2012 Dse Geog 1 MS

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This document was prepared for markers'reference. It should not be regarded as a set of model answers.
Candidates and teachers who were not involved in the marking process are advised to interpret its contents
with care.

Section B

Question 1 Marks


( a) (i) earthquake

(ii) - at conservative plate boundary
- plates moved by convection currents
- North American plate and Caribbean plate slide laterallv
- large friction/ great pressure exerts on the rock
- stress accumulates within the rock
- when stress exceeds the limit of the rock/ rock fractures
- to release energy

- seismic waves/ shock waves are released

(b) (i) - high magnitude of earthquake
- shallow-focus earthquake/ earthquake is closer to the surface
- epicentre closed to city/ Port-au-Prince
- building materials are weak/ lack of earthquake-proof design
- lack of effective warning system
- low GDP/ poverty/ lack of capital/ lack of rescue measures

- low literacy rate/ low education level/ lack of earthquake drill

(ii) - stronger building materials/ buildings with earthquake-proof design
- effective warning system
- earthquake monitoring system
- effective communication system



establish well-equipped rescue teams
I1 1 1 1 1

(c) - unstable political environment/ inefficient reconstruction work by government

- large number of casualties/ lack of manpower to reconstruct the city
- buildings damaged seriously
- low GDP/ lack of capital
- lack of technology


destruction of infrastructure

Max. 18


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Question 2 Marks

(a) (i) Site A: vacant land


Site B: temporary structures/ cottages


(ii) urban sprawl/ urban encroachment

(iii) Explanation Map evidence
- next to/ proximity to new town/ close - Tin Shui Wai/ Yuen Long/ Yuen
to industrial area Long Industrial Estate
- high accessibility/ convenient - roads linking with Tin Shui Wai/
transport Yuen Long
- cross boundary linkage with - Kong Sham Western Highway/
Shenzhen Shenzhen Bay Bridge
- ample space for development - vacant land next to the roads 1+1
- lower land rent of farmland - scattered farmland next to some

(iv) Land use problems:

unplanned housing development/ scattered container yards blended with rural

villages/ land use conflict/ loss of original rural culture
visual pollution/ loss of natural scenery/ damaging ecology
drainage problems/ increasing risk of flooding during heavy rain

Transport problems:
mcrease m road traffic flow/ congestion/ noise/ air pollution
heavy vehicles using narrow roads/ concerns of road safety

Economic problems:

increasing land rent
farming land use replaced by industrial/ storage uses


abandoned farmland increases/ reducing farm outputs (Any four)

(b) (i) Location:

- proximity to Zhujiang Delta/ Shenzhen 1ll1l
favourable to develop port back up services/ logistics/ industrial areas
proxilnity to new towns/ Tin Shui Wai/ Yuen Long
job opportunities for residents
need rezoning/ relocating container storage yards or industrial areas


- flat land favours logistic development

preservation of declared monuments/ Yeung Hau Temple/ Tang Ancestral Hall
housing for the rural residents/ preservation of some rural settlements


conserving hills at grid squares 0685 and 0686 as green area/ park

(Max. 2 marks for either "location" or "site" only)

(ii) Existing infrastructure:

more use of West Rail/ commuting by West Rail to reduce use of vehicles/ increase
planting trees/ buffer zones/ noise shields along Kong Sham Western Highway,
Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long Highway and.West Rail
reduce traffic noise/ air pollution
sewage treatment plant at grid reference 069855 to treat urban sewage/ prevent
river/ coastal water pollution 1
cross-border transport network favours economic development 1 (2)
Max. 18


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Question 3 Marks

(a) ( i) X: 9.0


Y: -41.7

(ii) Description:

- decrease m cereal production in both countries


greater decrease of cereal production in Somalia

- drought/ decrease in rainfall
Somalia faces a more severe drought problem/ more areas with rainfall amount乏30%

l l
( l

� 、
below average

(iii) Somalia

Explanation Evidence
- more severe crop failure/ greater - production in 2011 was 41. 7% less than
percentage decrease in cereal that in 2010 l+l
- greater percentage of population in - one-third of the total population in need
need of food relief of food relief

(b) Somalia is poorer/ lower GDP per capita

primary production is the main source of income/ lower level in industrialisation
low farming income/ income from primary production
less able to afford modem faming technology
lacks money to buy imported food
people are poorly-educated/ lower literacy rate
lacks the knowledge to apply modem farming technology/ adopts traditional farming
methods 1 (5)

(c) (i) increase short-term water 叩pply

irrigation scheme might not function well because of inadequate annual rainfall/
inadequate water supply
less developed country lacks capital to afford such farming technique
local farmers lack adequate knowledge to apply the technique
misuse of technique might reduce the long-term agricultural productivity/ soil
l llll



(ii) water and soil conservation

ensure sustainable agricultural development
cause less disturbance to the fragile environment


could not solve climatic constraints/ insufficient water for irrigation


Max. 18


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Question 4 Marks

(a) (i) Increase m C01:

increase in land exploitation/ lumbering
increase in amount of electricity consumption for industrial/ domestic use

increase in use of fossil fuels for transport/ industrial activities

Increase m N,Q:
- mcrease in transportation/ increase in use of fossil fuels 1
increase in use of chemical fertilisers
increase in industrial production/ e.g. production of四國synthetic fibres/ polyfoam 1 (2)

(ii) - positive relationship

concentrations of CO2 / N20/ greenhouse gases increase, surface temperature
intensify the greenhouse effect
the earth radiation/ long-wave radiation 1
absorbed by greenhouse gases/ reflected to the ground
accumulation of heat energy 1 (4)

(b) (i) Emission scenario X:

higher temperature increase/ rate of global warming increases

abundant use of fossil fuels/ high emission amount of greenhouse gases


Emission scenario Y:

lower temperature increase/ rate of global warming slows down

use of alternate energy/ lower emission amount of greenhouse gases

11 - mter-govemmental agreement on standard of emission amount 1
establishment of monitoring network among governments 1
provision of technological platform 1
international cooperation/ e.g. carbon emission trading/ renewable energy 1
improving citizens' awareness on global warming in different countries/
envirorunental education 1
more develop�d countries help less developed countnes to conserve rainforests 1 (4)
- 1eve! of economic. 1+1
(iii) development: descnpt10n + appropriate explanation
political cons1deration: description + appropnate explanat10n 1+ 1
economic interest: description + appropriate explanation 1+1
technological level: description + appropriate explanation 1+ 1

Max. 18


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Section C

Question 5

Account for the physical factors leading to the occurrence of floods in the lower course of a river. Discuss th�
effectiveness of dam construction in preventing floods.

Description & explanation 6

Discussion 6

Describe and explain the physical factors leading • Demonstrate comprehensive

to occurrence of floods knowledge of the physical factors
- characteristics of lower course of river leading to the occurrence of floods 5-6'.,
- massive load • Extensive and accurate use of
- sudden increase in the volume of flow geographical terminology
• early summer monsoon, El Nino • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of
• volume of flow exceeds river capacity➔ flood the physical factors leading to the I
occurs occurrence of floods 3 _),
• Accurate use of geographical

• Demonstrate elementary or inaccurate
knowledge of the physical factors

leading to the occurrence of floods
• Using eve可daylan胛age
Discuss the effectiveness of dam construction in • Coherent and logical discussion of the
preventing floods effectiveness of dam construction in
- storage of flood water preventing floods

- regulate the flow of water • Appropriate discussion of other
- silt storage effective methods in preventing floods
• Extensive and accurate use of
- conditions reducing the effectiveness: eographical terminolo
• extreme heavy rainfall • Appropriate discussion of the
• deforestation causes silting effectiveness of dam construction in
• lowers the storage capacity preventing floods 3-5
• earthquakes cause collapsing of dam • Accurate use of geographical
• lack of maintenance terminology
• Brief and general discussion of the
- other effective methods: soil conservation, etc. effectiveness of dam construction in 1-2
preventing floods
• Using eve可day language
Max. 12

N.B. Markers are reminded to award appropriate marks to relevant and reasonable answers not
included in this marking scheme.


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Question 6

Describe the mode of production and locational distribution of the IT industry. How does globalisation lead to
the occUITence of this mode of production?

Description 6
Explanation 6

Describe the mode of production and locational • Demonstrate sound and

distribution of IT industry comprehensive knowledge of the
Mode of production: mode of production and locational
multi-point production distribution ofIT industry
transnational production • Extensive and accurate use of
geographical terminology
Locational distribution: • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of
executive, management, design and R & D the mode of production and locational
departments mostly located in large cities or distribution ofIT industry 3-4
suburban areas of MDCs • Accurate use of geographical
production, assembling and packaging departments terminology
mostly located in LDCs • Demonstrate brief understanding of
the mode of production and locational
distribution ofIT industry
• Using eve可day language
Explain how globalisation lead to the occurrence • Capable of explauung how
of this mode of production globalisation influences the multi­
development in transportation and communication point and transnational production of
technologies IT industry
IT industry - footloose industry • Coherent, creative and logical
discussion on the importance of 5-6
Comparative advanta1,?;es: globalisation to the change of location
location of headquarters and R & D department: ofIT industry
MDCs • Extensive and accurate use of
reasons: geographical terminology
• concentration of experts
• good infrastructure • Appropriate explanation on how
• high technological level globalisation influences the multi­
• pleasant enviromnent attracts experts of point and transnational production of
technology 3-4
IT industry
• Accurate use of geographical
production plants: LDCs terminology
• Brief and general explanation on how
• favourable govermnent policy
globalisation influences the mode of
• cheap labour
• low land rent
production ofIT industry 1-2
• Using everyday language
• other incentives: e.g. low tax rates, more lenient
enviromnental regulations, etc.
Max. 12

N.B. Markers are reminded to award appropriate marks to relevant and reasonable answers not
included in this marking scheme.


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Question 7
Why are tropical rainforests in the world vanishing at an increasing rate in recent years? Discuss the effectiveness
of the establishment of national parks in conserving the tropical rainforests.

Explanation 5
Discussion 7

Explain the causes for the vanishing of tropical • Coherent and logical explanation on the
rainforests causes for the tropical rainforests in the
- econom1c development world to vanish at an increasing rate in

- agricultural development recent years
- population increase • Extensive and accurate use of
- urban development eographical terminolo
- technological development • Appropriate explanation on the causes
for the tropical rainforests in the world
to vanish at an increasing rate in recent 3-4
• Accurate use of geographical
• Brief and general explanation on the
causes for the tropical rainforests in the
world to vanish at an increasing rate in 1-2
recent years
• Using everyday language
Discuss the effectiveness of the establishment of • Coherent and logical discussion of the
national parks in conserving the tropical effectiveness of the establishment of
rainforests national parks in conserving the tropical
Supporting points: rainforests with sufficient supporting
• align with the principles of sustainable points and its limitations 6-7
development • Appropriate discussion of other
• protected by laws and regulations effective measures
• easier to manage/ monitor • Extensive and accurate use of
• may have the assistance in. management by geographical terminology
professional organisations from overseas
• local people may help to conserve the forest, • Appropriate d·lSCUSSlOil of the
e.g. act as tourist guides effectiveness of the establishment of
national parks in conserving the tropical
- Limitations: rainforests with reasonable supporting 3-5
• insufficient capital for tropical rainforest points
countries to maintain the management of • Accurate use of geographical
national parks terminology
• may have corruption
• extensive area/ inconvenient transport, difficulty • Brief and general discussion of the
in law enforcement/ smuggling activities of effectiveness of the establishment of
local residents national parks in conserving the tropical 1-2
• hill fires due to careless burning rainforests
• Using everyday language
- Discussion of other effective measures
Max. 12

N.B. Markers are reminded to award appropriate marks to relevant and reasonable answers not included
in this marking scheme.


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