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Received: 18 December 2018    Revised: 20 June 2019    Accepted: 1 August 2019

DOI: 10.1111/jocd.13115


Mesotherapy: Safety profile and management of complications

Kerasia‐Maria Plachouri MD, PhD  | Sophia Georgiou MD, PhD

Dermatology Department, University of
Patras, Patras, Greece Abstract
Background: Mesotherapy is a procedure that involves the injection of active sub‐
Kerasia‐Maria Plachouri, University General stances into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue in order to treat several local medi‐
Hospital of Patras, Rio 265 04, Patras, cal and cosmetic conditions. Despite being considered as a relatively safe method, a
Email: series of adverse reactions can occur due to its wide application and lack of stand‐
ardization processes.
Objectives: The aim of this paper is to summarize all the mesotherapy‐related compli‐
cations published so far, and to provide an insight into their management.
Patient/Methods: Articles derived from the databases, PubMed, EMBASE, and
SCOPUS, and published between 1992 and 2018, were analyzed for this review. The
study was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines.
Results: In this literature, there is a number of case series and isolated case reports
describing various side effects of different severities. The therapeutic management
of these complications is—in most cases—individualized.
Conclusions: Larger systematic studies are needed in order to adequately evaluate
the safety profile of mesotherapy, and in order to determine standardized therapy
parameters, so as to minimize the risk of potential adverse reactions.

complications, management, mesotherapy

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N The development of various mesotherapeutic protocols for numer‐

ous indications makes the cumulative safety evaluation difficult and
Mesotherapy is a modern treatment with various cosmetic and non‐ no larger cohort studies for risk assessment on mesotherapy have
cosmetic indications, first introduced in 1952 by French physician been conducted up to this point.5 This report aims to present all the
Pistor.1 The aim of this procedure is the direct transepidermal trans‐ mesotherapy‐associated complications reported in the literature
port of various active substances in the dermis or deeper skin lay‐ so far and to provide an insight into as far as their management is
ers, so as to stimulate the fibroblast activity and collagenogenesis, concerned.
as well as to reverse the degeneration of elastin and the continu‐
ous transepidermal water loss, all of which occur during the aging
process. 2 The external application of these active substances could 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
not lead to the same results, either due to the impairment of their
penetration through the lipid barrier and the stratum corneum, or This study was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines
due to their chemical decomposition on the epidermis surface. 2,3 (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews) for system‐
Mesotherapy has gained massive popularity over the last years, due atic reviews. The databases of MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, and
to the fact that it offers an inexpensive direct drug delivery in the SCOPUS were screened using the following Mesh key terms: “meso‐
area of interest and it requires minimal training for the physicians.4 therapy,” “microneedling,” “subcutaneous injection,” “side effects,”

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;00:1–5. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. |  1  

“complications,” and “adverse reactions.” Further papers were also was 300 mg of potassium iodide, three times a day, for 8 months
identified from the reference lists of the above‐retrieved papers and and 100 mg of itraconazole, daily, for 6 months, respectively, until
citations, as identified by Web of Science. Our search included articles complete resolution of the lesions was achieved. 21
in the English, Spanish, German, and French language, published be‐ In order to minimize the infection risk, it is important that such
tween 1992 and 2018. The selection process included first screening mini‐invasive procedures are conducted by licensed physicians, who
of titles and abstracts, and then evaluation of full‐text articles. comply with sterility regulations, since the epidermis can serve as a
temporary carrier for several nontuberculous mycobacteria species,
like M fortuitum.7,14 Proper hygienic conditions in the treatment clinic
3 |   R E S U LT S
and the use of contamination‐free instruments and tools, such as
cotton swabs or anesthetic creams, should also be guaranteed.7,8,14
3.1 | Infectious complications
Since reports on contaminated homeopathic products with ques‐
Among the main adverse events during mesotherapy are the ones tionable processes of manufacturing, handling, and packaging have
related to sterility issues and infection risk.6 Orjuela et al present a also been reported,8 it is advisable to use officially approved inject‐
case series of six patients who developed cutaneous tuberculosis able products that are prepared according to standard sterility‐en‐
with Mycobacterium tuberculosis after the injection of unknown mes‐ suring guidelines.7
otherapy cocktails for the cellulite treatment. Despite the efficacy of
the standard antibiotic treatment, eventually permanent scarring was
3.2 | Noninfectious complications
not always avoidable.6 Spontaneous healing after several months was
also observed in one of the patients who refused the antibiotic treat‐ When it comes to noninfectious complications, several types of ad‐
ment.6 While infection with M tuberculosis is only rarely described verse reactions have been described, mostly as isolated case reports
in the literature, there are numerous reports on injection‐site infec‐ of individual patients.
tions with opportunistic nontuberculous mycobacteria, even in the Granulomatous foreign body reactions have been reported to
forms of outbreaks related to specific treatment centers.7-17 Most occur after the mesotherapy application of agents such as phospha‐
of the isolated mycobacteria in the reported cases include M ab‐ tidylcholine, deoxycholate, buflomedil, silica, or carnitine, as well as
scessus,7-10 M chelonae,11-13 and M fortuitum,14-16 while less frequent a large number of several other different substances, in some cases
reports include not so common species, like M cosmeticum or M im‐ even oil‐based, which are widely used for lipolytic purposes. 22-25
17 18
munogenum, as well as M bovis in rare cases. The treatment of a The management in these cases can include the application of in‐
mycobacterial infection can be very challenging, due to its resistance tralesional steroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide, in several
in multiple antibiotics.8 The therapy should be individualized after an sessions. 22 Approaches with the administration of systemic corti‐
antibiogram has been obtained and it should consist of at least two costeroids have also been described, however, without significant
antibiotic agents, in order to reduce the risk of induced resistance.8,9 benefits, 22,25 while the administration of 100 mg of dapsone daily
In difficult cases, even triple regimens have been described. Most for several weeks has been reported by Gokdemir et al lead to a sub‐
of the mycobacteria are susceptible to antibiotics such as clarithro‐ stantial improvement of the granulomatous lesions. 24 Ramos‐e‐Silva
mycin, erythromycin, amikacin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, tobramy‐ et al describe a case of an oleoma, a severe granulomatous reaction
cin, tigecycline, and cefoxitin.8,9,13 In the majority of the cases, the after injection of an oil‐based mesotherapeutic cocktail for the cel‐
duration of therapy can vary from 2 to 6 months, depending on the lulite treatment. 25 The lesions remained unresponsive to systemic
immunocompetence status of the patient and the severity of the in‐ steroids but seemed to respond to treatment with 0.5 mg/day of
fection. In many cases, residual lesions have been described to colchicine for three more months, leaving, however, an atrophic
persist, despite long‐term antibiotic treatment.8 Another approach scarring. 25 A case of mesotherapy‐associated granuloma annulare
for these resistant cases of mycobacterial infections is the surgical has also been reported by Strahan et al; however, no information
excision of isolated lesions, with or without accompanying antibiotic on a successful therapeutic management is provided in this work. 26
therapy.13,14 It should be noted that, even in cases of successful treat‐ Apart from the formation of granulomas, another commonly
ment of the infection, permanent scarring can still remain.16 seen side effect is a prominent inflammatory reaction due to the in‐
Apart from mycobacteria, other organisms have been described jection of the mesotherapeutic agent, resulting in the formation of
less frequently as mesotherapy‐associated infectious agents.19,20 microabscesses in the dermis, septal, or lobular panniculitis, or even,
Rodriguez‐Gutierez et al describe a case of Nocardia brasiliensis in‐ in severe cases, extensive fat necrosis with microcalcification and
fection emerging 1 week after mesotherapy with silica, triiodoacetic cyst formation subcutaneously, as well as ulcer formation. 27 This is
acid, and artichoke oil in the abdomen of a 30‐year‐old female pa‐ especially observed with phosphatidylcholine‐containing mesother‐
tient.19 After a 3‐month treatment with 800/160 mg of trimetho‐ apy cocktails, serving as cellulite treatment. 27 Cases of histologically
prim/sulfamethoxazole for every 12 hours and 100 mg of dapsone confirmed mesotherapy‐associated factitial panniculitis are present
daily, the patient showed a complete remission.19 Mesotherapy‐as‐ in the literature. 27-29 As far as their management is concerned, dap‐
sociated sporotrichosis has also been described by Gamo et al in a sone has been used successfully in isolated occasions. 28,29 Tan et
case report of two patients: In these cases, the treatment of choice al report a complete clinical resolution under 100 mg of dapsone

daily, over a period of three months. 29 Davis et al also report the im‐ Rosina et al describe the case of a 67‐year‐old female patient who
provement of steroid‐refractory granulomatous panniculitis under developed generalized plaque psoriasis after the mesotherapeutic
the same regimen.30 Lee et al describe a case of a histologically con‐ treatment with a cocktail containing aminophylline, xantinol nico‐
firmed panniculitis due to subcutaneous injections of 5% dextrose tinate, and lidocaine. A therapy with systemic cyclosporine A was
combined with lidocaine that aggravated to the point of fat tissue initiated, initially with a dose of 4 mg/kg/day and then tapering over
necrosis and liquefaction with ulcer formation. A therapy with 14 weeks.42 In a similar pattern, mesotherapy‐associated localized
minocycline (100 mg/d for 2 weeks) and prednisolone (20 mg/d for urticaria pigmentosa in a patient with previously occult mastocytosis
2 weeks) proved to be unsuccessful; therefore, the authors opted for has been reported by Bessis et al Here, the treatment of choice was
a conservative local treatment with wound‐dressings and mupirocin the application of a medium‐potency topical corticosteroid cream for
application. Other regimens for mesotherapy‐associated cutane‐ a few weeks, resulting in a partial improvement of the lesions.43 A
ous ulcers include the use of 100 mg of doxycycline daily, in addition rare case of induction of erythema‐nodosum‐like lesions after me‐
to the local treatment with 2% fusidic acid as well as 1% hydrocorti‐ sotherapy in a patient with Behcet's disease is described in the lit‐
sone acetate, as described by Al‐Khenaizan.32 erature.41 The lesions showed only partial response to the initiated
Among the uses of mesotherapy is the treatment of androgenetic regimen of colchicine, prednisolone (32 mg/day and then slow taper‐
alopecia.4 However, scarring or nonscarring alopecia can occur as a ing), and azathioprine (2.5 mg/kg/day).41 Although this case cannot
result of the treatment itself, mostly due to mesotherapy‐induced fat be characterized as a koebnerization, but rather as a positive path‐
necrosis and abscess formation.33 In such a case presented by Kadry ergy test––which is the hyperreactivity reaction seen in Behcet's
et al, the conservative treatment seemed to show no effect; so the disease as a response to cutaneous trauma––it is still an indication
surgical removal of the inflamed tissues was selected as the treatment that mesotherapy can trigger the eruption of various dermatologic
of choice.33 El‐Komy et al describe a series of three patients, where and systemic conditions with several pathogenetic mechanisms, that
the prominent histologic feature was not an inflammation of the fat tis‐ are not always fully understood.41 As such, is a reported induction
sue, but rather an inflammatory scarring process with perivascular and of severe systemic lupus erythematosus in a 31‐year‐old patient
perifollicular lymphohistiocytic infiltration and sebaceous gland hyper‐ after mesotherapy with acetyl‐l‐carnitine, an agent with known im‐
plasia, as well as a hypertrophy of the perifollicular collagen fibers.34 munomodulating effects, which is frequently used for fat reduction
The mesotherapy cocktail used in two out of the three cases included purposes.44 In this dramatic case described by Colon‐Soto et al, an
dutasteride 0.005% (Mesologica®), insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1), aggressive immunosuppressive regimen with a methylprednisolone
basic fibroblast growth factor (bfGf), vascular endothelial growth factor pulse therapy, oral prednisone daily, as well as a pulse therapy with
(VEGF), copper tripeptide‐1, multi‐vitamins, amino acids, and minerals intravenous cyclophosphamide, was necessary for disease control.44
® 34
(Mesologica MRS Hair ). The management of this adverse reaction Less frequently seen are mechanical complications due to the mi‐
included the prescription of topical minoxidil or the application of in‐ gration of the injected substances during mesotherapy.45,46 Calonge
tralesional saline injections twice daily at the affected area, combined et al describe the case of a 43‐year‐old woman who developed mas‐
with a topical melatonin solution.34 Cases of noncicatrical alopecia, as sive subcutaneous edema on the right flank and anterior abdominal
an acute side‐effect of mesotherapy, have also been described.35,36 wall up to the submammary fold, following subcutaneous injections
The main histopathologic features here are absent terminal anagen hair of carbon dioxide on both thighs in the previous days. The gas was
follicles, and increased numbers of telogen and catagen follicular units, absorbed within 10 days and apart from antibiotic coverage no other
as observed in the cases of anagen effluvium.35,36 Evidently, the thera‐ specific intervention was necessary.45 An accidental injection of the
peutic management, in this case, consists of a wait‐and‐see approach; used material into an arteriole can result in vessel obliteration with
however, a biopsy is necessary in order to be able to distinguish such livedoid dermatitis and cutaneous necrosis, a condition known as
a patient from a patient who develops scarring alopecia and therefore embolia cutis medicamentosa or Nicolau syndrome.46 The manage‐
needs an appropriate anti‐inflammatory treatment. ment in such cases includes, apart from a local treatment with ulcers
Several other dermatologic complications in the form of intoler‐ dressing, also a systemic administration of anticoagulative agents in
ance reactions have been reported in isolated cases, as a result of a therapeutic dose, and the administration of systemic vasodilata‐
various mesotherapeutic treatments. When it comes to acute urti‐ tors.46 Zaragoza et al report a complete resolution of mesotherapy‐
caria following mesotherapy, the suggested approach is the discon‐ associated Nicolau‐syndrome lesions in a 53‐year‐old patient, under
tinuation of treatment and the administration of antihistamines.37,38 a treatment with enoxaparin in a doses of 175 UI/kg per day, as well
Of the few cases described in the literature, the initial urticarial rash as amlodipine orally over a period of 4 months.46
was interestingly limited only to the treated area. Other reported Another category of mesotherapy adverse reactions involves the
intolerance reactions include the appearance of lichenoid drug erup‐ effects of the injected substances when absorbed systemically.47
tions; therefore, requiring both the discontinuation of treatment and A rare case of caffeine poisoning in a 51‐year‐old patient, who re‐
the use of systemic steroids. ceived subcutaneous injections of a caffeine‐containing cocktail, has
Interestingly, mesotherapy has often been incriminated as the been presented by Vulkevic et al.47 The selected therapy here was a
stimulating factor that can lead to the aggravation of preexisting symptomatic and supportive treatment.47 A rare case of mesother‐
dermatological conditions through the Koebner phenomenon. apy‐related factitious thyrotoxicosis is also present in the literature:

In this case, the patient developed a symptomatic thyrotoxicosis nonmedical personnel in aesthetic institutions.1,4,53 Most patients,
as a result of injections with a mesotherapeutic cocktail contain‐ and in some cases even physicians, tend to underestimate the nu‐
ing triiodothyroacetic acid, as well as vasoactive compounds that merous potential side effects that can occur by such methods. 53 In
enhanced triiodothyroacetic acid absorption. The thyroid function order to minimize the risk of adverse reactions, a standardization
was normalized after the cessation of mesotherapy treatment, and of this procedure for each indication is necessary. 53 Professional
no other specific measures were necessary.48 A possible vasoactive training, adequate scientific background, as well as an abiding to
effect after mesotherapy is also described by Kim et al, who report basic hygiene standards must be guaranteed so as to optimize the
the case of ischemic colitis after mesotherapy combined with anti‐ treatment conditions. Furthermore, it is rather important to in‐
obesity medication.49 The used cocktail contained aminophylline, clude an informed consent before therapy initiation, not only in
epinephrine, and lidocaine, and the administered oral medication order to protect the physicians from possible legal complications,
included fluoxetine, ephedrine hydrochloride, anhydrous caffeine, but also in order to educate the patient into a better understand‐
and green tea powder. The authors assume that the ischemic colitis ing of the benefits and risks of this procedure overall. 53
occurred as a result of the direct and indirect vasoconstrictive ac‐
tions of the used substances, and the management here included
supportive therapy with intravenous fluids, electrolytes, and antibi‐
otics.49 Tor et al describe the case of a 40‐year‐old female patient, This research received no funding support.
who presented with an isolated episode of delirium with psychotic
features, approximately 12 hours after a mesotherapy session with
unknown substances.50 The authors of this work hypothesize that
the injected substances could have affected the brain parenchyma The authors report no conflicts of interest.
after having crossed the blood‐brain barrier.50 However, the lack of
more information on the mixture used, as well as the lack of relevant
published data, create a difficulty in establishing a definite causative ORCID
relation between the mesotherapy and this isolated episode. Kerasia‐Maria Plachouri  https://orcid.
Less grave complications of mesotherapy include procedure‐ org/0000-0002-4116-6344
associated pain, bruising, and edema due to the inflammation pro‐
voked by the injected substances. These tend to be rather localized
and transient, and their management includes the application of REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Plachouri K‐M, Georgiou S.
3 0. Davis MD, Wright TI, Shehan JM. A complication of mesother‐
Mesotherapy: Safety profile and management of
apy: noninfectious granulomatous panniculitis. Arch Dermatol.
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