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Understanding language 10 insight: that reasoning and analysis are always

More about claims 14 communicative acts. I would not

Claims and reasoning 18 pretend that one can easily resolve the
Review 22 epistemological tensions between, on the one
3 Linking: The Key Process in Reasoning 25 hand, the commonly held commitments to objective
Links between claims 26 judgment and truth that
The analytical structure of reasoning 28 underpin 'logic' as a mode of analysis and, on the
SMART Learning more about the analytical structure 31 other, the social relativism and
THINKING Review 37 intersubjectivity that a communicative-theory
For 4 Understanding the Links between Claims 39 approach demands. However, from
Jane and Verity (as ever) Dependent premises 39 a pragmatic point of view, there is considerable profit to be gained from letting
SMART Vi CONTENTS these two distinct approaches jostle alongside one
THINKING Special functions of premises 44 another. Moreover, for all my
SKILLS FOR CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING The link from premises to conclusion 47 attempts to keep competing epistemological ideas to
AND WRITMINAGT THEW ALLESNe cond Review 53 a minimum in Smart
Edition 5 More Effective Reasoning I: Better Claims 55 Thinking, the book cannot remain purely
OXFORD Well-formed claims 56 'practical'. Simple advice on 'better
UNIVERSITY PRESS Well-founded claims 60 thinking' rubs up against deep and important Review 67 matters of philosophy in a way that,
OXFORD 6 More Effective Reasoning II: Better Links 69 I hope, creates a constructive interaction between
UNIVERSITY PRESS Effective use of dependent premises 70 the ease with which one can
253 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, Victoria Relevance 74 begin to improve one's thinking and the complexity
3205, Australia Strength of support 80 of thinking about smart
Oxford University Press is a department of the Review 86 thinking.
University of Oxford. 7 What Kinds of Reasoning are There? 89 While I myself work theoretically within post-
It furthers the University's objective of excellence in Deductive and inductive reasoning 89 structuralist frameworks, Smart
research, Categorical and propositional logic 92 Thinkings bias towards communicative issues stems
scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Five types of reasoning 93 primarily from the very
in Review 100 practical experiences I had in developing and
Oxford New York 8 Research, Reasoning, and Analysis 102 teaching a critical thinking unit
Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Reasoning and analysis 103 (Applied Reasoning 200) at Curtin University of
Chennai Information understood by where we find it 106 Technology in Perth. On the basis
Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Information as it relates to other information 108 of my experiences with many hundreds of students,
Kolkata Information classified by the topic under I am confident in asserting that
Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City investigation 109 it is wrong to divorce analytical thinking from its
Mumbai Nairobi Information as it relates to how we are using it 111 communicative context. Outside
Sâo Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Direct and indirect sources 113 the narrow confines of some academic disciplines,
OXFORD is a trade mark of Oxford University Review 117 communication takes place on a
Press in the UK and in 9 Planning and Creating Your Reasoning 120 V I I I
certain other countries The key analytical questions 121 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION ix
Copyright © Matthew Allen 1997, 2004 Using the analytical structure for planning 127 vast scale, with far too little critical analysis to
First published 1997 Review 132 support it. It is precisely at the
Reprinted 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 junction between 'knowledge as something one
Second edition published 2004 10 Bringing It All Together: Narrative and knows' and 'knowledge as a
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing Structure function of communication' that most of us need
for the purposes Example text assistance in sharpening up our
of private study, research, criticism or review as Casting and notes on each paragraph thinking skills.
permitted under Capturing the essence of the text My work in Applied Reasoning 200 has not only
the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced, Overall narrative flow of the text helped my own development
stored in a retrieval Summary as a critical thinker but has given me the
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any Answers, Discussion, and Further Advice opportunity to test ideas and approaches
means, electronic, Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts on a captive audience. So, my first debt of gratitude
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise Further Reading is to all the students who have,
without prior Guide to Important Skills in so many ways, contributed to the writing of this
written permission. Enquiries to be made to Oxford CONTENTS vii book. Applied Reasoning 200
University Press. 134 also became the focal point for a series of collegia!
Copying for educational purposes 134 relationships from which I have
Where copies of part or the whole of the book are 137 benefited enormously. For their assistance, insights
made under Part 146 (and perseverance with often
VB of the Copyright Act, the law requires that 147 impractical ideas), my thanks are extended to
prescribed procedures 149 Patrick Bertola, Gina Koczberski,
be followed. For information, contact the Copyright 150 Des Thornton, and especially, Eamon Murphy, all
Agency Limited. 174 of Curtin University. Thanks
National Library of Australia 186 also to Will Christensen, Dennis Taylor, and Roy
Cataloguing-in-Publication data: 190 Jones for their positive
Allen, Matthew, 1965-. encouragement as heads of academic departments. I
Smart thinking: skills for critical understanding & Preface to First Edition also owe a debt of gratitude to
writing. The study and teaching of critical thinking (also Richard Bosworth, who some years ago, when I
2nd ed. known as informal logic) is began to study at university, first
Bibliography. relatively rare in Australia. There is little to guide taught me that critical enquiry involves asking
ISBN 0 19 551733 4. the keen student or teacher in the about the 'who', 'when', 'why', and
1. Critical thinking. 2. English language - Rhetoric. development of skills for analysis and reasoning in 'how', as well as the 'what' that was the staple of
3. Reasoning everyday work and study. The high school study. Michelle Forster
(Psychology). 4. Thought and thinking. I. Title. orientation of most of the available books on this and Emma Rooksby provided invaluable research
153.42 subject is more traditionally assistance and general help; both
Typeset by OUPANZS logical, and this orientation further complicates the are fine young philosophers. Thanks, as well, to my
Printed through Bookpac Production Services, process of teaching and publisher, Jill Lane, and editor,
Singapore learning applied critical thinking skills, since it Lucy Davison, of Oxford University Press. Finally, I tends to remove the use of reasoning could not have written this
Contents and logical analysis from even its most basic social book without the unstinting support and
Preface to First Edition viii contexts. reassurance of my wife Jane and stepdaughter
Preface to Second Edition ix Smart Thinking'is designed to provide a simple, but Verity; most of all, they remind me that a person
How to Use this Book xi not simplistic, guide for the cannot live on logic
1 Smart Thinking 1 development of critical thinking and analytical alone and confirm in my mind that life must be
What is smart thinking? 1 skills. It combines the undoubted lived, not just with analytical
How do we study smart thinking? 5 strengths of the informal logical approach with a reserve, but also with passion and commitment.
Why do we need to 'think smart'? 7 newer—but often-overlooked— Matthew Allen
2 Claims: The Key Elements of Reasoning 9 Perth
September 1996 to get the most out of the further advice offered in communicating information. Your thinking begins
Preface to Second Edition the answers. And, when you even when you are deciding
I have been fortunate enough to find that I was have done the exercises and checked the answers, I 'what' to read and write about.
right to assume that a practical expect you will need to reread 'Smart thinking' can assist you in:
book on critical thinking skills set in the context of and revise the chapter again. • working out where and how to look for the
communication would be both After you have read a chapter, done the exercises, information you need
popular and necessary. I continue to be involved in and checked the answers, look • understanding that information in relation to your
teaching critical thinking in the at the Concept Check and Review Exercise at the own work
unit Applied Reasoning, which is now a part of end of the chapter. The concepts • deciding which information is relevant to your
some courses of study through introduced in each chapter are listed. You should topic and which is not
Open Learning Australia (REAl 1—visit briefly write down what you • identifying when you need to find out more, and is being know about them, then turn to the Glossary to information to make sense of a
revived on campus at Curtin University. I have also check your answers. There are, by problem.
realised that, in writing Smart contrast, no answers provided for the review Smart thinking can also improve your capacity to
Thinking, I myself learnt as much as I would hope questions that you will find at the end set your communication in
for its readers and so, in the end, of most chapters. If you have understood and context. It alerts you to the importance of:
it was an easy decision to produce a new edition. integrated the material in each • your audience and their expectations of what you
This second edition reflects the experiences of chapter, you should be able to answer these are doing
teaching with Smart Thinking questions confidently. If you cannot, • the requirements upon you to communicate in a
over the years since it was first published. In then it is probably a sign that you have missed certain way in a certain
revising it, I have found that much of something. situation
what I had originally written remains valuable, and Finally, you should integrate what you learn about • your own assumptions and biases, and the role of
that students have learnt from reasoning in this book with society in forming those the work or study you are doing at the moment. For biases, which will need to be considered and
x PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION example, when doing the explored through your
it. But I have also made some significant changes, exercises and review questions, you will often be communication.
including greater assistance in called upon to use information To think smart, you must use reasoning. Reasoning
the earlier chapters to help readers with the more from your own life as examples or basic material is the basis of much of our
complicated skills and concepts, with which to do an exercise. The thinking. It is often described simply as the process
as well as expanding later chapters on reasoning whole point of this book is to give practical, applied of thinking through and
and on research. The final chapter advice. I can provide the communicating our reasons for holding certain
is now a fully worked example of the skills that advice; you must apply it. views or conclusions. Reasoning is,
underpin the whole book, providing This book aims to provide you with structured however, better defined as a process of
a model for readers of the power and value of the information, exercises, and understanding and exploring the relationships
approach I am outlining. I would reflections to guide your own learning. Your between the many events, objects, and ideas in our
hope that readers will now find the sometimes- investment of time and effort in world. None of these
confusing journey towards greater working through this structure will provide you individual 'items' can be meaningful in and of itself.
ability in critical thinking and reasoning just that with considerable returns in An item can only be
little bit easier, and with a clearer improving your smart thinking. understood in relation to other ones. Reasoning
goal ahead. XI enables us to get beyond a world
In writing the second edition, I have been aided of innumerable separate events, objects, and ideas.
greatly by Jane Mummery and 1 Using reasoning, we see that all
Robyn Mayes, both fine teachers of critical Smart Thinking these separate items are interconnected, and what
thinking, who have struggled with the There is an inner logic, and we're taught to stay far we know about any particular
problems of the first edition in teaching Applied from it object depends on our knowledge of other objects.
Reasoning and have generously It is simple and elegant, but it's cruel and antithetic Sometimes the connections are
provided advice on how I might improve it. To them And there's no effort to reveal it ... obvious; other times, they are much harder to see.
both, I owe a great deal. I also Bad Religion, 'Inner Logic' Reasoning involves finding and
wish to thank Christine Richardson with whom I What is smart thinking? expressing these connections or relationships so that
taught elements of critical There are many words associated with what is, each individual event, object,
thinking and who gave me the opportunity to loosely, termed 'thinking'. We or idea is explicable in terms of other events,
develop further my ideas about are often told to 'think about the issues', to 'analyse objects, or ideas.
reasoning and research. To my long-suffering in more depth', to 'use Exercise 1.1
publishers at Oxford University Press, reasoning', or to 'be rational'. Sometimes (perhaps Smart thinking demands that we do more than just
especially my editors Lucy McLoughlin, Anne with reference to computers, 'think' vaguely about things.
Mulvaney, and Chris Wyness, great or to the legendary Star Trek character Mr Spock) Before we look at reasoning, the key underlying
thanks and apologies for all the delays. Perhaps we are told to 'be logical'. process of thinking, let's consider
they could ask the government Often students are told that they must think some common 'informal' ideas about thinking.
about its neglect of higher education and the 'critically' if they are to succeed. Look at the four actions listed
consequent doubling of workloads When people write essays or reports, they are
since I wrote the first edition. And to Jane and usually advised to make sure that SMART THINKING 3
Verity, this book is still and always they have a good 'argument' or that they 'explain in below and, writing on a piece of paper, list some
for you both. detail'. But do students examples in your own life of
Matthew Allen (and lecturers) really know what these words and when you have successfully done these actions and phrases mean? Can we why you did them. The
Perth actually identify the key skills and underlying answers contain more discussion of each one.2
February 2003 techniques that allow us to think • Ask questions (of ourselves and others) better? • Seek out information
How to Use this Book The answer is yes. Smart thinking means.knowing • Make connections
To get the most out of this book, you will need to how to: • Interpret and evaluate
read it carefully chapter by • work out and express your main ideas Reasoning
chapter. The book builds sequentially, so that many • plan your communication of ideas so that they can Reasoning represents one of the great advances that
of the ideas and concepts be clearly understood human beings have made in
introduced in earlier chapters underpin more • check to see if you have covered all the important their ability to understand and make sense of the
complex discussion of related issues parts of your topic world. It has been described as a
in subsequent chapters. Also, as you go, you should 1 'complex weave of abilities that help you get
do the exercises in each chapter. 2 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL someone else's point, explain a
Do not check the answers until you have completed UNDERSTANDING & WRITING complicated idea, generate reasons for your
all of a particular exercise and • establish a framework or structure in which your viewpoints, evaluate the reasons given
are satisfied with them. When you turn to the basic facts and evidence by others, decide what information to accept or
Answers, Discussion, and Further make sense reject, see the pros as well as the
Advice, you will see that, in most cases, there is • present ideas by linking them together to convince cons and so forth'.3 Yet it is also the case that
further discussion of the issues and readers of your conclusion. reasoning does not come naturally but
concepts relevant to each exercise. As much as you Moreover, we must also relate thinking to must be learnt and can be improved.
can, don't be tempted to look at knowledge and information (what we Let us begin with an easy example. Imagine you
the next set of answers until you have completed the think about), and the processes of communicating hold an apple in one hand and
exercises for them. Often, you our ideas, either in written or an orange in the other. Now, at first sight, these two
will be asked to do an exercise in order to provide oral form. Thinking is one aspect of an integrated objects appear to be completely
you with the experience necessary process of finding, analysing, and
different; each would seem to be understandable 'patterns' that might help us to see how one thing is In succeeding chapters, then, we will learn a way of
only in its own terms—that is, in linked to another. These talking and thinking about
a way unique to each apple and each orange. patterns can be understood through concepts such reasoning that allows us to understand and use
However, we are better able to as: reasoning better. In particular, we
understand them and to communicate what we • similarity/difference will learn about the 'analytical structure' of ideas,
think about them when we start to • commonality/inconsistency which is, essentially, the clearest
make connections. Here are some examples: • necessity and sufficiency. expression of reasoning. However, we usually
• An apple is not an orange. When we make these connections, we are able to encounter such structures 'embedded'
• An apple and an orange are similar: both are function much more in the words we read and hear, or in so-called
pieces of fruit. effectively and to make sense of the world around 'natural language'. We must learn to
• This apple will be, roughly speaking, the same as us. In particular, we are more distinguish more effectively between the structures
all the other apples capable of communicating our ideas and discussing and the natural language
I have eaten. knowledge with other through which it comes to us. We will also
• If I eat this orange and I like the taste, then I can people. encounter the idea of 'analytical
assume that The things, then, that we do with reasoning, as a questions', which can guide the way we think about
generally I will like the taste of other oranges. form of communication, are: and develop the relationships
• You should eat this fruit because you are hungry. • arguing ('You should not believe what you see on that comprise our analytical structures.
Obviously, this list makes only a few simple television because ... ')4
connections between the two • explaining ('Digital television has been introduced 6 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
particular pieces of fruit that we are considering; it because ... ') UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
also makes a few connections • making decisions CI think we should buy a digital Thinkers with attitude
between the orange and the apple and other pieces television receiver because Remember, smart thinking always has a social
of fruit generally; and the latter ... ') dimension: we humans are doing the
connections relate fruit to people. • predicting the future ('I expect digital television to reasoning. As a result, one of the key ingredients of
If we did not make these connections, then every make pay television better successful thinking and analysis,
time we ate an orange, for because ... ') and of the effective use of reasoning, is our own
example, it would be a new experience. We would • exploring issues ('How will digital television link to attitude. For most (if not all) of us,
not be able to rely on past the Internet?') our knowledge will usually consist of both the basic
experience or on our experiences with other things; information or 'facts' we know,
nor would we be able to make SMART THINKING 5 as well as a framework or structure of broader
any predictions about future experience. Such a • finding answers ('Why did the government decide ideas with which we interpret these
world might be interesting (as each on a higher-quality digital facts. Many of us are quite capable of assimilating
morning you drank your orange juice and had a television standard?') and 'knowing' the facts, but
whole new experience), but it • justifying actions ('When first introduced, I smart thinkers constantly assess their structures
would also be extremely confusing. Moreover, if you thought subscribing to pay television and frameworks. In the process,
think about a more complex was not a good idea because ... ' ) . they develop a much deeper and more effective
example (say, deciding to study for a university So, smart thinking is about reasoning, which is appreciation of situations and
degree) you can see that, without about the use and communication events. Smart thinkers can be confident in their
the ability to make connections between things, you of knowledge. Researching, reading, analysing, reasoning, precisely because they
would not be able to make testing, checking, planning, do not rely on too many unexamined or and writing all depend on understanding those unquestioned assumptions.
4 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL interrelationships. Once you First of all, we should always be willing to reflect on
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING understand that knowledge consists of innumerable our own views and
your decision in the way that all of us take for interrelations between small positions—to scrutinise the way we think about the
granted (by thinking, for example, 'bits' of information, then you will be able to find, world. We might ask ourselves,
'A university degree will help me get a better job'). shape, and use knowledge for from time to time:
When we start to make connections, yourself. • Are my views consistent with one another?
we are able to know things of which we have no But reasoning is also about people: the authors and • What assumptions underpin my views?
direct experience (and audiences of arguments, • Am I open to new ideas and alternative
which may not yet have happened). Of course, since explanations, and so on. And it is in relation to the conclusions?
we live in a society in which human, social aspect of • Can I look at this issue from another perspective?
reasoning is accepted as the main method of reasoning that we must really be 'smart'. Reasoning We should also be constantly asking ourselves, in
processing information, we already use is not just formal logic; nor is relation to the issues that
reasoning, but we usually do not think about it. it an abstract way of thinking about ideas. It is matter to us:
Often, we can feel reasonably certain about our always a social act. People always use • Why did this happen?
knowledge because it is based reasoning for particular purposes (be they • What should we do next?
on evidence of things that we do know about. For economic, political, or whatever). They • What does it mean?
example: all have different perspectives on the issues being As we will see, questioning is the key analytical skill
In the past, when driving down the freeway after debated. Their age, class, race, that enables us to develop
work, I have found that gender, and ethnicity all influence the broad complex knowledge about the world in the form of
there is usually a traffic jam. Because of the traffic structures upon which they rely in structures of related ideas, so as
jam, it always takes a reasoning. If we forget that reasoning has this social to communicate with other people.
long time to get home. So, today, because I need to aspect, then we will run the It is not the answers to these questions that matter,
get home quickly, I risk of failing to think effectively (this point will be but the very fact that we ask
had better leave work earlier. explored in more detail in later them of ourselves, the willingness not to 'take things
The conclusion that 'I had better leave work earlier' chapters). The connections and relations between for granted' or to be satisfied
follows from the evidence ideas, events, proposals, and so with the 'obvious answer'. Indeed, a great failure of
or reasons given for it. We can say that it is a on only become meaningful in the context of how, our society is that, by and large,
'reasonable' conclusion. Using when, where, and why they are we are people who believe that someone has the
reasoning requires us to look for and rely on communicated with others. answer and all we have to do is
structures of connections between How do we study smart thinking? develop a clever way of finding that answer. In fact,
separate things or events in the world; it also Thinking about thinking the key skill that you need, to
requires us to make an active effort to Reasoning is something we already do: all of us be an effective and thoughtful adult who is able to
create these structures—to make the connections have learnt, in one way or another, engage with and understand the
that we cannot easily see. to think and to reason, to make connections and see world, is not an ability to find the answers: it is the
The two main kinds of relationships that underpin relationships between various ability to ask the right questions.
these structures are: events and attitudes in our world. So, being a smart If you can ask the right questions, then most of the
• how things relate to one another, at any given thinker is not about becoming answers will come very easily.
moment (syntagmatic relationships a different sort of person, but about improving Moreover, you will also be able to determine why
such as 'an orange is a citrus fruit' or 'citrus fruits skills that you already have. The way others do not necessarily accept
are edible') to achieve this goal (and the main emphasis within your answers but have their own views. Questions
• how things relate to one another, over time this book) is to become explicitly are fundamental to reasoning.
(paradigmatic relationships such aware of the analytical processes involved in Exercise 1.2
as 'eating too many oranges made me feel sick' or 'if reasoning. If you do, then you will On a piece of paper, write down a key issue that you
I want vitamin C, then I be able to analyse complex issues more deeply, are dealing with at the
should eat an orange'). understand and process information moment—at work, perhaps an assignment, or
Working out the precise relationship requires more effectively, and communicate your ideas something significant to you; don't
attention to a number of convincingly.
choose a matter that is personal and emotional since As the song 'Inner Logic' continues: 'don't ask the world. Claims are the key component of
these are often best questions, don't promote reasoning.
analysed in different ways. Then start to ask demonstration/don't look for new consensus/don't 2 We need to understand more about the significant
yourself, in your mind, questions that stray from constitution'. There properties of these
will help to analyse that issue. As you go, write them are two equally undesirable extremes in this refusal claims which affect how we use them in reasoning.
down on the page, review to think things through. At one 3 We see how claims function differently, as
them, and add more questions. Try to ask questions extreme, staying away from the 'logic' means premises or as conclusions,
that are prompted by the first putting too much faith in so-called depending on how we link them together. The
questions you thought of, questions that 'connect' 'scientific', 'objective' knowledge (which appears as conclusion is what you are
the dots between the issue and if it can never be questioned). arguing for or explaining. The premises are how
another question. At the other extreme, we shy away from complexity you get to your conclusion.
Why do we need to 'think smart'? by putting too much reliance
Basically, unless we are smart thinkers, we cannot on individual relativism, in which each person's 10 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
understand the world as well as opinion is thought to be as good as UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
we should; we cannot solve problems effectively and anyone else's. We should never assume that there Understanding language
consistently; we cannot be can be only one right view; we A basic look at language
successful in the areas of our life that concern should not, in turn, presume that all views are right. Every time we argue or explain something, we use
information. Knowledge is the 'stuff We do need to make the 'effort to reveal' the logic, language—regardless of whether
of everyday life in the early twenty-first century. to 'pierce the complexity', we are thinking to ourselves or communicating with
We are always being asked to find not only for ourselves but for the common good. others. As children, we learn
it out, develop it, communicate it, and think about Smart thinking is how to do it. to use language so 'naturally' that we tend to take
it. Smart thinking improves the Generally, knowledge is tied up in contexts of power its use for granted. In fact, there
ways in which we can work with knowledge and and influence, and is hardly are many subtleties and complexities in language.
information. ever 'objective' or 'neutral'. Smart thinking can Knowing something about these
First of all, smart thinking helps you to study. All help empower us in the face of can help our reasoning by giving us more conscious
academic work requires the use knowledge, revealing its political and social control over the material
of reasoning. You want to understand the content, purposes, its biases and consequences, (language) with which we are reasoning. There are
to digest information, pick out its exclusions and errors. Thinking smart is about four distinct 'levels' of languageuse
the key issues to learn, grasp the underlying recognising the contexts of power that build together to create 'language' as we know
concepts, and come to terms with unfamiliar and influence in which knowledge exists. Thinking it.
ideas: reasoning is the way to go. Most teachers look smart is about using knowledge The first level is a word—for example, 'student' or
for reasoned explanations within and against the constraints of these contexts. 'reasoning'—which is the
and arguments when marking assignments. More It also always involves remembering basic unit of language. Words have meanings,
importantly, by using that our own reasoning may equally involve the usually more than one, and often
smart-thinking skills to understand context—the exercise of power and of multiple meanings are 'denotative' (that is, what the
situations in which we learn and influence.5 word explicitly says) or
communicate knowledge—you can understand the Review exercise 'connotative' (the more subtle, 'hidden' meanings of
system you are in, the expectations There is no review exercise for this chapter—move words). We will see, through
and requirements on you as students, and then fulfil on to chapter 2. Also, there is this book, that definitions of words are important
those requirements. no need to do a concept check now. When you have but, for the moment, we are just
Second, smart thinking helps you at work. Work is, finished the book, however, interested in words insofar as they can form
by and large, about decision return to this chapter and revise it. I am sure you statements.
making. It involves initiating change, coping with will read it with a very different When we put some words together, we get the
new and unfamiliar situations, perspective. second level of language: a
finding better ways of doing things, finding out NOTES statement, such as 'there are several hundred
crucial information, understanding 1 From Bad Religion, Stranger than Fiction students who have studied smart
the people and institutions you work with, and (compact disc), Dragnet, 1994, MATTCD003. thinking at Curtin University'. We probably think
solving complex problems. You use 2 Developed from Josina M. Makau, Reasoning and of statements as being the same
reasoning to accomplish these tasks, and if you have Communication: Thinking Critically things as sentences, but they are not. In the
smartened up your thinking, about Arguments, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1990. following example we can see how one
then you will have more confidence in your abilities 3 Stephen Toulmin, Richard Rieke, and Allan sentence can be made up of more than one
and succeed more often. In Janik, An Introduction to Reasoning, statement: 'We use reasoning everyday
particular, the insights gained through smart Macmillan, New York, 1984, p. 6. of our lives, but most of us have no formal training,
thinking will assist in promoting more 4 An argument, here, does not mean a 'fight' or and the more practice and the
effective communication. Such communication is 'dispute' but is the technical name for more training, the better we will be at it'. The first
essential to successful business reasoning that seeks to establish a conclusion on the statement is 'We use reasoning
and professional life. basis of reasons. everyday of our lives'; the next is 'most of us have
Third, and perhaps most importantly, smart 5 These issues—objectivity, relativism, and so on— no formal training [in reasoning]';
thinking makes you an active are complex. We will encounter them the third is 'the more practice and the more
member of communities. We are all members of again in later chapters (chapters 6, 8, and 9). You training, the better we will be at it
various local and national groups should also be aware that there are [reasoning]'.
and communities. While our membership of these legitimate differences of opinion on these matters The third level of language-use is the text, which is
communities gives us certain among intellectuals. made up of any group of
rights (for example, the rights of citizenship), it also statements, such as the sentence above. Now,
entails certain responsibilities. 2 usually, the texts we encounter are
It is our responsibility to understand what is Claims: much longer than just a few statements (for
happening in society and to act where The Key Elements example, this book is a text, as is a
necessary to conserve or change, to get involved, to of Reasoning newspaper article). But, remembering that we are
make things better, and to fight This chapter begins our in-depth exploration of how talking about something different
injustice. We can only pick our way through the to use reasoning more to 'natural' things we read and hear, we define a
complex tangle of opinions, assertions, effectively in order to make us smart thinkers. As text as a group of statements that
ideas, and assumptions that make up the dominant suggested in chapter 1, is of any length, so long as there is more than one
social world in which we learning to use reasoning better requires that we be statement and these statements
live /fwe use the skills of smart thinking. Otherwise more aware of what we are related to one another in some way. Texts are
we are just going to be swept are already doing. We need to learn some basic not just lists of statements; they
along without any control over events, a situation terms and concepts with are groups of connected statements. In the example
that is unhelpful for us as which to talk and think about reasoning. The aim of of a multi-statement sentence
individuals but worse for the overall community, to this chapter is to from the previous paragraph, as well as in single
which we owe the responsibilities improve our awareness of how we are actually statements, words like 'but' or
that come with our rights. doing reasoning. The focus in 'and', and punctuation like commas and semi- this chapter is on claims. In the next chapter we colons, are not included in the
8 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL look at the process of statements. They act both to distinguish one
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING linking claims together to form reasoning. statement from another and, at the
Moreover, as the neo-punk band Bad Religion sing, There are three main areas that we will cover in this same time, to join together the various statements to
there is an inner logic to chapter: make a text. Practical communication
the events that surround and involve us and, very 1 We will look at language, since reasoning is a way via texts depends on the way these words connect
often, we are taught to stay far of manipulating and the statements.
from it. We often think that the best way to live our using words and statements. Language allows us to Finally, the last level of language-use is the context,
lives is to stay out of the way. make claims about which consists of all the
elements outside a particular text that make it test each claim to see if it is true or not (or at least world is round"?'. Similarly we can ask 'Is it true
meaningful. Contexts cannot be 'seen' get a clearer idea of whether or or false to say "The world is flat"?'.
in the way, say, that the text you are now reading not we can accept it as true). For example, if Hence the second and third statements are both
can be. A context for this book someone claimed that John Howard claims, even though one is true
would include (at least) the purposes and goals of its had supported the war, we could check appropriate and one is false. Claims are about the possibility of
author and readers, the newspaper reporting of the truth or falsehood, not about time. Opinion polls conducted at the time can test whether a claim really is true or not.
CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF the first claim, to see if there Exercise 2.1
REASONING 11 was such a majority. All statements that are claims Decide which of these statements are claims and
assumptions about the meanings of words and ideas assert the truth of some which are not. Then write three
that lie behind it, and other texts information or knowledge about the world. examples of your own of statements that are claims
that, though absent, are implicitly connected with Claims are not, as you might think, the opposite of and three examples of
what is being written and read facts. Nor does a claim statements that are not.
here. For example, a student who reads this book as 'become' a fact once we know it is true. A claim is a. Why did you do that?
the textbook for the Open always a claim, but the truth of b. There is a yellow marble on the table.
Learning Australia unit Applied Reasoning has a some claims is established. And a claim does not c. Get out of here!
very different context to someone necessarily involve some personal d. Somewhere over the rainbow ...
who is just browsing through it, casually looking for advantage or bias. Although in everyday speech we e. We should always pay our taxes on time.
quick ideas about critical often use the word 'claim' to try f. Cheese is made from milk.
thinking. to distinguish between statements whose truth is Claims as elements of reasoning
Assumptions are a primary component of context. suspect or that are biased and Effective thinking skills can be elusive. Reasoning
Assumptions are those ideas those statements (called Tacts') whose truth is has a structure and content that
or values that we 'take for granted' and do not established and that are unbiased, can be hard to control (as an author) and hard to
question. To be smart thinkers we these distinctions are dangerously misleading. All discern (as a reader) when it is
must recognise the assumptions that surround us the statements that we think of expressed in normal English (so-called 'natural
(including our own) and that as 'facts' are, actually, claims; they are so widely language'). We tend to assume that
influence every argument and explanation. and clearly accepted as true that claims are indistinguishable from their particular
Reasoning involves making connections they seem different from claims that are not forms of expression, and it may
between our ideas about the world, expressing them accepted. Put simply, claims are those be hard to grasp just what claims do within
as linked claims, and statements that express beliefs or views about the reasoning unless we shake them loose
constructing a text to express that knowledge. way the world is or the way the from their normal modes of expression. Claims may
Obviously this reasoning is a world should be. Whether they are true or not is, of be expressed in natural
conscious process, but it also draws upon a course, important, but it does language. However claims are better understood as
background of implicit or assumed not determine whether or not they are claims. The elements of reasoning: the basic
connections and structures. As we grow up and reasonableness of claims (what units of analysis in our arguments and explanations.
learn about our environment (from we think of as 'truth') does not change their status Written and spoken English does make claims, but
parents, school, and so on), all sorts of connections as claim or non-claim; but it does draws them together and
are made for us and become help us to decide what to do with claims in our expresses them in ways that are stylish, but which
embedded in our minds, so that we do not even reasoning (as we will see). also make it harder to identify
realise we are relying on these To emphasise this point, here are three statements and understand individual claims. In particular,
structures when we think. For example: that are not claims: sentences, which assist in
In the nineteenth century, Australian children were • Do you think Australia should continue to support making English easy to write and read, can obscure
often warned that the all American foreign the more analytical function
'black bogeyman' would get them if they were policy decisions concerning Iraq? of the statements that these sentences express. Look,
naughty. This apparently • Tell me immediately what you think about for example, at the
mild threat created an association in children's Australia's war on Iraq! following:
minds between 'Blacks' • G'day! Many Australians favour making the nation a
(indigenous Australians) and something dangerous. None of these statements expresses a view about the republic. However, it is
Is it any wonder, then, way the world is or should unclear just how many Australians there are in
that when these children grew into adults they be, and hence they are not claims. The first asks for favour of this, and until we
continued to act and think information (a question);1 the know and are sure that a very large majority of
about indigenous Australians in extremely racist second demands that a person do something (an Australians want a republic,
ways? order); and the third is an we should not move too quickly to implement this
What makes assumptions dangerous is not their exclamation. Note how we do not say 'g'day' to change.
content (unlike the claim that 'this day is a good day'.
previous example, the content of assumptions may We say 'g'day' as a greeting, as a ritual use of 14 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
actually be correct) but, language to begin a conversation. UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
rather, that they are not consciously considered and Similarly, orders and questions are ways of How do we identify the claims? In the first sentence,
tested to see if they are initiating or concluding communication. there is just one claim. In
correct. What matters first is to be conscious of the A few statements may fall somewhere between the the second sentence, though, there are two claims.
assumption so we can ask two groups (claims and The first is 'it is unclear just how
'is this true?'. non-claims)—because they might be interpreted many Australians there are in favour of this' (note
Smart thinkers must be capable of understanding differently in different contexts— the use of 'this' to mean 'making
how each of these four levels but generally speaking, all statements can be seen as the nation a republic'); the second is 'until we know
of language use relates to one another, and of how one or the other. and are sure that a very large
to write good statements, link We cannot tell just from the written or spoken majority of Australians want a republic, we should
them together to make a text, and consider the expression of a statement not move too quickly to implement
contextual factors that bear upon whether or not it is a claim. Rather, we must look at this change'. Note how tricky the process of
their text. the defining property of a identifying claims can be. In the
Statements that are claims claim: that it asserts something to be true.2 To second sentence, the first 'and' indicates a break
Our central focus for the moment is on a particular distinguish a claim from other sorts between two claims, but the word
type of statement: the claim. of statements, we simply need to consider whether it 'and' is later used differently to combine 'know and
Here are two examples of claims: is possible to ask 'Is this are sure'. Similarly, the comma
• Prior to the war on Iraq in 2003, more Australians statement true or false?'. A claim need not actually after 'however' in the second sentence indicates that
opposed the war be true; it need not be false. It a claim is starting, but later on,
than supported it. just has to be possible to ask if the claim could be a comma proves to be part of a claim. Note, too, the
• John Howard, Australian Prime Minister in 2003, true or false. Consider the use of pronouns such as 'this'
determined that following three statements. Which of them do you and 'it', which are used as substitutes for the actual
Australian military forces should be deployed to think are claims? nouns that claims contain.
participate in the war As another example of this distinction between
on Iraq. CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF 'language for expression' and REASONING 13 'language for analysis', claims are sometimes
12 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL • Is the world round or flat? expressed as questions. They appear as
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING • The world is round. that special form of expression known as rhetorical
Although these statements differ in what they say, • The world is flat. questions, in which the answer to
each is a claim. More The first statement is not a claim—we cannot ask the question is presumed. For example, 'Isn't it
precisely, they claim to represent truly something 'Is it true or false to say "Is obvious that Australia should be a
'real' about the world. We could the world round or flat"?'. But it is possible to ask republic?' is clearly different from 'Do you think
'Is it true or false to say "The that Australia should be a republic?'.
The first question—a rhetorical question—is simply Thinking and doing the exercises will improve your • A few Australians think global terrorism threatens
a clever way of saying Australia reasoning. this country.
should be a republic', whereas the second question See how the same ideas get used, but in a different The claims are very similar, except in their
genuinely seeks an answer. Hence, order? These claims, because reporting of the number of
to understand fully how claims are used in they share the same ideas even though in some the Australians who believe global terrorism threatens
reasoning, we need to be aware of the idea is the subject and in others their country. The scope, in each
difference between making claims as part of writing it is the predicate, are well on the way to being used
or talking, and making claims as for reasoning. So, to reason, we CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF
part of the process of reasoning. Often, the claims always need more than one claim, all linked REASONING 17
we make in each context will be together in some way. It is this internal case, is determined by the different value of'all',
similar—but we cannot rely on it. Natural language, connection within a single claim that allows these 'some', and 'few'. Scope is not just
when properly put together in external links to be made. about numbers. It can also be seen in claims about,
a narrative sequence, is an excellent tool for Claims that include claims for example, a geographic area
expressing our arguments and explanations. One example of the importance of grasping this ('Most of Western Australia is uninhabited') or time
A danger, however, is that the requirement for process of internal connection is ('For much of its history,
proper, readable expression can provided by a special kind of claim in which an Australia was not populated by white people').
confuse and mislead the unwary about the entire claim serves as one element Certainty is another characteristic of all claims.
analytical units (claims) and structures of another claim. We find two main uses of this kind Whether explicitly stated or
(connections between claims) which, actually, of claim-formation. First, not, claims include a judgment about the likelihood
constitute the reasoning. there are claims such as 'George W Bush said that or probability that what they
Exercise 2.2 Saddam Hussein was an evil are claiming is true, or will become true:
Identify the claims in the following sentences. Then dictator'. In this claim, what is being asserted is that • There is a high probability that Australia will
write three sentences of your George W Bush has said those suffer a major terrorist
own, each of which expresses a number of claims in attack in the next decade.
various different ways. 16 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL • There is some chance that Australia will suffer a
a. All that glitters is gold, and this nugget glitters. UNDERSTANDING & WRITING major terrorist attack
b. Isn't it obvious that this song is called 'Diamonds words, and not that Hussein was such a person. The in the next decade.
are a Girl's Best Friend'? claim 'Saddam Hussein was • There is virtually no chance that Australia will
c. Silver jewellery is very common because silver is an evil dictator' here serves as the predicate to the suffer a major terrorist
a cheap metal and it is subject 'George W. Bush', attack in the next decade.
easily worked. connected with the word 'said'. Thus, if we were to In each case, the claims are saying something about
More about claims assess the truth of the claim, it Australia and terrorism;
Connections within claims would do no good to see whether or not Hussein was they differ only in their explicit statement of the
A claim provides an internal connection between at a dictator or evil (even though probability that the substance of
least two ideas. For example, the we probably could find much evidence to support the claim will come true. Understanding how to
claim that Australia should become a republic' that point), because the claim is include proper indications of
provides an internal connection about what Bush said. These claims, which are scope and certainty in the claims you write, or to
between, roughly speaking, Australia' and essentially concerned with what recognise them in other people's
'republic'. Similarly, Australia should others have already claimed, are vital: we often work, is crucial to being an effective reasoner. wish to reason about another's point Remember, scope and certainty are
CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF of view and thus must understand how to make tied in with the idea that claims are asserting the
REASONING 15 claims about that person and their truth of something. If you limit
not become a republic' also makes this connection, words. or qualify your claims by appropriately indicating
although the meaning of that A second and even more important use for claims scope and certainty, then you are
claim is completely different. The technical, within claims can be found thinking more clearly and therefore can write
grammatical names for the two in claims that use propositional logic, that is, claims better claims.
components within a claim are the 'subject' and the taking the 'if..., then...' form Exercise 2.5
'predicate' of the statement. so common in contemporary philosophy and Identify the two components that are internally
Roughly speaking, the subject is the main focus of computer programming. Such a linked within each of the following
the claim, and the predicate is claim is, for example, 'If I am unwell, then I should claims. Then rank claims a-c in order of scope
some property or consequence of, or notable point go to the doctor'. Now it might (from widest to narrowest) and
about, that subject and the way look as though there are two claims here: and, claims d-f in order of certainty (from most certain
the claim is made is to identify through the verb the indeed, there are. However, by to least certain). In each case
link between the subject and placing two claims in an if/then relationship, each identify the word or words that lead you to your
the predicate. Hence 'Reasoning is a skill' uses the claim becomes a subsidiary part judgment. Then write a list of some
verb 'is' to assert that reasoning of a single, much more powerful claim. What is of the other words that can be used to indicate the
is a member of the larger set of things we know actually being asserted in the scope and certainty of a claim.
about called 'skills'. As another if/then claim is not the substance of one or the other a. Sometimes, when I drink milk, I feel sick.
example, 'Reading this book on critical thinking is claim but, rather, the b. Whenever I eat cheese before sleeping, I have
no use if you are not practising relationship between them. Hence 'If I am unwell, dreams.
critical thinking exercises' is also a claim with a then I should go to the doctor' c. Occasionally, after eating rich food, I get
more complicated link between the asserts that it is reasonable to do something (go to indigestion.
subject 'Reading this book on critical thinking', and the doctor) when a particular d. It is probable that humans will live in space.
a predicate 'not practising state of affairs (feeling unwell) occurs. We will see e. There is no way that humans can live in outer
critical thinking'. the importance of these special space.
Exercise 2.3 'if/then' claims in chapter 3. f. I'd say the odds are 50:50 that humans will live in
Identify the subject and the predicate in the Exercise 2.4 space.
following statements: Identify the claims within a claim here, Descriptive and value claims
a. Drinking milk makes some people feel sick. remembering that an entire claim can Some claims assert that things are, or have been, a
b. I do not drink milk. serve as either predicate or subject. certain way; and some claims
c. Milk drinking is not recommended for people a. I have been told by my doctor that drinking milk make judgments about the way things should or
who are lactose-intolerant. makes some people feel should not be. These are
This property of a claim—an internal connection sick. respectively called descriptive claims and value
between two or more ideas— b. If I drink milk, then I feel sick. claims. For example, 'This book is
is fundamental. The internal connection underpins c. If a person comes to a doctor and says 'If I drink printed on white paper' describes the type of paper,
the external links between milk, then I feel sick', whereas 'We should use less
claims that are necessary in reasoning. While then the doctor will diagnose that person as lactose-
reasoning does not consist simply of intolerant. 18 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
one claim, it does occur when you take a number of Scope and certainty UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
claims and, by varying the A statement that makes a claim about the world paper to save trees' expresses a value judgment ('it
pattern of interconnections, produce a 'link' from allows us to judge the truth or is good to save trees'). But, to
the first interconnection to the falsity of that statement. In making this judgment, complicate matters many, and perhaps even all,
next. Here is a simple example (we will be doing we need to consider the scope of claims have some implicit value
much more on this concept in the claim. For example, each of these claims has a judgment. Often we find an implicit value judgment
later chapters). different scope: in the words that make up the
Reasoning is a skill. Skills can be improved by • All Australians think global terrorism threatens claim. For example, 'This book is comprehensive'
practice. The book Smart this country. implies some positive value
Thinking gives you a chance to practise reasoning. • Some Australians think global terrorism threatens judgment, whereas 'This book provides only an
Reading Smart this country. outline of reasoning techniques'
implies a more negative value judgment. So, really, premises, X, Y, and Z are all just claims. They only prediction. Hence they require supporting
there are two main sorts of value become premises and conclusion argument to make them acceptable. We
claims: those that explicitly declare a value through the act of linking them together, as in can also use claims about the past or the present to
judgment, and those whose value 'Because of X and Y, my establish what is the case. Often
judgment is hidden in the choice of words. conclusion is Z'. The difference between premises there are doubts about what has happened or is
There are also some claims that can legitimately be and conclusions is not happening (for example, in a
called descriptive claims. dependent on any essential qualities of the claims; it criminal investigation), and argument can be used
Yet, even then, claims are almost always found in is, instead, a functional to support our conclusions on
combination with other claims. difference. Whether a claim is a conclusion or a these matters.
So, if there is one value claim among a series of premise depends on the function Second, we can use as a conclusion any claim that
claims, then all of them tend to that the claim performs in any particular argument makes an appeal for people
create an implied value judgment. Here we can see or explanation. What (whether an individual or group) to act in a certain
that the context in which we determines that function is the relationship between manner, as in the argument that
find a claim—the purposes and processes by which one claim and another. 'We should reduce the production of carbon
a text, containing many linked Let us use the following claims to demonstrate this monoxide [c] because this action will
claims, is produced and received—plays a very point: reduce the rate of global warming [p]'. Such
significant role. Claims that appear • Your car is dirty. arguments, the conclusions of which are
to their author as descriptive may, in the context • You drove the car through some mud. appeals to action, are designed to convince people to
provided by their readers, • You should wash your car. do something. Sometimes the
suddenly acquire value judgments. Hence, And here are two very simple examples of the way action required is for us to think differently, as in
judgments of value can rarely be made we can use these claims in an argument that demands that 'You
solely on the basis of one claim; they depend on the reasoning, with the claims marked as [c] should not think highly of governments that are
other claims with which the (conclusion) or [p] (premise) to show how reluctant to stop global warming [c]
claim is linked (the text) and the circumstances in they perform different functions: since these governments are risking the future
which that text is presented (the • Your car is dirty [c] because you drove through prosperity of all humanity [p]'.4
context). Being alert to the value judgments that some mud [p]. Conclusions such as those just discussed require
you read and make is a skilled • You should wash your car [c] since your car is arguments to convince audiences
smart thinking attribute. dirty [p]. to accept them. In both cases, it is the conclusion
Exercise 2.6 The same claim—'Your car is dirty'—is used in two that is in doubt (remember that
Decide which of these four claims are explicit value different ways: first, as a claims are statements that may or may not be true).
claims and which are implicit conclusion being explained and, second, as a But other conclusions, often
value claims that appear to be descriptive claims. premise. The general rule, thus about events happening in the past, are not in
You may also decide that some of demonstrated, is that any claim can be either a doubt, but still involve reasoning that
the claims are purely descriptive and contain no conclusion or a premise depending explains why the conclusion can be made. In the
value judgments. Then write three on how it is linked with other claims and the context sentence 'We now have a problem
claims of your own, one of which is explicitly a in which it is used.
value claim, one of which has a clear Conclusions and premises are very similar because CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF
implied value judgment, and one of which is, in both are claims. However, REASONING 21
your opinion, clearly descriptive. within reasoning, some claims serve a different with global warming [c] because previous
a. Fatty foods are bad for you. purpose to other claims. The nature of governments were blind to the consequences
b. Regular cows' milk contains fat. premises and conclusions is not already laid down, of industrial growth and technology [p]\ the
c. You should drink milk each day. magically, in the words we use to conclusion reports that there
d. Regular cows' milk is a white liquid. express them, but is something that we can actively is now a problem with global warming so that the
Claims and reasoning control and alter. For example, we premise can explain why this has
Using claims as conclusions and premises may read someone else's conclusion and then use it happened. Some explanations can be characterised
We know that reasoning is, put simply, giving as a premise in our own reasoning. as justifications, as in 'I decided to
reasons for one's views. We reason, Or, we see that the premises of someone's argument vote for the Greens at the last federal election [c]
therefore, by linking claims together to form a text need further explanation and, by because I am very keen to see
in which most of the linked using them as conclusions, proceed to give that Australia's environment protected [p]'. In this
claims provide a reason or reasons for accepting explanation with our own premises.3 example, the conclusion reports
another claim, or the linked claims something that happened so that the writer can
explain why another claim can be made. For 20 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL justify why they did it.
example, if I said Australia should UNDERSTANDING & WRITING Exercise 2.8
become a republic', it would only be natural for you Exercise 2.7 Try to work out what sort of conclusion is used in
to ask 'why?', which would Make up four short examples of reasoning using the each of the following. Remember
prompt me to give you a reason: that Australia's following claims. Make sure to think about the purpose that the conclusion is
economic relationship with Asia that you practise using the same claim as the designed to fulfil. In each conclusion in one example and as example the conclusion is the second claim in the
CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF a premise in another. sentence.
REASONING 19 • The road is wet. a. Since the bushfire threat is high in the next three
would be strengthened if Australia declared its final • You need to drive more carefully. months, we should
independence from its • You should pay attention to what you are doing. improve our fire-fighting service.
European origins by becoming a republic'. • Verity has just come home soaking wet. b. Since there has been no rain recently, I forecast
The claims that act as reasons are 'premises' and • There was a rainstorm a few minutes ago. that there will be a high
the claim that is being More on conclusions bushfire threat this coming summer.
supported or explained is the 'conclusion'. When So, when we reason, we first of all have to decide c. Because the government failed to improve the fire
reasoning, we will always be which is the claim we are trying services, the bushfires
dealing with at least two claims: the claim we want to argue for or explain. This claim is the conclusion. that occurred in 2001 were much harder to control
people to accept and the claim It is not a summary, but a new than in previous years.
we are using to support the first claim. Almost statement altogether, which may be linked to the d. The government has not done much to improve
always there are a number of premises but goes beyond them the fire-fighting service—
premises supporting one conclusion, but the to give some further information, the 'truth' of don't you think that it is inefficient?
minimum requirement is one premise which becomes clearer because of e. Because the budget deficit has required the
and one conclusion. A fundamental skill in the premises given. The conclusion is a claim in its government to make many
reasoning is to be able to identify, in own right, and not merely a cut-backs in spending, we have done little to
our own and in others' work, those claims that are restatement of the claims already made as premises. increase available firefighting
serving as premises to support The selection of a conclusion is dependent on the resources [assume that a government representative
the claim that is acting as a conclusion. Thus we purpose of our overall is speaking].
need to understand how claims argument or explanation. First, we can use claims More on premises
can be used as conclusions and premises. about the future as conclusions. While a basic outline of the different types of
To do so, we must remember that, before we use These sorts of conclusions are required when we are conclusions is relatively straightforward,
them in reasoning, all premises making a prediction, as in 'In there is no similar, straightforward approach for
and conclusions are the same thing: they are claims. the future, the world will be much warmer [c] different types of
There is nothing about a claim because of the effects of industrial premises. Virtually any claim you can think of can
on its own that makes it a conclusion or a premise. pollution [p]'. Predictions are always doubtful since serve as a premise. Even claims
Until we decide, in our the events they predict have that we might normally think of as conclusions can
reasoning, that claim Z will be the conclusion and not yet happened, and thus their truth can never be be premises. All that premises
claims X and Y will be the established except as a have to do is to be able to provide support for the
conclusion (either in explaining
it or arguing for it). Thus, premises tend in most internal connection in Reasoning
cases to be initially more acceptable order Claims are the basic material of reasoning, but they
than the conclusion (though not always—see premise must be linked together
'Strength of support' in chapter purposes of reasoning if we are to argue and explain our points of view.
6). Furthermore, it is misleading to think about question We have already seen that
individual premise 'types'; instead, scope claims that are linked to a conclusion by supporting
we should look at the way in which premises statement it or explaining it are
connect with one another. In short, subject called premises. A conclusion, therefore, is a claim
premises function in three ways: they make a text that is supported or
substantive point (i.e. report value claim explained. In this chapter we investigate this linking
something, or provide some kind of evidence), they word process in more detail.
can define some term in the Review exercise 2 My principal goal, again, is to give you greater
argument, or they can frame the other premises, Answer briefly the following questions, giving, awareness of how you reason,
demonstrating more clearly the where possible, an example in your in order to improve what you actually do.
relationship of all the other premises to the answer that is different from those used in this There are four main areas we will cover in this
conclusion (see chapter 4 for more book. chapter:
details on how premises function). a. Is a statement the same as a sentence? Why 1 We will examine natural language for the traces should we distinguish of this linking. Traces are
22 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL between the two? the signals in natural language that we only half-
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING b. What distinguishes claims from statements that consciously use to
Review are not claims? develop our reasoning within a narrative-flow
Words combine to form statements, which in turn c. Why are some claims thought of as 'facts'? format (what you normally
combine to form texts. No d. What are the three crucial properties of claims? read and write).
text can be understood outside its context of use and e. What is special about if/then claims? 2 We will look at the process of linking analytically,
interpretation. The most f. What is the difference between a premise and a introducing the idea
important statements for us to consider are claims. conclusion? that all important relationships between claims can
When properly linked g. Are all conclusions the same? If not, why not? be shown in a
together, they form a text, which is either an h. What determines the 'type' of a particular diagram. Combining the diagram with a list of
argument or an explanation. premise? claims provides a clear,
Claims state, in language, the events, ideas, and i. What happens to claims when we express them in analytical structure format without the confusions
things that make up our natural language? of natural language.
world, asserting that what they represent is true. NOTES 3 To assist in understanding the analytical structure
Claims are the key elements 1 As we will see in chapter 8, questions can also be format, we will learn
from which we build our arguments and thought of as 'potential' claims or about casting the reasoning of others, as a useful
explanations. The analytical function 'claims in question'. Here, for example, the claim exercise for skill development.
of claims is, however, often obscured by their mode 'Australia should continue to support 4 We consider in more detail what we need to know
of expression. all American foreign policy decisions concerning in order to be comfortable
By understanding what claims are and what their Iraq' has been put under scrutiny by expressing our critical thoughts in such a format,
properties are, we can turning it into a question. including the way
better understand how to use claims as premises in which complex argument forms can be shown
and conclusions in our 24 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL using a diagram.
reasoning. Claims have three significant properties. UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
First, a claim always 2 There is considerable philosophical argument 26 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
contains an internal connection between two or concerning the notion of truth. Some UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
more components. One or both philosophers might wish to substitute words such as Links between claims
of these components can be a claim in its own right, 'valid' or 'sound' in this test of a Evidence of the linking process
but functioning differently— claim, but for the practical purposes of this book, We can directly 'see' claims in natural language,
as an element within a claim. Second, claims always 'truth' will suffice. In particular, but linking, the process of
include some indication however, we should recognise that value claims reasoning, can only be inferred, indirectly.1 In any
of scope and certainty, though often they are (described a little later in this chapter) argument or explanation in
implied. Third, claims are cannot really be true or false, but they can be natural language we can find the evidence of this
either descriptive (what is) or are value judgments judged in terms of whether or not they linking process in the words or
(what ought to be). Many are reasonable. phrases that show or signal how one claim relates to
claims appear to be descriptive but either contain 3 We cannot simply interchange conclusions and another. We have already come
implicit value judgments or premises as we like and still be confident across these words. Remember these examples?
become value-laden when read in combination with of being correct. It would, for example, be incorrect • Your car is dirty [c] because you drove through
other claims. to say that 'because you some mud [p].
Claims are used as either premises or conclusions; should wash your car, your car is dirty'. We need to • You should wash your car [c] since your car is
the difference think much more carefully about the dirty [p].
between them is determined by how we use them in relationships we are asserting to be true when we The words 'because' and 'since' do not £otm part of
any particular act of decide just what exactly our premises the claims (the premises and
reasoning. Any claim can serve as a premise or and conclusions are. For example, the following conclusions) but link them together, signalling
conclusion. That said, we can would be good reasoning: 'I know that which claim is the premise and
see how conclusion-claims must relate to the if you are told to wash your car, then it is more than which the conclusion. These signal words are the
particular purposes of the likely that the car is dirty; I have visible traces of the mental process
reasoning: predicting, establishing, or appealing for just heard someone tell you to wash your car; of linking.
action, and explaining or therefore I can infer that your car is dirty Because of the richness and complexity of the
justifying. In the last case, the reasoning involves an (otherwise that person would not have told you to English language, we rarely find
explanation, whereas wash it)'. We should note here, too, evidence for every act of linking. Sometimes no link
the other purposes require an argument. that giving premises to explain a known conclusion words are used because the
CONCEPT CHECK is contextually different from giving sense of the reasoning is clear just from the
The following terms and concepts are introduced in premises to establish by argument the soundness of arrangement of the claims; sometimes
this chapter. Before checking an unknown or doubtful conclusion. punctuation does the job. At other times, when it is
in the Glossary, write a short definition of each The term 'conclusion' here merely indicates the stylistically appropriate,
term: logical function of the claim we phrases or even sentences signal the linking process.
argument are explaining, and not its importance or Link words are not necessarily
assumption significance. In an explanation, and from the written directly between the premises and the
audience point of view of our audience, our premises and how conclusion, but since their function
certainty they explain the conclusion are is not determined by their position in a text, they
claim more important than the conclusion itself. can nevertheless still signal which
conclusion 4 Because group and individual decisions carry with claim is which. In all cases, the linkages are between
connotation them the requirement that we be two or more claims, so that able to justify and explain our decisions to others, any link words can signal that both a premise and a
CLAIMS: THE KEY ELEMENTS OF decision making also involves conclusion are present and can
REASONING 23 reasoning. distinguish between them.
context Here are some examples:
descriptive claim 3 • I found out today that I had passed my exam. I
exclamation Linking: was elated. [The order
explanation The Key Process
of the sentences signals that the first claim is linked then the linkage of this conclusion with this premise we should concentrate on the major causes of
to the second occurs because you think it pollution.
claim as premise to conclusion.] is so (so long as you have sound reasons for that 4. It is relatively simple to fit the appropriate anti-
• Because I felt ill, I went home from work. thought). Link words such as pollution device.
['Because' signals that 'I felt 'because' are very useful as signposts, which you 5. Fitting appropriate anti-pollution devices will not
ill' is the reason that explains the conclusion 'I went can use to help others follow cause dramatic
home from work'; social and economic upheavals in the way people
the comma serves to show that there are two claims 28 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL live.
here and, hence, UNDERSTANDING & WRITING ©*©+©+©
that some link can be inferred.] your reasoning, but they are the result of your Y
• We need to learn to think: it helps us to do better thought processes. Simply putting ©
at work and to do in a word such as 'thus' or 'because' cannot make Can you see how the two forms (narrative flow and
better at university. [The colon separates the claims unlinked claims magically analytic structure) say
and, at the same become an argument. roughly the same thing? In the narrative flow, the
time, links them. The sense of the sentence signals In other words, we must think through the linking phrase 'My reasoning for
the link between analytical structure of our ideas this view is as follows' signals that the following
the first part (the conclusion) and the second part before we express them in words. If we do this, and claims are premises for the conclusion
(the premises).] have some proficiency in before them. In the diagram, this connection is
• John has passed his final exams. This means that writing, then the proper signals and traces of our indicated by the arrow
he is a fully qualified analysis will emerge through our symbol [-1] connecting claims 2 - 5 with claim 1. In
lawyer. [The phrase 'this means that' is the linking texts. If we simply learn to 'write' (rather than such a diagram we always put
element here: 'this' 'think'), then it is unlikely that our the conclusion-claim at the bottom (no matter what
refers to the first claim and 'means that' signals that analysis will improve. No matter how hard we try to number we give it). We do this
the second 'write better', we will often because, logically, the premises lead to the
sentence contains a conclusion. Because the second fail.2 conclusion, and positioning the conclusion
claim is identified The complex ways in which we signal the links in at the bottom reminds us of this crucial process. So,
as a conclusion and is linked to the first, we know language are well suited to obviously, the premises
that 'John has the requirements of naturally expressing our go above the conclusion.
passed his final exams' is a premise.] arguments and explanations. But they Certain words in the narrative flow, such as 'and' impede us in trying to understand and control our and 'also', are not included in
LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING reasoning processes. First of all, the numbered list of claims. Why? Well, because the
27 links between claims precede and exist work that those words do
• Everyone knows that Australia has great natural independently of their written expression. (tying the premises together) is shown in the
beauty and a marvellous Because of the ways in which we use language, it is analytical structure diagram by the
climate, and that makes it clear why many tourists often hard to see the 'logic' in plus symbol (+). Furthermore, to indicate that all
come here. what someone is saying or writing, and probably four premises work together to
['Everyone knows that' signals that a premise or harder still to write and speak support the conclusion, the diagram uses a
premises are following ourselves in ways that make clear to our audience horizontal line to 'group' these premises
it, and 'that makes it clear why' links these premises just what the reasoning is behind ( ). Finally, note that claims explicitly state the
to 'many tourists our views. The solution is to find a format or way of missing subject which was not
come here'—the conclusion that these premises writing that breaks reasoning included in the narrative flow.
explain.] down into two components: first, the claims and, What the analytical structure format offers
Exercise 3.1 second, the way in which they The analytical structure format, then, is a much
Here are the five examples from above. Rewrite are linked together. clearer way of showing the exact
each of them so that the The analytical structure of reasoning claims being made and the ways in which they
reasoning is the same (i.e. the same premise and Representing the analytical structure relate to one another. This
same conclusion) but in a There two ways of understanding what we read and format, by representing the connections between
different way, thus helping you to see how natural write. First, there is what I am claims through the standardised
language can vary widely and calling the narrative flow, that is, words arranged form of the diagram, avoids all of the vagaries of
that there is an underlying logic which can be into sentences, and then divided the English language that
expressed in various ways. into paragraphs. Second, there is the analytical we have already seen, with its myriad ways of
a. I found out today that I had passed my exam. I structure, which is expressed in a list signalling what is the conclusion
was elated. of claims and a diagram or picture showing how and what are the premises. By listing the claims as
b. Because I felt ill, I went home from work. they are related to one another. distinct entities, it also overcomes
c. We need to learn to think: it helps us to do better Imagine that we have been asked to give our views complex sentence formations, with multiple claims
at work and to do better on the environment by stating within sentences,
at university. one action that people should take to help improve
d. John has passed his final exams. This means that the world's environment. The 30 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
he is a fully qualified following is an argument on this topic in the UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
lawyer. narrative flow format: claims within claims, half-expressed claims, and so
e. Everyone knows that Australia has great natural All motor cars should be fitted with devices that on. All the potentially
beauty and a marvellous reduce the pollution confusing 'short-hand' use of pronouns, such as
climate, and that makes it clear why many tourists caused by their exhausts. My reasoning for this 'this' and 'it', and implicit crossreferencing
come here. view is as follows. Car is removed in favour of precisely written claims.
Exercise 3.2 exhaust emissions are one of the most significant Finally, the
Here are three claims. Using the last claim as your causes of air diagram, with grouped premises, clarifies all of the
conclusion and the first pollution, and if we are going to tackle the problem clever ways of writing that
two as premises, write three different arguments in of improving the make English interesting to read but that mean it is
natural language and environment, we should concentrate on the major hard to recognise just
using a variety of different linking formations. causes of pollution. exactly which premise leads to which conclusion,
Monitor the way in which the Also, it is relatively simple to fit the appropriate and in combination with
words reflect and signal your mental processes of anti-pollution device which other premises.
linking premises and and will not cause dramatic social and economic Here is a more complex example of how one
conclusions. upheavals in the way argument can be expressed in
• The road is wet. people live. two different formats—as narrative flow and as
• Wet roads increase the risk of accident. But there is another way to express the argument, analytical structure. While
• You should drive more carefully. picking out the key claims there is much about this argument that you may not
The problem of understanding linkages and the links between them: yet understand (and we
There are many different words and phrases that 1. All motor cars should be fitted with devices that explore the details in later chapters), for the
appear in natural language to reduce the pollution moment, just use it as a point of
link claims together explicitly. There are also many caused by their exhausts. comparison between the two formats. First, here is
ways of writing claims so they the underlying structure,
are clearly linked. But the linkages are not LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING expressed as a list of claims and a diagram to show
dependent on having the link words 29 how they relate to one
there in your writing. If you think, for example, that 2. Car exhaust emissions are one of the most another.
'Australia should become a significant causes of air 1. The Internet has no single regulatory
republic because this change will make Australia a pollution. body to impose censorship.
more independent nation', 3. If we are going to tackle the problem of 2. The Internet is hard to censor consistently
improving the environment, and reliably.
3. The Internet is a new communications language contains 'traces' of reasoning—words that All of them have recently received promotions, but I
medium that is available for anyone to are not part of the claims, but did not receive one.
use. which represent the way the author is linking those Given that we are all roughly equal in our job
4. Vast amounts of violent and pornographic claims together. I will underline performance, I would have
material are available on the the words that signal reasoning: to conclude that a university education really helps
Internet. Let's consider the facts. Chemical factories are very one to get ahead in a
5. Children often have access to the dangerous to live career.
Internet. nearby and one has been built near your house. d. What was the explanation for Sydney beating
6. Children will, sooner or later, view You'd be crazy to put yourself Beijing for the 2000
violent and pornographic material on in danger, no? That's why you should move and live Olympics? There were two main reasons. The
the Internet. somewhere else. Sydney organisers did a
And here is how we might write this argument in better job of lobbying the International Olympic
natural language. 32 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL Committee delegates and,
We need to be keenly aware that children will, UNDERSTANDING & WRITING because of political crises in China at the time and
sooner or later, view violent The second step is the crucial one: identify and perceived doubts about
and pornographic material on the Internet. It is a mark the claims that are being Beijing's quality of services and venues, Sydney
new communications made. We have already looked at the properties of offered a much safer
medium that is available for anyone to use. The claims in chapter 2 and here you venue for a successful Olympic games.
'Net', since it has no see why that discussion is so important. The easiest If you have checked the answers to these four
single regulatory body to impose censorship, cannot way to mark these claims is by problems, you will realise that
be consistently and putting them in parentheses. I have also numbered there is a lot more to learn about exactly how
reliably censored, meaning that vast amounts of the claims because we need to reasoning works in linking claims
violent and pornographic diagram their interrelationship later. together. It is not simply a matter of working out
material are available on it, and as we know, Let's consider the facts. (Chemical factories are which claims are the premises and
children often have access to very dangerous to live which are the conclusions. You should also realise
the Internet. nearby) 1 and (one has been built near your house) that casting is not an exact
Exercise 3.3 2. (You'd be crazy to science—it is a tool to help you unpick the
l) put yourself in danger) 3, no? That's why (you reasoning of others and, for our
Using the above example about the Internet, briefly should move and live somewhere purposes, is mainly designed to help you get better
list the differences and else) 4. at your own use of analytical
similarities between the two formats. Check the Finally, we need to draw a diagram that shows how structures.
answers carefully. these claims link together. Using the analytical structure for planning The conclusion always comes last and the premises Communication involves much more than just
LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING go above it. reasoning, and that is why we do
31 0+0+© not usually communicate via diagrams and lists of
For simple examples, such as the first one I gave, it ¥ claims. But, that said, when we
may seem foolish to use © want to express our arguments and explanations
another format when the narrative flow (with which How did I work out what the conclusion was? Look clearly and effectively, we need to
we are all more familiar) seems at the linking phrase think carefully about the analytical structure that
to work well enough. Equally it may seem that, in 'That's why' in the last line. 'That' refers to all the lies behind the narrative expression
longer examples, such as the things previously said and 'why' of reasoning. It is hard to recover this structure
second one, the analytical structure only here means 'these are the reasons that explain or precisely from what you
complicates the business. These observations justify why something else is read because authors themselves are often not in
miss the point: we need to be able to see the content reasonable'. So, on that basis, I have determined control of their reasoning. It is also
and structure of that the author intended the last tricky simultaneously to write a narrative flow and
reasoning (claims and a diagram) clearly before we claim as the conclusion, with the other claims being reason analytically. So, before we
can learn about, and thus the premises that form one write, we should plan our work on the basis of the
smarten up, our thinking. reason why that conclusion is justified. reasoning that we wish to
Learning more about the analytical structure Also, note that I have had to deal with a contracted 'embed' within our written expression. A very
The analytical structure behind narrative flow claim: 'one has been built effective way to do this planning is
The primary purpose of the analytical structure near your house'. If we were writing this claim out to use the analytical structure format. And, by
format is to assist you in planning formally, it would be 'A chemical properly planning our work, we will
your own writing. However it is very useful to look factory has been built near the house where you dramatically improve the quality and readability of
at other people's reasoning as a live' but, in natural language, the our written and oral communication.
way of learning about it. We can recover this narrative flow means the author instead has written How do we develop an analytical structure format?
analytical structure by, first, finding 'one', referring back to 'a First of all, start thinking
the claims being made and, second, grasping the chemical factory' in the first claim and 'your house', about structure and the logical connections between
connections between them (some implying a connection to 'live' your ideas, rather than how
signals of which can be found in the traces of in the first claim. A key part of good casting (and you will actually write them.
reasoning represented by any linking indeed good reading) is to be able
words or phrases). Before moving on to look at how to see the contractions necessary for good narrative 34 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
we can use the analytical flow and yet recognise the UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
structure in our own writing, let us use it as a tool to substance of the analytical claims being made. 1 Decide what your conclusion will be. Write this
understanding other people's Exercise 3.4 claim out carefully,
reasoning. Now you practise it. Here are four short arguments expressing exactly what you mean. Number it T\
Casting or explanations, each with a 2 Then think about the reasons that you are giving
The process by which we recover an analytical different structure, and each with a little 'trick' to for this conclusion. These
structure from a written argument watch out for. Try underlining reasons must be written as proper claims, this time
is called 'casting'.3 I will work through an example, the signals of linking, delineating the claims, and, serving as premises that
step by step, and then provide using a diagram, show how either explain how that conclusion comes about or
some practice examples. We will use the following they relate to one another. Check the answers show why it should be
natural argument—a very simple carefully for more advice on casting. accepted. Try to keep related premises together, but
one that I have constructed to help demonstrate this as the diagram will show
process. LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING these relationships clearly, it is not essential to
Let's consider the facts. Chemical factories are very 33 group them perfectly. Write
dangerous to live Remember, what matters most here is correctly them out, making sure that you do not use pronouns
nearby and one has been built near your house. identifying the claims—and but express each claim
You'd be crazy to put claims may not be written out as 'neatly' as you so that it makes sense in and of itself. Number them
yourself in danger, no? That's why you should move would like. from ' 2 ' onwards. Focus
and live somewhere a. I should not buy a car at the moment. I have just on giving the main reasons for the conclusion at this
else. lost my driver's licence, stage.
Before beginning, make sure you understand what and besides, I can't afford it. 3 Begin to draw the diagram to show the
you are reading and b. Nicole Kidman is an international movie star, relationships between the claims. At
remember that you are not doing the reasoning here and I know that, as a general this stage the key point is to realise that the symbols
and must try to stay true to rule, international movie stars get paid a lot of you draw in the diagram
what is written, even if you disagree with it. money. Therefore, it is do not make the reasoning. They are, instead, a
So, what is the first step? Earlier in this chapter, we obvious that Nicole Kidman is well paid. representation of the implied
looked at how natural c. I have not got a university education, whereas links that come from the way you have constructed
several of my colleagues do. your claims. Use the line
underneath a group of related premises; use the A complex structure is easy to understand once we that the government's role should be to work to
arrow to show a premise-toconclusion realise that it is 'built up' avoid danger and, therefore,
relationship. from a group of simple arguments. Here are two
4 Stop and think: are you missing any claims? do simple arguments; the important LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING
you need more premises? have thing to note is that they share a common claim: 37
you got the relationships the way you want them to 1. Australia is a multicultural society. I believe the government's current approach to the
be? 2. There are people from many different ethnic UN over human rights
5 Make changes if required, adding claims and communities living in is incorrect.
redrawing the diagram if need Australia. Review
be. If necessary, repeat step 4. 3. Different ethnic and racial communities In this chapter we have looked at the key process of
Here are five important points to remember when contribute different cultures reasoning: linking. When
doing this process: to a society. developing arguments and explanations, we link
Each claim must stand on its own. Do not include 4. Government policies and widespread community information expressed as
pronouns that refer to attitudes encourage claims. In naturally expressed reasoning, the
nouns elsewhere in the argument. Thus, 'Illegal these different cultures to mix together and flourish. evidence for this process can be
immigrants are treated badly and found in certain words and phrases, or even in the
in Australia is a well-written claim, whereas 'They 5. Australia is a tolerant and interesting nation. arrangement of the claims.
are treated badly in 6. Multicultural societies show more tolerance But, to understand and control reasoning better,
Australia is not—who are the 'they' referred to towards different groups. this natural expression is
here? 7. Multicultural societies are more interesting than inadequate. It is better to work with a format that
Do not include signals of reasoning in claims: those in which one shows the analytical
'Therefore illegal immigrants culture dominates at the expense of other possible structure of reasoning more accurately and
are treated badly in Australia' is not a proper claim cultures. consistently. This format may not
—the word 'therefore' does 1. Australia is a multicultural society. be suitable for communicating, but it is a
not belong since the diagram will show that this Claim 1 appears twice. In the first example it is tremendous tool for understanding
claim is the conclusion. being used as the conclusion and controlling reasoning in our minds.
Each claim must imply links to other claims which, (and thus will come below claims 2—4 in the The analytical structure of reasoning can be shown
when added together, diagram). In the second example, by separating an
show the reasoning. 'Refugees are treated badly in claim 1 is functioning as a premise and, thus, goes argument or explanation into a list of claims, the
Australia' and 'Australia with the other premises above interrelationships of
violates international human rights treaties' don't claim 5. Because of the common claim, we can which are represented in a diagram using
connect with one another combine the two simple examples standardised symbols. We can
unless there are other claims. The word Australia to produce a more complex structure, whose combine a number of simple structures into
appears in both, but other relationship would be easily complex, overlapping, and
claims involving internal connections between, say, more effective reasoning. All the intricacies of
refugees and international 36 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL reasoning can be reduced
human rights must also be included. UNDERSTANDING & WRITING to a much simpler format. Our initial puzzlement
You cannot use the symbols (the line and arrow) for diagrammed. Because the first layer of the diagram results, not from the
just any purpose. does not lead directly to the complexity of the structured format, but from our
Simply drawing extra arrows or lines does not conclusion, but instead to claim 1, we can call the unfamiliarity with it. The
work: the relationships argument supporting claim 1 a analytical structure of other people's arguments
signalled by these symbols must be there already in sub-argument. It is subsidiary (though still and explanations can, if
the claims. important) to the main argument for we wish, be recovered by 'casting' them into the
Do not be afraid to revise and rewrite. Changing the claim 5. We just add one diagram to the other, structured format.
wording of the claims, overlapping the common claim: However, the analytical structure format is more
moving them around so they fit together logically is A; 1 7*- useful as a tool for planning
the reason you do this W© - 0 and thinking about our own reasoning than as a
process. It is called 'iteration'—you do one version, Y means of direct
review it, see if it makes © communication.
sense, and, if not, you change it and review again. Theoretically, there is no limit to the ways that CONCEPT CHECK
In later chapters we will explore the subtleties of simple arguments can combine The following terms and concepts are introduced in
this process; for now, practise in this manner, but for practical purposes, we may this chapter. Before checking
the method as you understand it at the moment. want to limit ourselves to no in the Glossary, write a short definition of each more than three or four levels of claims, so that the term:
LINKING: THE KEY PROCESS IN REASONING process does not become analytical structure
35 unwieldy. But it is crucial that we understand the casting
Exercise 3.5 basic idea behind complex complex structure
Choose an issue or topic about which you have some structures. Any conclusion is, at base, a claim for link words
knowledge. If possible, which premises are being given. list of claims
choose a topic that relates to something you are There is nothing to stop that claim from narrative flow
studying; alternatively, use as the simultaneously serving as a premise itself, simple structure
basis for your argument some topic that is which leads to another conclusion.
important to you at the moment. Follow Exercise 3.6 38 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
the method outlined above, concentrating on Let us return to casting to assist our examination of UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
writing clear, single claims and complex structures. To help structure diagram
using the diagram to show their interrelation. Then you understand them, work through the following sub-argument
check the answers for a exercise and then refer to the Review exercise 3
discussion of common mistakes that people make. answers. There is more guidance there about how to Answer briefly the following questions, giving,
After you have checked for cast but, until you have tried where possible, an example in your
mistakes, try again. it yourself, you will not be able to understand that answer that is different from those used in this
Complex analytical structures assistance. You must cast this book.
A simple argument or explanation is one in which argument, realising that it has a complex argument a. What happens to claims when they are linked
one 'layer' of claims (the structure. together so that one gives a
premises) links to another claim (the conclusion). In The current Australian government is, in many reason for the other?
a simple argument the ways, challenging the role of b. What traces of this linking process can we find in
premises are on one level and the conclusion on a the United Nations as a body that promotes action natural language?
second. There may be more than by member nations to c. What are the symbols in a structure diagram
one arrow in the diagram for a simple argument, maintain and extend human rights within those used for?
but each arrow marks out a nations' own jurisdiction. d. Are claims, when written in the analytical
separate reason that is directly connected to the This challenge has a distinct and dangerous structure format, expressed
conclusion. A complex argument or consequence for Australia differently from those in natural language?
explanation (such as that in exercise 3.3), on the (quite apart from arguments about its dubious e. What are the similarities and differences between
other hand, has an analytical morality) because the challenge narrative flow and
structure with more than two levels of connection. puts Australia in conflict with most other nations of analytical structure?
The purpose of each layer of the world over f. How do simple and complex reasoning structures
claims is to show or explain the claim to which they human rights and Australian trade and foreign differ?
lead via the arrow. As we will relations are likely to suffer g. Can a claim, in one example of reasoning, serve
see in chapter 5, such structures make our in the long run. By definition, this long-term result (in relation to a number
reasoning more effective. is dangerous. I believe
of claims) as both a conclusion and a premise at the The Internet (a) has increased the amount of work 2. Environmental protection improves the quality of
same time? that researchers need life for all
h. What advantages and disadvantages are there in to do (c). Australians.
learning to use the analytical The first claim only relates to the conclusion via a 3. Protecting the natural environment will benefit
structure format? third claim: the economy.
NOTES The more information available to researchers (b), 4. If Australia's natural environment is looked
1 There is disagreement among philosophers about the more work they after, then other countries
whether reasoning takes place directly must do (c). might follow our example.
in language, or indirectly in the concepts that are By adding these two claims together, the internal
expressed through language. For the connection between the 42 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
purposes of this book, I will take the second Internet and more information (a-b) is combined UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
position. Of course, if an argument is well with the connection between While, obviously, these three reasons are broadly
written, then the indirect structure should be very more information and more work (b—c) to concerned with the same issue,
clear. However, such clarity is rare in establish the conclusion's claim that the in this argument they are offered independently: no
most commonplace language. Internet leads to more work (a—c). The significance one claim needs any of the
2 While I focus on analysis in this book, I do not of these two premises working others for the argument to make sense. I could,
wish to understate the importance of together is clear: most people would assume that the quite legitimately, find out that
clear written expression. For more information, likely conclusion to a claim claim 3 is wrong and yet still be convinced by claims
consult any of the many good books on that 'The Internet has greatly increased the amount 2 and 4 to accept claim 1. In
written communication that are available. of information readily available a dependent chain, if one of the three claims were to
3 The casting method is commonly used in to researchers' is that it has made their job easier; 'fall out' in this way, then the
reasoning textbooks. It was developed principally only by combining premises can entire reason expressed by that chain would be
by Michael Scriven. For an excellent, in-depth look we support the opposite view. invalidated.
at casting, see J . Rudinow and Here is another example, this time written in the Now compare the previous example to the following
V. Barry, Invitation to Critical Thinking, analytical structure format: variation on our argument,
Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 2003. 1 . Australia's natural environment should be which demonstrates how to use, in one analytical protected. structure, a combination
4 2. The Australian natural environment is very of dependent and independent premises:
Understanding the beautiful. 1. Australia's natural environment should be
Links between Claims 3. Beautiful natural environments make a country a protected.
Linking claims involves two distinct processes, as popular site for 2. Protecting the natural environment will
signalled by the + and 4 international tourism. encourage tourism.
symbols used in analytical structure diagrams. The 4. International tourism is very beneficial to a 3. Increased tourism will benefit the economy.
first process involves connections nation's economy. 4. Environmental protection improves the quality of
between premises and other premises; the second 5. If something is of benefit to the national economy, life for all
between premises and then it should be Australians.
a conclusion. We must explore these links in more protected. 5. If Australia's natural environment is looked
detail in order to understand, Y after, then other countries
first, the analysis that lies behind such connections 0 might follow our example.
and, second, how to represent UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN 6. It would be very good if other countries also
them accurately in the analytical structure format. CLAIMS 41 protected their natural
Of course, in practice, the If you look carefully, you will see that, individually, environments.
process of representation often allows us to clarify none of the premises ©.©©©,©
what we are thinking. support the conclusion. How, for example, does a Ni. Y
This chapter will cover three main issues: claim about the economic a
1 We will look at the way premises almost always benefits of tourism help us to accept that Australia's Exercise 4.2
work with other premises natural environment should be Write two arguments or explanations (expressed as
in providing a reason for a conclusion. What we protected? It does not, unless it is combined with all a list of claims) that match the
think of as 'a reason' may, the other premises. In adding following generic argument structure. Choose issues
in the analytical structure, require many claims to all four premises together in this manner, there is a about which you have some
express all its complexities. process of cross-linking going knowledge or that are important to you at the
These claims add together to form a chain of on, in which a connection between two ideas in one moment.
dependent premises. claim is extended to a third
2 We will extend this discussion by exploring the idea via another claim, and so on, through to the UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN
way in which, within a conclusion. This argument is CLAIMS 43
group of premises, there can be a premise that links giving one reason—regarding economic benefit— If
the rest of the premises for protecting the Australian The weakness of independent premises
to the conclusions, and/or a premise that states a environment. The way this reason leads to the Independent premises are easier to generate,
definition, making conclusion is too complex, however, because we can quickly think of a
the other premises explicable. to be handled by just one or two premises. Instead, reason for our conclusion and then jump to
3 We will look at the way links are made between to make sure that the relationship expressing it as a single claim. But the
premises and conclusions of economics to the environment is made clear, four resulting independent premises are not strong. They
to better understand the process of making premises are added reflect either a lack of insight
premises support a conclusion. together in a group. into the complexity of (most) problems or a failure
Dependent premises Exercise 4.1 to recognise that our audience
Using a group of premises Write two arguments or explanations (expressed as may not be as clever as us at grasping these
A 'reason' for a conclusion usually involves many a list of claims) that match the complexities implicitly. Indeed, there
complex ideas. It will following generic argument structure. Choose issues are no genuinely independent premises. What we
probably require more than one premise to express about which you have some tend to think of initially as being
all of these ideas. All such knowledge or that are important to you at the a single, independent premise is often two (or more) moment. dependent claims; alternatively
40 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL 0^0 it may well be a single claim, but one that is
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING Y dependent on another claim,
premises relating to a particular 'reason' are 0 which we have failed to recognise.
dependent on one another and thus are Using independent premises In the following argument, claims 2 and 3 are
shown, in the diagram, as being linked along the There is nothing in the analytical structure as such offered as independent premises:
same line. Dependency involves that prevents us from using 1. Australia's natural environment should be
one of the key qualities of claims that we looked at single, independent premises where each premise protected.
in chapter 2: that within a single offers a reason for the conclusion 2. Tourism will benefit the economy.
claim there is an internal connection between two that is independent of other premises. Here is 3. Environmental protection improves the quality of
(and, occasionally, more than another version of the life for all
two) ideas. example about the environment, but this time none Australians, which is something we all want.
In the following claim, the two component parts are of the premises are If However, claim 2 only supports the conclusion
(a) and (b): dependent on one another. Note the three arrows, when it is read together with
The Internet (a) has greatly increased the amount of one for each 'reason', in the the implied (that is, unstated) premise that:
information readily diagram. 4. Protecting the natural environment will make
available to researchers (b). 1. Australia's natural environment should be Australia a popular
Imagine we are using it to argue for another claim: protected. tourist destination.
Claim 3 is, when we look closely, a clever way of 3. If something is vital to the future well-being of lived and worked in Australia, even if they now live
adding together, in written the nation, then it overseas.
form, two dependent claims: should be properly funded by the government. 3. Australians are increasingly involved in making
3. Environmental protection improves the quality of Although the substance of the argument has successful films.
life for all changed, claim 3 remains the 4. Successful films attract the most Academy Award
Australians. same. This situation prompts us to ask what task nominations. claim 3 is performing in each of 0.©,0
44 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL these arguments. Through the cross-linking of ideas 1
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING within each claim, claim 3 is ©
5. All Australians want to improve their quality of showing why it is that the specific premise stated Claim 2 provides the definition. It is necessary to
life. should give rise to the particular give it in this argument
©.0 ©.0 conclusion. In effect, claim 3 answers the implicit because many people might imagine that
© question 'why does the first Australians' means people actually living
In technical terms, these 'extra premises explicitly premise lead me to the conclusion?'. We can call and working in Australia, whereas the person
state the necessary crosslinking claims that function like claim 3 making this argument is simply
between the claims' internal connections. More 'framingpremises. talking about a more general category of
generally, the premises A framing premise shows how or why a particular Australians (for example, the actor Nicole
make clear implied information, which in the case or piece of evidence Kidman or the director Bruce Beresford). Claim 2
original argument would have had relates to the conclusion, usually by claiming that is only meaningful as a definition
to be inferred by its audience for it to make sense. there is some 'general rule' because of the way it relates to the other claims.
In other words, adding these guiding what to do in the sort of case raised by the
premises moves the information they contain from other premise(s). A 'reason' UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN
the implied context to the will, almost always, consist of at least two premises CLAIMS 47
actual text. In practice, we can produce and use performing two different Definitions are often crucial in reasoning. While
analytical structures with independent functions. One or more premises function to give many words that we use are
premises, but it is rare that these structures will be some important information or 'obvious' in their meaning, others are more
well thought out and evidence that, on its own, is not necessarily related complex. Sometimes we want to use
careful. They are, more usually, a sign that we have to the conclusion; another words that have a 'common-sense' meaning that is
not explicitly considered some premise gives the framework that shows why the different from the meaning we
further connection that should be shown in the information given does indeed want to convey in our own argument or explanation
analytical structure as a chain of lead to the conclusion. The precise function of a (like 'claim' in chapter 2).
dependent premises. We will return to this issue in framing premise, however, Good definitions ensure that the other premises
chapter 6, where we consider cannot be determined in isolation. It is always relying on a definition can be
how independent premises can only work effectively dependent on the way in which the understood by our audiences when, without the
when their audience can other premises are trying to establish the definition, there would be a risk
readily supply the hidden, implied extra premises conclusion. The relationship between a of the premises being misinterpreted. There are
on which they are dependent. premise and another premise, then, can only be four types of definition. Here are
Special functions of premises made by also thinking about the some examples:
In the groups of premises that we have explored in relationship between all the premises and the By 'regulate the free market' I mean:
the first section of this chapter, conclusion. Smart thinking is only • action taken by the government such as requiring
not all premises will perform the same function. possible when we recognise the frameworks on that accounts be
Basically, there are three functions which we and others rely. lodged with the Australian Securities and
for a premise: to make a substantive point, to Exercise 4.3 Investments Commission
provide a framework by which Identify the framing premises in the following • something like placing a speed-limiting device on
substantive premises can be shown to relate to the natural arguments (the conclusion an engine to stop it
conclusion, or to define a term is italicised, but you will need to identify the going too fast
in such a way that premises make sense. We will premises and think about how they • government actions requiring businesses to
now look in detail at the latter two, relate to one another and to the conclusion). Then perform according to
special functions of premises. go back to the arguments you policy rather than market forces
Premises that provide a framework • the opposite of letting innumerable individual
When premises combine to form one reason, they 46 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL decisions about demand
usually perform different UNDERSTANDING & WRITING and supply determine market interactions.
functions: each premise provides one part of the wrote in exercise 4.2: what framing premises should The first case is a definition by example. Such
reason, but is a different type of be added to the premises definitions are useful only where
component. Very often, one claim in particular in a you have already written? the audience will understand the connection
chain of dependent premises a. Theresa is ill today, and as a result, she is off between the general definition and
will serve a special role in supporting the work. I mean, if one is sick, specific situation in the example. In the second case,
conclusion. Consider the following then one should not come to work. the definition becomes clear
argument: b. When the voters elect politicians, they are, via a comparison to a similar situation; these
1 . Australia's education system should be properly essentially, placing their trust definitions are very useful where the
funded by the in those politicians. Corrupt politicians have abused intended audience does not know enough about the
government. the public's trust in topic to be given an example them, and when someone abuses your trust, they but can, through an appropriate comparison, draw
UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN should be punished. upon their knowledge of other
CLAIMS 45 That is why corrupt politicians should be sent to topics. The third case gives an analytic definition,
2. Australia's education system is vital to the future jail. which uses many words to define
well-being of the c. All human life is worth protecting, and capital some smaller phrase. Here the advantage is that you
nation. punishment involves taking do not need to keep repeating
3. If something is vital to the future well-being of a human life. Hence we should oppose capital the longer and more precise definition; instead you
the nation, then it punishment. can rely on the smaller phrase.
should be properly funded by the government. Premises that provide a definition The final definition is by negation, in which a term's
The premises, claims 2 and 3, are dependent on one In a dependent chain, we sometimes need to include definition is established simply
another. But each a premise that provides a definition. by saying what it is not.
performs a different function as they work together Definitions tell the audience the meaning of a Exercise 4.4
to establish the conclusion. particular word or phrase Use each of the four methods to provide a definition
Claim 2 is about a specific item ('Australia's found in the other premises and/or conclusion. for the phrase 'studying
education system'); claim 3, in Definitions are only meaningful in critical thinking' in the claim 'studying critical
contrast, is much more general ('something vital to concert with the other claims in the argument or thinking should be part of all
the future well-being of the explanation (the ones that actually university curricula'.
nation'). use the term being defined by the definition). There The link from premises to conclusion
I could change the specific focus of the argument, is little value in simply In chapter 2, we identified a number of properties
and yet this general claim giving a definition for its own sake; it must be of claims that help us not only
would remain the same: linked in with other premises that to determine what a claim is, but also then to write
1 . Australia's defence forces should be properly depend on that definition. For example: them properly. We have already
funded by the 1. Australians are likely to win more Academy seen how, in forming groups of dependent premises,
government. Awards in future. what makes these groups work
2. Australia's defence forces are vital to the future 2. 'Australians' means actors, writers, directors, are the similarities and differences in the way we
well-being of the and so on who have can form claims with these
internal connections. We will in this section But once again, I can see there is something missing, the sweeping generalisation. Often people will make
continue to look at this property of because of internal a conclusion that is far too
claims, as well as return to a consideration of connections. The conclusion has, as its predicate, general, or definitive for the reasons they are
questions of scope and certainty, and 'freedom of religious expression'. presenting to support it. An example But this term in the argument is not mentioned in would be: Australia has a good education system
48 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL either of the two premises, 4 with strong programs to teach
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING and 5. Hence, I have not yet represented accurately literacy, and thus all Australians know how to read
also of value judgment so as to learn better how to what I am thinking. I should and write.' It is true that
make a good link from premises add a claim which will function as a framing Australia has a good education system with such
to conclusion. In this section, I will try to model for premise, and incidentally is an programs but it is not true,
you the process of writing an example of the value of the super-claim that has the consequentially, that all Australians know how to
argument in the analytical structure format so that if/then form: 'If a country has read and write. First, some
you can see how understanding no laws against individual religions and the people Australians have learning difficulties or other
the links between claims also depends on of that country do not object to impairments that prevent them from
understanding what those claims are any religious practices, then freedom of religious benefiting from those programs; a few Australians
saying. expression exists in that country'. —usually those from disadvantaged
The importance of internal connections 3. Australia permits freedom of religious backgrounds—face problems in attending school,
Let's begin by thinking about the following simple expression. being able to
claim, which we will use as our 4. Australia has no laws that forbid any religion. function effectively there, and so on that again
conclusion: 'Australia is a good country in which to 5. The people who live in Australia let others vitiate the impact of those programs.
live'. Now the reason I am practise their religions But, logically, the mistake made here is that the
asserting this conclusion is that I believe 'Countries peacefully even if they do not agree with those scope and certainty of the conclusion
that permit freedom of religions. is not in step with the scope and certainty of the
religious expression are good places to live'. So, in 6. If a country has no laws against individual premise. Therefore when
theory I could create a structure religions and the people of making the link between premises and conclusion,
like this: we need to align the scope and
1. Australia is a good country in which to live. 50 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL certainty so that one can support the other. A better
2. Countries that permit freedom of religious UNDERSTANDING & WRITING argument would be: Australia
expression are good places that country do not object to any religious practices, has a good education system with strong programs
to live. then freedom of to teach literacy, and thus it is
© religious expression exists in that country. very likely that Australians will leave school
© © knowing how to read and write'. The
My knowledge that independent premises are a sign As we can see here, the very fact that you could change is in the claim that serves as the conclusion:
that another, dependent probably guess what was missing but the consequence of the
premise is needed cues me to think 'what is missing is a sign that the pattern of interconnections in change is in fact to strengthen the link between the
here?'. The answer comes premises and conclusions is important: claims.
from the fact that claims 1 and 2 both share the we are able, often, to see what is missing but should, Thinking about values
same predicate (good places to always, make sure that it I argued above that Australia is a good country in
live) but have a different subjects: Australia (1) and is written in explicitly when we are constructing which to live', a claim that is
Countries that permit freedom these claim/diagram structures. obviously making a value judgment. Let us assume,
of religious expression (2). While it might seem Making a real connection for a moment, that my initial
obvious, the problem here is that There are times when people make the mistake of thought as to why this claim is true was Australia
you cannot move from claim 2 to claim 1 logically circular reasoning, that is, they permits freedom of religious
without providing an provide a premise or premises that are, effectively, expression'. The mistake here of just having one
additional claim in which the two different subjects the same as the conclusion. A very premise is compounded by the fact
in claims 1 and 2 are themselves obvious example is 'I have failed my exams because that this premise does not make an explicit value
placed in a relationship. Such a claim would be I have failed my exams'. No one judgment and thus suggests
'Australia permits freedom is foolish enough to actually use such an example. something is very wrong with my thinking.
of religious expression'. Thus, by thinking about the However, we can use different Returning to the example above, we
internal connections of the words to say the same thing. Hence, sometimes, can see that part of the job done by the claim
claim that is my conclusion, and the first premise I people argue in ways that are 'Countries that permit freedom of
thought of, I have identified circular because they present as their conclusion a religious expression are good places to live' is to
an extra premise that is needed in my analytical claim that is the same, logically, place in the premises a claim that,
structure, which now looks like as their premise, even though the wording is like the conclusion, also asserts a value judgment.
this: different. For example 'Socialism is not Here is another example concerning value
1. Australia is a good country in which to live. a workable economic system, because an economic judgments:
2. Countries that permit freedom of religious system in which the means of 1. Ian will be imprisoned.
expression are good places production is collectively owned cannot work' is 2. Ian has been convicted of defrauding Michael.
to live. circular because the claim 3. The penalty for someone convicted of fraud is
3. Australia permits freedom of religious 'Socialism is not a workable economic system' imprisonment.
expression. means the same thing as 'an economic In this analytical structure, the conclusion does not system in which the means of production is make a value judgment—it does
UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN collectively owned cannot work'—you not explicitly state that Ian should or should not be
CLAIMS 49 can substitute the word 'socialism' for 'an economic imprisoned. It simply predicts the
0^0 system in which the means of future based on the premises given. But imagine the
Y production is collectively owned' and not change the argument is concluding 'It is right
© meaning of the second claim. that Ian should be imprisoned': the premises 2 and
Let us consider another example: I know that When making your link from premise to conclusion 3 do not, in this case, support the
Australia has no laws that forbid you are relying upon the conclusion because there is no value judgment
any religion, and that, by and large, the people who internal connection between subject and the there. We would have to add a premise
live in Australia let others predicate in the conclusion claim, but such as 'The penalty of imprisonment for the crime
practise their religions peacefully, even if they do you must not have the same connection in a single of fraud is a good penalty' to make
not agree with them. These in fact premise. Instead, you must have the structure logical. Of course, the value of being
are the reasons why I had assumed it was obvious the separate elements of the conclusion (the subject; accurate like this is to expose the need
that Australia permits freedom and the predicate) each for an argument to support this added premise.
of religious expression'. But we should not assume appearing in different claims that serve as premises. While it is probably not necessary, in
our readers know this, or that Basically, you can only use a most everyday arguments, to prove Ian's conviction,
we are in fact right: we better write in those ideas to claim once within its own argument, not twice; but or that the penalty is imprisonment
make sure the logic is correct. the constituent components of
So, now, I am constructing a different argument: each claim can appear (and indeed should appear) 52 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
3. Australia permits freedom of religious more than once. UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
expression. Covering scope and certainty (these claims, while not self-evident, are reasonably
4. Australia has no laws that forbid any religion. We also know that claims always imply or state straightforward), I can imagine
5. The people who live in Australia let others their scope and certainty and some situations in which we might want to dispute
practise their religions attention to this point will permit us to avoid one of the Tightness of that penalty.
peacefully even if they do not agree with those the great errors in reasoning: Exercise 4.5
religions. In the following complex argument, identify how
0+© UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN the wording of the claims helps
you to see the logic of the five arrows which Answer briefly the following questions, giving, even consider whether or not our claims are
represent the movement from premise where possible, an example in your acceptable—we need to write or
to conclusion. answer that is different from those used in this speak clear claims. While this task is similar to all
1. Ian should be jailed for between three and six book: clear writing or speaking, it is
months for assaulting Michael. a. What distinguishes a 'reason' from a premise? not exactly the same. Some of the rules of narrative
2. Ian threatened to attack Michael. b. What is the difference between a dependent exposition (such as not
3. By law, threatening to attack someone is known premise and an independent repeating words too frequently, the proper use of
as 'assault'. premise? clauses within sentences, and so
4. Ian assaulted Michael. on) do not apply at this stage. Most of these rules
5. A recent survey of 200 assault victims found that, 54 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL generate implied links between
for over 150 of them, UNDERSTANDING & WRITING clauses and sentences; but since your analytical
the assault adversely affected their lives for between c. Why should we avoid using independent diagram clearly shows these links,
three and six months premises? we do not need to complicate the claims in this way.
after the incident. d. What does a framing premise do? Remember, the analytical
6. In most cases of assault, victims suffer for at least e. Why are definitions important? structure format is designed first and foremost for
three months after the f. How do we use internal connections to make sure planning; the good exposition
actual assault has ended. we have the right claims will come later.
7. Michael will most likely be adversely affected by in our structure? So, the primary aim in writing well-formed claims
the assault for at least g. How do scope and certainty matter in an in an analytical structure
three months. argument, not just in a single format is to make each a separate statement that
8. Michael was relaxed and happy before the claim? contains all the information
assault. h. How do conclusions that make value judgments necessary for it to express what we mean. The very
9. Now, after the assault, Michael is depressed and need to be supported by act of writing the claim
fearful. their premises? carefully will, of itself, help us to understand better
10. Nothing other than the assault has happened to what it means. For example,
Michael that would cause 5 the claim 'Violence against indigenous Australians
him to be depressed and fearful. More Effective is wrong' is unclear and
1 1 . lan's assault on Michael has caused him to be Reasoning I: Better Claims vague—even though we would all agree with the
depressed and fearful. We have not yet discussed the question of how to sentiment, it is not a 'good'
12. If Michael is suffering fear and depression, then reason more effectively. claim. If it is rewritten (for example, to read
it is only right that Ian The analytical structure format allows us to see 'Violence against indigenous
suffer similarly for a similar period of time. more clearly what we are Australians by white settlers colonising Australia
13. Imprisonment is the only way in which suffering doing and, thus, gives some basis for improvement. had and continues to have a
similar to that of But of itself, the negative effect on the moral order of the nation'),
Michael's can be inflicted on Ian. format is not really much help: we must also know then the claim is not as easy
2+3 how to make our to read but clearly shows the meaning of the claim,
t reasoning strong and effective while planning and ready for linking analytically
4+68+9+10 revising our work. This to other claims.
7 + 1 2 + 13 + 11 chapter and the next discuss the ways in which we Even at this first stage, as we put together our
T can avoid errors in claims as the basis for our text, reasoning, both initially, in developing our ideas, we cannot avoid the role of context. The meaning of
UNDERSTANDING THE LINKS BETWEEN and then when planning every word we use is not a
CLAIMS 53 them using the analytical structure format. This fixed absolute, but a socially and culturally
Review format, therefore, can be constructed convention. By this I mean
In this chapter we have explored, in considerable regarded as a 'checkpoint' at which we can stop and that the meaning of a word is always determined in
depth, how linking between evaluate the strengths relation to all the other words
claims works in practice. Links between premises and weaknesses of our own arguments and and meanings that are in use within a particular
allow us to express the explanations, and then improve society.1 Though, for most
complexities that underlie any summary 'reason'. them, before fully expressing them in a narrative purposes, the words (and hence the claims) we use
The key property of claims flow. Remember, the seem to be clear in what they
to be noted here is that a claim contains an internal analytical structure itself does not 'make' the mean, we can never simply assume that our
connection, which then reasoning work. It is simply audience will always grasp our exact
is used as the basis for a chain of external links. a way of putting your ideas on paper, logically, so meaning. In particular, while the surface meanings
Sometimes, a premise you can check and revise of various words are usually
functions to frame our argument or define some key them. commonly accepted, the connotations (or hidden
term. Sometimes we will This chapter will cover two main areas: implications and understandings)
encounter a single independent premise, but the 1 We will learn that the claims in our arguments of words can vary subtly between different groups
connection between this and explanations need to of people.
premise and its conclusion is weakened by the be well formed. A well-formed claim clearly states For example, many people in Cuba (still governed
absence of explicit claims, what it means in a way within a Marxist system)
which are needed to make that connection clear. that allows its truth to be evaluated. A poorly would not consider the USA a democracy, since
The central idea behind developing our use of formed claim may or may people in the USA do not have
dependent premise chains not truly state something about the world, but its equal access to education, health, and welfare,
is that, when premises add together [+], they do so weakness is that we whereas in Cuba they do (and thus
in relation to the next cannot judge its truth.
logical link, from premises to conclusion [4]. This 2 We will look at well-founded claims. Such claims MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER
arrow is used, in the are likely to be CLAIMS 57
analytical structure, to represent a relationship that accepted as true by people reading or hearing them. Cuba is a democracy). An American would
is not just plucked from As we might probably regard Cuba as undemocratic
thin air but which exists implicitly in the claims that expect, we need to be sure that the claims we are in that it only has one political party—the
are the premises. In using are true. Communist Party—whereas the
making this link, we must be careful that there is a However, an effective argument is based as much, if USA has two major parties. A Cuban might
consistency in the scope, not more, on respond by pointing out that the
certainty, and value between premises and whether such claims are demonstrably true. Poorly Democrat and Republican parties in the USA are so
conclusion. founded claims may similar that there is little
CONCEPT CHECK 55 choice between them. Obviously our hypothetical
The following terms and concepts are introduced in 56 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL American and Cuban debaters
this chapter. Before checking UNDERSTANDING & WRITING have different definitions of democracy. Yet, if we
in the Glossary, write a short definition of each be well formed, but they make claims about the asked them to spell out their
term: world that our audience definition, they might both respond by saying the
circular reasoning finds hard to accept precisely because they appear same things: 'all people have
defining premise to have no foundation. the right to vote'; 'all people are equal'; and so on.
dependent premise Well-formed claims The meaning of the word
framing premise Writing clear claims 'democracy' simply depends on more words, which
independent premise Smart thinking requires, first of all, that our claims themselves require définition.
reason be well formed. Before we (What do we mean by 'all people', for example? In
sweeping generalisation even think about how the links between claims the USA, most poor African-
Review exercise 4 might develop—and before we American and Hispanic citizens do not vote because
they believe it will not
change the system that, by and large, has failed to made. operations against indigenous Australians' is
benefit them. Do they fall The differences also show us that there are a variety unclear. How many—all of them,
within the definition 'all people'?) of different uses for some, a few? Where did this occur? And for how
Hence, writing well-formed claims will always claims. Claims a and b are direct claims, in the first long? Whatever you wish to say
require some consideration of case describing some event about this issue (and there are competing views
both the surface and hidden meanings of the words and in the second case directly expressing the among historians), a well-formed
from which these claims are author's own moral judgment. claim should try to make clear what you are
constructed—meanings that are created differently However, 'Some Australian political and religious asserting. Hence, (for example) 'Many
in different contexts. leaders in the nineteenth colonial Australian settlers took part in military-
Connotations can never be controlled completely. century wrote at the time that the violent conflict style operations against indigenous
We could try to use between white settlers and Australians throughout the nineteenth century, in
'definitions', but definitions themselves give rise to indigenous Australians was wrong' is indirect, for it different parts of the country' is
even more connotations concerns what other people a better-formed claim.
(since they, too, are made up of words). One trick is think. There is no indication that the author of the Exercise 5.1
to align your choice of claim either agrees or Identify, in the following claims: (i) the two
words with the understanding of the intended disagrees with the 'political and religious leaders' components of the claims, paying particular
audience so that you can be who thought this way. attention to claims that state someone else's views or
confident that what you mean will be reasonably Arguments and explanations often require not just that employ the 'if... then'
similar to what your audience our own views on a particular form; (ii) the value judgments that some of them
might think. And, to be even safer, you can actually issue, but also our analysis of others' views. We are making (explicitly or implicitly);
discuss possible conflicts of need to make sure that our (iii) the explicit or implicit markers of scope and
connotations. Alternatively, you can establish (to a claims are well formed so that there is no confusion certainty that are essential to the
large extent) the interpretive between what we are claim's proper functioning; and (iv) any words that
context within which you want the meaning of your directly claiming and what we are reporting about might appear to have interesting
words to emerge. Either other people's views. Claim e connotations.
way, you need to consider the possible interpretive demonstrates another crucial type of claim, often a. Some years ago, the Northern Territory passed
contexts that affect your used in hypothetical reasoning legislation allowing some
choice of words. about a possible future event. To argue in this people to commit voluntary euthanasia.
Controlling the key properties of claims manner does not necessarily imply b. Most religious leaders at the time, and now, claim
Because a claim makes an internal connection that the effect (the 'then' part of the claim) has that legislation
between two ideas, we need to make happened, but simply that it permitting voluntary euthanasia is immoral.
sure that this connection is expressed as we want it probably w;/'//happen in the future. It may even be c. If a state government passed voluntary
to be. Again, by writing part of an argument aimed at euthanasia laws, then the Federal
carefully, we also improve our 'analysis' of the stopping some action from happening. We might Government would not be able to stop that
issues. Look at the following claims: also find such hypothetical legislation in the same way that
a. Many colonial Australian settlers took part in elements in claims such as 'Let us assume for a it did for the Northern Territory.
military-style operations moment that the violence d. Several terminally ill people were reported in the
against indigenous Australians throughout the between whites and indigenous Australians did not media at the time as
nineteenth century, in occur': such claims do not saying they were moving to the Northern Territory.
different parts of the country. propose that it did not happen, but simply develop a
b. The violent conflict between white settlers and hypothetical situation that 60 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
indigenous Australians might enable a clearer analysis to proceed. The key UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
was wrong. point here is to recognise e. I imagine that if another state or territory were to
c. Some Australian political and religious leaders in that claims can say and do all sorts of things, and if pass similar laws, then
the nineteenth you are not careful in how media reporting of the legislation would be very
century wrote at the time that the violent conflict you write them, then they will provide a very weak extensive.
between white foundation for your f. Some politicians argued that media reporting at
settlers and indigenous Australians was wrong. analytical structure. the time of the
d. Historians should continue to debate the extent to Northern Territory legislation encouraged some
which MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER terminally ill people to
indigenous Australians fought back against the CLAIMS 59 move there.
process of Making claims also involves deciding between Well-founded claims
European settlement. values and descriptions. We can The problem of 'true' claims
e If Australians do not come to terms with the think about the six examples just given from this A claim, whether it is a conclusion or a premise, has
violent events associated perspective: claims a, c, and f one essential property: that it describe some state of affairs; whereas claims b and claims to be a true statement (either actual or
58 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL d make explicit value possible—what is or what ought to
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING judgments about the goodness or otherwise of some be). Hence, while claims must first be well formed,
with the nation's colonial foundation, then state of affairs; claim e sits so that we can express this state
Australians today will uneasily between these two alternatives; and while of affairs precisely, claims must also be well
continue to experience unease and guilt about race claim e appears to be free of founded, so that their truth is not too
relations with values, most of us would probably see in it some easily called into question. If I were to say, 'This
indigenous Australians, implicit value judgment, probably book will totally change your life!',
f. The history of the war against indigenous because of the implication in the first half of the you would probably not accept this claim, because
Australians continues to be claim that we should do the as it stands, this claim is
a political issue in the current era. opposite of the 'if. Yet it is unlikely that we will ever unfounded (not based on believable intellectual
These claims might all concern the broad topic of be able to write many claims foundations) and is thus of
the violence attendant on the that are completely free of value judgments. An doubtful truth.
arrival of European settlers in the country we now individual claim may be The whole purpose of using reasoning is, in fact, to
call Australia, but in each case, descriptive, but it can only be understood in give foundations (via the
the primary focus of the claim is different. relation to other claims and other premises) for the conclusion, to show that it is
• Claim a is about the actions of white settlers in the words. What appears, to us, to be a description will, acceptable, or to establish an acceptable
nineteenth century. necessarily, appear to others explanation of it. Obviously, then, the 'well-
• Claim b is about the conflict between settlers and as a judgment of value. For many years, the word foundedness' of the premises
indigenous Australians. 'violence' was never used to becomes equally (if not more) important than the
• Claim c identifies the views of some Australian describe white settlement in Australia. Thus, when well-foundedness of the conclusion.
political and religious leaders historians began to uncover the How can an audience assess our conclusion except
in the nineteenth century. evidence of violence, their claims appeared in by first considering the
• Claim d concerns what historians should be comparison to be distinctly valueladen. premises? Indeed, for any claim to be well founded,
debating. So we must simply be aware of the value judgments whether it be conclusion or
• Claim e predicts the consequences that will flow in our claims in order premise, there must be some reason(s) for the
from some action concerning to understand what we are saying. audience accepting it. Every claim,
the history of violence in Australia, which may or Claims always involve, implicitly or explicitly, some in this sense, must be treated as a conclusion in need
may not happen (as statement of the scope and of premises. Every argument
indicated by the 'if'). certainty of the information they contain. Well- or explanation in which we use premises to prove a
• Claim f concerns the current status of the history formed claims always state their conclusion depends, therefore,
of the war against scope and certainty explicitly. For example, on other arguments or explanations, which establish
indigenous Australians, about which many of the Australians took part in military-style those premises. We have seen
other claims might be
this situation in some of the examples in previous Arguments begin with claims that are more of Australia enjoy considerable freedom' was a true
chapters, in which a conclusion acceptable (that is, well founded claim. In doing so, they would
is reached only after a series of arguments without the need for argument) and move onwards draw on existing knowledge (as in the first
(arranged in a complex structure) have to claims that are less example). But, obviously, when we
been developed. acceptable (that is, most in need of an argument to consider the 'negative freedom' definition, we might
Here is an example: justify them). An explanation think that the claim was more
1. Australia is a good country in which to live. may end with a well-known claim as its conclusion doubtful. Such doubts might readily spring to mind
2. Countries that permit freedom of religious but should begin with the more for indigenous Australian
expression are good places readily accepted explanatory premises. Not only people, whose capacity to enjoy the positive
to live. must the starting claims be well freedoms of Australian citizenship is
3. Australia permits freedom of religious founded as far as we are concerned, but we also seriously constrained by inequities in, for example,
expression. need to be reasonably sure our housing, health, and employment.
4. Australia has no laws that forbid any religion. audience will concur with us. Some claims, perhaps At some point, of course, we have to use claims that,
5. The people who live in Australia let others even just one, will need to be since we are giving no
practise their religions presented as self-evidently well founded. But many argument or other support for them, are presented
peacefully even if they do not agree with those other claims will only become as self-evidently true, or that are
religions. effective when properly founded by something we so widely accepted to be true (by our audience) that
6. If a country has no laws against individual do to support them, showing they do not require further
religions and the people of our audience why and how they are well founded. justification. We must also rely on the fact that, as
that country do not object to any religious practices, Let us then look at the ways in authors, we are presumed by our
then freedom of which we might do this. First of all we will consider audience to have some knowledge about our subject
religious expression exists in that country. why it is that some claims can and can thus be 'trusted' to appear, on their own, as well founded, and then make acceptable claims. (Obviously certain authors
MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER examine two ways in which we can —experts, renowned scholars,
CLAIMS 61 present extra information to our audience to and so on—can rely on this trust a good deal more
0,©.© support those claims that cannot than others; such trust is clearly
©*© stand on their own. a contextual component of the overall text.) In this
© Claims whose truthfulness is not in question way, we are ourselves involved
Claim 3 is being supported by an argument An example of a claim that we might expect to use in creating the context in which our reasoning
provided by 4 , 5, and 6. Of course, we self-evidently is 'The earth orbits exists.
might also ask what claims should be there to the sun'. But, if we are to be sure that the claims in But we need to consider many other contextual
support 4, 5, and 6. our arguments and explanations factors so that, in the end
Theoretically, if all claims must be supported by are well founded in the context of their audience, we result, our self-evident claims do indeed turn out to
reasons, then there would be cannot simply assume that be acceptable to our
no guaranteed starting points to any process of they are self-evident. For example, a group of young audience. We must, in effect, judge in advance the
reasoning. In structural terms, every children would, probably, need likelihood that someone
claim that we use at the top of a diagram would to be convinced that the earth orbited the sun since, reading or hearing our reasoning will 'doubt' that a
always appear to need a further just on the basis of their claim is true. If it is possible
argument above it to show why that claim was observation, the sun goes around the earth. But, we that this situation will occur, then we must counter
acceptable. In such a situation, can assume, a group of adults this 'doubt' in advance.
reasoning would be impossible—the very ideas of would not require any such convincing: they will While the basis for our judgment must include
'foundations' would go out the have already come to accept that attention to the claim itself, we
window. 'the earth orbits the sun' is a true claim. can only argue and explain the claim effectively if
In practice it is much simpler. We take for granted The difficulty, of course, is that apart from some we also judge its acceptability
that many, perhaps most, obvious claims, such as the in relation to our audience. Finally, more pragmatic
claims we use are not going to have explicit reasons, example just used, most claims are in doubt to some issues emerge from a
but instead will be presented degree or another, or for consideration of context: what is expected of your
as being 'self-evidently' acceptable (that is, without some audience or another. And there is another particular argument in terms
any evidence but themselves). category of claim that poses an of length and scope. For example, it is unreasonable
Societies, and particular knowledge groups (such as even more difficult problem: claims whose (according to most social
a profession or academic truthfulness is not in doubt, but conventions) to expect most arguments and
discipline) within them, have many agreed should bel Here is an example of this dual dilemma. explanations to contain the level of
conventions and assumptions that If someone claimed, detail that, for example, we find in lengthy scholarly
short-circuit the need to justify in detail every single without giving a foundation, that 'citizens of work. We can adjust our
claim they use; there are also Singapore enjoy considerable reasoning accordingly by thinking about its context
many legitimate, accepted starting points provided freedom', then many Australians (and as well as what it actually
by claims for which no further Singaporeans) might doubt the truth of contains (the text).
reasoning is required (because the argument for this claim. In doing so, they would be drawing on Exercise 5.2
them exists implicitly in the existing (that is, contextual) Which of the following claims would be regarded as
surrounding context of knowledge and audience). knowledge of, say, the limitations of free speech in self-evidently true by a
Now, strictly speaking, very few claims are logically Singapore, the many general adult audience? In each case, explain your
self-evident. One that is, restrictions on what one can and cannot do, and the answer:
for example, would be the claim that 'Either you are fact that Singapore has a. Communism has failed.
pregnant or you are not'. No always been governed by the same political party b. Television was introduced to Australia in 1956.
matter who this claim is applied to, no matter what since gaining independence c. Australia is a democracy.
the situation, it is self-evident. from the United Kingdom. d. We should legalise marijuana.
There is no category of 'a little bit pregnant'. But To establish the truth of the claim, its author would
such claims are actually quite have to somehow overcome 64 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
rare: their function in argument is simply to define the audience's initial scepticism. Such a claim might UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
a term in such a manner as to well be true if we understand e. The two main political parties are the Liberal
make clear its exclusivity. Such claims do not that freedom can mean both freedom to do some Party of Australia and the
actually refer to the world, but to the positive act (that is, the freedom Australian Labor Party.
words we use in the world—the claim 'My sister is to voice critical opinions of the government) and f. A broken leg requires immediate medical
pregnant' is not self-evident. freedom from some negative treatment.
However, many claims which are not self-evident circumstance (that is, freedom from hunger and Claims supported by authority
are treated as z/They are selfevident, poverty). Hence, although the Perhaps the most common way of overcoming this
revealing the social dimensions of reasoning. In the 'problem'—the risk that our
world of strict logic, MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER claims may not be accepted—is to support them by
outside of common practice and normal human CLAIMS 63 an appeal to authority. This is
interactions, virtually every claim author of the claim is convinced that it is well a very special form of reasoning that, to establish
must be supported by evidence; in the everyday founded, if the author were to the acceptability of a claim, does
world of reasoning, many claims propose that 'citizens of Singapore enjoy not give an argument but makes reference (in one
are assumed to be self-evident. They must be considerable freedom' without carefully or more ways) to an expert. In
regarded as such. There would be no arguing or explaining what was meant, the audience this reference, an appeal to authority indirectly might well refuse to accept the points to arguments or explanations
62 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL claim. Equally, people often believe claims about that would, if checked, support the claim.
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING which there is considerable doubt. There are many conventional forms of reasoning in
way for reasoning to proceed if we did not make For example, most Australians would not think which we come across
these assumptions of selfevidence. twice before accepting that 'citizens
claims supported by authority. Here are some not reasoning here but are referring to some source In the overall argument, claims 6-8 form a
examples (the words that provide the of reasoning about the claim: subsidiary argument to support
reference to a particular form of authority are a. Communism has failed. claim 5 (one of the main premises in the argument),
italicised): b. Television was introduced to Australia in 1956. which in turn helps to explain
a. 'Gender and sexual definitions [have] become the c. Australia is a democracy. the conclusion. Claim 5, therefore, serves in two
focus of intense d. We should legalise marijuana. different ways: as a conclusion and
cultural negotiation' (Gledhill 1992, p. 201). e. The two main political parties are the Liberal a premise. There is no difference in the way that the
b. Australian history is marked by considerable Party of Australia and the two arrows operate, nor in the
conflict and tension over Australian Labor Party. way that the linking between premises operates in
the competing interests of labour and capital (see f. A broken leg requires immediate medical either the first or second part of
Rickard 1992). treatment.
c. According to Dr Jane Long, who has studied this Let us at this stage return to the analytical structure MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER
topic in detail, poor format to show how we CLAIMS 67
women in nineteenth-century England were, by and might represent these calls to authority. First of all, the argument. Hence, all of the next chapter, which
large, worse off think about the way that the list discusses in detail the effective
than poor men. of claims is designed to express clearly what we construction of links between claims, is applicable
d. In my twenty years' experience as a High Court mean. Imagine we wish to claim to subsidiary arguments, such as
judge, I have come that 'Australian history is marked by considerable the one involving claims 5, 6, 7, and 8, as well as to
across few cases as complex as this one. conflict and tension over the main arguments, such as that
e. / look back on my childhood and recall that I was competing interests of labour and capital' and use involving claims 2, 4, 5, and 1.
always encouraged as support the fact that a competent, 6+7+8
to ask 'why?' by my parents. respected historian such as John Rickard has also Y
f. The experiments I have conducted show that made this claim in his book 2+4+5
many cleaning products Australia: A Cultural History. We would write: Y
induce allergic reactions in humans. 1. The Australian government should continue to 1
You should be reasonably familiar with the type of regulate industrial relations Exercise 5.4
support offered in claims practice and policy. For each of the following, write a brief argument (in
a and b. Here the claims are stated and a reference 2. Australian history is marked by considerable analytical structure format)
given to the book, chapter, conflict and tension over that establishes the acceptability of these claims. In
or article from which they are drawn. In the first, the competing industrial interests of labour and each case, remember that
the reference is direct: capital. the claims you use in support of the following
Gledhill's actual words are quoted (and the 3. Rickard, Australia-. A Cultural History (1992) conclusions should be more selfevident
reference would be given in full in asserts claim 2. than the conclusions themselves.
the bibliography). In the second, the reference is 4. These conflicts and tensions have been resolved, a. Communism has failed.
indirect: the claim given by and large, by b. Television was introduced to Australia in 1956.
summarises a discussion in Rickard's book. government intervention. c. Australia is a democracy.
References such as these acknowledge 5. It is unlikely that, in future, the conflict that d. We should legalise marijuana.
the source of ideas and evidence, but also provide results from the e. The two main political parties are the Liberal
support for the competing industrial interests of labour and capital Party of Australia and the
claims. In effect, they say 'This claim I now make is will decline. Australian Labor Party.
well founded because it has f. A broken leg requires immediate medical
been previously established by someone else, and 66 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL treatment.
here is the reference to that UNDERSTANDING & WRITING Review
person's work so you can go and check for yourself. © Claims have certain key properties that we must
The insistence in academic ©.0 + © understand if we are to be effective
work on proper referencing is, therefore, not simply V reasoners. The only way to achieve a level of control
a tedious necessity but a © over our claims is to
significant part of the main purpose of writing: the Note that, in this example, we are not engaging in make sure that, as we write each claim, we know—
clear expression of good an analysis of the fact that at some level—how we are
arguments or explanations. Rickard has made this claim. That is why we formulating each component properly. Yet we
Claims c and d are slightly different. They are separate the authority from the cannot ignore the contextual issues
similar in that the acceptability substantive claim it is supporting. If we were trying relating to meaning and connotation that will affect
of the claim in each case is founded on the authority to show why Rickard was right others' judgments of how well
of an expert, but or wrong to make it, then we would combine the formed our claims appear to be. Making a well- claims together and write: founded claim involves, at the very
MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING I: BETTER 'Rickard has argued that Australian history is least, considering whether we believe it to be true
CLAIMS 65 marked by considerable conflict and (on the basis of whatever
there is no 'source' to check up on. In claim c, the tension over the competing interests of labour and evidence we have, or have seen or read) and then
authority is that of someone capital'. By doing so, we would considering whether or not our
who has studied a subject and is, presumably, an be starting to analyse the fact that Rickard has
expert on such matters. In made that argument. In simple use 68 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
claim d, the authority comes not from study, but of authority, by contrast, the authority and the UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
from relevant personal claim that is relying on it have the audiences will believe it to be true. Well-founded
experience—that is, experience that does, in fact, same logical connection as that by which claims claims are not just 'true'; they
help to establish the claim. prove or show another claim. are accepted as true. There are three types of well-
Claim e provides another significant type of Hence it is appropriate to diagram the relationship founded claims: those that are
authority: the authority of personal using the arrow. 'self-evident' (and, in that sense, are their own
experience in relation to one's own life (one is Claims supported by reasoning foundation); those that are
usually an expert on one's own Looking back to the last example, what should we founded on a reference to authority or expertise
life, though not always). Claim f is different again, do about claims 4 and 5, for (including one's own 'authority');
and a significant form of which no clear foundation is offered? Well, rather and those that are founded (like the conclusion to
authority in most scientific and social science than allow their foundations to any argument or explanation)
research. As noted above, authors remain implicit, we can argue for claims 4 and 5 in via further reasoning.
can present claims as being self-evidently true via precisely the same way as we CONCEPT CHECK
the audience's trust that they are arguing for claim 1, thus developing a complex The following terms and concepts are introduced in
are accurate researchers, investigators, and argument structure. We could, this chapter. Before checking
thinkers. In this case, we simply find for example, add the following claims to our in the Glossary, write a short definition of each
an explicit statement that calls upon that trust. But, argument, not to support claim 1 term:
in each case, the inclusion directly but to show why claim 5 was acceptable. appeal to authority
of some reference to authority functions to support 6. Capitalist economies are structured in a way that effective reasoning
the truthfulness of the creates two groups: implied premise
claim, and in that respect, there is more similarity labour (those employed) and capital (those who do modes of analysis
than difference between the the employing). self-evident claim
five examples. 7. These two groups will always have different well-formed claim
Exercise 5.3 interests. well-founded claim
For each of the following, indicate an appropriate 8. It is highly likely that, in future, Australia will Review exercise 5
authority to whom you might continue to have a capitalist Answer briefly the following questions, giving,
refer if required to establish the foundation of these economy. where possible, an example in your
claims. Remember, you are
answer that is different from those used in this clearly expressed in just one statement? Hardly. become a series of dependent claims), and any new
book: The conclusion is about universities claims that we introduce to make
a. Why are well-formed claims essential? and free education, while the reason introduces a dependent claim well founded. One of the claims
b. What is the role of connotations in thinking about some new ideas: economic resulting from our expansion of
well-formed claims? benefit and a well-educated population. While the the economic benefit reason was 'The best way for
c. What is the difference between claiming 'X link between these two ideas and the government to encourage
happened' and 'Jones has the conclusion might seem obvious, the purpose of Australians to be well educated is to provide free
argued that X happened'? reasoning is to avoid assuming university education' (claim 5). We
d. What roles do scope and certainty play in well- the 'obvious' by carefully working through the could show why claim 5 was true by including the
formed claims? connections between the various following claims:
e. Which claims are least likely to be 'self-evident'? ideas in the initial statement of our reason. 10. Any cost that the government imposes on people
f. What is the similarity between premise-claims Here is how we might do it: attending higher
supporting a conclusion 1. University education should be free for all education will probably reduce the numbers
and other claims supporting those premises? Australians. attending.
g. How might we 'found' claims so that they are 2. A well-educated population is more productive at 1 1 . If numbers are reduced, then Australians are
more acceptable? work. obviously not being
h. How can we judge the 'truth' of a claim in trying 3. Higher productivity at work benefits the encouraged to attend.
to communicate our economy.
reasoning effectively? 4. If something benefits the economy, then the 72 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
1 See Tony Schirato and Susan Yell, encourage it. ...©•©...
Communication and culture: an introduction, Sage, 5. The best way for the government to encourage ©
London, 2000 for an in-depth treatment of this Australians to be well Claims that argue for or explain another claim are
important issue. educated is to provide free university education. always placed above them; 6. In our complex technological society, one claims that work together to form one reason are
6 requires university study in placed alongside one another, as a
More Effective Reasoning II: order to be well educated. chain of dependent premises. Getting the diagram
Better Links ©.©,0,©,© right doesn't make this happen,
Writing well-formed and well-founded claims is t it is a way of representing—in a structured format
only half the task of © —what is happening in our
effective reasoning. The links between these claims Now turning one reason—'the economy benefits minds.
must also be well from a well-educated We tend to imagine that strong reasoning involves
made if our overall argument or explanation is to be Australian population'—into five separate premises understanding and using a
strong. Looking does not provide any additional, number of different reasons for our conclusion,
carefully at the links between premises prevents us different reasons. Rather, we have 'unpacked' some giving our arguments and
from making unconscious of the hidden aspects explanations intellectual breadth. This view has
assumptions about how information is interrelated. and implications of one reason and shown how they considerable merit (and we
We must relate to one another.1 For examine it in more detail in the next section), but it
also check the connections of our premises with example, in the initial reason 'well-educated' is not does not mean that we can
their conclusion, making defined. There are many ignore the requirement to argue and explain in
sure they are relevant and provide strong support. different opinions on what constitutes such an depth. Learning to 'unpack' what we
Otherwise our education, and claim 6, a definition, initially think of as a straightforward, simple reason
conclusion will not be acceptable, or the explanation and to express it as a number
of it will be unconvincing. MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER of distinct, but dependent, premises is the only way
At each stage, as discussed in chapter 5, we will LINKS 71 to make sure our reasoning is
need to overcomes this source of confusion. Claims 2 and 3 not too shallow.
consider the way that the context of our reasoning make clear the exact relationship For example, in relation to higher education, deep
will affect our between economic benefit and education. Moreover, reasoning will bring out the
judgments about its effectiveness. by expanding the hidden current debate about whether education is
In this chapter we will consider three main issues: aspects of our initial reason, we have discovered a vocational (training for employment) or
1 We look at how effective reasoning requires that key issue: who should pay. No liberal (education for the individual's own life). It
we work out the necessary matter how strongly we might believe it, the reason would engage with the complex
links between dependent premises. Carefully 'education benefits the issues of who pays, against a background of reduced
expanding our 'reasons' economy' does not, of itself, mean education's users government spending and
into a fully expressed chain of premises ensures that should not pay. This implication increased personal wealth for some Australians. It
our reasoning has is not self-evident. If we want to argue that would engage with the social
depth, so that no important premises remain education should be free, then we purposes of education (education for individual
'implied' (not explicitly must say why. Claims 4 and 5 provide, then, an benefit or for social improvement).
stated). explication of the idea of free Each of these issues is worthy of significant
2 We will consider how relevant premises provide education. Note how claim 4, in particular, argument and explanation in its own
information that does expresses a clear value judgment: the right. Such an approach ensures that our reasoning
actually bear on the conclusion, whereas irrelevant government should do something. Since the addresses all the issues raised by
premises (even if well conclusion is a value claim ('education the conclusion: the meaning of certain words, the
formed and well founded) do not. should be free'), there must be a premise values that we are seeking to
3 We examine the strength of the support that somewhere that addresses the value express, the exact way in which certain situations
premises provide for a judgment involved here. come about, and so on.
conclusion. As we saw with well-founded claims, If we were to provide an additional reason, 'free Avoiding implied premises
judgments of audience education is a fundamental If, in unpacking our reason and turning it into
expectations and other contextual issues play a democratic right', we need to keep it separate (both premises, we leave out a premise that
central role in making in our minds and on paper) should (analytically speaking) be there, then we
sure our reasoning is effective. from the reason about economic benefit. We would, have made a serious error. Such a 69 of course, need to expand this claim would not be 'missing' exactly, but rather
70 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL initial reason into a series of dependent premises, would be implied by the connection
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING but they would occupy a different between the claims that are explicitly stated. That
Effective use of dependent premises place in the analytical structure of our argument. we do often 'leave out' some of
Dependent premises providing one reason We could unpack this additional
A reason for a conclusion is very unlikely to consist reason into claims and include them in the format: MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER
in a single claim. No matter 7. Free education is a fundamental democratic LINKS 73
how we might state it in short-hand, it is, right. these premises is a reflection of the difficulty of
analytically, a complex interaction of 8. Australia is a democracy. thinking deeply enough about
many ideas and implications. The reason must be 9. Education includes all levels from primary to complex issues. When we do, it is usually because
broken down into a chain of tertiary. we have unconsciously assumed
more precise premises. For example, the claim that 0-0+0 ©+©-©-©+© some complex relationship that, in fact, needs more
'university education should be © open analysis.
free for all Australians' might be supported by the In this process of unpacking or expanding a basic Here is an example. Imagine we reasoned that 'The
reason that 'the economy benefits reason for a conclusion, we economy is growing
from a well-educated Australian population'. But is should carefully distinguish between the internal strongly at the moment, so employment will also
our analysis of the situation complexities of that statement (which grow strongly'. If we look closely,
this explanation does not represent a clear analysis. then we may fail to judge accurately if they are true of these people argue that international laws
The first claim puts together or not; second, we may fail to concerning the proper treatment of
two components ('economy' and 'growth'); the communicate our message to someone else who does refugees are not relevant to this class of immigrants
second (the conclusion) puts not share our assumptions. This because they have arrived illegally.
together 'employment' and 'growth'. What has been last point is particularly important. Our decisions Opponents of detention counter by saying the
implied? We do not have to about using implied premises can international laws are relevant. On both
guess because, from the available information, we only be guided by what we expect our audience to sides, there is agreement that there are such laws,
can infer that the implied claim know, and what we know, about and that they do prohibit detention;
is a premise that connects 'economy' with the context of our reasoning. For example, there is also agreement that people are arriving in
'employment'. Such a premise might be: academic essays and reports are usually this manner. What differs is the
'Economic growth is necessarily a cause of designed precisely to test students' abilities to avoid judgment as to whether or not the refugees are
employment growth'. And, from this making assumptions, and so, we arriving legally or illegally and, in
example, we can extract a general rule: when would not want to leave many implied premises in consequence, whether human rights conventions are
deciding what the implied premise this context, even though we might or are not relevant.
might be, ask 'on what basis, according to what assume our audience (the assessors) do know the Issues of relevance are rarely as obvious as the
other piece of information, does claims we are making. example about Smith and his
the stated premise (or premises) provide a reason Exercise 6.1 health that I used at the start of this section. Smart
for accepting the conclusion?'. If Think of two completely separate reasons for each thinking always involves very
the link between the premises and the conclusion is of the following two conclusions. careful consideration of relevance as distinct from
unclear, then there is probably Write these reasons down, and then analyse their whether or not premises are well
an implied premise. relationship to the founded. To emphasise, relevance of premises is
The original explanation about the economy conclusion, expanding each into a chain of completely different from the
contains an implied premise because dependent premises. In the first case, acceptability of premises. A claim can be true (and
the initial 'reason' had not been unpacked, allowing you are explaining why the conclusion is happening; thus acceptable), but this quality
each necessary element to be in the second case you are alone does not necessarily mean it is relevant to the
written as an explicit claim. Failures to expand arguing for it to be accepted. conclusion. For example, it is
reasons properly lead to implied a. I am reading a book on reasoning. definitely the case that, as you read these words, the
premises and reflect assumptions made by the b. There are considerable benefits to be gained from claim 'You are reading this
person arguing or explaining, which studying how to think book' is true and acceptable. But is it relevant to the
interfere with smart analysis. Historically, economic better. conclusion 'You are going to
growth has caused employment Relevance cook fish for dinner tonight'? No! Hence, in making
to grow, but as is evidenced by the past decade in What is relevance? our arguments and explanations
Australia, the new shape of capitalist Here is a simple example of relevance and effective, we should not be satisfied simply that our
economies in the 1990s and the new century means irrelevance concerning the conclusion premises are acceptable
that this old idea is no longer 'Smith is physically unhealthy': in themselves: for them to give any support to the
valid. This mistake—of assuming it is true to say a. Smith has pains in his chest; he coughs a lot and conclusion, they must also be
'economic growth means more is short of breath relevant to it. So, put simply, a premise is relevant
jobs'—has been common in recent years. Because walking up stairs. Clearly Smith is physically to the conclusion when it
the reason was not unpacked unhealthy. provides some basis on which to decide whether or
properly and the analytical relationship made b. Smith wears green trousers and a pink hat and not to accept that conclusion.
explicit, the original explanation did not has no shirt on. Clearly Exercise 6.2
provide a clear opportunity to analyse this Smith is physically unhealthy. To help you to learn about relevance, let us look at
assumption and check to see if it was true. In argument a, the relevance of the premises is some examples. In the
But it is also wrong to rely on implied premises clear: they all report physical following arguments and explanations, decide which
(that is, those that are analytically symptoms that are routinely recognised as evidence premises are relevant to the
necessary but have not been clearly stated) even of poor health. In the second conclusion (which is italicised in each case):
when such premises are true. case, these premises are irrelevant because they give a. Why did the train crash? The train was going too
Look at this example: us no indication of physical fast and its brakes were
A computer technician is called out to look at a health. Note that it is impossible to determine the faulty; also, there were many people waiting at the
personal computer that is relevance of the premises by station.
not working very well. The technician knows themselves: we must look at their relationship to the
perfectly well what is wrong: conclusion. Argument b 76 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
the computer has only got 256 megabytes of random contains a number of irrelevant premises, but if the UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
access memory conclusion were 'Smith has no b. Now, first of all, privatisation leads to
(RAM), and its owner is trying to run programs competition and, when there is
that require at least 512 MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER competition, prices go down and service improves.
megabytes. So, she explains to the customer, 'Your LINKS 75 People want reduced
computer is not conventional sense of good dress', then, clearly, the prices and improved service in the postal system
working well because it only has 256 megabytes of claims about his hat, trousers, and so the government
RAM'. and bare chest would be relevant. What determines postal service should be privatised.
What the technician has done, though, is to rely on the easy judgment that a is a c. Several politicians have been discovered to have
the implied premise that good argument and b is a bad argument is the lied in public; many
'If you wish to run the programs loaded on this implied premise 'physical symptoms rarely seem to have much knowledge of what their
machine, then you must have at are relevant evidence from which to induce a voters want; and
least 512 megabytes of RAM'. The relationship conclusion about physical health'. generally, politicians get too many benefits. Hence
between memory, the computer, Indeed it is so obvious—in our society, but perhaps we should not trust
and the problem is so obvious to the technician that not others—that we would be them to make good decisions on our behalf.
she has not clearly explained thought odd if we actually explicitly stated that Ensuring premises are relevant
it. Yet, the customer may not know enough about premise. But what if the connection between a premise and a
computers to 'fill in' or infer the Relevance is often a major problem in conclusion is not obvious? A
implied premise from the stated explanation. The argumentation. Poor arguments regularly crucial smart-thinking skill is the ability to think
implied premise here is true. report the 'facts' well, and try to draw conclusions through how evidence relates to a
What has been assumed is that the relationship from them but do not establish the conclusion, and how apparently irrelevant material
between the premises and the relevance of the premises given to the conclusion does indeed help to prove or asserted. Poor skills in reasoning, establish a conclusion. Making sure premises are
74 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL especially not identifying one's assumptions, are one relevant to a conclusion requires
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING cause. As we considered in chapter careful analysis of the possible connections between
conclusion is obvious. In fact, from the point of view 4 one of the functions of premises is, precisely, to them. As noted above, the key
of the customer, it is not, and establish relevance—not something question is whether or not the premises are
thus the reasoning used by the technician is which all people who use reasoning realise. concerned with the same issue as the
ineffective. However it is not just a problem of conclusion and, hence, whether they are capable of
By definition, all reasoning depends at some point technique. Often the debates in our society that are telling us something about it. A
or another on assumptions that most difficult to resolve concern way to check this relationship is to ask, in the case
give rise to implied claims. So, practically speaking, disagreements about whether or not a premise is of arguments, 'if this premise were
effective reasoning does not require relevant to a given conclusion. true, would it make the conclusion more likely to be
that there be no implied premises. But it does Consider the treatment of people who arrive as true' or, for explanations, 'if this
require that we be well aware of the refugees in Australia directly, rather premise were true, would it make it easier to
claims that we do leave out. First, if we do not than by official routes (so-called 'illegal understand why the events stated in the
recognise our own implied premises, immigrants'). Politicians who support detention
conclusion happened'. Equally, we must think about to it, 'Overseas students generally seek to study at 3. Aborigines were the first inhabitants of the
the way in which our knowledge high-quality universities' (claim continent we now call
of other events and ideas might help us to see the 5), then the relevance to claim 1 of this specific piece Australia.
relevance of one particular claim in of evidence would be clearer. 4. Henry Reynolds has written an excellent book on
establishing another and thus prevent us from We should remember that claims initially connect the history of
'missing' an important relevant premise. two component parts. In this Aboriginal-European relations called The Other
Presenting relevant premises is also about making it case, claim 1 connects universities and quality; Side of the Frontier
clear that they are relevant. claim 4, on the surface, relates (1980).
In other words, use a claim, as part of a linked universities with another issue—overseas students. For claim 2, I would not consider it necessary to
chain of premises, to show the relevance This problem can be overcome explain the relevance of the
of the premises to the conclusion. An effective only if the third claim, claim 5, links together legal position; I would simply assume that my
argument or explanation not overseas students with quality. audience would see that a legal
only reflects careful thinking, but also clearly requirement was relevant to what all Australians
demonstrates it, so others can follow 78 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL should do. For claim 3, I would
your reasoning. Here is an example of how to UNDERSTANDING & WRITING consider it necessary to explain to some audiences
establish relevance: Exercise 6.4 (perhaps those ignorant of such
1. Australia's universities are of a high quality. Go back to exercise 6.3 and review what you have matters) the relevance of the claim (by adding the
2. Australian university graduates report that their done. You will need some claim 'The first inhabitants of a
lecturers are, generally further premises to show why the ones you have land mass have inalienable rights to that land',
speaking, good at communicating. given are relevant to the four claim 5); I would assume that other
3. All universities now have quality-assurance conclusions. Add a premise in each case. audiences would see the relevance. For claim 4, I
programs to maintain Another example of using an additional claim to would always seek to explain the
quality. show the relevance of one relevance of this unusual premise (by adding the
4. Australia's universities attract many overseas claim to another concerns the use of authority to claims 'This book incontrovertibly
students to them. give a good foundation for claims. demonstrates the need for reconciliation' and In the previous chapter, we saw how a claim can be 'native title claims are essential to
MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER well founded if it is supported reconciliation', claim 6).
LINKS 77 by reference to a relevant authority. Obviously, ©©.© 0 + ©
Claim 3 mentions the words 'university' and then, effective reasoning will G
'quality' and is demonstrably relevant depend on our judgments of the relevance of
through this word-similarity with claim 1. Claim 2, various authorities to the claims that 80 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
while possibly relevant (it we wish to make. But, as before, we must be UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
certainly mentions some evidence—good prepared to demonstrate this Here is another example that shows how context
communication by university teachers— relevance. The following is an example we have involves both people and
that we might assume to be relevant), depends on already considered, but it has been ideas. Students at university usually write for a
exactly what the conclusion is expanded so that our reasoning is transparent: knowledgeable academic and fail to
trying to say. Claim 1, the conclusion, is not well 1. Australian history is marked by considerable work carefully through all the issues, assuming that
formed. It is vague since it does conflict and tension over the academic will 'fill in the
not make clear whether it is claiming that all the competing interests of labour and capital. gaps'. In doing so, they forget that they must also
aspects of universities are of a high 2. Rickard, Australia: A Cultural History (1992) meet one of the contextual
quality or whether (as hinted at by the premises) it asserts claim 1. requirements of scholarly work: that they not make
is merely the teaching function 3. Rickard is a relevant authority on such matters. too many assumptions, not
of universities that is of a high quality (leaving 4. Rickard is a widely published and well-respected presume that the audience is clever and will 'get'
aside, for example, research work). Australian historian. the point of the essay. Hence many
So the first mistake here is that the conclusion's 5. If historians are widely published and well essays fail to achieve the required standard because
vagueness makes it unclear respected, then we can be their authors have not
whether the premises are relevant. Claim 4 exhibits confident that they are a relevant authority. consciously considered and learnt about the context
another problem with relevance. 0^0 into which they fit. This point
It may, for example, be that overseas students come Y is significant in all communication. Whenever we
to Australia because studying here © communicate we must actively
is cheap, or because they like the climate in Think about this example and how similar it is to imagine and reflect on our context and how that
Australia. Claim 4 becomes a relevant the basic form of reasoning might influence the way we
premise only if the reason for the students' discussed in chapter 3. Can you see that claims 4 present our arguments and explanations.
preference for Australia is based on the and 5 serve to establish that Exercise 6.5
quality of the universities. So the second mistake is Rickard is indeed a relevant authority, as asserted For the following argument, add claims that
that another premise ought to have in claim 3 (and hence go above satisfactorily show why the given
been added to make clear how claim 4 is relevant to this claim in the diagram)? Claim 3, in turn, is premises (claims 2, 3, and 4) are relevant to the
claim 1. We might say that, while added to claim 2 (the reference to conclusion. Then indicate two
claim 3 is self-evidently relevant (it provides, in the Rickard's book) to show its relevance in founding contexts for each: one in which you would explicitly
word 'quality', its own evidence claim 1. establish relevance and one
of how it bears on the conclusion), claim 4 is not From this example we can see that the reasoning in which you would not.
self-evidently relevant and therefore that, logically, underpins the 1. All Australians should learn about their own
needs an additional, dependent premise to provide simple use of a reference can be long-winded. nation's history.
this evidence. However, the lesson to learn from this 2. History helps us to understand what is happening
Exercise 6.3 is not that we should be so explicit and lengthy in now.
For each of the following claims, write three claims our own work. Rather, when we 3. Australia's history tells many stories of the fight
that, in your view, are relevant for democracy and
to showing either why they are true or why they are MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER justice.
false (depending on whether LINKS 79 4. Learning about Australian history involves
you agree with the claims or not). want to develop an effective argument or learning to write essays.
a. Voting at elections should be compulsory. explanation, we have to decide which Strength of support
b. Protecting the environment is more important premises need to have their relevance substantiated It is very important to think about the strength of
than economic development. and which premises do not. the support that we can give our
c. Australia's unique cultural identity is being Making this decision requires that we understand claims. There are two distinct issues involved. First
overwhelmed by imported what is expected of us in reasoning. of all, we must have good
American culture. We must also consider the degree to which our evidence. A well-founded claim, by virtue of the fact
d. Everyone should own a personal computer. audience will accept that what we that it is well founded, will
The special role of framing premises claim to be relevant really is, even though we give have a number of good premises, which should be
A framing premise, discussed in chapter 4, is one no evidence for its relevance. provided to assist our audience
that in many cases functions to Decisions about what to include or not include to in accepting and understanding it. But a more
make other premises (in the same chain) relevant to establish relevance can only significant issue in communicating
a conclusion—to provide the be made by thinking about the context. Imagine if I our reasoning is to decide which of the supporting
extra information that, when combined with other were to argue that 'all claims that we know about
claims, shows how they relate Australians should give due recognition to should be explicitly stated in our argument or
to the conclusion. Let us look again at the argument Aboriginal native title claims' (claim 1) explanation. We should also be able
about quality universities. The and I gave, broadly, three reasons to show why: to decide when we need to do more research to find
relevance of claim 4 to claim 1 was not clear. 2. Both common law and legislation demand such out if the claims we want to
However, if we added another claim recognition. make can be supported. The issue of well-founded
claims must, in part, depend on
an analysis of whether or not the claims are true or they had the correct answer to the question 'What either implicitly or explicitly. For example, to
not, but it also requires that we was the Aborigines' support the conclusion that 'The
consider carefully how we communicate our response?'. Then, from about 1972 onwards, problem of unemployment in a late capitalist
arguments and explanations. The historians began to look economy demands government
following discussion addresses this second again at the evidence and come to startling new regulation of the labour market' carries with it a
consideration. conclusions. But, as similar range of issues as the last
The burden of proof Henry Reynolds, a leading exponent of this example. Yet it also concerns further issues
Even if all the premises are acceptable, and even if historical revision, has regarding the values implicit in the
they are relevant, you nevertheless noted, he and like-minded historians had to amass claim. Is unemployment necessarily a problem? It
still may not be effective in your reasoning. Why? significant amounts would not be implausible to
Because, at base, you must imagine that some people would favour higher 82 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL unemployment (as, for example, a
MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER UNDERSTANDING & WRITING way of keeping wage costs down). The trick is to be
LINKS 81 of compelling evidence before the orthodox view aware of the connotations of
always offer enough support for your audience to be was overturned. our conclusions—those less obvious meanings and
convinced that the conclusion Equally, recent arguments that run counter to the implications, which even
of your argument is acceptable or that the new orthodoxy that though they are not explicit in the stated claim,
explanation of it is complete. Strength Aboriginal people resisted in numerous ways have nevertheless require explanation or
of support is, like relevance, very dependent upon failed—by and large— argument. Such an awareness is the hallmark of
the context in which we are to achieve much currency, precisely because they do effective reasoning. Once again, it
reasoning, and we can never be certain that we have not have enough is the context (audience, general expectations, and
given enough support for our evidence behind them.2 so on) that makes clear what
conclusions. On the other hand, if we do think Who is correct is not the issue here. What matters is connotations we might need to consider. Arguments
about this context, then we can that we recognise that about Aboriginal-European
greatly improve the chances that we will be context creates a background of accepted relations, for example, now occur in a context that
effective. conclusions and explanations, which if an is completely different to that
The first such context issue concerns the burden of established position is challenged, must be taken of thirty years ago, precisely because general
proof. The following into account to decide if the new knowledge among Australians about
example is drawn from a legal situation. In a court reasoning provides sufficient support for its this issue has changed and the attitudes towards
case, the two opposing parties conclusions. Aboriginal people among white
do not come to court each with an equal task. In a Justifying all aspects of the conclusion Australians are somewhat more positive than in the
criminal trial, for example, the As we know, claims are complex statements that tie 1970s.
prosecution has the burden of proof. If it fails to together all sorts of information Breadth of premises
establish the guilt of the about ideas, scope, certainty, values, and so on. As a It is rare to find a claim that is so simple in what it
defendant, then the defendant goes free; the defence result, any reasoning to asserts about the world that it
does not have to prove support or explain a claim (the conclusion) must can be easily supported by one or two premises;
innocence, but must merely defeat the prosecution's attend to each aspect of that what is more, when explaining why
attempts to prove guilt. There claim. For example, if we wanted to explain why an event has occurred, the reasons on which our
are two common measures of the burden of proof in 'Most people do not understand explanation are based are likely to
the law. In criminal cases, the that late capitalism will never sustain be highly complex. Hence, as well as giving depth to
prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt unemployment levels lower than 5 per cent', each individual reason
that the defendant is guilty. In civil then there are many aspects of the claim that need (expressed as a chain of premises), we also need to
cases, a less onerous burden is carried by the explanation. At the very least, give a broad argument when
plaintiff (the one who initiates the our premises would need to answer the following required. Such breadth ensures that reasoning is
action). The plaintiff must prove, on the balance of questions: not rendered ineffective by
probabilities, that they are right; • Why 'Most people' (and not some or all or none)? oversimplification. There is, of course, no general
the respondent's task is to establish a greater • Why do they not understand this point? rule regarding how much
probability that their side of the • What is late capitalism? information should be given in support of a
argument is correct. • Why will late capitalism not sustain low conclusion: it depends on the conclusion
It is rare, outside legal and quasi-legal contexts, for unemployment? and the context. No reason should be given that is
the burden of proof on one • Why 'lower than 5 per cent' (and not a smaller or irrelevant to the conclusion.
side of an argument to be recognised formally. Yet, larger proportion)? Yet we should not exclude relevant information;
the implicit idea behind it is • What is unemployment (does it include, for otherwise we will not deal
found in all reasoning. One person has a more example, partial employment)? with the full complexity of an issue.
demanding job of proving a point • Why is the word 'sustain' used? The need for breadth is particularly evident in
and, if they fail, then an alternative position Part of the trick in reasoning effectively is to frame reasoning about why things have
remains the preferred one. One person our conclusions in such a happened or why they might in future happen
must provide more evidence, must positively show way that we can justify all of what they state (cause and effect). For example, if
their conclusion to be true. explicitly. There is no point, for we were to argue that Australia's current rate of
Usually existing conclusions require less evidence example, in concluding that 'capitalism has never immigration is too low', we could
or, perhaps, will be taken to be caused social problems'. Even if develop a series of arguments about the effects of
true unless clearly shown otherwise. Obviously, we wish to argue that capitalism is better than any low immigration, drawing on
those who have the burden of proof other economic system, it is various aspects of this topic. Without at the moment
in an argumentative situation will need stronger, better to assert the conclusion in a way that does unpacking them into
more compelling support for their acknowledge its problems, while complete premises, there are at least four different
conclusion than their opponents. The problem, still making an argument that it has some 'reasons':
however, is to determine where this advantages. On the other hand, we a A larger population provides significant economic
burden lies. should not be afraid to state our conclusions (if we benefits.
As with all these contextually based judgments, it is believe in them) and then go to b Higher immigration provides significant cultural
impossible to provide some the effort of covering all the many aspects involved. benefits.
ready formula by which we can always ascertain the For example, the Australian c Higher immigration is a sign to the rest of the
burden of proof—who has it historians, such as Reynolds, who dramatically world that Australia is
and how onerous it is. Each situation will be improved our understanding of a good international citizen,
different. However, as a general rule, Aboriginal-European relations did not back away d Higher immigration will increase Australia's
we must (when arguing or explaining) consider the from their conclusion that defence capabilities.
established true claims that Aboriginal people actively and persistently resisted Each reason concerns a different aspect of the
conflict with our proposed reasoning. For example: European invasion simply problem—a different point that,
Historians in twentieth-century Australia had, up because it was hard to prove. They did the detailed independently, supports the conclusion. Why would
until the 1970s, a research necessary to establish a collection of reasons be
well-established position on Aboriginal responses to this conclusion.
white invasion: Justifying all aspects of the conclusion is 84 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
Aboriginal people, it was claimed and accepted, did particularly necessary when the UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
little to resist the conclusion contains some value component. The needed here? Well, to say simply that the economy
encroachment of Europeans' settlement. Both premises must provide support benefits may be countered by
experts and the community both for the descriptive basis of the claim and for an argument that there is no point in having a
agreed; this view was found in numerous books and the value judgment that it makes strong economy if the result is an
articles. In fact, impoverished culture. In such a situation, the
few historians even bothered to explore the issue, MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER conclusion may well not be accepted
since they were sure LINKS 83
and our argument would be ineffective. Or, for to introduce them, might actually weaken our that he will not receive a high-quality education.
example, if we were to fail to arguments because they would be On the basis of the premise, Ho is wrong to hold
provide reason c, those people in our audience who irrelevant to the particular issue being reported on. these fears.
would themselves argue for the In summary, not only do we need to understand Exercise 6.7
primacy of international relations in determining issues well, but we must also Look at the following conclusions. Without thinking
economic, cultural, and defence understand our audience and other contextual about whether they are true, and
conditions might not be convinced. factors so that we can judge what thinking only about the words as they appear in
As we might expect, for most claims there are should or should not be included in any argument front of you (especially those that
arguments for and against; there or explanation. define the scope and certainty of the conclusion),
are explanations from one angle and another. Exercise 6.6 indicate which conclusions are
Whenever we reason, we are, by Take any argument or explanation that you are milder and which are stronger (in relation to one
definition, setting up an opposition with possible writing at the moment or have another). Then think about the sorts
counter-arguments. To give recently written. Begin by establishing clearly in of audiences that would need more or less argument
sufficient support to our own conclusion, we must your own mind the context for to persuade them. Who would
give evidence that defeats, or at your work, including its audience, and the sorts of easily be persuaded of the conclusions? Who would
least casts doubt on, likely counter-arguments in constraints or requirements be sceptical of these conclusions?
advance of them actually being that the context places on you. Step by step, apply to a. All Australians should be forced to do national
mounted against what we are proposing. For it all of the issues discussed military service.
example, we know that one significant in this section, with the aim of improving it. b. One option is to consider limited military service
reason that opposes our conclusion that 'Australia's Coherence in scope and certainty for some young Australians.
current rate of immigration is Finally, we must consider the relationship between c. We should definitely establish an inquiry to
too low' is that 'social tensions will increase with what we are claiming as our consider the possibility of
increased immigration'. If we conclusion and the evidence used to support it, as introducing national military service.
know in advance that such a counter-reason exists expressed through the scope and Review
and we fail to address it, then we certainty aspects of the claims. If the premises and Effective reasoning requires that we attend to a
are making our reasoning less effective. First, we conclusion are coherent in this wide variety of factors, both
run the risk of appearing to have respect, then our reasoning is more effective. in our analysis of the connections between claims
failed to understand all the relevant issues (and thus Coherence of scope, while always and then in the presentation
casting doubt on our overall important, is particularly significant in reasoning of those claims and connections. We cannot, truly,
competence). Second, we may find people from specific cases. Here is an separate out the needs
unconvinced of our conclusion, even example: of effective analysis and presentation, since our
though they accept all of the positive reasons we John has met a few Aborigines who are alcoholics, analysis will always be influenced
give. The response of such people and therefore he by the context in which reasoning occurs, and that
might be: 'Well, defence, politics, culture, and the concludes that all Aboriginal people are alcoholics. context is, by and
economy will all improve, but The error John makes here is that the scope of his large, determined by the knowledge and
that means nothing if the society that all those other premise ('a few') is not expectations of our likely audience.
things serve is falling apart'. coherent with the scope of the conclusion ('all'). Some of the ways to be more effective in reasoning
That we disagree will not matter; the error we will Hence he has overgeneralised in concern the links
have made is that our disagreement his conclusion. Similarly, if John was to visit one between premises: if we make these links well,
has not been included in the original argument we Aboriginal community in unpacking any initial 'reason'
presented. So, in general which, say, a third of its members were alcoholics, for a conclusion into a clear chain of dependent
terms, effective reasoning requires that we cover all he would also be wrong to premises, then our analysis
the relevant issues involved in conclude that A third of all Aboriginal people are has depth. In particular, we must avoid allowing
establishing or explaining our conclusion, whether alcoholics'. The scope of his any claims that are doubtful
they are positive or negative.3 premises (just one community) is not coherent with to remain implicit, or failing to make explicit links
We do need to consider whether or not our the conclusion about all between claims that are not
arguments and explanations meet Aborigines, since that community is most unlikely obvious; such assumptions can only be tested if we
objective criteria of strength. We need to consider to be a representative sample are explicit about all the
whether they are well founded of the entire Aboriginal population. However, if
and strong regardless of what any particular John were to continue his MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER
audience thinks of them. However, investigations and discover that, say, 70 per cent of LINKS 87
because knowledge is never used or useful outside a Aboriginal people in outback necessary claims in the chain. Equally, we must not
social, non-objective context,4 areas suffer from poor health, he would be equally confuse claims that
we must also consider the audiences of our in error to conclude that 'Poor support another claim (diagrammed above the
reasoning. Hence breadth of premises health is, thus, a small problem for outback claim being supported) with
can best be understood in relation to the burden of Aboriginals'. Such a conclusion claims that are dependent (diagrammed alongside
proof. In essence, to meet our understates the extent of the situation and again one another).
burden of proof, we must mainly meet the reflects a lack of coherence The relationships of premises above with conclusion
expectations of our audiences, but not between premise and conclusion. General below are only strong
simply 'give in' to what they want to hear. conclusions are not, of themselves, the if the premises are relevant and provide strong
If an audience, for example, expects to see, in a problem: we could not think and know without support. We judge relevance by
discussion of contemporary reasonable generalisations. looking at whether or not the premise is connected
European-Aboriginal relations, some consideration Rather, we must always be sure that the in some way to the conclusion
of the history of those generalisations are properly grounded in (through the form of words or the issues involved or
relations, then we would be failing our audience if the specific cases on which they rely. via some background
we did not offer it or did not, knowledge). To establish relevance, we can include
at least, dismiss the relevance of such a 86 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL a framing premise if
consideration. Which approach we would UNDERSTANDING & WRITING necessary or write our claims more carefully.
use, of course, depends on our views of the topic, Issues of scope and certainty are also important in Premises provide sufficient
but as a general rule, it is fair to reasoning from generalisation. support for a conclusion if, in context, other people
say that our arguments must address (either The purpose of linking together a particular case will judge the degree of
positively or negatively) those aspects with a general rule in the premises support to be sufficient. We can ensure effective
of a topic that we guess our audience is expecting to is to then draw a conclusion about that specific case reasoning only by making
see covered in our reasoning. based on the generalisation. sure that we satisfy any burden of proof we have,
Furthermore, if the members of our audience have The scope of the conclusion, therefore, must be attending to the detail of our
mixed backgrounds—with some coherent with the generalisation. conclusion (justifying all aspects of it), making sure
being more convinced by and interested in The following example shows good coherence: there is coherence
economic arguments, others by historical The incidence of major earthquakes in areas between scope and certainty, and reasoning broadly
arguments, and a third group by purely moral or located away from major where necessary.
ethical arguments—then all tectonic fault-lines is low; Australia is such an area, CONCEPT CHECK and hence we can The following terms and concepts are introduced in
MORE EFFECTIVE REASONING II: BETTER predict that Australia will rarely suffer from major this chapter. Before checking
LINKS 85 earthquakes. in the Glossary, write a short definition of each
groups would need to be covered. By contrast, in a However, another example demonstrates poor term:
report on the legal aspects of coherence: breadth of reasoning
European-Aboriginal relations, the audience's Generally speaking, students at Australian burden of proof
expectations would be narrower: the universities receive a high-quality depth of reasoning
context of the report ('legal aspects') would exclude education. Ho Ming intends to study at the relevance
other reasons, which if we were University of Melbourne and fears strength of support
Review exercise 6 The difference between deduction and induction is they are, then you simply need to check that the
Answer briefly the following questions, giving, one of the more vexed issues in conclusion follows logically
where possible, an example in your contemporary logic. Exactly how (and why) we from them. Only then can you go back and see if
answer that is different from those used in this distinguish between them is subject there are doubts about the
book: both to erroneous views and legitimate premises.
a. How many reasons does a chain of dependent disagreements. First, let me dispose of a Induction
premises offer in support of common error, one that has probably been taught In an inductive argument, unlike deduction, if the
a conclusion? to you (or you have read) at some premises are true, then the
b. What is an implied premise? 89 conclusion is only probably true and how big a
c. What is the difference between the relevance and 90 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL chance that it is true depends on
acceptability of a claim? UNDERSTANDING & WRITING the weight of evidence presented in the premises.
d. How might a framing premise be used in stage. It is often claimed that deduction is a form of The conclusion, then, in an
connection with relevance? reasoning from general rules inductive argument is not guaranteed by the
e. What role does the idea of well-founded claims to specific premises and that induction is the premises, but only supported by them.
play in relation to reverse, that is, reasoning from Often, the difference expresses itself in the way that
relevance and support? specific cases to a general conclusion. Now, no an inductive conclusion does
f. What is the difference between depth and breadth matter what you might see or read not state an implicit relationship but goes beyond
of reasoning? elsewhere, this is wrong. The difference between the premises to make a new claim
g. How can we use scope and certainty to judge the deduction and induction has altogether. Here is an example:
effectiveness of nothing to do with general or specific reasoning, but Imagine that, in the best traditions of the board
reasoning? has everything to do with game Cluedo, you are what the conclusion does on the basis of the conducting a murder investigation. Mr Green's
88 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL premises. body has been found
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING We will explore this genuine difference in a moment stabbed to death. In the course of your
h. What role does context (and especially audience) but let me reassure you investigations, you discover
play in effective that, if the distinction seems hard to grasp, you are that:
reasoning? not alone. Philosophers Mr White says he saw Mr Black stab Green.
NOTES have generally sought to retreat to those examples Black is well known to have hated Green.
1 In the process of unpacking, however, we usually and cases of reasoning which Green's blood is found on Black's hands.
think of additional, separate reasons are clearly deductive and clearly inductive: they Ms Yellow heard Green gasp 'Black is stabbing
that did not immediately occur to us. For example, have not engaged with the me!'
in thinking through the detail of the muddy mass of indistinct cases which are, by and These four claims serve as reasonably compelling
economic reason, we might also come up with other large, the everyday reasoning evidence that Mr Black was
reasons. One that occurs to me is we use. the murderer. However, can you be certain? No.
that there is a moral argument concerning the Deduction You can only gather evidence to
rights of citizens to free education. In deductive reasoning, your conclusion states with increase the probability that you are correct in
2 See the introduction to H. Reynolds, The Other certainty a relationship judging Black to be the murderer.
Side of the Frontier, Penguin Books, between two or more premises. It has to be certain, Indeed, if this case were to go to court, then the test
Melbourne, 1980. because it simply makes explicit used by the jury to convict or
3 Note that this requirement to think ahead about a relationship that is already there (but not directly not convict would be one of'reasonable doubt'. The
counter-arguments is particularly obvious) in the combination of jury would not have to be 100
important in written reasoning. In a conversation, the claims that are serving as premises. You will per cent certain, simply convinced beyond a
we have an immediate opportunity to remember this aspect from the reasonable doubt that Black was guilty.
respond to objections, but in a written argument, discussion of claims in chapters 2 to 4. Let us look at So, although you would accuse Black as if you were
there are no such opportunities. an example: certain he was the murderer, in
4 See chapter 9 for a brief discussion of objective I am under 18; people under 18 in Australia cannot purely logical terms you would not have deduced
strength (determined without reference vote. Therefore I that conclusion from the
to audience) as opposed to intersubjective strength cannot vote. evidence, but have induced it and thus always be
(in which the audience plays a There are three key terms in this argument. One is fractionally short of absolute
significant role). This complex philosophical debate age (under 18); the other is certainty. Remember that the claim which serves as
is too involved to discuss here and, voting; and the last is T. The conclusion simply re- the conclusion in this argument
whether or not you believe that knowledge can be expresses the implicit relationship 'Black killed Green' is not completely implied in the
objectively true, the need to think of the premises which can be expressed, in a premises, as we shall see ...
about audiences remains very important. formula way, like this: You, being a good detective, do some more checking A is one of B; B can't do C; therefore A can't do C. and discover that:
7 The certainty with which (in this argument) the White told people Black hated Green.
What Kinds of conclusion is stated relates not Black got bloody trying to help Green.
Reasoning are There? to the truth or otherwise of the premises but to the White disguised himself as Black to do the job.
We have now finished with our detailed look at the logical form of the argument. Hence, the probability now swings around to White
analytical structure If it turns out that the premises are indeed true, being the murderer. Again,
approach. This chapter will consider, in a more then the conclusion is guaranteed you cannot be certain, but would probably now
general way, how to think both by the truth of the premises and by the form of proceed to accuse White.
about the types of reasoning we might use and the reasoning. Induction, then, is the process of gathering evidence
encounter. I already noted, in The key test for a deductive argument is to ask and, rather than stating
chapter 2, that basically reasoning is either about yourself, being absolutely something already completely contained in the
relationships across time trusting, 'can you deny the conclusion, if it is that premises (but not openly stated),
(cause and effect), or within the sets or groups into you previously have no doubt or
which we divide and deny the premises'. For example: 92 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
classify objects at any given moment. But there are African swallows are migratory birds; all migratory UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
some other ways of birds fly long distances making some prediction or estimate of what the
thinking about reasoning that are worth exploring and therefore I conclude African swallows fly long most likely conclusion would be
in more detail, while distances. given that evidence.
recognising that there is no set way to classify or Now, let us assume absolutely and without doubt The lesson to learn here is: if you think about the
assert that you are using that the premises are true. kinds of complex arguments
'one type of reasoning' but not another. In this Can you deny (refuse to accept) the conclusion that you have been developing in earlier chapters of
chapter we will: now? No! Do not be confused this book, what you will
1 Examine the difference between deductive and and think 'Ah, but maybe African swallows are not probably see is that, towards the end of a complex
inductive reasoning—a migratory birds'; if you have argument, the reasoning will
commonly misunderstood difference. this doubt then you have not accepted the first become deductive, carefully delineating a logical set
2 Look at the difference between categorical and premise. Deductive thinking is of relationships that, in the
propositional logic, to something of a mind game (an important one, earlier parts of the complex argument have been
discover in particular how propositions ('if..., nevertheless): checking for established through inductive
then...') can be useful. deductive entailment (where the conclusion is reasoning.
3 Look at five types of reasoning, known as guaranteed by the premises) first Categorical and propositional logic
reasoning from cause, Now we will look at the two common forms of
generalisation, specific cases, analogy, and terms WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE? deductive reasoning. For a long
(i.e. definitional). 91 time, logic was primarily thought to consist in the
Deductive and inductive reasoning of all proceeds from the assumption that the formation of definitive
A common error premises are absolutely correct. If
relationships (such as the deductive examples manner, have identified the key sub-conclusions Before recent changes to industrial relations laws,
above), normally expressed in the that would each need to be labour unions could not
form: supported by sub-arguments. Thus, we would have be excluded by employers from most wage
Humans are mammals. to establish that it was indeed negotiations; now they can be.
All mammals breathe air. reasonable to believe that 'If consumption falls, then Not much else has changed, however. Since this
Therefore humans breathe air. the economy will slow down', legislative change took
Such reasoning is called categorical precisely and we might do this by reference to real-world place, average wages have declined dramatically.
because it is not about actual examples such as previous Hence, I conclude that
events so much as the ideal categories by which we economic conditions in which a fall in consumption the likely cause of this reduction in wages has been
can define and discriminate has indeed caused an the exclusion of
the innumerable things in the world into a regular economic slowdown. unions from wage negotiations.
pattern or order. What is The lesson to learn here is: while categorical logic The two situations that are being compared are the
significant is that categorical logic is mostly concerns itself with the higher level of average wages
associated with European thinking structural relationship of the categories we use, in the past and the lower level of average wages
prior to the modern era of scientific investigation defining the inclusions and now. The argument in the example
and the constant quest to exclusions so that we can be sure what does or does seeks to establish that the only differing factor in
discover what was new, rather than earlier attempts not belong together as a group, these two situations, which might
to precisely define a neverchanging propositional logic prompts us to ask the right explain the change in wage levels, is the exclusion of
pattern of categories and attributes. It should also questions about what we need to unions. We can express this
be noted that this establish, inductively, to then make our overall rule thus:
form of reasoning depends absolutely on how we argument convincing. X is the cause of Y because the only relevant
define terms such as air and Five types of reasoning difference between Y
breathe, and how precisely we use words in our It is important to recognise that these five types are happening and not happening is that X was only
claims. Technically fish also not mutually exclusive. We present when Y
breathe—they breathe water and extract from it, if will consider causal reasoning but, for example, we happened.
not 'air' then air's also see that when looking The second general rule for determining causal
constituent elements. Yet fish are not mammals. at causes we are also asserting analogies between relationships requires us to look
Thus while useful to the cause of one event and for the only similarity or common element in two or
understand, categorical reasoning is more another. Equally, when we look at analogies, there more situations. Take the
interesting for our purposes in that are ways in which analogical following argument as an example:
it models how dominant forms of reasoning are reasoning is the same as reasoning from
bound up in the social order generalisations or might involve causal WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE?
of their time. relationships. Thus, the five types presented here 95
Propositional logic on the other hand depends upon are not done so in the same Jones and Wilson have both been sacked by the
propositions: statements manner as the discussion of deduction/induction company that used to
that propose a relationship between two states of which showed how arguments employ them. Jones, a middle-aged male cleaner,
affairs. Technically these of one type (in each case) could not be of the other was a poor worker with
statements should be expressed as 'if..., then...' type. Rather, I present these a history of arriving late; Wilson, a young woman
claims. However it is possible to five types to assist you in thinking more broadly working as a filing clerk,
write them in such a way as to imply, rather than about the kinds of questions had always been judged by her boss to be a
explicitly state, the propositional you might ask in your reasoning and (as we will see competent worker. But both
nature of the claim. If the Ancient Greeks spent a in chapter 8) to guide your Jones and Wilson had just been elected union
lot of time philosophising about search for information. delegates, and thus, I would
how specific items and general groups might be put reasonably conclude that it was their active
together and thus developed 94 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL participation in the union that
categorical logic to a fine art, in the nineteenth UNDERSTANDING & WRITING led to their dismissal.
century, European philosophers Causal reasoning The differences between the two workers contrast
became fascinated by propositional logic. If/then Reasoning from cause is very common and we are with their similar treatment
statements are, probably, at the all familiar with it, if only in a (both were sacked); so, the only other similarity
heart of most of our reasoning, even though we common-sense way. If someone asks you 'Why did between them (that they were
often do not realise it. They link you buy this book?', you might union delegates) seems to be the likely cause of their
together one event (the ' i f part) and propose that if reply 'because it was reasonably cheap and looked dismissal. We can express this
it happens, then something interesting'; alternatively you rule thus: might say 'because someone recommended that I X is the cause of Y because it is the only relevant
WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE? buy it' or even 'because it was a similarity between two
93 compulsory textbook for my studies'. In all cases, separate occurrences of Y happening.
else will also occur. It is, perhaps, the philosopher's you have stated what event or fact The other key aspect to causal reasoning is to
version of Newton's third law caused you to buy this book. Hence, in a causal appreciate that some causal
of thermodynamics, which stated that all actions relationship between claims, the events are necessary, and others are sufficient. If I
have an opposite and equal premise or premises state the cause, and the assert that oxygen is necessary
reaction. Let us have a look at an example which conclusion states the effect resulting for a fire to occur, I am not saying that oxygen
uses a series of if/then statements from that cause. causes fires. Thus the presence
to prove that Australia's economic health depends, Now, very often we use a simple causal claim, such of oxygen is a necessary condition, but not
not on low wages, but on high as 'Australia's economic sufficient. However, while a lighted
wages: weakness in the world economy is caused by its match is sufficient to set fire to a pile of dry paper if
1. If Australia's wages are reduced, then people will reliance on commodity exports'. As dropped on it, it is not
have less to spend. we know, a claim does have an internal connection necessary — I could also use a flamethrower or
2. If people have less to spend, then consumption between the cause and the focus the heat of the sun with a
will fall. effect. We should be careful to remember that a magnifying glass.
3. If consumption falls, then the economy will slow single claim, such as the one just In the many complex causal situations that we
down. given, is not an argument or explanation. However, encounter, it will be impossible
4. If the economy slows, then business profits will this claim does imply that it is to isolate the only relevant difference or the only
fall. the result of (or conclusion to) causal reasoning. So, relevant similarity. We will also
5. Therefore, if we want to avoid a loss in profit, we in making good links between struggle to determine necessary and sufficient
must not reduce premises and conclusions, where we are reasoning causes because we cannot (normally)
wages. about cause and effect, we need conduct repeated experiments in which we
The power and flexibility of propositional logic is to spell out what that relationship is. For example: determine the relative state of each causal
demonstrated by this Australia is reliant on commodity exports; such element. Rather, we will normally be confronted by
example, not because these premises guarantee the exports are always at risk a whole jumble of possible
conclusion is true, but rather of natural disasters and price fluctuations; these differences and similarities. So, the main function of
because they create a series of logical relationships risks lead to weakness, our investigation of causes, and
between two otherwise and hence, Australia has a weak economy in global of the resulting causal arguments and explanations
apparently unconnected events—the need to avoid a terms. we write, will be to assign some
loss in profit and the desire When we are attempting to link claims in order to significance to each cause (was it a minor or major
not to reduce wages. If we were then to set about express a causal relationship, cause? was it significant enough
convincing someone of this there are two general rules that are particularly to count as a sufficient cause on its own?) or to
ultimate conclusion, we would, by having set up the useful. First of all, we can look for discover the interrelationship
chain of propositions in this the factor that is the only difference between two between causes. We also need to consider the degree
given situations. For example: to which each cause was beyond
or within human control (was the cause a direct well as a set of requirements for membership of a 98 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL
human action, or something in the class or category, a generalisation UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
general environment?). Further, we need to avoid also includes a judgment that sums up the nature of example, I had 'unluckily' chosen a sample of 1000
assuming, simply because events those items in the category Australians who were unusually
happen in close proximity to one another, that they ('people with these symptoms have measles'). Hence pro-republic, then it is unlikely that my broad
are necessarily related as cause there are two aspects to a conclusions would be correct. So,
and effect. Perhaps it was simply a coincidence that, generalisation: a condition that determines what good reasoning from specific cases requires some
for example, the two workers specific cases fit into the consideration of the degree to
were sacked. Alternatively, we might argue, in generalisation, and another condition that states the which the cases selected represent the general
relation to the first example, that there common consequence or state category as a whole.
is a common cause: wage reductions and union relating to that generalisation. This question of 'representativeness' is precisely
exclusion are not necessarily effect why reasoning from specific
and cause but, rather, could both be the effects of WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE? cases needs to proceed on a sound base of'specifics'.
some other cause—perhaps 97 If I were to argue, on the basis
structural changes in the political economy of When we are confident about our generalisations, of one bad meal of Italian food, that ^//Italian food
Australia. and a specific case does fit a was bad, I would be relying on
Reasoning from generalisation particular general category, then reasoning from far too small a sample for my argument to be
Reasoning from generalisation is another common generalisations is very easy and effective. Equally, we should not trust
form of argument or effective. The trick is in making that initial surveys that rely on large numbers of responses
explanation. Yet it is very different from causation. judgment about the relationship from an unrepresentative group. For
If causation, at its simplest, between the specific case and the generalisation, as example, television stations have taken to expressed in the premises, so conducting 'polls' in which people ring
96 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR CRITICAL that our conclusion (also about the specific case) is in to answer 'yes' or 'no' to a particular question
UNDERSTANDING & WRITING well supported. At the same (for example, 'Should the death
seeks to show how one event leads to another, time, we should recognise that many items fit a penalty be reintroduced?'). The answer is then
reasoning from generalisation shows number of generalisations—that represented as a good generalisation
how knowledge about a general class or category of often an 'item' has many conflicting qualities or of all Australians' attitudes when, in fact, it is only a
events allows us to make a components that make it hard to generalisation of the views of
conclusion about a specific event that fits the judge the appropriate generalisation. For example, those viewers of that particular television station
general category. For example: doctors are often confronted who were able and willing to ring
All children who have been fully immunised are with a series of symptoms in a patient that could in.
protected against some mean any one of a number of Reasoning from analogy
common and life-threatening diseases, such as illnesses. The tests that doctors perform are An analogy is a special form of reasoning, which has
whooping cough, polio, designed to work out exactly which some similarities with
and diphtheria. Therefore, Steven, who has been 'generalisation' to apply to the specific patient and reasoning from specific cases. Reasoning by analogy
immunised, is most thus make sure that the correct involves drawing an equally
unlikely to fall sick with these diseases. treatment is prescribed. specific conclusion from specific premises via a
The general form of such arguments is as follows: Reasoning from specific cases comparison of like aspects. Good
Class X is defined by the fact that the individual Where do these generalisations come from? Do we analogies avoid comparisons between items that
cases within that class just make them up? No, in most have too many dissimilarities. For
all have property A in common; hence any cases they have been established via reasoning—in example:
individual case that is a this instance, from specific cases Imagine a friend gave you a guinea pig to look after
member of that class will also exhibit property A. to a generalisation. The difference in reasoning but forgot to tell you
So, arguing from a generalisation involves two from specific cases is that, although anything about what to feed it. You might say to
distinct steps. First of all, it must a general statement is involved, it is not used as a yourself, 'I have a guinea
be established that the specific case does indeed fit premise but as the conclusion. pig and do not know what to feed it; but I do know
the general class that is We routinely find such reasoning in, for example, that my rabbit eats
proposed, that it is consistent. Once that 'fit' is opinion polls, statistical analyses, carrots, and that rabbits and guinea pigs are
established, then we must draw a or any other surveys in which the reasoning similar. Hence, I can probably
conclusion that relies, not on our knowledge of the supports conclusions that generalise feed my guinea pig carrots as well'.
specific case, but our knowledge beyond the specific scope of those premises. For Such arguments take the following general form:
of the general class. example, I might argue from An analogy between X and Y (in the premises)
Imagine, for a moment, that you are a doctor. A specific cases in this manner: supports a conclusion about
woman comes to see I have surveyed 1000 Australians, from all social Y by showing that the conclusion is true of X; and X
you with the following symptoms: swollen glands, classes and ethnic backgrounds, and Y are similar in
sore throat, weakness and 70 per cent of them tell me that they favour sufficient relevant respects and are not relevantly
in the muscles, and a rash of small red spots across changing from dissimilar.
the back and chest. a monarchy to a republic. Hence, I would conclude You need to be careful to make sure that you are
You are not sure what is wrong with the patient but that most Australians comparing things that are
can use reasoning also support this change. Ninety per cent of.the similar in a relevant way. Take the following
to make a diagnosis: 'Almost all people who have respondents who were example of reasoning:
these symptoms are born overseas or whose parents were born overseas Shaving cream is clearly similar in colour, texture,
suffering from measles; this particular patient has were positive about moistness, and body to
these symptoms; Australia becoming a republic. Hence, I further whipped cream, and I know that whipped cream is
therefore she is suffering from measles'. Further, conclude that republican delicious on fruit salad.
you can determine sentiment will be strongest among the newer Hence, shaving cream is delicious on fruit salad.
treatment on the basis of the generalisation that 'All members of the Australian Do you see what is wrong? The two types of cream
people suffering community. are similar, but they are
from the measles need to spend a week resting in There are two conclusions here; each is a general definitely not similar in respect of the one main
bed and take antibiotics statement about what all characteristic involved in fruit salad
to prevent secondary infections'. You know, with Australians think, based on a sample of 1000 eating: how they taste. This question of relevance
reasonable specific cases. The premises provide has been explored in more detail
confidence, that this patient has measles and so can a summary of the many specific cases. Nevertheless, in chapter 6.
prescribe this relative to the premises, the
treatment for her. conclusions are much broader assertions ('most WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE?
Let us explore this form of relationship by Australians' and 'newer members'). 99
imagining that a class is like a box The general form of such arguments is as follows: While generalised and specific reasoning both
into which we put all the items that are the same as Specific cases (x) of the general category X show the depend on classifications of
one another. On the lid of this common property A; individual cases in relation to general categories,
box are a list of requirements that determine which hence, generally speaking, we can expect all analogies depend on comparison
items can and cannot be members of the category X to and consistency between equally specific or equally
included. Patients who have the swollen glands and have the common property A. general cases. First of all, good
sore throat, but not the red Reasoning from specific cases depends on the same analogies that do not directly involve values are
spots, could not be placed in the 'measles sufferer' sorts of judgments about formed through comparing different
class because they would not the underlying relationship between the cases and things on the basis of consistency of knowledge.
meet all the requirements. Patients with the red the general category that we That is, we look around for known
spots but no other symptoms encountered in the previous section on reasoning cases that are similar to the unknown case, so that
would also fail to qualify (they probably have a skin from generalisations. If, for we are better able to predict what
irritation instead). However, as
we will find out. For example, if we knew that large Whether or not, in the narrative flow, you actually explanation that we develop on the basis of what we
oil spills at sea destroy the saltwater write a claim in the standard discover. Furthermore,
environment, we might also predict that similar 'if/then' format doesn't matter: very often, when we there is an easy way to conceptualise what we mean
spills in a freshwater lake reason, we are using by analysis: it simply
would have a similarly destructive impact. Such propositions that, if we rewrote them more involves a constant process of asking questions.
analogies depend on the extent to accurately, would have to be in that Questioning and testing
which we are sure that the world is a consistent form. Propositional logic is a very important way of possibilities are the most important 'thinking
place, and that it is very unlikely we finding the links between moves'.
will find radical differences between cases similar in apparently disparate events and drawing them Four aspects of research, reasoning, and analysis
many respects. together into a conclusion. will be discussed in this
Second, good analogies that involve values are You have also considered what I call five types of chapter:
formed through comparing reasoning. These are not 1 We will look at knowledge in more detail.
different things on the basis of consistency of action 'types' like induction and deduction—an argument Reasoning depends absolutely
or belief That is, we can use may contain elements of on knowledge; knowledge is the way that
known cases that have known types of action or (say) reasoning from terms, generalisation, and innumerable little pieces of
belief associated with them and analogy, all through it. But an information about the world are linked. Questions
that are similar to the unknown case to thereby argument can only ever be either inductive or are a way of expressing
conclude that similar actions or deductive. So, these types of and testing these links and, hence, are the crucial
beliefs can be expected in those cases. Such reasoning are presented simply to help open your component of analysis.
analogies depend on the assumption eyes to the ways in which 2 We will then look at four perspectives on the
that the world ought to be a consistent place and, to you need to think about your reasoning to make it process of finding information
the extent that we can control better. (what some might call doing research) as a
what we do in the world, that we should always try Thus, what we learn by considering those five types reasoning process. We will
to do the same things in similar of reasoning is that all look at:
situations. For example, we would think it most argument and explanation starts with a • Information understood by where we find it.
unreasonable if, of three cars consideration of similarity and difference; • Information as it relates to other information.
parked illegally, only ours was given a parking commonality and inconsistency; necessity and • Information classified by the topic under
ticket: such rules need to be applied sufficiency. These investigation.
consistently and we expect that they will be. concepts are an underlying part of chapters 8 and 9, 102
Reasoning from terms where we look at how to RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 103
The final type of reasoning is less common but find information and how to think it through. • Information as it relates to how we are using it.
equally important. Some claims, as CONCEPT CHECK 3 We will examine some general issues to do with
we have seen, establish the definition of a particular The following terms and concepts are introduced in sources. Sources can only
word or phrase. Often we need this chapter. Before checking be used effectively if we understand that the context
to give reasons for our definitions, either because in the Glossary, write a short definition of each in which the source
there is some widespread doubt term: was created is different from the context in which
about them or because we are trying to establish a analogy, reasoning from we are using the information
particular meaning in a given cause, reasoning from from that source. If we do not recognise this change
context. Here is an example: consistency in context, we
In a true democracy, all power rests with the deduction are not properly analysing that information.
people; constitutionally 4 We will look at how questions can guide our
speaking, in a monarchy some power theoretically WHAT KINDS OF REASONING ARE THERE? search, and at how we can
resides with the 101 take information away from our sources, not just as
monarch. Hence, a monarchy is not democratic. generalisation, reasoning from 'information', but
Now, generally speaking, many monarchies (such as induction in a form that can easily be inserted into our
Australia) are democratic; propositional logic arguments and explanations.
however, this argument establishes that, in a specific cases, reasoning from Reasoning and analysis
particular context (constitutional terms, reasoning from Reasoning and knowledge
theory), monarchies must be defined as Review exercise 7 What any one individual knows about the world is
undemocratic. While this definition may Answer briefly the following questions, giving, extremely limited. People tend
seem unusual and even irrelevant to daily life in where possible, an example in your to be experts in certain small areas and ignorant in
countries such as Australia, it does answer that is different from those used in this many others; their detailed
have some utility within that limited context book. knowledge is often applicable only in limited
nevertheless. We tend to find that, by a. What is the difference between deduction and situations. It could not be otherwise
its nature, definitional reasoning is deductive. induction? in modern society, considering the quantities of
Exercise 7.1 b. What is the relationship between the idea of available information and
Write arguments or explanations using each of the internal connections and consequent demands for specialisation. You do not
types of reasoning just propositional logic? need to be a walking storehouse
discussed. You should write these examples in the c. How can we work out whether one event causes of information about everything, since there are
analytical structure format another? many places to look if you need to d. What is the purpose of giving a general rule as a fill in gaps in your knowledge. Moreover, there are
100 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR premise? many well-established research
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING e. What is the 'leap of faith' when we use a selection techniques to generate new data. In such
(that is, as a list of claims and a diagram). Choose of cases to assert a circumstances, the truly knowledgeable
issues that are important to more general conclusion? people are those who are aware of what they do not
you and about which you have some knowledge. f. How does an example given as a premise attempt know and who have skills in
You will probably find that each to support its conclusion? searching. These skills do not just involve knowing
one combines some elements of more than one type. g. How do I determine if an analogy is reasonable? where and how to look for
Review h. What is the point of using reasoning from terms? information (for example, the ability to search the
This chapter has discussed various ways to think Internet for library holdings of
about reasoning. You have 8 a particular newspaper; technical skill in
learnt about the difference between induction and Research, Reasoning, interviewing; the ability to perform an
deduction: the most important and Analysis experiment). Much more importantly, searching
point to remember from this comparison is that Advice on research usually covers 'physical' issues skills involve an awareness of how
some kinds of reasoning such as finding books, the skills are related to the process of reasoning.
are about the inherent logic of the way we describe conducting experiments, and searching computer We often think that 'finding things out' precedes
the world in words: that databases. Such advice 'thinking about them'. In fact,
there are logical relationships built into claims does not, however, address the key point that, since just as writing and speaking (the narrative flow) are
which, necessarily, lead to knowledge and reasoning bound up with reasoning
other claims. Now this kind of reasoning is not are intimately connected, then searching for (analytical structuring), the process of gathering the
investigative but is the foundation knowledge is a part of reasoning. information also involves
on which inductive reasoning (where you do The common thread between research and many of the important 'thinking moves' that
observe and investigate the reasoning is that they both involve constitute our analysis. If we are
world) is based. analysis: the thinking through of the connections unaware of these 'thinking moves', then much of
You have also learnt about propositional logic between claims (or information). our research will be ineffective or
which, again, is all about the If we cannot consciously control our analysis (our confusing. Reading, interviewing, experimenting, or
way you can use a claim that proposes how two 'thinking moves'), any of the many research
other claims are related. then our research will fail to address the particular processes are not just about finding out
needs of the argument or information; they are necessarily processes
of analysis. Every stage in the process of analysing an issue can
Reasoning is not the result of knowing things: be thought of as one of 106 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR
knowledge and reasoning are part questioning or interrogating. Questions provide the CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
and parcel of one another. Knowledge consists of underlying 'glue' that binds 'what' we will find so much as the way that
both individual claims and the together the initial formulation of the topic or information and knowledge relates to
links between them, and hence must be expressed problem about which we are the particular topic we are reasoning about.
through arguments and Information understood by where we find it
explanations. We learn knowledge by RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 105 Let us begin with a little history lesson.1 J. C. R.
understanding these arguments and explanations. reasoning, our search for information about that Licklider was a leading US scientist
Even the most specific statement of what we know topic, and the construction of an in the 1950s and 1960s. One of the founders of the
(a single claim) requires argument or explanation that leads to a conclusion. Internet, and a visionary, he It is not the answers to these questions that matter, was lead author of a report in the 1960s on the
104 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR so much as the very fact that future of the library, and libraries
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING you ask them. Most students are worried about 'the of the future. The report's main argument first of
a connection between more than one idea. What we right answer'; people asked to all recognised the value of the
know is best thought of as a perform a certain task at work also worry about printed page. It was a superlative medium for
network of interrelated claims—a series of getting the right outcome. There information display and processing—
potential, unexpressed arguments and are few (if any) perfectly correct answers in the real 'small, light, movable, cuttable, clippable, pastable,
explanations in our heads and in what we read and world; instead there are replicable, disposable, and inexpensive'.
observe. Hence, knowledge is processes we go through in order to come to a But, in an early sign of the impending crisis of
about relationships: our reasoning compared to, conclusion (an answer or outcome) information overload, the
drawn from, contrasted with, and that is going to be accepted as correct in relation to report outlined how the collecting of pages into
generally taken together with the reasoning of the context within which we books, journals, magazines, and
others. One of the best ways to operate. And that is why reasoning is so important. bound documents, while necessary to allow even
understand how 'finding things out' involves Reasoning is not about answers basic retrieval of information once
various analytical processes is to (the conclusions), but about the process of making printed, negated many or all of the
consider how questions (which can be used to guide answers more acceptable by giving display/processing features while only partially
our research) are, in fact, appropriate reasons for them. Thinking through a solving the huge difficulties of classifying, storing,
deeply implicated in reasoning. series of questions is how we and retrieving individual pages.
Reasoned analysis as questions control this process. It also created its own organisational problems.
It is usually thought that the key to scholarly, Hence, before and during the research process, we Licklider concluded 'if books [and we might include
intellectual work is finding the need to have questions in here all bound collections
answers. Well, it is not. Critical academic work mind that are prompted by the particular topic or of pages] are intrinsically less than satisfactory for
about any topic is designed, first issue that we are investigating. the storage, organisation, retrieval,
and foremost, to discover the right questions to ask; We need, at the very least, to be using questions to and display of information, then libraries of books
the answers come later, once formulate the precise are bound to be less satisfactory
those questions have been determined. While smart dimensions of our topic—establishing the also'. A device, he said, was needed to allow both
thinking is usually more parameters of our analysis: the transport of information to the
pragmatic than the reflective work done by • what we do consider and what we do not consider reader 'without transporting material' and, at the
intellectuals, the same general rule • what broadly defined bodies of knowledge we will same time, some processing of that
applies in developing our analysis. Thinking first and will not call upon information in ways that suited the reader's
about questions is much smarter • what definitions of terms we will use within our particular needs/uses of that information:
than trying to think first about answers. reasoning 'a meld of library and computer is evidently
We can understand the significance of questions by • what methods of investigation we will use. required'.
thinking about their In particular, we need to ask these questions to While we might think we have that device—the
relationship to the basic process of reasoning—the avoid assuming that there is 'one Internet—we can probably see,
linking of claims. For example, right topic' in relation to a broad issue. Often the even from the most cursory searching and
if I ask 'Does the historical racism of white topics we are told to investigate browsing, that the Internet has solved
Australia towards Asians still interfere or write about (whether through our work or study) many problems, but only at the cost of creating a lot
with Australia's diplomatic relations with are poorly formed or are of new problems.
Malaysia?', then I am tentatively making deliberately 'open', thus requiring us to redefine I use this example to make the point that the
the claim 'the historical racism of white Australia them more carefully before we different categories of information
towards Asians still interferes with work on them. Each issue we encounter can give sources you encounter (e.g. monographs, edited
Australia's diplomatic relations with Malaysia'. The rise to a wide variety of topics. As collections, journals (both print
answer to my question will, in we go about narrowing it down to the precise topic and electronic), newspapers, magazines, web sites,
effect, be a judgment of the acceptability or we are going to investigate, we email lists, reference books,
otherwise of this claim; the evidence must always be ready to justify our choices by conference proceedings, and so on) are primarily
that I gather and the arguments that I read and thinking through the fundamental designed to assist in organising
create in trying to answer the question of 'Why have I chosen this particular information to make it readily available, rather
question become premises for my eventual topic, in this way, with references to than to assist you immediately to
conclusion (which either confirms or these ideas and not some other topic?'. If we do, decide what to use for your reasoning. They make
rejects that initial claim). A question, then, can be then we will able to argue for and information accessible rather
seen as a conclusion-in-prospect: establish the acceptability of our decisions about than making it analytical, sensible, or useable.
a proposed relationship between ideas that needs to topics. That said, we should not ignore the way in which
be tested. The question 'What A precise topic enables us to search efficiently for the places we look for
caused Australia to become less reliant on the information that will become information can, with careful use, provide some
United Kingdom in economic and our claims. It guides us regarding the sorts of clues in the search for sense and
political terms following the Second World War?' is reasoning we will need to use utility. While these places might be distinguished by
different in that it presumes (reasoning from cause, analogy, and so on). A labels that tend to describe the
that Australia did become less reliant and that the precise topic gives us a benchmark form of their production (conference papers,
answers will show how that against which we can assess the relevance of any monographs), these labels also imply
occurred. information we encounter, both in certain judgments about the value and reliability of
So, questions are a way of unlocking and our research and in the final planning and information one finds there.
understanding the relationships construction of our arguments and Here are some examples:
between ideas. Although we might think of the explanations. A precise topic also provides the • Academic conferences are normally held to enable
answers that flow from them as benchmark that enables us to judge scholars and experts to
being isolated, individual 'facts' (claims), it is much the degree of evidence and argumentation needed to present the latest findings of their research or
more accurate to characterise meet any requirements of the applied work to their
the answers as relations between claims and, within burden of proof, thus guiding our search further.
a claim, between ideas and/or But the key issue here is not the RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 107
events. To ask a question is always to call on some final product—the topic itself—but the insights we colleagues; each paper that is presented is usually
existing knowledge and to seek gain through the process of no more than an hour long,
the connection between the answer and that existing formulating it, and we must always be ready to often shorter. Conferences tend to be organised
knowledge. We want to change our topic in light of what around a topic, or defined
develop these relationships so that they can form we discover. subject. As a result, conference proceedings will
our claims, as well as the links We will encounter some more questions in chapter tend to contain large
between premises and from premises to conclusions, 9. For the moment, let us numbers of highly specific papers that present
in our analytical structures. turn to the ways in which we can think about the detailed information on very
research process, not in terms of
tightly defined topics; the information is usually of how thinking about the relationship of These are, in simplified form, examples of the way
very recent. information to additional information we need to make information
• Journals are, in many cases, designed solely or might guide our search for more material. analytical if we are to use it effectively.
predominantly for an academic Relations of specific and general Information classified by the topic under
audience and the papers in them are refereed, that We might read in an article about two successful e- investigation
is, checked for quality by commerce ventures in Australia As well as looking for information prompted by
experts. Hundreds of journals are published; like (call them and Immediately we how it relates to other information,
conferences, they are tightly need to think: are these two we can also consider that there are, broadly, five
themed. Media International Australia is a premier specific examples unusual, representative, evidence classes of information involved in
journal, usually focusing of a trend? We are seeing if there reasoning.2 Each is defined in relation to the
on Australian issues concerning the media: print is a relationship between the specific claim 'x and y particular topic we are investigating,
and electronic. Articles tend are successful e-commerce and to each other. These classes can be understood
to be longer, providing academics with greater businesses' and a more general claim that 'there are as an answer to the question
scope to explain and explore many successful e-commerce 'how does this information relate to the information
their topic; but they also serve as part of an in- businesses in Australia'. We need to read additional involved in my specific topic
depth long-term conversation articles/books to find out if of investigation?'. They are:
among scholars and experts in various intellectual there are many more examples or not. 1 information directly relating to the specific topic
disciplines. To reverse the example, we might read that, while we are investigating
• Popular magazines are intended to be read by more men use the Internet in 2 information about the specific background to this
people without much knowledge Australia than women, those women who are online topic (closely related
in a particular subject, but an interest. They are, spend more time communicating knowledge)
predominantly, also governed and less time surfing the web. We are trying to 3 information about other topics, different from the
by the need to attract and retain readership. The determine what kind of specific focus of our investigation,
information is heavily computer training needs to be given to a group of but that provides insights that are relevant or
processed to make it understandable: simplicity, elderly women at a nursing home analogous to our topic
rather than complexity, is the who are all keen to 'get online': can we relate that 4 information about the broad field of topics into
aim; brevity ensures continued attention; examples general information to the specific which this particular topic
and evidence are often case we are investigating? Or, perhaps, we need fits
sacrificed for the sake of a strong theme; research is more detailed information on what 5 information of theoretical perspectives that are
limited. older women do (not just 'women'). Again, we go to used to establish the topic as
What creates these different categories, then, is a a source looking specifically for a topic and to set the parameters of investigation.
mix of the mode of production, this material, based on the tentative information- Each class denotes a different relationship between
the intended audience and the manner of relationship we have identified. information, focused around
publication. We cannot, for Relations of similarity and difference the topic. For example, what allows us to talk about
example, make the above three distinctions without We might, for example, discover that there has been a 'related topics' class is the
relying on the others. Journals a 100 per cent increase in relationship between that class and the specific
appear as a distinct category precisely because Internet use in Australia in the past two years. We topic we are reading about. To even
there are other forms of publishing can immediately begin to think
that are categorised differently. It is the relationship about the following—was this increase the same, or 1 1 0 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR
that matters. For analytical more or less in previous years? CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
purposes, these clues provide only marginal Have there been similar rises in other countries think in these terms is to be implicitly analysing the
assistance in making sense of the recently? world. Let us consider an
information, rich and complex, which we find in Again, in a more complex example, we read that extended example of the analysis that lies behind
these sources. All they do is guide Australia was one of the this classification. Imagine we are
us, to some extent, as to the reliability of that countries that most quickly (in terms of time and investigating the way in which nationalism is used
information and perhaps the number of users) adopted video in Australian television advertising
directness of the source (see 'Direct and indirect recorders and mobile phones when they were (think, for example, of the QANTAS television
sources' later in this chapter). introduced. There is a relationship commercials with the 'I still
Thus, when we consider a key issue in reasoning— there: both the Internet and VCRs/phones are call Australia home' theme or Telstra
are our premises well founded? information/communication advertisements that emphasise 'We are
(chapter 5)—we can see that this foundation is technologies—can we draw some lessons from a Australian'). Here are some examples of what we
provided, very often, by the source comparison? Are they similar might find when we are guided by
of the information. Thus, deciding what exactly to enough? Too different? the five classes above.3
find and how to find it may not A final example: we read that the Internet cannot First, we need to gather material on the specific
be helped by these categories, but they are be easily censored; we then topic itself. While we might well
important in finalising the strength and read another article that outlines the reasons why it find material written in advertising magazines (such
quality of argument. What we need at this stage are can be censored effectively. The as Ad News), we would first
some other ways of thinking watch numerous television commercials that use
about how to find and use information. RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 109 images of Australia. We could
Exercise 8.1 relationship here is one of difference: two interview other viewers; we could talk to
Write down all the sources that you can think of, in conclusions that are contradictory. We advertising agencies. We could compare
no particular order; perhaps need to ask: how can these two positions be nationalistic and other advertisements. This class of
start by listing the ones that you use most resolved, if at all? Why do the authors knowledge is what is usually
frequently. Then review the list and see have different perspectives on a similar theme? established by the regular research activities of
if there are any you have missed. Remember, we are Relations of cause and effect various scholars and investigators.
not talking here about We hear from friends that many new members of a So, in our own investigation, it is the principal
specific titles, but types of sources. Thus, do not virtual community to which category of knowledge that we are
write 'The Australian', write they belong report initially high levels of creating.
'newspapers'. On the other hand, do not be too enthusiasm, followed by a rapid decline Second, we should turn to material on the specific
general: there is no point in in interest and a return to the activities that background, which is usually
writing 'books'; you need to ask what kind. previously they pursued. We have found in the writings of other researchers. For also read, in a book on virtual communities, that example, Paul James's article,
108 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR this effect can be seen in many 'Australia in the Corporate Image: A New
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING online communities. We also read, in yet another Nationalism'4 discusses in detail the use
Information as it relates to other information book on communities in of Australian nationalism in marketing campaigns
While each topic or subject on which we might general, that it is not the physical area nor the in the 1970s.
conduct research will throw up its communication between members Third, we need to know about other specific topics
own specific relations between individual pieces of that makes 'a community' but the shared activities with relevant insights. Ruth
information, there are some which members undertake Abbey and Jo Crawford's 'Crocodile Dundee or
broadly applicable general 'possibilities' of relation without realising they are 'in a community'. A link Davey Crockett?'5 does not tell us
that can assist you in reading seems to suggest itself: we anything about television advertising. But, in its
critically, that is, reading in a way that makes it need to look for information on the possibility that discussion of the nationalist
possible to argue and explain. We what causes the failure of elements of the film Crocodile Dundee, we can find
have already encountered the basis for these virtual communities is, in some cases, the fact that some relevant insights.
general possibilities in chapter 7, when the only commonality of Fourth, we need to understand the broad
looking at the various ways in which we can reason. members is the time they spend online 'doing' the background of the topic, which
Using as my broad example community, rather than would involve developing our knowledge of
here, 'the impact of the Internet on Australian actually being it. advertising and nationalism. Benedict
society', I will give some examples
Anderson's Imagined Communities: Reflections on It helps us to see the parameters of the topic or and be able to demonstrate it convincingly in our
the Origin and Spread of problem—the boundaries and reasoning (for example,
Nationalism6 includes very little discussion overlaps between a particular topic and other through appeals to authority). Referring back to
specifically about Australia or advertising related topics. Remember all our continuing example, we could
but does provide a sophisticated discussion of 'topics' are, to some extent, artificial delineations use the following as evidence:
nationalism. Equally, Stuart within a swirling mass of ideas • Telecom spent over a billion dollars on all
Cunningham and Graeme Turner's edited and events. Topics emerge through the ways that advertising in 1994, and most of
collection The Media in Australia: people think about this mass. the commercials had a nationalist theme.
Industries, Texts, Audiences7 provides a good We cannot impose whatever topics we want onto the • QANTAS consciously seeks to establish itself as a
general background to the 'television' world, but equally we national Australian airline.
side of our investigation. cannot rely on the world to throw up topics 'ready- • Australians see themselves in the mould of
Most significantly, we need to gather some made'. Similarly, general Crocodile Dundee and other 'bush'
information about theoretical information helps us to see how any topic can be heroes.
perspectives. These perspectives provide a approached from different Yet we could also gather evidence to support any
particular way of investigating and angles with different questions to be answered. In claims we make about the
thinking about issues. Different theories lead the nationalism example you ways that intellectuals have previously written
researchers and thinkers to different could, for example, ask 'Why do advertisers use about advertising. For example, if
approaches and to different understandings of what nationalistic images and slogans?' our investigation includes a critique of marketing
makes premises well founded, or 'Why do people respond well to nationalistic theorists' conclusions that
relevant, and strong. In particular, theoretical images and slogans?'. These television commercials are effective, we would need
perspectives establish the topic as a questions address distinctly different issues, since it evidence, first of all, that these
topic and set the parameters of investigation. may be that people do not,
Remember, there are many different on the whole, respond well to such images but (for RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 113
ways of understanding the world, which are usually some reason) advertisers think theorists had made such conclusions. When looking
related to various academic they do. for evidence, then, we are not
disciplines. It was not, for example, until the 1970s looking for a specific 'thing' but simply the material
that cultural studies (of the 1 1 2 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR that will become the majority
popular media) became common. Each theoretical CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING of our premises.
perspective will have different This sort of general information helps us think Finally, the sort of information that is most
ideas about what exactly is an appropriate topic for about where and how to search important (yet least often considered)
investigation and how we for more detailed information, and to settle upon an is not actually stated in most books and articles. It
should go about it. In broad terms, then, we could aspect of the topic on which to remains implied, waiting
think about whether our interest concentrate. For example, in a report to a within texts to be inferred by their readers. It
in the topic is, for example, psychological or marketing firm about what people see on concerns the values and attitudes of
sociological. We could also think television, the main focus would be on the former the authors of what you read and hear. These values
about whether we are developing, for example, a question, rather than the latter. include judgments about
feminist or Marxist critique of this The context of, for example, a short lecture to high- which actions are good and which are bad. For school students would require example, many commentators on
RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 111 that we keep the information in our argument or nationalism believe that too much national pride is
use of nationalism. Judith Williamson's classic explanation consistent with their bad because it promotes
Decoding Advertisements: Ideology expectations and needs; if, on the other hand, we conflict and competition. Unless we understand this
and Meaning in Advertisements2, provides excellent were writing a scholarly article value system, we cannot
theoretical material on critiques about television advertising, then the different interpret and respond to what is written within it.
(rather than description) of advertising. In contrast, context would require more advanced We cannot understand the range
Mark Poster's The Mode of and complex arguments. We need to gather of possible opinions on nationalism unless we
Information* discusses the difficulties of even background information in order to understand that the same 'facts' (say,
engaging in a 'critical' analysis of gain a good understanding of the context in which one particular advertisement) may lead to
television in the 'postmodern' age. Neither book our reasoning takes place. dramatically different conclusions when
makes any reference to Australia Whatever we may think of a particular issue, we are interpreted from different political or ethical
or nationalist advertising, but both provide also looking in our research standpoints. Moreover, values can also
knowledge of the very ways in which for different opinions and conclusions. For any relate to 'correct' ways of investigating a problem.
we come to think about topics such as 'nationalist particular topic, a range of ideas If we do a socio-economic
television advertising'.10 will already have been expressed, and whatever we analysis of television advertising in relation to the
Although the most difficult class of knowledge to are doing needs to take account ways that large companies profit
analyse and engage with, of them. Reasoning involves acknowledging what from calling upon consumers' patriotism, then,
knowledge about the processes of developing or others have done and integrating implicitly, we are making a value
discovering knowledge (what our contribution (no matter how small) with the judgment that it is inappropriate to use a different
philosophers call epistemological theory), is, in fact, body of knowledge already approach (say, a psychological
the general key to effective assembled. We need to criticise conclusions that we one that concentrates solely on how an individual
reasoning in any particular situation. oppose, ponder those that are responds to advertisements).
Information as it relates to how we are using it interesting, and add to any with which we agree. In Exercise 8.2
As well as classifying information in relation to the the advertising example, we Think about an investigation in which you are
topic we are investigating, we find that some critics argue that nationalistic currently engaged (an essay, report,
can also think about four types of information in television commercials promote experiment, whatever). Think of two examples for
terms of how we will use that unhealthy competition and suspicion of'foreigners'. each of the five classes and four
information in our own reasoning. This typology of If we agree, then we should types of information listed above. Remember that
information answers the seek to substantiate this claim further. On the other for each type or class, it is a
question 'How does this information relate to what I hand, if, as part of our analysis, question of the relation between the knowledge or
am trying to do in my we are seeking to establish a different conclusion, information and your topic.
argument or explanation?'. These four types do not we would not simply ignore this Reflect in particular on the context in which your
'coincide' in any way with the 'opposing' view, but would seek information or give investigation is occurring.
five classes just discussed. We can find information arguments that refute it. We Direct and indirect sources
of any type in any of the classes need to consider these 'other' conclusions in relation Direct sources
just discussed; all classes can contribute to the to what we are concluding in In broad terms, direct sources are those that
information of one type that we are our own reasoning. provide first-hand information about
gathering. Most of all we need to base our reasoning on events. A radio interview with a politician in which
The four main types of information are: premises and further support for we hear what the politician has
1 general understanding of the context in which we those premises. We might think of these premises as to say about the economy is first-hand. An extensive
are preparing our reasoning evidence or 'the facts' (even speech delivered in Parliament
(in effect, the context in which our text fits) though we must understand that most 'facts' are by the same politician is also first-hand. A book that
2 opinions and conclusions from other peoples' only interpretations—claims that, analyses this politician's particular
arguments and explanations depending on one's perspective, may become more views about the economy is, by contrast, second-
3 basic details or evidence that we need as the main or less doubtful). This hand. In scientific disciplines,
source of our premises information is usually what we produce through experiments are the most common direct source; in
4 values and attitudes (of ourselves and others) that our own direct research, seeking other disciplines, surveys and
relate to our investigation. to answer specific questions that we have interviews, or research into written and oral
First of all, we need a general understanding of the established to guide our activities. As records of events provide direct access
context of our reasoning. always, we need to be confident in the accuracy and to information. All these sources are direct and,
acceptability of this information within the appropriate context,
recognised as containing original evidence and tend to use, especially when we are beginning to profession in which you are working or studying,
ideas. They are a significant source develop our knowledge about an underlie the identification of
of the material we need to form our arguments and issue. Once again, the key to using such information these sources?
explanations. is always to think about the Five possible outcomes
It used to be thought that these direct or 'primary' Finding information effectively is, in large measure,
sources were somehow RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 115 a matter of understanding how
more 'factual' or descriptive, and that context in which it was produced. In other words, that information or knowledge is to be used in your
interpretation was added to them by information from indirect own arguments and explanations. sources is only as good as our understanding of that Often we simply want some basic descriptive
1 1 4 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR source itself. For example, as a information to serve as claims
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING result of changes over the past two decades, an in our reasoning without wanting to provide
investigators when they wrote about their research, academic commentary such as the extensive supporting arguments. For
thereby creating a 'secondary' one by James on advertising in the 1970s may not instance, we read, in relation to our nationalistic
or indirect source (see below). However, direct be precisely relevant to contemporary advertisements investigation, that
sources do contain values and concerns. There is no general rule to apply to such Crocodile Dundee was one of the most popular films
elements of interpretation.11 The importance of the analysis of sources, ever screened in Australia. We
distinction between direct except that we must always think about the context can simply state this piece of information, either
and indirect sources, then, is not that one is 'fact' (who obtained the information; quoting exactly from the original
and the other interpretation when, where, and how the information was arrived or re-expressing the information in our own words,
but, rather, one of context. For example, the at) as well as the text (what the giving an appropriate reference
comments made by an advertising information is). to it.12 We are simply taking a single claim from
agency director about nationalistic television For example, imagine you are watching a television our 'source'.
commercials must be understood in program on advertising. We can also take an entire argument or explanation
relation to the person who made these comments, The host makes some comments on nationalistic from our 'source'. We could
why, when, how, and in what commercials, saying that they quote such reasoning exactly, but usually, for
situation the comments were made, and so on. If we always produce an emotional reaction and that is stylistic reasons, we express it in our
do an experiment by why they are effective. Is this own words. For example, James's article
measuring the biological reactions of people source useful for an academic investigation? If you (mentioned above) argues that nationalistic
watching nationalist advertising answered no, then you would, advertisements encourage consumers to purchase a
under controlled conditions, then we, in effect, in some circumstances, be correct. But the corporation's products because,
become the authors of that data important question to ask is 'Why?'. Let by being 'Australian' (even when the companies are
(via the way that we establish the experiment). We us contrast this hypothetical television program often owned by foreign interests),
would need to ask ourselves with a more usual source: academic the products are assumed to be better than others.
the same sorts of questions to understand the writing. The trustworthiness of academic writing is We are, in effect, getting
meaning of the data we gather. By based on the idea that the claims and links (reasoning) from the 'source' (can
doing so, we will recognise that the contexts in person doing the writing is an expert in that area, you see the trace of linking in
which this direct 'evidence' of through their close study of the 'because'?). Once again, we provide a reference in
nationalist advertising is gathered is different to topic, their skills as a researcher, their careful, long- order to acknowledge our debt
that in which we use it as part of term analysis, and their involvement to the original author.
our argument. in a system in which articles and books are Yet very often what we want to 'take' from these
In every case, then, direct sources can only be used published only after the scrutiny sources is not that specific and
effectively when we think of other qualified academics to determine if they are cannot simply be 'found' by looking at a certain
about the context, as well as the content, of the 'right' or not. In other words, page. Instead, we can summarise
information we draw from them. the claims are trustworthy because an the basic argument or explanation in a source that
Sometimes, understanding this context involves institutionalised method makes them trustworthy. we have read (always in our own
asking questions about where and It is a social convention that academic work is words), reducing a long text to a short series of
when the information was produced; by whom; for regarded as being more premises and a conclusion, which
what purpose; on the basis of 'sound' (if often more remote) than 'popular' work; we can then use in our own argument (again, with
what knowledge; in relation to which issues. it is also a worthwhile social an appropriate reference). For
Equally, the context can be understood convention because there are good reasons to accept example, Anderson's Imagined Communities is a
by thinking about our own engagement with the this distinction in soundness. long and detailed work on nationalism
source. For example, The usefulness of the television program depends, that, in part, concludes that technologies that allow
scientists must check, when performing however, on what exactly we humans to overcome
experiments, that they have established the are trying to find. It might be quite relevant to geographical distance (for example, railways) have
experimental procedure properly, that there are no argue that the popular perception of played a significant role in the
errors in their procedures, that nationalist advertising is very important in the creation of modern nations. We could include such
they are reliable observers of the events, and so on. effectiveness of such commercials. a summary (which, of course,
In each discipline, in each field So, even if we distrust many of the claims that are can be expressed in the analytical format in our
of endeavour, there are basic rules that we must advanced in the popular media notes) within our own reasoning.
follow, and assumptions that we and trust those from more scholarly work instead, We are, thus, taking from the source not a specific
must make, when seeking to gather information we can still use as evidence the claim, nor a specific piece of
from direct sources; there are also fact that people do actually make and listen to the reasoning, but our understanding (analytically
basic understandings about how to consider the first sort of claim. In other speaking) of the source's overall
context of the information. They words, while we may not trust the television argument or explanation.
are too numerous and complex to discuss here in program as an indirect commentary Fourth, we can take from sources a type of
detail, but two examples can be on advertising, we could certainly use it as a direct information that is far more indefinable
drawn from history and chemistry. In history, a source of popular views on than the information gained in any of the last three
standard approach is to think about advertising. cases. This category
the way in which a person's social position (class, Do you see the difference? Sometimes we will want can be summed up as 'positions and values'. It is
race, gender, and so on) can to make claims in our usually hidden within the source
influence and be seen in what they have said or reasoning that convey information in the claims and can be recovered using your judgment (based
written. In chemistry, experimental themselves. And sometimes we on what you read or hear) of the
design is always used to control and maintain will want to make claims about the fact that a underlying position that the author of the source
quality of experimental work: the certain type of claim, or group of holds. This underlying position
information gained through an experiment is claims, has been made by others. Developing the can be inferred from that person's own arguments
always assessed in the context of the latter type of writing is essential or explanations, or the way in
way the experiment was performed. In general in good critical work and, thus, requires you to which the arguments or explanations have been
terms, we must learn the rules that develop skills in knowing about received by others. We read, for
are part of our context and consciously apply them sources of knowledge. example, in Graeme Turner's Making It National15
so that we can use direct sources Exercise 8.3 that Australian businesses
effectively. Write a short analysis of the different direct and
Indirect sources indirect sources that you use RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 117
As noted above, a direct source differs from an most frequently in your current reasoning. What exploit national patriotism and sentiment to further
indirect source. Indirect sources questions do you need to ask their own profit-making goals.
involve the reports and analysis of direct about them? What rules and assumptions, Whether we agree or disagree with this conclusion,
information by other people. Reports, stemming from the discipline or whether we can refute it or not,
articles, and books by scholars are the main we can nevertheless try to understand why he might
category of secondary sources that we 1 1 6 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR have made such a conclusion.
We can ask, what is the political and intellectual Review exercise 8 into this sort of keenness and should be applied
position that is implied by such Answer briefly the following questions giving, judiciously, on the basis of
claims? From the overall thrust of Turner's where possible, an example in your the particular skills and needs that apply to you as
analysis, we judge that he is opposed to answer that is different from those used in this an individual smart
unfettered capitalism, seeking instead a greater book: thinker.
degree of regulation in the national a. What do we need to know to be good In this chapter:
interest. In making this judgment, we can researchers? 1 We will consider some of the key questions that
understand the assumptions that b. What sorts of questions are involved in can help us determine
underlie the information in Turner's book, and the formulating a topic? the external context in which our argument or
context in which it was written c. What allows us to classify information into five explanation fits. Then,
and presented to us. Without such analysis, you will separate categories? revisiting the planning method from chapter 3, we
always tend to respond to d. How do the four types of information compare will look at the
reasoning from your own point of view, without and contrast with each questions that are most useful in guiding the
understanding why others might other? reasoning in the text we
disagree with you. Whether or not you wish to e. What is the difference between a direct and an are preparing.
change their minds or accept their indirect source? 2 We conclude with a short example of the way that
right to be different is immaterial: neither goal can f. What role does the 'author' and the mode of the analytical structure
be achieved if you do not know production of information format can be used, not to represent our entire
why they believe what they do. play? argument and
Finally, there are occasions on which we take g. What are the important issues of context involved explanation, but instead as a 'plan' of ideas and
nothing away from what we are in using information relationships that can
reading or observing—except more questions! This from any source? then be used to assist in actually writing the
outcome may be frustrating at h. Why must we ask questions when we are narrative flow of our
times, but if we are seeking to be smart thinkers, we searching? reasoning.
must be prepared to delve NOTES 120
deeply into an issue and not rush too quickly to a 1 This information, and quotes from Licklider's PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR
satisfying answer. Remember report, are taken from Mark Stefik, REASONING 1 2 1
analysis continues through every stage of research, Internet dreams: archetypes, myths, and The key analytical questions
but smart thinkers are aware of metaphors, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., Context: analysing the external dimensions of
this and draw encouragement from the way in 1996, pp. 23-32. reasoning
which a book that tells you 'nothing' 2 Please note that my classifying of information Throughout this book, we have seen how context is
might prompt the question 'Why does it not tell me here is just one of many different all-important in determining
anything?'. And, further, you approaches which you may encounter. I have many of our judgments about effective reasoning.
can ask if the problem is with the book, with you, or developed it because it usefully extends When planning and creating
perhaps with your original set our smart thinking abilities and not because it is (and then presenting) an argument or explanation,
of analytical questions. 'right' in any objective sense. the particular context in which
Exercise 8.4 3 All these examples are drawn from the process of this reasoning occurs must be actively considered.
Using a long piece of written work that you are researching and writing that went into The nature of context—a mass
reading at the moment, practise of implied or assumed knowledge and expectations
getting each of the five possible outcomes just RESEARCH, REASONING, AND ANALYSIS 119 —makes it impossible for us to
discussed. Make sure that, in each M. Allen, Telecom Adverts, Telecom Networks, develop precise guidelines for its consideration.
case, you express your answers in the analytical Telecom Australia', Australian Journal Instead, we must explore the threeway
structure format (except, of of Communication, vol. 20, no. 2, 1993, pp. 9 7 - 1 1 relationship between the person or people creating
course, for the last category, for which you will 3. reasoning (the author), the
simply have a list of further 4 Arena, no. 63, 1983, pp. 65-106. people receiving this reasoning (the audience), and
questions). 5 Meanjin, vol. 46, no. 2, 1987, pp. 145-52. the knowledge that this
Review 6 Verso, London, 1981. reasoning uses and develops.
We have seen in previous chapters how the context 7 Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1993. Reasoning is about the use, expression, and
in which we create our texts 8 Marion Boyars, London, 1978. formation of knowledge, and
of reasoning are crucial in making successful 9 University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1990. involves innumerable judgments about the 'truth' of
judgments about the effectiveness 10 These sorts of theoretical insights into the claims and the 'truth' of the
of our arguments and explanations. In this chapter, intellectual issues involved in any research way they link to one another in various reasoned
we have concentrated or analysis often appear within more general ways. Knowledge does not exist
on learning about the process of searching for discussions of various topics. These examples objectively in the world (literally in the 'objects'
knowledge in a way that allows simply indicate that the purpose of looking at the that claims represent). Rather it is
us to take the information from one context two books noted was precisely to created intersubjectively, that is, between people
(someone else's text) and put it gain this sort of knowledge. such as authors and their audiences
into another context (our text). The context 11 There is, of course, philosophical argument (known, technically, as 'subjects').1 Knowledge
influences our interpretation and about this issue. See chapter 9 for a brief (consisting of claims and their
understanding of information, and so if we do not discussion of the intersubjective theory of relationships) does have an objective element, since
understand and recognise knowledge that underpins this view of direct it represents, in another form,
these contexts, our analysis will not be sound. sources. the actual reality of objects. However, the medium
Knowledge, then, needs to be 12 In this case, the authority is S. Crofts, 'Re- of that representation—the
understood generically, not as specific 'facts' or Imaging Australia: Crocodile Dundee form in which knowledge is expressed—is language,
issues, but as a series of Overseas', Continuum, vol. 2, no. 2, 1989, p. 133. which (unfortunately,
classes and types that relate to our research project. 13 Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1995. perhaps) is not a perfectly representational
The sources from which medium. Whenever we write or talk
it comes, again, must be analysed for the way they 9 about things ('objects'), we add to or subtract from
create and constrain that Planning and their essential nature through Creating Your Reasoning the particular choice of words we use. Hence claims,
1 1 8 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR Although, in practice, reasoning, knowledge, and all knowledge built from
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING research, and analysis are all those claims, are always something more or less
knowledge, rather than as particular books or inextricably bound together, it is also true that, than what 'really' happens.
articles or experiments. Finally, from time to time, we divide All humans share a common reality and appear,
what we take away from these sources can be our reasoning tasks up in a way that allows us to sit through the words they use
organised as elements of down and prepare an (when properly translated), to have a common
reasoning: as claims, arguments, or explanations; as analytical text containing arguments and language to discuss and think about
assumptions and values; explanations. What we have learnt it. But remember that language consists not only of
or simply as more questions. about reasoning so far makes us much more the descriptive or denotative
CONCEPT CHECK effective in such preparation, characteristic of words but also of their connotative
The following terms and concepts are introduced in and this chapter briefly discusses two ways in which function (the way in which they
this chapter. Before checking we can go about it. carry implied meanings). These connotations ensure
in the Glossary, write a short definition of each However, always remember that the key to good that we cannot assume that
term: reasoning is not a 'method' knowledge always and perfectly matches up to
analysis or program of steps to follow but an attitude—a reality. Knowledge will always be
analytical questions keenness to think things constrained by and, in part, created from the words
information through. The advice that follows is designed in which it is expressed.
knowledge principally to 'jog' your mind Moreover, the implied values and assumed
source knowledge that make words meaningful
exist through the interactions of people—the since their framework of assumptions does not going to be reasoning towards. It will relate to the
authors and audiences of reasoning. include such liberal attitudes to general topic with which we are
That is why knowledge is intersubjective. Moreover, sex, nor does it include the use of condoms. Neither concerned but must be much more precise. Ask
it is not simply a question of party is wrong here: it is yourself:
thinking about individuals: who 'we' are as subjects neither rational nor irrational to hold either of these • What is the conclusion?
depends very much on the two sets of assumptions, as • What are its specific elements (meanings of words,
culture and society in which we grow up and, long as each fits in with the accepted practices of the key ideas, values, scope,
indeed, the knowledge that we community to which it and certainty)?
already possess. Hence, whenever we think about belongs. Yet the possibility for misunderstanding is • Is it about the present, future, or past?
ourselves as authors of reasoning great, unless both parties make • Does it require an argument or an explanation?
or about our potential audiences, we are thinking • How does it relate to existing 'conclusions' about
about cultural and social assumptions PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR this topic: is it opposing
and expectations about knowledge and reasoning. REASONING 123 them? supporting them? extending them?
The aim here is not to gain a detailed understanding an effort to understand the assumptions of the other • Is the conclusion well formed?
of the philosophical and try to find some • What sorts of evidence will be required to support
arguments for or against objective or common ground from which to engage in the such a conclusion?
intersubjective knowledge; it is to understand specific argument about HIV. • Is there more than one conclusion involved here, While the final resolution of such a clash of and can they be combined
1 2 2 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR frameworks does not necessarily mean in some manner?
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING 'sticking with' one's original assumptions, effective In particular, be clear about the following question:
that all reasoning involves people and that, hence, reasoning requires that the • Is this conclusion directly about some event,
knowledge and reasoning can difference be acknowledged and explained properly decision, or issue, or is it about
never completely escape the influence of the social before any moment of resolution. the way others think and write about such events,
contexts in which those people Exercise 9.1 decisions, or issues?
exist and operate. Even if philosophical ideas about In relation to an issue that you are working on at Take, for example, the following conclusion:
intersubjectivity are unfamiliar, the moment, write down a series 1. The Olympic games are organised and run for
their practical effects should be apparent. Have you of questions that will help you to establish the the profit of the large
ever been in a situation in external dimensions of your topic corporations who televise, sponsor, and advertise
which, despite the apparent 'logic' and 'certainty' of (how it relates to the general audiences and the games.
your argument, those listening knowledge of your reasoning). This conclusion is distinctly different from the
to you have failed to agree with your conclusion? Text: the internal dimensions of reasoning 'normal' conclusions we draw about the
Have you ever been asked to learn Chapter 3 introduced the idea of a particular games but is not completely 'new'. There are some
something without understanding why you are planning method, which revolves important 'issues' here, for example,
learning it? Have you ever written around the use of the analytical structure format. issues relating to how these corporations might have
a report or essay and been pleased with what you Here, as a reminder, are the five gained control over an apparently
have done, only to be told by its steps involved in this method: 'international' event. Another issue would involve
readers that you have not done what was required 1 Decide what your conclusion will be. Write this considering why the profit aspect
of you? These situations come claim out carefully, expressing seems to be ignored by much reporting on the
about when the author and audience of reasoning exactly what you mean. Number it T . games. Much evidence will be needed to
fail to work within a shared 2 Then think about the reasons that you are giving explore and explain these issues; the claim will
context of assumptions and expectations. for this conclusion. These definitely require an argument to support
This context can be understood by thinking through reasons must be written as proper claims, this time it because (as far as I can tell) this claim is not
the following questions serving as premises that widely accepted. It will necessarily involve
about our own work (many of which we either explain how that conclusion comes about or discussion of others' opinions but is not, of itself, a
encountered in chapter 8 in relation to show why it should be conclusion about someone else's view.
others' reasoning). Forget, for a moment, what-we accepted. Try to keep related premises together, but Second, think about the main reasons. Make some
are reasoning about and think as the diagram will show initial statements of these
instead about the following questions: these relationships clearly, it is not essential to reasons, answering questions such as:
• Why am I reasoning? group them perfectly. Write • Why does or should the event or idea under
• For whom am I reasoning? them out, making sure that you do not use pronouns discussion occur or be believed?
• In what situation is my reasoning taking place? but express each claim • When does it occur?
• According to what methods, definitions, and broad so that it makes sense in and of itself. Number them • How does it happen?
understandings am I from ' 2 ' onwards. Focus • What does it mean that this event or idea occurs
reasoning? on giving the main reasons for the conclusion at this or is believed?
• What is expected of me? stage. • What are or should be the consequences?
Knowing what context we are working within may 3 Begin to draw the diagram to show the Then, considering each reason in turn, think about
involve 'fitting in' with what relationships between the claims. the complexities of the reasons,
our audience expects and assumes, or it can require 4 Stop and think: are you missing any claims? do expanding them into a chain of premises that not
us to outline and discuss you need more premises? have only expresses the reason fully but
possible alternative contexts explicitly, thereby you got the relationships the way you want them to also clearly explicates how the premises relate to the
helping our audience to fit in with be? conclusion. Ask yourself:
the context that we want to establish. 5 Make changes if required, adding claims and • Do the reasons need any definitions or framing
Here is one example of the importance of context. redrawing the diagram if need premises?
HIV/AIDS is generally be. • Is the relevance of the premises to the conclusion
regarded as one of the world's great health risks. We can learn more about each step in the process well established?
We know certain things about the by thinking through some of
virus that causes AIDS, such as its methods of the questions that we might ask to guide us in PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR
transmission (through blood and completing each step effectively. The REASONING 125
other bodily fluids) and the types of activities that following discussion does not, of course, cover every • Do the premises cover all the aspects of the
enable this transmission (e.g. aspect of all situations, but will conclusion?
unprotected sex and intravenous drug use with give you a general overview of the sorts of smart- • Are these premises well formed, with particular
shared needles). We also know thinking 'moves' we can make in reference to the internal
what it does to human beings (destroys their planning and creating our arguments and connections which they make?
immune system and indirectly causes explanations. Moreover, although this • Are they well founded (if not, then what support
their death). Now, as far as we can tell, these claims overview is broken up into specific advice about can they be given)?
are objectively 'true'. Yet, think each step of the process, the actual • Are enough reasons given to meet the
of the different sets of assumptions about, say, how application of the ideas discussed will obviously requirements for breadth?
to stop unprotected sex that occur in a variety of ways, at a • Are they expanded sufficiently to give depth to the
would not be shared by a Western health expert variety of different stages of your research and argument/explanation?
and, say, a group of politicians analysis. In practice, no step is • Is each idea in the conclusion referred to in some
from a conservative Islamic community. The isolated from the others, even if, in theory, we can way in these premises?
Westerner, with a background of distinguish them in order to • Are the premises grouped together properly?
social freedom and individual choice, would be full learn more about them. Just one example would be to state the following
of ideas about advertising reason:
campaigns and other strategies to encourage people 124 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR The Olympic games are now very expensive to
to use condoms; the Islamic CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING organise.
community leaders would be bemused by this First, think about the conclusion, which is a specific This might break down, on further analysis, into
approach—even actively hostile— statement of what we are claims such as:
2. There are more sports, more athletes, and more 8. Each new Olympic games tries to outdo the 128 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR
coaches than ever previous one in terms of CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
before. entertainment and spectacle. heads that needs to be thought through, researched,
3. Hosting all these events and people is very costly. 9. Every new and different approach to and organised in some way before
4. Non-sport costs, associated with security and entertainment usually involves it makes sense to others. Here is an example,
entertainment, are now greater cost. covering the same topic as the analytical
much more prominent. -—> structure just given.
(There are, of course, many more possible The fourth and fifth steps, which involved stopping, more nat/bn?
premises.) reflecting, and revising, are more ei/enrs
Third, think about the analytical relationships crucial. At this point we must think through the more comparers Jt^_A SSpwos
between the premises and the following questions, beginning —professional bad in
conclusion (as seen in the diagram). Here, we can also to relate our own reasoning to the context in GETWG
think about the sort of reasoning which we are operating: cyclihQ
that is being used: • What assumptions underlie the reasoning? ' — LA Mo/anos
• Do the premises show the cause of an effect? (If so, • Are there any implied premises? /
are differences or s Song * Dance,
similarities clearly stated?) PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR ceremon/es
• Do they state some generalisation that provides REASONING 127 dlGGER +
the knowledge we need about • Is the relevance of each premise clear? oumc
a specific conclusion? (If so, is the specific case • Do they provide sufficient support to satisfy the GAMES
really a member of the burden of proof? ¥ ENTERTAINMENT
general category?) • Are all the claims well founded (either self- ' T 'Hollywood'
• Do the premises draw together specific cases so as evidently, or with authority, or with I \ extravaganzas
to make a generalisation? reasoning)? i \TVdemands
(If so, are these specific cases representative of the • Are the claims clear and understandable? / ^<rv//
general category?) • Is there coherence between the scope and certainty rlOrVEy?^^
• Is it an analogical relationship, in which of premises and conclusions? /
similarities between the events • What issues are not covered by the argument as it events
described in the premises and the conclusion stands? (And should they / V ^ . staged
provide the answers we are be included?) SECURITY
seeking? (If so, are the events consistent with one • Is it clear why some reasons are not being ~~-~-^jnoney paid \ lots of
another?) considered? to networks adverts
• Is it simply reasoning from terms, with the claim • Are the value judgments in this reasoning clearly Olympics as ne&dfo
simply establishing the outlined and argued for? easytargef 9 ^ ^ * ^
particular meaning of the conclusion? (If so, are we Exercise 9.2 A
making it clear?) Using the same issue that you worked on in exercise Munich '72?.
In each case, remember that these questions unlock 9 . 1 , write down a series of Atlanta <96jfe"onsm
relationships. We can analyse questions that will help you to establish the internal spent on secur/ty gt
events by thinking about 'What is the cause of X?' dimensions of your topic At/onto
or 'What effects does X cause?'; we (how premises relate to one another and to the Wis changing
can think about the way that many cases of X might conclusion; how further claims PAY-Wcost?
prompt us to generalise, or about relate to the premise; and so on). Murdoch
how X might only be explicable as a specific case of Using the analytical structure for planning
some general rule. Different sorts of plans PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR
Continuing the previous example, the premises Usually, when we are told to plan our arguments REASONING 129
concerning cost are about the and explanations, we are given The analytical structure format as a plan for
cause of the increased commercialism of the games. advice about how to create a good narrative flow or writing
Because of the need for money sequence. For example, many The analytical structure format is different from
to fund the games (a result of these costs), there is excellent books on writing discuss the need to plan (and, for purposes of smart
no way they could be staged written work so that we move thinking, much better than) a mind-map or
without corporate funding. Good reasoning would from the introduction through each of the main narrative plan. The ideas that
involve checking to see if it points to the conclusion. For each underpin it are used as the basis of the analytical
really is the case that increased costs is the only stage of the work, these books give advice about questions that will guide every
factor; in doing so, we might find what is required to make the stage of thinking, researching, and writing. The resulting essay or report readable and effective. actual written-on-paper
126 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR These books also refer to the idea of format, with its list of claims and diagram, is then
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING 'mind-mapping', in which, rather than trying to used, after initial research
that government funding of the Olympics has write down our thoughts and ideas but before we think about the narrative sequence. It
declined in the current era of low in a linear sequence (as they will appear in final can either guide further
public financing and increased privatisation: written form), we should begin by research or guide the actual writing or presentation
5. There is no other source of funds for the 'mapping' them all over a piece of paper, drawing of our argument or
Olympics. lines to connect them together explanation. It allows us to externalise the analytical
As we know, premises are, by themselves, unlikely and adding new ideas that expand on what is relationships between
to be well founded without already there. ideas that are the heart of reasoning. Once on
some authority or further reasoning. So, at this Both planning methods have their advantages but paper, these relationships and
stage, we can also add further layers only if we use them at the right ideas (the diagram and the claims) can be checked
to our diagram, providing more claims that show or time, with a clear understanding of their purpose, to see what mistakes we are
explain our premises. We can and knowing what each represents. making, where more work needs to be done, how
add as many layers as we wish, though for practical They share one important feature: by externalising well we are analysing the
reasons we might wish to stop thoughts, that is, putting them on issues, and so on.
at three or four layers (see below). In each case, paper, they enable us to reflect and think through Now, throughout this book we have been using the
remember that we are using the what it is we are doing. A written analytical structure
claim at the bottom of each vertical arrow as a sequence plan should be developed last, just before format mainly as a way of understanding better
conclusion, and so all of the thinking we commence writing. The what goes on within arguments
moves involved in making good links between the purpose is similar, really, to the table of contents in and explanations. When we use it as a planning tool,
main conclusion and its main this book. The narrative plan guides we need to be careful that
premises also apply to these relationships. us and reminds us what, in turn, we need to write it does not 'take over' our project and become an
Again, claim 4 of the Olympics example—'Non- about within the narrative sequence. end in itself. Always remember
sport costs, associated with It represents, in summary form, the order in which that, like any planning tool, the analytical structure
security and entertainment, are now much more we are going to write our narrative. format simply provides
prominent'—would need to be A mind-map should be used first, before we have another way of helping to clarify and express your
properly supported by its own explanation, which really begun to think about what ideas in a form that assists you
would involve a similar process exactly we want to argue or explain. Its purpose is to complete the final task: writing the full, narrative
in which we think of a reason and then break it to aid us in 'brainstorming' the expression of your reasoning.
down into specific claims. These jumbled mass of ideas and possible connections—to We must make sure that what is written in the plan
supporting claims might be: get them down on paper so we can be easily translated into
6. The Olympic games are now a prime target for can think more clearly about them. It represents the this final product.
terrorists. initial 'pool' of knowledge in our With this in mind, I will use an example from
7. Terrorism is common in the contemporary world. chapter 6 to show how a written
essay or report might develop from an analytical or just an added benefit where it is possible. You reasoning? Is it strong? weak? Can it be improved?
structure plan: can see how it may well be necessary challenged? Write additional
1. University education should be free for all for me to stop and, thinking through my argument, claims, with appropriate diagrams, that either
Australians. develop another analytical structure improve on, counter, or further
2. A well-educated population is more productive at in which claim 7 is the conclusion. Finally, claim 9 explore the issues raised in this argument. Then
work. —'Education includes all levels think about the general use of
3. Higher productivity at work benefits the from primary to tertiary'—might simply be these analytical questions and structures in relation
economy. presented as a definition and expressed to your own reasoning: how
4. If something benefits the economy, then the can they help you to be a better smart thinker?
government should PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR Review
encourage it. REASONING 1 3 1 Since reasoning is about knowledge, we must think
5. The best way for the government to encourage quickly in one or two sentences in the final written about the epistemologies
Australians to be well form. Alternatively, it could become (philosophies of knowledge) that underpin the
educated is to provide free university education. a significant issue to develop further. I could relationship between text and
6. In our complex technological society, one perhaps show how, historically, government context. Questions can reveal the external
requires university study in policy on education has developed, first with the boundaries of our topic and how it relates
order to be well educated. provision of free primary education, to other topics, knowledge, or audiences; questions
7. Free education is a fundamental democratic then free secondary education for some years, then can also reveal important
right. a full six years of free secondary aspects of our topic itself. The questioning process is
8. Australia is a democracy. education, and then, in the 1970s and first half of not a 'once-off task that we
9. Education includes all levels from primary to the 1980s, free tertiary education. complete and then forget: it is a continuous process
tertiary. Such a discussion might help me, later, to show the that relates specifically to the
10. Any cost that the government imposes on people truth of claim 6—'In our complex way in which we set down our ideas in the analytical
attending higher technological society, one requires university study structure format.
education will probably reduce the numbers in order to be well educated'. This structure is most useful as a planning tool and
attending. At this stage in the written format, I would differs from usual
1 1 . If numbers are reduced, then Australians are probably remind my readers of the plans, which either involve unstructured concepts
obviously not being conclusion and introduce the 'economic benefit' (mind-maps) or ideas
encouraged to attend. reason, explicitly indicating that the arranged in the order that we will write them (a assumptions behind it (that the government should narrative sequence plan). The
130 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR not simply fund all democratic key advantage of the analytical structure format is
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING benefits for its citizens but should only pay for those that it lays out, in advance
©+©.©©.©,0,0,0 that are economically significant) of writing or presentation, the structure of key
1 come from a different philosophical position. While claims and the links between
My conclusion (claim 1) is what I want my audience the two reasons overlap to them in a way that is driven by the analysis—the
to agree with. Hence, I some degree, I need to make it clear that they are, reasoning—rather than by the
will state it clearly in the first paragraph of my essentially, quite distinct. This part way we will present the argument or explanation.
narrative flow (although there are of the written report would be complex and lengthy. CONCEPT CHECK
also times when it is better to leave the conclusion- Looking at the structure, I see The following terms and concepts are introduced in
claim until later on in the narrative that claims 2, 3, and 6 tend to be more closely this chapter. Before checking
flow).2 At the same time, I want to signal to my related than claims 4 and 5- Hence, in the Glossary, write a short definition of each
readers that I will be giving although logically all of these five premises are term:
them two key reasons for accepting this conclusion dependent on one another, I would intersubjective
—these reasons are expressed, break up my analysis into two sections and deal mind-map
first, in claims 2 -6 and, second, in claims 7-9. with each subgroup in turn. Knowing narrative sequence plan
However, I would not go into detail that the second subgroup (claims 4 and 5) is the objective
in this first paragraph but would simply indicate crucial framing or value-judging part relativism
that, broadly, I will be discussing of the argument, I would be particularly detailed in Review exercise 9
free education in terms of economic benefit and arguing these premises through, Answer briefly the following questions giving,
democratic rights. drawing on claims 10 and 11 to make out my case where possible, an example in your
Next, although it is not represented anywhere in the for claim 5. The final part of the answer that is different from those used in this
analytical structure just written work would simply restate the key reasons book:
given, I would probably give a summary or and the conclusion.
overview of the history of higher education Here is the narrative sequence in plan form to PLANNING AND CREATING YOUR
in Australia, providing an outline of the times at emphasise the difference between REASONING 133
which education has and these two planning tools: a. What are the factors we need to consider if we
has not been free. To do this properly might involve Introduction are to understand the
the development of a second • Give main conclusion (1) and key reasons: external dimensions of our text?
structure diagram that captures the main points I economic benefit (2—6) and b. What are the factors we need to consider if we
want to make. I would also need democratic right (7-9) are to understand the
to establish a context for this argument: I could Main body: Background internal dimensions of our text?
perhaps identify it as a response to • Give background on history of education in c. How does context affect text and vice versa?
the continued pressure from the federal government Australia with respect who paid d. What is the difference between an objective and
to reduce public spending in and why. an intersubjective philosophy
favour of more private spending by individual • Provide context (the current situation that leads to of knowledge?
Australians. This section of the this argument). e. Why is it important to consider the connotative
written report (which, in this example, would be Main body 2: develop 'democratic right' reason element of our claims?
between ten and twelve pages, or • Write 1 paragraph on 8; 4-5 paragraphs on 7; 4-5 f. What general purpose do plans fulfil?
3000 words, in total) might be between two and paragraphs on 9. g. What is the primary advantage of the analytical
three pages long. Main body 3: Develop 'economic benefit' reason structure format when
Then I would begin my actual analysis by discussing • Distinguish this reason from previous one; signal used for planning?
the second of my two reasons two related aspects (2 paragraphs). h. What are the key differences between a narrative
(the 'democratic rights' one), since it is, for me, • Write 2 - 3 paragraphs on 2 and 3; 2 - 3 sequence plan, a mindmap,
more significant than the 'economic paragraphs on 6 (relate back to second and an analytical structure format?
benefit' reason. I would begin by writing about section). NOTES
claim 8—'Australia is a democracy'— • Write 4-5 paragraphs on 5; including discussion of 1 Some philosophers would maintain that
and would not expend too much effort on showing 10 and 11; 2-3 paragraphs knowledge can be objective, in those circumstances
why I made this claim (since it is on 4. in which the knowledge is not affected at all by
generally accepted). Probably a paragraph would Conclusion. human subjectivity. I would
be sufficient. My discussion of claim • Sum up the two reasons and restate 1. contend that, while theoretically possible, this
7—'Free education is a fundamental democratic objective status is never reached in practice.
right'—is a different matter. I could 1 3 2 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR Although we may, as thinking human subjects, be
expect to write between four and five paragraphs CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING able to utilise methods and
exploring every aspect of this claim, Exercise 9.3 approaches that eliminate all possibility of
in effect developing an argument for its Apply the questions developed in the first section of subjective bias (and most academic disciplines
acceptability. I would need to consider the issue this chapter to the argument have a wide range of such methods and
of 'rights' and what they mean; whether or not free just outlined about higher education in Australia. approaches), the very use of these
education is a 'fundamental' right What do you think of the methods and approaches itself creates a subjective
element. For example, within
Western scientific medical practice, knowledge of referencers) remain confused about the admittedly authority of the source from which they obtained
diseases may be objective; however, complex set of reasons that the information they are
from a different viewpoint (such as, for example, explain why referencing is so important in all kinds presenting (see Allen, Smart Thinking, chapter 6
traditional or folk medicine), the very of written communication. for more explanation). Put simply,
decision to use a scientific approach is itself a This paper will outline these reasons before ending references are part of the way one writes a
subjective element. Moreover, the human with a short exploration of convincing argument or explanation.
subject is created in part by what he or she knows. why they might be hard for some students to grasp. Since good writing always seeks to be convincing,
To say that knowledge is intersubjective As just indicated, there are three main reasons why even if to only a small degree,
means all knowledge is interrelated and that the referencing is important then it is easy to see why the quest to teach students
specific pattern of relationship in essays, reports, presentations, theses, articles, to be good writers must also
will depend upon who, when, where, and how and all the other kinds of involve teaching them to reference effectively.
subjects express and receive knowledge. scholarly writing in which students engage both at These three reasons can be summed up as follows.
2 Remember that we often refer to the last university and then, as Each newly produced
paragraph of an essay or presentation as the graduates, in their professions. Without seeking to essay, article, presentation, or whatever, is always
'conclusion'. Here, of course, because we are talking assign a priority to any of based substantially in existing
analytically, the conclusion is the them they are: first, that referencing enables a published or presented material and becomes a part
key claim that we want our audience to accept. reader to seek out more information of the 'ongoing, knowledgeable on the topic of the written work, based on the conversation' expressed through that material.
10 references given; second, Written work needs
Bringing It All Together: referencing acknowledges authors' ethical and good referencing so as to refer its readers
Narrative and Structure academic debt of thanks to those elsewhere, to repay the debt to other
In this final chapter, I provide a fully worked sources which they have used to create their own writers, and to reinforce its own arguments.
example of a substantial written 'source' of information; and But what makes it hard for some students to grasp
argument, which I have cast and commented upon, third, referencing provides a method by which the essential elements of
so as to demonstrate the authors can establish the validity this relatively simple argument as to why they must
way in which the main form in which we encounter and strength of their claims by relying on the reference, even as they
reasoning—the narrative authority of the source to which dutifully follow out the instructions to 'reference
flow—is perhaps better understood as an expression they are referring. Let us examine these reasons in correctly' laid out for them
of an underlying process more detail. by teachers? Without going into detail, it seems
of linking premises and conclusions. This longer The process of effective scholarship (finding, likely that many students do
example also demonstrates analysing, and communicating not yet believe themselves to be authors, with an
in more detail how you might end up writing information) involves an almost-constant audience, and a comradeship
something based on an analytical acquisition of ideas, knowledge, with other authors. They see themselves primarily
structure, pointing out the subtleties of expression views, and general contextual understanding. One as students, governed by a
that provide a method of finding the debilitating and unequal regime of inequality in
structure and meaning surrounding that logical material from which to acquire this information, relation to their teachers.
core. used mainly at times of intensive Thus, the reasons I have just outlined are not
First, read the example, which is an argument I use research, is to follow the leads provided in an article rejected by some students
to convince students or book via the because they are not understood, or are
of the need to reference properly when they write references to find, quickly and with a high degree of unreasonably or wilfully ignored.
essays. Second, read carefully reliability, additional Rather the reasons are rejected because they are,
my analysis of the logic, broken down paragraph by valuable, relevant sources of information. A well- quite rationally, not relevant
paragraph (you might constructed piece of scholarly to a 'student', even if they are explained to students.
even want to try casting it yourself). Third, look at writing will contain both information in its own A 'student' (by which I
the way I try to capture the right and information that mean the abstract identity rather than any
essence of the text in a simpler argument. Finally, assists readers in further information acquisition. particular individual) is governed by
consider my overall Thus an author needs to see the imperatives of 'doing as one is told' by teachers;
assessment of the ten paragraphs that make up this referencing as a service to the reader of their work a student's audience is
text. and, using the kinds of their assessor; a student's sense of comradeship is
Example text standard methods that are available (such as the with other students as
The value of referencing APA system), make sure readers students; the goal of writing is not, usually,
One of the problems that confronts teachers of first- are easily able to go from their text to others via 'contributing to human
year university units each those references. knowledge' but getting a good mark.
semester is the need to ensure that students learn, The second reason noted above was that authors Students in general then fail to understand the need
quickly, the methods and owe a debt to those writers to reference because they
skills of correct referencing. In some courses, who have provided them with information, do not see how the very sensible arguments in
students are very much left to inspiration, and ideas. This debt is favour of referencing apply to
fend for themselves, relying on, perhaps, the both scholarly and ethical. What do I mean by them. Thus, in terms of the cultural understanding
services of the university library, assigning two different aspects of student identity—of 'who
advice offered by individual staff members, or to this notion of debt? Following the 'debt'
simply muddling through on the metaphor through a little further, it BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE
BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE 136 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR students believe themselves to be'—we can see that
basis of critical feedback on their first assignments. is possible to say first that the scholarly community reference effectively because they are not motivated
The Department of Media within which an author by genuine self-interest as
and Information (DMI), along with some other writes enforces payment of the debt (their readers writers, but instead by the dubious and failure-
areas of the university, takes a will check their work, either prone motivation of obedience.
different approach. DMI, in its first-year unit MCI consciously or not, for evidence that proper The problem with which I began this paper, namely
101: Research and referencing has taken place). Second, the need to ensure that
Presentation Project, directly addresses the need it is enforced, or at least made possible, by the students learn, quickly, the methods and skills of
that students have to learn ethical behaviour of individual correct referencing, is often
correct referencing techniques, devoting some authors who, privately, must recognise they need to addressed at university simply in a technical
weeks and an assignment to that acknowledge those other fashion. But, in light of the very
task. Students can also practise these techniques in writers who have helped them. Without referencing, brief analysis of the student-as-student (rather than
the assignments required in the system of mutual student-as-writer) that I
other first-year units. obligation on authors to use each others' work, to have just proposed, the real solution lies in a
Nevertheless, even when direct attention of the kind link new pieces of work to combination of effective technical
just outlined has been those already published, and to rely on one help and, at least as importantly, a conscious and
paid to referencing, some students continue to another's specific expertise would supportive effort to encourage
struggle with it. The problem is collapse. Thus referencing is important, even if the students to think in new ways about themselves and
not merely a technical one, since all the students at references were never actually the relationship they have
university are capable of followed up (though, of course, they regularly are). to their teachers. Unless a relationship can develop
learning to follow the kinds of technical directions The third reason why referencing is so important is, between teachers and
that lay out the appropriate perhaps, the most difficult students that emphasises a shared (but still, by
steps needed to reference their work. What then is to grasp. References allow an author to obviate the differences in experience and
the cause of this problem? need to detail and support every training, unequal) responsibility for production of
DMI would suggest that many students (including single premise in their arguments and explanations knowledge, then referencing
some who are quite able by relying instead on the
will continue to be a confusing and potentially Project in the assignments required in other first- The third paragraph is not reasoning:
antagonistic battleground for all year units that they are As just indicated, there are three main reasons why
concerned. studying at the same time. referencing is important
Casting and notes on each paragraph © in essays, reports, presentations, theses, articles,
One of the problems that confronts teachers of first- Moving on to the second paragraph: and all the other
year university units [Nevertheless, even when direct attention of the kinds of scholarly writing in which students engage
each semester is the need to ensure that students kindd just outlined has both at university and
learn, quickly, the been paid to referencing, some students continue to then, as graduates, in their professions. Without
methods and skills of correct referencing.3 [In some struggle with it.]5 [The seeking to assign a
courses, students are problem is not merely a technical one]6, sincee [all priority to any of them they are: first, that
very much left to fend for themselves, relying on, the students at referencing enables a reader to
perhaps, the services of university are capable of learning to follow the seek out more information on the topic of the
the university library, advice offered by individual kinds of technical directions written work, based on the
staff members, or simply that lay out the appropriate steps needed to references given; second, referencing acknowledges
muddling through on the basis of critical feedback reference their work.]7 What authors' ethical and
on their first assignments.] then is the cause of this problem?' DM I would academic debt of thanks to those sources which they
1 [The Department of Media and Information suggest that [many students have used to create
(DMI), along with (including some who are quite able referencers) their own 'source' of information; and third,
some other areas of the university," takes a remain confused about the referencing provides a method
different approach.]2 [DMI, in admittedly complex set of reasons that explain why by which authors can establish the validity and
its first-year unit MCI 101: Research and referencing is so strength of their claims by
Presentation Project, directly relying on the authority of the source to which they
addresses the need that students have to learn BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE are referring. Let us
correct referencing AND STRUCTURE 139 examine these reasons in more detail.
techniques, devoting some weeks and an assignment important in all kinds of written communication.]8 It identifies the three reasons and then says that the
to that task.c]3 This paper will outline paper will examine them. Since
[Students can also practise these techniques in the these reasons before ending with a short exploration there is no attempt to argue or explain why there
assignments required of why they might be are three reasons, or why the paper is
in other first-year units.]4 hard for some students to grasp. looking at them in detail, and so on, there is nothing
This first paragraph establishes that it is reasonable 0^0 to be cast. Then, in paragraph 4:
to claim that DMI takes a ©.© [The process of effective scholarship (finding,
different approach. It does so, in the premises, by 0 analysing and communicating
claiming what other departments This paragraph is complex. For one thing, it does information) involves an almost-constant
do, and then claims that what DMI does differs not have a clear conclusion. acquisition of ideas,
from this. Here are three interesting It is both 'structuring' the paper and also advancing knowledge, views, and general contextual
features of the paragraph: an argument for that structure. understanding.]9 [One
a The first sentence is not part of the argument I would imagine the implied conclusion, marked method of finding the material from which to
directly. However, this here as V, to be something like acquire this information,
sentence does contribute. When claim 2 says 'takes 'The cause of the problem is that students remain used mainly at times of intensive research, is to
a different approach', the confused about these reasons'. follow the leads
question that needs to be answered is 'a different There are also a number of assumptions made provided in an article or book via the references to
approach to what?'. The which mean there are implied premises. find, quickly and with
first sentence provides the answer... 'a different Here are three interesting features of the a high degree of reliability, additional valuable,
approach to the paragraph: relevant sources of
problem... [etc].' d. This inter-paragraph reference clearly information.]10 [A well-constructed piece of
b The phrase 'along with some other areas of the demonstrates how the analytical scholarly writing will
university' is not properly structure cannot be easily read off'the words in contain both information in its own right and front of us', but depends on information that assists
138 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR the surrounding narrative flow. readers in further information acquisition.]11. Thus
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING e. 'Since' tells us that, even though we might [an author needs to
supported in the argument, as there is no evidence ourselves not imagine the claim see referencing as a service to the reader of their
about these other areas. following it is a premise for the claim that precedes work.]12 and, [using
Technically, one might say, it is unproven. it, we have no choice
c The phrase 'devoting some weeks and an but to diagram it in this way. The author intends BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE
assignment to that task' might be that we use the claim 7 as AND STRUCTURE 141
thought by some to be a separate claim, embedded a premise for 6, and we diagram as the author the kinds of standard methods that are available
in claim 3. Possibly: but intended. (such as the APA
I would see it as detail which expands on and makes f. This question is not a claim, but prompts us to system)]13, make sure readers are easily able to go
sensible the part of think about the implied from their text to
claim 3 that says 'directly addresses'—the detail conclusion. others via those references.]14.
shows how it is direct. Here is the analytical structure of the first ©•©
By way of example, here is the basic analytical argument in this passage (what we ©•©
structure that might be seen to can call a sub-argument because it is subsidiary to, ©
lie beneath this narrative flow: but part of the overall argument The last sentence could either contain two claims
2. The Department of Media and Information takes in the paragraph), but this time making explicit the and an implied claim or
a different approach to some implied premise. See how three claims. Since the phrase starting 'using...' is
other parts ofCurtin University in solving the 'obvious' it is? what I use to infer the existence
problem of ensuring that students 5. Nevertheless, some students continue to struggle of the implied claim, I think it is best cast as three
in first-year university units each semester learn, with the methods and skills of claims as indicated.
quickly, the methods and skills correct referencing even when direct attention has Obviously the phrase 'using...' is not, in its current
of correct referencing. been paid to learning it, as for form, a complete claim. I
1. In some courses, students are very much left to example in MCI 101: Research and Presentation would suggest that what it is really saying is: 'if
fend for themselves, relying on, Project. referencing is a service to readers,
perhaps, the services of the university library, 7. All students at university are capable of learning then readers will only be able to benefit from this
advice offered by individual staff to follow the kinds of service by going to other texts
members, or simply muddling through on the basis via the references when an author uses the kinds of
of critical feedback on their 140 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR standard methods that are
first assignments. CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING available'.
3. The Department of Media and Information uses technical directions that lay out the appropriate The second reason noted above was thatg [authors
its first-year unit MCI 101: steps needed to reference their owe a debt to those
Research and Presentation Project to address work. other writers who have provided them with
directly the need that students have i. If everyone can follow the technical directions, information, inspiration and
to learn the methods and skills of correct then some peoples failure to ideas.]15 [This debt is both scholarly and ethical.]16
referencing by devoting some weeks in follow them indicates that technical matters are not What do I mean by
class and an assignment to that goal. the problem. assigning two different aspects to this notion of
4. Students in the Department of Media and 6. The problem of some students struggling with the debt? Following the 'debt'
Information also practise the methods methods and skills of correct metaphor through a little further, it is possible to
and skills of correct referencing learned in MCI referencing is not merely a technical one. say first that [the scholarly
101: Research and Presentation ©
community within which an author writes enforces to 24. Therefore this claim is the framing premise; 26
payment of the and the type of reasoning
debt]17 [(their readers will check their work, either in the whole 22, 23, and 24 ensemble is general-to- BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE
consciously or not, for specific. AND STRUCTURE 145
evidence that proper referencing has taken j . The trace of reasoning 'then it is easy to see why' The most difficult paragraph in the text. First of all,
place)]18. Second, [it is does not form part of the the two sentences which I
enforced, or at least made possible, by the ethical claim and is therefore excluded from the brackets. have combined as claim 26 might appear to be two
behaviour of individual Here's how the 'side argument' can be written out: claims. Since they are stating
authors who, privately, must recognise they need to x. References allow an author to obviate the need to 'two sides of the coin', we might better represent
acknowledge those detail and support every them as one claim, even though
other writers who have helped them.]19 [Without single premise in their arguments and explanations. the words are split over two sentences. Claim 25
referencing, the system y. References allow an author to rely on the shows a similar 'they are not—
of mutual obligation on authors to use each others' authority of the source from they are' pairing which is, effectively in this case,
work, to link new which they obtained the information they are one claim.
pieces of work to those already published, and to presenting. What this example demonstrates is the lack of
rely on one another's a. Relying on the authority of the source from which clarity of casting: it is an
specific expertise would collapse.]20 Thus authors obtained the inexact science, in many cases depending on the way
[referencing is important, even information they are presenting obviates the need to that a particular reader
if the references were never actually followed uph detail and support interprets the passage, rather than on all readers
(though, of course, they every single premise in their arguments and agreeing with a single interpretation.
regularly are).]21 explanations. While we might use casting as an exercise to z. Allen, writing in Smart Thinking, chapter 6 understand better analytical
142 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR explains the way in which references structure and logic, we should not confuse the
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING allow an author instead to rely on the authority of exercise with practice. If the
® the source from specific goal of the exercise of casting is to decide on
Y which they obtained the information they are the claims and their
0 + ©+© presenting in more detail. structure, its more general goal is to improve your
© yi+la understanding so that the 'real'
A difficult paragraph, not least because the ideas .— goal—better critical thinking in your own writing—
being presented are complex is more obtainable. Here are
and metaphorical. A key feature here is to discern 144 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR two interesting features:
that there are sub-arguments CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING k. I have indicated earlier in this book that
within the main argument. That is, some of the Note how the reference to Smart Thinking serves to questions can be thought of as
reasoning here proves other claims support the claim y, thereby 'claims-in-prospect' or, more fully, that a question
that then help demonstrate the validity of modelling the use of referencing which is the subject is the way we propose a
conclusions further 'down' the chain of of the reason explained in the claim so as to then find the answers we need (the
reasoning. As well, there is an important implied paragraph. reasons) that will either
premise that links 16,15, and 20 The next paragraph is not reasoning. It summarises support or reject that proposed claim. This question
together. Can you identify it? Here are two the three previous paragraphs demonstrates the
interesting features of the paragraph: and their connection to the main theme. point. It says 'But what makes it hard for some
g. In both cases, the extra words here are not part These three reasons can be summed up as follows. students to grasp the essential
of the claims which follow Each newly elements of this relatively simple argument as to
them. They help readers follow the narrative flow produced essay, article, presentation, or whatever, why they must reference,
but are not, analytically, is always based even as they dutifully follow out the instructions to
significant. substantially in existing published or presented 'reference
h. We have looked at how claims contain elements material and becomes correctly' laid out for them by teachers?', which in
that indicate scope; normally a part of the 'ongoing, knowledgeable conversation' fact helps us to understand
we see these elements limiting the scope. However, expressed through what the paragraph is attempting to do. It is not
in this case, the phrase that material. Written work needs good referencing arguing that students
'even if...' extends the scope of the claim, attempting so as to refer its do find it hard ... it is seeking to explore the reasons,
to counter any challenge readers elsewhere, to repay the debt to other the 'what makes it
to the logic by people who say 'ah, but references writers, and to reinforce hard'.
are not always checked'. its own arguments. 1. Be careful! In this special case 'because' is part of
Moving on: However, the next paragraph is an argument: the claim. The claim is
The third reason why referencing is so important is, But what makes it hard for some students to grasp claiming a link between the effect (ignoring
perhaps, the most difficult the essential elements referencing) and the cause (not
to grasp. [References allow an author to obviate the of this relatively simple argument as to why they failure to grasp, but failure to see them as relevant).
need to detail and must reference, even as Hence, in this case,
support every single premise in their arguments they dutifully follow out the instructions to because does not signal two separate claims.
and explanations.]x by 'reference correctly' laid out for The difficulty with the next paragraph (and, indeed,
[relying instead on the authority of the source from them by teachers?k Without going into detail, it the previous one) is
which they obtained the seems likely that [many that it relies on many assumptions and already-
information they are presenting.]y [(see Allen, students do not yet believe themselves to be authors, established ideas from the rest
Smart Thinking, chapter 6 for with an audience, of the text. Moreover, the paragraph combines
more explanation).]z Put simply, [references are and a comradeship with other authors. They see explanation (explaining why
part of the way one writes a themselves primarily as something happens) and argument, in that it argues
convincing argument or explanation.]22 Since [good students, governed by a debilitating and unequal for one explanation over
writing always seeks to regime of inequality in another.
be convincing, even if to only a small degree]23\ relation to their teachers.125 Thus, [the reasons I [Students in general then fail to understand the
then it is easy to see whyj have just outlined are need to reference.]32
[the quest to teach students to be good writers must not rejected by some students because1 they are not because [they do not see how the very sensible
also involve teaching understood, or are arguments in favour
them to reference effectively.]24 unreasonably or wilfully ignored. Rather the of referencing apply to them]33. Thus, in terms of reasons are rejected because the cultural understanding
BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE they are, quite rationally, not relevant to a 'student', of student identity—of 'who students believe
AND STRUCTURE 143 even if they are themselves to
22 + 23 explained to students.]26 [A 'student' (by which I be'—we can see that [students probably fail to
• mean the abstract reference effectively
24 identity rather than any particular individual) is because they are not motivated by genuine self-
This paragraph contains repetition and the main governed by the imperatives interest as writers,
analytical point being made of 'doing as one is told' by teachers;]27 [a student's but instead by the dubious and failure-prone
does not start until claim 22. However, to be audience is their motivation of obedience.]
thorough, I have also demonstrated assessor;]28 [a student's sense of comradeship is 34
how the first part of the paragraph contains a 'side with other students as
argument' (of sorts) (see below). students;]29 [the goal of writing is not, usually, 146 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR
Here are two interesting features of the paragraph: 'contributing to human CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING
i. This claim is the general rule that is being applied knowledge' but getting a good mark.]30 33
to make the link from 2 2 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 Y
25 32
Y 7 Sums up these reasons in an accessible way. It is Make connections. This activity is crucial. If you are
34 not a conclusion. It not doing this, you are not
The last paragraph is a summary of what comes summarises. Paragraphs like this are useful to help thinking smart. It is like doing a jigsaw puzzle—if
before and I have not cast readers grasp what has been you put the pieces together in
it. communicated since reading something twice helps the right way, you come up with the 'right answer'
Capturing the essence of the text to embed it in their (the picture) at the end. The
Looking back over the last three paragraphs, I have minds. connections we might make between separate pieces
tried to produce something of 148 SMART THINKING: SKILLS FOR of evidence or ideas are
the key argument they contain as a list of claims CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING & WRITING demonstrated most clearly in chapters 3 and 4.
and diagram. In doing so, I hope 8 Commences the second part of the text, as cued by Interpret and evaluate. Not only do you need to
not only to assist you in understanding the text as a the question and by the interpret and evaluate what you
whole but also to show how fact that the preceding paragraph was a summary. read: you also need to do these actions to your own
casting is not 'the only way of doing things'. 9 Continues the second part, stating the main thinking! Chapters 5 and 6 are
Sometimes we can try to understand conclusion for this part of the all about improving your reasoning and in that
things by reconstructing the underlying argument paper. process evaluation is critical.
structure, rather than directly 10 Takes the material from paragraphs 8 and 9 and Exercise 1.2
recovering it from the narrative flow. I have relates it back to the problem Questioning is rather like concept- or mind-
changed the words, and stripped the and context with which the text commenced in mapping (see chapter 9). However, it
argument down to its essentials so as to make clear paragraphs 1 and 2. It briefly is important that you treat this exercise as one of
what the logic is. This is not mentions the material from paragraphs 3 to 7 so as asking (not trying to answer) the
casting. I am doing it here simply to show you to make a comprehensive 150
another use for the methods of endpoint. ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
thinking about logic I have discussed in this book. ADVICE 151
1. We need to make students think of themselves as Summary questions. Too often we begin to answer a question
writers and not as This book has concentrated on the analytical or two that concern us without
students. structure format, primarily as a way having first thought about what other questions
2. Students write for an assessor. of learning about reasoning, but also with an eye to need asking.
3. Students have comradeship with other students. its practical application as a tool Chapter 2
4. Students write with the goal of getting a good for helping you plan the creation and presentation Exercise 2.1
mark. of arguments and explanations. Statements b, e, and fare claims.
5. Students write as a result of being told to write. Yet it would be wrong to think that the format is, of Exercise 2.2
6. Being a writer means believing that the goal of itself, something essential to a two claims: 'All that glitters is gold'; 'this nugget
writing is contributing reasoning. It is not. This format—along with the glitters'.
to knowledge. idea of analytical questions—is b one claim: 'The song is called "Diamonds are a
7. Being a writer means thinking of one's audience one way of representing the thought processes that Girl's Best Friend"', concealed
as those people with we must go through to be smart in a rhetorical question,
something to learn from the writer. thinkers. It enables us to see that the key elements c three claims: 'Silver jewellery is very common';
8. Being a writer means having a sense of of smart thinking are: 'silver is a cheap metal', 'it
comradeship with other • being thoughtful in considering issues in depth [silver] is easily worked'. Note the use of the
authors. and with breadth, and without pronoun 'it'.
9. Being a writer means writing with self-motivation 'missing' any element of reasoning Exercise 2.3
to write. • being critical in the way we assess information, not a 'Drinking milk' subject makes 'some people feel
10. Students do not write as if they are writers, but taking things for granted sick' predicate
write as students. or making easy assumptions, either about the truth b T subject 'do not drink milk' predicate
1 1 . Referencing only seems relevant if one is a of claims or their interrelationships c 'Milk drinking' subject is 'not recommended for
writer. with other claims people who are lactoseintolerant'
12. Students know technically how to reference. • being smart in the way we relate the texts of predicate reasoning to the contexts in Exercise 2.4
BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: NARRATIVE which they are produced, presented, and then used a 'drinking milk makes some people feel sick'. This
AND STRUCTURE 147 • being aware that 'knowledge' and 'reasoning' direct claim has been made
1 3 . The most likely explanation of students' represent two perspectives on by the doctor. The actual meaning of the entire
failures to reference is that the same fundamental concept: that we explain and claim is that I have been told
they do not think of themselves as writers. argue about the world in this claim.
14. We do not want students to fail to reference. terms of the links between objects and ideas. No one b 'I drink milk' 'I feel sick'. There are two claims
©.0.0,©.©,©.©.© idea or object can be here, effectively, combined to
Y understood except in relation to others. make a propositional super-claim.
0.©.© Smart thinking is not just a method or skill. It is c 'a person comes to a doctor and says "If I drink
©.© also an attitude. Practising and milk, then I feel sick'" and
Y using the skills, with a clear awareness of what you 'the doctor will diagnose that person as lactose-
0 are doing and a willingness to intolerant'. These are the two
Overall narrative flow of the text reflect on and learn about the process of reasoning, claims in the if/then statement; note also that the
There are ten paragraphs in the text. Here is what will give you the right approach first claim is itself an
each of them does, as part of a to being a smart thinker, effective in your reasoning indirect claim, like (a).
narrative flow that expresses the underlying logical and able to achieve your goals Exercise 2.5
structure: through arguments and explanations. Good luck! Order of scope: b, a, c. The key words are
1 Sets the scene by providing background 149 (b)'Whenever', (a) 'Sometimes', and (c)
information and grabbing the Answers, Discussion, 'Occasionally'. Order of certainty: e, d, f. The key
reader's attention by establishing that there is a and Further Advice words are (e) 'There is no way',
problem that needs to be Chapter 1 (d) 'probable', and (f) 'the odds are 50:50'. The
considered. Exercise 1 . 1 linkages are between (a) milkdrinking
2 This paragraph provides crucial signalling Asking questions (of ourselves and others). Your and sickness; (b) eating cheese before sleeping and
information about the whole piece. questions are designed to tell you dreams; (c) eating rich
It identifies that there is something interesting what you do not already know and guide you in food and indigestion; and (d-f) humans and living in
about the solution proposed what to find out; but they also draw space.
by it to the problem (always useful to know when out hidden aspects of a problem; and, because
one is looking for new and questions are like claims (see chapter 2), 1 5 2 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
different ideas), and signals that the paper has a they provide possible conclusions for your ADVICE
two-part structure. argument. You will find that questions are Exercise 2.6
3 A further set of signals about the organisation of essential to good reasoning, and in chapter 9 we Claims a and c are explicit value claims; claim b has
the paper. It identifies that focus on the questions you need to ask. an implied value judgment;
there will be three reasons, and each will be Seek out information. Smart thinking requires claim d is (probably) simply descriptive. Where is
examined in detail. information. It also helps us when the value judgment in claim b?
4,5,6 Each of these paragraphs covers one of the dealing with information by letting us sift through It does, of course, depend on context, but most
three reasons signalled in for the essential things we want people in contemporary Australia
paragraph 3. This structure shows how to know. Chapter 8 provides guidance on how to recognise that 'fat is bad for you'. Hence, claiming
paragraphing can help, indirectly, to search for and recover information that some product contains fat
sustain the argument ... reflecting the intellectual analytically—that is, as part of the reasoning connects it with this value judgment; equally,
decisions about what and process. though, there are some situations in
how many reasons in the words on the page.
which fat is good for you (or at least better than being hidden in the narrative flow. The claims in the conclusion in this sub-argument but then
avoiding it altogether). On the the analytical structure are selfcontained: becomes a premise in the main explanation.
other hand, is there some value judgment in claim you don't need to read any other claim to know Note, too, that 'political crises in China' is a short-
d? In certain contexts, the idea what each means hand way of saying
that 'white is pure' (and hence 'good for you') could whereas in the narrative flow, you do. 'There were political crises in China at that time',
be implied by this claim, thus Exercise 3.4 and similarly for claim 4. Read
making it, to some extent, a value judgment. If you a (I should not buy a car at the moment) 1. (I have further in chapter 3 for a discussion of the role of
found this exercise hard, you just lost my driver's licence) these sub-arguments inside a
have done well: judging and identifying value 2 and, besides, (I cannot afford it) 3. main argument or explanation.
claims depends, by and large, on the There are no link words that might signal the Exercise 3.5
contexts in which we find those claims. conclusion or premises. However, First, do not write, as if it were one claim, a
Exercise 2.7 of the three claims, claim 1 is the obvious statement that is either not a claim or
Some examples: 'Because the road is wet [p], you conclusion. If claims 2 or 3 were the is two claims. For example, the sentence 'We should
need to drive more carefully study reasoning because it
[c]'; 'Because you need to drive more carefully [p], 154 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER will help us to understand our world better'
you should pay attention to ADVICE contains two claims, linked with the
what you are doing [c]'; 'I conclude that there was a conclusion, then the argument would make very word 'because'. For your analytical structure to be
rainstorm a few minutes little, if any, sense at all. In this workable, each numbered statement
ago [c] because Verity has just come home soaking case, the premises do not add together. While the must be one claim only. Use your analytical
wet [p]'; 'There was a word 'and' might suggest they do, structure diagram to show the
rainstorm a few minutes ago [p] and so the road is either premise on its own would be sufficient to relationship signalled by words such as 'because'.
wet [c]'. In preparation for support the conclusion. Hence Labelling 'Reasoning is that skill
chapter 3, think about the role of words such as they are independent of one another in the diagram. that' as claim 1 and 'helps us to solve problems' as
'because', 'I conclude', and so (See chapter 4.) claim 2 is also wrong. One
on. b (Nicole Kidman is an international movie star) 1 claim has, in this example, been split falsely into two
Exercise 2.8 and I know that, (as a non-claims. A claim needs
Conclusions a and d are appeals to action, with the general rule, international movie stars get paid a lot to connect internally two key ideas or concepts.
latter involving a change in of money) 2. Therefore, 'Reasoning is that skill that helps
thinking. Note the disguised claim in the rhetorical it is obvious that (Nicole Kidman is well paid) 3. us to solve problems' is one claim, connecting
question. Conclusion b makes ©*© reasoning with the idea of solving
a prediction. Conclusion c is an explanation Y problems.
showing how the conclusion comes ©
about. Conclusion e is a justification on the part of This example should be easier than the first. This 156 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
the government for its past time there are two linking ADVICE
actions (as stated in the conclusion). phrases, which clearly show the conclusion and one Second, do not write claims that make no sense on
Chapter 3 of the premises. Claims 1 and their own. While narrative
Exercise 3.1 2 are dependent on one another, meaning they must writing and speaking requires the use of pronouns
Some examples of the way to rewrite them are: be 'grouped' together. (See and other short-hand phrases,
a I was elated because, today, I found out that I had chapter 4.) for planning purposes we should write more
passed my exam. (Two c (I have not got a university education, whereas precisely. The following example, for
claims now contained in one sentence.) several of my colleagues do) 1. instance, is incorrect:
b I felt ill and so I went home from work. (Still two (All of them have recently received promotions, but 1 Matthew Allen is the author of a book on
claims in one sentence but I did not receive one) 2. reasoning.
different way of signalling the conclusion... 'so'.) Given that (we are all roughly equal in our job 2 He works at Curtin University.
c Thinking helps us to do better at work; and performance) 3, I would have 3 This is a short, practically oriented book.
thinking improves our performance to conclude that (a university education really helps Using 'he' and 'this' are confusing. You need to use
at university. So we better learn to do it! (Changing one to get ahead in a the appropriate nouns, as in
where the nouns career) 4. the following example:
and pronouns fit, and the order.) Y 1 Matthew Allen is the author of a book on 0 reasoning.
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER It is equally acceptable to separate claims 1 and 2 2 Matthew Allen works at Curtin University.
ADVICE 153 into four claims (that is, 'I 3 The book on reasoning that Matthew Allen wrote
d John is a fully qualified lawyer because he passed have not got a university education' as the first, is short and practically
his final exams. (Change of 'several of my colleagues do [have oriented.
order.) a university education]' as the second, and so on), Third, avoid mistakes in diagramming the
e Many tourists come to Australia because but it does not clarify the interrelationship of claims. Some
Australia has great natural beauty analytical structure. The trick here is to avoid being mistakes in this area are the result of not
and a marvellous climate. (Change of order.) fooled by the punctuation: the understanding clearly what you want to
Exercise 3.2 first three claims are all dependent premises, say—later chapters will help you to overcome these
Here are two possible answers, with the linking despite being spread over three mistakes. Other mistakes result
words in italics. sentences and despite the lack of clear signals for from not grasping the meaning of the diagram
1 You should drive more carefully because of the the first two claims. See the symbols. Here are two examples.
fact that wet roads increase section 'Special function of premises' in chapter 4 First of all, imagine I had argued that:
the risk of accident and the road is indeed wet. [The for a discussion of how one claim 1 Reasoning skills should be taught more in
word 'indeed' may or Australian schools [as my
may not be some sort of signal that this claim is a ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER conclusion].
premise linked to the ADVICE 155 2 Reasoning is a key skill which all people should
conclusion; it suggests that the truth of the claim (claim 3 in this example) plays a significant role in know about [as my
'the road is wet' is very explaining why the other premises premise].
obvious. In reasoning we use better known or lead to a particular conclusion. It would be incorrect to diagram their relationship
accepted claims as the premises d What was the explanation for (Sydney beating thus:
to prove a less obvious one.] Beijing for the 2000 ©
2 Can you not see that you should drive more Olympics) 1? There were two main reasons. (The Y
carefully? I mean the road is Sydney organisers did a ©
wet and we know that wet roads increase the risk of better job of lobbying the International Olympic Although I have written the conclusion first, the
accident. [The conclusion Committee delegates) 2 only place for a conclusion in
has been expressed as a rhetorical question; as a and, because of (political crises in China at the time) the diagram is below the premise(s) that support it.
standard claim, it would read 3 and (perceived doubts The [V\ symbol indicates a
'You must see that you should drive more about Beijing's quality of services and venues) 4, logical relationship (in this case, 'because 2,
carefully'.] (Sydney offered a much safer therefore 1 ') and not the order in which
Exercise 3.3 venue for a successful Olympic games) 5. you would write or say these claims.
The order of the claims in the structure is more This example is the hardest. The 'two main reasons' Now imagine my argument was more complex:
logical, especially when crossreferenced signal might confuse you 1 Reasoning skills should be taught more in
to the diagram, which shows the sequence of about the nature of claims 3 and 4. But think about Australian schools.
arguments. The claims are what the author is trying to 2 Reasoning is a key skill which all people should
written without pronouns, so each is meaningful in say with the 'because'. It does not relate to claim 1, know about.
and of itself. The arrows and but gives two reasons for claim 3 Schools should teach people the key skills which
other symbols in the diagram show the specific links 5. We can think of these last three claims as a sub- they need.
between claims, rather than argument. Claim 5 functions as
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER The predicate is: 'has a distinct and dangerous 1 Australia should [a] continue to spend a
ADVICE 157 consequence for Australia' proportion of its national budget on
It would be incorrect to diagram their relationship Claim 3 foreign aid [b].
thus: The subject is: 'the challenge puts' 2 Australia is morally obligated [c] to provide
Y The predicate is: Australia in conflict with most foreign aid [b].
Y other nations of the world over 3 If a nation is morally obligated to act [c], then it
Claims 2 and 3 are related and, indeed, are human rights' should [a].
dependent on one another (see Claim 4
chapter 4). It is wrong to use the [si] symbol for any This claim is a 'contracted' claim. What it really ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
form of relationship says is 'if Australia is in conflict with ADVICE 161
between claims other than for the logical most other nations of the world over human rights, Exercise 4.2
relationship 'because ... therefore'. then Australian trade and foreign Here is one possible answer. Each premise functions
Instead the + symbol should have been used to join relations are likely to suffer in the long run'. One as a different reason for the
claims 2 and 3 on the same can see how the predicate of claim conclusion (one concerns economics and the other
line. 3 is positioned as the first part of the 'if/then' claim, morality), unlike the
Other incorrect uses of the diagram tend to reflect a allowing the consequence of the previous exercise, in which two premises worked
misunderstanding of the challenge (the damage to trade and foreign together to provide just one
fact that, first, the diagramming process must relations) to be established. reason.
reflect what is written in the text (i.e. The subject is: 'if Australia is in conflict with most 1 Australia should continue to spend a proportion
the diagram brings out, explicitly, the relationships other nations of the world of its national budget on
between premises and conclusions over human rights' foreign aid.
implicit in the wording of those claims); and second, The predicate is: 'then Australian trade and foreign 2 Providing economic aid is a prudent economic
a simple misunderstanding relations are likely to suffer investment.
that the line, arrow, and plus symbols must be used in the long run' 3 Australia is morally obligated to provide foreign
very precisely, to mean Claim 5 aid.
only one thing. Here are examples of technical 'By definition could be included in this claim or not: Exercise 4.3
mistakes in diagramming you need it is, in some ways, a certainty a If one is sick, then one should not come to work.
to avoid: b When someone abuses your trust, they should be
+ 160 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER punished [another way of
7 ADVICE saying 'if someone abuses your trust, then they
M3 element. It is saying 'definitely'. Alternatively, as I should be punished'], have done, it can be excluded as c All human life is worth protecting.
158 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER simply indicating the kind of claim being made In each case, notice how these premises tell us why
ADVICE (definitional). the particular evidence given
4+5 The subject is: 'this long-term result' leads us to the stated conclusion. On that basis, here
1+3 The predicate is: 'is dangerous' (Note the way this are the missing framework
Exercise 3.6 clearly links to the predicate premises for the answers to exercise 4.2:
[The current Australian government is, in many in the sub-conclusion, claim 2.) 1 Claim 2 needs claim 4: All nations should make
ways, challenging the role of Claim 6 prudent economic
the United Nations as a body that promotes action 'I believe should be excluded here (though it does investments' (alternatively, 'if an action is
by member nations to not really matter if you included economically prudent, then it
maintain and extend human rights within those it). If one is arguing, then it is taken that the claims should be pursued').
nations' own jurisdiction.] 1 on which you rely are those 2 Claim 3 needs claim 5: A nation should act on its
[This challenge has a distinct and dangerous one believes. However, had the claim been about moral obligations'
consequence for Australia]2 another person's beliefs, the (alternatively, 'if a nation has moral obligations,
(quite apart from arguments about its dubious correct answer would have included those words. then it should act upon
morality) because [the The importance of claim 5, which them').
challenge puts Australia in conflict with most other first raised 'danger' and then the way 'danger' is And the diagram for these claims is:
nations of the world over included in claim 2 starts to Exercise 4.4
human rights] 3 and [Australian trade and foreign become clear here. Here are four definitions. Which example relates to
relations are likely to suffer The subject is: 'the government's role' which method?
in the long run.]4 By definition, [this long-run result The predicate is: 'should be to work to avoid a Studying critical thinking is like learning to play a
is dangerous.]5 I believe danger' difficult sport well: you
that [the government's role should be to work to Claim 7 have to break it down into its components and
avoid danger] 6 and, therefore, ' / believe can again be excluded here. If one is practise each one.
I believe [the government's current approach to the arguing, then it is taken for granted b By 'studying critical thinking' I mean learning to
UN over human rights is that the claims on which you rely are those you use reasoning for arguing and
incorrect.] 7 believe. However, had the claim explaining and then learning about the context in been about another person's beliefs, the correct which reasoning occurs.
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER answer would have included those
ADVICE 159 words. The subject of this claim is more detailed, so 162 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
++ as to remind readers of the very ADVICE
+ first claim made. c Studying critical thinking is not the same as
Y The subject is: 'the government's current approach studying moral reasoning,
+ to the UN over human d Studying critical thinking means, for example,
*-J— rights' reading a book like this
Claim 1 The predicate is: 'is incorrect' one.
The subject is: 'The current Australian government The first part of the argument (3+4+5 —> 2) Exercise 4.5
is' Claim 2 is presented 'because' ... and then some The first argument is 2+3 —» 4. Claims 2 and 4 are
The predicate is: 'challenging the role of the United more claims. As a result, these identical, except that 'assault'
Nations as a body that claims are functioning as the premises for 2. Claim is replaced with 'threaten to attack'. Claim 3 does
promotes action by member nations to maintain 2, therefore, functions as a the work of making this equivalence.
and extend human rights within conclusion to 3, 4, and 5 and then as a premise in It might seem foolish but it is an important point:
those nations' own jurisdiction' the rest of the argument. Note you do not actually have
Note the limitation on scope, 'in many ways . the use of a proposition here (claim 4). 'If x to touch someone to be charged with assault—the
Claim 2 happens, then y happens; x is threat is sufficient. In this case,
The phrase in parentheses could be included in the happening; therefore y will happen'. one might assume the audience did not know this
claim; my answer excludes it The second part of the argument (1+2+6 —> 7) point and the arguer was making
because the words 'quite apart from...' imply that Generally governments should work to avoid it clear to them.
there are other issues here that danger, the arguer is saying. In The second argument is 5 —> 6. In a way claim 5 is
are not being discussed. Therefore it is not part of this specific case the government is not doing that. actually saying a very similar
the overall logical structure. Therefore the government is thing to claim 6. However 5 relates to a specific
However, one could also read it as a limitation, of wrong in this specific case. survey; 6 concludes a general position
sorts, on the scope of claim 2, Chapter 4 on the basis of that survey. For example, the link is
within this argument. Exercise 4.1 made in the consistency
The subject is: 'This challenge' (note 'this, linking Here is one possible answer. I have marked the between 5 and 6; 150 out of 200 becomes the
back to the predicate of main elements of interconnection generalisation 'most' (which is
claim 1) with letters. reasonable).
The third argument is 8+9+10 —» 11. This is a very 'similar' in the first half of the claim; then consider government legislation enacted in that year that
good example of a framing how the word 'likely' helps to authorised the introduction of
premise (which in fact is concerned with reduce further the claim's ambit. The claim does television (see chapter 8 on direct sources). Claim c
establishing the causal relationship—see not express a certain, but merely would, again, draw upon historical
chapter 7). Claim 10 ensures that the change in a likely, consequence. or political books for authority. Claim d is probably
state reported in 8 and 9 does d Several terminally ill people were reported in the too contentious for an
therefore support 11. Note how, in 9, it is not saying media at the time as saying authority to be widely available or accepted.
the assault caused... (which they were moving to the Northern Territory. Perhaps we could use a report by social,
would be circular), rather, it is simply identifying a As with claim b, the claim is about some other medical, or legal experts. Claim e, on the other
time period in which Michael person's claim. As such, it may hand, could again be sourced from a
became depressed. The causal chain is asserted in or may not imply a positive value judgment in political or history book. Note, however, possible
the conclusion, 11. favour of the euthanasia legislation, disagreements about the term
The fourth argument is 4+6 —> 7. Michael is the depending on the context. 'Several', in the first half 'main'. A doctor or a medical textbook would be
predicate of claim 4, but of the claim, helps to define the two sources of authority for claim f.
becomes the subject of claim 7 because 'victims' in scope. Whether or not the people do move may be
claim 6 is a category to which uncertain (since they may not ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
Michael belongs. actually have done it, how can we be sure if they ADVICE 165
The fifth argument is 7+12+13+11 —» 1. Note how will), but the claim is itself Exercise 5.4
super-claim 12 contains expressed in a certain manner—they have certainly a An argument to support this claim would have to
something very similar to the claim 11 in the ' i f told the media making the address the meaning of the
position, and that the conclusion claim of their intention. word 'failed': Has communism failed communists
1 looks very similar to the 'then' sub-claim in 12. e I imagine that if another state or territory were to or has it failed as a political
This would be sufficient on its pass similar laws, then and economic system? Does it mean failed of its own
own, except that the conclusion provides a specific media reporting of the legislation would be very accord or defeated
time of imprisonment and thus extensive. by the economic power of capitalism?
claim 7 does the work of supporting that part of the This is, deliberately, a trick question. It is an if/then b The strongly descriptive nature of this claim
concluding claim. Had you claim again. Remember probably means that using
not included 7, it would be hard to argue why three that the T who imagines is also the T making this authorities is better than using supporting
to six months and not (say) a claim. It would be wrong to reasoning for such a claim.
year or a day! c Although the Australian political system could be
Chapter 5 164 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER used as evidence, such an
Exercise 5.1 ADVICE argument might not address the hidden
a Some years ago, the Northern Territory passed interpret it as a claim about what the person has implications that democracy here
legislation allowing some imagined; rather, the phrase 'I refers to the daily lives of Australia's citizens
people to commit voluntary euthanasia. imagine that' is a limitation on the certainty of the (freedom, choice, individuality)
There is no explicit value judgment. The claim is claim: the person making this rather than the strict legal definition of the
only about the Northern claim really does not know for sure whether or not Australian political system.
Territory, and some time ago, so in that respect, its media reporting will be very d The extreme nature of this claim (relative to
scope is limited. The claim also extensive and uses that phrase to tell us so. The majority opinion) would suggest
reports the limited scope of the legislation itself: scope, on the other hand, is quite the need for a strong supporting argument that
'some people'. Implicitly, this claim broad: media implies television, radio, and might explain the benefits to newspaper. Well-formed claims do not society (if any) of such a step.
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER use confusing phrases like 'I imagine that'. Media e This is a descriptive claim; it would be better to
ADVICE 163 reporting may well have considerable leave it as self-evident in case
is certain that the legislation was passed. Voluntary connotative aspects, depending on who was reading our readers become incensed that we feel the need
euthanasia sounds more clinical the claim. to convince them of something
than, say, 'kill themselves'; while it might appear to f Some politicians argued that media reporting at so 'obvious'!
be a more neutral term, in fact the time of the Northern f We might recognise situations in which, even with
it probably connotes some sense that the act is more Territory legislation encouraged some terminally ill a broken leg, immediate
legitimate. This example should people to move there. medical treatment is impossible or inappropriate.
alert us to the value judgments concealed within An indirect descriptive claim with no real Any argument would have
attempts to be value-free. connotations (which are however very to take such considerations into account.
b Most religious leaders at the time, and now, claim evident in the original claim). Note my advice that claims b and f do not require
that legislation Exercise 5.2 argument but, instead,
permitting voluntary euthanasia is immoral. Generally speaking, I would judge that claims b, e, reference to authority. Deciding when not to reason
This statement proposes simply that religious and f would be 'self-evident' to directly for a claim is part
leaders have claimed the legislation a general adult audience. They would, in effect, of the smart thinker's bag of tricks. Generally
to be immoral. As a result the claim itself (as it provide or hint at their own speaking, these six claims need to
stands) is not necessarily argument for foundation. Claim d is not self-evident be assessed, first of all, in relation to the events,
making a value judgment. However, we would have because it is an explicit value situations, or decisions that they
to look at the way it is used in claim. Few, if any, value claims can ever be safely represent. Such an assessment is the traditional
an argument or explanation. The scope is defined regarded as self-evident because objective judgment of truth: if
by the word 'most', with the there are so many competing value systems at work the 'objects' described or stated in the claim are
claim also reporting the certainty of the 'original' in the world (and within truly represented, then the
claim—that the legislation is Australia). Claims a and c involve strong implied claims are acceptable. But, it is not enough to assess
immoral—which implies a 100 per cent certainty. values that would, among some in this manner when
This claim (which is indirect) is members of the Australian population, create thinking about communicating an argument or
certain of itself. The connotation that most springs sufficient doubt for the claims not to explanation. Reasoning is a
to mind is that of 'leaders': be self-evident. Finally, the main reason for social act, which requires us to think about the
while it certainly denotes particular people in regarding a single claim to be selfevident contexts in which we might
church power structures, it perhaps is that all opposing claims are already disproved provide arguments and explanations: what do
connotes some sense that we should agree with these and/or the general knowledge others judge these claims to be?
people (they are leaders and of the broad community is good enough to provide a We must reason in ways that take account of the
we should follow). convincing argument knowledge and assumptions of
c If a state government passed voluntary euthanasia for the claim, as, for example, in claim f. our audience, and also conform to the accepted
laws, then the Federal If the idea of a 'general adult audience' posed conventions of the circumstances
Government would not be able to stop that problems for you, then that's in which we are arguing or explaining. For example,
legislation in the same way that good! Reflect on the need to have a well-developed an audience of
it did for the Northern Territory. understanding of which claims marijuana-smokers may well accept claim d
This is an 'if. . . then' statement, with a connection may or may not be regarded as self-evident. without question; an audience of
between a cause ('if. . . ') Exercise 5.3 young people who have 'always' had television in
and a predicted outcome of that cause (' . . . then'). To support claim a, we could try a scholarly work their lives might need the
Once again, there is no obvious on recent political history; alternatively, support of some authority before accepting claim b;
value judgment, but we would have to look at the members of a communist (or ex-communist) in an academic paper or
way in which it is used in the country might provide support essay, claim e, obvious though it may be, would
argument or explanation as a whole before being from their experience. Personal memories might be need to be given some explanation
sure. This claim has been carefully relevant authority for claim b; and analysis; in a short discussion between
constructed with due regard for scope and other good sources of authority would be a history paramedics at a motor vehicle
certainty: note the importance of book or, to be precise, the
crash, claim f would probably be stated without the For each of the four conclusions, here are one article for a readership of left-wing historians, for
need for argument in its relevant and one irrelevant premise example (a group whose professional
favour. Finally, decisions about the extent to which (can you see which is which?): life involves precisely the activity that this premise
we present claims as being a 'In a democracy, voting is not just a right but a describes), I would not
self-evident depend on our conclusions. In any civic duty' and 'Many include this claim explicitly. For non-historians,
argument or explanation, it is European swallows fly south for the winter'. however, I would explicitly include
the specific conclusion that can help us determine b 'Humans can only survive if the environment is it to make my argument clear.
(given the inevitable limitations well protected' and 'Mining Claim 4 requires a claim such as 'It is important to
on available time or space for reasoning) what we activities in Australia usually trespass on Aboriginal learn how to write
explain in more detail lands'. essays'. Professional historical researchers, c 'Eighty per cent of the songs on commercial radio although they know much about
166 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER come from the USA and history and, on reflection, would accept this new
ADVICE 'My family watches The Simpsons every night'. claim, would not, in my
and what we leave for the audience to accept or d 'Personal computers help us to work, study, and experience, immediately see the relevance of claim 4
reject on their own. (See chapter relax' and 'There are two to the conclusion and would
9.) main types of personal computer: the PC and the thus need the additional claim to make the
Chapter 6 Macintosh'. relevance explicit. In the context of
Exercise 6.1 The first premise, in each case, is relevant. Note talking to high-school history teachers, however, I
For conclusion a, one reason might be 'I want to how all of the premises are would probably not include
improve my reasoning skills'. To acceptable, even though in some cases they are it explicitly.
unpack this reason requires that you consider why patently irrelevant (as in exercise 6.3 Exercise 6.6
reading a book on critical (a)). Context basically involves both audiences and
thinking would help you to do this. In doing so, you The most important questions to ask yourself after knowledge. In a sense, we know
address each of the issues doing this exercise are: Why and think about audiences in terms of what they
raised by the conclusion. For example (in the form do some irrelevant premises appear relevant? What know and what they expect us
2+3+4 —> 1): mistakes do we make when we to know. We know that reasoning is about linking
1. I am reading a book on reasoning. misjudge relevance? Reflect on these questions and claims together in various
2. I want to improve my reasoning skills. come up with some answers in ways. We will do this in our own reasoning, but
3. I cannot improve my reasoning skills without relation to an area of knowledge or expertise with when our audience hears or
knowing more about which you are familiar. reads it, they will themselves immediately 'connect'
reasoning. Exercise 6.4 what we have presented to
4. A book is an excellent source of knowledge about Looking back to exercise 6.3, I would add the their existing knowledge. If they know something
reasoning. following claims to the premises that we have not included and
For conclusion b, an initial reason might be that given above: make connections that run counter to our general
'thinking better stops you from a If something is a duty, then it is acceptable for it argument, then we will fail to
being tricked by clever advertising'. See how many to be compulsory. convince them. If, at the moment, you are studying
different issues are involved that b Economic development is pointless if humans do or working and must
are quite distinct from the conclusion? Each must not survive, regularly produce reasoning in some form, reflect
be covered in some way in the c American songs are culturally loaded with on any stated, explicit requirements
premises, for example (in the form 2+3+4+5 —> 1): American values and opinions. that you must meet in this presentation. Try to
1. There are considerable benefits to be gained from d The help given by a personal computer is only determine what underlying
studying how to available if you actually own a assumptions about reasoning these requirements
think better. personal computer. express. (See also chapters
2. I do not want to be tricked by clever advertising. Can you see here how errors in relevance are 8 and 9.)
3. Clever advertising works by tricking you into usually associated with picking the
buying products. wrong dependent framework premise? When we ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
4. Thinking clearly stops you being tricked by think that a premise is relevant to ADVICE 169
clever advertising. a conclusion and, on reflection, we decide that it is Exercise 6.7
5. Studying how to think better does enable you to not, usually we are changing a The scope and certainty involved make it a strong
think clearly. our minds about the framework premise that goes conclusion. However, the
Exercise 6.2 along with it. particular burden of proof involved in proving this
a The premise 'there were many people waiting at Try changing the four premises given in these conclusion would be
the station' is irrelevant. answers. If you change them affected by the audience and by its existing
While trains crash for a variety of reasons (human enough, can you make the original four premises commitments to, and understanding
error, sabotage, faulty from exercise 6.3 irrelevant? of, the claim. Serving military officers, for whom
machinery, and so on), the number of people For instance, in example a, if the framework national service
waiting at a station is rarely, if premise was 'Not all duties should involves considerable disruption to their preferred
ever, a cause of the crash. Even if the claim is true, volunteer armed forces,
it adds no greater 168 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER would need more convincing than, say, a
explanation to why the train crashed and thus is ADVICE conservative group of older veterans
irrelevant. be compulsory', the original premise ('In a who themselves had undertaken national service.
b There are no irrelevant premises here. The second democracy, voting is not just a right b Words like 'one option' and 'some' limit the scope
premise, concerning but a civic duty') does not become 'false' (it remains considerably and make it
competition, might seem to be irrelevant (given that acceptable), but it simply a mild conclusion. Yet the burden of proof involved
the conclusion is about is not relevant to the specific conclusion 'Voting at in proving this claim to
privatisation); however, the first premise, with its elections should be compulsory'. a group of peace activists, for whom military service
connection between competition Exercise 6.5 would never be an appropriate
and privatisation, makes it relevant. Claim 2 requires a claim such as 'We should option, would still be very high.
c The premise 'politicians get too many benefits' is understand what is happening now'. c This is tricky because the claim is stated with
irrelevant (since there are no In the context of a class of first-year university certainty but is of fairly
further premises to make it relevant to the students (caught up in their own limited scope (not advocating service, but an
conclusion). Whether or not it is concerns, and finding and discovering themselves at inquiry). Moreover, the word
true does nothing to make the conclusion more university), I would probably 'possibility' suggests that the inquiry may not
likely to be accepted. Now, explicitly establish this relevance, allowing me to conclude that military service
we may well wonder if there is another irrelevant argue for the truth of this should be introduced. It is strong, but only in the
premise. However, the additional framing premise (which is in itself precise context of the doubtful for these students, in my establishment of an inquiry. Note that, from the
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER experience) and also to show clearly the relevance of perspective of someone
ADVICE 167 the first premise. I would not, who has already made up their mind that national
conclusion as stated involves two elements: a however, make such an explicit argument for an service should be introduced,
question of trust (and whether audience of academics who themselves a commitment to establishing an inquiry will seem
or not politicians lie obviously bears on this study the contemporary world. like an opposing
question) and a question of the Claim 3 requires a claim such as 'Stories of the fight conclusion, especially in a context in which it is
quality of their decisions (and politicians' for democracy and justice often assumed that the
knowledge is relevant to this in the past can help us to maintain and improve purpose of inquiries is simply to postpone
matter). Relevance is specifically concerned with democracy and justice in the indefinitely difficult decisions
the relationship between present' (which, one assumes, is what we want to such as this.
premise and conclusion. do). In the context of writing an Chapter 7
Exercise 6.3 Exercise 7.1
Here are five examples, one of each type. In each your list after having done exercise 8.3. Chapter 9
case, claim 1 is the conclusion, Exercise 8.2 Exercise 9.1
and the other claims are all dependent premises in Here are two further Comments. First, learn how to The main aim of this exercise is to make you think
one group. 'read' effectively ('reading' about the following crucial
Reasoning from cause includes watching, listening, observing, and so on). philosophical idea: how you study a topic (for
1 Cigarette smoking is the most significant cause of The 'knowledge' we want in example, the methods used, your
lung cancer. those five classes will not have a label that tells us definitions and founding assumptions about the
2 Almost all people with lung cancer have been where it fits into this classification nature of that topic, the way that
exposed to cigarette smoke. system. Rather, it is our own analysis, while we the topic is 'isolated' from other possible topics, or
3 Few lung cancer sufferers show any evidence that read, that begins to make these other possible ways of studying
other causes are responsible interconnections between classes of knowledge. the topic) will always influence the results you get.
for their disease. Hence active reading—with a keen We tend to think that knowledge
Notice how the two premises establish the common awareness of the possible outcomes, the questions to becomes objective when we put aside our personal
element (smoking) and be answered, the extra biases, assumptions, and
also assert that no other factor is usually involved. questions that might emerge, and so on—is crucial. beliefs, and seek the truth in a 'disinterested'
Reasoning from generalisation Second, everyone is reasonably good at searching manner. However, the main external
1 Giulio is not likely to live for much longer. for the third of these four types influence on our reasoning is not our emotions or
2 Giulio has lung cancer. (basic details and evidence), yet smart thinking is subjective prejudices, but the inbuilt
3 Very few lung cancer patients survive their precisely about the way that evidence 'bias' of the methods and theories we use. Of course,
disease for more than a year. gathered in this search can be related to values, that said, many assumptions, other possible conclusions, disciplines (especially in the sciences) work from a
170 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER and contexts. In that sense, we need to work hardest different philosophical assumption:
ADVICE and learn most about that the methods used are 'neutral', that they have
4 Giulio has been ill for over six months now. the other types of information. Experience and no influence on the
Claim 3 acts as the framing premise, showing why study tend to throw up great masses of outcome of the research and analysis, and hence
Giulio's illness and its length 'facts', data, or evidence, and the other three types that knowledge is not intersubjective.
lead to the given conclusion. of information get 'hidden' or 'lost'; Find out for yourself just what sort of philosophy of
Reasoning from specific cases learn to read through the detail to seek out the more knowledge your
1 Smoking should be banned in restaurants. general types of information. 'discipline' or profession works within.
2 A recent representative survey of Australians Exercise 8.3 Exercise 9.2
found that most of them The point of the exercise is not to come to The sorts of internal questions you might ask are,
believed smoking should be banned in restaurants. conclusions about the 'right answer' but by and large, determined by the
3 In a democratic country such as Australia, the to develop your conscious ability to ask questions methodological, definitive, and theoretical
wishes of the majority should about the sources of the frameworks in which you are operating.
be implemented. information you are seeking. In other words, to be Moreover, because questions are always about the
Many arguments from specific cases establish effective reasoners, we need to relationships between knowledge,
factual claims, but (with the do more than ask 'What is in this any question you ask to find out information or
appropriate framing premise), they can also book/experiment/article/interview that I can use knowledge will be based on
support an explicit value claim. Claim in my argument?'; we must also ask questions such something you already know. The trick to being a
2 is written as a summary of the survey subjects' as: smart thinker is to know enough
views, representing the hundreds • Why should I use this source?
of individual opinions expressed in that survey. • Can I trust this source? ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER
Reasoning from analogy • What sort of source is it: direct? indirect? ADVICE 173
1 Cigarette smoking that does not harm other • Under what conditions was the information in this to be able to ask the right questions, but also to be
people should not be source produced? prepared continually to adjust
banned. • What was the original purpose of the source? the questions you are asking and answering in light
2 Cigarettes and alcohol are similar in that they are • What methods, approaches, or definitions does the of the answers you come up
addictive, potentially source employ? with.
disease-causing substances. • Who is it being written for? If you want further practice, develop the 'Olympic
3 Society condones the drinking of alcohol as long • Does it tell me more about the author or about the games' example that I have
as it does not cause harm to topic? been using: begin with the claims that I have given
other people. • When was it written or performed? you and expand on them.
4 It is good for societies to treat similar situations in • How does the context of this source affect the Exercise 9.3
a consistent manner. information within it? I will leave this one for you to work out. However, it
The strength of this analogy depends on the As noted at the start of chapter 8, good analysis is as might be worth reviewing
similarity of drinking and much about asking chapters 5 and 6, which can assist you in
smoking in relevant respects. Claim 2 seeks to questions as it is about finding answers. Hence, if considering the strengths and weaknesses
establish this similarity, while our research is to be an active and of the argument. Once you know its weaknesses you
claim 4 asserts that the similarity should be can correct them; the
interpreted within a framework of 1 7 2 ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER strengths can, perhaps, be emphasised. If you want
consistency (normally we would 'leave out' this ADVICE more practice, you can keep
claim—see chapter 5 on implied effective part of our analysis, we need to think working through the 'Olympic games' example in a
premises). about the questions that will help us similar manner.
Reasoning from terms to understand our sources of information, as well as
1 Cigarette smoke includes smoke inhaled both what they contain. Put simply, Glossary of Key
actively, from one's own these questions help to reveal what lies in and Terms and Concepts
smoking, and passively, from others' cigarettes. behind the text, and to orient our These 'key terms' summarise and draw together
2 Cigarette smoke can enter the lungs actively when research towards what we intend to do with the various points and concepts
a person is smoking. information once we have it. discussed in the text. Each includes a reference to
3 Cigarette smoke can enter the lungs passively Exercise 8.4 the chapter in which they are first
when a person is inhaling While we are usually more than capable of taking discussed; many are generally applicable
others' smoke. single claims and whole throughout the book.
4 Whichever way smoke enters the body, there is no arguments or explanations from what we read, and analogy, reasoning from
qualitative difference in its probably are learning the art of The conclusion is established by comparing
effects on the lung. coming away from research with more questions, similarities between like objects in the
This argument establishes a particular definition of the third and fourth categories are premises. The key questions to ask are about the
'cigarette smoke' (which tricky. Summarising an entire piece of written work similarities and differences
might then be used to simplify another argument). does not involve noting down between the known case and the case under
The framework for this argument individual bits and pieces ('key points', facts, main discussion. (See chapter 7.)
is provided by claim 4. Note that it is definitely not a conclusions) but requires that analysis
causal argument: it is you understand the entirety of the work and then, The process of thinking through the connections
simply defining some term or concept. in your own words, write a short and interrelations between individual argument that sums up what the author is saying 'bits' of information (be they facts, values, opinions,
ANSWERS, DISCUSSION, AND FURTHER (perhaps using the analytical possibilities, predictions, or whatever).
ADVICE 1 7 1 structure format). Identifying the assumptions and Arguing and explaining are about communicating
Chapter 8 values that underlie a text is your considered view of these
Exercise 8.1 equally tricky and demands, at the very least, that connections (in relation to a particular topic).
At this stage, there is no 'answer'. However you you think carefully about the Analysis is the process of finding out about,
might want to review and organise sorts of questions covered in exercise 8.3.
thinking through, and reflecting upon the 176 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND connotation
connections in preparation for communicating. CONCEPTS Words and statements have a denotative function
Compare with analytical questions and analytical burden of proof (they denote or describe something),
structure. (See chapter 8.) In any situation involving reasoning, we can discuss but they also carry with them varying connotations
analytical questions the degree of support needed or hidden meanings
Any questions designed to guide our research or for a conclusion to be acceptable in terms of the about the objects and events they denote.
reasoning by suggesting possible 'burden of proof on the person Connotations do not spring from a word
relations between claims. Questions can either presenting the argument or explanation. Burdens of on its own but from the interrelations between
relate primarily to our own text or proof are usually implied and words, and from the ways in which
to its connections with the surrounding context. (See contextual. (See chapter 6.) words are used and understood by authors and
chapter 8.) casting audiences. A text will always contain
analytical structure Casting is a process of looking at someone else's many connotations, which spring from the ways
The essential structure of claims and of the links argument or explanation, in the narrative that audiences use their existing
between them, which lies behind the form, and then recovering from that form, an knowledge and expectations to interpret the words
narrative expression of arguments and analytical structure which is done in the text. Obviously, if you
explanations, and which can be represented as best by marking claims and traces of reasoning in and your audience share the same background or
174 the text, and then drawing a diagram context, those connotations are
GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS to show the interlinkage of those claims. Casting is less likely to cause misunderstandings. (See chapter
175 most usefully used as a way of 2.)
a list of claims and a diagram. The primary use of building your understanding of reasoning, so that consistency
the analytical structure format is as you can use the analytical structure In an analogy, there is always a need to assess the
a planning tool before or during writing and format from scratch for your own arguments and degree of consistency between the
research. (See chapter 3.) explanations. (See chapter 3.) like objects being compared or between the actions
appeal to authority cause, reasoning from or ideas associated with those
A special form of reasoning in which a claim is The conclusion proposes the relationship between objects. Often, errors in analogies stem from
supported by reference to an cause and effect; the premises assumptions of consistency that are
authority on that subject. Authority may stem from give evidence about the cause or causes and show not sustainable upon further analysis. (See chapter
academic qualification, why it is that the effect relates to 7.)
experience, or special knowledge, but in each case, that cause or causes. The key questions to ask in context
the authority must be relevant relation to reasoning from cause The context in which reasoning takes place involves
to the claim being supported. References and concern similarities and differences that might innumerable factors. They may
footnotes are two of the most reveal the cause(s). Care is needed include the audience (its knowledge, expectations,
common forms in which we encounter appeals to to avoid assuming a causal relationship when two beliefs, relationship to the
authority. Theoretically, an events are simply coincidental or author of the reasoning), the conventional rules of
appeal to authority is itself an argument that are both effects of an underlying cause. (See chapter presentation for particular
establishes the credentials of the 7.) knowledge groups, the goals authors are trying to
authority and its relevance. However, in practice, it certainty achieve by reasoning, the other
is an accepted convention The measurement of probability involved in a knowledge (assumptions, possible alternative
simply to refer to the authority concerned. (See claim; an important property in arguments and explanations, and so
chapter 5.) well-formed claims, useful in assessing the degree of on) that may bear upon our reasoning. Compare
argument support necessary for a particular with audience and assumption.
Reasoning that seeks to establish the truth of a conclusion. A conclusion and its premises are said (See chapter 2.)
doubtful claim (which is its conclusion). to be 'coherent' in certainty deduction
It does not, in this context, mean a disagreement. when there is little variation in the measure of Deduction occurs only in those arguments where
But the process of probability that all the claims make. the premises implicitly outline a
arguing tends to involve assertions and counter- The certainty component of a claim is often implicit logical relationship that is expressed explicitly in the
assertions. Arguments are required but, in good reasoning, should conclusion and where, if one
where the proposition claimed in the conclusion is be stated explicitly. Compare with scope. (See accepts all the premises as true, one cannot then
in doubt or is presumed chapter 2.) deny the conclusion. Essentially,
doubtful for 'argument's sake' (as we often say). An circular reasoning this form of reasoning is simply a way of moving the
argument is not the same as a A false form of reasoning in which the premise(s) key moment of proof from
theme or topic: themes or topics are the broad areas appears to be different from the the final stage of the argument to the point where
of interest and investigation conclusion but which in fact is a restatement of that one is providing arguments in
within which arguments (or explanations) occur. conclusion. You cannot reason support of the premises. The opposite of induction.
Compare with explanation. (See for a claim by using the same claim again. (See (See chapter 7.)
chapter 2.) chapter 4.)
assumption claim 178 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND
In relation to the particular structures of reasoning, A claim is a statement that represents some event or CONCEPTS
any claim or link that is not idea about the way the world is defining premise
explicitly expressed can be said to be implied or or should be. It is distinguishable from other A claim that, when serving as a premise, functions
assumed. These implications are statements because, when considering a to define some term that is
the result of our assuming that the claim or link is claim, it is possible to ask 'is this statement true or important to the whole argument. A defining
'obvious'. Such assumptions false?'. In relation to value claims, premise must be used in a chain with
impede our ability to think clearly about the 'true or false' may be better expressed as 'sound or other premises. Compare with dependent premise.
possibility that we might be wrong, unsound'. (See chapter 2). (See chapter 4.)
or that other connections or claims are involved. complex structure dependent premise
More generally, an assumption is Arguments and explanations are complex when Premises are said to be dependent when they form a
any unconscious or unexamined idea in the context they involve more than two layers chain that, when taken
of reasoning. Compare with of claims, that is, when they have premises that lead together, provides a reason for a conclusion.
context. (See chapter 2.) to a conclusion, and claims Unpacking a reason leads to the proper
audience development of such chains. They should be
In relation to reasoning, the 'audience' is that group GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS grouped together above a horizontal
of people who we wish to 177 line ( ) in the structure diagram. (See chapter 4.)
convince of the correctness of our argument or that establish the acceptability of those premises. A depth of reasoning
explanation. The expectations, complex structure is built up Arguments or explanations are deep when they
understandings, and assumptions of audiences form from a series of overlapping simple structures. (See explore all the subtleties of their
part of the context of our chapter 3.) reasons (unpacked into chains of dependent
reasoning and are central to decisions about the conclusion premises, possibly with further
effectiveness of that reasoning. The In general terms, a claim that is being argued for or support for each of these premises). (See chapter 6.)
audience should be thought of as consisting both of explained by the premises. The descriptive claim
people and of the knowledge term 'conclusion' is only meaningful in relation to A claim that describes without judging what is good
on which those people will draw when responding to 'premise'. A conclusion can also or bad about the object being
our arguments and explanations. be a premise to a further conclusion; these overlaps described. Descriptive claims that are completely
Compare with context and subject. (See chapter 2.) in function (claim as both free of value judgment are few in
breadth of reasoning premise and conclusion) can be seen in complex number because of the way in which all words,
Good, effective arguments and explanations reason structures. Do not confuse with when written and read in context,
broadly, including a number of the more common use of 'conclusion' to mean 'the can imply certain values. Values are often a
alternative and distinct 'reasons'. (See chapter 6.) last part of an essay or presentation'. significant aspect of the connotation (See chapter 2.)
that accompanies the obvious meanings of words or complex ideas. Internal connections provide the objective
claims. Compare with value basis for the external links between Some philosophers regard knowledge and
claim. (See chapter 2.) claims. Compare with dependent premise. (See judgments as objective when they appear
effective reasoning chapter 2.) to relate solely to the object that they make claims
Effective reasoning does not necessarily guarantee intersubjective about (which may be a thing,
that our conclusions will be Knowledge is said to be intersubjective when the event, circumstance, or whatever). An objective
proven correct or that the explanation for them will decisions about the 'truth' of claim is usually considered to be a
be accurate. However, claims and claim relationships are made by 'true' claim. Other philosophers argue that no claim
consciously thinking about making our arguments 'subjects' (that is, people)—in this case can ever be solely about the
and explanations more effective, object since language is an intersubjective medium,
first, provides us with a mental framework for 180 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND full of connotations and hidden
better analysis and, second, ensures CONCEPTS implications, which make it impossible to be
that, when we communicate with others, our the authors and audiences of reasoning. Compare objective. According to this view, the
reasoning is as convincing as it can with objective and subject. (See 'truth' of claims is settled intersubjectively, through
be. (See chapters 5 and 6.) chapter 9.) a complex process of social
exclamation knowledge interaction that draws in part on objective
A statement that is exclaimed (that is, expressed Knowledge (which we might also call information) knowledge but is different from it.
with surprise or emotion). Many is the 'stuff of reasoning. Compare with knowledge. (See chapter 9.)
exclamations do not make statements that can be Knowledge is always relational. First, knowledge is order
assessed as true or false, or as reasonable about claims and the links A type of statement that is not a claim but that
or unreasonable. Hence, many exclamations are not between them. Second, knowledge is created and demands obedience from its audience.
claims. (See chapter 2.) maintained intersubjectively, that (See chapter 2.)
explanation is, between audiences and authors. Classes of premise
A type of reasoning that seeks to explain, by means knowledge and types of information In general terms, a claim that is used to argue for or
of premises, why a particular (see chapter 8) are ways of thinking about the explain another claim (the
circumstance or idea has come about. (This idea or generic relations of knowledge to our conclusion). The term 'premise' is only meaningful
circumstance is reported in the particular topic when researching. Compare with in relation to a conclusion. (See
conclusion.) Compare with argument. (See chapter objective. (See chapters 8 and 9.) chapter 2.)
2.) link words propositional logic
framing premise The traces to be found in natural language of the Occurs when an if/then statement (or its differently
A claim that, when serving as a premise, functions mental processes of reasoning; worded equivalent) is used to
to establish why it is that the a useful but unreliable guide to the exact propose, in the premises, a relationship between two connections between claims. (See states of affairs, or events, or
GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS chapter 3.) matters; normally the other premise in such
179 list of claims arguments is the ' i f component of the
other premise(s) supports the conclusion. A framing One half of the analytical structure format. A list of proposition, permitting the 'then' component to be
premise must be used in a claims shows clearly the claims the conclusion. Often associated
chain with other premises. Compare with to which the diagram of interrelationships refers. with deductive reasoning. (See chapter 7.)
dependent premise. (See chapter 4.) Compare with structure diagram. purposes of reasoning
generalisation, reasoning from (See chapter 3.) The purposes of reasoning are what arguments and
The conclusion is about a specific case; the premises mind-map explanations seek to achieve.
show that the case fits some A tool that assists in analysing connections, Arguments predict future events, establish what is
general category, and they state the particular concepts, and so on. A mind-map is or was the case, or show why a
property or consequence that pertains not an analytical structure format because the ideas certain action should occur. Explanations explain
to all members of the general category. The key and links are written down in why something happened or is
questions to ask about a particular a tentative way, simply as a way of 'externalising' happening, or they justify why someone did
case are: Does it fit this generalisation? And, if so, unprocessed information. (See something. (See chapter 2.)
what general knowledge thereby chapter 9.) question
applies to this case? (See chapter 7.) modes of analysis A type of statement that is not a claim but that
implied premise Direct analysis concerns, as much as possible, the genuinely seeks information. A
A premise not explicitly stated in an argument or particular topic of an argument question can imply some relationship. Compare
explanation that, nevertheless, or explanation. Indirect analysis concerns what with analytical questions. (See
can be inferred by a reader as being necessary to others think and write about that chapter 2.)
make sense of the reasoning. topic. Hypothetical analysis involves the explicit
Implied premises are often associated with the use consideration of possible (rather 182 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND
of apparently independent premises. than actual) situations and the open discussion of CONCEPTS
Compare with assumption. (See chapter 5.) assumptions. All three modes are reason
independent premise interrelated and are usually used in concert. For Used loosely, tliis term describes the information
A single premise that expresses a reason for a example, if I were to discuss the that supports or explains a particular
conclusion on its own. An independent way people write about reasoning, that would be conclusion. As used in this book, a 'reason is an
premise is likely to be a sign that there are implied direct; if I then considered philosophical initial statement of why a particular
dependent premises. arguments about the way people write about conclusion is acceptable—a reason that must then
(See chapter 4.) reasoning, that would be be 'unpacked' or expanded into a
induction indirect. Compare with source. (See chapter 5.) chain of premises in order to give appropriate depth
Reasoning in which the conclusion may be more or narrative flow to our reasoning. (See chapter 4.)
less likely if the premises are The written or spoken expression of reasoning in relativism
true but which is not conclusively guaranteed even which the analytical structure is A short-hand term for the idea that knowledge is
if all the premises are true. We turned into natural language. In narrative flow, we not to be judged 'true or false' by
see induction in arguments that depend on the find traces of the linking comparing it to the real world, but instead by
observation and reporting of realworld process, as well as claims that have been reference to the humans who hold
events which, by their nature, can never be certain. reorganised to meet the requirements of that knowledge. Extreme relativism, in which
The opposite of deduction. good expression. As a result, it can be hard to see 'everyone's opinion is as good as
(See chapter 7.) what is going on in reasoning anyone else's opinion' (subjective knowledge), is the
information unless we also think about the analytical structure opposite of the anti-relativist
Information is often thought to be a more that lies behind the narrative. position of objective knowledge. In neither case is
disorganised, unprocessed version of Compare with analytical structure. (See chapter 3.) the social aspect of reasoning
knowledge. Information is a collection of claims; properly thought through. Smart thinking is
knowledge is that information GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS primarily concerned with social relativism,
processed and interrelated. In this book, knowledge 181 in which knowledge is constructed intersubjectively.
and information are narrative sequence plan Compare with intersubjective
used interchangeably, but the basic idea that A plan for writing or presenting in which ideas are and knowledge. (See chapter 9; see also chapter 1.)
reasoning enables us to organise listed in the same order that they relevance
what we know is still important. Compare with will appear on the written page or in the Premises are relevant to a conclusion if they provide
knowledge. (See chapters 8 and presentation. The links between the ideas some basis on which to accept
9.) are, thus, indications of the flow (rather than the that conclusion. We can say that, if true, a relevant
internal connection (within a claim) analytical structure). Such a plan premise makes the conclusion
The key property of claims that allows them to be is useful because it 'externalises' the order in a way more likely. Relevance is involved in reasoning in
used in reasoning to express that allows you to check it and many ways. For example, appeals
revise it. (See chapter 9.)
to authority require the use of relevant authorities; and the order of claims above it indicates the 'steps' connections and issues of value, scope, and
reasoning from analogy requires we need to take to reach that certainty. A well-formed claim may or
that comparisons be made between relevantly conclusion from our starting point. The key
similar cases; reasoning from generalisation elements are the [<l] symbol, to show GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS
requires that the relevance of the generalisation to premise-conclusion links; the + symbol, to show 185
the specific case be premise-premise links; and the use may not be true, but at least its clarity allows us to
established. Crucially, a framing premise is often of horizontal lines ( ), to show grouped chains of assess its truth. While, no matter
used explicitly to establish just premises. (See chapter 3.) how hard we try, we can never be sure our audience
how premises relate to a conclusion. (See chapter 6.) sub-argument will always understand exactly
scope Any one component layer of a complex argument. what we mean, writing well-formed claims ensures
The extent or coverage of a claim; an important For example, consider an that at least we know what we
property in terms of writing wellformed argument structure in which claims 2 and 3 support are trying to say. Compare with connotation. (See
claims and assessing the degree of support claim 4, which in turn joins chapter 5.)
necessary for a particular conclusion. with claim 5 to support the conclusion—claim 1. well-founded claim
A conclusion and its premises are said to be The main argument concerns A claim is well founded if, relative to the audience
'coherent' in scope when there is claim 1 and so the sub-argument consists in the and context in which it is
little variation in the way that the claims report the structure 2+3 [-1] 4. (See presented, it is likely to be accepted as true. Well-
extent of their information. The chapter 3.) founded claims often depend on
scope component of a claim is often implicit but, in appeals to authority or a complete argument or
good reasoning, should be 184 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND explanation to ensure that their
stated explicitly. Compare with certainty. (See CONCEPTS truth is less open to doubt. Compare with self-
chapter 2.) subject evident claim. (See chapter 5.)
self-evident claim The term 'subject' is used in many different ways in word
A self-evident claim is one that, relative to the English. Used loosely, it can The basic unit from which we construct statements.
audience and context in which it is mean the topic one is investigating, as in 'the subject Words are only meaningful in
presented, requires no foundation or, literally, is so of my paper is the continued relation to other words. Compare with connotation.
obviously acceptable that it inequalities of patriarchal culture'. In grammar, (See chapter 2.)
provides its own evidence of acceptability. What is 'subject' refers to the part of a
self-evident for one group or sentence with which the verb agrees: 'domestic Further Reading
individual, or in one context, may not be self- violence [subject] remains rife in our Further reading on knowledge and philosophy
evident in other situations. Compare society [object]'. However, in this book, subject is Doyal, Len and Harris, Ken, Empiricism,
with well-founded claim. (See chapter 5.) used to refer to a thinking, Explanation and Rationality in the Social
simple structure conscious person (so that authors and audiences of Sciences, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1986.
An argument or explanation is said to be simple reasoning are 'human subjects'). A very comprehensive treatment of the topic. The
when it involves only two layers of Its meaning only becomes clear in relation to the authors' main argument is
claims: the premises and the conclusion. No matter term 'object'—those events, ideas, that naive empiricism (that is, the belief that facts
how many premises are offered, things in the world about which we (as subjects) are facts and we find them) is make claims. For example, some wrong because all 'facts' are interpretive claims
GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS philosophers might argue that the difference based in political and/or social
183 between 'subjective' and 'objective' circumstances.
no matter how many distinct groups of dependent analysis is that the former involves the desires and Gaarder, Jostein, Sophies World: A Novel about the
premises there are, such arguments biases of the subject doing the History of Philosophy, Phoenix
are not complex. Compare with complex structure. analysis, whereas the latter is uninfluenced, except House, London, 1995.
(See chapter 3.) by the true nature of the object. A story about a teenage girl who is drawn into a
source However, it can also be argued that knowledge and mystery that involves an unseen
Sources can be either direct (primary) or indirect reasoning (whatever their philosophy teacher who sends her short
(secondary). The difference objective elements) always involve people and so commentaries on philosophy. The plot is
between them is usually contextual, but generally can be regarded as 'intersubjective'. excellent, and the philosophy 'lessons' are not bad
speaking, direct sources relate to The human subjects bringing about this either.
the topic of our reasoning; indirect sources relate to intersubjectivity are not merely Gellner, Ernest, Reason and Culture, Blackwell,
what others have reasoned 'people' but include the knowledge, ideas, Oxford, 1992.
about our topic. Obviously, if the topic of our structures, and attitudes that make those A broad-brush history of the development of
argument or explanation is what people who they are. (See chapters 2 and 9.) modern 'Reason', pointing to the ways
others have written or said, then what appears to be sweeping generalisation in which knowledge and knowledge systems (such
an indirect source can in fact A mistake in reasoning that occurs when the scope as reasoning) are non-objective.
be direct. (See chapter 8.) or certainty of the conclusion is Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific
specific cases, reasoning from inconsistent with (normally much greater than) the Revolutions, University of Chicago
The conclusion generalises beyond the scope of the scope or certainty of the Press, Chicago, 1970.
specific cases in the premises; premises that support it. (See chapter 4.) A revolutionary book in itself. It argues for the
the premises give the evidence regarding those terms, reasoning from centrality of non-objective theoretical
cases. The key question to ask is: do The conclusion proposes a particular définition paradigms and for the cultural practices of
these cases give rise to some reliable generalisation based on the terms laid out in the scientists in determining 'facts'.
that applies to all of them or all premises. The key question is: how can I express my Lloyd, Genevieve, The Man of Reason, Methuen,
like cases? (See chapter 7.) definition in terms that make London, 1984.
statement clear its meaning in a particular context? (See Much Western philosophy (the basis of this book) is
The generic name for an ordered, meaningful group chapter 7.) gender-biased, both in its
of words. Statements may or text practical exclusion of women and also in its
may not be claims. A statement is not a sentence: We call any connected series of statements a text. founding ideas. Lloyd gives a very
'sentence' is a term used to Texts are only meaningful in readable account of the ways in which the social
describe the narrative flow of words; statement is a context, which is literally all the potential context of patriarchy (men in
term to denote the analytical knowledge and audiences that go along charge) has influenced the 'objective' ideas of
units that make up reasoning. Compare with claim. with a text. Compare with context. (See chapter 2.) philosophy.
(See chapter 2.) value claim McCarthy, E. Doyle, Knowledge as Culture: The
strength of support Many claims have a value component. Some are New Sociology of Knowledge,
Even acceptable and relevant premises do not explicit; others are implicit, buried Routledge, London, 1996.
always provide sufficient support to in the particular choice of words. Often a claim that 186
show or explain their conclusions. Judgments of the is (in itself) descriptive takes FURTHER READING 187
necessary strength of support on a value element from other claims to which it is Excellent introduction to, and then extended
needed in reasoning are difficult, since they depend connected. Remember, too, that discussion of, the way that social
largely on the context in which in such situations different authors and audiences and cultural theorists have developed more
that reasoning is taking place. Compare with can invest the same claim with sophisticated understandings of
burden of proof. (See chapter 6.) different values. Compare with descriptive claim. 'knowledge' as a product of social and cultural
structure diagram (See chapter 2.) forces in the past fifty years.
One half of the analytical structure format. A well-formed claim Morton, Adam, Philosophy in Practice, Blackwell,
structure diagram shows the interrelationship A claim is well formed when it clearly expresses Oxford, 1996.
of claims in a standardised way. It is distinguished what its author intends it to say. Covers many issues relating to both epistemology
from the arrangement Good formation of claims requires authors to and other aspects of philosophy
of claims in narrative flow by the fact that, in a consider consciously properties of (such as identity, ethics, and so on); particularly
diagram, the conclusion is always last useful for its discussions of
certainty and doubt. issues related to reasoning; it also provides an show you how to understand and apply smart-
Schirato, Tony and Yell, Susan, Communication excellent example of how the failure thinking skills in practical
and Culture: An Introduction, to consider contextual issues can render much of contexts.
Sage, London, 2000. this advice impractical. Each question is answered in brief, and then page
A very comprehensive treatment of the way Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan, The Art of Thinking: A references are given to direct
meaning is generated by context, Guide to Critical and Creative you to the detailed advice necessary for you to
intertextuality, and discourse within culture and Thought, Pearson Longman, 2000 (6th edn). answer the question for yourself. The
society. This book, unlike many More up-to-date work by Ruggiero that expands on guide is divided into two sections. The first contains
critical thinking texts, is grounded in the insights of the original guide in a more questions that are more
post-structuralist 'textbook' manner. Of value is the focus the author general and that are expressed without mentioning
philosophy and will significantly assist your places on personal change and specific concepts from the book
understanding of the way 'objective' commitment to critical thinking, instead of simple (the answers then give those concepts); the key issue
truth is a construct of social processes as much as it technique. in each of these questions is
is a property of objects in Rybacki, Karyn C. and Rybacki, Donald J., presented in bold type. The second section contains
the world. Advocacy and Opposition: An questions that guide you
Stefik, Mark, Internet Dreams: Archetypes, Myths, Introduction to Argumentation, Prentice-Hall, towards specific concepts that are mentioned in the
and Metaphors, MIT Press, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986. book (in bold). If you have not
Cambridge, Mass., 1996. This work gives considerable advice on the process yet read Smart Thinking through thoroughly, you
An eclectic collection of primary and secondary of proving particular types should begin with the first
analysis of the early days of the of conclusions and inspired my approach in chapter section.
Internet. Used here for the work of Licklider but an 8. General questions
interesting commentary on Toulmin, Stephen, The Uses of Argument, How can I think through complex ideas so that I
why technologies of information and Cambridge University Press, have a good understanding
communication do not substitute for Cambridge, 2003. of them?
reasoning in our search for information. Most recent book by Toulmin, one of the most Ask questions, do not be satisfied with easy answers,
Further reading on reasoning influential analysts of critical and do not make assumptions
Bowell, Tracy and Kemp, Gary, Critical Thinking: thinking and argumentation. about what things mean. (See pp 83-6, 105-7, 124-8.)
A Concise Guide, Routledge, Toulmin, Stephen, Rieke, Richard, and Janik, What do I need to do to be convincing in my
London, 2002. Allan, An Introduction to Reasoning, reports, essays, and presentations?
Alternative book to the larger reasoning textbooks Macmillan, New York, 1984. Make sure you have a good analytical structure and
listed below: good concise An excellent, thorough critical thinking textbook, have a strong argument or
explanations and advice. with a particular emphasis on explanation. (See pp 81-6, 121-8.)
Browne, M. Neil and Keeley, Stuart M., Asking the the different ways in which premises and premise- 190
Right Questions: A Guide to like statements combine to GUIDE TO IMPORTANT SKILLS 191
Critical Thinking, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, How do I make my reasoning easy to follow for
NJ, 2003 (7th edn). FURTHER READING 189 people reading or listening
An excellent book that organises its ideas around demonstrate a conclusion. My concept of 'framing to my arguments and explanations?
the key concept of analytical premises' was developed from Make sure that you properly indicate the reasoned
questioning, which I deploy in chapters 8 and 9. Toulmin's much more complex discussion of the links you are making, signalling
Cederblom, Jerry and Paulsen, David W., Critical 'warrants' and 'backgrounds' that the analytical structure to your audience. (See pp
Reasoning, Wadsworth, are involved in argumentation. This book is useful, 27-9.)
Belmont, CA, 2000 (5th edn). also, for its recognition of the Why, and how, should I use footnotes or other
A large reasoning textbook that contains an need for a contextualised approach to critical references in my work?
excellent discussion of the problems thinking. They provide references to authority, which
and advantages of relying on experts and Waller, Bruce N., Critical Thinking: Consider your strengthen the substance of your
authorities. Verdict, Prentice-Hall, reasoning. (See pp 65-7, 78-9.)
Dowden, Bradley H., logical Reasoning, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2000 (4th edn). What should be the goal of my reasoning?
Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1998. Although this book concentrates on the role of Reasoning has many purposes, each of which will
Another textbook with a particularly good chapter critical thinking in the decisions affect the precise way that you
on explanations and on made by juries (and thus draws most of its argue or explain. (See pp 4, 21—2, 124-5.)
causal reasoning. examples from the legal context), it When writing or presenting, how do I deal with
Little, J. Frederick, Groarke, Leo A., and Tindale, provides particularly sensible discussions of ideas with which I do not
Christopher W., Good relevance and assumptions. agree? Further reading on writing and communicating Make sure you use reasoning to show explicitly why
188 FURTHER READING Hay, Iain, Bochner, Diane, and Dungey, Carol, an idea is wrong, thereby
Reasoning Matters! A Constructive Approach to Making the Grade, OUP, preventing criticism of your work. (See pp 85-6,
Critical Thinking, McClelland Melbourne, 2002. 112-13.)
& Stewart, Toronto, 1989. Wide-ranging and up-to-date advice on study skills, How do I make sure that I understand the
This book was, in part, responsible for my emphasis including assistance with interpretive frameworks that
on writing arguments and writing and communicating. are central to all knowledge?
explanations, rather than analysing them. Its advice Murphy, Eamon, You Can Write: A Do-it-Yourself In your thinking, you need to distinguish between
on writing good arguments is Manual, Longman, Melbourne, 'facts' and the way that they can
particularly helpful. 1985. be understood as relating to other 'facts'; in your
Makau, Josina M., Reasoning and Communication: Excellent advice on writing and the use of plans; writing, make sure that you use
Thinking Critically about still useful twenty years after framing premises. (See pp 5-6, 45-6, 78, 111-13.)
Arguments, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1990. publication because of its clear tone and style. What are the two key components of a good
A shorter work, with less emphasis on methods Summers, Jane and Brett Smith (eds), argument or explanation?
(such as casting). It is particularly Communication Skills Handbook: How to You need premises (reasons, evidence) to support
useful for its discussion of the contexts in which Succeed in Written and Oral Communication, your conclusion (a clear statement
argumentation takes place; a Milton, Qld, John Wiley, 2002. of what you are arguing for or explaining). (See pp
new edition was published in 1998. Covers many different aspects of communication, 19-22, 32-6.)
Nickerson, Raymond S., Reflections On Reasoning, with a particular emphasis on How can I distinguish between my ideas and what I
Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, business communication. am saying about
NJ, 1986. others' ideas in my essays and presentations?
This book provides some very revealing insights Guide to Important Skills Clearly distinguish between when you are arguing
into the processes of teaching Use the following questions and answers as an index directly and when you are
and learning the skills of reasoning. to specific advice in Smart arguing indirectly. (See pp 57-60, 112-16.)
Rudinow, Joel and Barry, Vincent, Invitation to Thinking on the key skills of reasoning. They are What is wrong with giving just one reason for my
Critical Thinking, Wadsworth, designed to help you 'get back conclusion?
Belmont, CA, 2003 (5th edn). into' the book after you have read it thoroughly for Your arguments will not have enough breadth and
Contains an excellent section on casting and a the first time; they also provide will not address all the issues
comprehensive discussion of the a basic summary of what Smart Thinking can do to that your audience is expecting you to consider. (See
generic errors that people make in reasoning. 'smarten up' your own thinking. pp 44-5, 71-4.)
Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan, Beyond Feelings: A Guide These questions provide a connection between the How can I be more effective in doing research and
to Critical Thinking, Mayfield, skills discussed in this book and reading before I write?
Mountainview, CA, 1984. the most common concerns that people have when Ask questions, and understand the relationship
A much republished book that provides simple, faced with the task of writing between your sources and your own
common-sense advice on many an essay or report, or preparing an oral essay, presentation, or report. (See pp 107-13.)
presentation. In other words, these questions
How can I assess someone else's reasoning to see if You need to understand the way in which general
they have presented conclusions can flow from
a good argument or explanation? specific cases and how general rules provide the
You can 'cast' their work into claims and a framework for establishing specific
structure diagram. (See pp 12-15, 32-7.) conclusions. (See pp 96-9, 108.) How can I improve the structure and logic of my
192 GUIDE TO IMPORTANT SKILLS essays, reports, and
Specific questions presentations?
How do I use analogies? Use the analytical structure format to plan your
By comparing items and drawing conclusions based work before you begin writing. (See
on their similarities. (See pp 34-6, 128-32.)
pp 99-100.) Why is the truth (or falsity) of claims so important?
How do I avoid making assumptions in my essays, All arguments and explanations are designed to
presentations, and establish the truth of one claim on
reports? the basis of other true claims. (See pp 12-13, 61-7.)
Do not take the truth of a claim—or its relationship
with other claims—for
granted; stop and think about what your audiences
expect you to do and what they
already know. (See pp 7, 11-12, 73-4, 122-7.)
How can I begin to understand the audiences of my
arguments and
Regard your audiences as having certain
expectations about what you should say to
them and how you should say it, as well as certain
background knowledge that
directly affects your reasoning. (See pp 63-4, 73-4,
81-6, 122-7.)
What is casting?
Casting is a process of recovering the analytical
structure from another author's
narrative. (See pp 32-4, 135-49.)
How do I write about causes and effects?
Reasoning from cause requires you to use premises
that state the cause(s) of an
effect that is expressed in the conclusion. (See pp 95
—6, 110.)
What do I need to know about claims in order to
use them effectively in
planning my reports, essays, and presentations?
You must attend to their key properties and express
them precisely. (See pp 11-14,
57-61, 86-7.)
How do I plan complex argument structures?
A complex argument structure is just a series of
overlapping, intertwined simple
arguments. (See pp 36-8, 53-4, 65-8, 71-4.)
Why is context so important in reasoning
No argument or explanation (text) is ever written or
read in isolation: background
(or context)—which includes the expectations,
assumptions, and implied
concepts of both author and audience—always
affects the text. (See pp 11-12,
81-6, 122-4.)
How do I go about using definitions in my work?
Make sure that your definitions are clear and are
integrated in the main structure
of your reasoning. (See pp 47-8, 57-8, 100.)
How do I make sure that my essays and
presentations go into enough
depth to be convincing?
Make sure that you expand the reasons for your
conclusion so that they are comprehensive
and form a chain of dependent premises. (See pp 40
—5, 71—4.)
How are knowledge and reasoning connected?
They are two aspects of the same whole: knowledge
is expressed and learnt as
reasoning; reasoning utilises and relies on
knowledge. (See pp 104-6, 109—13.)
How would I define reasoning, and what can it do
for me?
Reasoning is about the relationships between ideas
and events; using it helps you
to think smart and communicate effectively. (See pp
How can I make sure that I am being relevant?
Make sure that your premises really do say
something that supports your conclusion
and that your audience understands this
connection. (See pp 75-80.)
What do I need to know if I want to use specific
cases and general rules
in my arguments?

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