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Analysis - the act of studying or examining something in detail, in order to discover or

understand more about it.

Business ethics - refers to the standards for morally right and wrong conduct in
Business plan - is an essential written document that provides a description and
overview of your company's future.
Competitor - is a person, business, team, or organization that competes against you or
your company.
Concurrent Development - The process of undertaking some product development
steps simultaneously than sequentially.
Copyright - is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their
literary and artistic works.
Corporation - a business or team of individuals with legal standing to operate as a single
unit (i.e., a person).
Cost reduction- focuses on reducing the initial and/or ongoing cost that a customer pays
for owning and/or operating a product or service. Technology has played a great role in
helping consumers reduce costs.
Core competencies - unique capabilities and resources that provide a competitive
Cost leadership - achieving a competitive advantage by offering products or services at
a lower cost than competitors.
Customers -is an individual or business that purchases another company's goods or
services. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without them,
businesses cannot continue to exist.
Customization- supports the modern consumer's interest in self-expression and
individualism. Consumers expect products that they use to be an extension of their
personalities and a medium through which they can communicate their values and
priorities to the world.
Differentiation - distinguishing a company's products or services from its competitors
through unique features or characteristics.
Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) - influences how you think about the world and act upon
what you see.
Equity capital - Is where a company raises money by selling off a percentage of the
business in the form of shares that are purchased and owned by shareholders.
Execution plan - a governing document that defines how a project is to be executed,
monitored, and controlled
Exit Strategy - Is a plan that a founder or owner of a business makes to sell their
company, or share in a company, to other investors or other firms.
Financial Analysis - is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and
other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability.
Innovation - is the practical implementation of ideas that result in introducing new goods
or services or improving in offering goods or services.
Intellectual property (IP) - refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary
and artistic works; designed symbols, names, and images used in commerce.
Lender or Creditors - Are the individuals who provide the company with funding able to
meet the short- and long-term financial needs of the business? They are not entitled to
any ownership. However, they would charge an interest fee on any loans.
Manufacturing - A type of business according to the industry which refers to the creation
of goods
Market - It is a place where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchange or
transaction of goods and services
Merchandising - A type of business according to an industry that refers to buying and
selling of goods
Philanthropy - Philanthropy refers to charitable acts or other good works that help others
or society as a whole. Philanthropy can include donating money to a worthy cause or
volunteering time, effort, or other forms of altruism.
Product - a tangible item put on the market for acquisitions, assumptions, or
Raising Capital - An investor or a lender gives business funds to assist with starting,
growing, and managing day-to-day operations.
Retained earnings- are simply the money that is left over after expenses and other
SAFE - Is an acronym that stands for Simple Agreement for Future Equity. It functions
similarly to convertible debt (less the interest).
Segmentation - is the process of dividing a company's target market into groups of
potential customers with similar needs and behaviors.
Service - is an intangible item, which arises from the output of one or more individuals.
Shareholders or investors -These can be people or organizations that are the legal
owners of the business because they possess stock in it.
Stakeholders - Stakeholders are people, companies, or organizations who are
interested in or impacted by a company's operations and the outcomes they create
Strategic positioning - selecting a distinct position within a market or industry to better
compete against rivals.
Supplier - a person or business that provides a product or service to another entity. The
role of a supplier in a business is to provide high-quality products from a manufacturer
at a good price to a distributor or retailer for resale.
Target customer – a type of person that a company wants to sell its products or services
Target market - is a specific group of people with shared characteristics that a business
markets its products or services to.
Team Formation - it begins with an understanding of how individual people work alone
and together.
Trade - the voluntary exchange of goods or services between various economic entities
is referred to as a trade.
Value proposition - the unique value a company offers to its customers through its
products, services, or overall approach.

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