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Experiment -3.

Student Name: Ashish Yadav UID: 20BCA1335
Branch: UIC(BCA) Section/Group: 4/B
Semester: 5th Date of Performance:18/10/22
Subject Name: Data Interpretation Lab Subject Code: 20-CAP-317

1. Aim/Overview of the practical: Use the Balance Sheet given below to

answer the questions that follow:

2. Task to be done:

(i).Insert five rows above Row 1.

(ii).Reduce the size of the picture to a Height of 0.96” by a Width of

1.66” (inches).

(iii).Drag and drop the picture to fit in the range A1:A5.

(iv).Add the Header ‘Balance Sheet 2001’ to the right section of the

(v).Make the heading size 14, and Bold.

(vi).Save the file as Balance Sheet.

3. Concept used: MS Excel, Insert Row.

4. Steps/Commands involved to perform practical:

5. Result/Output/Writing Summary:

(i). Insert five rows above Row 1.

(ii). Reduce the size of the picture to a Height of 0.96” by a Width of 1.66” (inches).

(iii). Drag and drop the picture to fit in the range A1:A5.
(iv). Add the Header ‘Balance Sheet 2001’ to the right section of the worksheet.
(v). Make the heading size 14, and Bold.
(vi). Save the file as Balance Sheet.

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Using how to Insert Rows.

2. how to Reduce the size of picture.

3. how to Drag and Drop picture.

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