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Anarchy is coming. there's no stopping it.

it's actually been happening for a while now. if you've been listening to th world,
then you've probably noticed a lot more noise being raised about provacy and the
dencentralization of control.

Net Neutrality, bitcoin, etc.

They are all just signs of a changing tide.

For all these years anarchy was a unsustainable concept. Selforganizing socieites
werent possibel becasue the flow of resources and services that people would need
had to be controlled through central instituitions. But now we're finding ways to
circumvent those limitations by using technology. specifically cryptographic
technology. even your whatsapp messagews are encrypted nowdays.

The cypherpunk dream is getting closer and closer.

Think about net neutrality. The main problem comes from how governments and big
corporations are linked too closely with one another. I've spent a fair few hours
trying to understand all the different narratives around it, but at a point I
realised that the whole thing is stupid.

Net Neutrality laws will be pointless within the next 5-10 years.

The reason that we all got into the debate about Net Neutrality is because we
beleive that access to the internet should be free and unrestricted. Internet
access should be treated not as a luxury, but as a basic need of people. But
centralised access control, though ISPs, means that access is controlled by people
whose interests may be better served if certain information was not openly

Fair Point.

But if Google X's Astro Teller is right, then this whole argument is one where the
tech has outpaced human society's understanding.

I saw Net Neutrality is a pointless argument because within 5-10 years, internet
access is also going to become decentralised. We won;t be dependent on systems
controlled by big internet, all internet access will be through decentralized
software like PeerName.

Now imagine this running thorough an onion routing network.

Give it a moment to sink in. This is not a cypherpunk manifesto. This is not scifi.
This is reality and it's knocking at our doors.

People have already trid to built systeems that incentizive people to actually run
tor relays.

You are incentivied to help run the internet.

it's a natural symbiotic system. Th internet is essentially a global network of

computers. Why does it need a centralized authority to run. We can already see that
people are willing to spend their time and monsty to run decentralised systems that
invcentivize them for being active contributers.

there was a shortage of GPUs because people were running so many mining nodes.

And these same people would do the same for ONS(Onion Naming System).

But this change will bw slow. it will be gradual. The internet has become the
majority of our lives. and most of the systems i talked about are still very ealry
and experimental. We can't force these janky user unfriendly systems onto people.
They still need some time to smooth out the experience. it has to be a asystem that
runs without pople knowing how.

Imagine if the drivers of your networking devices, like your routers and the wifi
and ethernet ports of your laptop phone, imagine that this decentrlized tor node
system was baked into it. Every device released would already be running on this

It's a near zero barrier to entry.

Now I can't actually build this. But I'm hoping that someone out there can. that
someone already is working on it. That maybe someone already has made it.

Who knows, the next nakamoto might already be out there and o him I say Godspeed!

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