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I think it was divided into these parts to show the progression of what's happening. So let's
break down the sections. The first part was talking about how Spunk was a man who doesn’t
care about anything and who would do whatever he wants as long as it pleases him. Joe was a
married man who had a wife that spunk ended up taking from him. Lena is the wife of Joe who
didn't want to be with Joe since she believed that he wasn't man enough. The town folk were
getting Joe riled up to confront spunk. He gave in and eventually it led to the death of Joe.
That's the first part as you can see it seems that spunk wasn't a guy no one wanted to mess
with. The second part announces that Joe was killed and that it was considered self defense
since Joe attacked spunk. The third part talks about how Spunk is scared of bobcats and how
there are some things that scare him. The towns folk gossip about how it's Joe reincarnated to
get revenge. Part four talks about how Spunk was killed by falling into a circular saw. Spunk
claims it was joe that pushed him but there was no evidence for that and at the funeral Lena
was left alone and by herself. The pacing shows that every single event has something major in
it. Each point starts off with a major event. Which entails that something has occurred in order to
get this outcome. These connect at the end to show the progression of the character whether its
gossip or the death of an individual.

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