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Assignment week –9

Ethical dilemma

9-27. Do group members have an ethical responsibility to report shirkers to leadership? If

you were working on a group project for a class and a group member was social loafing,

would you communicate this information to the instructor? Why or why not?

Ans. Yes, I think that group member should have responsibility to report shirkers to leadership.

Social loafing refers to that people who are working in the group but due to the group work some

people are not doing their work. At that situation other group member has to do the work due to

it is group work. If other people won’t do that, the whole group has to lose their points. If I am

working in the group and, if I face the same problem first I will talk to that person. Furthermore,

I will try to convince that person to perform his job. Lastly, if he won’t do that after that, I will

complaint it to the instructor because we are working in the group project. If that person is not

doing his work, there is no worth of that member in the group. We chose that member to do some

work in the group. If he is not performing his work why we need that person?

9.28 Do you think social loafing is always shirking (failing to live up to your

responsibilities)? Are there times when shirking is ethical of even justified?

Ans. I don’t think so that social loafing is always shirking. Because when we are working in the

group, mostly we have already decided that who will do which type of the work. So we are

sharing the whole work in the different parts. In the group, if someone is not performing his

work, we can say that it is social loafing. On the other side, sometimes things are not in our

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hands. We cannot control any family problem, hospital problem or natural calamities. So at that

time we have to manage that part.

9-29. social loafing has been found to be higher in Western, more individualist, nations,

than in other countries. Do you think this means we should tolerate shirking on the part of

the U.S. students and workers to a greater degree than if it occurred with someone from


Ans. Social loafing should be similar for everyone. It doesn’t matter where are you from and

who are you student or worker. It depends on the person too. We cannot say that all westerns are

social loafing. It also depends on other person too. Because if the other group members are very

co-operative, one guy will take advantage for that. So from my opinion, it doesn’t matter who

you are, you can find social loafing from every culture people.

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Qs.1: How does the Zimbardo experiment demonstrate Role Perception, Role Expectation, and

Role Conflict?


Role perception

In the Zimbardo experiment, Zimbardo had appointed 24 males to do the experiment. The role

perception refers to the how it affects or alters the behavior of people. The experiment was

conducted at the basement of the Stanford University. In the experiment, individual represents

how they were affected by the negative environment created around them. This experiment will

lead to the change in behavior and mindset. This experiment was a complete failure however,

some of the results gives insight into human psychology and social behavior.

Role expectation

We can easily make out that role expectations were very high. They were expected to co-operate

but what they went through changed their behavior. Prisoners were tortured, humiliated, stripped.

Guard gives mentally pressure to the prisoners. Sometimes the tell to clean the toilet by their

hands. Prisoners don’t know whether it is day or night because they were locked in the dark

room. Furthermore, guards won’t allow prisoners to wear the underwear. They were not allowed

to wear the under wears. Prisoners were forced to do the exercise early in the morning. Due to

this one of the participant backed off on the second day itself.

Role conflict

Due to the orders, guards and prisoners both of them has to perform their duties. Guards has

given sticks, sunglasses to control the prisoners. On the other side, Prisoners were forced to wear

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chains, prison garments and were transported to the basement of the Stanford university

department. The experiment was planned for two weeks. But due to the strict restriction and

mentally pressure, one of the prisoner backed off. In the conclusion, the experiment shows that

how subjects reacted for the specific needs rather than referring moral benefits.

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