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ae °o Find seven words from the lesson in the grid. Then use the words to complete the Sentences. AMOR EUIOZMtH IZ IE 1 eGi|ury|fay] & ——— bo your email, You've alGiel@leiieletrtety u've got a message. 2. Do you like to the Net? ifolh{p[xlalnlelrlo a my friend Jane every PEI Ree EALUMLEMDIPeN|ceyIAUNIEER| © day unter school tlbiwizlalilclulnlu 4. Don't forget to change your ears ife[k{klulalklnlgls every three months. ao [olLeollalie tals tee your teeth in the ? gix}aiminie[vialjle] mornin? 6 gour'room, bean, oftyitdiylctu iLL © It's a mess! ulilqa]s|ulr vis|x}a1 my hair every morning. © Prutthe words in order to make sentences. Look at the example. 1. do/ have / breakfast / always / morning / you / the /in/? Do you always have breakfast in the morning?. 4. never / they / tidy / rooms / their 5. you / hair / you / comb / your / do / bed / 2. doesn't / brush / she / teeth / her / night / at to/ before / go /? 3. often / you / text / do / how / friends / your /? 6. Sheila / late / ‘always / is / school / for 8 Read and answer the questions. 1. How often do you brush your teeth? 2, Do you often have cereal for breakfast? 3. Do you always have breakfast in the morning? 4, How often do you check your email? 5. When do you usually comb your hair? Read and circle. 1. I like your new schedule / tablet. It's a nice colour. 2. Do you do / play volleyball on Wednesdays? ve your calendar / uniform with you? 3, We have karate today. Do you hat 4. I'm confused / sad. Where's the sports centre? 5, What time do we have maths? can't find my schedule / lesson. 6 When is the school play? | want to write it on my calendar / desk. 2) What does Tonia usually do and what is she doing today? Look at her schedule and write, Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 4. On Saturday mornings, Tonia usually Today she bla 2. On Saturday afternoons, she usually Morning Today she Afternoon 3. On Saturday evenings, she usually Evening Today she Se Listen and tick (). What does Jake usually doon | Wednesday? What is Jenny doing now? | - fat ei L What does Greg want to do now? 0° Read and complete, 1, Mum, can you buy a any. 2. There are three 3. Oh, no! Your balloon! It’s Gstronauts satellite spacesuits towel _ tube of toothpaste _ space station swallow — floatir ————___________ living on the = ——_________attthe supermarket? We haven't got ei ea 4, &: Wow! Look at that star! It’s blue! B: That's not a star, Jake. That's a 5. Don't 6. My hands are wet. Where’s the 7. Astronauts don’t wear their Read and circle. 1, There is a/ the tube of toothpaste in a/the cupboard. 2. The /A blue sleeping bag is Tony's. Mine is yellow. 3. Where's a/ the pink towel? Only a/ the purple towel is here. © Frea4 and match. 1. The green bike is Tony's. 2. The big bedroom is Anna and Beth’s room. 3. That tablet is Amy's. 4, This is my sleeping bag. 5. This towel is for you. 6, These ice creams are for you and Jenny. 7. We've got a pet cat. u ° Listen and circle. =) 1. Sandy's towel is A orange Bellow 3. The red hat is A.Liso's B. Sandy's ——______ the toothpaste, Maggie 2 = when they sleep. 4. | drink a/ the cup of hot coffee in the morning and a / the glass of cold coffee in the afternoon. 5. The /A cheese and tomato pizza is his. ‘A/The cheese and mushroom pizza is mine. 6. That's Tom Evans. He’s an / the astronaut who lives on a / the new space station. JOO 2. The pink jacket Ais BD ies uous. It's mine. Ml They're yours. It’s ours, It's theirs, It's hers. Its his. Sandy's. Baisn't toothbrush is new. B. yellow 0 Read and complete. school trip school play competition event planetarium fe: Une es at the shopping centre this weekend, val take por) 1. A There's an art > ‘are you going to go? B: Yes, | am. My favourite artist is going to be there. 2. Rick loves going to the He loves learning about planets and stars. 3. The class is going ona to the zoo. 4, Tina and Fay are going to in the science fair. 5, We're going to watch my little brother perform inthe ——__________. 6. Jenny reads two books every day. She wants to win the reading 7. There is going to be food from all around the world at the food Look at the pictures. Write sentences with the correct form of the Future be going to as in the example. 1. Jake / take part in a music festival at the weekend Jake is going to take part in a music festival at the weekend, 2. Jasmine and Ann / take part in a cooking competition on Saturday 3. Gary / learn about the planets at the planetarium on Friday 4, Lisa / play sports at the school sports event this weekend 5. Kathy and Lucy / go on a school trip to the zoo next Tuesday © e0d and answer. 1, What are you going to do this afternoon? 2. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? 3, Where are you going to go on Friday evening? 4. What are you going to do at the weekend? oe Read the email and complete, | Se yousoon Thanks for your email Write soon and tell me all about it Hi, Claire _ 1 How are you? 2. | I'm writing to tell you about my new hobby. My friend Diane and | do gymnastics. it’s so much fun! We usually practise every Tuesday cand Thursday evening at the sports centre near my house. Today I'm practising at home. And guess what! I've got some really exciting news to tell you! There's a sports competition | at the end of the month. The best part is we can invite our friends! Do you want to come? ‘What about you? Have you got a new hobby? 3. 4 Olivia @ Fea: the email again and answer. 1. What is Olivia's hobby? 2. When does she usually practise? 3. Where does she practise? 4, Where is Olivia practising today? 5. What is Olivia's exciting news? © Mote sentences. Look at the example. 1, My hobby / be cooking eee 2. Heather / always / go to cooking classes on Monday and Wednesday after school 3, Her mum / sometimes / go with her 4. 1/ cook pasta with fish at the moment You want to send an email to a friend telling him/her about your new hobby. First answer the questions to help you. 1. What is your new hobby and how does it make you feel? 2. What days, time of day, etc. do you usually do it? 3. What else can you say about your hobby? Use the information in activity 4 and write an email in your notebook. Draw or stick a picture, too. ne @ Fevd ond complete. [shoots teammates scores points lose misses | 1. John and Kurt play basketball together. They are a lot of points for his team. than the Bears. - So, the score 2. Gavin always 3. The Eagles have got more —_______— atRory A but stays the same. 5. The game ends 63-52. The Dolphins _____—- eo Read the story in the Student's Book and look at the pictures. Then circle the correct answey, game. Derek and Alan (1) ina (2) _———_____ They're playing against the (3) ls a lot of points for his team. When Derek asks him to Alan (4) (5) the ball, he doesn’t. His (6) _get ‘angry, Their team (7) when Alan (8) his knee. The team plays well and they (9) the game. 1.A.are watching —_B. are playing 6.A.teammates — B. coach —_B, football winning B. is losing 3.A Tigers B, Sharks, 8A hurts B. sprains 4.A.scores B. misses 9.Awin B. lose 5.A. shoot B. pass © Purine pictures in the correct order (1-4) and use the prompts to write what happens. ae | > B 1. Alan / fall / down / and / hurt / his / knee 2. Alan /score/the /first / points / for /his /team Alan falls down and hurts his knee. se 3. The Tigers / be / the winners 4, Alan / not share / the ball J Vocabulary | 0 Read and circle. 1. Astronauts eat / swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth in space. 2. Thomas scores / misses the last points of the game and his team wins. 3. My little brother's school uniform / spacesuit is blue. 4, | comb / brush my teeth every morning 5, We are going to go on a school trip to the planetarium / space station. 6. My hands are wet. Please, give me the towel / tablet. 7, Sally surfs / texts the Net in her free time. 6 Match the two sets of words. Then match them with the pictures (A-F). ( 1, a tube of my room 2. do station 3. take karate 4, school part 5. tidy play 6. space toothpaste °e Read and complete. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive, 1. Jamie (do karate) on Fridays. 2. Kate always (take part) in the food festival. She (make) « pizza now. 3. Myclassmatesand|_______——————_(play volleyball) every Thursday afternoon. 4, Harvey (check) his email every morning. s Renny tee (text) her friend now? No, she isn't. She ___ (talk) on the phone. 6. Karen (play) a board game with her sister and she (lose). 0 What is Emma going to do at the weekend? Look and write. Saturday play volleyball. eat at a restaurant {go to the cinema do homework tidy room surf the Net and check email LE | ito ECC Evening On Saturday morning Emma (1) Inthe afternoon, she(2)__— with her parents and sister Bath eevering chet) with her friends Rita ond Dang On Sunday morning, Emma (4) In the afternoon, she (5) In the evening, she (6) and (7) Reading Read and write J for Jason, T for Trevor or B for both. @BD Hobbies | Tell us what new hobbies you are into! gy {e0ly lke working out, but! don’ like doing sports. My friend Pete told me about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and | love it It’s better than taking part in team sports. Brazilian | Jiu-Jitsu is not like karate. In Jiu-Jitsu you use your hands and legs, but there's no kicking, Pete and | usually train every Tuesday and Thursday after school at the sports club. We | take part in competitions with other sports clubs and visit different places, too. Next week we are going to take part in a competition in Brighton, | can't wait!” Jason, 13, Southampton ‘really like discovering different places round my city | find bridges, tunnels and old train stations really interesting, My older brother, Steve likes exploring the city, too. $0 on Fridays after school, we usually surf the Net for new places to discover and explore. Then, at the weekend, we go out with maps and cameras and take pictures of the places we find, Is really cool and it's actually a real hobby, called urban exploration, Trevor, 15, London 1. He likes working out. 4, He does his hobby with his friend. [_| 2. He discovers new places round his city, 5. He goes to different places. LC 3. He surfs the Net for his hobby. lis brother do the hobby eae g TS peta talk about people's daily routines and schedules talk about what people are doing at the moment 7 talk about a person's belongings ‘ You're a little star! talk about a person's plans for the near future You're a star! write an email toa friend about anew hobby ars: You're a big star! eo Listen and draw lines. There is one example. 4) Michael Richard © 100k and read. Write yes or Examples The girls near the flowers are watching a butterfly. eas The girls are wearing hats. = 1. There is a green tent anda 5, Three boys are playing yellow tent. px Ged basketball. 2, The girl in the tent is reading 6. The woman near the small ‘newspaper. tent is making a cup of tea 3. A boy is climbing the tree. ________ 7, The boys next to the tent 4. The boy near the rocks are playing table tennis. is steeping. © wot did dana do on Saturday? Read and complete. Use the Past Simple. On Saturday morning | (1) _____ (meet) my friend Carrie and we (2) (go) to the shops. | (3) penne (get) a new dress and Carrie (4) (buy) a pair of jeans. After shopping, we (5) (want) to go to Luigi's pizza restaurant, but it ©) (not / be) open. We (7) _(eat) at the Golden Wok instead. In the afternoon | (8) (stay) at home and (9) __ (hang out) with my sister. We (10) s (watch) a film on TV. © L00k and comptete with the Past Simple. Then write the names. 1. AcLily,___you_(go) to the shops yesterday? B:No,| !____(meet) Marie at the park. 2 AYesterday!____(not / see) you at the sports centre. Where___ (be) you, Mark? (stay) at home and _ (study) English ___ (do) yesterday, Fiona? (go) to the shops and you __ (buy) a new dress. you_____ (play) basketball at the sports centre yesterday? (be) there, but | (do) karate. Young Stars ature recognise safe poisonous outside | fucksack experience survive make a shelter | 0 Read and complete. 1. On our school trip to the zoo we saw many _ 0 snakes from 4 all over the world, 7 2, Jane doesn't like camping because she had a bad a once. 3, In science class, we learnt howto ___ different plants. ; 4, During our holidays in the mountains, we learnt howto because it was raining, 5.My—_______is really heavy, Can you help me carry it? 6, 'mnot going __ _____ today because it’s cold and it’s raining, 7. Mr Greene loves taking walks in in “i 8.Welearnthowto _ in nature on our camping trip. h 9, Itisn't__ to go camping atone. | eo Look and write what they were / weren't doing. 1, Mark /sleep /at home (sleep outside / in a tent) Mark wasn't sleeping at home. He was sleeping outside ina tent : 2. Philip and his dad / make a fire (make a shelter) 3. John / drive to the shops (drive / the sports centre) 4, Jay and | / walk / to school (walk / to the park) °e Listen and number the pictures. ) .— ————— ll _ * Our world | oO Read and circle. ing! 41. The view / nature from the hotel window was amazing} S thomas is very confused / luck UesuyteeieMiiiors > tablet! 3, There were a lot of rocks on the trip / trail to the campsite. | fell off my bike ty, Jancient buildings. fhings about Machu Picchu 4, The city of Rome has many strange 5, Our guide / coach knew a lot of interesting t achu Picchu, | was lucky /amazed. 6. When | saw the view from M‘ 7. | was hiking / sailing in the mountains when | saw a snake. eo Read and circle A o1 1. Chris was walking to school when it __ Kim and Frida ea o'clock last night? to rain. il ves starting [EJ startes No, they weren't. They were surfing the Net. 2. Gina and|__in the forest when we _ saw a poisonous snake. W Did ... sleep Were ... sleeping Ll were hiking [Ef rikea 5, While the guide _us the ancient city, we took photos. 3. A:What ____you_ when you 1 ' [EQ wos showing [EB showed got to the hotel? i B:| had a shower. 6. Linda was talking on her phone when Bi were .. doing fi id . do she _____into the shop. walked HES was walking What were the children doing when the accident happened? Listen and match the names to the children. #) psu Let's tall 0 Read and complete. 1. Those flowers don't look so good. Where's the @ They need some water. 2, It was raining all afternoon and when the sun came out a appeared. 3, Flowers usually __ ____ in spring, 4. Northern countries only have a few hours of during winter. e How did Michelle make chocolate crepes? Read the steps and put them in the correct order. Write (7-5). Then, she cooked the crepe for two minutes on both sides. First, she beat the eggs with the flour in a big bowl. Finally, she put the crepe on a plate and added some strawberries and chocolate syrup on top. Second, she added the mitk and water to the flour mixture and mixed them all together. Then, she added the butter and salt. BB BBA After that she heated the pan and added % cup of the mixture. Describe how Ms Peters made a pencil holder by rewriting the steps. Remember to use. first, second/next, then, after that and finally. DIY PENCIL © (lhl Z| 2 DER + atennis | * a knife or pair + gooaly eyes |+ a drawing HOLDER. ball of scissors | glue | oramarker | pin Steps 1. Cut a small hole (5 cm) in the tennis ball using the knife or pair of scissors. Press open the hole for a few minutes. 2. Use the glue to stick the googly eyes on the tennis ball, or the marker to draw some eyes on the tennis ball. 3. Make a small hole at the back of the tennis ball and put the drawing pin in the hole. 4. Use glue to stick the drawing pin to the tennis ball. 5. Put the ball on the wall and put your pencil in the mouth. First, she cut a 5 cm hole in the tennis ball using a pair of scissors. Second, she 0 Read and answer the questions. Use the Past Sim The Noise from Upstairs By Linda ‘On Saturday afternoon, my younger cousin Mina came to my house. Mina really likes pets so! showed her my parrot, Indigo. She loved him. Jt ) 2 She spent all afternoon playing with him and 2. What was Mina dol taking photos of him. Our parents went out for dinner at around seven o'clock. Mina was still playing with Indigo! 1. When did Mina go to Lin At around nine, Mina fell asleep upstairs and my friend Claire came to my house. There was o'clock? a scary film on TV and we decided to watch it. We were in the living room eating popcorn ond watching the film when all of a sudden we acirauneretné bit heard a strange noise and someone crying. It was theyjheardlthe nois coming from upstairs. ‘It's Mina’ | shouted. We 2nd were really scared. We were walking up the stairs ~ P when something flew at us and we saw Mina ' at the top of the stairs crying and saying, ‘Stop! 5. What happened while Stop!’ We didn’t know what was happening, were going upstairs? That's when my parents walked in and turned on the lights. We were so happy to see them! Then we saw Indigo landing on top of the bookcase. My dad caught Indigo and put him back inhis 6 What happened in the cage. Mina was very sorry for opening Indigo’s cage. We were happy my parents came home 30) when they did! > & eo You want to write a story. Answer the questions. 1. When does your story take place? 4, What did you do there? 2. Who were you with? 5. What happened? 3. Where were you?/ Where did you go? 6. What happened in the end? Use your ideas from activity 2 to write a stor i d the Past Progressive. ry in your notebook. Use the Past Simple an 0 Read and complete. discovery archaeologist site tool coin examine dig 1. Yesterday scientists made a very important 2. The students met a famous at the museum. 3, Paul was digging in his garden when he foundagold 4‘les_..._____your teeth’ said the dentist. 5, The archaeologists found bowls, cups and plates at the 6. Bring me that from the box, James. | want to fix the wheel on your bike. 7.Jameslikesto in the sand for treasure when he goes to the beach. Read the story in the Student's Book again and choose A or B. 1. Alex's class visited __. Bh on ancient site [Ej amodern site 2. Mr Combs showed the children [coins and bowts [BJ toys and bowls 3. The children _ tools to dig. Beians use Bhsea 4. Alex found a 5 Bheoin dicot 5. A few days later, Alex's class went to 3 Bh resite Biithe museum 6. Alex received for his discovery, Bc coin Bion awera Reading time Read the story in the Student's Book again and put the sentences in the correct order (1-4). LEY Now it's your turn, boys and girls!” EX ound cont ‘Keep up the good work!’ Boe toys and bowls that the people used’ Read the sentences in activity 3 again and match them with the correct pictures. yl CCCI) ° Read the text and write T for True or F for False. got home she had red spots all over her body, © cst Saturday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining @ andit was nice and warm, so my friend Ruby and | @ went hiking in the forest near my house. We started @ 2xtWyin the morning, There were flowers everywhere. oe walking, we heard running water. We followed the sound and guess what we saw? A small @ waterfall! The sun shone through the waterfall and a @ _‘ainbow appeared on the other side. It was amazing! 1. The girls went hiking __ @ We took lots of photos and then we hiked up a long last Sunday. 1 | @ tail until we reached the top of a small mountain. We 2, They saw a waterfall @ sted there and took some photos of the beautiful and a rainbow. | view. It was getting hot so we decided to sit under a e OP tree and have our sandwiches. After lunch, we decided {jas Meshal saneuehics @ to walk back home. While we were going down the ot the waterfall. | @ Mountain, Ruby slipped and fell into some plants! She 4, The girls took photos @ Twrther leg, The plants were poisonous, so when we ona mountain. [ e 5, Ruby hurt her arm. | rs} Think about an experience you had and answer the questions. 1. Where were you? 2, What were you doing? Ra iti y7 eel Bt okt cet wath alt i pee ee _ 4, What happened in the end? & aa talk about the past talk about actions that were happening in the past about actions happening in the past that were errupted by another action Ww about procedures te about unlucky experiences ° Listen and write. There is one example. Example Where was Vicky? |. Where is it? . Who did Vicky go with? . What did she buy? A purple |. What was the food like? Delicious but ___—— . What did they do after lunch? Watched ____— Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one amt ee : Example It is the light that comes from the sun. sunlight recognise 1. It is the opposite of dangerous. lucky 3. This person shows you around museums or sites. coins | & This appears in the sky when the sun comes out while it is raining. =e 2. You walk along this path when you are in nature; |§ = 5, We use these round objects to buy things. suntight 6. When someone is ill, the doctor does this to them. 7. This person digs in ancient sites. poisonous 8 This is what happens when you suddenly see something or someone you know. lexperience) «04 use this to carry your things in when you go hiking. guide | 49, some dangerous plants and animals can be this. aac Read and complete. website app account password chat digital online upload download 4, A: Were you __ __ last night? | wanted to ih B: No, | wasn't. | went to bed early, 2. |forgot myemail_ 3, A: Did you B: Yes, | did. meetin) 5, John, check out this new music _ song you want. 6. You can see the prices of all the food and drinks on the restaurant's new and | couldn’t check my emails. ee SP Suour projecton time? camera from my parents. - You can listen to any 7, Do you have an email ? | want to send you something, 8 You can buy and __ games from this site. e Read and replace the words in bold with the correct object pronoun. 1. When Jenny finished her school project, _4, Derek wants to download a camera app she wanted to upload her school project on his phone, but can't. lan, can you onto the school's website, help Derek? 2. Tony and | are going to ride our bikes 5, Do you like the photo that | uploaded to the park. Do you want to come with yesterday? | took the photo when | was Tony and 1? in New York, 3. Claire likes chatting with her friends online. She chats with her friends after school © ead and match, 1. | don't like those photos. Oo You should download it! 2. Is Tom online? Eh con you help her? 3, Let’s chat is a cool app. Can you help us, please? 4, Dana can't get into her account. Fh ort uptoad them. 5. Mr Davis, we can’t find the website. Ga Can you please give it to me? 6. | lost your phone number, Steve. Hh wont to chet with him. °o Read and circle the correct word. 1. Can you throw / pass me the sugar, please? 2. | hurt my elbow / napkin when | fell off my bike. 3. Don't eat with your mouth open. It's nice / rude. 4, My cat, Snowball, likes to sleep on my elbow / lap: fe 5, Where are the napkins / papers? There's juice all over the table! 6. Danny has got terrible speaking / table manners. He always eats with his elbows on the table. © zevd ond put the mannersin the correct column, Use the prompts and the Imperative, + eat / mouthropen + speak loudly / phone / bus + say please7 thank you + be rude / others * put / napkin / lap + text / friend / dinner table iteucunee rune Don't eat with your mouth open. Say please and thank you © 00k and answer the questions in two ways. 1, What did Danny send Luke? \ Danny sent Luke _a text message. Danny sent a text message to Luke. 2. What is Lisa going to give her sister? Lisa is going to give her sister Lisa is going to give a 3. What did Tony show his friend? a& Tony showed his friend his new it Tony showed his new o Listen and tick () the correct answer. «)) What is Danielle 1g to give unt? What is Jeremy going to send his friends? How are you? I'm writing to tell you about 0 read the clues and complete the sentences. 4, Ican't swallow or speak.I'vegotas 2Youtakem when you are ill 3, Ouch! Mytooth hurts. 'vegotat 4, My head hurts, I've got a sore throat and I've got a cough. I've gotac__. 5, Ac_____ 1s aloud noise you make from your throat when you are ill. 6 When your stomach hurts, you've got as 7, When your head hurts, you've gotah BYougotothec to buy medicine. 9, Myearhurts.'vegote ¥ eo Read the prompts, look at the pictures and write sentences, Use should/shouldn’t. 4, drink / warm water with honey and lemon juice 2. stay/bed 3. eat / sweets” 4. go / the doctor 5. eat / burger and chips 6 Listen and circle the correct answer. =) 1. Toryis going to because shehas gotaheadache, [[Jtakesome medicine _[EJosk to-go home 2 sillwants : Bawa tes Biiced tea hurts. LY throat Bhcooth 4, Jake's got o [sore throatandacough [Ef cough @ 100K at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. This orange is so___— 2. Wow! What a great idea putting ice cream in 3. Mmm... this spaghetti is ___-———" 4, This cough medicine tastes __—~ © Feed and put the parts of each dialogue in the correct order. Write (1-7). How many biscuits do you need? | Mmm... These biscuits smell delicious. What do they taste like ici Yes, please. Some chocolate biscuits ‘and some butter biscuits, BE) trent you BJ tere you ore i i They taste delicious, These are chocolate, these are butter an, those are coconut. Would you like some? ic il Twelve chocolate biscuits and six butter biscuits, please. How much would you like? 1 i; FEE sere you are gi) I'm so thirsty. I'd like some strawberry juice, please. Bilvnteneaitecemotenenaituitome: pineapple juice? Thank you. Mmm... it tastes delicious! PE Tirettice a big cup, please. © Pur the wordsin the correct order to form a dialogue. 1. like / would / coconuts / some / you /? 2. thanks. /'d/ some / no, / like / mangoes, / please 3. many/ you / need / do / how /? 4, like / mangoes, / seven / I'd / please. 5. you / here /are Project ead and match the text messages to their eo Read the extra message from replies, There is one extra message. activity Tend write reply) core fe, help! I'm in trouble! yore my sister's dress to the school festival and got noodles on it. j washing it, but now it’s even should | do? ‘Steve: F Jerry, 've got a big problem! downloaded an app on my dad's toblet, and something happened i toitand the screen is stuck. You've ‘atablet too, right? Do you x I can do to fix it? You have a problem and need help. ‘Answer the questions and then write a text message. 1. Who are you asking for help? Vik imo sad. My mobile fell in ming pool. | was okinga ed and fe , 2. What is your problem? (say what happened and when) Use the ideas in activity 3 to write a text message asking for advice. SR a and Read and circle A or B- eatthy by eating alot of fruit 1. Keep your ____—— vegetables and exercising every day. ers i 2. Always wash your hands after You a wer Bins have a sho inking lots of fizzy drinks is an unhealthy manner BB rovit 2 4, Az Did you wash your hands with __——~ Tommy? B: Yes, Mum. BQ vitamins Bs 5. The you've got on your hands can m ae germs apps jake you ill. 6. Fresh orange juice has got lots of ______— i ceticious vitamins or F for False. © re08 the text in the Student's Book again and write T for True 1, Sit in front of the TV for more than two hours a day. 2, Brush your teeth after every meal. 3. Get at least eight hours of sleep every day. 4. Wash your hands before and after you use the bathroom. 5, Have a shower every week. [a} 6. You can see germs everywhere. What else can you do to stay healthy? Use the prompts and write sentences. Use should/shouldn’t. + eat crisps and sweets + visit a dentist every six months + surf the Net for many hours + go for a walk after meals Water ci Revision ~~ nd eight words from this module in the grid then complete the sentences. ditlelajrjajc{hleln 2. The fish tasted \ didn't eat it. piz{b|n|x[olc|k|n[a| 3 Oranges have got alot of alyl/b|rl/iljjle|h|d|p| 4!cant anything. The s|ujkie/siqig/ri[nik Internet isn't working. sldlo[w[n|tlolala}i] 5 Canthavea(n) please. wlalilslilttelt{o|n| Therearen't any on this table. olvialkit|s[eln|q]x| & ! couldn't take any photos on my holiday ira Cod seal la because my camera dlultlelr[rlilbltle picks: a sialriot pera win 7. can't get into the website. I need to have a(n) 1, | can't go swimming because I've yan can't get into his email account, so he asked | a. " Peetu act) Darren: Hi, Jake. 'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Don’t worry! We can watch the film next week. Did you eat something that didn’t taste good? | think you should go to the doctor and get some medicine. Then, you sh \ stay in bed and eat rice soup. Don't worry, you're going to be all right sox + I've got a problem with... + I don’t know what to do + What should | do? + Can you help me? + be/sad + 1/not come /to the cinema + not / feel /well + stomach / hurt + have got / temperature @© eas and complete with the words inthe box. Then earache headache sfiould ined) ine well well 77Get well soon! Ye gota(1)___———S Who's got a cough? There's so much noise It’s poor Edison You're speaking too loud He doesn't feel well Quiet down boys He needs some Poor Ryan can't swallow co) He's got a sore throat Ouch! Ouch! My ear! He (2)7-_< seule aie That's Drake drink tea He needs a doctor Wear a scarf and a coat He's got (5) Get better, get better Get better, get better ce?) ae Get (6) So we can go out So we can go out And enjoy the afternoon: And enjoy the afternoon talk about digital safety, table manners, ailments and personal hygiene ask for and give advice offer and ask for something politely Polk cette sone sounds/looks/smells/ ars: You're a big sta write a text message asking for and giving advice” VY RY Cra 1G LUCY. Ca} 0 Read the text message and write the missing words, Write one word on each line. Tory Kate, help! I've gota big __problem ! roe) the Net for information for my project when suddenly a message appeared on my screen. It said | should go to a (2) __and @)______ © app. | closed the message, and then something happened to my computer. _ my project to the Now! haven't got Internet. How am | going to (4) school website? Ican't even get into my email (5) _ to send my project. What should | do? (ifocam @ ead ond circte. then match. |. Steve is a businessman / teacher. He's got three computer shops. 2. The secretary / reporter interviewed the successful businessman 3. The students learn a language / watch TV with Ms Sanchez, the Spanish teacher. 4. The postman / police officer brought this box in the morning. 5. Gina works for a magazine. She was in her garden / office till late last night. She was working on an article. 6. Leo is studying maths at university / playground this year. i= 7. The photographer / doctor took a beautiful photo of the girl. 8. Haley can type very fast because she worked as a driver / secretary for two years. 4,4 % eo Read and complete. Use have to. 0. Vou SS ee Ts (Bush) 4. The students your teeth before you go to bed. (learn) a new Language in Year Four. 2. Mona a (sleep) 5. A: Pat a _! early tonight because tomorrow is (type) fast to become a secretary? Monday. B: Yes, she does. 3A \ o 6A: Jerry and Phil (tidy) my room now? (do) B: Yes, you do. Your cousins are going to homework for tomorrow? visit us. B: No, they don’t © ead and answer about yourselt 1. Do you have to learn a language at school? 2. What do you have to do in the morning? 3. Do you have to do your homework after school? 4. Do your parents have to work at the weekend? Look and write the words inthe crossword, dj ®: -—__@ What do Debbie and Trevor have to do today after oe Listen and match. =) school? Look at the table and write sentences. fennes mr Trevor | [do homework 7 x | tidy room: v x | water plants x v 1. Debbie has to do her homework after school. erm ems wan fe after school. 3. Debbie after school. OT i ese after school. [Deni c mame: mace emer after school. 6 peso after school. Read and complete. Use muse, mustn't and can’t. Find nine words from the lesson in the grid. Then use these words to complete the sentences. [go wear ‘swim eat put 7 xlele[alp|wle[tjo[n[uldjoja] 1 you___ Boe bimic{k/o/z|x/o|v/f|s|z|x|§ you exercise. alt{dltlifglh{t]s|m[ulk|olo] 2 1'msorry, Tom, but you ylilt}blels{clajtja|tjojr|s out unt. yle{b{gl/rlp[nl{a]rlala|m| ag] i you do your homework. tlklolflplalrl/k{a{dluli|r|b| 3. Bike riders __ xle[k[slilv[z|{s[k[clilg|b|« bright clothes at night. al Le en a vinlelilt|t[t] 4 children under eight years ota kl t{s[ulo[mfult[rlc|z|z| flo the roller ulvir]/p{hle|b/flt}hin| ftlala coaster, e(wit{tfalmlels|yla}rlalc|k| 5 Yoe—— otter p|plilqi/wit|x|h|wiwl/j{ecjdiy you eat. olulwiulslilhlclalvialije|b| & Techildren i ci/rj}o|s|s|z|fivijelo|mjojqig a helmet on when they ride their bikes. 1. You must always look at the traffic before crossing the street. eo Listen and number (1-3).96) 2.Thereisabicycle___in front of the library, You can leave your bike there. 3. Stand on the right when you are on the 4, My town has got bicycle for bike riders to use. 5, The London Underground has got eleven 6. You can’t get on the bus without a 7. Don't walk in the street, Roger! It's dangerous! Uselthes=s Sere 8. You should only the street when the light is green. 9. Youienni ie. ____ here, It's. a bus stop! 1. A:Nice skateboard! B: Thanks. I'm going to go to the Would you like to come? A Sure! 2a Thisema ey ___ has got fish from all over the world 3. On Saturday Kate and her family had a(n) by the lake. 4. They make the best hot chocolate at Nero. It's in Orange 5. Every Saturday we go to the to get fresh fruit and vegetables. © read and put the parts of each dialogue in the correct order LJ 2. IBM Jamie and | are going to go B | We're going to have picnic to the cinema tomorrow night. wat = Would you like to come with us? in the park tomorrow. Would you like to come? 1. Ey At three o'clock. ’ 1 EI] The film starts at eight o'clock. Gg Idtove to. What time? |_| [EG 'mafraid t can’t. I've got a basketball game at eight. = D) reat! See you there! | fa LJ} sure! What time? © tisten and match the people to the places. There is one extra picture.) 2. Julia 3. Terry Read the email and complete the information leaflet. Dear Eve, How are you? | hope you are feeling better. I'm "You have to bring (2) writing to give you some information about the for the entrance fee. school trip on Monday, We're going to go to the Archaeological Museum. First of all, you have to bring €8 with you for the entrance fee. You must wear trainers, because the museum is very big, and we are going to stay there the whole day, You mustn't bring anything to eat because you can't eat in the museum. But don’t worry, they are going to give us some juice and a sandwich for free. Oh, and you shouldn't bring your camera, because you mustn't take photos in the museum. Finally, your parents have to come and get you from school at 5.00 because the bus is going to leave us there. See you on Monday! Katie You must wear (3) You mustn't bring anything to (ayes Se You shouldn't bring a 6) You mustn't (6) )______. Your (8) _________ have to co and get you from (9) at 5.00. a Sint eo Read and complete the sentences. Use the prompts, too and also. 1. You must bring your towel. (bring / your soap) You must bring your soap, too. You must also bring your soap. 2. Can | have some coffee? (have / chocolate pancakes) Can! Can! 3. You must tidy your room. (do / homework) You You 4, Bill wants to go to the skatepark. (go / skatepark) Bill's brother ee Sk ee Bill's brother —— J Lookat the information leaflet and write an email to a friend in your notebook. ERR aa Happy Days Amusement Park — Reading time ut Look, read and complete. On Monday we are going to go on a school trip to a farm. & / We are going to learn how to (1) _ fruitandivecetabl 4 sf uit and vegetables. Then we are going to dig up carrots from the (2) oe a» and eat d pick them and pick some (3) _ ately N\ They are also going to give us joe yi Vp se that we can(5)__ TF 4 our own vegetables at home. } @ 00k ot the story in the Student's Book and complete the sentences. Then put the frames in the correct order. Let's take them to the in town! © ook atthe ttle of the story in the Students Book. Can you think ofa different tile? Write, @ ead and circ. 1. Penny works in an offi 2. Can we have the bill / line, please? 3. The escalator / pavement isn’t working. 4. You can park your bike outside the shop. 5, My uncle crosses / grows peppers in his garden. — 6. Tomorrow our class is going to go on a school triP ce at the university as a pho! There’s a bicycle rack / square. to the office / aquariu © write the words in the correct column, Tseuce postman Skateparkil'caf® reporter, mush businessman olive market meatballs _ office tuna _photograp ours © read ond circle A, Bor. 1. You cook tonight. We're going to order pizza. BB shoua Boor have to g have to 2A to the café with me? B: Sure! Oo Do you have to go Bisrouta you go Would you like to go 3. You park here. It's a bicycle lane. BB must Biishoua leon 4. You ‘always wear a helmet when you are riding your bike. a Be. oe 55, A: Ryan and | are going to the skatepark. Would you like to come with us, James? B: I have to study for my maths test. LG trot woutd be nice LElrm afraid t cant TBirctoveto 6. When you are at the cinema, you switch off your mobile phone. oO mustn't o can't must Revision IQ) eos the text and write T for True or F for False Hi! My name's Pam, When | grow up, | want to become a r Ilike travelling to different places To become a reporter you have to go to university and study journalism. You have to learn a lot of different languages because you travel all over the world and interview people. Reporters have to be clever and ask all the right questions. They have to speak well and clearly. They also have to speak in front of the camera a lot, so they can't be scared of cameras, Reporters work for many hours a day, They have to be good at using computers. They work from home, at the office and in many other places they go to, eporter because 1, Pam wants to become a reporter 4, You have to know how to use a because she wants to meet people. camera to be a reporter. 2. You have to go to university to 5. You have to know how to use a — become a reporter. computer to be a reporter. 3. You don't have to ask people _, §. Reporters work in different places. questions when you're a reporter. eee ee What job would you like to do / what would you like to become? Write a short paragraph about that job. Hi, I'm LIT - vry7v \ talk about occupations, food and places " os Remco LW talk about things have to do/don'thavetodo Vi 9% talk about safety using must /mustn't and can /can't 9-29 extend an invitation to someone and accept or refuse wy an invitation aah Yarite an email using information on aleaflet LIV FT fou're a star! You're a big star! What did each person in the Robins family Listen and write a letter in each box. T (es Robin) 3) es g to the picnic? here is one example. =) Grandad Philip © Mery is tatking to her friend Lisa, What does Lisa say? Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. Example Mary: I'm hungry. Would you like to go to that new Italian restaurant? lise; __8 |. Mary: So, what would you like to eat? Do you want some pizza? Lisa: . Mary: What would you like on the pizza? How about Peppers, mushrooms, onions and pineapple? lisa: . Mary: What about meatballs? Do you like meatballs on your pizza? f OK. Let's get this one, then, with tomato, peppers, meatballs and cheese Would you like some lemonade? BW ves, 1 co. theyre tasty EE thot woutd be nice. exami Let's get some ice cream, too. Eh cor'ttike pizza a It’s sour. I'd like some orang juice, Sure! I'd love some pizza, Th ok ters get something to drink, too. ' don't like pineapple, Match the phrases. 6 Read and circle A or B. Reon (1B MEW karate 1. You must always stop at red _. BX covement Bh rratic tights | g play | | myemail 2, Would you like to__? ; |_| Gg a friend Border Bh cough | atet | Bi inyroom fou shouldn't put our on the table. See Cle Bl etons DB napkins WI ¥y hair 4, We are going to visit the this weekend. 6 surf |_| fF | my teeth school trip Eiiptanetarium | 7. brush Gh the net 5. Kevin saw some old _at the museum 8. tidy ee 1 | volleyball BY sie Boas 6. Don't touch that plant! It's poisonous amazed Bead and undertine the correct word. 1, Astronauts wear a spacesuit / towel in space 2. Last week, | went camping and | learnt how to recognise / survive in nature 3. My dad is a businessman / postman. He wears a blue uniform. 4, | didn't read the directions, and | got confused / ancient. 0 Read the sentences and complete. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. Jane always (wear) 2. Mum, listen! My tablet | uniform at school, but at the moment she (make) a strange noise. What's wrong with it? | (visit)a museum 4, Lisa and her sister with her parents and she (take part) in the school play every year. (wear) her new dress. 3. Every weekend, my friend and | (play) volleyball | atthe park. © Fed the sentences and complete. Use the Post simple or the Past Progressive. LTim_____ (study) forhis 4. The archaeologist Maths test when his friend (examine) an ancient coin when the (end) hima message. children (arrive). 2 5. you you go) for a watk with (cross) the street ‘Your parents yesterday? when you (see) the somes (not/go)tothe accident? shops on Saturday. We oo (stay) at home. oO Look at the table and complete the sentences. Use the Future be going ;, Monday _| Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday da go ona play | studyforthe| gotothe | gotothe | havea a school trip | tennis | science test | cinema | shops | picnic | homewoy have an play | gotothe | play |gotothe| reada | English lesson] tennis | skatepark | volleyball} cinema | book | swimming 3. Frankand Julie Tuesday, 4, Frank on Saturday 5, Julie on Wednesday @ 100, re04 and write the sentences, Use should / shouldn't. 1. put / elbows / table You 2. put /napkin / tap You 3. talk / mouth full You 4, be quiet / library You O v0. read and complete. Use the correct form of have to and the words in brackets. 1, Jane wants to buy a present for her mother. fe eee PE 1(q0) to the shops latet 2, It's Saturday, Fred (go) t9 school today. 3. Lucy wants to plant some tomato seeds. Steen seg IEE = (dig) the soil first 4. Vicky and Rita are buying snacks now. They (buy) tickets for cinema, because they've got them. co ROK yee the 0 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, tine B: Yes, I can. Bpetecaoto - the school concert. C 3. |like to inthe park at the weekends with my dad. 4, Look at all this snow! | know — let's 2 5, My dad can ese Beda very) well. We go to the islands every summer. | | © Feod ond complete. Use could / couldn't and the verbs in brackets. LA you 4. We found a baby bird in the garden that eee swim) cede reset the Bie Aly), | when you were four? EVAtGrn ee = BENo,|__________. (cook) when Bicrege (not /ride) you were my age? @ bike when he was six. B: Yes, | 3. When my grandad was twenty, he 6. Two years ago | 3 | Pei. (sail) boat. (not / skateboard), but now | can. 6 Read and answer about yourself. 1. Could you spell your name when you were three? 2. Could you ride a bike when you were seven? 3. Could you walk when you were one year old? 4. Could you do a puzzle when you were four years old? © ston and tick). 0 Read and circle the correct word. 1. Jenny was late for work because of th 2. The film wasn't funny. We didn’t even cry / Laugh 3. Pick up / Hand out your books, Mary, Your cousins are coming. 4, A: Would you like a magazine / leaflet for the school fair? B: Yes, please. Thank you. '5, What did you prepare / buy for the school cooking competition? 6. Tom had to wear a plant / costume for the school play. 7. James hands out / hangs out leaflets at the weekend 8. Blow / Swallow on your food. It’s hot ie cars / traffic. Read and complete the dialogue using the correct form of had to and the verbs in brackey Then tick (V) the correct pictures. Charlie: Hi, James. How are you? James: Oh, hi, Charlie. I'm very tired Charlie: How was your trip? James: It was fun, but | (1) (get up) at seven every morning. Charlie: Why? James: It was very hot in the tent, and | couldn't sleep. After breakfast, we (2) (hike) through the forest to get to the beach. Then, | (3) (prepare) my things to go windsurfing. Charlie: (4) you (learn) how to windsur? James: No, | (5) (learn) how to windsurf. | learnt two years ago. But the worst thing is that | (6) (wash) everything after! finished. Do you know how heavy a wet sail and board are? Charlie; They must be very heavy, | can see why you're so tired now. A estat.» fia Jason hee Sin Had to, ere get up early work hard go to the doctor 0 tookand write the words inthe crossworg 3 HI @ log ie. : | Read and complete with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the brackets. (not / have) cameras. (be) very expensive. (save) their work on floppy disks. (not / send) emails; they 1. Mobile phones 2. Computers 3. People 4, In the past, people (send) letters. (not / travel) by car. (travel) by horse and carriage 5, People 3 and circle the correct answer. *€) im finds his mum's old : ves ployer [EB cossettes Goo: 2. Laptops used to be ; heavy cheap exrensive 3. Haley's mum used the floppy disk to save By vrss [Biter fovourite music Taber work 4. The mobile phone is Greg's ____—— de Buns Bbrothers h slim chubby glasse: ° Look and complete. Then read and match. aes arash : when she 1. Lucy used to be was a baby. 2. My PE teacher, Mrs Rhodes, is tall and 3. I can't carry this bag! How much does it 2 4, Ryan used to have hair when he was four, but now he’s got hair. 5, When George was seven, he didn’t use to wear but now he does. They're green. 6. Kelly used to have hair, but now she’s got hair. eo Write the questions with used to. Then look and answer. 1. Jerry / have / pet parrot 2. Philip and Tania / wear glasses 3. Bob / be/ pilot . 4, Julia / have dark hair © Listen and write T for True orF for False. =) 1. The girl in the photo is Linda’s granny. 2. Hank used to have a parrot, too. Uy 3. Dean's dad used to be a runner. 4, Jenny has got a brother with curly hair 0 kat and read Claire's poster, and then com se the correct form of used to and the Peas, plete each side of it. ff nt Simple, 2. play / volleyball / after school 3 play / board games with friends | | e Read the poster again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Claire used to walk to school. 2. She didn't use to go to bed at nine o'clock. 3. She does karate after school. 4, She used to play online games with her friends. e Complete the table with information about you then and now. the table in activity 3 and make your own poster ' 9 Now use the information from your notebook. Reading time 1. can't find anything in my Thave to tidy it 2. Jeremy's bedroom is in the _ ve 3. A: Do you like mynew B: Yes, they're great! 4, Yesterday | found my mum's old a _ in the garage. I'm going to try them later at the park. 5, Jenny used to ride a bike with three when she was four. eo Read the story in the Student's Book again and choose A or B. 1. Tony finds a box full of old things in Jack’s___—. J By ocks | Tony's B rucksack EH wardrobe 2. The old things are _ dad's. 3, The old Walkman _ doesn't worl 4, The roller skates have got four wheels 5. __ thinks old stuff is cool Tony © Find the mistakes inthe pictures and say what they are, Vocabulary 0 Match to form phrases. Then match the phrases with the pictures. 1, make the drums ] 2. ride a boat | 3. sail a = 4 play a horse a ‘i 5, hand up Oo 6. pick @ snowman ia Are ClR M cients 6 Read and complete with the correct form of used to. Then match. 1. Thomas (wear) 3, Diane’s mum glosses when he was young. (have) roller skates. He (not / be) She (not / have) chubby. long, fair hair. 2. Kim (be) stim 4, My grandad when she was 18. (have) a moustache. She (not / ride) He (not / weigh) horse. alot. 8 Read and complete with the correct form of had to and could. 1. This morning Dylan __ (not / drive) to work because there was too much traffic. He (Tide) his bike to work. (not / use) her computer yesterday. It wasn’t working, (take) it to the computer shop. By lohn.and Luke == = (not / walk) to school today. There was too much snow, so their dad _________——_ (drive) them there. (not / swim) well, so he 4, Derek (start) swimming lessons. 5. Donna _______ {not / tidy) her wardrobe. Her mother tidied it for her. 6 Cory (not / play) basketball on Saturday. His hand hurt, so he (go) to the doctor. 47 ia cit | Dubai is a very modern city in the United Arab Emirates. itis one of the| ‘most popular places to visit in the Middle East, and it is one of the mos expensive cities in the world to live ‘ond visit. There are a lot of things for tourists tose and do in Dubai today It has ‘got many shopping centres, and the biggest one is Dubai Mall. There ‘are shops, restaurants, an aquarium ‘and an amusement park at the huge shopping centre. You can even see what it’s like to fly a plane. The most ‘expensive hotel in Dubai is the Burj AlArab. It's on an island people ‘made, and it looks like a soil. 1. Dubai is a cheap city to visit. 2. There is an aquarium in Dubai Mall. One of the tallest buildings in the world, the Burj Khalifa skyscrape, is also in Dubai. Itis 828.9 m tol, Dubai has got an underaround t00, the Dubai Metro. People use it to get around because there igg lot of traffic. However, Dubai wasn't always like this. Dubai started growing as a city after 1970, when they discovered oil. Before that, Dubs didn’t use to have skyscrapers, an underground or many expensive hotels. There used to be small shops, restaurants, and some hotels. Not many tourists visited Dubai back then. 4. The Burj AlArabhas —} got a strange shape. 5. Lots of tourists used 3. The Burj Khalifa is the most expensive hotel in Dubai, to visit Dubai in 1970. eo Read and answer the questions about your city/town. 1. What was your city/town like forty years ago? 2. What could people do for fun in your city/town back then? 3. How did people in your city/town use to travel? ‘4, What is your city/town like today? 5, What can people do for fun in your city/town today? Te Pcl talk about the things | could / couldn't do in the past talk about obligation in the past using had to / didn’t have to talk about technology in the past and today talk about the past using used to / didn’t use to write about my appearance and habits in the past in relation to now | 4, What did Mary bring with her? f what time did the girls have to meet? 0 isten and tick (¥/) ) the box. There is one example. =) 3, What are the girls going todo now? 2, What photo do the girls pick? Pica ta @ res the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. One is one example. This__morning _ when my sister and | got up, we looked outside the window and there was snow everywhere. ‘Let's go (4) said Jill. We (2) Example morning usedto finished 1. Atthe park {_] outside and make a snowman,’ | said tomy sister. ‘Yeah, like we (1) __ Clothes and gloves because it was very Cold outside, We took a carrot, two biscuits @) wear warm (5) can’t under afternoon ° Now choose the best name for the story. Tick (7) one box. 2. The little visitor 5. wna does Jane have to wear? = and some beans for the snowman’s nose, eyes and mouth, and an old hat to put on its head. When we ‘and had some hot chocolate. Later that afternoon, while we were going to the park, we looked at our snowman and his eyes weren't there. The biscuits were missing, 50, my sister put some new biscuits for eyes. When we came back from the park, they weren't there again. We looked for them but we heard a noise coming from the snowman’s hat. When | lifted the hat, there was a little bird My sister and | laughed. the snowman, we went inside find them anywhere. Then | it. The biscuits were there, too! in eat couldn't had to 3. Where's the carrot? trekking scubadiving canoeing “waterskiing inbiking snowboarding warm @ ied and complete. } ees gin the sea and exploring the underwater world, so he 1. Darren likes swimming enjoys : 2, Jane doesn't like winter, because it isn't _____— 3. Ryan was “__when he fell off his board and broke his leg. 4, My parents enjoy taking walks in nature, so when we're on holiday they go peas oe inthe forest. 5, Fay and Grace love going camping near the river every summer because they go there every day. 6 ______isafun sport, but it can be dangerous. You must outside. know how to swim, 7. James and Tom couldn't go at the weekend, because they didn’t have helmets @© 00k tthe table and answer the questions with love 1357 can't stand 933 7 ke/enjou S87. cs 1. snowboarding wy |2. waterskiing wy 3. swimming ey /4, mountain biking ww 1. Who can't stand snowboarding? 3. Who likes/enjoys swimming? Peter can't stand snowboarding. ei 2. Who hates waterskiing? 4. Who loves mountain biking? O 10x at the pictures and complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the -ing form. a 4? 1. Hank is badat__waterskiing ____(waterski 2. Matt and Tim go (snowboard) every winter. 3. Amy let's start Be P(Coan), I'm hungry, fed 4. Lenjoy (mountain bike). | Look: and write the words in the crossword, 9 Fp o Read and write sentences. Use the infinitive form. 1. Ican't drink this juice. It’s too sour. This juice is too sour to drink. 2. We can’t go swimming. It isn’t warm enough outside. 3, | can’t buy these glasses. They are too expensive. 4, Dana can't go on the roller coaster. She isn't old enough. 5, lan can't go on the bouncy castle. He's too old. 6 Henry can’t go to the park and meet his friends, He's too tired. ° Listen and write T for True or F for False. #4) 4: 1. Mary thinks hiking is dangerous. L_| 2. Steve can't buy the blue MP4 player today. 3. The girls go to the noisy café. 's too windy to learn how to windsurf. ° Read and circle. 1. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world. They can run at a speed / high of 64 kivh. 2, The Tower of Pisa leans / stands to one side. 3. A: Did that new film you wanted to see come out / appear? B: Yes, it did, Let's go and watch it. 4. A: Did you see / decide what you are going to wear to the school sports event? B: Yes. I'm going to wear a T-shirt and shorts. It's going to be hot tomorrow. 5. Jake Peters broke the world speed / record for running the 100 m yesterday 6. Leonardo da Vinci created / fixed many paintings and inventions during his life 7. | don't like this cheese. It's too smelly / clean for me to eat eo Read and complete. Use the comparative and superlative form. Then check your answers, Awesome Facts . Did you know that the castor oil plant is |. Did you know that the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China is 2. Did you know that a sloth is (poisonous) plant in the world? (slow) a snail? (tong) bridge in the 6. Did you know that the pygmy marmoset is Did you know that the durian is 4. Did you know that a beluga whale is (smelly) fruit in the world? (small) monkey in the world? (heavy) ‘a dolphin? eo Listen and write T for True or F for False. —) 1. George is watering the carrots. 2. Baby pandas are bigger than other baby bears. 3. Portugal played better than France. 4, Laura went swimming on the first day of her trip. seven words from the lesson. Then complete the sentences. Look at the pictures and make comparisons. Use as + adjective + as and not as + adjective + as. Weight: 723 grams Weight: 331 grams je Length: 30. cm @ pnd 24cm ® Length: 20 cm ‘Width: 22 cm wid Width: 13 cm Cost: €789 Cost: €629 Cost: €395 1. EZ Touch (expensive) br ED Touch Pig are oa cmc) | © Weight: 331 grams emacs Lenore bom ab EZ: T ouch Mn eo (cre) ‘Width: 11 cm EZ Touch Tiny. Cost: €330 las ezirouch Mini 20) SS CER (noovy) €Z Touch Tiny. 98 Where do the Johnsons decide to go on holiday? Listen and tick (7). =) ™[m]w]b]ulw] t Lilysgottong hair. its 58 e T J long. c ©1516 | 2 a canyouhelp me carry my rucksack? ritiwielilt It’s too _____ for me. hlalelathtw] _ & Yesofcourse. 3, A: How much rice do we need for this wit id Lt} bth recipe? timlelilwlet| 8 Weneed250__ a z[m}zlmle]@] ** Thistablet is heavier than mine What's its _ 2 sjejaleln{i} eits723g. a|h|t|s|y| 5 Mynewphoneis 3 reals u Rest Oe Gel It only weighs 113 g. 6. The Nile River is the Longest river, LS}. O) sO] 0) a is 6,825 km. z1a|s|}g|a| 7 Mynewlaptop is wider than my old laptop. Its is 28cm. Read what Susan wrote about her country and put the paragraphs in order (1-3). 4 My country profile: i Canada 1 4 There are also large forests full of animals and plants. There are bears, wolves, deer, moose, mountain lions, raccoons and beavers, and polar bears in the north. The most famous tree in Canada is the maple tree. ici Canada is in the continent of North America. It is the second largest country in the world. Canada has got long, very cold winters with lots of snow, and short, cool summers. People in Canada use two languages - English and French. ic Canada is a beautiful country with many mountains, lakes and rivers. The longest river in Canada is the McKenzie River. It’s 4,241 km long! The highest mountain is Mount Logan. It is almost 6,000 m high. The largest lake is Great Bear Lake, Widdddddddddddddd Read again and answer the questions. @ Answer the questions about your country, 1. What is the weather in Canada like ’ during the summer? 1. Where is your country? 2. How big i: 2 2. What languages do people in Canada pe rgusuourcourttcy? use? 3. What's the weather like in your country during the year? }. What is Canada like? 4, What can you see in your country? 4, Where in Canada do polar bears live? AoscarebhlcaUigctures) eas akes rivers, mountains, etc.) 3. What is the name of the most famous 5, What animals and plants can you Canadian tree? find there? ° Use the answers from activity 3 and write about your country in your notebook. Reading time read and circle. 1. This scubo diving equipment / board is too heavy for me to carry 2. Fish can't jump / breathe out of water. 3, Jeremy lost his scarf / mask when he was scuba diving in a cave 4, You should wear bright / dark clothes when you ride your bike at night. 5, Julia is o skiing player / instructor. she teaches skiing five days a week. 6, Fred can't go windsurfing because he hasn't got a wetsuit / mask Read the story in the Student’s Book again and write T for True or F for False. 1, The scuba diving centre is on the beach 2. Karen saw the scuba diving centre first. 3. The scuba diving centre has got all the equipment the girls need. 4, Linda wanted a striped wetsuit. IO 5, The mask Karen wanted was too big 6. The girls saw underwater animals when they dived into the sea. What else did Karen and Linda see while they were scuba diving? Look at the picture and write. Revision _ UD Look at the pictures and Oo |i f smelly decide heavy learn centimetre light breathe spotted length width create “striped teach gram © woite the words in the correct column. eeu Vere centimetre — Read and circle A, Bor C. 1. Waterskiing is than trekking. Bmore dangerous [EJ most dangerous fret ceneoreercte 2. Its to go running, Let’s go swimming. warm enough too warm Th warmer 3. The scuba diving equipment isn't to carry. TW) t00 sau light enough heavy enough A, Sweets aren’t____ vegetables. unhealthier than oO as healthy as as unhealthy as 5. The skunk is one of animals. [i smettier than Eiithe smetiiest the smellier Revision _ Le ' Pert) read and circle the correct answer. vICTORIA FALLS: THE SMOKE THAT THUNDER’ } Victoria Falls is a waterfall on the Zambezi { piverin southern Africa tis the largest upwards toa height of over 400 m, and you waefl iy the world I's 1,708 metres can eet fom 48 km awoy. When thereis | wide an i tres high. t's almost two ee you can even see a‘moonbow’ | ines get tan Noga FlsinConedo, Thebes tmetrourtstovetine ivingston was ists to visit the Boiarer caste Se eee falls isin March or April This isthe flood Livingston Island on 16 No pi period, when the falls have the most water. Se oneuen; vember 1855. He Although you can't walk near there during { Pa tkieas aon of Britain this period, you can see it from the bridge) the smoke thot thunders, because ofthe Decenker tase ens Norenberahe ean : December there isn't as much water since spray of water it creates and the noise it _itis the dry season. makes. The water from the waterfall sprays Ba Se 1. Victoria Falls is in Africa Gi Canada 2, Niagara Falls isn’t as as Victoria Falls. Bh viae Bhhicn Base 3. Dovid Livingston was a(n) EE atrican explorer Pibamericanexptorer EB european exptorer 4. The falls haven't got much water in Bl march and apt El prit and oy [i november and December aur) Complete the sentences about yourself. Bilmigood at. 4 ________—_ Wh re od is my favourite hobby. tie ; a j 5, My friends and I enjoy 3. My bestfriend likes . d tthe 7. ae weekends. Ravcuue * | talk ab iti if joy / love/hate / hy Sel about activities using like / enjoy ni bad at een ‘ar't stand and talk about things !'m 900 ea talk about the appearance and characteristics of items 1 Use the Comparative and Supertative forms of ait Adjectives and (not) as + adjective + 95 fd tse too and enough “ Write about my country Tomei ou're a little star! s: You're a star! You're a big sta and continue the story. Cray Cie er nicKs ) s S Z e 2 = z = 5 2 2 = 5 || = S = e Listen to your teacher, then look at the pictures Read and complete. | ait fog | tornado 4, My cat is scared of loud noises. she always hides under the bed when there’s a si eal 2. Inutumn, leaves change colour and fall to the ee seine Ses ae eS wasnt, strong enough for us to go windsurfing at the weekend, 4, Can you please open the window? | need some fresh 5, The captain couldn't see the iceberg because of the Look and complete with the correct prepositions, Use in, on, during, after or from... to... I'm not here at the moment. Please come back __ 5 p.m. Thanks! Carrer de la Pri holidays. !came ground wind reach cloud form thick a Monday. Barcelona, Spain__— thunderstorm — spin 6. I can't _the sugar, Mum, can you give it to me? 7. Yesterday in science class we learnt how clouds _ ae sy the sky. 8 The sii Birmingham destroyed a school. 9. The soup is too ae Put some more water in it. 10.The sun went behind a big T1You're going to fall down. Don't around like that. Do not park 9 5 Mondays to Fridays Jeff, I'm going to go swimming tomorrow after school. Meet me at the swimming pool at five o'clock the afternoon so we can go swimming together. Read and choose. 1. The pool is too short / deep for my little brother to swim in. 2 | want to cut this paper. Can you pass me the scissors / spoon, please? 3. Jamie swam the fastest. He's the teammate / winner. 4. A:What did Karl Benz fix / invent? B: The first modern car. 5. Tina is in the school volleyball game / team. © eA and complete with who or which. 1. Ms Davies is the teacher taught me when | was in Year 3. 2. Emperor penguins are the penguins live in Antarctica. 3. The Foxes is the team won the game. 4, Steve is the boy won the short story competition. brought us to the museum. destrous many houses 5. That's the bus 6. Tornadoes are a natural phenomenon ____ every year. Se Listen and circle the correct answer. =) created Mickey Mouse. 4 EY wat disney [Eh ve werks Both Walt Disney ond ub lwerks 2. Aday on Venus is ; LEY 42 hours [Bil 24 hours more than a year 3, The is the coldest desert in the world. [EM Potagonion Desert [EY the mcmurdo dry valleys the Gobi Desert area in Antarctica 4, The bowhead whale the Greenland shark. livesastongas [EY doesn't live as tong as lives longer than Read and complete the sentences. Use where, who or which. 1. Tina is my friend who goes swimming with me . (go swimming / me) 2. The British Museum is the museum . (we / can / see / jewellery / ancient Pompeii) 3. The Volga is the river . (be / longest / Europe) 4, Venus is the planet (be / closest / the sun) 5 Canadalts\the country =| Aut ow uD) 6. The Wright brothers were the men (invent / plane) Where are they going? Listen and match. =) @.. [a Look and find seven words from © eas ond complete the dialogues wi the lesson. question tags. 4. A: You went to the beach, 2 r reese ? B: Yes, | did. We went on Saturday, oh 2. A: Jerry is your cousin, 2 alele fz B: No, he isn’t. He’s my friend. =(a|-[-[- He 3. A: Tom didn't eat his dinner, 2 Sern B: No, he didn’t. El w|slolx|=le ls |x Seale fe | 4, A: You were at the amusement park 0 [a ja la lele|x els (ecnighge = B: Yes, | was. It was fun! Fee ele b 5, A: Jason’s going to go on a school trip on Monday, le lala |—=|3 |e \2|—|<|=\o B: Yes, he is. They're going to go toa x|—|x |-|= at castle. x|xlels a [a lo [a [elo |—|[o|s Jo [= |e |— le she le |\—[-[-]0 lo [x |< fe |elo lo le ja |—|e le ja|s[ololj—je ie! = Noes \ et talk about natural phenomena and disasters use prepositions of time talk using the relative pronouns who, which, rs: You're a little star! that and the relative adverb where MBs You're astar! talk about places to visit around the world and s You're « bigdtil about occupations write a description of a film —. ‘Ask and answer with your partner. th Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Art galleries Example art gallery is a place where visitors can see artwork. There (1) exhibitions with different types of artwork. Some exhibitions have got statues and paintings. But galleries can (2) have jewellery or clothes. Art galleries have events (3) you can meet the artists, designers and sculptors. You can eat and drink at (4) events, too. Some galleries sell the artwork, but it is usually expensive. There are art galleries (5) __have got restaurants and cafés in them. Some have even got roof gardens where you (6) ___ enjoy your coffee or meals with a beautiful view of (7) __ city, Some art galleries are very (8) buildings which famous architects design. Big art galleries have got gift shops where visitors can buy souvenirs like bags, posters of paintings, jewellery and small statues. Example A An The 1 is are am 5. which who where 2. too also but 6. should can must 3. where that which 7. an the o 4. those this these 8 ancient dangerous modern eer Ghaca (rons pacostien ine Petmora es jow many rooms clothes, jewellery Peed Nerd ant ‘Bam.-4pm.Winter gam.-4p.m.Winter | WERT oo m.- 6 p.m. Summer RU dibal 10 o.m. -7 p.m. Summer protect habitats grow up rainforest endangered species pollute ‘atmosphere environment pollution S |. When | _____ Iwill become an architect. 2. We have to protect ____ from becoming extinct , People shouldn't destroythe that animals need to survive. Factories in big cities pollute the air. They should find ways to keep the pies clean 5. Thousands of animals live in the Amazon oe ee 6. Today we are going to learn about __at school and how to stop it. . We are going to do a project about the sass Ae die aetna, this week ond} learn ways to___ oat . We shouldn't __ rivers and lakes, because it's dangerous for animals and for people, too. @© ead and complete. Use the Future ‘will. 1. A: We haven't got any milk. BI a (get) some from the supermarket. I'm leaving now. 2. I have to go because I'm late. | promise | ___ (water) the plants later. 3. A: Who do you think (win) the race — Jim or Fred? B: | think Jim (win) the race today. 4, A: | forgot to do my homework. B: Oh, no, What Mr Tonner when he finds out? 5, A: These books are heavy. B: Wait. | (help) you. 6! (not / play) computer games again tonight, | promise. eo Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the Future ‘will’. 1. We promise / be / careful / when / we / cross / street 2. When / Kelly / grow up / she / study / become / photographer 3. | promise /1/ wash / car ® 4, When /1/ grow up /1/ buy / house Young Stars Read and circle, 1. | bought a beautiful table / mug from the gift shop at the museum. 2, My family and | are going to donate / adopt our old clothes to 4q people who need them. 3. The ranger / coach showed us a family of bears while we were walking through the forest. 4, Our school decided to buy / adopt an endangered animal, and I'm really excited, | j 5. At the safari / wildlife rescue centre they help endangered animals | and keep them safe Look and write what the children may / might do. By ee | Cotay votteybalt ) (plant /tree ) (40/ park ) (visit / aquarium ) 1. Katie but she doesn’t know yet. I 2. Lisa = later. f 3. Kevin — ____, but he doesn’t know yet. 4, Tom and his family later. Listen and tick (V) the correct answer. #2) rene un J What might | (@) Lisa do at the { 2 T weekend? ee How are Kevin and () his mum going to \/3 je je [-|3 |e wlelelelele le l= [-l=[=l=[8 [2 le ele |-|N |e lo =lo ls [su [uo [3 [< [4 jo |sle lo |-|< ~lslelalslel-|—|<|s[e|=l+ [elo ahe [—la fe fo fe fe Jale |= lo [slo le a |---| le [o|als[- [a elo lo le le

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