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Culture oriented framework: HOLIDAYS

Inquiry Unit
3rd Children 2023
Framework: Holidays
Form/Year: 3rd children 2023
Overarching question: To what an extent are American and Argentinean holidays

different? What do we do and what do they do in the different holidays?

Key words: holiday- celebrations- culture- season
Concepts: respect- tolerance- empathy- appreciation- cultural literacy
Time Frame: March-October
Aims - students should be able to achieve:
✔ Be aware of the concept of cultural literacy
✔ Be aware of diversity
✔ Be aware of the differences as regards traditions
✔ Identify different ways of celebrations
✔ Develop awareness of the importance of accepting cultural diversity

Academic goals.
To identify and use Before/after
To use Auxiliary DO/DOES
To express obligation/necessity Have to´+ verb
To express abilityCan/ can’t
To use Weather expressions
To identify and use Verbs of senses
To use There be and ANY/SOME
To express ideas in the past


What resources will we use?

Audio – Visual Material: Posters ; flashcards (key words); magazines cut-outs, magazines and
newspapers, markers and cardboard, realia, images. You tube videos

Non-fiction: magazines and newspaper articles

Class book: BEP 3

Related literature:
Mary and the twelve months by Sean Taylor
Culture oriented framework: HOLIDAYS

3rd children
What we Unit 1: Before/after Daily Look at a picture of people celebrating
do Every Day activities a special day in US. What is their day
like? What do they do?*1
Unit 2: In Auxiliary Occupation Is there a holiday to celebrate the
our DO/DOES s different jobs? How and when is it
community celebrated in the states? What about in
your country?
Unit 3: Have to´+ House hold What is National Clean up Day
Working verb chores Holiday? *2
Hard Freq adv Read the text. Do we have a similar
Unit 5: Weather Types of Classify the holidays according to the
Sunny expressions weather season. How is it similar or different in
Days Clothes and the States?*4
What we Unit 6: Verbs of Verbs of Sensory description of a
feel The Five senses senses and picture( picture of people in a Holiday
Senses adjectives celebration in US) What do you see,
hear, feel and smell? *3
Unit 7: There be foods Choose one of the holidays in unit 5
Fabulous ANY/SOME and investigate what kind of food
Food people eat during this holiday.
Unit 8: Simple past Healthy Create the HEALTHY HOLIDAY: a
Healthy Yes/no quest habits holiday for healthy habits. How would
Living you celebrate this day?*1
Unit 9: Simple past Places in Which places in town are visited during
Field Trip town and holidays? Is it the same in US?


*2 National Clean up day
Culture oriented framework: HOLIDAYS

National CleanUp Day was created by hiking enthusiasts to keep the outdoors

Cleaning the Outdoors

The outdoors can bring a lot of fun but trash, however ruin the experience.

On National CleanUp Day people clean up trails, parks, beaches, and other natural communal
spaces. Also, people make an effort to reduce trash and to recycle so that the nature around us
remains clean.

Higher Quality of Life

Garbage and dirty natural spaces can affect an people’s well-being as well as the environment. A
clean environment is a better life.

How to Celebrate?
● Get together with friends, family, and co-workers to organize a cleaning trip to the closest
park, hiking trail, or beach.
● Pay attention to garbage in communal spaces through social media and word of mouth.
● Join a local clean-up group and help clean up your outdoors.

Did You Know…

…that almost 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year?

National CleanUp Day Observances

Fun Holiday: National CleanUp Day Observances

Year Weekday Date Name

2023 Sab 16 de sep National CleanUp Day

*3 Sensory description
Culture oriented framework: HOLIDAYS


Outcome of Work unit What we do:

Culture oriented framework: HOLIDAYS

Students will create a poster classifying the holidays according to the seasons
and comparing American and Argentinian Holidays. (June)

Outcome of Work unit What we Feel. Students will design a HEALTHY HOLIDAY
brochure*1. Describing what people do, eat and wear in a healthy holiday.

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