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Early detection of large electrical machines faults is nowadays possible due to the
implementation of modern monitoring systems. Such systems help in decreasing the
number of forced outages while the availability of power stations is increased and the
cost is reduced. Modern diagnostic techniques such as flexural and torsional
vibration analysis, monitoring of air gap flux, surge voltage test, monitoring of shaft
voltage etc., are presented. Experience from the successful implementation of the
aforementioned techniques is also presented from data cases of large synchronous
generators. These data cases confirm the usefulness of such techniques in real

The last few years brought significant changes to the economic environments
of electric power supply companies. Going public and market liberalization impose a
considerable need of rationalization, thus leading to an increasing demand among
the operators of power generation, to improve the exploitation of their power plants
and to shut down utilities only when there is an acute necessity of maintenance. This
is in contrast to the classical concept of “scheduled” maintenance at regular intervals
and it can only be achieved knowing the internal processes and resulting stresses.
This is the job of so called “monitors” which are devices to estimate the outer and
inner states of the system online by means of measurements or calculations and
which are capable to process or to present these states.
Before proceeding further we find it necessary to give the definitions of main
terms involved in monitoring and diagnosis for large rotating machines, [1] :
Expert System
refers to a computerized system based on knowledge which covers the area of
sophisticated evaluation and decision - making, but does not include simple
decisions such as algorithm of control, functional connections (e.g. mechanical and
electrical protection).

Monitoring Expert System

is a computerized system, which permanently records its signals and also measured
data from the machine which is in operation (dynamic data) and in general, together
with the knowledge bank, makes evaluation and suggestions for appropriate action
(Real time oriented system. The time between noticing a fault and the suggestions
for appropriate action is very short, i.e. reaction time is critical).
Diagnostic Expert System
is a computerized system which records its measured data from the diagnostic test
equipment of the machine which is not in operation (static data) and which then in
general together with the knowledge bank immediately makes evaluation and
suggestions for appropriate action (Dialogue oriented system. The time between
noticing a fault and the suggestion for appropriate action is generally long and not
limited, i.e. reaction time is not critical).
Diagnosis on electrical machines has been traditionally carried out by
specialists (experts). They possess expertise in the design and construction of the
machine and a comprehensive fund of experience. However, they need time to
consider the situation, and they are not so numerous that they can be on permanent
call whenever needed. The result of this is that shutdowns and outages occur which
could be avoided if faster reactions were possible and more comprehensive
information were available.
The need for better monitoring of the operational behaviour of synchronous
generators has lead to an increase of the number of measured parameters. In fact a
typical unit of 120 MW needs about 30-40 parameters, from which about 10 are
critical for the generator, while a large 660 MW unit needs the monitoring of about
300 parameters. The difficulty of manipulation and evaluation of such a large amount
of information some times leads to errors which may have a negative economic
The first monitoring systems have been developed and implemented in USA
during the '80s. It is reported that such a system resulted in a decrease of the mean
number of forced outages by 86%, and to an increase of availability from 95.2 to
96.1%, [2].
Early detection of generator faults is nowadays possible due to the
implementation of modern monitoring systems. Such systems help in decreasing the
number of forced outages while the availability of power stations is increased and the
cost is reduced.
A diagnosis system for technical components follows a sequence of five
fundamental steps which are interlinked :
Logging of measurands relevant to status,
Analysis of readings for deviations from normal status,
Evaluation of deviations as characteristic features (symptoms),
Identification of cause from symptoms,
Recommendation of remedies.
Advances in materials engineering, electronics and data processing permit
substantial improvements now in each of the individual diagnostic steps. For
example :
novel or more advanced sensors and measurement processes
or data logging,
powerful, distributed computer systems with the latest programs
for analysis of logged data and
knowledge - based software systems for evaluation and fault -
location and even for recommended action on site.
Modern monitoring systems are usually combined to expert systems. Expert
systems integrate the experience of the experts, and are used to give diagnostic
advices to the power station operators. These systems consist of a data base and a
software program for the identification of possible faults from the symptoms it has.
The philosophy of the software that drives an expert system is based on the fact that
every fault is connected to a defined set of symptoms. The description of all possible
faults in the data base is accomplished by the use of "prototypes". These prototypes
are structured in hierarchical form, so that high level prototypes correspond to
general situations, while lower level prototypes or daughter prototypes correspond to
specific anomalies. The identification process is conducted by means of the
symptoms of an anomaly and usually leads to more than one possible faults, each
one with its own possibility, [5].
New diagnostic techniques have recently been developed for both on-line and
off-line use. The ability to provide early warning of component deterioration is an
essential part of a preventive maintenance program. Knowing that components, such
as : shafts, bearings, coils etc. are showing early signs of failure allows the utility to
plan for the shutdown, order spare parts and keep operating and maintenance costs
The objectives of a modern monitoring system are :
optimizing plant operation by means of process data analysis to
increase economic efficiency and availability,
early detection of irregularities or malfunctions,
catching any damage in its initial stage,
evaluation of disturbances on the basis of recorded
trends of process data,
information about plant status for a status - oriented repair and
overhaul scheduling system.
Operational monitoring and diagnostics are fundamentally the same in respect
of their data logging and processing functions. Sensors which are intended to
operate the generator can also be used for the diagnostic system. Only in few
particular cases the retrofitting of special sensors or measurement systems is
necessary because it is planned to include additional or new diagnostic routines
which have hitherto been only inadequately covered by the instrumentation and
control system.
The monitoring and diagnostic system structure is of the modular type,
allowing it to be used in principle for all generator types and auxiliary systems. The
diagnostic tasks are structured in terms of individual routines, (e.g. H2 leakage, shaft
steam seal operation) which together form a module (H2 seal module). The tasks are
resolved using software packages for which a single microcomputer or several
computers linked in a network via data bus may be necessary, depending on the
complexity of the module.
A recent report of CIGRE WG 11-02, [1], on the usefulness of an expert
system shows that this usefulness is justified by :
Time saving (the evaluation is possible in a very short time)
Standardisation (the procedure of the evaluation is standardized
and easy to reproduce)
Knowledge processing (the knowledge is acquired and collected
in a clear form)
Distribution of knowledge (at the disposal of most users)
Operational integrity (essential to operation of a complex
Reduced workload for operation staff (due to automatic
procedure in routine cases)
In the following part of the paper a description will be given of some of the
main modules of a modern monitoring system. Examples will be presented from the
experience of the Public Power Corporation of Greece in employing modern off-line
and on-line techniques for the early detection of generator faults.


The structure of generator monitoring system, Fig.1, depends on the kind and
rating of the generator, as well as on the selections made by the utility. The main
modules of a monitoring system will be given next, along with examples of anomalies
identified with its help.


The flexural vibration monitoring subsystem has gained a wide acceptance as
the one providing the most useful information about faults of mechanical and
electrical origin. Even old power stations have some kind of flexural vibrations
The available sensors for vibration measurement are acceleration, velocity
and proximity sensors. Modern accelerometers are based on piezoelectric principle
and possess a high dynamic range of about 140 db. Their main disadvantage is that
their output is relatively low, especially for the low frequency range. These sensors
are mainly used for the measurement of bearing absolute vibrations and due to their
high dynamic range are capable of catching even slight variations in vibration level..
Proximity sensors have been developed in the last decades, and they are
suitable for the measurement of the relative vibrations of shafts. They possess a
dynamic range of about 40 db, but they have a high output even for low frequencies.
In between the two aforementioned sensors, lie the velocity sensors, with a
dynamic range of about 60 db.
Information taken from vibration measurements used to be limited to the
overall vibration level in the past. Nowadays operators mind about the frequency
analysis of the vibration signal, as well as about trend analysis. Vibration monitoring
is nowadays accomplished in a frequency range of 0 to at least 500 Hz, while
sometimes it is extended up to the highest blade passing frequency. The existence
of vibration information about each specific machine from the commissioning stage is
a prerequisite for trend analysis as well as for the correct evaluation of vibrational
behaviour of the machine.
A lot of different faults can be identified with vibration analysis. Imbalance is
the most frequent anomaly of rotating machines. Other types of possible faults
identifiable by vibration analysis are : misalignment, oil whirl and fault in the white
metal of the bearing. Monitoring of the critical frequencies of the machine, during
run-up and run-down, may lead to useful information concerning the calibration of
bearings and couplings, and may also give indications for an initiating crack.
In Fig.2 the spectrum of a damaged generator bearing is presented, along
with the spectrum of the same bearing in good condition.


Torsional vibrations of the shaft train of turbine generators have become of
main concern nowadays. It was in the 1970's that the first shaft failure occurred at
Mohave Power Station due to the development of high alternating torsional torques.
Today it is clear that the shaft system of a turbine-generator is a complicated
mechanical system employing a great number of torsional eigenfrequencies. Some
of them can be excited by disturbances in the electric network, such as load
rejection, short circuits, mal synchronization etc.
Torsional vibrations can be the decisive factor for fatigue failure of the shaft,
especially when series compensation is used for maximization of transmission lines
capability. During the last two decades torsional vibration systems have been
developed and employed in power stations of USA and Europe, that compute the
fatigue of turbine generator shafts following disturbances in the power system.
In Fig.3 the general outline of such a torsional vibration monitoring subsystem
is presented. This system is capable of computing the electrical torque, and for given
(measured) angular variations, it can compute the life expenditure of shafts, if any, in
case of disturbances.


Local overheating in stator cores of large generators is a rare occurrence.
However, a core damaged by overheating can lead to extensive machine outage and
costly repairs. One of the ways that overheating can occur is by damage to the
surface of a tooth., such that electrical contact can take place between the
laminations leading to a flow of electrical current and resistance heating when a
generator is carrying load. In some instances this has resulted from foreign metallic
objects in the generator core which have produced a number of local overheated
Core temperature detection subsystem monitors the temperature distribution
in the core of generators. This system can be combined with the off-line technique
for the detection of hot spots.
The high power ring flux test (HPRFT), Fig.4, used to be the only technique
for off-line identification of hot spots. The main disadvantage of this technique is its
high power demand, as well as its high cost due to the man-hours needed for the
measurement set-up.
An alternative method has recently been developed, employing the
electromagnetic core imperfection detector (ELCID). This detector measures the
short circuit currents flowing through the short circuited laminations. The main
advantage of this method is the use of low excitation flux, namely 4% of nominal.
The cost and time needed are dramatically reduced, in comparison with the
traditional HPRFT.
In Fig.5 the results of a core imperfection detection are presented, for a hydro-
generator stator of PPC. It can be seen that in diametrically opposite slots we have a
problem of short circuited laminations. Measurements by additional temperature
sensors in the area, proved that during operation the local temperature was higher
than about 30 C, in comparison to the rest of stator core.
Another way used for the early detection of overheating in large electrical
machines is the so called “Generator Condition Monitor”. This monitor uses the ion
chamber detector (“Core Monitor”) to detect the invisible submicrometer particles
resulting from the thermal decomposition of organic materials such as coatings and
insulations. When these particles are found, the Generator Condition Monitor
automatically :
Initiates an alarm verification sequence,
Triggers an alarm, and
Collects a sample for laboratory analysis.
In service on over 600 hydrogen - cooled generators of almost every size and
manufacture, the GCM has saved utilities millions of dollars by minimizing expensive
repairs and costly downtime.


Surge test of field winding is another newly developed off-line test for the early
detection of short circuits between the turns or with the shaft. The field winding is fed
with a voltage surge of low amplitude and the response is recorded in a digital
storage oscilloscope. The responses measured from both the plus and minus rings
have to be identical and not crossing each other, due to the electrical symmetry of
the winding. In case that crossings are apparent, then a problem exists. Computing
the mean velocity of the surge in the winding, and knowing the point of crossing,
helps us in identifying the exact position of the fault (Fig.6).


Stator wedges looseness check is a standard periodic off-line test to ensure
that the stator wedging system works properly. In the past this test used to be
conducted by an experienced technician, employing a hammer. Nowadays automatic
devices have been developed, that measure the response of the wedge under test to
a specific force knock. The ratio of the response velocity of the wedge to the
knocking velocity is used to evaluate the looseness or tightness of the wedge , Fig.7.
Measurement data are transmitted via RS232 interface to a portable PC, and a map
of the stator wedging system and its condition is drawn, Fig.8.

This contribution shows, with the help of examples and with a special view on
generators, the structure and functionalities of a monitoring and diagnosis system.
The behaviour and the state of the interesting parts of a generator - turbo - set are
covered by individual, equally structured modules.
All monitoring modules consist of an intelligent intermediate layer with
diagnostic capabilities, and a suitable user interface with the necessary
communication equipment.
This paper presents examples from the implementation of on-line and off-line
diagnostic techniques implemented by the Public Power Corporation of Greece for
generator monitoring. These examples support international experience about the
usefulness and practicability of modern monitoring systems, with a special view on

[1] CIGRE WG 11-02, “Monitoring and Diagnostic Expert Systems for Hydro
Generators”, August 1994, SC 11 Meeting, Paris 1994.
[2] Scherer, H.N., Hajny, M.R.,Provanzana, J.H., White, T.E.: "Monitoring of Large
Generators on the American Electric Power System", CIGRE Session, 1982.
[3] Hodge, J.M.,Miller, T.,Roberts, A., Steel, J.C.: "Generator Monitoring System in
the United Kingdom", CIGRE Session, 1982.
[4] Brower, A.S., Bowler, C.E.J., Edmonds, J.S.: "Long Term Torsional Vibration
Monitoring on Large Steam Turbine-Generators", CIGRE Session, 1988.
[5] Guitton, J., Morel, J., Chevallier, R., Ricard, B.,"DIVA: an Expert System for
Vibrational Diagnostics", EDF, Multi-disciplinarity and Partnership: EDF's Scientific
Strategy, September 1990.
[6] Huber, A., Weigelt, K., Voegele, H., Schweickardt, H.E.: "Modern Condition
Evaluation and New Technologies to Improve Generator Availability and Life
Extension", CIGRE Session, 1990.
[7] VDI Handbook on Vibration Technology, VDI 2059, Parts 1-5, November 1981.
[8] Emshoff, H.-W., Weidner, J.: "Turbogenerator Diagnosis", International
Conference on the Evolution and Modern Aspects of Synchronous Machines", 27-29
August 1991, Part 3, pp.692-696.

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