40.38 207.09 19.54 14.33
95 Tunisia 881.75 440.22 881.75 363.38 128.94
96 UK 29.96 29.96 207.09 14.33 14.33
97 Switzerland 803.60 233.14 803.60 233.14 76.84
98 UAE 37.77 37.77 207.09 37.77 11.72
99 Ukraine 1,038.04 181.04 1,038.04 233.14 61.21
100 USA 50.80 50.80 207.09 29.96 24.75
101 Uruguay 259.19 181.04 337.33 154.99 50.80
102 Uzbekistan 76.84 76.84 207.09 14.33 14.33
103 Vietnam 311.28 92.47 985.95 102.89 50.80

Rates are in NRs and inclusive of taxes
Prices are subject to change according to the rate of foreign exchange.
The above mentioned Roaming Tariff rates are based on calculation of tariff schemes provided by roaming partners, which on their part
Incoming SMS is free.
Charging interval for voice is 60 seconds. Above mentioned rate for voice is based on per minute.

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