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2015-2016 1% Term Test Primary 6 General English Date : 20" Oct, 2015 Marks : /100 Time allowed : 45 minutes Class : P.6 ( ) Name : Cc) Parent’s signature : —— | There are 9 pages (from section A to J) in this pap “The End” is printed on the last page. _ A. What does Ricky want to be when he grows up?/; Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs in the bragkets. 12/100 (@1) Ricky (e.g.)__wants__(want) to be a police officer. Last night he () (watch) a TV program about the police force. Then he (2)_______(surf) the Net because he wanted to try to (3) (find) out more about the police. He (4) (collect) a lot of information about how to (5) (join) the force. The applicant must (6) (be) over 18 years old, so he (7) (decide) to study hard first. After that he (8) (talk) to his brother. Before going to bed, he (9) (make) a promise to himself. “I (10) (be) a good police officer when 1 (11) (grow) up,” Ricky (12) (say). 6E/1 B. Ricky is talking to his friend about the dream job. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. 12/100 (@1) Ricky is reading the Kids’ Post about China’s (e.g.) heroes_ in space. He wants to be an(1) a because he wants to walk in (2) s and visit different (3) p. Tom wants to be a (4) f when he grows up. He wants to (5) r. people from fires. He is ©) b Sally wants to work in a hospital. She wants to be a Mn because she is a (8) ¢ person. John wants to be an (9) a He would like to design buildings because he is very (10) ¢ Peter wants to bea flight(11)a_____———_— because he is very (12) a | 6E/2 C. Ricky is going to visit the Space Museum. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. 10/100 (@1) Ricky’s father | Ricky Ricky’s father | Ricky Ricky’s father : We are going to go (e.g.) _to _ Hong Kong-next week. Let’s plan what we can do (1) Hong Kong (2) 15 August (3)__— 224 August. I want to visit ne Space Museum (4) Tsim Sha Tsui. Can we visit it (5) 16 August? There will bea sky show (6)_______ the morning Ok. We can go to the museum. When will the show be shown? It will be shown (7) 10am. Can I go there (8) Peter? : Yes, youcan. (9)____ watching the show, we can go to Jordan (10) _ ___ lunch, 6E/3 D. Ricky is talking to his friend, Beeno. Help them finish their conversation. 10/100 (@2) Ricky : (e.g.) _Whatdo_ you want to be when you grow up? Beeno : A spaceman, I think. [Ricky : (1) you want to do that job? Beeno : Because it’s exciting! I can walk on the moon. |Ricky : (2) the first one to walk on the mo 0? \Beeno : Neil Armstrong. Ricky : (3) you know he was the first one? Beeno : Iread his story in this book. Ricky : (4). book is this? Beeno : It’s mine. Ricky : (5) you buy the book? |Beeno : My mother bought it for me as a gift last year. | E. Ricky made some mistakes in his English homework. Help him circle the mistakes and write the correct answer in the blank on each line. Marks will be deducted if you do not circle the mistakes. (e.g.) What do you want to (e.g.) __be 1. Peter and Mary wants to be police officers. 1. 2. Have you finished your homework already? 2. 3. If | become a policeman I will fight against crime. 3 4. If Betty become a policewoman, she will catch thieves. 4. 5. Betty wants to be a fashion designer. 5 10/100 (@2) 6E/4 F. Ricky is doing his homework. Help him make the sentences with “if” or “so that”. 6/100 (@2) (e.g,) I want to become a famous pianist. I play the piano every day. 1_play the piano every day so that_I can become a_famous pianist i 1. You will miss the bus. You get up late. 2. The dog will bite you. You touch the dog. 3. Basketball players keep practising every day. They want to win the competition. G. Ricky is writing about his family. Fill in each blank with the correct pronoun. 4/100 (@1) John is (e.g.) _my _ brother. He is studying in Hennessy Road| Government Primary School (Causeway Bay) with (1) | (2) are in the same class. (3) parents love us very much, We love (4) too. | | | | 6E/5 H. Comprehension I 12/100 (@2) Ricky is reading a biography. Read the article and answer the questions. A Pianist’s Story Beeno Black was born in London, beginning his piano studies there at the young age of five. He has won many music awards. He was first runner-up in the 13" British Young Pianists’ Competition. He was also champion in an international piano contest. Both of these awards were obtained by him before the age of thirteen. More amazingly, this talented pianist was born dumb. He can heaybut cannot speak. However, his music is his voice. It reaches the ais of: millions of people all over the world. At the age of eleven, Beeno entered Royal Music College.) After studying | with Master Yoda Skywalker at that College for six years, Beeno was selected for a special 2-year scholarship to study music in New York. Afier graduating, Beeno went back to London and gave numerous piano | performances at music festivals in Australia, America, Japan and France. In 100 Famous People in the World, the interviewer said, “When Beeno plays the piano, everybody stops to listen. This young man can really make music come alive. Music is his voice.” London Monthly said his performance at the Australian Piano Festival reached “a beautiful height that no man had ever reached before”. Beeno now lives and teaches piano classes in Hong Kong. He may give his first concert in this city next year. (i) For Questions(1)- (4), blacken@ the circle next to the correct answer. No marks will be given if you blacken more than one circle. (e.g.) Where was Beeno born? © A. Hong Kong @ B. London O C. Australia © D. America 6E/6 . This biography is about . O A. alittle boy O B.astudent O C.a musician OD. aphotographer 2. When did Beeno start learning the piano? 0 A. Syrs old O B.7yrs old OC.8yrsold © D.9yrs old 3. Beeno came in the 13" British Young Pianists’ Competition. © A. first OB. second O C. third OD. fourth 4, Which one of the following is true? O A. Beeno cannot hear. O B. Beeno cannot eat. © C. Beeno cannot speak. © D. Beeno can sing well. (ii) For questions (5) to (6), answer in complete sentences, (e.g.) Where was Beeno born? He was born in London 5. Who is Master Yoda Skywalker? 6. Do you think Beeno is a great pianist? Why / Why not? 6E/7 I. Comprehension II 12/100 (@2) Read the passage and answer the questions. Last Sunday Liza came to Hong Kong to visit Peter and John. Liza is their friend. She was born in China and this was the first time for her to visit Hong Kong. She stayed with them for three days. Peter and John took Liza around Hong Kong. They took a tram ride on Hong Kong side and they went shopping in Causeway Bay. Liza found everything interesting, She has never seen such a crowded place before. They also took her to the Peak by Peak Tram. They visited Repulse Bay | and watched people swimming in the sea. They went to Aberdeen to see fishing boats. They had a meal in a western restaurant. Liza liked spaghetti a lot. She went to Ocean Park. She saw a lot of sea animals, such as killer whales, sea lions, seals and so on. She also watched a dolphirh show. She thought it would be amazing to be a sea animal trainer beéitise they can train dolphins to perform many different tricks. She really: had‘ good time there. Liza went back to China and she wrote an e-mail to her friends,to thank them for what they did for her. She didn’t like the crowded pla¢e’ in-Hong Kong and she also didn’t like the traffic and the bad air condition in Hong Kong. But she wants to visit Hong Kong again because she wants to visit a special place. Mickey Mouse is Liza’s favourite cartoon character. That’s why Liza will come again to visit Disneyland. (i) For Questions(1) — (2), blacken® the circle next to the correct answer. No marks will be given if you blacken more than one circle. (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? CO A. Last Saturday © B. Last week © C. Last Christmas @ D Last Sunday 6E/8 1. What did Liza like eating in a western restaurant? © A. chicken wings OB. hamburgers O C. spaghetti OD. fried rice 2. How long did Liza stay in Hong Kong? OA. two days OB. three days OC. four days OD. a week (ii) For Questions(3) — (4), give short answers. Marks will be deducted if you answer the questions in complete sentences, (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? Last Sunday 3. What did Liza and her friends do in Causeway Bay? 4, Where will Liza visit in Hong Kong next time? (iii) For Questions(S) — (6), answer the questions_in_complete sentences, Marks will be deducted if you give short answers. (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? Liza came to Hong Kong last Sunday 6E/9 J. Writing 12/100 You need to write about your “Dream Job” in not less than 100 words. The following questions may help you 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 2. Why do you want to do the job? 3. What are the job requirements? 4. Why are you suitable for this job? My Dream Job Content _ - 7 Language 15_| |___ Total /2 (The End) 6E/10 ; © 9 pages (from section A to J ) in this paper. isprintedonthelastpage. A. What does Ricky want to be when he grows up? Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs in the brackets. 12/100 (@1) 1. watched 2. was surfing 3. find 4. collected 5. join 6. be 7. decided 8. talked 9. made 10. will be 11. grow 12. said obsL B. Ricky is talking to his friend about the dream job. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. 12/100 (@1) . astronaut . space . planets . fire fighter 1 2. 3 4 5. rescue 6. brave 7. nurse 8. caring 9. architect 10. clever 11. attendant 12. attentive 6E/2 C. Ricky is going to visit the Space Museum. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. 10/100 (@1) 1. in 2. from 3. to 5.on 6. in 7. at 8. with 9. After 10. at > for 6E/3 D. Ricky is talking to his friend, Beeno. Help them finish their conversation. 10/100 (@2) 1. Why do 2. Who was 3. How do 4. Whose 5. When did E. Ricky made some mistakes in his English homework. Help him circle the mistakes and write the correct answer in the blank on each line. Marks will be deducted if you do not circle the mistakes. 10/100 (@2) 1. wants -> want 2. already -> yet 3. policemen -> policeman 4. become -> becomes 5. desinger -> designer 6E/4 F. Ricky is doing his homework. Help him make the sentences with “if” or “so that”. 6/100 (@2) (e.g.) I want to become a famous pianist. I play the piano every day. I_play the piano every day so that_I can become a famous pianist 2 1. If you get up late, you will miss the bus. 2. If you touch the dog, the dog will bite you. 3. Basketball players keep practising every day so that the can win the competition. G. Ricky is writing about his family. Fill in each blank with the correct pronoun. 4/100 (@1) 2. We 3. Our 4. them 6E/S H. Comprehension I 12/100 (@2) Ricky is reading a biography. Read the article and answer the questions. A Pianist’s Story Beeno Black was born in London, beginning his piano studies there at the young age of five. He has won many music awards. He was first runner-up in the 13" British Young Pianists’ Competition. He was also champion in an international piano contest. Both of these awards were obtained by him before the age of thirteen. More amazingly, this talented pianist was born dumb. He can hear but cannot speak. However, his music is his voice. It reaches the ears of millions of people all over the world. At the age of eleven, Beno entered Royal Music College. After studying with Master Yoda Skywalker at that College for six years, Beeno was selected for a special 2-year scholarship to study music in New York. After graduating, Beeno went back to London and gave numerous piano performances at music festivals in Australia, America, Japan and France. In 100 Famous People in the World, the interviewer said, “When Beeno plays the piano, everybody stops to listen. This young man can really make music come alive. Music is his voice.” London Monthly said his performance at the Australian Piano Festival reached “a beautiful height that no man had ever reached before”. Beeno now lives and teaches piano classes in Hong Kong. He may give his first concert in this city next year. (i) For Questions(1)— (4), blacken@ the circle next to the correct answer, No marks will be given if you blacken more than one circle. (e.g.) Where was Beeno born? © A. Hong Kong @ B. London O C. Australia O D. America 6E/6 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B (ii) For questions (5) to (6), answer in complete sentences. (e.g.) Where was Beeno born? He was born in London 5. Master Yoda Skywalker is Beeno's teacher. 6. I think Beeno is a great pianist because he has won many music awards. Ly 6E/7 I. Comprehension I 12/100 (@2) Read the passage and answer the questions. Last Sunday Liza came to Hong Kong to visit Peter and John. Liza is their friend. She was born in China and this was the first time for her to visit Hong Kong. She stayed with them for three days, | Peter and John took Liza around Hong Kong. They took a tram ride on Hong Kong side and they went shopping in Causeway Bay. Liza found | everything interesting. She has never seen such a crowded place before. | They also took her to the Peak by Peak Tram. They visited Repulse Bay and watched people swimming in the sea. They went to Aberdeen to see fishing boats. They had a meal in a western restaurant. Liza liked spaghetti a lot. She went to Ocean Park. She saw a lot of sea animals, such as killer. whales, sea lions, seals and so on. She also watched a dolphin | show. She thought it would be amazing to be a sea animal trainer because they can train dolphins to perform many different tricks. She really had a good time there. Liza went back to China and she wrote an e-mail to her friends to thank them for what they did for her. She didn’t like the crowded places in Hong Kong and she also didn’t like the traffic and the bad air condition in Hong Kong. But she wants to visit Hong Kong again because she wants to visit a special place. Mickey Mouse is Liza’s favourite cartoon character. That’s why Liza will come again to visit Disneyland. (i) _ For Questions(1) — (2), blacken® the circle next to the correct answer. No marks will be given if you blacken more than one circle. (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? O A. Last Saturday O B. Last week © C. Last Christmas @ D. Last Sunday 6E/8 1G 2.B (i) For Questions(3) — (4), give short answers. Marks will be deducted if you answer the questions in complete sentences. (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? 3. Went shopping 4. Disneyland For Questions(S) — (6), answer the questions_in_complete sentences. Marks will be deducted if you give short answers. (e.g.) When did Liza come to Hong Kong? Liza came to Hong Kong last Sunday 5. It was because Liza wants to thank her friend for what they did for her. 6. Any reasonable answer. J. Writing 12/100 You need to write about your “Dream Job” in not less than 100 words. The following questions may help you : 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 2. Why do you want to do the job? 3. What are the job requirements? 4. Why are you suitable for this job? My Dream Job (The End) 6E/10

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