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Departamento de idiomas (inglés)

Name:__________________________________ secc______________

I- Translate into spanish

1. accent 11. participant

2. adult 12. reception
3. bride 13. sugar
4. community 14. board
5. effort 15. check
6. environmentalist 16. ensure
7. era 17. identify
8. groom 18. leave
9. junk 19. vegetable
10. newborn 20. vinegar

II-Read this conversation and answer the questions

Mario: How often do you go to the gym?
Chris: I work out every day, except weekends.
I’m a bit of an exercise freak.
Mario: Exercise turns me off .
Chris: Anyway, what are you doing now?
Mario: I’m checking my email.
Chris: How much time do you spend on the
Mario: A lot. I take my smartphone with me
wherever I go. My friends say that my
smartphone is really my best friend.
You see, I can access the Internet
almost everywhere.

About the Conversation

1. Does Chris exercise a lot?
2. Does exercise turn Mario off ?
3. Does Mario spend a lot of time on the Internet?
4. Why can Mario check his email frequently?

III- Complete the paragraph with the past tense form of the verbs in parentheses.
Let me tell you how my parents __________ (1. meet). Friends
__________ (2. introduce) them to each other at a party in Cleveland,
Ohio. They __________ (3. be) both medical students. My dad
__________ (4. grow up) in Cincinnati, Ohio, and my mom
__________ (5. be) from Chicago. Dad __________ (6. ask) Mom
to help him with a paper he __________ (7. have) to write. She
__________ (8. agree) to help, and they __________ (9. fall) in love.
But my mom __________ (10. come) from a very rich family, and
my dad’s family __________ (11. not have) much money. My mom’s
parents __________ (12. not want) my mother to marry him, but Dad
__________ (13. say) that he __________ (14. want to) marry her, and
not her money. When my parents __________ (15. graduate), they
__________ (16. Get

IV-Complete the following information about yourself. Write complete sentences.

Childhood Memories

1. Place and date of birth ___________________________________

2. Earliest memories ___________________________________
3. Favorite toy ___________________________________
4. Favorite teacher in elementary school ___________________________________
5. Best friend in elementary school ___________________________________
6. Favorite pastime as a child ___________________________________
7. Things you used to do ___________________________________
8. First birthday party you remember ___________________________________
V- Write the simple past tense of these verbs
1. Drink 6. Study
2. Think 7. Buy
3. Write 8. Feed
4. Get 9. See
5. Live 10. Walk

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