Level of Awareness On Sex Ed

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Level of Awareness on Sex Ed

Psychology (Notre Dame of Dadiangas University)

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A Research Proposal Presented To

The Faculty of the Senior High School
Notre Dame of Dadiangas University
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Practical Research 1

Gertrude Sheilo Lastimosa

Julianne Camyl Balanon
Beatrice Grace Dacera
Lovely Rose Gantalao
Leanne Amarinero
Christine Ira Medel
Dan Paulo Arnado
Atsushi Alabado
Janet Ramirez

November 2020

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The researchers would like to dedicate the study to all of the people who took

part in making it real, because of their unconditional love and prayers, the

researchers have the chance to complete this study.

To their beloved parents, who have been their source of inspiration and

strength. Moreover, who constantly provides moral and financial support.

To the teachers particularly Ms. Mary Jane Timola, who serves as the guide to

finish the study accordingly and for the resilient belief in the researchers and who

also, gives support in the mechanics of producing the study. The study would have

never become truth, without her guidance.

To the unswerving friends, who have been very supportive along the way of

doing the study and who also shared advice, gives moral support, and continually

bring positivity.

Lastly, to the Almighty God, the Creator, who continually gives the skills,

protection, love and power to overcome obstacles. Furthermore, who leads through

the valley of darkness with light of hope and unending support.

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The researchers would like to express their deepest and heartfelt gratitude to

the people who have been part of their journey in making this study possible and


First, to Almighty God for the gift of knowledge and wisdom that He had

showered upon the researchers and for making this study a successful one.

To their parents, for their financial and moral support.

To their statistician, Ms. Hazel Mae S. Cañeda, LPT, whose her statistical

expertise was invaluable during the analysis and interpretation of the collected data,

and for her support, pieces of advice, guidance, valuable comments that helped the

completion and success of the study. To their grammarian, Ms. Josephine Dorado,

for her expertise that has been helpful in checking the proper usage of words and

grammars that helped the proponents immensely in editing. To Ms. Allysa Villarmia,

for her expertise in cognitive and behavioral analysis in regards with sex education

which is helpful in the making of research questionnaires.

To the panelist, Mr. Lloriellard Larona, Ms. Dianne Mae Diaz, and Ms. Rachel

Lou Paranga for their detailed and constructive comments and suggestions. To their

research adviser, Ms. Mary Jane Timola, for the knowledge and expertise she

shared with the researchers. Also, they are grateful to her for molding them into

good researchers they can be. Lastly, to their classmates and friends, who inspired

and helped the researchers to finish the study.

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The Researchers

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING..................................................................1
Statement of the Problem................................................................................3
Significance of the Study..................................................................................4
Scope and Delimitation....................................................................................5
Definition of Terms............................................................................................5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES.....................................8
Conceptual Framework....................................................................................8
Related Literatures.........................................................................................10
Related Studies..............................................................................................20
CHAPTER III.........................................................................................................28
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY.................................................28
Research Design............................................................................................28
Locale of the Study........................................................................................28
Respondents of the Study..............................................................................30
Data Gathering Procedure.............................................................................31
Statistical Treatment.......................................................................................31
Statistical Tools...............................................................................................33
General Procedure.........................................................................................33

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Philippine Statistics Authority showed that 8 percent of ladies in our

country ages 15-19 is already a mother and another 2 percent are pregnant with

their first child. Early pregnancy varies by education, wealth quintile and

environment. Supported from the results from the 2013 National Demographic

and Health Survey, initiation of sexual intercourse before 18 years old is more

common among young adult specifically those with less education and poorer


The survey shows that 44 percent of girls ages 15 to 24 with elementary

education does more sexual activity versus 21 percent of ladies with college

education. The young adult women who begun bearing a baby that are classified

as belonging to poor households is 37 percent higher among those women within

the highest wealth quintile which is 13 percent. because of their sexually active

personality, they are inclined to initiate their first sexual activity before marriage.

Among developing countries, Nigeria has the highest birth rates for women aged

lower than 20 years old and study says that this issue has something to do with

less sex education in schools and lack of availability of contraceptives and

contraception services. The Nigerian establishment started implementing Sex

Education that has been impacting moral lesson and social values to secondary

students. Moreover, effective sex teaching programs can decrease sexual issues

and increase contraceptive use among people who are already sexually active.

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They focused on providing precise information about sexuality, build

interpersonal and communication skills to resist sexual persuasion and address

social and media influences on sexual behaviors (Amazigo et al, 2003).

The Department of Education in General Santos City has expressed alarm

over the rising cases of pregnancy among students within the past three years.

According to Mario Bermudez, the assistant superintendent of the DepEd city

division that they have already recorded a complete total of 83 cases of teenage

pregnancies in local schools as of the end of 2018. To help address the matter,

they intensified their sexuality education campaigns in every public and private

schools, from elementary to senior high school levels, within the city. The move

was supported by DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2018, which issued for the

"Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality

Education (Philippine News Agency, 2019).

Sexuality Education is seen as an answer to the young people’s sexual

issues. (Advocates for Youth, 2019) described Sex Education as a provision of

knowledge about bodily development, sex, sexuality and relationships. It's a tool

for teenagers to grasp and make informed decisions regarding sex and their

sexual health. Sex education isn't only an answer to the young peoples’ sexual

activity but also for them to learn about sexually transmitted infections and

unintended pregnancy. It also includes the course of developing attitudes, beliefs

and values, motivation, skills and significant awareness to one’s sexual health

and consequences. The knowledge which will be taught to the students should

be appropriate to their development and cultural background.

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Sexuality education responds to the needs of youngsters and youth not

only in terms of their sexual safety and health, but also as a part of their overall

development. Family, society and schools all play important roles in providing

sexuality education for adolescents. Family-based sexuality education is certainly

important, but studies have shown that almost all parents are too embarrassed to

explore the topic of sex or don't know the way to speak about it with their

children. Furthermore, although adolescents absorb much information about

sexuality from the media and wider society, the exactness of such information

cannot be guaranteed. Hence, school-based sexuality education is especially

important (Yan, 2005; Liu, 2007).

“Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012” also

called as the Reproductive Health (RH) Act presents government funding for

contraceptives and sex education within the public-school curriculum. supported

this curriculum, sex education should be taught to students starting from ages 10

to 19, which is both primary and secondary school. The Act also provides free or

subsidized contraceptives which will be stocked in health centers and will be

provided free for the poor (DOH Philippines, 2011).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the Level of Awareness of Senior High School

Students on Sex Education.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of last school


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1.1 Public; and

1.2 Private

2. What is the level of awareness of Senior High School students on Sex

Education in terms of:

2.1 human body and human development;

2.2 personhood;

2.3 healthy relationships;

2.4 sexuality and sexual behaviors;

2.5 sexual and reproductive health;

2.6 personal safety; and

2.7 gender, culture and human rights.

3. Is there a significant difference between the Level of awareness of Senior

High School students on Sex Education and type of school last attended?

Significance of the Study

This study will be essential to the following individuals who can benefit in

the outcome of this study:

To the NDDU Grade 11 students. This study will be useful to the students by

letting them speak up their views towards sex education in terms of their last

school attended.

To the Teachers. This study will help the teachers encourage and let their

students understand the importance of taking care of their sexual health.

To the NDDU community. This study will be beneficiary to the school's

community by providing them information about the level of awareness of Grade

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11 students on Sex Education and help them foster an environment wherein

students will be aware of the advantages of sex education.

To the researchers of this study. This study will be beneficiary to the

researchers by gaining knowledge about the level of awareness of Grade 11

students on sex education.

To the future researchers. The results of this study will hopefully provide future

researchers with additional knowledge and guidance to gather information and it

may serve as a reference for a bigger study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be delimited to the Level of Awareness of Senior High

School Students of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University towards sex education.

Specifically, this study will focus on the student's awareness level based on the

core topics of sex education in terms of their last school attended.

This study will be conducted to the selected Grade 11 students coming

from different strands of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University in the academic

year 2020-2021.

This study will take place in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Marist

Campus. No more other schools and other grade levels will be included. The

primary data gathering method will be conducted through survey to determine the

level of awareness of the selected respondents.

Definition of Terms

Sex Education. This refers to a high quality teaching and learning about a broad

variety of topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about

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those topics and gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and

manage one’s own sexual health. Sex education may take place in schools, in

community settings, or online (PPFA, 2019). Operationally, it refers to as an

essential action to determine the students' belief in promoting sexual and

reproductive health of the senior high school students.

Sex. This refers to having consenting, pleasurable and safe sexual experiences

(GW Australia, 1968). Operationally, it is defined to expand ones knowledge in

this certain issue with the intention of determining the students' belief in

promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students.

Sexuality. This refers to the sexual feelings and attractions we have towards

others and the way these are expressed (Western Australia, 2017). Operationally,

it is defined as one of the important factors in order to determine the students'

belief in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school


Relationships. It refers to a close friend ship between two people, especially

one involving romantic or sexual feelings (Collins, 2019). Operationally, it is

defined as one of the important factors in order to determine the students' belief

in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students.

Sexual Health. It refers to a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-

being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction

or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality

and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe

sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence (Geneva,

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2002). Operationally, it is defined essentially beneficial especially to the youth, for

them to imbibe more about certain welfare and precautions.

Awareness. It refers to a knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a

situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience

(Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). Operationally, this refers to the variable that will be

gathered from the students that will be scaled and identified based on the

contents under sex education.

Contraceptives. It is also known as birth control, is used to prevent pregnancy

(Sexandu, 2016). Operationally, this refers to be more significant for the reason

that contraceptives are advantageous specifically in our study.

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This chapter provides an overview of previous research on knowledge

sharing and intranets. It introduces the framework for the case study that

comprises the main focus of the research described in this study.

Conceptual Framework

The implementation of sex education helped a lot of institutions in

teaching students the proper ways of being aware towards puberty, early

pregnancies, contraceptives, and other lessons in relation to sexuality. It has also

lessened high risk of sexual behaviors.

The study aims to assess the level of awareness of senior high school

students in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University towards sex education based on

their last school attended. In the illustration, the 2 variables are; 1) Level of

Awareness of SHS students on Sex Education, 2) The demographic profile of the

respondents’ in terms of last school attended. The dependent variable is the

Level of Awareness of SHS students on Sex Education. The independent

variable is the last school attended of the respondents. We measure the

significant difference based on the demographic profile of the respondents.

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Conceptual Framework

Level of Awareness of SHS students

on Sex Education

Respondents’ profile
in terms of last school



Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Related Literatures

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The literatures cited in this chapter tackle the different concept,

understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different

development related to study of the enrollment from the past up to the present

and which serves as the researchers guide in developing the project. Those that

were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are

relevant and similar to the present study.

Sex Education

Silva (2009), described Sex Education as abstinence-oriented

intervention. This intervention has a goal which is to encourage and teach people

especially the teenagers to be aware of unprotected sex, sexually transmitted

diseases and teenage pregnancy. This intervention also shows that the use of

contraceptives is a less effective method than abstinence. On the other hand,

intervention was also defined as a safer-sex if it is applied with a strong

component of contraceptives.

According to Bangalore (2010), Sex Education is considered as a life-long

process. It is a process in which it starts from childhood to adulthood. He said

that Sex Education should not only be taught for sexuality, but also should

demonstrate morale values, personal relationships and decision making. This

education should help every individual to have self-awareness and conscious to

avoid and resist sexual experience.

Studies shows that sex education programs are effective in reducing

pregnancy and abortion rates especially when it promotes responsibility and self-

discipline. It also includes promotion of respect to human rights and gender roles,

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with knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and sexually transmitted

diseases, which is the most lacking information, particularly on young adults in

developing countries (Faundes, 2017).

Sex Education is a process wherein individuals will be aware of their

sexual development, functioning, behavior and attitude through direct teaching.

Young people will deeply understand and will be properly informed about sex

education if they are taught in a very effective way to help them gain knowledge

about sexual awareness and make their sexual decisions wisely and

knowledgably. The program is used to encourage adults to have a healthy sexual

life. The main goal of it is to give adequate knowledge in order to avoid and resist

bad sexual influences (Allen Taylor, 2010).

There has been a great change on what is the focus of sex education from

the early 1950’s to 1990’s. The focus of sex education back in 1950’s is to create

healthy relationship within a family. However, changes have been noticed when

the focus of sex education nowadays is to prevent early pregnancies and

sexually transmitted infections. There has been a shift from a family-focused to a

health prevention focus and aside from that sex education has a big impact on

religious aspects in United States (Education Reform, Past and Present, 2016).

One researcher defines sex education as one which has many

advantages and disadvantages. The children can be aware of the important

information about sexual education such as preventing unprotected sex, teen

pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Sex education can also lead

children to a closer relationship to their educators which are their parents,

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guardian or their school teachers. The children will be comfortable to talk about

sex education and it is a good thing. And lastly if teens or children are aware of

sex education, their body will be having a healthier sexual life (Ipatenco, 2018).

Sex education has been given a great importance since it has been

helpful to students about the information regarding sex and sexual health issues.

As well as in the society, sex education provides knowledge about sex practices,

child sexual abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases. The school has been

known as an important instrument in transmitting these information about sex

education. Different studies shows that implementing school-based sex

education prevents teenagers from being curious about sex. Through programs

of sexuality education, it will help encourage students to know the proper ways of

protecting themselves in doing sexual act (Only My Health, 2015).

As a matter of fact, according to the National Coalition for Sexual Health

(2019), taking charge of your sexual health means having a healthier mind, body

and soul. It can make their sex life a lot better and safer. Having to trust their

partner is really relieving, it can make their selves secured about the actions of

certain people. Having to plan for their sex life can prevent them by doing

impulsive actions such as unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted

diseases. Possessing a healthy sexual life can be beneficial to them and their

partner by being able to appreciate and experience a good physical condition,

fulfilling sexual life, happy relationship and a comfortable living. Allowing their

selves to talk freely to their partner is essential to their sexual health (NCSH,


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On the basis on (Ford, 2012), sex is important, but for others it is not

required. In fact, there are a lot of great relationships that worked out but don’t

involve sex to their bond. They can do many things with their partner that do not

need sex such as travelling other places, watching movies , cooking together or

spending quality time with each other.. The only important characteristics to

make a relationship strong and healthy are trust, respect and of course genuine

love. Having to trust someone is really important, it give you peace of mind and

can help them to live their life to the fullest. If their relationship has all of these

then they can live happily and truly with the love of their life.

The relationship between the instructor and the student is a very important

and powerful indicator in the content of sex education. In this way, teenagers will

deeply understand the importance of sex education and the inclusion of

information about condoms and other contraceptives (Landry, 2011).

According to the article, a department order establishing a sexuality

education policy with a goal to provide students with suitable life skills that can

guarantee learners to be given comprehensive sex education in order to further

promote gender equality and empowerment, shed light on moral values and

reduce possibilities related to poor results in health was agreed to be

implemented by Briones recently. The order for comprehensive sex education will

then have seven main discussions and these are the human body's growth;

personhood, healthy bonds; sexuality and sexual practices; sexual and

reproductive health; personal safety; and gender, culture and human rights that is

aiming to progress ethics such as self-knowledge, respect and protection, non-

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judgement, concern for others, positive behavior toward sexuality, being

responsible and independent (Mateo, 2018).

The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) has the role to

develop effective sexual health awareness based on evidence that will surely be

a factor of a comprehensive school health education that will make the students

be matured in terms of learning sexual education. Nurses play a big part in

having a legal sex education. The execution of having the evidence-based sexual

education has been implemented by the school nurse which directly supported

by the parents and teachers. And it is said that their learnings should be included

as a complete and specific seminar to the students. The registered school nurse

is really important to the educators because they have knowledge to educate

young people to be a responsible citizen. (Kern, 2019)

To limit and lessen the cases of teenage pregnancy, population growth,

and sexually transmitted diseases, the department of education emphasizes the

significance of broadening the knowledge about sexuality education in public

elementary and high schools. The updates and improvements of policy

guidelines in implementing sex education supported by subjects and

extracurricular activities has been prioritized by the DepEd according to the

education undersecretary (Montemayor, 2019).

According to Sullivan and Caterinuro (2009), individuals with autism

disorders need sexuality education. Individuals with this disorders have a high

possibility of being engaged in sexual behaviors. The number of behaviors may

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be problematic for service providers and caregivers because they disregard the

standard of the society regarding interpersonal behavior.

There are many benefits that sex education have. It includes lowering the

rate of teen pregnancies, and abortions and it is also declining the rate in rates of

sexually transmitted diseases. Sex education’s goal is to promote and give

children and young people the ability to be aware of how a healthy relationship

works. And sexuality education does not give them the opportunity to have sex.

Sex education allows the children, teenagers or even adults to have a safer and

appropriate learning about a certain topic including sexual education. (Keulen,


Sex Education has a great impact in a child’s development. Everything

that they learn from their childhood can be brought to their future sexual

behavior. Teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are one of the

common issues in our society nowadays. Therefore, because of these issues, it

further explains that there is a lack of education about the negative impacts of

unprotected sex in a teenager’s life (McConkey, 2014).

According to a research in Ghana, adolescent sexual activity has been a

serious problem, with different cases of adolescent birth, abortion, and AIDS all

considerably higher among adolescents in Junior High Schools. Descriptive

survey design was used to determine the perception of students of JHS in the

Ashanti Region of Ghana towards sexuality education. The School-based sex

education is still a controversial topic in their education as what was revealed

from the results of the recent survey. Most adolescents need to know more

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information to be educated, think of healthy decisions about their own sexuality.

Others believe that sexuality education should be taught and receive in school.

While some also believe that any information about sexuality should come only

from their parents or family members (Ampofo, 2016).

Sexual Education should be taught to school for the reason that teens and

many young adult are suffering from many challenges in term of having sex. And

one of those is unplanned pregnancy. The rate of abortion is increasing every

year and to avoid it we should implement sex education to schools so that many

young people can prevent this kind of activity. For every action, there will always

be a consequences that we will be facing and sexual activities has it. One of

them is teenage pregnancy. Being a teen mother has many disadvantages, it

includes, having depression. Many teen moms did not finish their education and

with that the rate of unemployed moms are increasing. Teen moms are also more

likely to be unemployed or is not financially stable. (Anonymous, 2019)

K12 Academics (2019) stated that the reason why information about sex

education is considered forbidden to discuss among adolescents is because of

its traditional etiquette where knowledge about this should only be given after

marriage. However, most information is now rampant among teens through social

media and friends. The information obtained are deficient which drove teens to

their curiosity. This led them to the increasing number of teenage pregnancies. To

address this problem sex education programs are instituted.

According to Ma. Teresa Montemayor (2019), The Department of

Education has announced policy guidelines that aims to ensure that learners

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receive comprehensive and appropriate information on sexuality education.

Proper teaching of sex education at an early age can help teens to better

understand and can widen their knowledge on the possible effects and

consequences of unprotected sex. Teachers, school principal and education

stake holders are expected to make teaching and learning more relevant,

meaningful and useful to learners through the policy guidelines.

Sex education has pros and cons. The pros includes decreasing the rate

of teenage pregnancy and lowering the level of having sexually transmitted

diseases (STDs). The young people should be informed about the certain issue

especially in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Sex education also helps

the teens and young people to plan responsibly. It makes young people or even

adults be responsible in terms of having safe sex .The schools enables the teens

to be more practical and to act accordingly. The cons of having sex education,

many people doesn’t take sexual education seriously and because of that if sex

education will be implemented, many students will skip classes. And to avoid that

kind of situation, schools and the faculties should cooperate and should make

sex education more interesting and understandable.

Recent studies suggests that CSE might be a help to lessen teen

pregnancy, also there are no signs that it increases levels of sexual activities and

STDs. According to the study’s lead author, there is no harm in teaching teens

about birth control. Parents and educators have ended into an argument whether

students should be taught about birth control or they just need to learn how to

avoid it (Sujata Iyer, et al., 2010).

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Over the last ten years, there has been a significant growth in the number

of STD cases, especially when it comes to teenagers as well as early unfortunate

pregnancies or teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse and other staggering issues in

relation to sexuality and health. Because of this, the parents, including teachers

support the introduction of sex education since there has been no school-based

sex education yet. However, some traditionalist high authorities like the Russian

Orthodox Church are earnestly disagreeing the implementation. They have

conducted assertive attacks towards said context. Therefore, the Russian

Ministry of Education, allied with UNFPA and UNESCO, has to put their attempts

of putting sex education into effect has come to an end (Boris Yu. Shapiro, 2010)

According to Schutte L. (2017), the school system is a high quality

institution for health promotion and disease prevention intervention for youths. It

is an ideal setting for health promotion initiatives as adolescents can easily be

reached in large numbers. The world health organization (2009) identified school-

based programs as one of the most cost-effective approaches to health and

development in general.

Hannah Fogg (2016) explained that the District of Columbia require public

schools to teach sex education. Many may not know or realize it, but sex

education is rather important. It's crucial to properly teach student and teens alike

the danger of the negative aspects of sexual relationship. Since sex is natural, it

is important to teach students at a reasonable age the danger of sex and how to

prevent them. Having comprehensive sexual health classes in schools ensures

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that students and teens are taking preventative measures to keep themselves

and their partners safe.

Hong Kong adolescents are less sexually active than the west. However,

increasing rate and more liberal sexual attitudes have been reported over the

decades and it cause great concern and begged the question of effectiveness

and occurrence of sex education programs. As they reviewed the local sex

education programs and outlined several observation, they provided suggestion

in the future development and implementation of sex education programs (Leung

and Lin, 2019).

According to Lalnunfeli (2015), due to the influence of cultural, religious

and geographical factors of Mizo people, the issues of sexual and reproductive

health have remained forbidden topic. There is an urgent need to address

sexuality among the youth due to various teenage pregnancy, sex abuse and

exploitation, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV etc. Yet, the

implementation of sex education continuous to be a controversial issue. Thus, it

would be applicable to discover the attitude of the students, teachers, and

community towards sex education.

According to Jeffren P. Miguel (2013), human beings are “socio animals “,

Their behavior, knowledge and perception are influenced by the societies where

they are born and natured, sometimes due to curiosity they do this things with

lack of knowledge about it. According to Planned Parenthood in 2013, sex can be

defined as “The physical and behavioral difference that distinguishes individual

organisms according to their functions in the reproductive process”.

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According to Kathrin F. Stanger-hall and David W. Wall (2011), the United

States ranks first in rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted

diseases. To reduce these rates, they propose the implementation of

comprehensive sex and STD education in the biology curriculum in middle and

high school science classes and a parallel social studies curriculum that

addresses risk-aversion behaviors and future planning.

Related Studies

This part relates the summary method, findings and conclusion of studies like

dissertation, unpublished thesis and other studies viewed. This includes the

studies with the current issues and problems that compromise to the research


Sex Education is a great help to an individual’s overall development. It can

also be taught within the family, but studies shown that most parents are

embarrassed to teach their children about sex. Young people commonly get

information about sex from media and the society, but the information that they

get is not accurately guaranteed (Lan and Yan, 2009).

Over the past 30 years, sex education has been taught in Swedish

School. According to a study that aims to determine the perception of students

about the knowledge they receive from learning sex education, students still

doesn’t have enough knowledge about human reproductive health and two-thirds

of the students thought that is due to the lacking of information. Moreover,

students suggest to discuss further more about relationships and the possible

consequences of unsafe sex. Instructions and ways of teaching sex education

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should also be developed in order for the students to easily cope up with the

topics concerning sexuality (Lindell, 2011).

According to Fok Shui Che (2009), a study of the implementation of sex

education in Hong Kong revealed that sexuality education is not considered as

an important subject in their school curriculum. Results from the early 1990’s

survey of the Department of Education showed that there are a lot of factors

affecting the implementation of sex education in schools. The Hong Kong

Institute of Education carried out a study in the year 1999–2000 to determine if

there had been any progress in sex education in the post‐handover period to

China from the United Kingdom. Through a survey and a small number of

structured interviews, the study reveals through the use of one on one teaching

methods, students of secondary schools are becoming more positive in

promoting sex education.

According to Jonathan Simrin (2015), European countries tend to have the

lowest rate of teen age pregnancies. Italy, Germany and Switzerland, among

others, had fewer than 4 teen birth per thousand babies born. Expert point to the

generally progressive approach to sexual education in the countries as well as

Sweden, France, Netherland, Denmark and Belgium all of which reported

between 5 and 6 teen birth per thousand people. Teachers in these countries

tend to put less emphasis on the dangers of sex. Instead, they gear the

curriculum to teach sex in a normal, healthy, and positive way.

Various studies had repeatedly found that sex education helps young

people take steps to protect their health, in which it provides accurate, complete,

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and developmentally appropriate information on human sexuality, including risk-

reduction strategies and contraception. A 2012 study discovered that 66

comprehensive sexual risk reduction programs has been an effective public

health strategy to reduce adolescent pregnancy, HIV, and STIs. The National

Survey of Family Growth also conducted a research that assessed the impact of

sexuality education on youth sexual risk-taking for young people ages 15-19. The

study revealed that 50 percent of teenagers are less likely to experience

pregnancy if they received comprehensive sex education when compared to

those who received abstinence-only-until-marriage programs (Advocates for

Youth, 2019).

Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (2011) showed that teenagers are

the focus of most research with regards to sex education since they are the ones

who really need complete and accurate information about sexual activities. A

research from 2005 revealed that 43% of Canadian teens have experienced

having sexual intercourse once and 8% were engaged on it before they were 15

years old. This suggests that those who receive sex education have lower risk of

pregnancy compared to the abstinence-only program. There are a lot of ways of

implementing sex education to teens, it can be taught at home where teens are

guided by their parents and where they can talk openly and comfortably. Also

role-playing at school can be an effective strategy.

A study was conducted to determine students' exposure to sex education

and their perceptions towards the implementation of sexual health advice and

education. 427 students were given questionnaires and results showed that

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almost 90% of students agreed on the importance of sex education in school

curriculum. 60% reported prior exposure to sex education in school. However, it

was also reported that females had limited access to advice about contraception

and sexual health. This study shows that implementation of school-based sex

education should be more widened especially to women (Benzaken, et al., 2011).

Comprehensive sexual education is an integral part in improving sexual

and reproductive health of young people. Governments have established policies

for CSE, however there are no measures of the quality of their implementation.

Researchers have constructed a school-level index to measure the quality of

implementing CSE in schools using data from Middle-income countries. The

index shows seven key components of a successful program, it includes range of

topics, values imparted, teaching methods, teacher training, resources available,

monitoring and evaluation, and the school environment. The study discussed the

results of the findings for improvement of school-based CSE in Peru, Guatemala,

Kenya, and Ghana. The assessment of the reliability of the school-level index

shows that it can be useful in other types and can be a significant tool for

educationalists, researchers, and program implementets in measuring qualities of

CSE implementation (Keogh, 2019).

According to the study of PI Opara, GK Eke, PN Tabansi (2012), Sexuality

behavior amongst young people in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa is seriously

going through transformation from what it was previously. A survey was done to

1050 secondary school students attending a series of Schools debates in Port

Harcourt Metropolis with age ranges from 10-20 years old, and a total of 486

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males and 564 females. Results showed that 90.5% of the respondents had

heard of sexuality education but only 40.1% discussed relevant topics on the

subject. Also 52.8% believed that sexuality education should be given at home by

both parents. However, only 31.2% acquired information from their mothers and

3.6% from their fathers. There are only 7.6% said that most are coming from their

teachers. It was concluded that secondary school students are aware of sexuality

education, but lacks information. Since both parents and teachers are poor in

providing such information therefore they also need to be enlightened on

sexuality education along with the students.

The study analyzes the outcome of a well-organized strategy when it

comes to implementing sex education. It aims to access the effectiveness of

sexual education when it is well-thought out and planned when implemented.

According to this study, the group used a partially experimental group design to

examine data from teachers through questionnaires. They measured based on

the teachers’ ideals in their curriculum, the attributes of the context, and of the

alteration plan of action. Based on the results, it showed that the strategy has a

positive impact when it comes to curriculum. It was decided that the strategy can

be possibly implemented and has great chances to provide innovative changes in

school-based sex and health education exercises (C.H Weiefferink et al, 2014).

Females had fewer knowledge of sexual education than males. They

evaluated the perceptions of 369 undergraduate students at Al-Quds University

were moderately knowledgeable of sexual education. Gender, school, academic,

year and religious commitment, these are the significant predictors of the

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



students’ perceptions of sexual education according to the statistics that they

showed. In the conservation of Palestinian society, sexual education is sensitive

and sometimes taboo concept that adhere to its religious, cultural and moral

values (Banat and Dayyeh, 2019).

School-based sex education is an underdeveloped and challenging issue

to address in Iran. This analysis provides insights into the challenges in

implementing and developing school-based sex education in Iran. According to

the investigation of Iranian boys’ school, it is possible to critically explore the

underlying principles and practice of sex education in their institution. Given the

sociocultural milieu and the problematic nature of childhood, adolescent ad

premarital sexualities within the society, developing and implementing school-

based sex education programs is a difficult endeavor. Because of the great

extent of parents and school in Iran, premarital sexuality is unacceptable and

may choose not to approach sex education. To examine the different aspects of

sex education and to demonstrate its importance and effectiveness for young

Iranians, there is need for evidence-based research (Tabatabaie, 2015).

Through a descriptive survey research design, perception of junior social

studies students about sex education was investigated. The study includes all

social studies students in 35 public and 6 registered private Junior Secondary

Schools in Dekina LGA. It was conducted using questionnaire which was made

by the researcher and approved by experts. Results showed that students

agreed on sex education since they have a positive perception and attitude

towards it. It was recommended that teachers are the one suitable to give

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



information and they should teach sex education in the most appropriate way so

that students will be comfortable when discussing about sex related activities and

issues (Ameh, 2015).

Hong Kong adolescents are less sexually active than the west. However,

increasing rate and more liberal sexual attitudes have been reported over the

decades and it cause great concern and begged the question of effectiveness

and occurrence of sex education programs. As they reviewed the local sex

education programs and outlined several observation, they provided suggestion

in the future development and implementation of sex education programs (Leung

and Lin, 2019).

According to Coates (2017), Abstinence-only education programs remain

the most widely used curriculum in public education. In districts where sexuality

education is offered, students riddled the information with inaccuracies and

disparaging on gender and racial bias. They look at the current state of sexuality

education in one urban school district whose state requirements towards sex and

HIV education are restrictive at best. After the examination in the United States,

in the school district of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the community initiative

taking place to aid the district in providing a more comprehensive approach to

sexuality education.

According to Monica Silva (2010), this review presents the findings from

controlled school-based sex education interventions published in the last 15

years in the US. The results from the analysis shows a very small overall effect of

the abstinent-behavior. Moderator analysis could only be done partially because

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of limited information in research studies. Parental participation in the program,

age of the participants, virgin-status of the sample, grade level, percentage of

females, scope of the implementation and year of publication of the study were

associated with variations in effect sizes for abstinent behavior in univariate tests.

According to Gingiss and Hamilton (2014), it is necessary to understand

the attitude and concern of the teacher’s teaching experiences. Forty-seven sixth

grade teachers were surveyed to examine the perceptions of themselves, their

students, colleagues, and community. Overall levels of teachers views generally

were positive on scales designed to measure of the importance of the items

studied, responsibility, for students’ outcome, three measures of comfort, etc. The

teachers identified benefits and barriers to teaching the course indicate a focus

for continuing education.

In conclusion, the literature and studies presented showed that sexual

education provides essential benefits to most students where they would be

aware of the important information about sexual education. Moreover, studies

showed that majority of students agreed on the implementation of sex education

in school curriculum. Comprehensive sexual reduction programs has also been

considered effective in various studies as a public health strategy to reduce

adolescent pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and the risk of abortion.`

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



Research Design

Research Design is the detailed outline of how the study is conducted.

This is the part of the research which revolved the overall strategy that the

researchers chose to integrate in which the Level of Awareness of Senior High

School students towards Sex Education will be gathered and analyzed.

Specifically, in this study, descriptive quantitative design will be used

wherein the Level of Awareness of Senior High School students towards Sex

Education will be described and analyzed through a survey. This approach is to

analyze the students’ awareness on sex education.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University

College Campus, Marist Ave, General Santos City, 9500 South Cotabato,

Philippines. This establishment is a Catholic institution run by the Marist

Brothers or FMS (Fratres Maristae a Scholis). The researchers chose Notre

Dame of Dadiangas University as their locale for it will be accessible for them to

conduct the study in the institution where they belong.

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University is located almost near the heart of

the city. It is located at the back of Mindanao State University College of

Education and Training Department which is near the public playground of

General Santos City.

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Variables Methodology

Profile in terms of last Research Design

school attended
Locale of the Study

Private Notre Dame of

Dadiangas University
College Marist Campus
Level of Awareness of
SHS on Sex Education Instrumentation

Modified Survey Questionnaire
difference between
the Level of
Awareness of Sampling Technique
Senior High School
students on Sex Slovin’s Formula
Education and their
school last attended Stratified

Random Sampling

Respondents of the Study

Grade 11 Students
SY: 2020-2021
Statistical Tools
Frequency Count

Weighted Mean

Analysis of Variance


Figure 2: Research Design of the Study

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the Grade 11 students who are

enrolled at Notre Dame of Dadiangas University in General Santos City in the

Academic year 2020-2021. The respondents will be composed of Grade 11

students in three academic strands which are HUMSS, ABM and STEM who will

be selected using Slovin’s Formula, Stratified and Random sampling. The Grade

11 students will be chosen since it is the first level of Senior High School and

they are expected to be capable of adapting information with regards to the

discussion of sexuality.


In conducting the study, a modified survey questionnaire will be used.

Since the study is a quantitative type of research, the researcher will provide a

survey questionnaire which consists of the seven core topics of sex education

based on DepEd order with three questions in every topic that is answerable by

scale. The survey questionnaire will be given to the respondents to establish the

following: the students’ level of awareness on sex education (five-point scale).

The questionnaire will primarily focus on the respondents in terms of their

different views towards the sexuality education. The researchers will use this five-

point Likert scale in which 5 indicates very high in which the student learned all

the seven core topics of sex education in his/her last school attended, 4 indicates

above average in which the student has a background of the seven core topics of

sex education in his/her last school attended, 3 indicates average in which the

student has an average learning about the seven core topics of sex education, 2

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



for below average in which the student was not completely taught about the

seven core topics of sex education, and 1 for very low in which the student has a

very small knowledge about the seven core topics of sex education.

Above Below
Very High Average Very Low
Average Average
5 3 1
4 2

Figure 3: 5-point Likert Scale

Data Gathering Procedure

The Data Gathering for this study will be done by following a step-by-step

procedure to attain a satisfactory result. First, the researchers will make a draft of

close-ended type questions based on the seven core topics of sex education.

Second, the researchers will ask their research adviser to check the

questionnaire if it contains appropriate questions to be filled up by the selected

respondents. The researchers will then finalize their questions and ask for a

permission to the authorized personnel that they will conduct the study. Then the

researchers will gather the data from the questionnaires given to the selected

Grade 11 Senior High School students of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University.

The results will be analyzed and classified after gathering all the descriptive and

statistical data needed. Then, the researchers had their final papers checked for

approval by their research adviser.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used modified survey questionnaires based on DepEd

order for this study. Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient

way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of students.

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



The survey questionnaire will be given to the respondents to establish the Level

of Awareness of Senior High School Students of Notre Dame of Dadiangas

University on Sex Education. The questionnaires focused on the respondent’s

understanding towards sex education. The researchers used Likert scale

because the researcher would like to identify how respondents feel about the

implementation of sex education. The scale typically ranges from Very High,

Above Average, Average, and Below Average to Very Low.

Mean Range Mean Description Verbal Explanation

The student learned all

the seven core topics of

4.6 – 5.0 5 Very High
sex education in his/her

last school attended

The student has a

background of the seven

3.6 – 4.5 4 Above Average core topics of sex

education in his/her last

school attended
The student has an

average learning about

2.6 – 3.5 3 Average the seven core topics of

sex education in his/her

last school attended.

1.6 – 2.5 2 Below Average The student was not

completely taught about

the seven core topics of

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



sex education in his/her

last school attended.

The student has a very

small knowledge about

1.00 – 1.5 1 Very Low the seven core topics of

sex education in his/her

last school attended.

Statistical Tools

To classify the demographic profile of the students which is stated in

objective number one, frequency count will be used wherein the demographic

profile of the students will be counted manually. For the objective number two,

weighted mean and percentage will be used to get the average or central value

of the sum of the level of awareness of the senior high school students on sex

education. The significant difference between the students’ level of awareness on

sex education and their profile will be differentiated using Analysis of Variance


General Procedure

Before conducting the study, the first step is discussing about the seven

core topics of sex education based on DepEd order. Then listing the objectives of

the study that will be conducted and analyzing its benefits for the student’s

sexual health and life. The researchers will then decide where to conduct the

study and why it should be conducted. The next step is looking for related

literatures and studies that will prove and elaborate the variables of the study.

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Then the researchers will plan on the research design on how to conduct the

study. The researchers will also present a letter to the authorized personnel to

allow them in conducting the study. The researchers will ask their research

adviser to check the questionnaire if it has appropriate questions until it will be

finalized and ready to be conducted. Then the results will be analyzed and

classified after gathering the data needed. Lastly, the researchers’ final papers

will be approved by the research teacher.

Downloaded by Julia Mar Antonete T Acedo (acedojuliamarantonetetamayo@gmail.com)



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