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Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations

Unit-1 - FOURIER SERIES Two Marks

1. State the sufficient condition for a function f ( x) to satisfy for the existence of a Fourier Series
2. Write down Euler’s formulae for f(x) in (c , c+2 π )
3. Define Periodic Function with Example
4. Obtain the first term (Constant term) of the Fourier Series for f(x) = x2 ,
5. Find the value of in the Fourier Series expansion of f(x) = ex in (0, 2 π )
6. Find the Constant term of the Fourier Series for f (x) = cos2 x in (−π , π )
7. Find a nin expanding e− xas Fourier Series in (−π , π )
8. What is the constant term and coefficient of cos nx , in the Fourier Series of f (x)=¿ x−x 3 in
(−π , π ) ?
9. If f ( x)=2 x in the interval (0,4) then find the value of a 2 in the Fourier Series expansion.
10. Give the expression for the Fourier Series co-efficient b n for f(x) defined in (-2,2)
11. Find b n for f(x) = x sinx defined in (-2,2)
12. Find the Half range sine series expansion of f ( x)=1 in (0, π )

13. The cosine series for f (x) = x sinx form 0 < x < π is given as

Deduce that
14. If f ( x )= {
cosx , if 0< x < π
50 , if π < x< 2 π
and f ( x+ 2 π )=f (x) for all x,

Find the sum of the Fourier Series of f(x) at x = π ?

1 1 1 π2
−π , π + + +…=
15. If in ( ) , deduce that 12 22 32 6

16. If the Fourier series of the function

f (x)=¿ { 0 , 0< x< π

sinx , π < x <2 π
is f ( x)=
− +
π π 1.3 [
sinx 1 2 cos 2 x cos 4 x cos 6 x
1 1 1 π −2
and deduce that − + +…∞ ¿
1.3 3.5 5.7 4
17. Define Root mean square value of a function f(x) over the interval (a,b)
18. Find the root mean square value of in
19. State Parseval’s Identity for full Range and Half Range of f(x) as a Fourier Series expansion

20. Without finding the values of the Fourier coefficients , , of Fourier series for
in the interval (0 , ) find the value of
21. What is meant by Harmonic Analysis?

1. State Fourier Integral Theorem

2. Write The Fourier transform pair
3. Write The Fourier cosine transform pair
4. Write The Fourier sine transform pair
5. Find the Fourier transform of e−α |x|, α ≥ 0
6. Find the Fourier cosine transform of e−ax , x ≥ 0
7. Find the Fourier sine transform of e−ax , a> 0
8. Find Fourier cosine transform of xe−ax
9. Find the Fourier sine transform of

10. Find the Fourier transform of

11. Define self reciprocal with respect to Fourier Transform
12. State Parseval’s Identity of Fourier Transform
13. State convolution Theorem in Fourier transform
14. Change of scale property

If F{ f(x)} = F(s), For any non zero real ‘a’ then

15. Shifting Property:
(i) If F(s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), show that F[ f(x-a) ] = e ias F(s)
(ii) If F(s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), show that F[e iax f(x) ] = F(s+a)
16. If Fc (s) is the Fourier cosine transform of f(x), prove that

17. If Fc (s) is the Fourier cosine transform of f(x), prove that the Fourier cosine
transform of f(ax) is 1 Fc s
a []


1. Form the PDE from ( x−a )2+ ( y−b )2 + z 2=r 2

2. Find the PDE of the family of spheres having their centres on the z-axis
3. Form the PDE by eliminating the constants a and b from z=( x 2 +a 2) ( y 2 +b 2)
4. Form the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary constants a and b from z=a x 3 +by 3
5. Eliminate the arbitrary function f from z=f
x ()
and form the PDE.

6. Form the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary function from z −xy=f
z ()
7. Eliminate the arbitrary functions f and g from z = f(x+iy) + g(x-iy) to obtain a
Partial differential equation involving x,y,z
8. Findthe PDE of all planes cutting equal interceptsfrom the x and y axes.
9. Find the complete integral of p + q = pq
10. Find the complete integral of p - 3q = 6
11. Obtain the complete solution of the equation z = px + qy - 2 √ pq .
12. Find the complete integral of PDE (1-x)p+(2-y)q =3-z.
13. Find the complete integral of q = 2px.
14. Solve the PDE pq = x
15. Solve px + qy = z
16. Solve the equation (D−D' )3 z =0
17. Solve (D 3−2 D 2 D ' ) z=0
18. Solve (D 4 −D' 4 )z=0
19. Solve (D 2−2 DD ' + D ' 2) z=e x− y
2 2
∂ z ∂ z ∂z
20. Solve 2 − + =0
∂x ∂ x∂ y ∂ x
21. Solve the equation ( D 2−2 DD ' + D' 2 ) z=cos ( x−3 y)


1. Classify the following second order partial differential equations:

( )( )
∂2 u ∂2 u ∂u 2 ∂u
+ 2= +
i) ∂ x ∂ y ∂x ∂y
2 2
ii) y u xx −2 xyu xy +x u yy +2 u x−3 u=0 .

iv) 3uxx+4uxy+3uy-2ux=0
2. Explain the various variables involved in one dimensional wave equation and
what does a2 stands for?
3. Write any two assumptions made while deriving the partial differential equation of transverse
vibrations of a string.
4.Write down all possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation.
5. Write the initial and boundary conditions of one dimensional wave equation with
zero initial velocity
6. In one dimensional Heat equation ut = α2Uxx.What does α2 stands for?
7. What are the possible solutions of one dimensional heat equation?
∂u 2 ∂2 u

8. How many boundary & initial conditions are required to solve diffusion equation ∂t ∂ x2 ?

9.State any two laws which are assumed to derive one dimensional heat equation.
10.What is the basic difference between the solutions of one dimensional wave equation and one
dimensional heat equation?
11. Define steady state temperature distribution
12. In steady state conditions derive the solution of one dimensional heat flow equation.
13. Distinguish between steady and unsteady states condition in one dimensional heat flow equation
14. A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x=0 and x= l is initially in a position given by
y(x,0) = y0 sin3 ( ). If it is released from rest in that position , write the boundary and initial
15. Define Thermally Insulated Ends.
16. A rod 20cm long with insulated sides has its ends A and B kept at 30oC and 90oC respectively.
Find the steady state temperature distribution of the rod and also Find the steady state
temperature at a location 15 cm from A.
17. An insulated rod of length l cm has is ends A and B maintained at and respectively.
Find the steady state solution of the rod.
18. In 2D heat equation or Laplace equation ,What is the basic assumption.
19. Write the various possible solutions of the Laplace equation in two dimensions.
20.Write the partial differential equation that represents steady state heat flow in two
dimensional and name the variable involved.
21.What is the 2-dimensional heat flow equation when steady state conditions exist?
22.Write the steady state heat flow equation in two dimension in Cartesian & Polar form.
23.Write the two dimensional heat equation both in transient state and steady state.

Unit-5 - Z-Transforms

1. Define Z-tranforms of the sequence {x(n)}

2. Define Z-tranforms of f(t).
3. Find the Z-transform of unit sample sequence.
4. Find the Z-transform of unit step sequence.
5. State Convolution theorem on Z-transform.
6. Prove that Z [ a ] =
if | z|>|a| .
z −a

7. Find Z [ ]
in Z-transform.

8. Find the Z-Transform of n

9. Find Z [ e−iat ] using Z-transform
10. Find Z [ n2 ]
11. Find the Z-Transform of cosnθ and sinnθ .

12. Find Z , n>0 .
13. State First Shifting theorem.
14. State and prove Second Shifting theorem.
15. Prove that Z [ f ( n+ 1 ) ] =zF ( z )−zf ( 0 ) .
16. State Initial and Final Value theorem on Z-transform
17. State and prove initial value theorem in Z-transform.
18. Form a difference equation by eliminating arbitrary constant from un = A 2n+1
19. Form the difference equation from yn=a + b3n

20. Find z [
−1 z
( z−1 )( z−2)

21. If , find f(0)

22. Solve yn+2−¿ 2yn = 0 given y0 = 3

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