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This paper addresses the issue of

civilizational decline and downfall in
regard to the western civilization using
historical and current data analysis from
primary, secondary, and tertiary sources
of history, sociology, psychology,
economics and international politics. The
research is not to insult any individual or
culture but to expose the dynamics of
civilizational downfall in relation to the
human individual and his society’s activity
and evolution. The author finds that the
western civilization, like previous ones, is
headed for a downfall as it’s decline
gradually builds up and intensifies. The
author also suggests the Muslims a
solution to minimize the effect of
THE FALL OF WESTERN shockwave from the downfall of western
CIVILIZATION Mohammad M Rahman
A Prediction Based on Data and Pattern

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Dark and Middle ages ............................................................................................................................ 3
Renaissance................................................................................................................................................... 5
Colonialism .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Neocolonialism ............................................................................................................................................. 7
The Causative Factors ................................................................................................................................... 8
Dead Spirituality........................................................................................................................................ 9
Declining Demography ............................................................................................................................ 11
Declining Morality and Culture ............................................................................................................... 16
Predatory and Exploitative Economic and Financial Systems................................................................. 23
Aggressive Militarism .............................................................................................................................. 31
Political Corruption ................................................................................................................................. 33
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Further Reading .......................................................................................................................................... 35

“…or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not perceive?”
(Quran 26:202)


What motivated me to write this paper is how most of the world and specially Muslims are
blind to the gradual civilizational decline of west, but rather seeing the technological and
economic superiorities of west and failing to realize the wisdom of Islam due to lack of sincere
independent objective research Muslims have come to misperceive the intrinsic superiority of
western civilization. I also hope that it may open the eyes of many westerners as to where their
civilization is headed. Several previous western civilizations i.e. Greek, Roman, Christian and
Colonial Europe have fallen whose falls were more or less similar to how current neocolonial
western civilization is falling. I have often wondered also how God has destroyed previous
civilizations because not all of them were destroyed by divine wrath but through a slow process
as God designed, because the will of God is also a system of natural justice, laws and logical
consequences He has created.

One must understand that waiting for God to destroy a sinful oppressive civilization does not
negate our Islamic duty to develop and achieve Islamic civilization through Jihad, and in the
process there will be eventual conflict when our Jihad will affect their civilizational dominance
over us. There is what God does by Himself and then there is, what we, as vicegerents on earth
must do for Him and for our own benefits.

I start my discussion by clarifying some civilizational concepts, then moving to discussion on

European historical periods and finally ending with discussion on the causative factors of
current western civilizational decline and a conclusion.


What is the definition of a civilization? A civilization consists of people with a dominant shared
culture. Major features of a civilization are that it must have a certain degree of creativity, self-
sufficiency and independence from other civilizations. What does it mean for a civilization to
fall? In one word it means “losing”. This losing can also be stated as losing control either
internal or external control or both. Externally it means that the civilization loses political,
cultural, economic influences on other cultures and/or civilizations, and/or territory if, any and
internally it means losing control of society, the individual and the law and order. The ultimate
form of civilizational fall is that it ceases to exist, which means either its people are extinct, or
they have been absorbed into other ethnicities and cultures, or their civilizational identity
become extinct. Civilizational identity arises from political, economic, cultural and religious
domains, unique to that civilization. Civilization forms and starts its gradual rise when it has
matured enough to form a civilizational identity, and also as it masters control over nature
through innovation of technologies and increment of trade activities. While civilization exists
and thrives primarily on its identity and its materialistic success it is never free from the
demand of human nature, that is to further religion, moral, law and/or culture. These factors
are what either define further civilizational rise or initiate gradual civilizational fall. Even
greatest empires of earth such as Roman or Egyptian civilization lasted at least thousand years
before their downfall began, and thousand years in the history of world is nothing. How long
today's west has been existing? I mean, today's west is seen as the standard of success and
prosperity, but few people know today’s west started to reach current point less than 50 years
ago but west has already started to decline. What was west before that? For the sake of
discussion four periods will be discussed: the dark ages, the middle ages, renaissance and
colonialism, and neocolonialism.

The Dark and Middle ages

Scholars restricted the term ‘Dark Ages’ to the period between the 5th and 10th centuries.
European dark ages are considered dark only in relation to their past powerful Roman and

Greek civilizations. One major reason why this period is considered dark is because of
intellectual persecution by the church. While European Roman and Greek civilizations had
provided the world with contributions to art, science, philosophy, architecture and political
systems the Christian Church dominated Europe during the dark ages was heavily against
science and practice of knowledge from the old world. This period was marked by frequent
warfare and a virtual disappearance of urban life. When we talk about the "loss of knowledge"
that occurred during this period we must understand that it happened around a time, as a
result of Roman decadence, Christian intolerance and wars. But most of it was because of
Christian intolerance. Christian fanatics attacked philosophy and learning quite often (Hypatia
was not an isolated case) and Christian ideology was opposed to culture and science in general.
Instead of valuing men of science, poets, engineers, generals and erudite; Christianity valued
monks who sat all-day on top of pillars or retreated to desert dens. Instead of keeping contact
with the culture of the previous generations, Christians often denounced it as impious and
destroyed its remnants.

Middle Ages, the period in European history from the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th
century CE to the period of the Renaissance (variously interpreted as beginning in the 13th,
14th, or 15th century, depending on the region of Europe and other factors). After the
dissolution of the Roman Empire, the idea arose of Europe as one large church-state, called
Christendom. Christendom was thought to consist of two distinct groups of functionaries: the
sacerdotium, or ecclesiastical hierarchy, and the imperium, or secular leaders. In theory, these
two groups complemented each other, attending to people’s spiritual and temporal needs,
respectively. Supreme authority was wielded by the pope in the first of these areas and by the
emperor in the second. In practice, the two institutions were constantly sparring, disagreeing,
or openly warring with each other. The breakup of feudal structures, the strengthening of city-
states in Italy, and the emergence of national monarchies in Spain, France, and England, as well
as such cultural developments as the rise of secular education, culminated in the birth of a self-
consciously new age with a new spirit, one that looked all the way back to Classical learning for
its inspiration and that came to be known as the Renaissance (Britannica 2021).

From the discussions we can identify that disregard for knowledge and research, rivalry and
hostility among powerful social institutions are a major cause of civilizational decline, and in
this case with regards to Europe the fall of Christian civilization and Church dominance. Does
west today have reluctance to knowledge? Yes, it does, and it can be translated similar to the
dark ages reluctance. For example, west today doesn't tolerate criticism of race theory,
feminism, immigration, abortion or medical debates as its dominant social media platforms
censor or ban people challenging the mainstream narratives. This is no more than how dark
ages persecuted those who challenged intellectually the mainstream narratives. What this is
doing is creating a reactionary underground movement of white nationalists which may well be
a major causative factor of west’s downfall.


Even though many civilizations existed in Asia and America during the 15th century but why is it
that only Europe became the dominant one? As I said, civilizational rise is initiated due to
control over and mastery of nature through technological and intellectual achievements, so it
seems west achieved these early on largely from rest of the civilizations. Even though various
political and social structural changes occurred to initiate the Renaissance but the real reason
west had a head start is not only due to its inquisitive curiosity of nature and knowledge free
from Church’s grasp but dominantly due to the effect Islamic golden age had on Europe. It is
rather proper to say that Islamic golden age had sparked European curiosity to start an
epistemic journey, but west never adopted the Islamic culture but evolved their own. During
the 11th and 12th centuries, many Christian scholars traveled to Muslim lands to learn sciences.
Notable examples include Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 1170 –c. 1250), Adelard of Bath (c. 1080–c.
1152) and Constantine the African (1017–1087). From the 11th to the 14th centuries, numerous
European students attended Muslim centers of higher learning called "universities" to study
medicine, philosophy, mathematics, cosmography and other subjects (Ghazanfar, Shaikh M. 2007).
Muslims did not merely translate Greek knowledge but, as George Saliba argues in the book
“Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance”, contrary to the generally

accepted view, the foundations of Islamic scientific thought were laid well before Greek sources
were formally translated into Arabic in the ninth century (Saliba 2007).


The European rise on new knowledge and new cultural evolution kickstarted western
colonialism which ultimately was to result in a more or less monolithic cultural world. Western
colonialism can be defined as a political-economic phenomenon whereby various European
nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited large areas of the world (Webster and Magdoff

Financial capabilities and capacity of western civilization have been boosted through
colonialism (loot, genocide and subjugation) when they came over large deposits of minerals in
Australia, Americas and Africa. A huge boost in terms of economic capability, financial
opportunities and research opportunities. So, they built administration, roads, bridges, security
apparatus, legal system and other necessary tools to manage these newly found financial

Western legal, philosophical, scientific and economical thought thrived during this time of
colonialism as European colonial tyranny gained more factors of productions, knowledge and
experimental opportunities from their colonies. The rise of Adolf Hitler devastated the
traditional colonialism of Western countries as war finance almost bankrupted them. Many
colonies found independence, but this independence did not give them intellectual, political
and economic independence and equality in the fullest sense as the human capital was
devastated and dependence on western support and market was inescapable while dictators
and despots were placed over the population by colonial fathers through newly created maps
and identities.

Colonialism enforces the fact that civilizational rise can be initiated by mastery and control over
nature, territories and technologies. It also teaches us that invasion and colonialism can also

end civilizations, as happened with Islamic ones. However western colonial civilization has also
ended, again due to intra-European rivalries which culminated in the form of Adolf Hitler, who
devastated European civilization beginning the end of colonialism. This colonial militarism, like
Roman militarism could not sustain itself long enough through loot, exploitation and plunder.
Just as powerful Rome had inner rivalries among generals, the senate and the emperors which
devasted it politically so too colonial looters had such rivalries and disagreements because
naturally evil human law is looters can never agree to loot in solidarity, as greed always
triumphs any approach to solidarity. This is the very nature of evil: to always sow chaos and
disorder which at times apparently may seem order and discipline.


We are in the midst of the discussion of western civilizational rise. Currently we are at the point
of neocolonialism where western “civilizational rise” has been maximum since the dark ages.
Here are some major reasons why: owning and operating the international banking system,
controlling all hard currencies, providing the majority of the world’s finished goods, dominating
international capital markets, exerting considerable moral and cultural leadership across most
nations, are capable of massive military intervention, controlling the sea lanes (sea routes),
veto power by the Western minority in the UN Security Council, voting powers in the IMF and
World Bank which determines fate of nations, dominance of the World Trade Organization
through effective veto power and ‘weight of trade’ rather than formal voting power, one-sided
rules of trade, which give privileged protection to Western agriculture and other interests while
opening markets in the majority world, immigration controls which manage the flow of labor to
meet the needs of Western economies, use of aid and investment to control elites in the
Majority World through reward and punishment and support for coups or military intervention
in countries which defy Western dominance. These establish external western civilizational

The Causative Factors

I am not saying west does not have an attitude of civilizational development, but without
colonialism and neocolonialism western civilization rise won't be like today. Therefore west’s
downfall will be largely due to internal structural causative factors and also due to conflict with
Russia, the Muslim world and China. A civilization cannot sustain itself externally long enough if
it is using oppression and exploitation over the rest. A strong and stable civilization will
therefore have internal perfection in civilizational identity as mentioned previously and also will
relate with the peace-loving part of humanity i.e. externally, through diplomacy and peace.
Many people think such internal causative factors can be remedied but why practice
intrinsically destructive norms? The evidence of a declining west is masked by the
sensationalism of their media, technology and bias cultural focus which have blinded most of
humanity, specially colonized inferiority complexed Muslims.

Let’s understand why these causative factors are devastating in principle and in practice.
Understand these factors are not illegal or seen as immoral in west but west has accepted these
as part of their lives, and due to this acceptance, according to their standards, undesirable,
illegal and/or immoral extensions have been resulted. Focused prioritized materialistic and
egoistic pursuit of life cannot sustain a civilization internally, and neither preserve it from
civilizational ills and defects as happened with regards to Roman and the Christian European

I will summarize the causative factors for western civilizational decline that can be summed up
into broad categories of spirituality/religion, demography, morality and culture, economy,
military and politics. Lack of spirituality eradicates control mechanism in the human self. In the
demographic side feminism and destruction of the institution of marriage and family act as
causative factors. In the morality and cultural side solipsist individualism, sexual perversions
and unhealthy lifestyle act as the causative factors. In the economic and financial sides
corporatocracy and interest scheme act as causative factors, militarily, overspending,

terrorizing and occupation act as causative factors and lastly political corruption by
desensitizing corruption and resulting apathy in the power elite cuts of the connection between
the ruled and the ruler which also lead to civilizational downfall.

These causative factors are expressed by the individual agent or the agents of social
institutions. This expression, I will term as the "decline expression" and it has its pace, direction,
intensity, time and activity. West will fall not due to one or two of these factors but as a
synergistic cumulative consequence of these causative factors which have been slowly building
up, each devastating in its own right. The fall will be sudden, swift and fast perhaps similar to
how the Soviet civilization fell. We can analyze these causative factors from the sociological and
psychological perspectives.

Dead Spirituality

All other problems arise due to absence of God as central to western life. This has been the
dominant causative factor in most of western civilizations Roman, Christian and now capitalist
west. Rome had no end of decadence and godlessness in its life. Christian Europe was using
Jesus to empower the elite clergies1 and west today has completely abandoned God.
I have discussed in my book the “atheist delusion: rebuttal of the four horsemen - part 2” how
Islam is the strongest control mechanism for the human conscience. In this section what I will
show in principle is if God and His religion are not central to any civilization it has already
initiated its decay and downfall.

Control mechanism through God and His religion preserve the civilizational decline and
consequential fall by steering its human drivers in the guided path. Rome for example had no
control mechanism so they subsequently were deceived in their own glory and adopted

Raising a chalice of wine into the air, Pope Leo toasted: "How well we know what a profitable superstition this
fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors." The pope's pronouncement is recorded in the diaries and
records of both Pietro Cardinal Bembo (Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, 1842 reprint) and Paolo Cardinal
Giovio (De Vita Leonis Decimi, , op. cit.), two associates who were witnesses to it.
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epicureanism2 thereby losing on values of virtue, dignity, family and farming, which once
dominantly contributed to their greatness. As Rome became decadent, they slid to their
eventual fall.

Every belief, ideology and worldview can only teach, inform and motivate people but it is up to
the people to adhere to its teaching and motivation through intention, rational understanding
and consequential obedience. This is because human mind is like a memory with a processing
unit which runs program it installs. These programs are ideological unit or worldviews which
shape and guide human thought and activities depending on also the mind’s approach, decision
and reception. Any idea which makes human the center of the world is disastrous as humans
are left without accountability to a higher power. As man becomes more involved in his self he
increases in indulgence, hedonism, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony and exploitation. These
represent the idea of human individualism where man is the center of his own world. It is a
license to human transgressions. By this philosophy west not only is headed to disaster but also
motivated the world to fall with it through wars, global warming, depleting resources,
catastrophe for future generations, society lack of empathy etc. Man is headed for self-
annihilation by his philosophy of godlessness. When you are your God you do what you want
and the consequences you fear are as much as you fear of your material harm. West that's why
have created greatest criminals of human history. These criminals when they reached the level
of absolute power fearing no consequences, they unleashed their ego. The “moment to
moment” of their social evolution and daily life needs to be seen properly and when seen
properly we see extreme individualism, apathy, egoism, hedonism, sexual perversion and
materialism thriving for examples. In these contexts, west is headed to a downfall similar to the
Roman empire.

An ancient school of philosophy founded in Athens by Epicurus. The school advocated hedonism (pleasure as the
highest good).
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Declining Demography

For a mature and strong civilization to thrive it must continue its demography but when the
demography is not sustainable the decline has already started. Population is the variable of
study in demography. A strong and stable civilization has a highly skilled yet dense population
to remain self-sufficient and independent, needing little or no immigration to sustain itself, but
I am not proposing xenophobia here.

Today’s western civilization thrives on immigration, and immigration as manpower, rather than
population movement, rebuilt the war-torn Europe as “tens of thousands of Turks, Yugoslavs,
Spaniards, or North Africans migrated to Europe. The extent of economic opportunities has
been of sufficient magnitude not only to have halted European emigration, but also to have
transformed Western Europe into an area of immigration, becoming home, if only tenuously, to
between fourteen and fifteen million migrants” (Rist 1979).

The question that needs to be asked how long west can sustain on immigration dependency
from Latin America, Africa and Middle East? The question that arises from this would imperial
western civilization allow third world countries to develop which if they manage would create
an existential threat to western labor supply? Today’s skilled but cheap immigration producing
nations are mainly Syria, Iraq and Yemen which have structured a brain dump to destination

The question that needs to be asked, why west needs immigration? This arises from falling
population (Stratfor 2012) also corroborated by the fact that 19 of the 20 countries with the
highest population decline rate in 2021 are western while the one remaining is Japan (Statista
2021). There are some reasons for this, but a major dominant reason is Feminism. A man

generally will prefer a woman’s love, devotion and obedience but a woman prefers her career,
and this is only true for feminism infested women. Feminism discourages motherhood and
marriage for sake of career growth and female independence, but this also is detrimental to
increasing fertility rate in a demography. In the long run this causes demographic catastrophe
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by population decline. Several data show this as the case. Some 2.2 million marriages and
almost 1 million divorces took place in the EU in 2016. The marriage rate in the EU declined
from 7.8 per 1 000 persons in 1965 to 4.4 in 2016. In 2019, the lowest crude marriage rates
within the EU were reported in Italy (3.1 marriages per 1 000 persons), Slovenia and Portugal
(3.2). (EU Stats, EU, 2019; Wilkinson and Finkbeiner 2018).

The excuse that economic factor is the reason of declining marriage cannot be accepted as this
is not the only or the dominant factor as we know countless women even when facing some
sort of economic lacking cannot resist the nature of motherhood and marriage. Feminist
individualism which suppressed, through social and psychological engineering, intrinsic
feminine nature3 and inclination of motherhood and wifehood, creating a false perception, a
false identity of the female gender.

Apart from destroying western demography feminism is also destructive of marriage and child
health. A strong civilization must be a stable civilization just like bricks molded into cement
creating a strong and stable building. One essential aspect of this strength and stability is in the
strength and stability of social institutional inter and intra relationship. One such institution is
the institution of marriage. Weaking of this institution means a lot of problematic variables will
arise which we may see or not see, and such variables may contribute to the civilizational
decline. As marriage falls apart the future of the civilization comes under threat, because, for
one thing the children are left vulnerable and their mental, intellectual and physical upbringing
are greatly impeded, and as children are the future of sustaining the civilization and it’s major
traits from demography, economy, spirituality, culture, then it follows that harming child
development will also expose the civilization to decline.

When the family becomes detached and distanced the individual members create a different
primary group. For example a distanced husband may seek a new female partner for emotional

Several things are inherently natural to humans in general such as liking to eat, wanting to relieve in toilet,
satisfaction from sleep etc. Motherhood and wifehood are also natural for women which feminism has suppressed
in them.
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and biological support, the son or daughter may seek primary groups in friends and hang with
them most of the time, the wife may also seek a new man, and children may become isolated
and find primary group in fantasy and imaginations through books and digital world. Those who
fail to seek a primary group end up in suicide and many turns to God and find a new meaning of
life in God.

The most important period of socialization process is childhood and the most important agent
in this process is the mother, and role is motherhood who is a female. Career seeking women
derail this socialization process for children and hamper the growth and realization of their self-
identity and creating friction in the parental bonds. The children become detached from an
early stage of life and become more vulnerable to take part in social deviance. Family as a
primary group if damaged in a social relational way has deep and long-lasting impact on the
members of the family and the society at large. Individualist ideologies such as feminism can
weaken this primary group through erosion and destruction of gender-based roles as Islam
proposed in Quran 4:34 and erosion of emotional attachments.

We do not need individualist success but civilizational success and a means to that is making
women interested in marriage and motherhood. So Islamic society must take policies and build
framework to make it easy for women to marry and hard for them to find career related job,
and in this way women will be made to appreciate their true natural social role that is being
dependent on husband transforming to motherhood and wifehood. Islamic society must not
seek to exploit women as economic commodities like China, Japan or west whom already facing
population decline, among other demographic and social ills. If a woman has a wealthy father
or husband Islamic law prescribed them as caretakers but if not wealthy enough, they are
recipients of Islamic welfare. American mentality of blaming the poor for poverty is another
agenda of exploiting women.
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West may appeal to science to preserve progress of human lineage by artificially creating
children rather than in a natural setting of family through natural sexual intercourse, but this
still will not address the issue of dead relationship. Even if children are born by artificial
impregnation still women need to give time to children, impeding their career growth which
they are not ready as feminists, and what of child needing father and mother both? In this
feminist demographic landscape random sexual encounters specially among working peers of
the same business have become normal. If one or both of the man and woman are married,
then matrimonial infidelity will become a side effect and divorce will be the end result. Divorce
can lead to instability that can have negative impacts on any children that may be involved and
also on the adults involved. Several data show divorce is on the increase. The divorce rate in the
EU increased from 0.8 per 1 000 persons in 1965 to 1.9 in 2016. Russia, Belarus, Gibraltar and
United States have the highest divorced rates in the world. Wives are the ones who most often
file for divorce at 66 percent on average in USA. Women with highest divorce rates worked in
professions such as nightclub dancers, bartenders, massage therapists, casino and games
workers in the USA (EU Stats, EU, 2019; Wilkinson and Finkbeiner 2018).

Another causative decline factor is discrimination against the stronger sex. Male is the stronger
sex and there is no scientific doubt about this (see Further Reading). Unjust utilization of the
weaker female sex, thereby missing out on the potential contribution of the stronger male sex
is detrimental to cumulative civilizational growth. This is being achieved by the unjust
affirmative action even though under the same environmental variables, context and
circumstance men will most of the times excel women in mental and physical capacity.
Affirmative action refers to the preferential treatment of minorities and women in employment
and education. This is reverse discrimination and, as such, is both illegal and immoral. The
people benefiting from affirmative action can be less qualified than many of the men with
whom they compete for employment and college admissions. You cannot change genetic and
biological sex differences by policy.
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In order for the civilization to not decline the stronger sex must always be utilized in most social
roles but since third wave feminism is all about matriarchy and reconstruction of a new social
order (Dale, Jennifer, & Peggy Foster, 1986). Intergender hostility that feminism has created and
nurtured is a major civilizational decline. Due to this hostility familial interdependency is lost as
living on husband's income is regarded as humiliation, relationship is destroyed due to the
tendencies that feminism want listening to husband’s advice (let alone command) as defeat,
and as a result intimacy, romance, self-sacrifice, loyalty and trust are gradually lost. It is clear
feminism doesn't want to build an intimate loving relationship based on dependency and
gratefulness, rather they want to remain distant in matrimonial relationship to be independent
and solipsist.

Revival of the institution of marriage as proposed by Islam is the way to save western
demographic collapse. This is because Islamic marriage has all the ingredients of civilizational
development some of which are commitment, willingness and eagerness to reproduce, and
belief and practice in hierarchy to achieve cohesion, and avoiding deadlock and conflict. Islamic
marriage enhances social and thus civilizational stability through enhancement of primary
group’s relationship. So we do not need individualist success but civilizational success and a
means to that is making women interested in marriage and motherhood.

Islamic society must take policies and build framework to make it easy for women to marry and
hard for them to find career related job, and in this way women will be made to appreciate
their true natural social role that is being dependent on husband transforming to motherhood
and wifehood. Islamic society must not seek to exploit women as economic commodities like
China, Japan or west whom already facing population decline, among other demographic and
social ills. If a woman has a wealthy father or husband Islamic law prescribed them as
caretakers but if not wealthy enough, they are recipients of Islamic welfare. American mentality
of blaming the poor for poverty is another agenda of exploiting women.
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In the midst of western civilizational decline, we are looking at a broken system of family,
society and outright anarchy, high rates of divorce, cheating couples, children detached from
parents and deviant in social norms, and an unfair job industry and legal system. So, in
conclusion here I have discussed several causative factors of western decline: detached
husband and wife which suggests a weakened and vulnerable family, detached children and
their vulnerability to social deviance, worsening mental health, and unjust discrimination
against the stronger sex.

Declining Morality and Culture

Today’s west has adopted a very aggressive and deviant form of epicureanism4 in the form of
solipsist individualism and unchecked liberty. Modern western epicurean forms can be
observed in the forms of their promoting of unhealthy lifestyle and glamorizing of sexual
perversions. Unhealthy lifestyle is a result of emotion ruling over reason. Even though medicine
may minimize harm, but it never removes the harm completely from the civilizational
perspective. Unhealthy lifestyle has put a continuous burden on the resources and stretched
the standard of living close to being unsustainable and for many unsustainable, such as people
who cannot afford medical care, insurance or welfare. Major trends in unhealthy lifestyle are
consumption of alcohol, tobacco, fast food and pork meat.

Alcohol plays a large role in criminal activities and violence affecting brain function and
behavior resulting in 15 % of robbery in USA, 37 % of sexual offenses in USA, 27 % aggravated
assaults in USA, 2/3 of domestic violence, 4 in 10 child abuses and 40 % of convicted murders in
USA. Tobacco is the first cause of death in USA with unhealthy diet consumption such as fast
food being second and alcohol being third. In 2010, alcohol misuse cost the United States
$249.0 billion. In 2012, 3.3 million deaths/5.9 percent of all global deaths were due to alcohol
consumption. In 2014, the World Health Organization reported that alcohol contributed to

An ancient school of philosophy founded in Athens by Epicurus. The school rejected determinism and advocated
hedonism (pleasure as the highest good).
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more than 200 mortal diseases and injury-related health conditions including liver cirrhosis and
cancers. Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body.
Alcohol and tobacco deaths are preventable. Billions of dollars are spent every year in harmful
tobacco advertising while economic cost of smoking is more than $300 billion a year in USA.
The latest global study also shows that there is no safe level of alcohol and that means alcohol
is intrinsically harmful when consumed. (Galbicsek 2018; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism 2019; CDC TobaccoFree 2019; BBC 2018). Other western countries have no better

statistics. The mentality of saving those who continuously self-harm through alcohol, tobacco
and fast food is a sign of irrational society. These are cumulative causative factors of western
civilizational decline. On the issue of pork, it is well known that it is essentially filthy. The rise of
pork in Europe was due to it being used essentially as “filth cleaning” machine. As pork was also
a source of meat and also a social filth cleaner it was well adopted among the European
societies. Still today pork is being farmed on filthy diet i.e. poop and toenails (Brennan, Christopher
2015), so farming pork historically has been cheap overall. It is not unknown for them (i.e. pork)

to eat their own young and even their own excrement! This is essentially what makes pork
disgusting unlike sheep or cow for example. Choosing a filthy diet as a major source is a great
civilizational aesthetic decline and sets a negative aesthetic principle of that civilization. Such a
low aesthetic principle could have unforeseen civilizational consequences.

Various moral and cultural issues that have been worsening as well are mental health, child
porn, drug addiction, organized crimes, environmental damage, domestic violence and social
deviance in the form of violent crimes, apathy, xenophobia, racism, exploitative foreign policies,
economic injustice, falling population as discusses, harmful lifestyle as discussed, sexual
perversions, disdain for marriage, monogamy or polygamy, free sex trends, normalization of
extreme violence (gore) etc. These are all signs and symptoms of civilizational decline. These
are examples and/or side effects of a general foundational constructs of western morality and
culture. Many theories suggest crimes and social deviance arise from biological, psychological
and social reasons such as what kind of ideologies and morals the society accepted, social
inequities and social injustice etc. These are all accumulating causative factors contributing to
the decline of west.
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4 out of 10 people released from prison are returned to prison within three years in USA. Many
previously immoral activities have been legalized to reduce violent crimes whereas many
crimes are not prosecuted, and many violent crimes have light sentences. Violent crime
recorded by police in England and Wales has risen by 19% in a year. US ranks 1 st in drug related
crimes where France ranks 4th. US ranked 1st in violent crimes whereas France ranked 4th
including rapes, homicide, aggravated assault and robbery (Nationmaster, “France vs United States:
Crime Facts and Stats” 2019; Mince-Didier).

A major element of civilizational decline is increase and prevalence in sexual perversions:

homosexuality, free mixing, porn and sex out of wedlock. All these are devastating causative
factors in moral and cultural decline. These also harm the individual and the social psychology
and contribute in social deviance. For example there is a correlation between increasing nudity
(including porn) since the 1950s and increasing rape culture and we see that research indicates
that up to one-third of U.S. women will experience a rape or sexual assault, including attempts,
at least once in their lives (Barkan, 2012). The researchers, Melanie Randall and Lori Haskell
(1995, p. 22), concluded that “it is more common than not for a woman to have an experience
of sexual assault during their lifetime. About 20%–30% of women students in anonymous
surveys report being raped or sexually assaulted (including attempts), usually by a male student
they knew beforehand” (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000; Gross, Winslett, Roberts, & Gohm,

Pornography addiction was cited as a factor in 56 percent of divorces according to a recent

study in USA and in 2019, births outside marriage outnumbered births inside marriage in 9 EU
Member States: France, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and
the Netherlands (EU Stats, EU, 2019). The children of cohabiting that is unmarried parents tend to
exhibit lower well-being of various types than those of married parents: they are more likely to
engage in delinquency and other antisocial behavior, and they have lower academic
performance and worse emotional adjustment (University Of Minnesota 2016). Girls who initiated
sexual activity outside wedlock were at greater risk of divorce. For example, Women with 6 or
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more premarital sexual partners are almost 3 times more likely to be divorced in USA (Wilkinson
and Finkbeiner 2018). This freedom of sex also rises from feminist mentality of “my body my right”

and have no regard of loyalty and devotion towards the husband.

Free mixing is a major reason of marital conflict. Prolonged, continuous and often intimate free
mixing along with provocative feminine dresses have amplified all forms of moral evils related
to sex whether voluntary such as free sex, cheating couples etc. or forced such as rape,
organized crimes etc. Psychology of free mixing is different from segregated model. There are
issues that realizes in free mixing set up. For example, in adult free mixing set up human mating
strategies are triggered. Free sex society has no problem with this as is evidenced. These
strategies are a set of behaviors used by individuals in that setting to select, attract, and retain
mates what modern society calls dates and act of dating. The human desire for
emotional companionship is one of the strongest human drives which is only amplified in a free
mixing set up. In this set up to bond or express sexual interest, people flirt. To initiate flirting
they first prepare impression or image. This is achieved by nice and tempting looking dresses,
certain types of behaviors and attitudes, enhancing makeups and looks. This can have wider
familial and personal implications such as financial loss, distractions from studies and
spirituality. Flirting between married strangers can even weaken marital bonds. The person
flirting sends out signals of sexual availability to another and hopes to see the interest returned
to encourage continued flirting. Flirting can involve non-verbal signs, such as an exchange of
glances, hand-touching, hair-touching, or verbal signs, such as chatting up, flattering comments,
and exchange of telephone numbers to enable further contact. These can contribute to
members of society becoming less devoted to matrimonial relationships as it enhances their
sexual freedom and destroy their conservatism and long-term commitment to marriage.

Homosexuality is socially and psychologically acquired. Homosexuality is not biologically or

genetically inherent. It means it is not due to hormones or any other biological factors and
neither it is inherited from parents. In order to understand how this is socially and
psychologically acquired we need to understand a) how a child developers sexuality and b) how
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an adult male develops homosexuality. Let's start with the child sexuality and discuss some
statistical facts related with it.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network asserted that children have a natural curiosity
about their own bodies and the bodies of others that ought to be addressed in an age-
appropriate manner and that they will develop a need for privacy regarding their own bodies
and begin to be sexually attracted to peers (American Psychological Association. 2009). Also children
can discover the pleasure of genital stimulation naturally at an early age (Kelly, Garry 2003) The
choices of children picking same-sex friends becomes more marked and extending to
disparagement of the opposite sex (South Easter CASA 2012.), and by the age of 8 or 9 children
become aware that sexual arousal is a specific type of erotic sensation and will seek these
pleasurable experiences through various sights, self-touches, and fantasy (Reinisch, June 1991).
Various other studies have also shown children sexual activity. About 25% of young adults
report “thinking a lot about sex” as 11–12 year old (both boys and girls) (Larsson & Svedin, 2002).
Based on reports of fourth- and fifth grade (ages 9–11 years) American boys and girls, 16%
reported self-relevant sexual thoughts (Butler, Miller, Holtgrave, Forehand, & Long, 2006) . In a sample
of Spanish boys and girls, about 6% of 9–10 year old boys reported sexual fantasies, increasing
to 66% among 13–14 year olds. Among girls, 15% of 13–14 year olds reported fantasies, with
none reported by 9–10 and 11–12 year olds (Arnal & Llario, 2006). Among 511 American 6th, 7th,
and 8th graders, 56% reported at least one current crush, with larger proportions of girls (61%)
than boys (48%) (Bowker et al., 2012).

Now this analysis is of the western society, which is based on free sex, nudity and easily
available sexual materials. This small analysis shows us how child sexuality develops in the
western context. The child sexuality as it develops is not specific towards any sex or gender. The
analysis above has shown that children have a natural curiosity towards sexuality, are sexually
attracted to same sex peers, seek pleasure from genital stimulation and that they develop
sexual erotic thoughts and feelings, and will seek pleasurable experiences. The child is thus
headed towards a sexual encounter which may be with a male among his peer or a female, an
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encounter which is not goal driven towards the opposite sex, this is because, unlike children,
adult sexuality is goal driven (Friedrich, William N.; Fisher, Jennifer; Broughton, Daniel; Houston, Margaret;
Shafran, Constance R. 1998).

The analysis also suggests that a child's sexual impulse, appropriate for his or her age, may be
triggered by anything sexual or remotely sexual, so it can be hypothesized that children
respond to their sexual thoughts and feelings as it develops, and that is the point they need to
be guided to the opposite sex or else they may be attracted to the same sex among their peers
to fulfill their emerging and first sexual erotic desire, so the child depending on the gender, thus
may approach his or her peers and develop gradually an attraction to the same sex and as it
evolves more through the prolonged companionship with his or her peers this sexuality
becomes entrenched in him or her, and as a consequence when the child becomes adolescent
or adult he may discover he has turned out to be gay.

Two options remain to prevent attraction to the same sex: marriage at an early age with
opposite adult sex, that is child marriage, as Islam proposes, to foster sexual attraction towards
the opposite sex and/or prevent child's interaction and/or collision with sexual signs, symbols
and entities, but this latter in the western context is impossible but in Islamic society it is
achievable on the basis of Islamic sexual morality such as prohibition of nudity, enforcement of
hijab, segregation of sexes etc. This importance on sexual morality may be the reason why
Islam did not put emphasis, such as obligation, on child marriage, because sexual morality
protects all of the child, adult and the society at large.

Next Question that needs to be asked, can adult male turn gay? Exposure to intense prolonged
continuous sexual activity such as porn can turn an adult male gay or bisexual even temporarily.
In prisons many straight people are continuously raped and many of them develop sexual
desire for male. The neurosurgeon Ben Carson puts it best "homosexuality is a choice because
people "go into prison straight -- and when they come out, they're gay" (CNN 2015). It is also
known that many adult males after being exposed to porn turn to other males from their close
peers or acquaintances for sexual satisfaction and a subset of these porn addicted men perform
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bestiality. So exposure to intense prolonged sexual acts and failure to satisfy sexual urges with
the opposite sex can turn an adult male gay or bisexual. As then we see it is a choice Islam has
thus prescribed the most severe of punishment for homosexuality.

From the Islamic perspective homosexuality is also a choice, that is, it is a socially acquired
phenomenon as we see in the story of Lot in the Quran. They chose homosexuality over being
straight and because it was an evil choice God punished them.

These reasons from the perspective of Islam, children and adult males suggest that
homosexuality is not biologically inherent or genetically inherited but rather a socially
engineered, psychologically acquired trait. This strong theory has been also corroborated by a
new study that claims to dispel the notion that a single gene or handful of genes make a person
prone to same-sex behavior, that is there are no specific genetic predictors of homosexuality
(Reardon, 2019).

Islam does not punish people for being homosexual unless they commit the act of
homosexuality, that if a person has a criminal mind Islamic law will only punish if such act has
resulted. Children who have become homosexual due to social environment thus must need to
go through therapy as drug addicts go through therapy for example, because the homosexual
inclination as they developed have become strong in them. Islamic government thus change
homosexuals psychologically and also warn them of the consequences of homosexual acts.

The culture of influence has become a fashion by the advent of the social media. Everyone
wants more followers, more likes and more publicity irrespective of how or to what he or she
influences and without the consequences. The modern western man loves to be on the
bandwagon because that validates his existence and experience of societal and individual
existence irrespective of how rational and justified the trend is. The culture of egoism which
prefers the “me” over the rest at any cost is a hallmark of western society and is designed to
create Darwinian personality, which is imposive, assertive, violently aggressive, rebellious, self-
preserving at any cost, apathetic and materialistic. The moral design is ethically egoistic and
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focusing primarily on material productivity rather than spiritual and moral excellence, two
pillars of civilizational development.

Epicureanism propelled moral and cultural practices have resulted in a civilizational decline. The
decline comes from destruction of natural human psychology, destruction of natural sexuality,
destruction of family, destruction of sense of right and wrong, adoption of unhealthy lifestyle,
demography destroying sexual practices and focus on the self, irrespective of the

Predatory and Exploitative Economic and Financial Systems

One of the major reasons Greek civilization fell was because the poorer classes began to rebel
against the aristocracy and the wealthy. As to Rome cost of defending the Empire, the failing
economics, heavy taxation and high inflation doomed the failing economy. The majority of the
inhabitants of the Roman Empire failed to share in the incredible prosperity of Rome. Today we
see similar economic woes in the western civilization. Two major similarities are inflation and
increasing inequality, and a third reason is the very nature of capitalist corporatocracy.

Modern banking industry is part of the western imperial corporatocracy. Banking success
depends largely on interest on loan. More loans are given to create more money by charging
interest rates, what this has done is made the overall economic situation more miserable,
because by creating money in this way, banks have increased the amount of money in the
economy by an average of 11.5% in UK a year over the last 40 years, which has pushed up the
prices of houses and priced out an entire generation. This is the evil of inflation which only the
rich can sustain while it wipes the poorer out of any hope of rising. In modern economy inflation
has been caused by many reasons but all comes down to one essential reason and that is interest
on loans. This is the major if not the only reason of inflation. This is because as banks create more
money to generate interest value from loans inflation increases. Islamic system prohibits interest
on loans and thus businesses have time and flexibility to repay their loans without increasing
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prices and thus affecting supplier businesses and consumer demands. Modern capitalist
economy is thus the economy of the rich capitalists. The money circulation that is protected by
this interest-based profit-making economic system is between the rich stakeholders such as
governments, banks and big investors i.e. The GDP Makers. The common people are just there
to provide servitude to these stakeholders. Inflation policies, loan policies and taxation policies
are not primarily to protect these common people, and the introduction and maturity of a
welfare system such as Islamic taxation model is a threat to these stakeholders as it will protect
human rights, environment and implement a fair job industry including wages and pension
policies. When someone says that the monetary policies of capitalist banks are to keep low
inflation then they are just meaning low inflation for the rich so that their business activities can
continue while the vast majority of the commoner sink in inequality, decreasing standard of
living, miserable work conditions and a disastrous pension scheme.

To deal with the result of this interest-bearing scheme government may take some drastic
measures such as raising taxes significantly, aggressively promoting trade to foreign nations,
spending cuts on welfare services for public, bailout or outright default. Many of the western
imperialist nations have pursued one or more of these methods aggressively among which are
wars, coup and sanctions to protect their financial interests. These aggressions may not have
been done to only reduce nominal debt but also to increase the earning ability of the
imperialist economy (GDP) in long term as temporarily wars will increase debt. An improved
economy means more available interest-bearing debts to government which also increases the
debts as well. It is like a cycle and devastating cycle it is which can lead to global warfare as debt
ridden nations vie each other for control. Long terms effects of national debt can be crippling as
happened with Greece and other Eurozone countries.

Modern capitalist system increases inequality. The richest fifth of the world’s population would
have three-fourths of the world’s entire income, while the poorest fifth of the world’s
population would have only 1.5% of the world’s income, and the poorest two-fifths would have
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only 5.0% of the world’s income (Dikhanov, 2005). A civilization cannot last on perpetual
exploitation and increasing socio-economic injustice as such gross inequality also affects other
human development factors such as health, education and job. A civilization which exists on
oppression and exploitation cannot sustain long enough due to either rebellion, economic
instability and/or demographic demise. However, this inequality is not only increasing but not
going anywhere even in distant future. In America the capitalists blame the poor for being poor
and in poverty. This has led to socialism being rejected by the Americans thus prolonging and
increasing poverty as poor feel rejected and neglected, they feel unmotivated and discouraged
and forces them to take the path of crimes and sins. This perception creates a cycle of
reluctance and rejection against the poor due to which they or their relatives and descendants
are impeded to rise up the social class. Equal opportunities or rather equitable opportunities
are not given to them.

Why does class exist? There are natural reasons such as brain power, physical power etc. and
there are man-made reasons such as exploitation, discrimination based on race, class,
background, religion, gender, language etc. Islam remedies these by Shariah law justice and
Islamic welfare system. Corporatocracy sees only profit and does not consider human natural
reality and thus continuous oppression goes on and, in the process, forcing the weak take the
path of sin which is a civilizational declining causative factor.

What is corporatocracy? Western corporatocracy is an extension of its civilizational influence. It

is an imperialist oppressive economic apartheid. The corporate model is based on disbelief in an
intensive welfare model and promotion of immoral unethical philosophies of McNamara and
Friedman which are aggressive leadership, deregulation, profit at any cost without any
accountability or transparency. Theoretically it is the idea based on ethical egoism of
maximizing profit at any cost. Practically it resulted in a few people with their businesses ruling
the entire locality, region and the entire planet with a somewhat feudal structure. Most
businesses on earth depend on few corporations. In the corporatocratic model businesses are
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in a hierarchy locally and globally which depend on more powerful (wealth, policy influence and
resources) businesses until it reaches the top tier corporations, local or global.

Corporatocracy is based on exploitation of the employable labor, debt slavery, monopoly and
fraudulent and deceptive financial policies. In the view of corporatocracy even if one person,
and this is most of the time the aristocracy, profits and grows, it is statistically considered
growth even if most of the population is burdened with debt and lack welfare. Corporatocracy
in every opportunity will fake financial and economic forecast for its clients who may be nation
states, businesses or individuals, to impose debts and conditional assistance. Corporatocracy is
about making few people richer whether politicians or businessmen given the limited resources
on earth. Corporatocracy is a broader collaboration with politicians, foreign aid agencies,
private contractors and the military, that is global corporate empire is a shared bond between
governments, many strategic intermediaries, corporations including the banking industry and
the military industry. The death economy of slavery is on shoulders of corporatocracy based on
plunder, war, debt and materialism pillaging earth to the point of extinction. In short, some
major features of corporatocracy are false economic and financial forecasts, deceptive
accounting5, distorted financial analysis, inflated projections, secrecy, deception, threat, bribe,
extortion and false promises and most importantly enslavement through huge debts.

Corporatocracy is distributed among many countries such as production plants in one country,
call center in second, tax-sheltered banking accounts in third, headquarter in fourth giving them
immense leverage. Enslaved countries often facilitated by its corrupt politicians must vie with
each other to give these corporations the most lenient environment and social regulations,
lowest wage and tax rates. Modern democracy is a marriage with corporatocracy because

Theft through the corporate model such as in accounting books, forecasts etc. are also eligible to Islamic law of
hand chopping. These thefts are also a stealthy way of stealing what is rightfully others.
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governments give massive tax cuts and subsidies to the corporations by legitimate bribing such
as election funding and other hidden incentives.

Today corporatism and neocolonialism has divided global population and earth on the three
segments. For example, some nations which are subjugated and dominated by western
imperial and old colonists provide these sectors. Arabia whose tyrannical rulers are supported
by west, Africa which is under perpetual wars and exploitation for raw materials and Chinese
slavery and Asia which provides cheap labor services for western multinational corporations.
This western economic exploitation is supported by both western political landscape and
Chinese communism. So corporatocracy has divided the global population into segments: those
that supply labors, those that supply markets, those that supply resources for manufacturing.
Controlling global population means maintenance of these segments and minimizing or
impeding the global welfare model by paying no taxes, lack of environmental concerns and
forcing the existence of a certain political landscape suitable for western corporatocracy.

Like Roman empire today western civilization also depends on a slave6 based economy. Even
though many western countries have greatly improved worker's right, but slavery condition still
exists in west and also prolonged by their support for developing nation's slave-based service,
such as those provided by China or Bangladesh for example. Reliance on slavery was a major
factor of Rome's fall and as China is facing a demographic threat it may soon be the reason of
sudden fall of western economy as well. God forbid these Han Chinese communist thugs do not
use Uyghurs and Tibet women as baby making factories!!!

Western economic theories haven't worked whether laissez fair, Keynesian, Marxian or
Malthusian due to prioritizing Marxian materialism, profit and debt slavery. Keynesian

Islam removes this slave-based causative factor. Islam came to abolish slavery through reformation. Instead of
banning outright slavery, which was a deep rooted business and social model, Islam first proposed restructuring
slave-master relationship based on equity, justice and sympathy which is the pathway to abolishment of this unjust
institution. The reformation was done in these ways: 1. Prohibition of enslaving free people and limiting it in only
defensive war for only prisoners and combatants 2. Keeping a lot of legal obligations to free slaves as compensation
of legal wrongs 3. Obligating treatment of slaves as human beings and servants of God thereby minimizing the
chances of cruelty and humiliation. 4. Promising spiritual rewards for freeing slaves voluntarily.
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economics facilitates corporatocracy by giving western governments and central western banks
too much power on wealth management with too little transparency and accountability. Since
2007, the banks Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and the Royal Bank of Scotland had
operated what some of their members referred to as “the Cartel.” Among the e-mails and chat
room conversations of individuals involved were found their own names for their group: The
Bandits’ Club and the Mafia. US Attorney General Loretta Lynch described the banks’ foreign
currency scheme as “a brazen display of collusion and foreign exchange rate market
manipulation.” She went on to call it a “breathtaking conspiracy.” The words collusion and
conspiracy, spoken by the US attorney general, are especially telling, given that they were used
in reference to the secret collaboration of banks that for years had been considered some of
the most trusted businesses in the world. The actions of the banks demonstrate that everything
— conspiracy, collusion, fraud, unfair competitive practices — is justified by the corporatocracy,
so long as it earns large profits. It is essentially for these reasons that western corporate
capitalism has never been successful and has a history of instability throughout the 20th and
21st century: multiple global financial crisis, increasing inequality, exploitation and subjugation
of humans and environment are the ever-evident features of western corporate capitalism.
Western civilization was on the brink of economic collapse multiple times but yet the system
has become even more unjust and corrupt.

Corporatocracy has huge effect on health and familial stability because it does not truly believe
in the idea of work-life balance. Corporatocracy will never sacrifice their “profit crusade”
against the world and leading this crusade is America and now rising China in some regions of
the planet. They cannot possibly allow the masses to have the rightful joy of a good standard of
living7 globally because their perspective is, this will cause shortage of and in labor, resources
and productivity to serve the corporatocracy. This will also demand rule of law, security,
transparency, and accountability which corporatocracy shuns in name of competition, profit
and innovation. Corporatocracy seeking maximum productivity in rivalry yet at times through

A good standard of living includes spiritual, moral, economic and health wellbeing.
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mutual interest-based solidarity, by competing in speed, quality, quantity, time and cost of
labor, goods and services. This productivity inversely depends on population welfare and
standard of living as the labor strives hard to improve the material standard of living and earn
financial or material incentives which he deserves through welfare. For this they abolished
welfare model of “human care” and “need fulfillment” implementing a Darwinian "strongest
survives" and exploiting model. In this socioeconomic context it is the mad and irrational
pursuit of the corporate serving labor class to perfect their skills to achieve fulfilment of their
needs resulting in spiritual, mental, moral and other demographic consequences. Imagine how
slavery mode of production affected a large segment of historical societies so too
Corporatocracy has both short term and long-term adverse consequences on society at large,
the individual in varied contexts of health, spirituality, morals, finance, relationship and living.

The predatory economic system wishes to recruit the cheapest yet relevant skilled labor
but welfare model, according to them will not make the labor force ready because a general
social as well as employment particular welfare will cause many to stay home such as women
and who are with children. By this they also want to achieve the feminist matriarchy agenda
breaking families apart and preventing people from family-oriented lifestyle towards career-
oriented lifestyle creating a new social order based on productivity enhancement and
individualism. So, in order to maximize pool of labor and diversify skills they have used the
ideology of feminism. Feminism is thus an extension of corporatocracy. You won’t hear
feminists calling for equality in the dirty, dangerous, or low paid jobs that men do. They are
always after the positions of power and authority that they can then use to realize matriarch
corporatocracy. Matriarch corporatocracy feels empowered by her financial independence and
feels humiliated by her dependence on the husband. This shows feminism is inherently socially
destructive as it rejects inter family dependency, seeking comfort and saying thanks. Feminist
corporatocracy is thus anti-family, egoistic which prioritizes pursuing career over family
because a family will slow them down by childbirth and duties towards children as a mother,
while a career is the ticket to be a corporate matriarch somewhere.
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Corporatocracy also has affected the environment due to it’s ever increasing desire to tempt
and satisfy the consumers. Greenhouse gases produced by greedy profit seeking human
activities will cause temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 deg F over next 100 years. Season will change
affecting ecosystems and agriculture. By the end of this century, what have been once-in-20-
year extreme heat days (one-day events) are projected to occur every two or three years.
Hurricane will become stronger and more intense. Sea levels will rise by 1-4 feet by 2100 (NASA,
Global Climate Change: Effects, 2018).

Rising automation will also be a civilizational downfall factor. Automation thus is posing a great
risk to educated professionals and their job markets. People may say technologies have always
created new jobs by taking old jobs, however AI is a unique kind of technology as AI seeks to
mimic human intelligence thereby really threatening worth of human intelligence. While
historically technologies only replaced a very limited aspect of human action AI seeks to replace
human mind itself. The corporate controlled AI will create global technological inequality
enhancing the already powerful western civilization more powerful and making the less
developed nations more exploitable. Also, the western military industrial complex will become
even more bold and audacious because AI warfare will save national lives so there will be no
more public discontent against declaration of wars. Imagine the dominion of Skynet except
being controlled by the elites. This militarization of AI poses a great threat against humanity.
Militarizing AI objectives by training machines to do harm and/or preserve a certain western
civilizational political and strategic policy seems like a sci-fi movie becoming reality. This will
create immense resistance against the western civilization much like what Rome faced from the
barbarian worlds.

Western civilizational economic supremacy is sustained by oppression and exploitation of

earth, environment and mankind which is bound to collapse because these are causative
factors of civilizational decline. Today, more than ever, western civilization has danger alerts
written all over its economic system. It is only a matter of time God willing.
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What should Muslims do? Muslim economies are disunited, their economies diverse instead of
a single market and also dependent on the western corporate hierarchy, and so it follows that
Muslim countries will never be independent enough to wage war for oppressed against tyranny
and fight to defend Islam and create Islamic rule and Islamic societies. Even scarier is the fact
that when west falls Muslims will also fall with it to the brink of extinction. Muslims must have
independence from this western corporate hierarchy, and this means they must have enough
ability and capacity and develop these two to create sufficient and needed goods and services,
starting with maximum utilization of their own God given resources natural or otherwise on
guidance of Islamic law and Islamic values. They must embrace Islamic system based on
wholescale complete Shariah Law which will define their lives and thus the economy. Take for
example UAE which is considered a success of Muslim economy however UAE is just a cog in
the wheel of western corporatocracy and it has abandoned Islamic Jihad and empowerment
because doing so will bring it directly in conflict with the western civilization. In order to
facilitate it’s further entrenchment in the western corporatocracy hierarchy UAE has
abandoned Palestine, Kashmir, Uyghurs etc. On a side note Muslim countries must join and
collaborate with Islamic Iran to ever empower Islamic struggle because Iran has created an
opportunity for Islamic revival exponentiation in 1979.

Aggressive Militarism

Two devastating world wars created primarily by west yet the rest of the colonies had to fight
for them. Now we have threat of nuclear war which will not only annihilate west but humanity
in general.

One of the major reasons Roman empire fell was because it became unsustainable due to
military overspending. Today America spends more in military than any empire before or any
nation today. It is unsustainable as America continuously struggles to maintain and increase its
hegemony. China also behaving same even at the threat of demographic disaster. These nations
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do not have the proper systems of law, governance, culture and economy to continuously
stably maintain their hegemony.

One of the key pillars of US and western economy is the military industrial complex. For the US
it is too powerful and gained “unwarranted influence” over American life as it acted for its own
interests and not necessarily for those of the nation as a whole. According the former five-star
general and President Eisenhower American militarism is like the clouds of war, where
humanity is hanging on a cross of iron. In 2009 US military spending was $767 billion (including
$92 billion for veterans’ benefits) and accounted for almost 22% of all federal spending (U.S.
Census Bureau, 2010). According to Oscar Arias Nobel peace prize winner "when the defense

budget squanders money that could be used to repair schools or to guarantee universal health
care, Americans are hurt” (Arias, 1999). Western and in specific American standard of living,
domination and prestige depends on this militarism. It’s nothing about global justice and

It is clear that neocolonialism is a cooperation between the western financial institutions,

political and military institutions. The western global financial institutions are based on a
system of exploitation and debt enslavement of developing countries infiltrating these nations
through the elite individuals and powerful businesses. The elites of the neocolonized nations
benefit while the nations are deprived. If they cannot control and impose by finance or politics,
then military is the last option. Through the cooperation and coordination of western financial
institutions, political establishment and military industries they control and influence the
world’s GDP, create market for western products, create shareholder wealth largely based in
west such as powerful corporations, businesses and even private banks, reduce national debt
and trade deficits of western countries, increase geopolitical power, export culture, increase
currency value and manage liquidity of finance and market. Examples of these achievements
are seen in cold war, countless sanctions, coups, sabotage, espionage, civil war by western
intelligence services and wars against Muslim countries in Middle East, Africa and Latin America
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Those who are dependent on west will also be hit hard. Muslims must embrace Islam because
Islam is designed to deal with any Islamic civilizational situation. However, as colonialism has
blinded Muslim mind to the point of cessation of independent creativity Muslims have adopted
western worldviews in major civilizational aspects. The blindness is so deep that even Islam is
being polluted with these western civilizations traits and that Muslims have only the marginal
ability to address their existence by slight modification here and there of western system,
because Muslims depend on west for civilizational guidance.

Political Corruption

The neocolonialism through corporatocracy is implemented through collaborative efforts of the

governments, corporations and the military industries-The Sinners. It seeks to enslave nations
by debt. This debt is created by selling either goods or services or both to these poor vulnerable
nations. Bias economic forecasts and technological forecasts are created by corporate agents to
deceive them into accepting huge debts from international banks. If it is not debt from banks,
then it takes the form of obedience and trade concessions from these enslaved nations, tax cut
and subsidies for the corporatocracy. If any nation seeks self-determination or independent
thought CIA backed jackals or even the military are sent. This is because modern democracy is
corrupt non-functional. Most democracies are corrupt in the world. You will see modern
democratic and election systems are broken and impotent: Voters are unqualified, gullible,
sentimental, ignorant, political parties are paid by the corporatocracy, electoral doesn't mean
majority will, citizens submit themselves to few elite people who are themselves chosen by
their inter party dirty politics, the party system which is divisive at the religious, national and
social levels and most importantly democracy is baseless of morality and divine guidance.
Democracy lacks any purpose except to divide people, win votes and empower capitalist-
politician marriage. Modern democracy is the exploitation by the power elite. It is
civilizationally unsustainable.
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One of the way western civilizational supremacy is maintained is their support of tyrannical
regimes as long as these regimes provide benefits to western political establishment and
strategic interests. In other words, western civilizational supremacy is maintained by the
exploitation and enslavement of other people and nations. For example, German aid to
Afghanistan on the condition to feminize the Muslim women and the society and embed
western social conscience to erode Islamic social conscience has been adopted. During
colonialism the approach was more aggressive and brutal while now exploiting the helplessness
of war victims is a policy (Ahmadzai, Saifullah 2020; German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ) 2020). Still today the French invests in many projects and NGOs in its north

African former colonies to enforce western and French dominance. Benefits are of commercial
interest: access to resources and markets. Mechanisms to support this are a shared currency
(the CFA-franc), military presence, secret diplomacy and marketing its language and culture.
France achieves this by political connections between itself and African old elite men. The
hypocrites are always the local tyrannical elites who give opportunities to the western
civilizational infiltration (Dekker, Inemarie.2020).

Muslims must reject western civilizational oppression and democracy and adopt Islamic
meritocracy. Quran has repeatedly favored the knowledgeable and thus they are the best
people to form and decide on governance and model of collective guidance. For the Muslim
Ummah God has chosen twelve wise Imams from Prophet’s family to be leaders and successors
and those who represent them politically must be champions in piety and merit as well. Quran
22:41 establishes the rule of theocratic meritocracy that binds piety with knowledge. Both of
these features need each other. In an Islamic model of governance, the people of merit will be
only allowed to choose the leader of the state and other relevant offices and that there be no
funding from the people. The Islamic treasury will assign every meritocratic candidate equally
fixed portion of resources to run for jurisdictional leadership.
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I have discussed about civilization in principle and how it rises and falls. A civilization is made up
of people with a dominant shared culture along with a civilizational identity based on a level of
creativity and self-sufficiency. A civilization falls when it loses internal and external controls. Its
people either become extinct or absorbed into other ethnicities or loses its civilizational
identity. On these standards Muslims have no civilization today.

Western civilization is in a decline. There have been several episodes of western civilizational
downfalls such as Roman empire, Greek civilization, Christian civilization and colonial European
civilization. Today neocolonial west is in decline towards downfall. Mass immigration, loss of
spirituality, shrinking productive population, degrading destructive morality and cultural norms,
exploitative predatory unjust economic and financial systems, aggressive militarism and corrupt
political establishments are the major causative factors of this decline.

Muslims must keep distant and thus must not get too involved with west as the shockwave of
western fall will engulf the world and Muslims as well. Muslims must rapidly Islamize and
establish Islamic system wholly so that the effect of this shockwave is minimized.

Further Reading

Rahman, Mohammad Mushfequr. “Why Society Needs Patriarchy? A Scientific and Social Justification.”
ResearchGate, unknown, 28 Apr. 2021,
ion Accessed 2021

Rahman, Mohammad Mushfequr. “THE RELIGION of ISLAM: Everything You Need to Know!” ResearchGate,
unknown, 22 Apr. 2021,
Accessed 2021
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Rahman, Mohammad Mushfequr. “The Atheist Delusion Rebuttal of the Four Horsemen Part 1 & 2.” ResearchGate,
Accessed 2021

Rahman, Mohammad Mushfequr. “The Islamic Society: The Sociological Perspective” ResearchGate, 2021,
Accessed 2021

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