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Ethical dilemma and Ethical Decision Making

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An ethical dilemma is a conflict between options where no matter what an individual

does, some ethical principles are compromised. Analyzing the alternatives and their

repercussions provides the fundamental aspects of decision making. Moral decisions entail

analyzing various choices, eliminating immoral standpoints, and selecting an effective,

ethical option. The moral dilemma can occur from different sources of actions or attitudes,

such as failure of personal character or conflict of personal values and healthcare

organization goals (Brown, 2020). Dilemma interferes with healthcare delivery, which can

make the patient not to be satisfied.

Ethical dilemma

A healthcare provider has accidentally exposed patient results to colleagues in the

laboratory unit while transmitting the information. The patient has noticed the incident since

nurses assigned to delivery care are assuming him during care delivery. The event is an

ethical dilemma to healthcare providers since one has an obligation to protect patients’ rights.

It is essential to place value on preserving the continentality and privacy of medical

information. HIPAA requires healthcare providers to protect client information and not give

information without their consent. Privacy ensures that patient health information is secured

while allowing information that promotes a high standard of healthcare.

Ethical decision-making processes

The ethical decision-making process plays an essential role in solving the dilemma.

Ethical decision making involves six steps. Ethical decision-making provides a mechanism

for critical thinking and a plan to resolve issues with protecting patient information. Through

moral decision-making steps, an individual collects a fact about the dilemma related to

patient information and determines legal issues (Thomas et al., 2018). It helps one list all

possible options likely to solve the situation, such as adhering to institutional policies and

ethical principles. The process helps select the best option to address the moral dilemma of

protecting patient information and obligation to care. Ethical decision steps guide provider to

make a significant decision while considering everything.



Thomas, K., Smith, J.D., Phillips, J., & Falkenheimer, S. (2018, November 8). Solving

Ethical Dilemmas in International Healthcare Professional Education: A Case Study

Using a Revised Ethical Model. Christian Journal for Global Health, 5, 29-34.

Brown, J.P. (2020, April 27). Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare.

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