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Pre Teens

Teachi ng is bot h art and sci ence and we’ ve got to learn what makes
t he st udents we teach want to learn.
Pre-Teen Cogni ti ve Devel op ment
By ages 11, 12, most students are abl e to anal yti call y process i nfor mati on
and thi nk for the msel ves. Pi aget cl assi fi ed students of these ages as bei ng
i n the “concrete operati onal stage. ” Thi nki ng i n concrete ter ms, these
students have di ffi cul ty wi th abstract concepts. Generall y speaki ng, most
students share the foll owi ng characteri sti cs:
1. Wi lli ng to try new thi ngs
2. Curi ous and willi ng to expl ore new i deas
3. Wa nt i mmedi ate grati fi cati on
4. Desi re recogni ti on and prai se for achi eve ment
5. Li ke hands- on l earn- by- doi ng acti vi ti es
6. Perfor m well wi th many bri ef l earni ng experi ences
7. Have qui ckl y changi ng i nterests

Pre-Teen Soci al Devel op ment

At these ages, most students are rapi dl y devel opi ng a soci al awareness and
are expl ori ng how they fi t i nto rel ati onshi ps. Generall y speaki ng, most
students share the foll owi ng characteri sti cs:
1. Prefer i nteracti ng wi t h me mbers of o wn sex
2. Feel co mf ortabl e i n a struct ured l earni ng envi ron me nt
3. See k rol e model s i n ol der chil dren or i n medi a i dol s
4. De ma nd a syste m of fai rness i n the ho me, i n ga mes, and i n the cl assroo m
5. Wa nt to be li ked by fri ends
6. Desi re i ncreasi ng i ndependence–but want and need adul t hel p

Pre teens 1 and 2 will work wi th a set of HANDS ON ACTIVITIES

consi deri ng the charcteri sti cs menti oned above.

Pree teens 1.

Uni t 1 ( March – April)

ACTIVITY 1 Creati ng a fi cti onal character. The students W i ll use an app to
desi gn an avatar. Then , they W i ll provi de a background to thei r character
(fa mil y, Fri ends, etc) They W
i ll gi ve a short presentati on about thi s

ACTIVITY 2. Chall enge. Students W i ll créate a (vi rtual ) escape roo m for
other pre teen students wi th what they l earned i n Uni t 1
Uni t 2 ( May – June)

ACTIVITY 3. Fa mil y portrai t. Use magazi ne cutouts and /or cartooni ze the
me mbers of your fa mil y. Create a poster and present i t to your cl ass mates.

ACTIVITY 4 The AMICANA Ga mes (after p 26) In groups the students

Wi ll créate ga mes and acti vi ti tes for thei r famili es to co mpete. They W i ll
all parti ci pate i n The Ami cana Ga mes , students W i ll expl ai n i n Engli sh the
acti vi ti es and the rules of the ga mes.

Uni t 3 ( August- Septe mber)

ACTIVITY 5. A Model o f my Ideal Ci ty. Students W i ll desi gn and créate a

model o f thei r drea m ci ty. They Wi ll use cardborad boxes, syrofoa m,
recycl e ol d magazi nes. Then, they W i ll descri be thei r IDEAL CITY

ACTIVITY 6. Create a l eafl et to pro mote the di fferent acti vi ti es peopl e

coul d do i n your IDEAL CITY ( model ) Hang out i n my ci ty.

Uni t 4 ( October Nove mber)

ACTIVITY 7. Superhu mans l ab. Create a super Hu man (after radi ng)
Descri be hi m/her . Expl ai n what they can/can’ t do

ACTIVITY 8. What are you i nterested i n?


WRI TI NG. Story telli ng Project

ACTI NG: perfor mance project


Every Uni t W
ill be eval uated i n two parts , thus havi ng one test per month.

Tests W
i ll be wri tten and oral. So every unit students W
i ll have t wo
wri tten marks, two oral marks, and two HANDS ON ACTIVITY marks.
Pre Teens 1

Month Metro ACTIVITY Gra mmar and

Starter Vocab
March Uni t 1 1. Fi cti onal School Test1 after
Before book: Character Subj ects page 17
Basi c i nfo verb be
April (presentati on) 2. Escape Basi c Test 2 after
Roo m adj ecti ves page 22
Verb BE
May Uni t 2 3. The Nati onali ti es Test 3
Ami cana Verb Be After page
Ga mes 27
June 4. Fa mil y Fa mil y Test 4
Portrai t Possessi ve After page
for ms 34
Jul y revi ew
August Uni t 3 5. My Drea m Ci ty li fe Test 5 after
Ci ty ( Model ) There i s page 39
/there are/
Septe mber 6. Leafl et of In my Test 6 after
my Drea m bedroo m page 44
Ci ty Thi s/that/
October Uni t 4 7. Super Li ke / Test 7 end
Hu mans Lab Interests of uni t 4
(after Abili ti es
teachi ng CAN
Nove mber 8. What are Get ready for fi nal exa m
i nterests?
You choose
Fi nal Exa m ( compri ses uni ts 1-4)
Pre teens 2:

Uni t 5: My week ( March – April)

ACTIVITY 1: My day. Students will create a short vi deo showi ng thei r dail y
routi ne( no audi o). Then, they will show the vi deo to thei r cl ass mates and expl ai n
thei r routi ne. The rest of the cl ass mates will aske foll ow up questi ons. (exa mpl e:
Do you go to school i n the morni ng?)

ACTIVITY 2: Pre Teens Pi cti onary week. Students will get together wi th other
pre teen students. In groups they will pl ay Pi cti onary ( drawi ng and guessi ng)
di fferent chores.

Uni t 6: Be Good ( May - June)

ACTIVITY 3: Students will create fi ve mul ti pl e- choi ce questi ons rel ated to
HABI TS. They will al so wri te the resul ts for each possi bl e outco me: If you chose
more A opti ons you have very good habi ts! You are a responsi bl e person…etc.

They will carry out the survey on students of other courses.

ACTIVITY 4: Food: Perfect Match. Students will thi nk of foods that matche
perfectl y ( coffee and mi l k, banana and dul ce de l eche, etc…) They wi ll create four
perfect matches at home. Take pi ctures and show the pi ctures to their
cl ass mates. They will expl ai n the match and when they eat thi s.

Uni t 7 My Styl e ( August- Septe mber)

ACTIVITY 5. Get together-/ Guess who? For thi s acti vi ty each student will make
thei r own na me badge and pi n i t to thei r cl othes so that i t i s easil y seen by others.
Students will get together and they will be di vided i n groups of 10. One of the
students will secretl y choose a cl ass mate and descri be hi m/her. The rest of the
students will guess who he/she i s.

Thi s acti vi ty shoul dn’ t take more than 30 mi n.

Students will choose thei r favori te movi e scene. They will descri be what actors
are weari ng i n these scenes. ( Dependi ng on the nu mber of students i t coul d be
done i n groups of 4 or 5)

Uni t 8 W
i nners ( October – Nove mber)
ACTIVITY 7: Cross word ti me: Students will create a cross word usi ng pi ctures for
the references. The vocabul ary must be rel ated to sports. Then they will
exchange cross words wi th thei r peers.

ACTIVITY 8. My favori te Athl ete. Students will work i n groups to i nvesti gate
thei r favori te athl ete. They have to get so me personal i nfor mati on and pi ctures of
the athl ete at work. They will gi ve a short presentati on usi ng the pi ctures and
present conti nuous.

Month Metro ACTIVITY Gra mmar

Starter and Vocab
March Uni t 5 1. Vi deo: My Dail y routi ne Test1 after
Before book: day Si mpl e page 69
Short revi ew present
April 2. Pi cti onary Chores Test 2
We ek Present after page
si mpl e ( 3rd 77
May Uni t 6 3. Habi ts Good and Test 3
Survey bad habi ts After page
Frequency 69
June 4. Food Food and Test 4
perfect dri nk After page
matches Si mpl e 77
(questi ons)
Jul y revi ew
August Uni t 7 5. Guess who? Descri bi ng Test 5
peopl e after page
Wh words 81
and present
si mpl e.
Septe mber 6. Movi e Cl othes Test 6
Scene Obj ect after page
descri pti on pronouns 87
October Uni t 8 7. Cross word Sports : Test 7 end
Ti me nouns of uni t 8
Pres cont
Nove mber 7. My Get ready for fi nal exa m
favori te
At hl ete
Fi nal Exa m ( compri ses uni ts 5- 8)


Every Uni t W
ill be eval uated i n two parts , thus havi ng one test per month.

Tests W
i ll be wri tten and oral. So every unit students W
i ll have t wo
wri tten marks, two oral marks, and two HANDS ON ACTIVITY marks.

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