Effective Business Communication BCM 1 Juta

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Effective Business
Communication in Organisations
4th Edition
Michael Fielding
Franzél du Plooy-Cilliers
ISBN: 978 0 70219 782 6

Effective Business Communication in

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Chapter 1: Introduction to business
communication in organisation
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Why is communication essential for business
• Reading skills
• The subject of the book

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Chapter 2: The communication process

• Introduction
• Objectives
• Defining communication
– Communication is functional
– Communication is dynamic
– Communication is a transaction

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– Communication involves participants
– Communication involves the creation and sharing
of meaning
– Communication involves the exchange of symbols
– Communication is a process
• Communication models
– The linear model of communication
– The convergence model
• Conclusion
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Chapter 3: Interpersonal communication

• Introduction
• Objectives
• The importance of effective interpersonal
communication in organisations
• Intrapersonal communication and perception
– The process of intrapersonal communication
– Problems with perception in organisations
– What can organisations do to improve employees’
perceptual skills?
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• Interpersonal communication
• Roles and rules in dyads
– The Johari Window
• Active listening
– Barriers to effective listening
– Techniques for active listening
– What can speakers do to ensure that they are
listened to?

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• Non-verbal communication in the workplace
– The need to be sensitive to non-verbal cues
– Three major differences between non-verbal and
verbal communication
– Problems with the interpretation of non-verbal
– The range of non-verbal communication
– Detecting deception
• Conclusion
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Chapter 4: Small group communication

• Introduction
• Objectives
• Nature and characteristics of a small group
• Reasons for the formation of a small group
• Stages of group development

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• Group structures and group dynamics
– Communication patterns
– Decision-making patterns
– Authority distribution
– Role differentiation
– Leadership
– Group cohesion
– Conforming to group norms
– Conflict management
– Motivation and productivity
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• Types of groups
– Informal groups
– Formal groups
• Leadership in groups
– Styles of leadership
– Theories of leadership
• Conflict in groups
– Types of conflict
– Approaches to managing conflict
– Implications for communication
• Conclusion
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Chapter 5: Communication in organisations

• Introduction
• Objectives
• What is an organisation?
– Need for open communication
– Social and productive value of messages
– No one best way to organise a company
– Departments have different needs

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• Organisational structure
– Line organisational structure (hierarchical system)
– Line and staff organisational structure
– Functional organisational structure
– Matrix organisational structure

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• Communication in an organisation
– The need to ensure good information flow
– Types of messages
– Information and message overload
– Information and message underload
– Lines of communication in an organisation
– Outward communication
– Major barriers to effective communication in organisations
– Implications for communication
• Conclusion
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Chapter 6: Intercultural communication
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Important definitions in intercultural
– Culture
– Worldview
– Cultural norms
– Cultural mores
– Affirmative action
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• Culture and climate in organisations
– Culture as applied to an organisation
– Climate in an organisation
– Culture and climate compared
– Implications for communication

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• Intercultural communication
– Barriers to effective intercultural communication
• Understanding intercultural communication
• How can organisations improve intercultural
• Intercultural sensitivity
• Conclusion

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Chapter 7: The interview
• Introduction
• Objectives
• The special nature of interviews
• Types of interviews in an organisation
– The job interview
– Panel interviews
– Selection committee

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• The role of questions in interviews
– Open questions
– Closed questions
• Interview preparation
• Phases of a job interview

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• The job application
– The letter of application
– The curriculum vitae
• The information-seeking interview
• The performance-appraisal interview
• The exit interview
• Conclusion

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Chapter 8: Formal Meetings
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Differences between formal and small policy-making
• Aspects of formal meetings
– Duties of the Chair
– Duties of the Secretary
– Duties of the Treasurer
– Duties of any other officials
– Notice of Meeting, agenda and minutes
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• Guidelines for the conduct of meetings
– Duties of Chair during meeting
– Guidelines for speakers
– Proposing of motions
– Types of motions
• Conclusion

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Chapter 9: Grammar, style and tone in the
organisational context
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Parts of speech – a quick revision
– Words and meanings
– Denotations and connotations of words
• Synonyms
• Functions of words
– Conveying facts
– Conveying emotions
– Differences between fact and opinion
– Using words to persuade
– Using words for social reasons

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• Choosing vocabulary for professional messages
– Dealing with technical terms
– Differences between familiar and unfamiliar words
– Differences between referential and emotive words
– Differences between generic and specific words
– Concrete, relative and abstract words
– Avoiding words that pre-judge a situation
– Selecting formal and informal words

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• Style, tone and jargon
– Style and tone defined
– Style in messages
– Tone in messages
– Jargon

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• Sentence structure and punctuation
– Concord and language rules
– Rules for case
• Types of sentences
– The simple sentence
– The compound sentence
– The complex sentence
– The compound-complex sentence

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• Rules for punctuation
– The full stop
– The question mark
– The exclamation mark
– Internal punctuation

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• Writing clearly and concisely
– Avoid circumlocution
– Avoid redundancy
– Unnecessary emphasis of words
– Unnecessary modifying or deprecatory expressions
– ‘As to’ is seldom necessary
– Unnecessary repetition of the same idea (tautology)
– Trite phrases
– Phrases to get attention or emphasis
– The stock adjective
• Conclusion
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Chapter 10: Writing summaries and essays

• Introduction
• Objectives
• What is a summary?
– Characteristics of a summary
– Other types of summaries
– Purposes of a summary
– Requirements for writing a summary
– Procedure for writing a summary
– A style for summary writing
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• Essays and essay writing
– Characteristics and types of essays
– Procedure for writing an essay
– Completing your essay
• Conclusion

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Chapter 11: How to approach a case study

• Introduction
• Objectives
• What is a case study?
– Approaching a general case study
– Approaching a case study with specific questions
• Example of a case
• Conclusion

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Chapter 12: Referencing
• Introduction
• Objectives
• The need to reference
– What you do not need to reference
• Avoid plagiarism
• Using and referencing direct quotes

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• Paraphrasing
– Using synonyms
– Changing word forms
– Re-ordering main ideas
• What information to record
– Books
– Journal articles
– Electronic sources

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• Using the numbered system
• Referencing systems
– Harvard style
• Alphabetising references
• Conclusion

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Chapter 13: The elements of readability
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Reader and writer needs
• What can writers do to cater for readers’ needs?
– General layout techniques
– Vocabulary techniques
– Layout techniques
– Other techniques
– Multiple decimal numbering systems
– Using lists
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• Readability indices
• Calculating the Gunning Fog Index
• Practical suggestions for writing
• Conclusion

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Chapter 14: Planning, organising and
constructing messages for organisations
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Planning and organising messages
– The audience
– Brainstorming
– Generating ideas
– Planning information
– Topic outline
– Choosing an appropriate style, context and medium
– Points of major impact in a message

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• Constructing business letters for organisations
– Planning letters
– Writing in an appropriate style
– Achieving the right tone
– Making letters readable

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• Formats for letters
– Writing bad-news letters
– Writing different kinds of letters
– Unsolicited sales letters
• Memoranda
– Format of a memorandum
– Conventions of memorandum writing

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• The electronic office
– Advantages of electronic offices
– Computer-based workstations
– Electronic networks
– Storage and retrieval of information
– Faxing

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• Electronic mail (email)
– Electronic mail as an effective form of communication
– Construction of electronic messages
– The effect of email on organisations
• Creating effective emails
– Planning and typing your email
– Special demands of email
– Preparing email for international readers
• Conclusion
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Chapter 15: Corporate image and corporate
• Introduction
• Objectives
• What is identity?
• What is corporate identity?
– The company logo
– The corporate colours
– The corporate typeface
– Slogans used by the company
– Corporate merchandise and correspondence material
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• What is corporate image?
– The size of the organisation
– The standing of the company
– The facilities of an organisation
– The organisation’s actions, community
involvement and social responsibility
– Performance of products and quality of service
– The behaviour of staff

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– Management style
– Labour relations
– Marketing and advertising practices
– Public relations practices
– Share earnings records
– Perceived value for money
• Why are corporate identity and corporate
image important for business communication?
• Conclusion
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Chapter 16: Good customer relations and
telephone etiquette
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Customer relations
– Ensuring good customer relations

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• Telephone etiquette in business
– Speaking on the telephone
– Establishing a good telephone procedure
– When making a telephone call
– When answering a telephone call
– Prepare a suitable message pad
– A telephone user’s rights
– Bad habits and how to avoid them
• Conclusion
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Chapter 17: Mass communication in the
organisational context
• Introduction
• Objectives
• What is mass communication?
– Characteristics of print and electronic media
• Functions of the mass media
– Inform
– Persuade
– Entertain

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• Traditional mass media
– Newspapers and magazines
– Radio
– Film
– Television
• Public relations
• Press/media release

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• Advertising
– The AIDA method in advertisements
– Specific techniques used in advertising
• New media
– What is new media?
– Types of new media
– The advantages and disadvantages of new media for
– Implications of mass communication for organisations
• Conclusion
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Chapter 18: Business proposals, business
plans and academic proposals
• Introduction
• Objectives
• The business plan
– Suggested format

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• Proposals
– What is a proposal?
– Format for business proposals
• Writing an academic proposal
• Checklists for proposals
• Conclusion

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Chapter 19: Reports
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Purposes of business reports
• Types of business reports
• Characteristics of business reports

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• The audience for reports
• Traditional elements of reports
– Content of the elements of the report
• Letter or memorandum of transmittal
• Conclusion

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Chapter 20: Instructional graphics
• Introduction
• Objectives
• What are instructional graphics?
• The purpose and function of instructional graphics
• Types of instructional graphics
– Representational graphics
– Analogical graphics
– Arbitrary graphics
• Integration of graphics into a written message
• Designing graphics
• Bias in instructional graphics
• Conclusion

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Chapter 21: Oral messages
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Formats for a presentation and an oral report
– Format for a presentation
– Format for an oral report
• Preparing a presentation or oral report

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• Preparing a persuasive presentation
– Approaches to persuasion
– Plan for a persuasive message
– Presenting the speech or report
• The speaker’s credibility
– Achieving credibility
• Using audio-visual aids

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• Audience response and questions
– Talking to a sluggish audience
– Handling questions
– Guidelines for controlling questions
– Difficult questions
• Conclusion

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