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J Orofac Orthop



Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition

of gingival crevicular fluid

A literature review

Anne Schubert1 · Fabian Jäger1 · Jaap C. Maltha2 · Theodosia N. Bartzela3

Received: 2 November 2018 / Accepted: 20 October 2019

© Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2019

Purpose To evaluate and form a comprehensive understanding of the effect of patient age on bone remodeling and
consequently on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement (OTM).
Methods A systematic search in PubMed and Embase from 1990 to December 2017 was performed and completed by
a hand search. Prospective clinical trials which investigated the rate of OTM and/or studies assessing age-related changes
in the composition of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in older compared to younger study groups were included. Study
selection, data extraction and risk of bias were assessed by two authors.
Results Eight studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among them, four evaluated the rate of OTM and six investigated
mediators in the GCF (prostaglandin E2, interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6, IL-1 receptor antagonist, receptor activator of nuclear
factor kappa-Β ligand, osteoprotegerin, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor, pentraxin 3). Patient age ranged
between 16 and 43 years for older and <16 years for younger groups. In most of the studies, the younger patients showed
faster OTM in the first phase of treatment and more pronounced cytokine levels. Older patients had a delayed reaction to
orthodontic forces.
Conclusion The small number of included studies and large heterogeneity in study design give limited clinical evidence
that the older patients are less responsive to orthodontic force in comparison to younger patients. The initial cellular
response to orthodontic force is expected to be delayed in older patients. Control intervals during orthodontic treatment
should be adjusted to the individual’s treatment response.

Keywords Adults · Humans · Orthodontic force · Periodontal ligament · Interleukin · Cytokines

Einfluss des Alters auf die Geschwindigkeit der kieferorthopädischen Zahnbewegung und die
Zusammensetzung des gingivalen Sulkusfluids
Ein Literaturreview

Ziel Das Ziel dieses Reviews war die Einschätzung und Entwicklung eines umfassenden Verständnisses des Einflusses
des Patientenalters auf den Knochenumbau und folglich auf die Geschwindigkeit der kieferorthopädischen Zahnbewegung

 Dr. med. dent. Theodosia N. Bartzela, MSc, PhD


Private practice, Berlin, Germany 3
Department of Orthodontics, Dentofacial Orthopedics
Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, and Pedodontics, Charité Centrum 3, Charité –
Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Aßmannshauser
6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands Str. 4–6, 14197 Berlin, Germany

A. Schubert et al.

Methoden Es wurde eine systematische Suche in PubMed und Embase im Zeitraum von 1990 bis Dezember 2017
durchgeführt, ergänzt durch eine Handsuche. Prospektive klinische Studien zum Vergleich der Geschwindigkeit der OTM
und/oder Studien zu altersabhängigen Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung des gingivalen Sulkusfluids (GCF) bei
älteren und jüngeren Probandengruppen wurden inkludiert. Die Studienauswahl, Datenextraktion und Bewertung des
Risikos für Bias erfolgte durch 2 der Studienautoren.
Ergebnisse Acht Studien erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien. Vier von ihnen ermittelten die Geschwindigkeit der kiefer-
orthopädischen Zahnbewegung und 6 untersuchten Mediatoren im GCF (Prostaglandin E2, Interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6,
IL-1-Rezeptorantagonist, „receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-Β ligand“, Osteoprotegerin, „granulocyte-macrophage co-
lony-stimulating factor“, Pentraxin 3). Die ältere Probandengruppe war 16–43 Jahre alt, die jüngeren Patienten wiesen ein
Alter von <16 Jahren auf. Bei den jüngeren Patienten wurden in der Mehrzahl der Studien eine initial schnellere Zahnbe-
wegung und höhere Zytokinspiegel festgestellt. Die älteren Probanden zeigten eine verzögerte Reaktion auf orthodontische
Schlussfolgerung Aufgrund der geringen Studienzahl und der Heterogenität der Studiendesigns ist die klinische Evidenz
für eine verminderte Reaktion auf kieferorthopädische Kräfte bei älteren im Vergleich zu jüngeren Patienten eingeschränkt.
Die initialen zellulären Reaktionen scheinen bei älteren Patienten verzögert abzulaufen. Kontrollintervalle während der
kieferorthopädischen Behandlung sollten an das individuelle Reaktionsverhalten angepasst werden.

Schlüsselwörter Erwachsene · Menschen · Kieferorthopädische Kraft · Periodontalligament · Interleukin · Zytokine

Introduction we have with respect to the effect of age on the rate of OTM
is based mainly on animal studies [9, 26–32]. However, it
Increased esthetic awareness [1] and barely visible treat- is still unclear which molecules can specifically predict the
ment options are contributing to the increasing number of rate of OTM [3].
adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment during the last To the best of our knowledge, up to now, no attempt has
few decades [2]. Patients seek optimal esthetic outcome in been made to systematically evaluate the existing prospec-
the shortest treatment period possible. tive clinical trials (PCT) on the effect of age on the rate of
Adult patients showed decreased bone turnover rates, OTM. Hence, the objective of this literature review was to
which was related to limited numbers of progenitor cells [3, form a comprehensive understanding of (1) The effect of
4], reduced blood vessel forming capacity [5, 6], and fibrob- age on the rate of OTM, and (2) the age-dependent changes
last density [7]. The alveolar walls are mainly covered by in the composition of GCF going along with alveolar bone
inactive osteoblasts, the so-called lining cells, whereas the remodeling.
number of active osteoblasts and osteoclasts are markedly
reduced [4, 8] and structural changes of osteoblasts have
been described [4]. The bone is becoming gradually denser Methods
[9], while the cortical bone is diminished [10] and the How-
ship’s lacunae are increased [4]. Protocol and registration
In the periodontal ligament (PDL), a comparable decline
in cellular and metabolic activity with increasing age has This systematic review was performed according to the Pre-
been described [7, 8, 11–18]. Sharpey’s fibers are decreased ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
with irregular insertion into bone [17], while other principal Analysis (PRISMA) statement [33]. The investigation was
fibers might become thicker with increasing age [19]. registered with the number CRD42016037469 in the PROS-
All abovementioned findings suggest a decreased respon- PERO database (http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO).
siveness of the aged dentoalveolar complex, compromis-
ing bone formation and resorption during orthodontic tooth Eligibility criteria
movement (OTM) [4, 20].
Since orthodontically induced bone remodeling is related The Population Intervention Comparison Outcome (PI-
to the expression of various inflammatory mediators, extra- COS) framework was used to define the inclusion criteria
cellular matrix components and tissue-degrading enzymes, and the search strategy:
their presence in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) is supposed
 Population: Healthy children or adolescents, adults and
to be related to the rate of OTM [21, 22]. Some proinflam-
elderly, who underwent orthodontic treatment. Included
matory cytokines show a higher expression in aged PDL
subsequent to mechanical stress [23–25]. The knowledge

Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition of gingival crevicular fluid

Table 1 Embase Clas-

Database searched: Embase Classic + Embase
sic + Embase search strategy
Data Coverage: 1990–December 2017
Tab. 1 Suchstrategie für Em-
base Classic + Embase 1 Orthodontics/ or (orthodontic*).tw
2 (age* or aging or matur* or adult* or juvenil* or adolescen* or child* or
grow* or young* or elder*).tw
3 Orthodontic tooth movement/ or (movement* or move or moving or
velocity or orthodontic force*).ti
4 (cytokin* or receptor* or matrix metallop* or crevicular fluid*).ti
5 #1 and #2 and (#3 or #4)
6 Limit #5 to (human and yr=00 1990 -201700 )

studies compared the two different age groups of interest  The population of interest, meaning younger and older
and not reporting on young or old individuals only. individuals. Included studies compared the two different
 Intervention: OTM induced by fixed appliances. age groups of interest and did not report on young or old
 Comparison: Split-mouth design or baseline characteris- individuals only
tics versus posttreatment characteristics.  OTM induced by fixed appliances, force application and
 Outcome: rate of OTM
– The rate of tooth movement, measured by caliper or  Biochemical mediators of the GCF and
digital superimposition and/or  Humans and clinical trials.
– Changes in the composition of the GCF, especially in
the level of cytokines. The literature search strategies are presented in Table 1
 Study types: Prospective randomized or nonrandomized for Embase Classic and Embase data search and in Table 2
clinical trials. for PubMed. References of the retrieved articles were pe-
rused in order to identify additional relevant publications.
Studies that concomitantly investigated the effect of any
medication on the rate of OTM were excluded. Use of anti- Selection process
inflammatory drugs or antibiotic therapy within the last
6 months of study initiation, systemic or congenital dis- First, two authors (AS, TB) searched the databases inde-
eases, smoking habit, and any form of gingival inflamma- pendently and reviewed titles and available abstracts after
tion and/or periodontal disease were the exclusion criteria. duplicates removal and hand search. Full text reading ver-
ified the eligibility of the included articles. In case of dis-
Databases and search strategy agreement, consensus was reached through discussion. All
included articles were based on findings in younger and
A systematic search from 1990 to December 2017 was per- older groups of humans and were separated into studies
formed in two main databases: PubMed, Embase Classic that evaluated the rate of OTM and studies that evaluated
and Embase with the assistance of a senior librarian. No the composition of GCF.
language restrictions criteria were considered. The search
strategy covers terms focusing on:

Table 2 PubMed search strat-

Database searched: PubMed
Data Coverage: 1990–December 2017
Tab. 2 Suchstrategie für
PubMed 1 Orthodontic*[tiab]
2 ((age[tiab] OR aging[tiab] OR matur*[tiab] OR adult*[tiab] OR juvenil*[tiab] OR
adolescen*[tiab] OR child[tiab] OR children[tiab] OR grow*[tiab] OR young*[tiab]
OR elder*[tiab])
3 (movement*[ti] OR move[ti] OR moving[ti] OR velocity[ti] OR orthodontic
4 (cytokin*[ti] OR receptor*[ti] OR matrix metallop*[ti] OR crevicular fluid*[ti])
5 #1 AND #2 AND (#3 OR #4)
6 #5 AND (00 1990/01/0100 [PDAT] : 00 2016/12/3100 [PDAT]) AND 00 humans00 [MeSH

A. Schubert et al.

Fig. 1 Flow diagram illustrating

the systematic selection process Records identified through database

according to the Preferred Re- searching Additional records identified
porting Items for Systematic Embase Classic + Embase=468, through hand search
PubMed=313(n = 781) (n = 2)
Reviews and Meta-Analysis
(PRISMA) statement [33]
Abb. 1 Flussdiagramm zum
Prozess der systematischen Lite-
raturauswahl entsprechend den Records after duplicates removed
PRISMA(Preferred Reporting (n = 568+2)
Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis)-Vorgaben
Records excluded (n = 555)
Records screened Reason: Did not evaluate the
(n = 570) effect of age on OTM

Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded (n = 7)


for eligibility
(n = 15) 1. Did not evaluate the rate of
OTM (n = 6);
2. The same study group was used
twice (n = 1)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 8)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n = 0)

Data collection process and data items Assessment of risk of bias

Two authors (AS, TB) extracted the data independently fol- The selected studies were screened for bias according to
lowing a piloted form. The variables of data sought were the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias
the following: [34]. Two authors (AS, TB) independently rated the quality
of the selected studies. Differences in decisions of the two
 Participant characteristics: Number of patients in the
examiners were discussed until consensus was reached.
younger and older study groups, sex distribution, age of
included patients (mean age ± standard deviation or age
range), patient’s inclusion criteria and health status, oral
hygiene regime, periodontal screening, tooth selection
for the OTM evaluation, type of control.
Study selection
 Study characteristics: Mode of investigation, mechanics
and nature of force application, force level, force reac-
The database search (Tables 1 and 2) provided 781 citations.
tivation, type of tooth movement, observation intervals,
After duplicates removal and hand search (n = 2), titles and
and total duration of force application, side of GCF col-
abstracts of 555 articles were reviewed. A flow chart illus-
lection and process, rate of tooth movement and evalua-
trating the selection process according to PRISMA state-
tion of level of studied mediators.
ment [33] is presented in Fig. 1. Fifteen studies were scru-
tinized for eligibility. Eight studies fulfilled the inclusion
criteria. The studies excluded and the reason for exclusion
are presented in Fig. 1 and in Table 3. The interexaminer
reliability of the two authors AS and TB for eligibility as-

Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition of gingival crevicular fluid

Table 3 Articles excluded from this review and reason for exclusion
Tab. 3 In das Literaturreview nicht aufgenommene Artikel und Begründung für den Ausschluss
Study Reason for exclusion
Dyer et al. (1991) [3] Force application: Class II elastics
Outcome: increased mandibular molar eruption, increased maxillary molar intrusion, increased maxillary
incisor eruption
Giannopoulou et al. (2016) [56] The same study group was used in the study by Dudic et al. [39]
Grzibovskis et al. (2011) [57] The signaling molecules were evaluated in the interradicular septum in 3 age groups. Pilot study
Grzibovskis et al. (2011) [58] The signaling molecules were evaluated in the interradicular septum in 3 age groups. Preliminary study
Krieger et al. (2013) [59] The buccal segment of the periodontal ligament of the mesiobuccal root of the first maxillary molar was
evaluated for fibroblast density. No orthodontic force was applied
Tanne et al. (1998) [60] Outcome: Tooth mobility and differences in the biomechanical response of periodontium and tooth after
orthodontic tooth application in adolescence and adults
Zhang and Ren (2001) [61] Outcome: PGE2, IL-6 and GM-CSF in GCF of upper lateral incisor before activation and 24 h after labial
orthodontic force application in both child group and adult group
PGE2 prostaglandin E2, IL-6 interleukin-6, GM-CSF granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor, CSF colony-stimulating factor

sessment of the included publications was measured (Co- ological age overlap was observed [38]. From the selected
hen’s kappa coefficient 0.8543), indicating a high degree studies, some used nontreated contralateral(s) [21, 36, 37]
of agreement [35]. Studies investigating the effect of age or/and opposing teeth [37, 41, 42] and some other studies
on the rate of OTM and those that are focusing on age- used baseline data as control [37, 39, 40, 42]. Blinding of
dependent changes of the level of mediators in GCF only participants and personnel was not feasible in any of the
(GCF group) are listed in Tables 4 and 5 respectively, and included studies. Selection bias and performance bias were
were analyzed separately (authors are listed in alphabetical not assessed due to inconsistencies in the study methods.
order). Randomization and allocation concealment were not feasi-
ble or influenced by the clinician’s judgment.
Study characteristics
Mechanics and force application
All studies included were identified as clinical controlled
trials. Data on these studies are provided in Tables 4 and 5. Three studies of the OTM group (Table 4) considered max-
Within the eight included studies, two studies evaluated the illary canine retraction either by vertical loops, which were
rate of OTM and changes in the level of mediators in GCF activated by NiTi coil-springs [36, 38] or by an elastomeric
[36, 37]. Two studies reported on the rate of OTM only chain applied on a 0.018 inch stainless steel wire after level-
[38, 39] and four of them investigated mediators just on the ing [37]. In one study, sectional TMA wires were used for
GCF during OTM [21, 40–42]. buccal movement of maxillary and mandibular premolars
Within the eight included studies (Tables 4 and 5), the [39]. Among the studies that reported on changes in GCF,
sample size of the age groups varied markedly between 4 two of them investigated the mediators in GCF (Table 5)
[36] and 43 subjects [21]. Two studies showed distinct dif- after tipping labially the maxillary lateral incisors with off-
ferences in the number of participants among their two age set bends on a 0.012 inch NiTi archwire [21, 40]. One other
groups [38, 39]. The age was presented as a range or as retracted canines with a laceback on a 0.012 inch NiTi arch-
a mean with standard deviation (Tables 4 and 5). In two wire [42] and one more aligned the maxillary incisors with
studies [36, 38], the comparison groups were selected based a sequence of ascending NiTi archwires [41].
on patients’ serial body height and cephalometric measure- A great diversity of force magnitude was applied, rang-
ments. Within the included studies the younger study group ing from 18 [36, 38] to 360 cN [38]. Two studies [41, 42]
comprised adolescents with an age ranging from 105 [39] did not mention the force magnitude at all. In two studies,
to 16 years [39]. The older study group considered a larger continuous forces were applied by NiTi coil-springs [36,
age interval ranging from 151 [36] to 43 years [39]. In one 38] whereas all other studies applied descending [21, 37,
of the studies the cutoff age between the groups was justi- 40, 42] or interrupted forces [39, 41]. Two studies reported
fied by the group distribution [39]. Based on growth obser- reactivation of the appliance after 4 [39] and 6 weeks [41].
vations from data on body height and cephalometric mea- The duration of force application exhibited large variations
surements previously mentioned, the study by Nickel et al. from as low as 7 days [37] to 8 weeks [39] in the OTM
divided the observation groups into growers (10.1–17 years) group and 24 h [21] to 20 weeks [41] in the GCF group
and nongrowers (14.2–30.9 years) and consequently a bi- (Table 2). The frequency of GCF collection ranged from 2

Table 4 Overview of studies evaluating the rate of tooth movement
Tab. 4 Studienübersicht zur Geschwindigkeit kieferorthopädischer Zahnbewegung

Study Design Younger group Older group Inclusion criteria Oral hygiene Type of force Force Observation Rate OTM Additional
Size Size and health status regimes application level period considera-
[age range] [age range] OH and perio tions on study
(year(s)) (year(s)) screening design
(M/F) (M/F)
Dudic CT 19 11 Good general Good dental and Buccal move- 100 cN 8w OTM Y > O Intra- and
et al. (11/19)a (11/19)a health perio health ment of max- No sig. differ- interarch in-
[39] (36 teeth) (21 teeth) illary and ences in sex and terferences,
[<16] [≥16–43 y] mandibular pre- location sex and loca-
molars with sec- Sig. less tion (maxilla
tional archwire OTM with or mandible)
(0.019 × 0.025 obstacle: in-
TMA) ter-arch < intra-arch
Iwasaki CT 6 4 NA Mouth rinse day Maxillary canine 60 cN –28, –14, 0 d Velocity Y > O, Sex, side,
et al. (3/7)a (3/7)a –28 (anchorage retraction by (one (baseline) varied between stress
[36] [10.5–14.3] [15.1–30.11] in situ) vertical loop and side), 1, 3, 14, 28, subjects Force appli-
Chlorhexidine coil spring 18, 120 42, 56, 70, Correlation cation
mouth or 240 cN 84 d of OTM with was deter-
rinse (other 3, 14, 28 d force level up to mined
2 × daily + routine side) (lag phase) 120 cN by tooth size
oral hygiene Lag phase asso- and
Each visit (day 0 ciated with force target stress
on) of 240 cN
oral prophylaxis
Kawasaki CT 15 15 Good health Healthy perio Canine retrac- 250 cN 0, 1, 24, Y > O after 168 h NA
et al. (7/8) (6/9) No antibiotics tissues tion on 0.018 SS 168 h
[37] [15.1 ± 2.8] [31 ± 3.6] the last 6 months Bone loss by elastomeric
No anti-inflam- Ä3 mm chain
matory 1 month
before the study
Nickel CT 32 9 NA Chlorhexidine Maxillary canine 18, 60, 1, 3, 14, 28, Velocity 1.6 OTM in re-
et al. (15/17) (2/7) gluconate mouth retraction by 120, 42, 56, 70, times higher lation to ap-
[38] (64 teeth) (18 teeth) rinse 2 x daily closing loop and 240 and 84 d in Y than O plied load
[13.4 ± 1.7] [19.6 ± 5.4] Day of registra- coil spring 360 cN Velocity higher Individualized
tion: supragingi- in force levels of OTM re-
val oral prophy- 60, 120, 240 cN; sponse
laxis increased loga-
rithmically with
force level
M/F male, female distribution, OH oral hygiene, OTM orthodontic tooth movement, CT prospective clinical trial, TMA titanium molybdenum alloy, cN centinewton(s), w week(s), Y younger study
group, O older study group, NA not applicable, d day(s), SS stainless steel, h hour(s), sig significant, perio periodontal
M/F distribution was only provided for the total sample and not for each group separately
A. Schubert et al.
Table 5 Studies reporting on age-related composition changes in gingival crevicular fluid in humans
Tab. 5 Studien zu altersabhängigen Veränderungen der Zusammensetzung des gingivalen Sulkusfluids (GCF)
Study Design Younger Older group Inclusion crite- Oral hy- Side of GCF collec- Control Type of Force level Observation Data on GCF analy-
group Size [age ria and health giene tion and process force ap- period sis
Size [age range] status regimes plication
range] (y) and OH
(M/F) (M/F) Evaluation
Chibebe CT 25 23 Good health Good perio Mesiobuccally Baseline Labial 0.7 N 2, 21 PGE2 level at base-
et al. (10/15) (7/16) No antibiotics health Area was isolated level movement and 28 d line and end: O > Y
[40] [13.6 ± 2.1 y] [24.1 ± 2.1 y] the last 6 m OH instruc- with cotton rolls, of one Increase of PGE2
No anti-inflam- tion during gently dried maxillary level to day 21,
matory the last the study Paper strip inserted right then decrease to
2m and kept for 30 s lateral baseline in O + Y
incisors Sig. changes in PGE2
by 0.012 levels only in Y
NiTi (baseline compared
to day 21)
Iwasaki CT 6 4 NA Chlorhexidine Distally Opposing Maxillary 60 cN (one 1, 3, 14, Correlation of veloc-
et al. (3/7)a (3/7)a mouth rinse Washed with water, teeth canine side), 18, 28, 42, ity and level of IL-1β
[36] [10.5–14.3 y] [15.1–30.11 y] 2 x daily isolated with cotton retraction 120 or 56, in GCF
Strict OH and dried by verti- 240 cN 70, 84 d Correlation of
In each Sterile strips in GC cal loop (opposing) changes in cytokine
appointment for 30 s and a 2nd and coil Lag phase levels in SWB and
modified GI strip 1 min later, spring associated velocity/IL-1 activity
+ OP then strips sealed with force index
Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition of gingival crevicular fluid

in polypropylene of 240 cN
KawasakiCT 15 15 Good health Color of Distally Contra- Canine 250 cN 0, 1, 24, Mean volume of
et al. (7/8) (6/9) No antibiotics gingiva was Plaque was re- lateral retrac- 168 h GCF Y > O
[37] [15.1 ± 2.8 y] [31 ± 3.6 y] the last 6 m recorded moved with perio and tion on Level of RANKL
No anti-inflam- Plaque as- probe opposing 0.018 SS raised at 24 h, Y > O
matory 1 m sessment Teeth were washed teeth by elas- Level of OPG de-
preceding the Silness and with water and tomeric creased at 24 h, Y > O
study Loe index isolated with cotton chain RANKL-OPG ratio
Strip was remained at 24 h, Y > O
in GC for 1 min
and then a 2nd strip
was used

Table 5 (Continued)
Tab. 5 (Fortsetzung)
Study Design Younger Older group Inclusion crite- Oral hy- Side of GCF collec- Control Type of Force level Observation Data on GCF analy-

group Size [age ria and health giene tion and process force ap- period sis
Size [age range] status regimes plication
range] (y) and OH
(M/F) (M/F) Evaluation
Ren CT 43 41 Good health OH Distobuccally Contra- Labially 70 cN 24 h GCF volume Y > O
et al. (all males) (all males) No antibiotics instructions Plaque was re- lateral tipped Baseline cytokine
[21] [11 ± 0.7 y] [24 ± 1.6 y] the last 6 m before study moved tooth maxillary level O > Y
No anti-inflam- Area was isolated lateral Sign. increase
matory 1 m with cotton Sterile incisors of PGE2, IL-6,
preceding the strip on GC for 30 s by 0.012 GM-CSF in Y
study NiTi Sign. increase of
PGE2 in O
Rody CT 10 10 Good health 2 weeks be- Labially Opposing Alignment NA 3, 6, 18, No differences in
et al. (3/7) (4/6) Nonsmokers and fore fixed Dried and isolated teeth of max- 20 w IL-1 level in control
[41] [14.4 ± 1.4 y] [28.5 ± 7.8 y] drug users appliance with cotton illary vs. experimental side
professional Strip inserted for incisors Sig. increase in
tooth-clean- 60 s with NiTi IL-1RA in O after
ing and wires 3w
assessment RANKL-OPG ratio
for perio increased
health at w 3 in Y + O; high-
est at w 20 in Y
No sig. changes in
Surlin CT 16 13 Good health sta- OH instruc- Distally Baseline Maxillary NA 4, 8, 24, PTX3 baseline level
et al. (9/7) (5/8) tus, nonsmoking tions and Supragingival level, canine 72 h, not influenced by age
[42] [13.81 ± 0.98 y] [28.23 ± 3.4 y] No antibiotic the motivated plaque removal con- retrac- 1 and 2 w Increase in PTX3
last 3 m during the with curette tralateral tion by earlier in Y than O
No anti-inflam- study Air syringe and tooth laceback Maximum level at
matory PI was mea- saliva ejector for 24 h
the last 30 d sured isolation PTX3 decrease to
Paper strips in GC baseline level faster
for 30 s in O than Y
GCF measure in
precalibrated device
and stored in
polypropylene tubes
M/F male/female distribution, OH oral hygiene, GCF gingival crevicular fluid, CT prospective controlled trial, y year(s), m month(s), s seconds, NiTi nickel–titanium, N Newton, d day(s),
PGE2 prostaglandin E2, O older study group, Y younger study group, sig. significant, NA not applicable, GI gingival index, OP oral prophylaxis, GC gingival crevice, min minute(s),
cN centinewton(s), IL-1ß Interleukin-1ß, SWB stimulated whole blood, SS stainless steel, h hour(s), RANKL receptor activator of NF-κB ligand, OPG osteoprotegerin, IL-6 interleukin-6,
GM-CSF granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor, w week(s), IL-1RA interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, MMP-9 matrix metalloproteinase 9, PI plaque index, PTX3 pentraxin 3,
perio periodontal
M/F distribution was only provided for the total sample and not for the two groups separately
A. Schubert et al.
Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition of gingival crevicular fluid

Table 6 The mediators in gin-

Parameter categories Individual mediators
gival crevicular fluid (GCF)
composition that were exam- Cytokines Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) [16]
ined during orthodontic tooth Interleukin-1 (IL-1) without differentiation [48]
movement Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) [21, 48]
Tab. 6 Mediatoren des während Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) [8, 46]
der kieferorthopädischen Zahn- Interleukin 6 (IL-6) [46]
bewegung untersuchten gingi- Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) [46]
valen Sulkusfluids (GCF) Receptors and their antago- Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1-RA) [16, 48]
nists Osteoprotegerin (OPG) [21, 48]
Pentraxin 3 (PTX-3) [50]
Enzymes for matrix degrada- Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) [48]

[21] to 9 times [36] over the experimental period. Proper Regulation pattern
oral hygiene regimen and gingival health assessment was
considered in 6 studies ([21, 36–38, 40, 42]; Tables 4 and 5). Prostaglandin E2

Assessment strategies for the rate of OTM One of the studies showed that at baseline, the younger pa-
tients had a lower PGE2 concentration in the GCF than the
The rate of OTM was assessed by measurements on plaster older group. After 24 h, the concentration was increased
casts either by a caliper [36, 37], a measuring microscope in both the younger and the older groups, but no differ-
[38] or by digital superimposition of the digitalized plaster ences between the two groups were present anymore [21].
models [39]. Results associated with the rate of OTM are The other study showed no differences between the groups,
listed in Table 4. although after 3 weeks of force application a significant
increase of PGE2 concentration was found in the younger
GCF collection and level of mediators group [40].

Within the included studies (Table 5), the mediators in GCF Interleukin-1
that were evaluated during the OTM are presented in Ta-
ble 6. All studies (Table 5) used periodontal paper strips The concentration of IL-1 in GCF did not differ signifi-
for the collection of the GCF. The strips were inserted into cantly between the experimental and control teeth through-
the gingival crevice for either 30 [21, 36, 40, 42] or 60 s out the time of force application in any of the age groups
[37, 41]. In one study, additional GCF samples were taken involved [41]. The ratio of IL-1 to IL-1RA, however, de-
at the tension side [36], but the data were not followed fur- creased significantly in the older group after 3 weeks of
ther. Repeated measurements were considered in one study force application, indicating an increase in IL-1RA levels.
only [37]. The average IL-1 activity index was significantly higher
Three studies measured changes in GCF volume using in the younger group, showing a positive correlation with
a Periotron [21, 37, 42]. Quantitative GCF analysis was the velocity of OTM [36]. The mean activity index was
performed with radioimmunoassay (RIA) [21] or enzyme- further significantly influenced by the force magnitude and
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [36, 37, 40–42]. Me- the presence of a lag phase. In comparison to a force ap-
diators were presented either by their weight [21], or by the plication lower than 120 cN, a significantly higher activity
concentration of total GCF volume [21, 37, 41, 42] or as index was observed in the post-lag phase for canines where
activity index [36]. the applied force was 240 cN [36].
Two studies observed higher mean baseline volumes of
GCF in the younger than the older group [30, 37]. Baseline Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand/osteoprotegerin
concentration of mediators (PGE2, IL-6, GM-CSF) in GCF
was higher in the older than in the younger group [30, 40]. In the short term, 24 h after force application, RANKL
PTX-3 [42] and RANKL baseline level [37] did not differ showed significantly elevated levels in the GCF in both age
significantly in GCF between the age groups [42]. groups, whereas OPG decreased simultaneously [37]. The
level of RANKL and OPG was significantly lower in the
older compared to the younger groups. The ratio of RANKL
to OPG significantly increased after 3 weeks of force ap-
plication in both age groups [41] and reached a peak in the

A. Schubert et al.

18th observational week in the younger group. This was

related to a decrease in OPG. The level of OPG in the older
group did not differ significantly between the experimental
and control group at any time point.

Matrix metalloproteinase 9

The level of MMP-9 in GCF did differ neither between the

control and experimental teeth nor between the age groups

Pentraxin 3

The PTX-3 level increased after force application with

a peak at 24 h (2.5-fold in the younger group; 2-fold in
the older group) followed by a decline to baseline after
2 weeks in the younger and after 1 week in the adult group
[42]. Significant differences compared to the baseline level
were detected at 4, 8, 24 and 72 h in younger patients and
at 8, 24 and 72 h in older patients, indicating an increased
rate of OTM in the younger group.

Risk of bias within studies

A summary of the risk of bias for the included studies is

presented in Fig. 2. Serious risk of bias was found in 6
of the 8 studies for one domain [41, 42] or two domains
[36–39]. The most problematic issues were lack of blinding
for the OTM outcome assessor [37, 38] and the existence
of other potential bias [36–39, 41, 42]. Two studies did not
report complete outcome data [38, 39].

Risk of bias across studies

Significant signs of selection bias, attrition bias and other

bias were seen for the assessment of OTM in all four in-
cluded studies [36–38], which indicate weakness of the
Fig. 2 Risk of bias across the included studies. The signs indicate:
study design and the potential of unreliable data for this low risk of bias (+), high risk of bias (–) and unclear risk of bias (?).
outcome. Three of the studies that investigated the GCF OTM orthodontic tooth movement, GCF gingival crevicular fluid
showed similar weaknesses in study design, creating bias Abb. 2 Risiko für das Auftreten eines Bias für die inkludierten Studi-
in the analysis of the GCF [37, 41, 42]. en. Bedeutung der Symbole: geringes Risiko für Bias (+), hohes Risi-
ko für Bias (–), unklares Risiko für Bias (?). OTM kieferorthopädische
Zahnbewegung, GCF gingivales Sulkusfluid

tooth movement in adults in comparison to juvenile sub-
Quality of evidence jects. Little evidence exists regarding higher levels of in-
flammatory mediators in aged PDL.
This systematic review included eight prospective clinical This systematic review revealed a large heterogeneity
trials, which investigated the rate of OTM and/or changes in the included clinical trials (study group size and wide
in the GCF of juvenile and adult individuals subsequent to age intervals, mode of force application, level of force and
orthodontic force application. In the literature, most trials reactivation, observation period, GCF collection method,
reporting on age-related differences in the rate of OTM are oral hygiene regimen).
small observational studies or case series showing slower

Age effect on orthodontic tooth movement rate and the composition of gingival crevicular fluid

The mediators were evaluated either by their weight [21], the intake of medication (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
or by their concentration in total GCF [21, 37, 41, 42] or as drugs only) were considered for the participants in most of
activity index [36]. There is no scientific evidence whether the studies. The last use of antibiotics was settled to more
the amount of or the concentration of a mediator is a better than 3 [42] or 6 months [21] and the last anti-inflammatory
indicator for the evaluation of the rate of OTM. The study by medication intake to more than 1 [21] or 2 months [40].
Ren et al. showed that the concentration of a mediator in the Estrogen fluctuation (sex hormones/estradiol and estrone)
CGF is more sensitive in the detection of OTM responses during menopause or the reproductive female period or vi-
for the comparison between younger and older individuals tamin D3 supplementation (for prevention or treatment of
[21]. Their threshold is higher in older than younger study osteoporosis) or even dietary calcium intake (low- vs. high-
probands [21] indicating more responsive cytokine levels in calcium diet) [49] play an important role in the RANK/
juveniles than in adults [21]. RANKL/OPG signaling pathway affecting the rate of OTM
The response to force application is site-specific, depend- [50]. Also osteopenia, a condition in which bone mineral
ing on the bone deformation and the distortion of the pe- density is reduced as a sign of normal aging, is often ob-
riodontal ligament (stress/strain). The data of the collected served before estrogen decline or menopause [51], or eat-
mediators were provided mainly from the distal side [36, ing disorders, or suppressed estrogen balance seen often in
37, 42] or the distobuccal side [21], but also from the labial young female athletes may affect the rate of OTM [52]. The
[42] or the mesiobuccal side ([40]; Table 5). selection of exclusively male individuals, like in the study
The optimal mechanical stimulus for OTM response may by Ren et al. [21] eliminates sex-related bone turnover bias.
differ between younger and older individuals and among The high heterogeneity in study design and outcome param-
individuals of the same age [43]. Adults also may have eters of all included studies preclude clear evidence-based
a later initial response [21] leading to a delay in the overall conclusions.
orthodontic treatment time. The force application of con-
tinuous or interrupted forces also has an impact on the rate Limitations of the study set-up
of OTM, altering the cytokine levels in the GCF [32]. Light
continuous forces induce longer lasting levels of cytokines None of the included studies reported on any randomization
during OTM [32] and heavy, decreasing forces create fluc- method. The experimental sides are likely to be selected
tuating cytokine levels and increase the risk for root re- and allocated by judgement of the clinician. Opposing or
sorption and hyalinization [44]. In retraction OTM with neighboring teeth may prevent the experimental tooth to
laceback [42] or elastomeric chain [37] smaller forces are move or decrease the effective force level applied, thus,
applied, while retraction with vertical loops or coil spring leading to bias in the outcome measurement.
[36] or alignment [41] and labial movement [40] with NiTi The velocity of OTM at crown level is influenced by the
wires, continuous forces are delivered (Table 2). Some cy- type of OTM [53] and varies among the included studies.
tokines, showing an upregulation subsequent to orthodontic Tipping [37, 39] will be accomplished faster than bodily
stresses, should not be overrated, since these studies de- tooth movement [38]. The amount of tipping is related to the
tected large fluctuations in cytokine level and the size of patient’s bone level. Decreased bone levels result in more
the study groups were small [32]. tipping when the same line of force is applied. Since the
Irrespective of the serious bias found in the included bone level will decrease with age due to periodontal prob-
OTM studies, juveniles appear to present a higher rate of lems, more tipping and apparently faster tooth movement
OTM than adults [36–39]. However, accurate prediction of can be expected in the adult group. Furthermore, if OTM
the rate of OTM is difficult due to the high interindivid- is defined by space closure without a proper anchorage de-
ual variability [36], the genetic background and complexity vice, the results may be biased by the undefined movement
of bone remodeling induced by OTM [45]. Many different of the adjacent teeth [36].
intrinsic factors including sex and possibly the ethnicity Proper control of oral hygiene throughout the study is
[9], root length, bone level, bone density [9, 46] affected important, since the outcome is likely to change with the
by weight and bone turnover rates [47] have an impact presence of gingival inflammation. Gingivitis has an influ-
on the rate of OTM. These factors were not considered ence on the expression of IL-1β [22] and the level of IL-1
in any of the included studies. A genetic predisposition to may be increased in patients with poor or moderate oral
a high bone turnover rate was associated with increased hygiene [41].
rate of OTM compared to normal or low turnover rates Most of the studies included in this review present re-
when applying the same force in different subjects [47]. sults of short observational periods. Since the biological
Pharmacologic agents for prevention or treatment of dis- response to orthodontic stimuli varies among and within
eases, including painkillers and dietary supplements altered the patient and throughout the stages of OTM, short obser-
the rate of OTM [48]. General health [21, 37, 39–42] and

A. Schubert et al.

vational periods are not representative and might provide 5. Cei S, Kandler B, Fugl A, Gabriele M, Hollinger JO, Watzek G,
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imal studies, for example in rodents. Such studies allow 6. Norton LA (1988) The effect of aging cellular mechanisms on tooth
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7. Krieger E, Hornikel S, Wehrbein H (2013) Age-related changes of
domization procedures, and the availability of more analyt-
fibroblast density in the human periodontal ligament. Head Face
ical tools for the analysis of cellular and molecular events Med. https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-160X-9-22
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ical evidence that older patients are less responsive to or- study of age changes in the adult human periodontal joint (liga-
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20. Misawa Y, Kageyama T, Moriyama K, Kurihara S, Yagasaki H,
Compliance with ethical guidelines Deguchi T, Ozawa H, Sahara N (2007) Effect of age on alveolar
Conflict of interest A. Schubert, F. Jäger, J.C. Maltha and T.N. Bartzela bone turnover adjacent to maxillary molar roots in male rats: a his-
declare that they have no competing interests. tomorphometric study. Arch Oral Biol 52(1):44–50
21. Ren Y, Maltha JC, Van’t Hof MA, Von Den Hoff JW, Kuijpers-
Ethical standards For this article no studies with human participants Jagtman AM, Zhang D (2002) Cytokine levels in crevicular fluid
or animals were performed by any of the authors. All studies performed are less responsive to orthodontic force in adults than in juveniles.
were in accordance with the ethical standards indicated in each case. J Clin Periodontol 29(8):757–762
For this type of study informed consent is not required. 22. Kavadia-Tsatala S, Kaklamanos EG, Tsalikis L (2002) Effects of
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