Photography Layout Caleigh pt2 1

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CALEIGH SOMMERS PHOTOGRAPHY 23 20 JANUARY Page! Move sunrises and sunsets,but what | realy love is the space that | have in-between them to do something increadible ” Type: Craig D. Lounsbrough The sunrise seen above Is one of many that Ih iy fein my home town of Castle Rock. They ful ombre of oranges and yellows on my life and toslow down an 3y the beauty all around ein Hawall. wer shown to the righ picture beca an there are gorgeous things all around me there is stil a simplistic beauty in the smallest of things. City landscapes always interest me because they are so intricate and have so many details that can be very noticable. The picture to the right was taken in Denver Colorado. | blurred the background because | ‘wanted the picture to take on the photography tech- nique of form, and make me stand out more. This, was necessary because there were so many details in the buildings and the road that drew away from the main vocal point ofthe picture. Although cities can be boring and gray | used photoshop to pull the colors that were hiding underneath, that my iPhone could not capture. When all the intricate deatalls are put together th rhythm throughout the city that tied to capture above. ‘The perfect symmetry of the buildings lining up until the coast, shows how there is always aps n or rhythm th the city creates. By tuning the photo black and white the picture now feels stopped in time, not lke any other pic ture rather ike the audience can see through my eyes and feel what that exact moment Page? You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” > Types Cs. Lewis | took this picture at an air show, where there were multiple different planes creating unique designs in the sky. love this picture because there are nothing but purposeful circles of smoke overwhelming the vibrant blue sky. Ifyou look closely you can see the planes in the air and how far up they must be to look that small. The picture to the right was taken in Georgia, on a beautiful boardwalk. The palm trees in this picture represent balance in the picture because they evenly line the frame and draw your eyes to the vanishing point. love the colors ofthe palm leaves because they look alive, and natural, and look as ifthey poke out of the picture. The photo seen below is an art wall at a rolled ice cream store. There are so many bright and vibrant aspects ofthis picture that truly catches your eye. I love the cartoon abstract part of the wall because it makes you feel like your in a cartoon,

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